Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This News Article was transcribed & contributed by Kay R.

Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield, Massachusetts - December 9, 1847


Burning Of The Propeller Phoenix

The loss of this steamer on Lake Michigan, on her way to Chicago, is confirmed and nearly 240 persons sunk with her. About 200 of these were men, women and children, immigrants from Holland, the rest were the crew and cabin passengers. Mr. David Blish, of Southport, put Capt. Sweet, who was sick in his berth, into the small boat, with as many others as it would carry, and they reached the shore, Mr. Blish himself remaining to perish. Soon after the boat left the Phoenix, steamer Delaware hove in sight, but, before she reached the spot, the burning vessel went down, and but two of those on board, were picked up. The catastrophe happened on Sunday, Nov. 21, off Sheboygan, in a gale. The unfortunate boat had put into Manitowoc bay for shelter, where she dragged her anchors, and then went to sea again to avoid shipwreck. Fire was first discovered in the hold, and put out, when it reappeared between decks, having been communicated from the boilers. The crew consisted of 30, of whom 8 were saved, and there were 40 cabin passengers. It is estimated she had $80,000 worth of cargo, probably insured in New York. The boat was insured for $12,000.

The following is a partial list of the list of the cabin passengers:

Mr. West, lady and child, Racine; Mr. Fisk and lady, do.; Mrs. Heath and sister, Little Fort; Mrs. Long and child, Milwaukee; J. Borroughs, Chicago; D. Blish, Southport; two Misses Hazleton, Sheboygan.

About 25 other cabin and 5 to 8 steerage passengers, together with 150 Hollanders.

Of the officers and crew were lost -

D. W. Keeler, steward, Cleveland; J. C. Smith, saloon keeper, Buffalo; N. Nerril, 2nd mate, Ohio city; W. Owen, 2nd engineer, Toledo; H. Robinson, 1st porter, Chicago; J. Newgent, 1st fireman, Buffalo; deck hands - T. Halsey, T. Ferteau, River St. Clair, J. Murdock, A. Murdock, Canada; George _____; cabin boy - H. Tisdale, Cleveland, body found; wheelsman - L. Southworth, New Bedford; two colored cooks, Detroit.

The clerk, Mr. Donohue, states that there were on board 175 Hollanders, large and small, and about 100 other passengers and 25 of the crew, making in all 300 persons - 45 in all saved, 255 lost.

The Delaware, in passing on her way to Buffalo, in the track where the burning vessel was found, fell in with many floating bodies, to the number of about 100. Some of them were standing upright in the water, some of the women were lying on their sides, some - the children generally - on their faces. Some of the passengers were in full dress, some in undress, and others entirely naked - all with their heads to the northward.

They were within four miles of the land, and the wind was just drifting them ashore; so it was not deemed advisable to pick them up, as plenty of boats had been sent from Sheboygan for that purpose.

Pittsfield Sun Pittsfield - Massachusetts - May 25, 1848

Plank Roads

The Wisconsin Argus of April 25th contains an act to incorporate the Sheboygan and Fond du Lac Plank Railroad Company, extending from the village of Sheboygan, in Sheboygan County, to the village of Fond du Lac, in Fond du Lac County. The capital is $150,000; shares $25.

Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield, Massachusetts - December 14, 1848

The Irish Refugee

Wm. H. Mitchell is going to Wisconsin, to purchase a farm, near Sheboygan, and settle there. James Cantwell, another Refugee, goes with him - Mr. McClenehan, late editor of the Limerick Reporter, is in New York, with a wife and four children. John B. Dillon, another Refugee intends to practice law in that city.

Farmer's Cabinet - New Hampshire - May 17, 1849


E. H. Howard, late postmaster at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, has started for California, in a boat wagon of his own construction. The box of the wagon is a boat set on steel springs, the whole of which is covered with oil cloth making a very comfortable house. The establishment is so arranged that, upon reaching a river, the running gears of the wagon can be unshipped in a few minutes, and taken aboard the boat while crossing the stream. This decidedly is the best overland outfit we have noticed.

The Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield, Massachusetts - September 26, 1850

{Children Lost Overnight}

Near Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, 4 girls were lost in the woods while picking blackberries, and remained all night under a tree in a violent storm. Another little girl, who was lost with her brother, made a bark shelter for him from the rain, and covering his face with her apron to keep off the mosquitoes, watched over him through the night. The next day all were found.

Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield Massachusetts - February 2, 1851

{Lind Fever}

The Jenny Lind fever has reached a fearful crisis in Wisconsin. The citizens of Sheboygan say they will have a concert from Jenny, if they have to mortgage the town! By the bye the Wolverines give a queer story of the origin of the word Sheboygan. An Indian chief who once occupied the present site of that place, had several daughters, but no son; and his anxiety for such an event increased as the chances grew less. At last, circumstances again justified a renewal of his hopes, and with it sprung up general curiosity among the settlers, to know result. The settlement was on tiptoe - and a deputation was dispatched to the wigwam of the old Sagamore to enquire and report. He met them at the door, with a scowl that made their scalps start - and to the enquiry, "what is the papoose?" the old warrior contemptuously growled, "she-boy-again!" and thus came that now flourishing town by the nomme de guerre of Sheboygan.

Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield, Massachusetts - June 24, 1852

{Bolton Young's Son}

A little boy aged two years, son of Bolton Young, of Greenbush, Sheboygan co., Wisconsin, disappeared from his home some time since, and could not be found, although some three hundred neighbors made a thorough search of the country. Some Indians were seen prowling about on the day of the loss, and it is supposed the child was stolen by them. The father estimates his worldly possessions at $500, and offers all for his little one.

Pittsfield Sun - Pittsfield, Massachusetts - August 31, 1854

{David Waldo}

At Sheboygan, Wis., Aug. 10, Mr. David Waldo, aged 91 years and 11 months, a native of New York, and a soldier of the Revolution.

Syracuse Daily Courier - Syracuse, New York - May 28, 1857

"Arrested For False Imprisonment"

Under this head in our paper of Tuesday, a slight injustice was done to Mr. Thomas Fagan, of Sheboygan, Wis., (formerly of this city,) which we take pleasure in correcting. Officer Gifford, of this place, had arrested a young man in the streets of Sheboygan, and had placed irons upon him, and Mr. Fagan interfered only to ask that the young man should be examined before a magistrate of Wisconsin and should be taken away in a legal manner. Mr. Fagan was ignorant of the nature of the charge brought against the prisoner but being acquainted with the father of the accused felt interested to see that no wrong would be done to hi and no violence to the laws of Wisconsin. He is now on a visit to this city and has called upon us and given us these particulars, in person.

Adams Sentinel - Gettysburg, PA - February 7, 1859

Family Depravity

At Sheboygan, Wis., a few days since, a miserable woman named Mary Brooks, while in a fit of drunken frenzy, stabbed her sister, Ann, killing her instantly. The murdered woman is the eighth, out of a family of nine sisters, who have led abandoned lives, and filled premature and dishonored graves.

New York Times - New York, New York - September 20, 1860

{William Farnsworth & The Lady Elgin Calamity}

Among the victims of the Lady Elgin calamity was Mr. Wm. Farnsworth, of Sheboygan, Wis. His body was recovered and taken to that town, where it was buried on the Wednesday succeeding the disaster. Mr. Farnsworth was among the earliest settlers of Sheboygan. In 1818 he resided there for a few months as a trapper and Indian trader, and in 1835 returned to the town, at that time becoming proprietor of a half interest in the village plat. When speculation in lands was at its highest pitch, he sold two-sixteenths of this interest for $55,000, on for $30,000 to the New York and Erie Transportation Company, and the other to another party for $25,000. With the exception of a three or four years residence at Milwaukee, he has lived at Sheboygan since 1835.

Atlanta Constitution - Atlanta Georgia - September 14, 1882

A Milwaukee Man's Predicament

Chicago, September 13 - About 9:30 this morning the guests of the Atlantic hotel were aroused by unusual noises in room 34, occupied by an old German named R. Theman, who registered from Milwaukee the night before. The ringing of a bell fast repeated soon summoned the proprietor. He found the man's head thrust through the transom, his feet were on a pile of furniture against the door, and a savage knife with a six-inch blade was in one hand and a six-barreled revolver in the other. The proprietor thought that the patrol could handle a case like this, and at once telephoned for the wagon. Sergeant Kearns broke open the door and arrested the traveler. A few hours in the armory composed his nerves somewhat. He is the victim of dementia caused by sickness, for the cure of which he had just made a trip to Europe. The gun and knife he bought for protection. One of his children from Sheboygan Falls will take care of him.

Elyria Democrat - Elyria, Ohio - March 14, 1889

{Esty Civil War Discharge}

Elvin A. Esty, of Lyndon, Sheboygan County, Wis., enlisted April 22, 1861, and received his discharge in June, 1866. He served as a member of Company C, Fourth Wisconsin. Who can show a longer record?

Middletown Daily Press - Middletown, New York - July 25, 1890

Killed By Lightning

Terrific Electrical Storm In Wisconsin

One Block Struck Three Times

Sheboygan, Wis., July 25 - A terrific electrical storm visited Sheboygan and did great damage. Two laborers at Ellwell's flour mill were struck by lightning. William Strassberg was instantly killed and Samuel Litsch paralyzed. A stable was struck by lightning and consumed.

Schlicht's block was struck three times, destroying one of the stone towers. The electric fire alarm boxes and telephones were burned out.

Salem Daily News - Salem Ohio - January 4, 1892

{Fairchild - Johnson Shooting}

At Sheboygan, Wis., Edwin Fairchild shot his stepdaughter, Arlisle Johnson, and then turned the revolver on himself and was instantly killed. The girl will probably live. The tragedy was the result of a family jar.

Evening News - Nebraska - September 17, 1895

Schooner Mary Ludwig Capsizes

Milwaukee, Sept. 17 - The schooner Mary Ludwig waterlogged off Port Washington and capsized. Captain Reynolds of Sheboygan was drowned. There was only one sailor aboard and he was saved by some fishermen after floating about on a scantling for several hours. His name is unknown.

Ft. Wayne Weekly Gazette - Ft. Wayne Indiana - April 30, 1896

Struck By A Cloud Burst

Sheboygan, Wis., Visited By A Terrific Storm - No Fatalities

Sheboygan, Wis., April 29 - The people of this place were terrorized by a cloudburst about 10 o'clock last night. Residences in the lowlands were inundated to such a depth that the police and fire departments had to use boats to rescue women and children. Many people had narrow escapes from death. The loss of property will amount to thousands of dollars.

All the tracks of the Northwestern Railroad are submerged and it will be at least two days before traffic can be resumed. It is expected that passenger trains will be able to get through sooner. Trainmen are moving about the yard on rafts. Street car traffic is suspended on account of buried tracks. The Mattoon, Phoenix and Crocker chair factories are inundated the fire places under the boilers being under water. The Mattoon factory will suffer through damage to manufactured stock stored on the first floor. Many buildings were struck by lightning during the storm, but no fatalities are reported.

The Idaho Daily Statesmen - Boise, Idaho - January 4, 1898

Bob Fitzsimmons' Comedian Assaults a Well Known Attorney

May Result in Fatality

Blood Flows from a Gash Over the Eye

The Lawyer criticizes the Champion's Show and the Attack is Forcible Resented

Sheboygan, Wis., Jan 3 - As a result of a barroom fight in which Robert Fitzsimmons, champion heavyweight pugilist of the world. Martin Hughes, a well known attorney, Charles Seaman of the United States federal court, and Edward B. McDaniels, a comedian in Fitzsimmons' theatrical company, participated. Attorney Hughes tonight lies in a precarious condition and there are some doubts as to his recovery. The trouble grew out of a criticism passed on Fitzsimmons' show by Hughes, which was resented by McDaniels, who, it is alleged, struck the attorney over the eye, rupturing a vein from which blood flowed freely.

Idaho Daily Statesman - Boise, Idaho - January 31, 1898

The Deacon's Piety

It Was Equal To All Occasions And Lasted Over Eighty Years

Suspended Religious Services Indefinitely to Nurse the Victims of Smallpox Epidemic - An Example In This as He Was in Devotion to the Flag

Deacon William Trowbridge was a small farmer living near Sheboygan Falls. He went there over 50 years ago. Besides tilling a little patch of ground the deacon, who was indeed the very soul of honor and ever has the respect and confidence of all in that community, was in the habit, before regular preachers were sent there, of reading a sermon or exhorting. There was no sham about Deacon Trowbridge's piety. He was sincerity itself.

Fifty years ago the little village was visited by a smallpox epidemic - an old fashioned, widespread and spreading epidemic - and they didn't know how to scotch it as well as they do now.

The first Sunday after the dreaded disease made its appearance the deacon's congregation was quite large. At the end of the services he made an announcement in about these words:

"These services will be postponed until after the smallpox disappears from the community. From this on I shall give my services to the stricken families. I shall minister to their wants, help to nurse them, and when they die follow them to the grave. It may be a long term or it may be a short term, but, however long or however short, it is my plain duty to help my distressed neighbors.

The word was well suited to the action which followed. The good old deacon hurried to his home, changed his clothes, bade his family goodbye and at once began his work of mercy. What a work it was! The epidemic lasted nearly all winter. Large numbers died. Few in the village escaped the disease. The deacon's example was followed by many others. Men went to their homes, told their wives and children what the deacon had said and was doing, arranged their business, provided fuel and provisions, kissed their dear ones and went to the aid of the unfortunate. Like the deacon they went without reward or hope of reward. Like him they spent weeks and some of them months in that service without daring to go home lest their dear ones catch the disease.

The strangest of all this strange experience is the fact that neither the deacon, the good souls who imitated his example nor their families were overtaken by the malady, notwithstanding that fact that the watchers, helpers and nurses were almost constantly in the presence of the suffering patients and notwithstandiing that fact that they laid out and helped to bury the dead.

Nearly half of the deacon's congregation had disappeared when, the next spring, he resumed services in the schoolhouse. It was a sorrowful Sunday. Those in the service who had not lost members of their family had lost neighbors and dear friends. When the good old Christian had read a chapter, prayed and talked a practical sermon, he referred feelingly to the scenes through which the community had passed. I think every man, woman and child in the room, including the deacon, wept. At the close of the talk he asked all present to join him on their knees in asking that the community might escape such visitation for all time to come. It was a most (unreadable word) appeal. I believe that that prayer has been answered. There may have been a few cases of smallpox there since then, but there has never been an epidemic.

The Sunday after Sumter was fired upon, and while Deacon Trowbridge was conducting services in the Baptist church, the denomination to which he belonged for over 80 years, he and his congregation were disturbed by a great Commotion in the street right in front of the church. There were beating of drums and sounds of fife much out of tune. It was so uncommon a thing that most of the congregation walked or ran out of the church. Finally the deacon closed the Bible and slowly followed his fleeing flock. When outside, he asked the cause of "this unseemly disturbance on the Lord's day." Some one told him that the president had called for soldiers to uphold the honor and the flag of the nation and that they were going to raise a company right then and there.

The old deacon's eyes flashed as he walked out into the street, where a young fellow was irregularly pounding a bass drum, and said, "Nathan, I know it is Sunday and that all but the Lord's work should be abandoned, but the saving of our country and the shielding of its flag from dishonor is the Lord's work. Give me that drum." And that model of piety, strapped on the big drum and went pounding, greatly outdoing Nathan in two respects - he made more noise and kept perfect time. He drummed as no one before had ever drummed in the little village. As if it had gone on lightning wings, words flew through the community that Deacon Trowbridge had left his pulpit to beat a drum, and on Sunday too.

Within half an hour nearly everyone in town and many from the outskirts had gathered around the old drummer, all cheering him, and on Sunday too. That night Nathan Cole, who had been relieved as drummer by the deacon, went to Sheboygan with enough men to make up what became Company C of the Fourth Wisconsin. - J. A. Watrous in Chicago Times-Herald.

Ft. Wayne News - Ft. Wayne, Indiana - March 3, 1899

Said To Be A Case Of Leprosy

Human Pincushion Is Reported To Be In Chicago Hospital

Sheboygan, Wis., March 3 - It is reported here from Chicago, that Sydney Pierce, the human pincushion, is believed to be a sufferer with leprosy. He is a former Sheboygan young man and entered upon a career of making his living by permitting pins and tubes to be stuck into his body in this city a few weeks ago. He went from here to exhibit himself at a museum in Chicago. Physicians of this city seem to think that the young man has some nervous troubles, which caused him to be impervious to pain.

The report is that the mans arms turned black where they had been punctured and blood trickled from his face where the tube was inserted to burn the gasoline from his mouth. While here he only gave one exhibition a day and at Chicago he Showed what he could do several times a day. It is claimed that Pierce now lies at the point of death in a Chicago hospital, where examinations of prominent physicians resulted in a belief that the patient is a leper.

Before he left here he was told by doctors that the exhibition of his feats would in no way cause him injury.

Nebraska State Journal - Nebraska - May 11, 1899

{Two Students Drown}

While boating on a small lake near Franklin, Wis., Alex Vollerath of Sheboygan and H. D. Rivers of Baltimore, students of Mission Home college, were drowned by the capsizing of their boat.

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