(This clipping is torn quite a bit, but I'll try anyhow - K.R.)
(?) morning at nine o'clock (the) wedding was solemnized (at ?) Catholic
church in Cas(cade) (when) Father Hoog performed (the) service that united
in marriage (Miss) Elizabeth Murphy, daughter of (Mr. and) Mrs. P.H. Murphy
of Lyn(don) and Anthony J. Mugan of Mit(chell).
The couple were attended by Miss (?) Lee of Chicago and Mr. John (?)
(cou)sin and brother of the (?). The bride was attired in a (?) blue suit
of chiffon broadcloth (and) wore a white hat of imported (?p)lush.
After the ceremony, a sumptuous course dinner was served at the home of the
bride's parent's to the immediate relatives. The young couple left from
Campbellsport on an afternoon train for a wedding trip to Chicago and
Milwaukee and will be at home to their many friends after Jan. 1.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mugan, who own a large farm in the
town of Mitchell on which the young couple will reside. He is a young man
of good character and possesses every quality of a successful farmer. His
bride ranked with (the) fairest daughters of Lyndon. She is a graduate of
Waldo High school and was for several years a successful teacher. Mr. Mugan
is to be congratulated upon having (?)on so worthy a bride. Countless
friends join the REPORTER in wishing them the fullest bliss that can (be)
alotted to them.
Some guests from away were: Mrs. (?) Mugan and Mrs. Barret of New (?) and
Miss Lee of Chicago.
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved