Tuesday morning, Nov. 10th, Mr. Jim Prindiville of Greenbush and Miss May
Dewire were married at the Lady of Angels Church at Osceola. A number of
friends and relatives of the contracting parties assembled to witness the
nuptial ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Father Dowley of Osceola. The
bride was attended at the altar by Miss Julia Donovan of Holland, while
Phil Gannon acted as best man. After receiving the congratulations of those
present, the bridal party and friends repaired to the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dewire, where they enjoyed an elaborate wedding
dinner. The evening was spent very pleasantly in music, songs, and dancing.
The bride is one of the highly esteemed young ladies of Mitchell and has
always been a social favorite. The groom possesses many excellent qualities
and is a well-to-do farmer. A happy and prosperous life is the wish of
their many friends.
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved