Sumpter Cemetery, across the road from 1265 Horse Ridge Rd NW, Floyd Co., VA.

2021 Location Update: This fenced, well-maintained cemetery sits in the Horse Ridge section of Indian Valley. It is across the road from 1265 Horse Ridge Rd NW and is located next to the road. It is visible using Google Earth and Google Maps.

N 36° 57.204’ W 80° 33.426’ using Google Earth

36.953422, - 80.557143 using Google Maps


Original Source: Floyd County Cemeteries Vol. 1 – Indian Valley District by Elza B. Cox & Phyliss G. Phillips published in 1979. Pg 79-33. Photographed and updated by Jim & Lucy Slusher in October 2021.

Find A Grave Name:

Annotations – added May 2021 by Barb Camery Reininger

Annotations in Red – correction to original text by Barb Camery Reininger

+ indicates on same tombstone

& indicates a relationship

Notes: At least 22 unmarked graves.



X = Original survey





Blankenship, Danielle Renee

24 Jun 1977

28 Apr 1994



X Blankenship, Tessa Lynn


10 Sep 1978

d/o Hosea & Lana Blankenship


Conner, Ava Noel

08 May 2005

08 May 2005



(src: Jim & Lucy Slusher

X Cox, Albert M.


X Cox, Christa M.

19 Apr 1891


04 May 1893

07 Aug 1963


01 Feb 1945


aka Albert Montague Cox, s/o Flurnoy & Susan Menecie “Necie” (Phillips) Cox. [Cox_AmbroseN_Jr_2wives]

m. 1915 Floyd

nee Christa Montgomery, d/o McNealy & 2nd wife Sarah Victoria (Quesenberry) Montgomery.

(src: Jim & Lucy Slusher

Cox, Allen McArthur


Cox, Geneva Altizer

03 Aug 1943


12 Jul 1948



11 Jun 2021



Cox, Archie Bascum


Cox, Sylvia D.

24 Oct 1935


23 Jul 1942

02 Apr 2009


25 Oct 2001



Cox, Charles K.


Cox, Bertie S.

24 Mar 1928


19 Sep 1931

31 Jul 1993


21 Jan 2001

m. Jan 26, 1948


Cox, Elmer T.

no dates

no dates



Cox, Elmer T.


Cox, Gertrude Q.


X Cox, James M.

04 Apr 1922


22 Feb 1925


08 Dec 1948

25 Dec 1995


22 Mar 2006


21 Jul 1969


aka Elmer Thornton Cox, s/o Albert Montague & Christa (Montgomery) Cox. [Cox_AmbroseN_Jr_2wives]

m. 1948 Floyd

Gertrude Lois Quesenberry, d/o Argen Carlis & Erma Wildren (Hollandworth) Quesenberry.


Cox, Gertrude Q.

no dates

no dates



X Cox, James P.


X Cox, Jessie M.

24 May 1897


16 May 1904

27 Aug 1961


16 Sep 1992

m. May 25, 1921

James Poque Cox, s/o Flurnoy & Susan Vinecia (Phillips) Cox. [Cox_AmbroseN_Jr_2wives]

m. 1921 Floyd

Jessie Mae Altizer, d/o John Lee & Elizabeth Mae (Guthrie) Altizer. [Altizer_EliasR_Rachel_mcva]

Cox, Johnny R.


Cox, Donna K.

18 Nov 1962


31 May 1965

24 Nov 2006





Cox, Phillip H.

& Fiancιe

Mahone, Elfriede H.

10 Aug 1941


17 Nov 1940

20 Sep 2007


04 Nov 1995



Cox, Russell Walton

04 Jun 1933

02 Feb 1995




X Cox, Vander B.


Cox, Elizabeth S.

04 Apr 1884


29 Apr 1890

08 Nov 1969


16 Aug 1979


aka Vander Bilt Cox, s/o Flurnoy & Susan Menecie “Necie” (Phillips) Cox. [Cox_AmbroseN_Jr_2wives]

m. 1907 Floyd

Elizabeth Kerzella Shelton, d/o George W. & Julina (Mitchell) Shelton.

X Cox, Warren Evans

02 May 1920

14 Dec 1974



X Dalton, Earnest C.


X Dalton, Mellie

30 Oct 1894


20 Apr 1894

17 Dec 1967


12 Sep 1976



Dalton, Harry C.


X Dalton, Verna Q.

09 Mar 1925


21 Jun 1931

24 Aug 2009


18 Oct 1979



Dalton, Ila Oletta

21 Aug 1920

21 Jul 2008



Dalton, Ruth Pettry

01 Sep 1942

23 Sep 2010



Duncan, John Sr


Duncan, Elizabeth Ann Holtzclaw






X 17 Oct 1818



X Mikulich, Almeda Wayne




Almeda Wayne Unknown


Sam Mikulich, b. 1891, Yugoslavia

Phillips, Leroy


Philips, Myrtle

24 Mar 1927


12 Jun 1924

09 Mar 1993


25 Jun 1999


aka Leroy Phillips, s/o Ulysess Wise & Dicie Alma (Hollandsworth) Phillips. [Phillips_Randolph_2wives]

m. 1950 Floyd

nee Ruby Myrtle Cox, d/o Albert Montague & Christa (Montgomery) Cox. [Cox_AmbroseN_Jr_2wives]

Quesenberry, Rudolph Carsley


Quesenberry, Pearl Reed

21 Oct 1937


12 Aug 1947

15 Sep 2011


11 Sep 2017


Rudolph Carsley Quesenberry, s/o


nee Pearl Elizabeth Reed, d/o

Simpkins, Leegrand S.

28 Oct 1851

05 Jan 1942


LeeGrand S, Simpkins, s/o Crockett M. & Julia Ann (Trail) Simpkins. [DeathCert]

1st m. 1875 Floyd, Manerva Duncan, Benjamin & Nancy (Burnett) Duncan. [DeathCert] [Duncan_Benjamin_Nancy]

2nd m. 1920 Floyd, Sarah Elizabeth McGraw, nee Higgs, d/o William T. & Lucy A. (Jennings) Higgs. [DeathCert] [no file]

Sumpter, Anna Laura

Aug 1940

Nov 1940


d/o Samuel Edward & 1st wife Gladys Helen (Moye) Sumpter. [DeathCert_1] [DeathCert2]

Sumpter, Edmon Jr


Sumpter, Delilah Eskew


X Sumpter, Jacob


X Sumpter, Mary Hambrick

15 Apr 1799


13 Dec 1803


18 Feb 1845


20 Oct 1848

15 Jun 1899


27 Aug 1883


25 Mar 1924


22 Jul 1921







Jacob Sumpter, s/o Edmund Jr & Delilah (Eskew) Sumpter. [DeathCert_1] [DeathCert_2]

m. 1868 Floyd

Mary Molly Hambrick, d/o George & Elizabeth Ann (Thomason) Hambrick. [DeathCert]

X Sumpter, Forest L.

19 Jul 1876

15 Oct 1950


Forest Linwood Sumpter, s/o Jacob & Mary Molly (Hambrick) Sumpter.

Sumpter, Frank Carl

16 Apr 1927

21 Jan 2008


Frank Carl Sumpter, s/o Frank Clyde & Della Nora (Akers) Sumpter.


nee Betty Josephine Gerad/Mefford. [no file]

X Sumpter, Frank Clyde


X Sumpter, Nora Della








Frank Clyde Sumpter, s/o Jacob & Mary Molly (Hambrick) Sumpter. [DeathCert]


nee Della Nora Akers, d/o Madison Texas & Mary Arzetta “Ada” (Dulaney) Akers. [DeathCert] [Akers_AndrewJ_Susannah]

Sumpter, Samuel E. Sr

31 Oct 1912

01 Feb 1988


aka Samuel Edmund Sumpter, s/o Frank Clyde & Della Nora (Akers) Sumpter. [DeathCert]

1st m. 1935 Montgomery & divorced from Gladys Helen Moye. [no file]

2nd m. 1975 Pearisburg, Claudette Sue Bailey. [no file]

Sumpter, Wise M

14 Jan 1919

10 Feb 2008


aka Wise Muriel Sumpter, s/o Frank Clyde & Della Nora (Akers) Sumpter.

X Young, Celesta


14 Sep 1942


nee Celesta Elizabeth Duncan, Blanch W. & Frances T. “Fannie” (Nester) Duncan. [DeathCert] Father differs in DC. [Duncan_BlanchW_Frances]

m. 1880 Floyd

William Young, s/o Nathaniel G. & Hannah (Day) Young.

X Young, William


23 Mar 1919


William Young, s/o Nathaniel G. & Hannah (Day) Young. [DeathCert] Day of death differs in DC.

m. 1880 Floyd

nee Celesta Elizabeth Duncan, Blanch W. & Frances T. “Fannie” (Nester) Duncan. [Duncan_BlanchW_Frances]







Original Survey:

Sumpter Cemetery

N 36° 57.204’ (36.953422)

W 80° 33.426’ (80.557143)

Indian Valley Magisterial District


Documented in Floyd County Cemeteries Vol. 1 – Indian Valley District by Elza Cox & Phyliss G. Phillips published in 1979. Photographed and updated by Jim & Lucy Slusher in October 2021.


2021 Location Update: This fenced, well-maintained cemetery sits in the Horse Ridge section of Indian Valley. It is across the road from 1265 Horse Ridge Rd NW and is located next to the road. It is visible using Google Earth and Google Maps.


Danielle Renee Blankenship                              24 June 1977                        28 April 1994


Tessa Lynn Blankenship                                     unknown                               10 September 1978

d/o Hosea & Lana Blankenship


Ava Noel Conner – Baby                    born & died 8 May 2005


Albert M. Cox                                                       19 April 1891                        7 August 1963                     

Shares stone with

Christa M. Cox                                                     4 May 1893                          1 February 1945


Archie B. Cox                                                        24 October 1935 2 April 2009

Shares stone with

Sylvia D. Cox                                                         23 July 1942                         25 October 2001


Charles K. Cox                                                      24 March 1928                    31 July 1993

Shares stone with

Bertie S. Cox                                                         19 September 1931            21 January 2001


Johnny R. Cox                                                       18 November 1962             24 November 2006

In the fullness of time will share stone with

Donna K. Cox                                                        31 May 1965                       


Vander B. Cox                                                      4 April 1884                          8 November 1969

Shares stone with

Elizabeth S. Cox                                                   29 April 1890                        16 August 1970


Elmer T. Cox                                                         4 April 1922                          25 December 1995

Shares stone with

Gertrude Q. Cox                                  22 February 1925 22 March 2006

Shares stone with

James M. Cox                                                       8 December 1948 21 July 1969


Allen McArthur Cox                                            3 August 1943

In the fullness of time will share stone with

Geneva Altizer Cox                                             12 July 1948                         11 June 2021


James P. Cox                                                        24 May 1897                        27 August 1961

Shares stone with

Jessie Altizer Cox                                 16 May 1904                        16 September 1992



Phillip H. Cox                                                        10 August 1941                    20 September 2007

Shares stone with

Elfriede H. Mahone                                             17 November 1940             4 November 1995


Russell Walton Cox                                             4 June 1933                          2 February 1995


Warren Evans Cox                                               2 May 1920                          14 December 1974


Earnest C. Dalton                                 30 October 1894 17 December 1967

Shares stone with

Mellie Dalton                                                       20 April 1894                        12 September 1976


Harry C. Dalton                                                    9 March 1925                       24 August 2009

Shares stone with

Verna Q. Dalton                                   21 June 1931                        18 October 1979


Ila Oletta Dalton                                  23 August 1920                    21 July 2008


Ruth Pettry Dalton                                              1 September 1942              23 September 2010


John Duncan Sr.                                  1741                                       1833

Shares stone with

Elizabeth Holtzclaw Duncan                              1745                                       1818


Almeda Wayne Mikulich                    1872                                       1943


Leroy Phillips                                                        24 March 1927                    9 March 1993

Shares stone with

Myrtle Phillips                                                      12 June 1924                        25 June 1999


Rudolph Carsley Quesenberry                         21 October 1937 15 September 2011

Shares stone with

Pearl Reed Quesenberry                   12 August 1947                    11 September 2017


Leegrand S. Simpkins                                          28 October 1851 5 January 1942


Anna Laura Sumpter                                          August 1940                         November 1940


Delilah Eskew Sumpter                                     15 April 1799                        15 June 1899

Shares stone with

Edmon Sumpter Jr.                                             13 December 1803             27 August 1883

Shares stone with

Jacob Sumpter                                                     18 February 1845 25 March 1924

Shares stone with

Mary Hambrick Sumpter                   20 October 1848 22 July 1921


Forest L. Sumpter                                               19 July 1876                         15 October 1950


Frank Carl Sumpter                                            16 April 1927                        21 January 1908


Frank Clyde Sumpter                                         1877                                       1952

Shares stone with

Nora Della Sumpter                                           1888                                       1967


Samuel E. Sumpter Sr.                                       31 October 1912 1 February 1988


Wise M. Sumpter                                                14 January 1919  10 February 2008


Celesta Young                                                      1860                                       4 September 1942


William Young                                                     1858                                       23 March 1919


Unknown – Rock, illegible


Floyd County Cemeteries Vol. 1 – Indian Valley District records that there are at least 22 unmarked graves. There is no physical evidence as of October 2021.