On Wednesday, June 17, St. Michael's church was the scene of a most joyous
event. There were gathered a number of admiring friends and relatives to
witness the nuptials of John Lynch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lynch, and
Agnes Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy.
The ceremony occurred at 10 o'clock a.m. and was performed by Rev. Father B. J. Burke of Cascade.
As the wedding party proceeded up the aisle of the church, the strains of a
beautiful wedding march burst forth from the organ which was presided over
by Miss Fannie Glass.
The groom's best man was Ed Murphy, while the bride
was attended by Miss Margaret O'Connell of Beechwood, who together followed the bridal couple to the altar, where
their troth was plighted and the nuptial mass was celebrated. The bride was
handsomely attired in a rich gown of white brocaded silk, with gloves,
slippers and bonnet to match and carried passion flowers and roses.
Following the ceremony the happy pair were the recipients of congratulations
and then the party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where there
was a reception for about twenty immediate relatives and most intimate
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch took their departure on the evening train to
Chicago where they will (Article cut off)
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved