One of the most fashionable weddings of the season took place at Lamberton
Tuesday, where Miss Bessie Cain and Ole Peterson were joined in the Holy
Bond of Matrimony. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Cain, one of the oldest settlers of Redwood county. The bride is a highly
esteemed young lady and was born and raised at the old home and was a
favorite with all her young friends and acquaintances where she will be
missed. Mr. Peterson is one of the prosperous young business men of this
place where he has made many friends. They were married Tuesday morning in
the Catholic church at Lamberton by Rev. F. Polaseck. The bride was
attended by Miss Lizzie Gahagan and the groom by his brother, Andrew
Peterson of Cobden. After the ceremony they were escorted to the home of
Hon. Frank Clague where a bountiful breakfast was served, nothing was saved
to make the occasion a happy event. The floral decorations were beautiful
being of red and white carnations furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Clague. The
newly married couple took the ten o'clock train for Tracy where they were
met with carriages and escorted to the home of the bride where a number of
relatives gathered to receive them after congratulations they were led to
the dining room where a bountiful dinner was awaiting them. The happy
couple left on the afternoon train for Minneapolis where they will spend
their honeymoon and there is no need to say that their numerous friends
gathered at the depot to see them off and give them a slight deluge of rice.
The young couple will return Saturday and start housekeeping the first of
the week at this place. Mr. Peterson still remaining in the employ of
Altermatt & Schwandt. The young couple received numerous costly presents
among them being a silver tea set from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clague of
Lamberton. It is with great pleasure that THE ECHO extends its heartfelt
congratulations and best wishes for a bright and prosperous future to the
happy couple.
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved