Kohler High School Victorious in Joint Debate With Sheboygan High School
The Kohler High School debating teams carried away a decisive victory over the Sheboygan High School teams in a joint debate held
Wednesday, February 23. The Kohler School was represented by an affirmative and a negative team on the question "Resolved that
the Philippine Islands be granted complete independence immediately." Both Kohler teams won the decision of the judges by a 2 to 1
The negative team composed of Gerald Pool, Mararet Nesemann, and Harvey Newton, Seniors, met the Sheboygan High School
affirmative team at the Sheboygan High School on Wednesday afternoon, February 23. The Sheboygan Team Consisted of Robert
Honold, Ione Gulean, and Adelbert Zimmermann. Judges were Reverend Ira Gray, Principal William Urban of Sheboygan, and Hobart
Kletzein, of the Advertising Department of the Kohler Co.
On Wednesday evening at 7:30, the Kohler affirmative team won the decision over the Sheboygan negative team by the same majority.
The debate was held in the main assembly of the Kohler School. The affirmative team was composed of Dorothy Jacobs, Robert
Newton adn Viola Berlin. Sheboygan was represented by Alfred Gerber, Bernice Dokken, and Mayor Alperovitz. The judges were
James H. Deely of Kohler, E.G. Wippermann, principal of the Sheboygan Falls High School and Lester Weisse, history teacher at the
Sheboygan High School.
A large number of Kohler people attended.
Juli Freda contributed this article
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