Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "Bj - Bo"

BJORNSSON, Kristveig J. (d. 1918)

The funeral of Mrs. Kristveig J. Bjornsson took place Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. from the Lutheran church here, Rev. Sig. Olafsson officiating. Mrs. Bjornson was born in Iceland in 1849. She came to Canada in 1876 and lived in the province of Manitoba for several years. There she married S. J. Bjornsson, who is still living. Later they moved to North Dakota, a few years later moving to Alberta, and thence moving to British Columbia. In the year 1903 she moved to Blaine, where she raised to manhood and womanhood her family and continued to reside until 1913. For a short time after leaving Blaine she resided in Mount Vernon, but most of the past four years has been spent in Bellingham.

The surviving children are: Mrs. Ellen Hultman, of Blaine; Mrs. L. E. Robinson, now residing at Deming, Mrs. O. A. Franzke, of Bellingham; Sig. Bjornsson, now in the U.S. submarine service and stationed at New London, Conn. All of the children were present at the funeral except the latter who was unable to be present. Beside these ten grand children survive. Mrs. Bjornsson's youngest daughter, Helga, Mrs. Leslie Fox, died a little over a year ago. Mrs. Bjornsson was a woman of more than ordinary ability and of sterling character. This is brought out more strongly than words can tell by the fact that she raised her children to be able, clean, highly respected citizens. No stronger commendation is possible of a mother in these latter days. Peace be to her ashes.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 22, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLACK, Charles (d. 1898)

Charles Black, of the pioneer residents of Blaine, died at St. Joseph's hospital, Fairhaven, on Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock. Mr. Black has been a sufferer for some time and was a victim of that dread destroyer consumption. He was about 40 years of age, and leaves a widow and two children. The remains will be brought up on the train this afternoon, and the interment will take place at Blaine cemetery to-morrow morning.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 23, 1898) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLAINE, Zachery T. (d. 1910)

Z. T. Blaine was stricken with apoplexy Tuesday afternoon while at work at the Erie mill. He was at once removed to the Blaine Hospital where everything possible was done for him, but he passed away about 5:30 o'clock that evening without regaining consciousness. Mr. Blaine was a member of the local order of Eagles which lodge had charge of his funeral which was held from the Methodist church yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. C. B. Seely officiating. The interment was made in the Blaine cemetery. Zachery Taylor Blaine was born at Hickville, Ohio 61 years ago. He is survived by a widow and two sons, Giacom and James, both residing at Toledo, Ohio and a daughter, Elizabeth. The bereaved members of the family have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of father and husband.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 21, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLAKE, Earl (d. 1903)

...... How much more then is it overwhelming to learn of the death of a loved one, whom we believed to be well and safe from all dangers. Such was the case a few days ago, when an electric wire flashed the sad news to his parents in this city that Earl Blake was dead. This healthy, hearty boy, the very type of manliness and strength was dead.

Earl Blake was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Blake of this city. He was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 8, 1886, and came to Blaine less than two years ago. He was a member of the last year's graduating class of the Blaine school but left the school before the final examinations. He was a talented musician. He was a splendid shot with a rifle and passionately fond of shooting. It was on a hunting trip that he met his death. He and one companion, Edward Joseph, had gone for an outing to the north side of Vancouver Island near where the Monarch Lumber Co. has its camp. The two boys left home in joyous spirits with their rifles and equipment for the outing. They pitched their tent four miles from the logging camp. Here among the gigantic fir trees, surrounded by all the beauties of the Sound scenery, and with the added zest which boyhood gives all pleasures you can picture the two young men. Then suddenly it is all changed. The sad accident. A loaded rifle falls, in trying to replace it Earl discharged it.

Without pain, without forethought, in the pureness and happiness of a pure and happy nature he was taken away. The sad accident happened about dusk on Tuesday, July 28, 1903 at the boys camp. The news was at once telegraphed to Blaine, and the launch Royal dispatched for the remains. The boat returned Thursday night and the funeral was held at the Baptist church at three o'clock Friday afternoon, Rev. Gregory preaching the sermon. The boy was loved on all sides by young and old for his sturdy, manly character, combining firmness with kindness, independence with obedience and a happy kindly manner which attracted everyone. His many friends took much comfort in bedecking the church for his funeral till it was one mass of evergreens and flowers. Perhaps the most touching tribute to the departed was the care with which his classmates and school fellows decorated the grave in Blaine cemetery with cedar twigs and sweet peas till it seemed altogether fitting for Earl's last resting place. The pall bearers were six of his young friends including Messrs. Jones, Harling, Gott, Cowderoy, Lachapelle and Evans. Blaine turned out enmasse to attend the funeral.
(From The Blaine Journal, August 14, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLAKELEY, Sarah C. (d. 1929)

BLAINE. - Mrs. Sarah C. Blakeley, aged 54 years, passed away Monday (April 8, 1929) morning at 8:30 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital in Bellingham, where she had been for the last three weeks. Mrs. Blakeley is survived by her husband, D.W. Blakeley; three sons, Stuart, Fred and Edward, all of Blaine, and one daughter, Mrs. Jennie Weeman, of Chelan, Wash.; two brothers, Archie Gorthy, of North Dakota, and Frank Gorthy, of Roseburg, Oregon; three sisters, Mrs. James Still, Mrs. Albert Still, of Blaine, and Mrs. W. C. Knapp, of North Dakota. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Purdy chapel.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 9, 1929) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLAND, Elnora (d. 1920)

Mrs. Elnora Bland, aged 23 years, passed away at her home, Hamilton, Wash., on the morning of Friday, March 19, after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. Bland was the widow of the late Ralph Bland, who died at a local hospital in Bellingham March 4. Mrs. Bland had resided in Hamilton for the past fifteen years, and leaves a large circle of close friends to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Methodist church of Hamilton, and is survived by one son, Walter, 5 years of age; her father, D. M. Parker, of Hamilton; two sisters and five brother, Mrs. G. F. Wood and Mrs. Celia Parker, residing in North Carolina; Lester Parker, Portland, Ore.; Monte, Frank, Lloyd and Carlton Parker, of Hamilton.
Funeral services will be held Sunday, March 21, at 1:30 p.m. from the First Methodist church, of Sedro-Woolley, with interment beside that of her late husband in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham, under the direction of Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street, Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 20, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLOMQUIST, Harriet M. (d. 1911)

Mrs. Harriet M. Blomquist, aged 77 years, died January 8. 1911, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. O. Brown, 2400 J street. Mrs. Blomquist has been a resident of Bellingham for twenty-seven years, coming here from Seattle, Wash., where she had resided for seven years. The surviving relatives are: Two sons, Mr. F. M. Blomquist, of Bellingham, and Mr. John A. Blomquist, of Vancouver, B.C.; two, daughters, Mrs. L. O. Brown, of Bellingham, and Miss Willardie Blomquist, of Olympia, Wash. The funeral service will be held Tuesday, January, 10, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Stokes & Wickman, 1146 Elk street, under the direction of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. A. W. Cheatham, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave the corner of Girard and J streets at 1:45 for the convenience of the family and friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 9, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BLOOD, Albert S. (d. 1928)

Albert S. Blood, former rancher and dairyman of Silver Lake, north of Maple Falls, was seriously injured in an automobile mishap in Bellingham last week and passed away at the hospital a few days after the accident. Several years ago Mr. Blood sold his ranch and moved to Geneva, at Lake Whatcom, where he engaged in the poultry business. According to reports Mr. Blood was on his way to the lake and stepping from behind a clump of bushes he was struck by the car of a passing motorist who failed to observe him in time to halt his car. He was taken to a hospital where the attending physician pronounced his condition as critical and the final end came on Monday morning, May 14. Mr. Blood was a native of Vermont and was 73 years old. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, May 16, with the Rev. Wallace E. Gill officiating, interment taking place in Woodlawn cemetery, Bellingham. Surviving, besides the widow, are four sons and two daughters, of whom two sons, Carol and Alvie Blood, reside in Seattle, and the others in Vermont; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, Bellingham, and Mrs. Felecia Breitkreitz, Maple Falls, and several grandchildren.       Image
(From The Deming Prospector, May 18, 1928)

BLOTT, John F. (d. 1917)

BLOWERS, George W. (d. 1908)

Last Saturday evening, W. J. Blower's aged father, G. W. Blowers closed his eyes in death. He had no particular ailment except old age. At his last birthday, the 29th of July, he was 93 years old. Mr. Blowers was born in New York, and lived there the greater part of his life. In 1871 he moved to the Pacific coast, and eight years ago he came (to Whatcom Co.). (Mrs.?) Blowers died two years ago and since then the old gentleman has been very lonely. He leaves to mourn him, two sons, J. W. with whom he lived and A. D. Blowers of Seattle. The funeral was held at the home south of Lynden, Tuesday morning and was conducted by Rev. J. M. Wilder. Interment was made in Greenwood Cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 26, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOBLETT, Edward A. (d. 1903)

E. A. Boblett One of the First Settlers of this Section Passed Away at His Home in this City Monday Night After a Protracted Illness. On Monday night August 17, 1903 E. A. Boblett died in this city as the result of paralysis which first manifested its dread presence in his system sometime last winter. Edward A. Boblett was a native of Virginia where he was born November 24, 1828 in Bedford County. In the course of his life he lived in all parts of the United States, making his home at different times in the states of Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Minnesota and Washington. He first came to the Territory of Washington November 8th, 1868, where Seattle now is. About a year later he came to Blaine, where he erected the first house in this vicinity. Since that time he resided in Blaine until the time of his death. Here he followed the carpenters trade, and became an extensive owner of city property. In honor of his high standing in the community one of the streets was named Boblett street.

Mr. Boblett was married June 17th 1860 in Colorado to Miss Lois A. Whitcomb. Besides his wife the survivors of his family are his three sisters, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Wade of Blaine, and Mrs. Schwartz, of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Boblett was a respected member of the Masonic Order, which took charge of the funeral arrangements. The funeral was held at the Congregational Church on Wednesday at 2 o'clock Rev. O. H. McGill, Rev. L. M. Hutton and Rev. Whitfield of Kent conducting the services. To the memory of this departed pioneer Blaine will ever bear respectful gratitude. The pall bearers were T. H. Dearborn, G. Pennington, O. D. McDonald, J. W. Hunter, J. Ortell and Dr. McDonald.
(From The Blaine Journal August 21, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOBLETT, Lois A. (d. 1925)

Mrs. Lois A. Boblett, the last of the two or three first white women to land in Blaine 55 years ago, passed into the Great Beyond Saturday evening. She had been sick for many months and perfectly helpless, hence the end came as a relief. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the M. E. church, Rev. F. M. Bushong officiating.

Lois A. Whitcomb was born in Milwaukee, Wisc., Feb. 1, 1844. When seven years old she moved with her father's family by ox team to Iowa, where she lived until 10 years old. She again moved to Nebraska, and from there to Colorado, where she was married to Edward A. Boblett, this being the first white couple married in that state. They had no children, but raised three orphan children. In November, 1869, Mr. and Mrs. Boblett left Prescott, Arizona, on a government train for California, and took a boat from Wilmington for San Francisco, where they stayed a week before they could take a boat for Seattle. They arrived in Seattle in December, 1869, and in 1870 they came to Semiahmoo on the steamer Libby. Mrs. Bice, now residing near Custer, was one of the women who came on that boat, we are informed. Mr. Boblett took up a homestead where a part of Blaine now stands, one boundary of which, we understand was Boblett street, named after him. Mr. Boblett passed on about 21 years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bice, the latter a great-nephew, have cared for the deceased during the past two years. With the passing of Mrs. Boblett there is removed from our midst the only woman left of those early pioneers who landed here in 1870. She had lived most of her life on the frontiers of this country and many were the interesting tales she could tell about her experiences during those years. The deceased was a life-long member of the M. E. church and a regular attendant up to the time she became helpless to get about.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, March 19, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOCK, Elizabeth (d. 1910)

Another of the Lynden pioneers has passed away. Mrs. Elizabeth Bock mother of the Slade boys, died Sunday morning early and was buried Monday afternoon, with funeral services at the Methodist church, Rev. Wilder officiating. Mrs. Bock was 86 years old. With a Miss Burke for a companion she lived alone in her little cottage on Front street. She had not been sick. Sunday morning early she called Miss Burke and told her she believed she was dying and asked Miss Burke to cross the street and bring Mrs. Larson. Before the young woman was back with Mrs. Larson the end had come. The Slade family was one of the first to settle in the Nooksack valley and at Lynden. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Slade married Mr. Bock whom she also survived. The only members of the family here to the funeral were Harvey Slade, whose home is here, and Fred Slade, who came from Otter, B. C.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 27, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOEHRINGER, Christian H. (d. 1930)

Sorrowing friends gathered at Knapp and Knapp's Parlors this afternoon to pay their last respects to one of the district's honored pioneers, Chris Boehringer, who passed away Monday evening at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lena Cowden, in South Bellingham. The Rev. T. A. Graham, pastor of the Lynden M. E. Church officiated. Interment was made in the Bay View Cemetery, Bellingham. Pallbearers were W. J. Blowers, George Abbott, Casper Sailor, A. B. Colyer, John Bajema and J. R. Courtney. Forty-five years ago while Whatcom County was still a frontier wilderness, Mr. Boehringer brought his family to the farm two miles from Lynden. Settling on a place on the south bank of the Nooksack River, down among the beaver dams, Boehringer took up the arduous task of establishing a home in the pioneer land. Traveling was difficult in those early days. Mr. Boehringer made one long, hard trip from Whatcom, now Bellingham, with a sack of flour over his shoulder and a dozen eggs in his hand, his daughter, Mrs. Carrie Mulligan, recalled today.

Boehringer was born in Woutenberg, Germany on December 15, 1852. He came to the United States when a boy of seventeen and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he lived until he came to Whatcom County forty-five years ago. In April, 1874, he was married to Miss Kate Huber in Covington, Kentucky. Death came suddenly and unexpectedly to the pioneer citizen Monday evening, the day on which he celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday anniversary. He had gone to Bellingham to visit his sister, Mrs. Cowden, and he passed away while he was preparing to retire. He had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Osgood. Surviving relatives include three sons, Charles, William and Andrew; three daughters, Mrs. Carrie Mulligan, Mrs. Bertha Osgood and Mrs. Christie Wagner, all six of whom live in the Lynden district; two sisters, Mrs. Cowden of Bellingham, and Mrs. Christina Weber of Cleveland, Ohio; twelve grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His wife died eight years ago.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 18, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOND, Ann C. (d. 1908)

BOND, Benjamin N. (d. 1911)

     Dr. Benjamin N. Bond, aged 84 years, son of the first governor of the State of Illinois, and a resident of this city for more than fourteen years, passed away at 4:40 o'clock this morning death being due to the infirmities of old age. Dr. Bond had been confined to his bed for the last fourteen months. Death came quietly, ending the eventful life on earth of a man whose youth was spent in the midst of stirring events of the early days of the country.
     Dr. Bond is survived by his widow, Mary Esther Bond, three sons, Shadrach C. Bond, of Seattle; Thomas W. Bond of St. Louis, Mo.; and Charles F. Bond, a mail carrier of this city; also one daughter, Mrs. A. W. Watson, a resident of Seattle. There are twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren surviving Dr. Bond.
     The pioneer whose death occurred today was born at Kuskaskia, Randolph county, Illinois, on September 17, 1826, his father being Shadrach Bond, an official of the Territory of Illinois, afterward being elected first governor of the State of Illinois. Dr. Bond was probably the oldest member of the Masonic fraternity in the State of Washington, being a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No 44. A. F. & A. M. He was also a member of J. B. Steedman post No. 24. G. A. R., having served with distinction throughout the Civil war, being regimental surgeon of the of the Twenty-seventh regiment, Fifteenth army corps, Missouri volunteer infantry. Dr. Bond was also a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 31, I. O. O. F., and belonged to Bellingham Bay lodge No. 43, Daughters of Rebekah. He was a deacon of the Methodist Episcopal church, holding his membership with Trinity church of this city.
     Funeral services will be conducted at the Trinity tabernacle, corner of Garden and East Holly streets, Wednesday afternoon, March 1, at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the various organizations to which the doctor belonged. The Rev. Earle Naftzger, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, will be the officiating clergyman, and at Bay View cemetery, where interment is to be made. The burial service, according to the ritual of the Masonic order, will be conducted by Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, A. F. & A. M. Mock & Hill, the Elk street funeral directors, have the arrangements in charge. All members of the above fraternal orders have been requested to attend the funeral services.
     Dr. Bond married at the age of 20 years and shortly afterward began the practice of medicine at Chester, Ill. He remained in this practice until the beginning of the Civil war, when he entered the military service as surgeon with the rank of major. In this service he took part in the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Lookout Mountain and was in the fight on Missionary Ridge on the plains of Chattanooga. He was also a member of the force that took part in the march through Georgia under General Sherman, which finally ended, at the close of the war, in the grand review at Washington, D. C., which signaled the return of peace.
     The pioneer often boasted the reputation of never having taken a drink of intoxicating liquor. For twenty years prior to his final illness he refrained from smoking. Up to the illness which resulted in his death, Dr. Bond was in unusually good health for a man of his extreme age. Dr. Bond distinctly remembered, in his declining years, an acquaintance with Abraham Lincoln, whom he first met at his father's house. In the days when the emancipator was a circuit lawyer he made his headquarters at the Bond home.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 28, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOND, Charles A. (d. 1924)

Services For Aged War Veteran to Be Held Sunday.
Answering the summons of the Great Commander, Captain Charles Alvin Bond, one of the most beloved members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a participator in may of the great battles of the Civil war, died at his home, 301 Grand avenue, Tuesday evening, slipping into a peaceful sleep at the age of 81 years. Captain Bond was one of Bellingham's best known characters and he was universally popular with children and adults. His widow, Mrs. Lucy Bond, and a brother in Vermont, survive him. A lover of boys and girls, he had been in contact with them for fifty-one years as a patriotic instructor in the public schools. Twenty-one of these years was passed in that capacity in the Bellingham Schools.

Captain Bond was past commander of J. B. Steedman Post, No. 24, G. A. R., and was always an active member of that post. He was a member of the Unitarian church, the Knights of Pythians and the Redmen, and for sixty years he was a member of Granite lodge, No. 35, F. & A. M., Barrie, Vermont.

In Decisive Battles.
In the Civil war Captain Bond served in Company C, Sixteenth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteers, and emerged from the war with the rank of captain. He took part in some of the severest battles of the rebellion, including Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Peach Orchard, Kettle Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chantilly, Spottsylvania, Fredericksburg, Wapping Heights, Kelly's Ford, Payne's Farm, the Wilderness, North Anna, Old Church, Cold Harbor and Petersburg.

Captain Bond had been failing since last July, when he was stricken by paralysis. Early last autumn it was feared that death would claim him, but he rallied and was able to spend many of his remaining days in a wheel chair. He appeared in this chair at the Armistice day program in Liberty hall on November 11 and received an ovation as his chair was wheeled upon the stage and at the conclusion of responsive patriotic remarks. Funeral services will be held at the Garden Street Methodist Episcopal church Sunday at 2 p. m. with the pastor, Dr. J. C. Harrison, officiating. Masonic services, conducted by Whatcom lodge, No. 151, will follow. Interment will occur in Bay View abbey under the direction of O. R. Hollingsworth. The honorary pallbearers will be members of the G. A. R. The Father's club will attend in a body, it was announced today.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 10, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.
Note: Charles A. Bond entered service July 2, 1861 at age 18 as Pvt. and received disability discharge as Pvt. April 19, 1863 at Falmouth, VA

BOND, Neoma (d. 1911)

Young Wife Answers Call
Mrs. W. C. Bond passed away Sunday afternoon last at her home on D street after an illness covering several months of tuberculosis of the lungs. The deceased was of a loving disposition and won the friendship of all with whom she came in contact. She was a member of the local lodge Brotherhood of American Yeoman, which order had charge of the services over the grave. Neoma Moon was born in Kansas in 1881, later moving with her parents to the Coast by way of San Francisco. They settled on a homestead at the head of the Kalama river, later moving to Idaho and Eastern Washington, for her father's health, then moving to Vancouver, Wash., where she was united in marriage to Wm. C. Bond in October, 1897. Four children were born to this union, all of whom with the husband are left to mourn her taking off. In addition a mother, Mrs. Brice Giveans, of Seattle, survives her, also a sister, Miss Nettie Moon, who has made her home here for several months, and three brothers, two of them married. All of the relatives attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Bond moved to this city from Sumas in the year 1907, he having been transferred in the customs service to this port. The surviving husband and little ones have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their wife and mother. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church, Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, Rev. C. B. Seely officiating and the remains laid to rest in the Blaine cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 24, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOOTH, Charles (d. 1933)     Image

BOREN, Reuben or Rudolph R. (d. 1925)

Reuben Randolph Boren Passes Friday Morning
Rudolph Randolph Boren was born in Enticanda county, Miss. Nov. 2, 1859, and passed away Friday morning, Nov. 27, 1925, being 66 years and 25 days old at the time of his death. In 1881 Mr. Boren was married to Miss Alice Mauldin at Guntown, Miss. From this union five children were born. In 1905 Mr. Boren came to Deming and has resided here ever since. In 1906 his wife passed away, and in 1912 he was married to Caroline Brown at Bellingham. He had been severely ill for about three months before his death. He is survived by his wife, Caroline Boren; three daughters, Mrs. James Watson, of Deming; Mrs. Charles Phillips, of Talihina, Okla.; Mrs. Thos. Guffey, Sedro-Woolley; two sons, Reuben L. of Deming and Dye Boren, of Delano, Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. Dr. J. A. West, of Deming; Mrs. Beene, of Ratcliff, Miss., and one brother, William, of Amarillo, Texas. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church at Deming, Monday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. Saylor of Bellingham officiating. Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery. E. E. Marshall was in charge.
(From The Deming Prospector, December 4, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

BORG, Peter (d. 1913)

Died, at his home here February 7, of pneumonia, Peter Burg (sic), in the 86th year of his age. Mr. Burg was born in Sweden, March 17, 1832. He came to what is now Blaine about thirty years ago and took up a homestead. He was married in Seattle, May 12, 1887, to Miss Mary C. Bergman, of San Francisco, Cal., who survives him, and will continue to make her home on the dear old farm where she and her husband have lived for twenty-six years. Mr. Burg was the last of his family to cross to the other side, all his brothers and sisters having gone before him. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Burg had many friends, by whom he will be greatly missed. Two of his nephews, George and Gunmar Johnson, who have made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Burg for some time, will remain here and care for their aged aunt. Rev. C. L. Hartley officiated at the burial.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 14, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

BORGESON, Frank R. (d. 1905)

Frank R. Borgeson, for many years a resident of this city, is dead at Bisbee, Ariz., as the result of an attack of Pneumonia. The intelligence was received yesterday afternoon in a telegram to S. E. Mullin, secretary of the Eagles' lodge of this city, of which the deceased was a member. As soon as the information was received Mr. Mullin communicated it to C. O. Borgeson, a brother of the deceased, who resides in this city, and later to the widow, who also lives here. She was almost prostrated by the news, and for a time neither of the relatives could believe that it is true. A telegram was sent asking for the particulars and the answer that an attack of pneumonia, lasting only a few days, had been the cause of death. A wife was sent requesting that the body be embalmed and held until further instructions were received.

When the news came to this city it was not long before it had spread to the business men who had known Borgeson well during his long residence here. It was at first rumored that he had been shot or had met his death in some other violent manner, and it was not until the second telegram was received, that the truth was known. That the disease which was responsible for Borgeson's death was of a short duration is evidenced by the fact that only a few days ago the wife received a letter stating that he had started in business in Bisbee and would be ready to have her and their three children with him in a short time. Later a telegram was received by James Lund, requesting him in to come at once to Bisbee according to a prearranged agreement, to take up some work there. Lund left on Monday night and had not yet arrived there when death claimed its victim.

Frank Borgeson left this city some time ago in quest of a new home. He first went to Eastern Washington and thought of buying a farm there, but a deal that was pending fell through and he went on south, intending to settle in California. He drifted to Arizona, however, and lately became settled in business there. He was formerly a prominent business man of this city and managed to amass considerable wealth here. He held some heavy property interests here at the time of his death. Mr. Borgeson was a charter member of the Eagles' lodge of this city and the funeral will be taken charge of by the local order.

Besides the wife and three children, two boys and a girl, a brother, C. O. Borgeson, the deceased leaves a father and brother in Minnesota. His mother precedes him in death. Mr. Borgeson was born in Sweden 43 years ago and came to this country when he was very young. He settled with his parents in Minnesota, where he lived until some sixteen years ago, when he removed to this city. Here he remained until some months ago. Emil Korsboen, a brother of Mrs. Borgeson, arrived in the city last night from Everett in answer to a telegram announcing the death of his brother-in-law. It is probable that he, together with C. O. Borgeson, will leave today for Arizona to take charge of the body, which will be brought here for burial.

Gus Olson, of this city, who lately returned from that section of Arizona where Mr. Borgeson met his death, states that it was undoubtedly what is known as the "black heart" that caused the death. He states that this is a peculiar kind of pneumonia that the miners of that country are subject to, and says that many of them are taken with it and die within a very few hours. Many a poor miner, he states, has been found lying at the side of the trails dead as a result of an attack of the dread disease.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, December 8, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

BORGSTEN, Olaf H. (d. 1932)

BOSLUND, Ellen R. (d. 1916)

Ellen Rosalie Boslund was born in Palmer, Pocohantas County, Iowa, and died February 29, at the age of 19 years, 2 months and 17 days. With the family she came to Lynden in 1908, her mother passing away the same year. Since then she has kept house for her father, two younger sisters, Emma 16 years, Frieda 12 years, and a brother William 14 years. One older, Mrs. Heglin, who lives in Aberdeen was here during her illness and death. Funeral services were held Thursday, Mar. 2 at the Baptist Church, and many friends who mourn her loss deeply, attended.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 16, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOSTON, Elizabeth J. (d. 1924)

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Boston, pioneer of 1885, died Tuesday evening at the home of her daughter, Mr. J. P. Felmley, in Mountain View. She was 87 years old. A fall suffered 10 days ago hastened her passing. Mrs. Boston was a native of Maine and came from that state with her husband to Washington in 1883 and to Ferndale two years later. Besides Mrs. Felmly, a son, E. H. Boston of Bellingham, three grandchildren, and four great grandchildren survive. The funeral was held Thursday at 2 o'clock from Monroe's parlors with Rev. A. F. Palmer officiating. Burial was made in Mountain View cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, May 9, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOSTON, Lewis C. (d. 1895)

Lewis C. Boston after about ten months of hard fought battle with the conquerer death, passed gently away at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. on Wednesday June 12, 1895. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, a son, a daughter, one brother and four sisters, Mrs. S. T. Lenard of Salem, Oregon being the only of his relatives except his family who was able to be with him during his last moments. His other sisters are Mrs. Geo. B. Hoffman, of Yankton, S. D.; Mrs. Cant, of Chicago, Ill. and Mrs. Braggs, of Augusta, Maine. His brother Ed. Boston is a locomotive engineer on some of the roads in Illinois. Funeral services of the deceased were held at the home of the deceased, the Rev. J. E. Sanders officiating under the direction of the Masons, of which order the deceased was a member. The services at the grave were conducted by the Brother Masons, and were quite impressive.

The deceased was born at Augusta, Maine on the tenth day of May, A. D. 1835, where he remained until the beginning of the Civil war, during which he served his country as a locomotive engineer under Gen'l Grant. After the war he came west and stopped at Yankton, S. D. until May, 1882, when he with his family came to Seattle, Wash. Here he remained for a short time. Then he located with his family on a farm in Mountain View precinct, about 2 1/2 miles west of this place where he has been ever since endeavoring to hew out a home in the forest, until illness and death forced him to lay aside his ax. The cause of his death is supposed to be enlargement of the liver, combined with disentary (sic), and injuries received while in service during the civil war. He was well respected and highly esteemed by all who knew him.
(From The West Ferndale Clipper, June 14, 1895; obituary collection of WGS)

BOSTWICK, Emma R. (d. 1916)

Funeral services for the late Emma R. Bostwick, wife of E. R. Bostwick, were held Tuesday morning at the family residence. Interment was in the Lynden cemetery. The Rev. Paul Ashby conducted the services and a large crowd of friends attended. Mrs. Bostwick was born December 2, 1872 in York county, Pa. Besides the wide circle of friends who mourn her loss, she leaves her husband and seven children, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Fetrow of California, a sister in California and one in Kansas, and a half-brother in Pennsylvania.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 28, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOSTWICK, Nancy J. (d. 1915)

The funeral of Mrs. Nancy Jane Bostwick, who died at her home in Lynden last Sunday morning, was held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon and attended by a large assembly of sorrowing relatives and friends. Mrs. Bostwick had been a resident of Lynden since 1902 and was held in the greatest esteem by all who knew her. Rev. Paul Ashby officiated at the service and music was furnished by Mmes. Ashby, Ireland and Eva Thompson and Messrs. Storrey and Steffe, with Mrs. H. H. Jamieson at the organ. Mrs. Bostwick leaves to mourn her, six sons, all of whom were present at the funeral services. They are: J. S. Bostwick, of Colton, Cal.; E. R., George A., R. D., Frank L. and B. E. Bostwick, of Lynden. Interment was in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, May 23, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOTH, John W. (d. 1901)

One of the most distressing hunting accidents which has ever taken place in the county, occurred near Wahl station on the B. B. & B. C. railroad last Sunday, and resulted in the death of John W. Both, an old citizen of the county. The unfortunate man, in company with his two brothers, George and Charles and C. A. Scrimsher were out deer hunting and the details as given to Coroner Warinner show that shortly after starting the party separated. A short time after, the report of Mr. Both's gun was heard and Mr. Scrimsher, who was nearest, call to find out the effects of the shot. Receiving no reply he made his way in that direction and soon came upon the body of the wounded man, then in his death struggles. From the appearances Mr. Both had attempted to cross over a log, when his gun, a combination rifle and shot gun, was discharged, the contents of the shotgun, which was heavily charged with buckshot, entering the groin, passing upward toward the heart, making a frightful wound. The gun was on one side of the log and the body on the other. The deceased was 42 years of age, having been born in Cross county, Iowa, June 12, 1859. He came to Whatcom county in 1882 and resided near Wahl, his present home, ever since. He leaves a wife and two children, two brothers, George and Charles, and one sister, Mrs. H. G. Anderson, to mourn his death. The funeral occurred from his residence near Wahl at 10 o'clock this morning and the interment was made in the cemetery at Ten Mile.
(From The Weekly Blade, October 16, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOTSFORD, James M. (d. 1933)

BOVEE, Andrew J. (d. 1912)


Goshen, Oct. 19.-- Andrew J. Bovee passed away at his home near here last Monday and interment took place Thursday at Lawrence. Death is said to have been due to cancer. Andrew J. Bovee was born in Madison County, New York, in 1845. At the age of four years he moved with his parents to Wisconsin. He enlisted as a private in Company B, Fifth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in 1864, serving nine months. In 1886 he was married to Phoebe Tinney and to this union were born six children. He left to mourn his loss: Mrs. Sena Snyder of Wisconsin; Andrew Bovee, Jr., of Washington; Jesse Bovee, of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Nellie Jacobson, of Michigan; Henry Bovee, of Washington, and Isabel Bovee of Washington. He is survived also by two daughters in Illnois by a former marriage, one brother in Wisconsin; two sisters, one in Michigan and one in Florida, and four grandchildren. Mr. Bovee moved from Wisconsin to Michigan in 1910, residing there two years. In the spring of 1912 he came to the Northwest and took up his residence near here. He was a kind husband and a loving father and will be sadly missed by all in the community
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 19, 1912) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

BOWDEN, Caroline P. (d. 1910)

Caroline P. Bowden, aged 74 years, died at St. Luke's Hospital at an early hour Thursday morning, death due to the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Bowden was the mother of A. F. Bowden, postmaster and storekeeper at Beach, Lummi island, where she has resided with her son more than twenty-five years. Aside from Mr. Bowden, the only surviving son, Mrs. Bowden, leaves one daughter, Mrs. Clara L. Dodge, whose home is in Paris, France. Mrs. Dodge being the widow of the late Colonel Theodore A. Dodge, whose death occurred in Paris recently. Mrs. Bowden also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Clara I. Bartlett and Mrs. Fannie Mann, residents of Boston, Mass., the former home of Mrs. Bowden. Funeral services will be conducted at the parlors of Mock & Hill, No. 1055 Elk Street, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and not this afternoon as has previously been announced. The Rev. A. W. Cheatham, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will be the officiating clergyman, and St. Paul's choir will have charge of the music. Interment is to be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, January 21, 1910) Copied by Merrily Lawson.

BOWDEN, Peveril (d. 1903)

Peveril, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowden, was born on Lummi island, Whatcom county Washington, in June 1890, and came to his sudden death on Monday night while coasting with schoolmates. Peveril had lived on Lummi island all his life until last September, when he moved to Fairhaven. He was a strong, healthy boy, very active and unusually bright in his studies. He was loved by all who knew him and a favorite among his classmates. But where he was cherished and loved the most was at home. This is the second one of the children who have met death in an accident. There remains to mourn him, besides father and mother, two sisters and a brother, many other relatives and friends.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, November 21, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWERS, Clara (d. 1917)

Mrs. E. E. Bowers died last Saturday morning at the family home after an illness of about a week. An enlarged heart was the cause of death. While it was known that her condition was serious, her friends were not prepared for the news of her death after but a week's illness. The funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at two o'clock in the Methodist church. Rev. Long, the pastor, delivered some chosen remarks to a church crowded with sympathizing friends.

Clara Miller was born in Delaware county, Iowa, June 11, 1876, and in the same state she was married to E. E. Bowers, Oct. 1, 1907. The following March they came to the state of Washington and settled in Blaine, making their home here since. This union was blessed with one child, Grace, who still survives. In addition, two children by a former marriage, Samuel Whittier and Mrs. Naomi Tucker, both in Alaska, are left, as well as an aged mother, two sisters and four brothers in Iowa. The deceased was a member of the Royal Neighbors and the Rebekahs, which orders participated in the last rites at the grave. She was a woman who was always ready to render assistance in cases of need which came to her notice. Being of a retiring disposition, her real kindly qualities were kept to herself and only those who were really close to her fully appreciated these qualities.
(From The Blaine Journal June 22, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWLES, Mary A. (d. 1911)

Mary Ann Leath was born Oct. 16, 1839, Wacon county, Missouri. United with Camberland Presbyterian church Oct. 17, 1849 and lived a faithful Chrisitian life until death. Was married to Hugh Bowles, Feb. 5, 1871. To this union was born five sons. Departed this life, Aug., 16, 1911. She leaves to mourn her loss, husband, five sons, and three sisters. One son, E. C. Bowles, now living in Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, August 24, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWMAN, Della (d. 1927)

Mrs. Della Bowman, aged 54, wife of T. B. Bowman of Saxon, passed away at a local hospital in Bellingham on Friday, May 27, following a short illness. Mrs. Bowman is survived by her husband, T. B. Bowman, five daughters, three sons, four sisters, and six grandchildren. Mrs. Bowman had been a resident of Saxon for the past 34 years and she will be sadly missed in that community. Mrs. Bowman was the mother of Mrs. Jesse Halderman, formerly of the Deming Inn and now residing at Pe Ell, Wash. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 1:30, at the M. E. church in Acme, and was attended by a large crowd of sympathizing friends and neighbors. Interment was made in the local cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, June 3, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

Mrs. Della Bowman, of Acme, Taken by Death
Mrs. Della Bowman, aged 54, an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Acme, where she had lived thirty-two years, died at a local hospital Friday. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church in Acme on Monday at 1 p. m., with the Rev. Harry Richardson, of Laurel, officiating. Interment will occur in Saxon cemetery under A. C. Harlow's direction. Mrs. Bowman is survived by her husband, T. P. Bowman; five daughters, Mrs. Jessie Halderman, of Pe Ell, Wash.; Mrs. Mary McClure, Granite Falls; Mrs. Ruby Myre, of Saxon, and Florence and Pearl at home; three sons, Charles and Dewey at Saxon, and Wesley at Pe Ell; four sisters, Mrs. Lina Dundar and Mrs. Oland Hazelden, in Texas; Mrs. Myrtle Mullins and Miss Pearl Darnell, in Idaho, and one brother, John Darnell, in Texas, and six grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 28, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWMAN, George M. (d. 1918)

George M. Bowman, aged 84 years, and for many years a resident of Acme, passed away at a local hospital on the evening of Monday, September 2, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Bowman was a member of the F. and A. M., holding his membership at Nooksack. He will be remembered as one of the oldest timber cruisers in the Northwest and leaves a large circle of friends who will mourn his loss. His only surviving relative in this part of the country is Mrs. Kathryn A. Lyon, of Seattle. Masonic funeral service over his remains will be held Wednesday, September 4, at 10 o'clock a. m. from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, after which the remains will be removed to Seattle for cremation, accompanied by Mrs. Lyon.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 3, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWMAN, Herman A. (d. 1926)

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Knapp's Funeral Parlors for the late Herman Bowman who passed away Tuesday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Kilcup at Timon. Herman A. Bowman was born in Germany Nov. 5, 1845. He was 80 years, 5 months and 17 days old at the time of his death. He came to America in 1885, and had been living near Lynden since 1898. His wife passed away in 1912. He is survived by two sons and a daughter. One son, Henry Bowman taught school here several years ago.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 25, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWMAN, Margaret (d. 1912)

Mrs. Margaret Bowman, wife of H. A. Bowman, of Greenwood, died at her home Tuesday, April 2nd, and was buried April 5th, Rev. Herbert Jones conducting the services. The deceased was, prior to her marriage, Miss Margaret Hovenga. She was born in Enden, Germany, in 1846. In 1878 she married H. A. Bowman, and three years afterward they came to Michigan where they resided until 1888, coming to Washington at that time. At the time of her death Mrs. Bowman was sixty-five years, eleven months and six days of age. She is survived by her husband and four children, Mrs. James McPherson, Mrs. Dillon Kilcup, C. H. Bowman, and W. F. Bowman. Mrs. Bowman was a member of the Dutch Reform Church, and all through her life her belief in Christ never wavered. The Bible was her guide in all things and the loving Saviour her helpful teacher. For the past fifteen years she has been an invalid, yet in all that time, no complaint ever passed her lips.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 11, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOWMAN, Mary (d. 1901)

Mrs. Mary Bowman, whose death was announced yesterday morning was born in Bucks County, Pa., March 6, 1815. Her maiden name was Clemens, whose family emigrated to Waterloo County, Ontario, when she was twelve years old, where quite a settlement of Pennsylvanians was formed, including the Bowmans who had emigrated from Berks County, Pa. a few years earlier; and a few years later Mary Clemens became the wife of Rev. B. B. Clemens [Bowman], the youngest of a large family. He died in 1872. Mrs. Bowman was the mother of eleven children, five of whom survive her. She came to the coast in 1883, spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Wolfe, whose husband was the pioneer Congregational minister of Whatcom, and built the church on F street. Amos Bowman, the founder of Anacortes, was her son. Her increasing infirmities had rendered her totally helpless for a year and nine months before death came to her relief, when she calmly and peacefully went to sleep in the firm confidence and hope of blissful immortality. Funeral services at the Congregational church on Tuesday, August 27, at 2 p.m.
(From The Daily Reveille, August 25, 1901)

BOWTLE, William (d. 1934)

William Bowtle, for the past 27 years a resident of Glacier and well known throughout that district, passed away at the family home Saturday evening, June 30, at the age of 78 years. He was a member of the Church of England and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Catherine Bowtle, and son, William R. Bowtle of Glacier; a sister, Margaret Ridgewell, and a brother, George, both residing in England. Funeral services were held in the Glacier Community hall on Tuesday, July 3, at 2:30 p. m. with Rev. W. B. Terrill, acting pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Bellingham, officiating. Interment was made in the Glacier cemetery, under the direction of the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home of Bellingham.
(From The Deming Prospector, July 6, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOYD, Nellie (d. 1924)

After an illness of several months, Mrs. Nellie E. Boyd passed away at the family home in Ferndale Sunday morning. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the Congregational church, Rev. A. F. Palmer officiating. Interment was held in the Woodlawn cemetery, George Monroe having charge of the burial.

Nellie Eldora Sisson Boyd was born near Milwaukee, Wis., May 13, 1871. When but a small child, she with her parents moved to the state of Maryland, where she lived till the fall of 1881, when she came west to Washington Territory and lived in Whatcom, now Bellingham, for a short time, and in the fall of 1882 came to Ferndale where she lived until 1889. She was united in marriage that year to David R. Boyd of Auburn.

The children who survive her are: Mrs. Harold Nightingale of Seattle, Roy Boyd of Everson, Dudley, Armond and Sterling Boyd of Ferndale. Her family mourn the loss of a devoted mother, and the loss of Mrs. Boyd is mourned by the whole community, as she was beloved by all who knew her. Besides the children, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Cowder and Mrs. Flora Shultz of Seattle, and three brothers, Wallace Sisson of Pasadena, Cal., Dewitt Sisson of Port Angeles and Henry Sisson of Anacortes.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 11, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

BOYD, Samuel L. (d. 1916)

S. L. Boyd was found dead yesterday afternoon in the yard of his farm near Rome. Boyd moved to the farm but recently. He formerly operated a small store in the old Reveille building at the corner of C and Dupont streets. It is not know just when he died, as he was living on the farm alone. The body was found by a stage driver who visited the place yesterday afternoon to deliver a note to Boyd. Dr. Henry Thompson, county coroner, was called. The coroner says Boyd was a sufferer from chronic indigestion, and this is believed to have caused his death. He was 70 years of age. Boyd is survived by two daughters, Mrs. H. L. Greer, Hillsboro, Ore., and Mrs. David C. Lindsay, Tacoma, and one son, Arthur L. Boyd, Bowden, Alberta, also by one sister and five brothers. Funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 11, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

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