Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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St. Peter's United Church of Christ Confirmands
Rhine Center
Rhine Township, Sheboygan County
1858 - 1958

"One Hundred Years of Confirmation at St. Peter's UCC"
* John Leonard 1873
* Marie Leonard1875
* Louise Leonard1882
* Maria Leonard1891
* Louise Leonard1894
* George Leonard1896
* John Leonard1897
* Joe Leonard1899
* Walter Leonard1900
* Walter Bub1902
* Martha Louise Leonard1902
* Ervin Horneck1904
* Jeanette (Nettie) Leonard1906
* Norma Horneck1909
* Malinda Horneck1912
* Raymond Horneck1914
Leona Horneck1917
* Gilbert Horneck1919
* Julius Horneck1920
Helen Bub1933
Allen Horneck1934
Elton Horneck1936
* Virginia Leonard1940
Jean Horneck1942
Carl Horneck1947
Lou Eva Horneck1949
Note: Partial listing only of confirmands at St. Peter's UCC from 1858 - 1958.
* Indicates deceased (as of 10/20/2000)

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Records received from Randy Leonard

If you have any question, e-mail Debie

Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved