Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Edmond Wright

Source: Taken from: Portrait & Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, WI. Chicago, IL Pages 311 - 312

Contributed by: Linda Wright

Edmond Wright was one of the pioneers of Sheboygan County coming here in the year 1845. He was born in Auburn Cayuga County, NY, April 15 1811. He grew to manhood in his native State and was there married to Elizabeth Briggs, July 1, 1841. Mrs. Wright was born in Castile, Wyoming County, in the same State, December 6, 1823. In 1845, they came to Wisconsin from the town of Perry, Genesee County, NY and settled in the town of Plymouth, Sheboygan County. Mr. Wright obtained lan from the Government, on which the family settled and on which they lived about 18 years. Our subject then sold his farm and removed to the village, where he passed the remainder of his life, his death occurring July 4, 1891 at the advanced age of more than eighty years. He was the only one of his fathers family who came to Wisconsin to make his home.

A brother and sister of Mrs. Wright became residents of Plymouth. The former, John Wesley Briggs, came in 1844. A sad event occurred in April 1846. Mrs. Briggs, who with her husband was living a half-mile east of the village of Plymouth, started out alone to call on a neighbor who had recently moved into the settlement. She was never again seen alive, and the most diligent search failed to reveal her whereabouts. She left home on the 27th of April and on the 4th of July her dead body was found by an Indian in what is known as the "big bend" of the Sheboygan River in Manitowoc County. The cause of her death has ever remained a mystery. Whether she lost her way and perished from exposure and starvation was never known. Mr. Briggs later removed to Kansas, where he married again, and died a number of years later.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright become the parents of ten children, eight of whom are living. Mrs. Wright still resides in Plymouth and is the oldest living settler of the place.

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