Sheboygan Press August 14, 1926
Prominent Names Appear On Muster Role Of Badger Guards
Several prominent Sheboygan county names are listed in the muster role of the Badger State Guards organized at Cascade on September 26, 1863, with Captain J. F. Brooks commanding.
The muster roll is on file in the office of E. A. Hickey, clerk of the circuit court, together with the muster rolls of several other companies organized in the county during the Civil war period. Recruits for the Cascade guard were obtained largely from the town of Lyndon, the town of Mitchell and from Sheboygan Falls.
The following names appear on the muster roll:
Captain F. J. Frooks; Lieutenant Brickner; Sergeant Geo. Peterson; Sgt. Alex Atkins; Sgt. George Austin; Sgt. Selton Akin; Sgt. O. S. Wood; Corporal E. Ford; Corp. J. G. Heilenbelt; Corp. George Bower; Corp. W. Sprague; Corp. C. Akin; Corp. H. D. Beehus; Corp. Russel Pelton; Corp. John Payne; Fifer Henry Johnson; and Waggoner John Wais.
Privates - H. S. Averel; Henry Austin; Edson Akin; A. Buffiner; O. B. Bow; D. C. Bliss; Fred Ballhorn; Jacob Buzen; J. W. Bacon; G. W. Chandler; A. Chandler; L. Douglass; John Deech; M. Estey; A. F. Eastman; William Frisch; Benjamin Ford; Caleb Ford; A. Gowin; C. T. Graves; James Greene; Patrick Gedrick; R. W. Hills; C. Harmon; S. W. Harmon; J. Harrington; Adam Hausnick; James Hastings; A. W. Lawrence; Benjamin Lymon; George Minch; Luther Meade; J. F. Miller; James Martin; H. H. Mitchell; William Meyer; G. W. Ogle; G. N. Pierce; Henry Pierce; Edgar Preston; Edward Paddock; Hiram Philbrick; W. W. Reed; S. Richmon; L. Richmon; E. Reede; Lemo? Richmon; William Rood; A. M. Smith; J. S. Tronte; Benjamin Schackelton; H. V. Tupper; E. Tupper; William Tonalty; Nathan Underhill; J. W. Vesey; Stephen Wiggin; Edward Webb; Joseph Wilcox; E. R. Wood; Michael Kelley.
Some of these persons later joined companies which saw service at the front. Captain Jerome W. Brooks was placed in command of Company E Thirty-sixth regiment of infantry and was stationed at Elmira, N. Y., from September 1864 to July 1966. He resigned at the time because of disability. John Payne is listed as a second Lieutenant in the same company. Other members of Company E were John W. Bacon; George Bower; Lycurgus Douglass; C. T. Graves; James D. Hastings; Henry H. Mitchell; Edward R. Paddock; and William Rood.
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