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Bethlehem Lutheran Church


The Sheboygan Press-April 17, 1916

Confirmation at Bethlehem Church Sunday

Forty-two young people were confirmed as members of the Bethlehem Lutheran Congregation with impressive services
conducted yesterday. Palm Sunday, by Rev. W. Wambsganss. Following is the list:


Binder, Marvin
Doering, Arno
Glaeserm, Harvey
Gasse, Carl
Hinz, Alfred
Klueger, Harvey
Kochler, Walter
Koehn, Leroy
Kuhlmann, Reinhold
Last, Berthold
Leffin, Arno
Lemke, Walter
Littmann, Friedrich
Manzke, Herbert
Nix, Wilbert
Pareg, Julius
Stapel, Walter
Stegmeyer, Martin
Stichert, Herman
Winscher, Ernst
Zimmermann, Arno


Althen, Leona
Bagemehl, Esther
Eick, Enda
Freitag, Lily
Friedrichs, Leonore
Kiel, Carrie
Kluss, Ida
Kuehl, Anna
Kunze, Esther
Lichner, Elda
Marohn, Edna
Milz, Amanda
Nack, Mellita
Pantel, Hilda
Range, Emma
Sass, Else
Schultz, Pearl
Wachsmuth, Gertrude
Wirzbach, Cordelia
Zehms, Lavina
Zenk, Selma

The above photo was contributed by Charles Reuter

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