Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This Marriage was contributed by: Kay


The marriage of Miss Mamie Phalen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phalen of Parnell, and Mr. John Humphrey of Unity, Wis., took place at Cascade, Tuesday, December 30, 1913, the Rev. J. H. Fisher performing the ceremony. The day was bright and beautiful and it is the sincere wish of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey that it is prophetic of what their wedded life is to be. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Phalen of Plymouth. The wedding march was played by Miss Mae Fisher.

The bride was handsomely attired in a suit of wisteria velvet, with hat to match, and the matron of honor wore a dark blue Bedford cord with black beaver hat.

A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to forty guests, all immediate relatives. The rooms were artistically adorned with Yuletide colors and a large white ball was suspended over the bride's table.

The couple left the same afternoon at five o'clock on their wedding trip for Milwaukee, Elkhorn and other cities in the southeastern part of the state.

The bride was one of Sheboygan county's most successful teachers, having taught in several schools in the county, to both rural and state graded. She is highly esteemed, and she is a favorite and leader in society circles.

The bridegroom is a graduate of the Plymouth high school and Oshkosh normal. He has been a leading teacher in Sheboygan county, has taught in other parts of the state and has been superintendent in a northern county.

Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey will make their home in Unity, Wisconsin, where the groom owns and operates a farm of four hundred acres. The hosts of friends wish them bon voyage on their connubial journey.

The presents were numerous and costly.

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