Two of Fond du Lac's popular young people were united in marriage this
morning when Miss Ivah L. Lyneis became the bride of James E. O'Brien. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. J. Cosgrove at St. Patrick's Church at
6 o'clock.
There were no attendants and the couple left immediately on their wedding
trip. The bride wore her traveling suit of radium duvetyne and a hat to
match and carried a Prayer Book.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien will enjoy a short trip to Milwaukee and Chicago and on
their return will reside at 47 South Union street. They will be at home to
their friends after Oct.15.
The wedding dinner was served at the bride's home, 362 West Scott street,
Sunday, the guests being the members of the immediate families. The dinner
was served in five courses, at tables decorated in yellow and white. The
out of town guests were Mrs. G. T. Hegner and son, William, of Appleton; and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donovan, of Van Dyne.
Both young people are well known residents of the city. Mr. O'Brien is
engaged in the grocery business on North Main street, being a member of the
firm of O'Brien Brothers. His bride, a former resident of Marinette, has
resided here for the past several years (Article cut off) (1920)
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved