Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This News Article was transcribed & contributed by Kay R.

Sheboygan Press - October 3, 1923

Ninety-Nine To Share Estate Of Anton Mallmann

A petition for proof of will in the estate of the late Anton Mallmann was filed in county court this morning in which 99 heirs were named as legatees sharing in the estate. At the time the will was made Mr. Mallmann was 96 years of age. Mr. Mallmann died Aug. 26, 1922, at the venerable age of 101 years.

The large number of heirs is believed to be a record for this county if not for the state. The advanced age of the decedent when the will was made is also considered unusual in matters of probate history.

Three typewritten pages are necessary to record the genealogy of the family tree. The heirs are divided according to classification, thirteen nephews and nieces, sixty-nine grand-nephews and nieces and seventeen great-grand-nephews and nieces.

The petition was filed by the Sheboygan Loan & Trust company.

Sheboygan Press - July 25, 1924

Notable Collection Of Nye Family Heirlooms Eliciting Much Interest

The many people who are interested in relics of "auld land syne" find their interest generously rewarded in an inspection of the exhibit of Nye family heirlooms and books of record, both written and printed, which Ray Nye has temporarily installed in the Art Shop on the third floor of the National Security building, where the public find a welcome "without a price."

The collection is unusually comprehensive, indeed, few families can boast the possession of a larger or more interesting collection of items of like nature, many of them of great intrinsic as well as historic interest, the most interesting of which items are here listed:

Piece of Patchwork - This patchwork was done about fifty years ago by Mrs. Thomas P. Colson, grandmother of Mr. Nye.

Handkerchief - This handkerchief was owned by Mrs. Thomas Colson, grandmother of Mr. Nye, about 100 years ago.

Hand Made Corset - This hand-made corset was made and worn by Grandmother Colson in 1826.

Suspenders - These suspenders were worn by Mr. Thomas P. Colson, grandfather of Mr. Nye, about 100 years ago.

Hand Made Dickey - This Dickey was made by Grandmother Colson and worn by Grandfather D Colson about 100 years ago.

Linen Towel - This linen towel was hand-woven in the year 1835 for the grandmother of Mr. Nye, in Madison county, New York state.

Linen Tablecloth - This tablecloth is hand spun and hand woven. It was made about 100 years ago in New York state.

Night Caps - These night caps were used by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Colson.

Straw Splitter and Straw Braiding - This straw splitter is approximately 100 years old, having been used by Mr. Nye's grandmother in East Hamilton, New York. Samples of straw braiding made with this straw splitter are also shown.

Shoes of 1851 - These shoes were worn by Mr. Nye's mother on her wedding day in 1854.

Slippers of 1773 - Bride's slippers worn by Mrs. Sereno Burnell in 1773 at Chesterfield, Mass.

Hand Made Slippers - These slippers made by Thomas P. Colson for his daughter in 1859.

Hand Carved Box - This box belonged to Mr. Nye's mother, having been given to her by her husband in the year 1856.

Shoemaker's Outfit - This shoemaker's outfit was used by Mr. Thomas P. Colson 100 years ago. He was a shoemaker of Madison county, New York state.

Revolver - This revolver was owned by Mr. Nye's father, and according to a letter from the Colt Firearms Co., is one of the type called "Old Model Navy," made about 1850.

Buckskin Pouch - This pouch was used for carrying gold dust at the time of the Pike's Peak gold discovery in 1859.

Apothecary Scale - These scales were used by one of Mr. Nye's ancestors early in the nineteenth century.

Indian Necklace - This necklace was made by the Pawnee Indians of Eastern Nebraska. It was bought from an Indian squaw by Ray Nye's mother in 1861 for 2 cents.

Indian Ladle - This Indian ladle was made by the Pawnee Indians of Eastern Nebraska in 1859. Made from a Buffalo horn.

Willow Ware Platter - This platter is one of the set of dishes bought in New York state in 1848, by Mrs. Thomas P. Colson.

Old Blue Plate - Old blue plate that has been in the Nye family for several generations.

Willow Ware Cup and Saucer - These willow ware dishes are at least 150 years old, having been given to the bride in 1794, by her mother from her mother's own set of dishes which she has used since her own marriage.

Hand Wrought Spoon - This spoon was made in the year 1834 in the town of Hamilton, New York state. It was owned by Mr. Nye's grandparents.

Almanacs - One of 1818 and one of 1820.

Journal and Ledger - Entries in this book were first made in 1774, and it was till in use in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Books - Various school books used in he early part of the nineteenth century, History of the United States, published in 1836, and several religious books of the same period.

Ladies Watch and Chain - These were the property of Mr. Nye's mother and were given her in 1870.

Brass Kettle - Grandparents and parents of Ray Nye took this brass kettle with them when they moved from New York state to Nebraska in 1857. It is between 75 and 100 years old.

Painting of Nye Homestead - A painting of the old Nye hone at East Sandwich, Mass., which was built in 1685 by Jonathan Nye, the son of Benjamin (who was the first of the family to come to America) is also shown. This house is not owned by Ray Nye.

Genealogy Of The Nye Family

The collection also includes an elegantly printed and bound volume of about 700 pages, entitled "Genealogy of the Nye Family,: This book was published under the auspices of the Nye family of America Association in 1907 and was limited to an edition of 500 copies, of which the present volume is No. 32. It was compiled by George Hyatt Nye, of Auburn, N.Y., and Frank F. Best of Chicago, Illinois, and edited by David Fisher Nye, of Elyria, Ohio, all members of the Nye family.

The book contains chapters on the Neys(sic) in Europe, tracing the family back to the middle of the thirteenth century, when the name of Nye as a family name first appeared in the records of Denmark, in which country the family originated; and to England, from where the first family member to emigrate to America was Benjamin, son of Thomas and Agnes Nye. Benjamin was born in Biddenden, Kent, England, in 1620, and he came to America in 1635. The book then traces the family through nine American generations, down to Ward Higley Nye, born at Windsor, Ont., in 1872, and where he still lived at the time of the publication of the book, in 1907.

The book is profusely illustrated beginning with the Danish Nye family coat of arms in its proper colors. Other illustrations are of the home of the Nyes in Sandwich, on Cape Cod, Mass., and of the home of Benjamin Nye and of the site of the old fort at Marietta, Ohio. Also there are twenty portraits of members of the Nye family.

Those readers of the Press-Telegram who have not yet viewed the exhibit and wish to do so are advised that it will soon be closed, and it is hoped that later it will eventually be permanently placed in the museum of the Sheboygan County Historical society.

Sheboygan Press - September 5, 1940

Plymouth News Item

Plymouth - The first annual family reunion of the descendants of William and Jeanette Fischer, pioneer settlers in Sheboygan county, who came from Germany in 1882, was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Pennell in the town of Sheboygan Falls. More than 100 people were present to enjoy the social time and a dinner served on the lawn of the Pennell home.

During the day Mrs. Beatrice (Fischer) Crall of Hollywood, a dramatic artist, presented several dramatic readings which were thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Crall, with her mother and sister, Mrs. Mary Fischer and Miss Margaret Fischer, have been visiting relatives here for some time.

Also present were two direct descendants of William and Jeanette Fischer. They were Mrs. John Buelke, 84, and Mrs. Richard Pfrang, 81, of Plymouth. A brother, William Fischer, of Antigo, was unable to be present. Four generations of the Richard Pfrang family were present for the day. They were Mrs. Pfrang, Mrs. Wade Pennell, Mrs. Karl Roehl and Miss Janet Roehl.

Among the people registering for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pfrang, Joseph Pfrang, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pfrang, Donald and Donna Mae, Mrs. John Buelke, Miss Marion Buelke, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Payne, Mr. and Mrs., Charles Holbrook, David, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyer, Shirley, Gloria, June and Eugene, Oscar Meyer, Mrs. Emma Ebelt, Mrs. Hugo Brinkman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohde, Misses Anna and Katherine Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Pennell, Luella Mae, Lucille, William and Vera Pennell of Plymouth and vicinity; Francis Pfrang, Miss Doris Pfrang, Mr. and Mrs. William Buelke, Miss Edith Buelke, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buelke of Waldo; Mr. and Mrs. William Fischer, Constance, David and Mary Beth of Neenah.

William Fischer, Jr., of Janesville; Mrs. Mary Fischer, Miss Margaret Fischer, and Mrs. Vern Crall of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fischer and son, Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block of Des Plaines, Ill.; Walter Fischer, Miss Hazel Tyigum and Mrs. John Buelke, Jr., of Madison; William G. Fischer and son, Billy, Ray and Leland Fischer of Minneapolis, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Damrow, Claire and Ellen of Kohler.

Mrs. Gertrude Splitt and Roger of Ripon; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Godfrey, David and Patricia of Sheboygan; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg, Gerald and Carol, of Cascade; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Knoll and Sylvia of Wauwatosa; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Roehl, Janet and Bruce, of Sheboygan Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stannard of Greenbush; Mr.a nd Mrs. Peter Van Dinten, Roger and Celestine, of Little Chute; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt of Kaukauna; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cain and Mary Arline Minch of Sheboygan Falls and Elton Harvey of Greenbush.

Sheboygan Press - June 4, 1948

Hingham Family Being Featured In Museum Display

A genealogy of the Benjamin Tibbetts family of Hingham, part of a display of families who have been in Wisconsin more than 100 years, is now being shown in the lobby of the Historical museum in Madison.

The exhibit shows that Benjamin Tibbetts was born in Maine September 14, 1799, and died in Hingham September 22, 1873, while his wife Sarah or "Sally," Clark Tibbetts was born in Maine March 15, 1799 and died in Hingham April 9, 1885. They were married June 12, 1823, and celebrated their golden wedding June 12, 1873 at their residence in Hingham.

The family history, compiled by M. Blanche Tibbetts of Melrose, Wis., in January, 1948, states that his probable sisters and brothers were Eliza, Polly and Madison, while Mrs. Tibbetts' brothers and sisters are believed to have been Abigail, Nancy, Robert, James, Leonard, Stephen, and Lemuel Clark.

Two small pictures of the couple were contributed by Vesta Tibbetts, the daughter of Horace Tibbetts in June, 1937. They carry the name "H. Goodridge, photographer, Hingham, Wis."

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