Last Updated: September 6, 2022
Isaac &
Mahala (King) Wimmer Family
1. Wimmer, Isaac |
Parents: Jacob Jr & Mary Margaret (Capper) Wimmer. 1809 Birth: 2-20-1809 Franklin Co., VA. 1831 Marriage #1: Isaac Wimmer m. Mahala King 1-3-1831 Montgomery Co., VA. He 21 yo. She d/o John King. 1840 Floyd Co., VA, pg185: Isaac Wimmer, 1 male 30-39 yo, 1 female 20-29 yo, 1 male & 2 females 5-9 yo, 1 male & 1 female 0-4 yo. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, H243: (Margaret Wimmer 67 yo previous house visited is probably Isaacs mother.) Wimer, Isaac 41 yo w/m, b. Franklin, farmer, $500, cannot read or write, HOH. Mahala 38 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Nancy 18 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Cinthia 16 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Elijah 15 yo w/m, b. Floyd, idiot. Jacob 13 yo w/m, b. Floyd. Margaret J. 10 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Isaac 7 yo w/m, b. Floyd. Lavena 4 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Wm 10/12 w/m, b. Floyd. 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Copper Hill PO, H430: Wimmer, Isaac 52 yo w/m, b. VA, farmer, $1,500/460, cannot read or write, HOH. Mahalah 47 yo w/f, b. VA. Jacob 23 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, cannot read or write. Jane M. 20 yo w/f, b. VA. Isaac 18 yo w/m, b. VA. Luvina F. 14 yo, w/f, b. VA. James H. 7 yo w/m, b. VA. Mahala E. 3 yo w/f, b. VA. Elijah 25 yo w/m, b. VA, died since June 1st. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove Twp, H72: Wimmer, Isaac 60 yo w/m, b. VA, farmer, $1,070/330, cannot read or write, HOH. Mahala 59 yo w/f, b. VA, keeping house. James H. 16 yo w/m, b. VA, farm laborer, school, cannot write. Mahala E. 14 yo w/f, b. VA, at home, cannot read or write. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District, H91: Wimmer, Isaac 70 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, HOH. Mahala 68 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Shilling, Christina 20 yo single niece, b. VA, parents b. VA, servant. 1886 Death: 3-22-1886 Floyd Co., VA. COD: of dropsy. Age: 77y. b. Floyd Co., VA. (src: Floyd Co., Death Record - transcript) 1886 Death: 3-21-1886. (src: tombstone) 1886 Burial: Wimmer Cemetery on the Mac King farm, near Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by John Skillman) |
+ Wimmer, Mahala |
Parents: John & Sarah (unknown) King. 1812 Birth: 8-19-1812 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Isaac Wimmer. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District: Wimmer, Isaac 47 yo. Ann E 45 yo. Mahala E. 21 yo. Jas. C. 17 yo. Cintha E. 15 yo. Wm A. 13 yo. Daniel M. 10 yo. Jacob H. 7 yo. Sarah A. 4 yo. Susie E. 1 yo.
Mahala 77 yo. 1893 Death: 1-2-1893. 1893 Burial: Wimmer Cemetery on the Mac King farm, near Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Kathy Trent Kingrey) |
2. Wimmer, Nancy |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1832 Birth: 5-18-1832 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1858 Marriage #1: Nancy Wimmer m. John A. Shaver 02-02-1858 at the residence of Isaac Wimmer by George W. Kelly of the Baptist order. He 21 yo single farmer, b. & living in Roanoke Co., VA, s/o Daniel & Catherine Shaver. She single 26 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. John Adam Shaver s/o Daniel & Catherine (McCray) Shaver. [shaver] 1921 Death: 6-10-1921. 1921 Burial: Wimmer Cemetery on the Mac King farm, near Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. |
2. Wimmer, Cynthia |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1833 Birth: 7-23-1833 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1858 Marriage #1: Cynthia Wimmer m. 1st Claiborne H. Wimmer 02-10-1858 at the residence of Isaac Wimmer by George W. Kelly of the Baptist order. He 27 yo single farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o James & Nancy Wimmer. She single 24 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. Claiborne Harvey Wimmer s/o James & Nancy Agnes (Litterall) Wimmer. [wimmer - above] 1879 Marriage #2: Cynthia Wimmer m. 2nd James Madison Wimmer (her brother-in-law) 07-26-1879 at Isaac Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by E--- Brubaker. He 42 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o James & Nancy Wimmer. She 43 yo widowed w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. James Madison Wimmer s/o s/o James & Nancy Agnes (Litterall) Wimmer. [wimmer - above] 1924 Death: 4-8-1924. 1924 Burial: Wimmer Cemetery on the Mac King farm, near Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. |
2. Wimmer, Elijah |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1835 Birth: 1835 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1860 Death: 6-15-1860 Floyd Co., VA. COD: not given. Age: 20y. (src: FCVA Death Record transcription) 1860 Death: 4-10-1860 (src: Wimmer book) 1860 Burial: |
2. Wimmer, Jacob |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1837 Birth: 3-25-1837 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1863 Marriage #1: Jacob Wimmer m. America Brown 09-25-1863 at Isaac Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by George W. Kelly. He 26 yo single farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. She single 26 yo, b. Franklin Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o John & Peggy Brown. 1863 Death: 12-30-1863 at a hospital from a wound (very hard to read). 1863 Burial: |
+ Wimmer, America |
Parents: John & 1st
wife Margaret (Brown) Brown. [brown] 1838 Birth: 7-25-1838 Franklin Co.,
VA. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove Twp, H77: Wimmer, America 32 yo w/f, b. VA, keeping house, HOH. William I. 6 yo w/m, b. VA. Brown, Rebecca 24 yo w/f, b. VA, without occupation. (Americas sister. She will m. Isaac D. Wilson) 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District, H84: Wilson, Isaac D. 30 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. [wilson] Rebecca F. 33 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, keeping house. (nee Brown) Johnnie L. 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Laura E. 4 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. George L. 2 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Wimmer, America 42 yo sister-in-law, b. VA, housekeeper. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District: Wimmer, America 51 yo. (alone or with family of different surname) 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District, H304: Wimmer, William I. 45 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 28y, owns farm, HOH. Adelia 48 yo wife, b. VA, M1 28y, cannot read or write. Jacob A. 19 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. America F. 16 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. George I. 12 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Sarah Lee 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
America 71 yo widowed mother, b. VA, pareents b. VA, 1 child with 1 living. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 123, H59: Wimmer, William 55 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Adelia 58 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Minnie 31 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Clara 10 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA.
America 81 yo widowed mother b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. 1927 Death: 10-21-1927. 1927 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
3. Wimmer, William Isaac |
Parents: Jacob & America (Brown) Wimmer. 1864 Birth: 6-14-1864 Floyd Co., VA. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District, H87: Wimmer, James H. 26 yo w/m, farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Eliza P. 28 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Elysus V. 4 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Lydia E. 3 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Noah 1 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. female infant 1 mo, b. April VA, parents b. VA.
William I. 16 yo single nephew, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1882 Marriage #1: William I. Wimmer m. Adelia Mills 06-22-1882 ar Anderson Mill's, Floyd Co., VA by John B. Naff. He 18 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA & living in Franklin Co., VA, s/o Jacob & America Wimmer. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Anderson & Sarah F. Mills. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District:
Wimmer, Wm I. 26 yo.
Delia 28 yo.
Amanda E. 7 yo.
Laura 5 yo.
Minnie E. 2 yo. 1900 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District, H103: Wimmer, William 34 yo w/m farmer, b. June 1865 VA, parents b. VA, m. 17y, owns farm, HOH. Adelia 39 yo wife, b. Apr 1861 VA, parents b. VA, m. 17y, 7 children with 6 living, cannot read or write. Laura A. 15 yo daughter, b. May 1885 VA, parents b. VA, school. Minnie E. 12 yo daughter, b. Mar 1888 VA, parents b. VA, school. Jacob A. 9 yo son, b. Aug 1890 VA, parents b. VA. America F. 6 yo daughter, b. Aug 1893 VA, parents b. VA. George I. 2 yo son, b. May 1898 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District, H304: Wimmer, William I. 45 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 28y, owns farm, HOH. Adelia 48 yo wife, b. VA, M1 28y, cannot read or write. Minnie E. 22 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Jacob A. 19 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. America F. 16 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. George I. 12 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Sarah Lee 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. America 71 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA, 1 child with 1 living. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 123, H59: Wimmer, William 55 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Adelia 58 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Minnie 31 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Clara 10 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. America 81 yo widowed mother b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. 1930 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 8, Bent Mountain, H515: Wimmer, William I. 65 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Adela 69 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married. 1940: 1950 Death: 8-11-1950. 1950 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
.+ Wimmer, Adelia |
Parents: Anderson & 2nd wife Sarah F. (Gearhart) Mills. [mills] 1861 Birth: 4-1-1861 Floyd Co., VA. 1890
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
husband William Isaac Wimmer. 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Residence:
Roanoke Co., VA with husband William Isaac Wimmer. 1940: 1948
Death: 10-12-1948. 1948 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the
Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA.
(called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) |
.4. Wimmer, Amanda E. |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1882 Birth: 4-10-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1890
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1897 Marriage #1: Amanda E. Wimmer m. Charles A. Howell
12-29-1897 at William I. Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by Isaac K. Wimmer Minister.
He 19 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o William B.
& Hannah A. Howell. She 15 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co.,
VA, d/o William I. & Delila Wimmer. Charles A. Howell, s/o William Bluford
& Hannah Adaline (Dewese) Howell. [howell2] |
.4. Wimmer, Laura Attie |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1885 Birth: 5-06-1885 Floyd Co., VA. 1890
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1900 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1901 Marriage #1: Laura m. Isaac Taylor Green 9-19-1901.
Death: 1973. 1973
Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer
Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke
County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (no photo) |
.4. Wimmer, Minnie E. |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1888 Birth: 3-15-1888 Floyd Co., VA. 1890
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: Minnie m. Aster Hoy. |
.4. Wimmer, Jacob Anderson Jake |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1890 Birth: 8-30-1891 VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1910 Marriage #1: Jacob m. Lillian Manning 10-9-1910 Roanoke Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 123, H60: Wimmer, Jake A. 29 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Lilly 25 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ali A. 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Lula 6 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Rutha 4y 5/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Coady 2y 5/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Mildred 1y 10/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: 309 4th Street, Roanoke City, VA, Kimball Ward, District 9, H54: Wimmer, Jacob A. 39 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married, rents, vet: no, HOH. Lilie D. 36 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 16 yo when 1st married. Lyla D. 19 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, rayon mill reeler. Alice B. 17 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ruth E. 15 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Coady M. 13 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Mildred F. 11 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Lola G. 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. |
.+ Wimmer, Lillian D. Lillie |
Parents: Joseph Robert & Malinda Rachel (Lester) Manning. 1895 Birth: Aug 1894 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with husband Jacob Anderson Jake Wimmer. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with husband Jacob Anderson Jake Wimmer. |
.5. Wimmer, Alice Beatrice |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1912 Birth: abt 1912 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1932 Marriage #1: Alice Beatrice Wimmer m. John Milton Dent 12-25-1932 Roanoke, VA. He 21 yo single w/m, b. Roanoke Co., VA, s/o John Dent & Laura Falls. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Roanoke Co., VA, d/o Jacob Wimmer & Lillian Manning. |
.5. Wimmer, Lula D. |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1914 Birth: abt 1914 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
.5. Wimmer, Ruth Ella |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1916 Birth: abt 1916 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1933 Marriage #1: Ruth Ella Wimmer m. Robert E. Haynes 12-6-1934 Roanoke, VA. He 27 yo single w/m, b. Roanoke, VA, s/o Dock Haynes & Mollie Wade. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Roanoke, VA, d/o Jake Wimmer & Lillie Manning. |
.5. Wimmer, Coady M. |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1918 Birth: abt 1918 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
.5. Wimmer, Mildred F. |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1919 Birth: abt 1919 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
.5. Wimmer, Lola G. |
Parents: Jacob Anderson Jake & Lillian D. Lillie (Manning) Wimmer. 1922 Birth: abt 1922 VA. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
.4. Wimmer, America F. |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1893 Birth: 8-1893 VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. |
.4. Wimmer, George Isaac |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1898 Birth: 5-1-1898 VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1917 Marriage #1: George m. Birchie M. Holt 4-5-1917 Franklin Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 123, H60: Wimmer, George I. 21 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH. Birchie 22 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Edith 1y 11/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1927 Death: 12-6-1927. 1927 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
.+ Wimmer, Berchie May |
Parents: Haden Peter & Asa Mestra (Shilling) Holt. 1896 Birth: 11-5-1896 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with husband George I. Wimmer. 1928-1930 Marriage #2: Birchie m. 2nd John Thomas Bohen. 1930 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District 8, H514: Bohen, John T. 72 yo w/m farm & orchard farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Berchie M. 34 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 32 yo when 1st married. Wimmer, Edith 12 yo step daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Venia 10 yo stepdaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Emma M. 8 yo stepdaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1981 Death: 2-22-1981 1981 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (no photo) |
.5. Wimmer, Edith |
Parents: George Isaac & Berchie May (Holt) Wimmer. 1918 Birth: abt 1918 VA. 1920 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with mother & step mother. |
.5. Wimmer, Venia |
Parents: George Isaac & Berchie May (Holt) Wimmer. 1920 Birth: abt 1920 VA. 1930 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with mother & step mother. |
.5. Wimmer, Emma |
Parents: George Isaac & Berchie May (Holt) Wimmer. 1922 Birth: abt 1922 VA. 1930 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with mother & step mother. |
.4. Wimmer, Sarah Lee |
Parents: William Isaac & Adelia (Mills) Wimmer. 1901 Birth: 10-4-1901 VA. 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: W. D. Burris. 1920 Death: 2-7-1920. 1920 Burial: Holt/Laprade/Wimmer Cemetery, on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Adney Gap, Franklin/Floyd/Roanoke County Line, VA. (called Wimmers Cemetery in Find A Grave) (no photo) |
2. Wimmer, Jane Margaret |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1840 Birth: 5-23-1840 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1866 Marriage #1: Jane Wimmer m. John Gibson 5-14-1866 Franklin Co., VA. He single 23 yo, b. Franklin Co., VA, s/o Absolem & Nancy Gibson. She single 25 yo, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. John Haden Gibson, b. abt 1843, Franklin Co., VA, d. 7-14-1893 Franklin Co., VA, s/o Absolom & Nancy (unknown) Gibson. |
2. Wimmer, Isaac King |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1842 Birth: 10-6-1842 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1865 Marriage #1: Isaac K. Wimmer 1st m. Ann Eliza Mills 12-21-1865 at Anderson Mills', Floyd Co., VA by George W. Kelly. He 23 yo single farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. She single 21 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Anderson & Hannah Mills. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove Twp, H72: Wimmer, Isaac K. 27 yo w/m, b. VA, farmer, $0/170, HOH. Ann E. 26 yo w/f, b. VA, keeping house. Laura J. 3 yo w/f, b. VA, at home. Mahala E. 1 yo w/f, b. VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District, H92: Wimmer, Isaac K. 38 yo w/m, b. VA, parents b. VA, farmer, HOH. Eliza Ann 37 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Levina J. 13 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Mahala E. 11 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. John T. 9 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. James C. 8 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Cinthia E. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. William A. 3 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. infant, 1/12 w/m, b. April VA, parents b. VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District: Wimmer, Isaac 47 yo. Ann E 45 yo. Mahala E. 21 yo. Jas. C. 17 yo. Cintha E. 15 yo. Wm A. 13 yo. Daniel M. 10 yo. Jacob H. 7 yo. Sarah A. 4 yo. Susie E. 1 yo. Mahala 77 yo. 1896 Marriage #2: Isaac K. Wimmer m. 2nd Lydia Flora 9-20-1896 Franklin Co., VA. He 53 yo widowed w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. She 49 yo single w/f, b. Franklin Co., VA, d/o Daniel & Judith Flora. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 20, H148: Wimmer, Isaac K. 57 yo w/m farmer, b. Oct 1842 VA, parents b. VA, m. 4y, owns farm, HOH. Lydia 53 yo wife, b. Jan 1847 VA, parents b. VA, m. 4y, 0 children with 0 living. Mahala 31 yo single stepdaughter, b. Dec 1868 VA, parents b. VA. John T. 29 yo widowed stepson, b. Sept 1870 VA, parents b. VA, machinist, cannot write. James C. 27 yo single stepson, b. Jan 1873 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Cintha L. 25 yo single stepdaughter, b. Jan 1875 VA, parents b. VA. William A. 22 yo single stepson, b. July 1877 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Daniel M. 20 yo single stepson, b. April 1880 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Jacob Harvey 17 yo stepson, b. Oct 1882 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Sarah M. 14 yo stepdaughter, b. Aug 1885 VA, parents b. VA, school. Susie E. 11 yo stepdaughter, b. May 1889 VA, parents b. VA, school. Clarence H. 2 yo grandson, b. July 1897 VA, parents b. VA. (Note: the enumerator must have asked the questions of Lydia as all the children are noted as step children and they are her step-children, but they are Isaacs true children with his 1st wife Ann E. Mills) 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 51, H140: Wimmer, Isaac K. 67 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M2 13y, owns farm, HOH. Lydia 62 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 13y, 0 children with 0 living. Syntha 35 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. James C. 33 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer working out. Susie E. 19 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920: 1925 Death: 3-16-1925 East Nottingham, Chester Co., PA. 1925 Burial: Little Elk Friends Meeting House Cemetery, Hickory Hill, Chester Co., PA. (no photo) |
+ Wimmer, Ann Elizabeth |
Parents: Anderson & 1st wife Hannah (Smith) Mills. [mills] 1844 Birth: 10-12-1844 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Isaac King Wimmer. 1894 Death: 11-4-1894. 1894 Burial: Mills Cemetery, off SR 221, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
3. Wimmer, Levina Jane |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1867 Birth: 10-2-1867 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1883 Marriage #1: Levina Jane Wimmer m. Fredinand P. Wood 03-29-1883 at Isaac Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by John H. Lemon. He 18y 9m, single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o David & Jane Wood. She 16 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac K. & Eliza Ann Wimmer. Ferdinand Pelham Wood, s/o David & Jane (Shilling) Wood. [wood] 1934 Death: 1-14-1934. 1934 Burial: |
3. Wimmer, Mahala Elizabeth |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1868 Birth: 12-6-1868 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. 1903 Marriage #1: Mahala m. 1st Thomas Henry Likens abt 1903. 1910 Marriage #2: Mahala Likens m. C. H. Stump 12-30-1909 Floyd Co., VA. He 36 yo widowed w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o William K. & Mary Stump. She 38 yo widowed w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Ann (doesn't state but she was a Wimmer) Calvin H. Stump, d/o William K. & Mary (unknown) Stump. 1972 Death: 6-10-1972 Hickory Hills, PA. 1972 Burial: |
3. Wimmer, John Taylor |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1870 Birth: 9-18-1870 Blue Ridge, Locust Grove Twp, Floyd Co., VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1892 Marriage #1: John T. Wimmer 1st m. Louisa Kelly 11-01-1892 at Dr. Cannaday's residence, Floyd Co., VA by J.T. Turner. carpenter, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac K. & Ann Eliza Wimmer. She 18 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o George & (blank) Kelly. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA & widowed & he & his son are with Johns father & step mother. 1904 Marriage #2: John T. Wimmer m. Laura E. Whitlock 10-28-1904 Floyd Co., VA. He 34 yo widowed w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac K. & Eliza Wimmer. She 28 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Elinas & Octavia Whitlock. Laura Ellen Whitlock, b. 2-26-1875, d. 4-28-1964 Newark, DE, d/o Elinus L. & Octavia (Spangler) Whitlock. [whitlock] 1965 Death: 1-1-1965 Newark, DE. 1965 Burial: |
+ Wimmer, Louisa |
Parents: George Kelly) 1874 Birth: abt 1874 Floyd Co., VA. 1898 Death: 12-13-1898. 1898 Burial: |
4. Wimmer, Clarence H. |
Parents: John Taylor & 1st wife Louisa (Kelly) Wimmer. 1898 Birth: 7-1898 VA. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed father but paternal grandfather HOH. |
3. Wimmer, James Chrisley |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1873 Birth: 1-11-1873 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. 1941 Death: 7-23-1941 Southwestern State Hospital, Floyd Co., VA past 9 mos, 21 days but of Copper Hill PO, Floyd Co., VA. [Death Cert] 1941 Burial: Mills-Wimmer-Beckner Family Cemetery, on Deer Run Drive SE, 33 feet from intersection of Parkway Dr SE, Floyd Co., VA. |
3. Wimmer, Cynthia Elizabeth |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1875 Birth: 1-30-1875 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. 1923 Marriage #1: Cynthia m. James C. Loyd 9-24-1923. 1968 Death: 1968. 1968 Burial: |
3. Wimmer, William Anderson |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1877 Birth: 7-9-1877 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. Marriage #1: William m. Lydia Matilda Tice. Lydia Matilda Tice, b. 1893, d. 12-1939. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 51, H142: Wimmer, William A. 32 yo w/m merchant of general mrdse, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 0y, owns farm, HOH. Lydia M. 17 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 0y, 0 children with 0 living. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Elk Twp, District 39, H19: Wimmer, W. A. 42 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mort, HOH. Lydia M. 27 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Wilbur D. 7 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Dorris D. 4 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Dora A. 1 yo daughter, b. MD, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Elk Twp, District 37, H67: Wimmer, W. A. 52 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 32 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. (alone) 1966 Death: 3-02-1966 Modessa, CA. 1966 Burial: Wood Colony Cemetery, Salida, Stanislaus Co., CA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Wimmer, Lydia Matilda |
Parents: Daniel Webster & 2nd wife Isadora (Kennett) Tice. [tice] 1892 Birth: 10-28-1892 Floyd Co., VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband William Anderson Wimmer. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with husband William Anderson Wimmer. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Elk Twp, District 37, Elk Mills Rd, H77: Wimmer, Lydia 37 yo married w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, 17 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Wilbur D. 17 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farmer. Dorris E. 14 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Dora A. 12 yo daughter, b. MD parents b. VA, school. Charles Q. 10 yo son, b. PA, parents b. VA, school. Robert T. 1y 1/12 son, b. PA, parents b. VA. |
4. Wimmer, Infant |
William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1911 Death:
1911 VA. 1911 Burial: Mills-Wimmer-Beckner Family Cemetery, on Deer Run Drive SE, 33 feet from intersection of Parkway Dr SE, Floyd Co., VA. (src:
Find A Grave; photo added by Jonathan Little June 2019) |
4. Wimmer, Wilbur D. |
Parents: William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1912 Birth: 11-10-1912 VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with mother. Marriage #1: Dollie Idell Bayouth. 2014 Death: 2014. 2014 Burial: Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Oceanside, San Diego Co., CA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Jerry Hughes & Roger Young) |
4. Wimmer, Doris E. |
Parents: William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1916 Birth: abt 1916 VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with mother. |
4. Wimmer, Dora A. |
Parents: William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1919 Birth: abt 1919 MD. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with mother. |
4. Wimmer, Charles Isaac |
Parents: William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1920 Birth: 1-19-1920 PA. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with mother. 1986 Death: 11-29-1986. 1986 Burial: Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside Co., CA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Robert T. |
Parents: William Anderson & Lydia Matilda (Tice) Wimmer. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 PA. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with mother. |
3. Wimmer, Daniel Moses |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1880 Birth: 4-28-1880 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. 1906 Marriage #1: Daniel M. Wimmer m. Cammie I. Duncan
8-22-1906 Floyd Co., VA. He 26 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac K.
& Ann E. Wimmer. She 18 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. P. &
L. C. Dewese. 1900 Residence: Prince Edward Co., VA, Buffalo District 97, H186: Wimmer, Daniel M. 28 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 3y, rents, HOH. Cammie I. 22 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 3y, 1 child with 1 living. Mamie L. 2 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1910: 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 100, H40: Wimmer, Daniel M. 40 yo w/m saw mill sawyer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Cammie I. 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Mamie L. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Virgie A. 7 yo daughter, b. IN, parents b. VA, school. Frances H. 5 yo son, b. IN, parents b. VA. Hazel M. 1 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east part of Locust Grove District 12, H132: Wimmer, D. Moses. 49 yo w/m house carpenter, b. VA, parents b. VA, 26 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Cammie I. 42 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 18 yo when 1st married Mamie L. 22 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Virgie 17 yo daughter, b. IN, parents b. VA. Frank H. 15 yo son, b. IN, parents b. VA. Hazel M. 11 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Nellie E. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Dorothy M. 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Jackson L. 6 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 32-13, Rd 647, H21: Wimmer, Daniel M. 59 yo w/m house carpenter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Cammie 52 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Mamie 32 yo single daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same house 1935, housework. Dorothy May 18 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, houswork. Jack 16 yo son, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, farmer. 1944 Death: 4-16-1944. 1944 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
+ Wimmer, Cammie Inez |
Parents: James Peter & Louisa Catherine (Blankenship) Dewese. 1887 Birth: 9-10-1887 Floyd Co., VA. 1900 Residence: Prince Edward Co., VA with husband Daniel Moses Wimmer. 1910: 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Daniel Moses Wimmer. 1950 Death: 9-24-1950. 1950 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Wimmer, Mamie L. |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1907 Birth: 1907 VA. 1900 Residence: Prince Edward Co., VA with parents. 1910: 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: Russell Cox. 1959 Death: 1-12-1959 at home 1225 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co, PA. COD: thermal burns 80% of body surface bathrobe caught fire while igniting gas stove. Burial Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA 1-12-1959. |
4. Wimmer, Virgie A. |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1912 Birth: 9-22-1912 Indianapolis, IN. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1938 Mariage #1: Virgie Wimmer m. Hubert Aldridge 1938 Floyd Co., VA. Hubert J. Aldridge, Joseph William & Miranda Alice (Conner) Adredge. [aldredge_Anderson_Elizabeth] 2005 Death: 11-13-2005 of Copper Hill, VA. 2005 Obit: © The Roanoke Times, Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Virgie Wimmer Aldridge, 93, of Copper Hill, departed this life and entered her Heavenly home on Sunday, November 13, 2005. Virgie was born September 22, 1912 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was a long time member of Copper Hill United Methodist Church, faithfully serving her Lord. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hubert J. Aldridge, her parents, Daniel Moses and Cammie DeWeese Wimmer, her sisters, Mamie W. Cox and Nellie Wimmer Manning, brother, Rev. Frank H. Wimmer. Surviving to cherish her memory are sisters, Hazel W. Wickham, Salem and Dorothy W. Tuck, Roanoke; her brother, Jackson L. and Evelyn Wimmer; sister-in-law, Kate Bowles, all of Roanoke; many loving nieces, nephews and friends. Virgie enjoyed quilting, gardening, and singing in the church choir. A special thank you to Snyder Nursing home staff and Dr. Nevin for all their loving care. Funeral services to celebrate her life will be 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at the Copper Hill United Methodist Church with Pastor Dan Walker officiating. Interment will follow at Restvale Cemetery, Floyd Co. The family will receive friends Monday, November 14, 2005 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Wood Funeral Home in Floyd. Flowers will be appreciated, or donations may be sent to Copper Hill United Methodist Church Building Fund c/o Hubert Harman, P.O. Box 5, Check, Va., 24072. Arrangements by Wood Funeral Home, Floyd. 2005 Burial: Restvale Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Wimmer, Francis H. Frank |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1914 Birth: 1914 IN. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1931 Marriage #1: Frank Wimmer m. Hassie Nester 1931 Floyd Co., VA. Hassie d/o Lewis & Mollie (Cox) Nester. 2002 Death: 3-7-1902. 2002 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
4. Wimmer, Hazel Marie |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1918 Birth: 10-6-1918 Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1937 Marriage #1: Hazel Marie Wimmer m. Earnest W. Wickham 3-17-1927 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Dickerson, Minister of the Baptist Church. He 19 yo single w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with PO address of Copper Hill, s/o J. W. Wickham & Ethel Martin. She 18 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with PO address of Copper Hill, d/o D. M. Wimmer & Cammie DeWese. Ernest Wilburn Wickham, b. 7-10-1919 Floyd Co., VA, d. 6-24-1964, s/o James William or Wilburn & Annie Ethel (Martin) Wickham. [wickham] 2008 Death: 6-29-2008 Salem City, Roanoke Co., VA. 2008 Obit: © The Roanoke Times, Turesday, July 1, 2008 Hazel Marie Wimmer Wickham, passed away Sunday, June 29, 2008. She was a beloved and devoted mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend to many. She was born October 6, 1918 in the Copper Hill section of Floyd County, Va., the daughter of the late Daniel Moses Wimmer and Cammie DeWeese Wimmer. She moved from Floyd County to Roanoke in 1955 and to the Glenvar section of Roanoke County in 1957. She was a member of Peters Creek Church of the Brethren, an avid fisherwoman, a great sports fan, a terrific Scrabble, dominoes, and card player, and an amazing quilter and baker of fried apple pies. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Wickham, brother, Rev. Frank H. Wimmer, sisters, Mamie Wimmer Cox, Virgie Wimmer Aldridge, and Nellie Wimmer Manning. She is survived by her brother and sister-in-law, Jack and Evelyn Wimmer; sister, Dorothy Wimmer Tuck; sister-in-law, Elva Wickham Eary; son, Douglas Wickham and wife, Sylvia; son, Thomas W. Wickham; daughter, Jeanette Slone and husband, Odell; daughter, Diane Beason and husband, Jack; daughter, Jill Wickham and friend, Robert Acuff; grandsons, Rick Slone, Roger Slone, Earl Wise, Robert Wise, Tim Beason, Barry Wickham, Ben Wickham, Seth Wickham, and Clay Walthall; granddaughters, Regina Saul, Shari Winebarger, T.J. Beason, Cammi Beason, Laura Wickham Stogner, Katie Walthall, and Maggie Furrow; great-grandsons, Travis Slone, Justin Slone, Aaron Martin, Cameron Wise, Forest Beason, Cole Winebarger, Kellen Walthall, Justin Stogner, and Branson Stogner; great-granddaughters, Christy Slone, Emily Cyrus, Carissa Martin, Lindsay Martin, Macie Winebarger, Gracie Walthall, Shayla Wise, and Heather Wise. The family would like to express special thanks to the staff and residents of Ridgecrest Apartments, especially Rosa, for their friendship and help which enabled our mother to live and enjoy an independent lifestyle. A funeral service will be conducted at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 2, 2008, at the Chapel of John M. Oakey and Son Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Cedar Lawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. at John M. Oakey and Son, Salem. Flowers are welcome or donations may be made to Roanoke City Rescue Mission, PO Box 11525, Roanoke, VA 24022-1525. The Wickham family is being served by John M. Oakey & Son, Salem, 540-389-5441. 2008 Death: |
4. Wimmer, Nellie Essie |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1920 Birth: 9-7-1920 VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1938 Marriage #1: Nellie Wimmer m. Oliver W. Manning 3-20-1938 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Tise, Minister of the Lutheran Church. He 38 yo divorced w/m road worker, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with P.O. address of Copper Hill, VA, s/o Robert J. Manning & Malinda Lester. She 17 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with P.O. address of Copper Hill, VA, d/o D. M. Wimmer & Cammie DeWese. Oliver Wendel Manning, Joseph Robert & Malinda Rachel (Lester) Manning. [manning] 2005 Death: 6-20-2005 of Floyd Co., VA. 2005 Obit: © The Roanoke Times, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 Nellie Wimmer Manning, 84, of Floyd, formerly of Copper Hill, departed her earthly home to go to her heavenly home on Monday, June 20, 2005. She was a long time member of the Copper Hill Church of the Brethren. She was born September 7, 1920, the daughter of Daniel Moses & Cammie DeWeese Wimmer. She was preceded in death by her husband, Oliver W. Manning; her sons, Benny L. Manning, Terry L. Manning & David Manning; her stepsons, Herbert W. Manning, Cleveland Manning, Melvin H. Manning; stepdaughters, Cammie Manning and Bondeen Barger. Also preceded in death by her sister, Mamie W. Cox and her brother, Rev. Frank H. Wimmer. Surviving to cherish her memory are her two daughters and sons-in-law, Katherine M. and Junior Sowers, Floyd and Linda M. and Tom Iddings, Riner. Her sons and daughters-in-law, Oliver W. Manning Jr., Salem, Paul Manning, Bobby and Carmen Manning, Larry and Rhonda Manning, all of Copper Hill, Rocky and Celeste Manning, Summerfield, NC, Henry Manning, Floyd and Micheal Manning, Radford; her daughter-in-law, Karen M. Jenkins; her stepson, Calvin C. (Jim) Manning of Roanoke. 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Her sisters, Hazel W. Wickham, Salem, Dorothy W. Tuck, Roanoke, Virgie W. Aldridge, Salem. Her brother and sister-in-law, Jackson L. "Jack" and Evelyn Wimmer, Roanoke; numerous nieces and nephews and her church family. She treasured her family and everyone that knew her was truly blessed by her love. The family will receive friends Tuesday 5 to 8 p.m. at Maberry Funeral Home, Floyd. A service to celebrate her life will be held at Copper Hill Church of the Brethren on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 3:30 p.m. with the Rev. Dale Bowman and the Rev. Maurice Wright officiating. Interment service will be held at the Wimmer Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Copper Hill Church of the Brethren Building Fund. "Her children rise up and call her blessed." 2005 Burial: Beckner Cemetery, Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA.
4. Wimmer, Dorothy May |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1922 Birth: abt 1922 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: unknown Tuck. Death after 2005 |
4. Wimmer, Jackson L. Jack |
Parents: Daniel Moses & Cammie Inez (Dewese) Wimmer. 1925 Birth: abt 1925 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: Evelyn (unknown) |
3. Wimmer, Harvey Jacob |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1882 Birth: 10-13-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1903 Marriage #1: Jacob H. Wimmer m. Dora Gay Swinney 9-2-1903 Floyd Co., VA by J. A. Hoback, Minister of the old German baptist Church. He 20 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac K. & Ann Eliza Wimmer. She 16 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o E. K. & Jennie V. Swinney. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District, H233: Wimmer, Harvey J. 27 yo w/m dry goods merchant, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 6y, rents house, HOH. Dora G. 22 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 6y, 3 children with 2 living. Lula A. 4 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Harlis L. 8/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1914 Marriage #2: Harvie Jacob Wimmer m. Bermuda B. Tice 1-14-1914 Floyd Co., VA by Isaac K. Wimmer, Minister of the German Baptist Church. He 31 yo widowed w/m R. R. fireman, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Roanoke, VA, s/o Isaac K. & Ann Eliza Wimmer. She 31 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Roanoke, VA, d/o Daniel W.& Martha Tice. Bermuda Blair Tice, b. 9-10-1882 Floyd Co., VA, d. 2-10-1970 Roanoke City, VA, d/o Daniel Webster & 1st wife Martha (Snuffer) Tice. [tice] 1920 Residence: 348 15th Roanoke City, VA, Highlands Ward I, District 29, H164: Wimmer, Harvey J. 37 yo w/m storekeeper for railroad, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH. Bermuda 37 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Annie 14 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Harlie 10 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Frank 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: 1601 Center Ave, Roanoke City, Melrose Ward, District 4, H417: Wimmer, Harvey J. 37 yo w/m city mill laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 31 yo when 1st married, owns, veteran?: no, HOH. (should probably be 47 yo) Burmuda 37 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 31 yo when 1st married. (should probably be 47 yo) Frank 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Maybelle 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Beulah 4y 4/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1 nonrelated boarder. 1940 Residence: 1601 Peuter St NW, Roanoke City, VA, District 119-10, H197: Wimmer, Harvey J. 57 yo w/m feed mill feed mixer, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Bermuda 57 yo wife, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, housework. Frank E. 25 yo married son, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, flour mill machine oiler. Ola M. 20 yo daughter in law, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, other. Maybelle 19 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, other. Beulah 14 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, school. 1961 Death: 9-2-1961. 1961 Burial: |
+ Wimmer, Dora Gay ·
Parents: Elkanah Kane & 1st wife Virginia Victoria Jennie (Richards) Sweeney. 1887 Birth: 6-21-1887 Floyd Co., VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Jacob Harvey Wimmer. 1912 Death: 2-16-1912. 1912 Burial: Richards Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. Dora Gay Wife of H. J. Wimmer 1887 1912 In Memory of a love on that sleep here (src: Find A Grave; photo added by John Skillman) |
4. Wimmer, Loula Annie ·
Parents: Harvey Jacob & 1st wife Dora Gay (Sweeney) Wimmer. 1905 Birth: 8-30-1905 VA as Loula Annie Wimmer. (src: delayed birth record. Also, of note: 2nd child. Father 22 yo carpenter. Mother 18 yo. Birth documented in a bible printed in the year 1891.) 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. Marriage #1: She m. William Franklin Morris. |
4. Wimmer, Harlie Lawrence ·
Parents: Harvey Jacob & 1st wife Dora Gay (Sweeney) Wimmer. 1909 Birth: 8-28-1909 RFD #4, Floyd Co., VA. (src: delayed birth record; Also, of note: 2nd child. Father 27 yo farmer. Mother 22 yo. Birth documented in a bible printed in the year 1898.) 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, northwest Little River District 10, H209: Sweeney, Elkanah 70 yo w/m retail merchant of general merchandice, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Lelia 50 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married. Claude S. 25 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farmer. Weeda R. 20 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, public school teacher. Yeatts, Charlie 31 yo single brother in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, vet?: no, occupation: none.
Wimmer, Harlie 20 yo single grandson, b. VA, parents
b. VA, farm laborer. Sweeney, Madelene 11/12 granddaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Marriage #1: He m. Grace Louise Peters. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 32-12, SR 681, H91: Peters, Samuel Luther 52 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G6, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Mary 42 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. (nee Kelly) Tempest 19 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H3, resided in same house 1935, school. Gladys 16 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H3, resided in same house 1935, school. Jane 14 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, school. Coy 9 yo son, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, school. Lucy Mary 6 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935.
Wimmer, Harlie 30 yo w/m furniture factory truck
driver, b. VA, completed H1, resided in Kostina, ID 1935.
Gracie 20 yo married daughter, b. VA, completed H4,
resided in same house 1935, shirt factory second cuff stitching. Turman, Fern 16 yo housekeeper, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935. |
+ Wimmer, Grace Louise |
Parents: Samuel Luther & Mary W. (Kelly) Peters. 1920 Birth: abt 1920 VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Harlie Lawrence Wimmer but her parents HOH. |
4. Wimmer, Frank E. |
Parents: Harley Jacob & 2nd wife Bermuda Blair (Tice) Wimmer. 1915 Birth: abt 1915 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1940 Residence: 1601 Peuter St NW, Roanoke City, VA, District 119-10, H197: Wimmer, Harvey J. 57 yo w/m feed mill feed mixer, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Bermuda 57 yo wife, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, housework.
Frank E. 25 yo married son, b. VA, completed G8,
resided in same house 1935, flour mill machine oiler.
Ola M. 20 yo dau in law, b. VA, completed G8,
resided in same house 1935, other. Maybelle 19 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, other. Beulah 14 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same house 1935, school. |
+ Wimmer, Ola |
Parents: 1920 Birth: abt 1920 VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with husband Frank E. Wimmer but his parents HOH. |
4. Wimmer, Maybelle |
Parents: Harley Jacob & 2nd wife Bermuda Blair (Tice) Wimmer. 1921 Birth: abt 1921 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Beulah |
Parents: Harley Jacob & 2nd wife Bermuda Blair (Tice) Wimmer. 1926 Birth: abt 1926 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
3. Wimmer, Sarah Amanda |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1885 Birth: 8-9-1885 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. 1902 Marriage #1: Sarah M. Wimmer m. Jas G. Teel 1-5-1902 Floyd Co., VA. He 23 yo single w/m, b. Franklin Co., VA, s/o Tery & Lydia Teel. She 16 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Ann Wimmer. James Goggins Teel, s/o Terry & Lydia Margaret (Wilson) Teel. [teel] 1950 Death: 11-28-1956 Hickory Hill, Chester Co., PA. 1956 Burial: Little Elk Friends Meetinghouse Cemetery, Oxford, Chester Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Wimmer, Susie Esther |
Parents: Isaac King & 1st wife Ann Elizabeth (Mills) Wimmer. 1889 Birth: 5-10-1889 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & step mother. Marriage #1: Susie m. James Harrison. 1973 Death: 9-6-1973. 1973 Burial: |
2. Wimmer, Luvenia Frances |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1846 Birth: 4-4-1846 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1869 Marriage #1: Lovena F. Wimmer m. William M. Shaver 02-16-1869
at Isaac Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by George W. Kelly. He 21 yo single farmer,
b. Roanoke Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o David & Catherine
Shaver. She single 22 yo, b. Franklin Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA,
d/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. William M. Shaver, s/o David & Catherin (unknown) Shaver. |
2. Wimmer, William |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1849 Birth: 7-27-1849 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1850 Death: 6-10-1850 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Burial: |
2. Wimmer, John Riley |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1851 Birth: 4-26-1851 Floyd Co., VA. 1854 Death: 3-18-1854 Floyd Co., VA. COD: of fever. Age: 3y. 1854 Burial: |
2. Wimmer, James Harvey |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1853 Birth: 12-26-1853 Floyd Co., VA. 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1875 Marriage #1: James H. Wimmer m. Eliza P. Wilson 01-07-1875 at Isaac Wilson's, Floyd Co., VA by George W. Kelly. He 21 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. She 22 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Elsa Wilson. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District, H87: Wimmer, James H. 26 yo w/m, farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Eliza P. 28 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Elysus V. 4 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Lydia E. 3 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Noah 1 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. female infant 1 mo, b. April VA, parents b. VA. William I. 16 yo single nephew, b. VA, parents b. VA. (s/o Jacob Wimmer & America Brown.) 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District: Wimmer, Harvey 36 yo. Eliza P. 40 yo. Ulysses V. 15 yo. Lydia E. 14 yo. Noah I. 11 yo. Dellia E. 9 yo. Daniel H. 8 yo. Thos F. 6 yo. Walter J. 4 yo. Norman C. 2 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 20, H146: Wimmer, James H. 46 yo w/m farmer, b. Dec 1853 VA, parents b. VA, m. 25y, owns farm, HOH. Eliza P. 49 yo wife, b. Mar 1851 VA, parents b. VA, m. 25y, 9 children with 9 living, cannot read or write Noah I. 21 yo son, b. Dec 1878 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Dillia E. 20 yo daughter, b. April 1880 VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write Daniel O. 18 yo son, b. May 1882 VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, farm laborer. Thomas F. 16 yo son, b. Mar 1884 VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, farm laborer. Walter J. 13 yo son, b. Oct 1886 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Norman C. 12 yo son, b. Nov 1889 VA, parents b. VA, school. Dr. Lemon 8 yo son, b. Apr 1892 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 51, H138: Wimmer, James H. 56 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 35y, owns farm, HOH. Eliza P. 58 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 35y, 9 children with 9 living, cannot read or write. Dilla E. 25 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Doctor L. 18 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Gearheart, Eliza F. 8 yo w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. (relationship to HOH not given) 1917 Marriage #1: James Harvey Wimmer m. Tabith J. Mills 5-17-1917 at Isaac K. Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by Isaac K. Wimmer, Minister of the Old German Baptist Church. He 63 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Mahala Wimmer. She 65 yo widowed w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Anderson & Hanah (no last name). Tabitha Jane Mills, d/o Anderson & Hannah (Smith) Mills. [Mills_Anderson_2wives] 1920: 1920 Death: 10-27-1920 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Burial: |
+ Wimmer, Eliza Peridine |
Parents: Isaac & Ailsey/Elsa (Cole) Wilson. [Wilson_Isaac_AilseyElsa 1850 Birth: 6-29-1850 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband James Harvey Wimmer. 1917 Death: 3-1-1917 Floyd Co., VA. 1917 Burial: |
3. Wimmer, Ulysses Valentine |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1876 Birth: 1-17-1876 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1898 Marriage #1: Valentine Wimmer m. Augusta Blankenship 01-27-1898 at Giles Blankenship's, Floyd Co., VA by _.A. Shaver. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o James H. & Eliza Wimmer. She 20 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Giles & Vica Blankenship. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 20, H148: Wimmer, Ulysses V. 26 yo w/m farmer, b. Jan 1876 VA, parents b. VA, m. 2y, rents farm, HOH. Augusta 22 yo wife, b. Mar 1878 VA, parents b. VA, m. 2y, 1 child with 1 living. Fletcher D. 1 yo son, b. Nov 1898 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 51, H137: Wimmer, Valentine 34 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 12y, owns farm, HOH. Augusta 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 12y, 4 children with 4 living. Fletcher D. 11 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Eva 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Annie 6 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, no school. Nettie 2 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Elk Twp, District 39, H55: Wimmer, V. T. 43 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mortgage, HOH. Augusta 41 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Fletcher 21 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Eva 19 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Annie 16 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Nettie 11 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Alien 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Millard 9 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Milton 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ruth 4/12 daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., MD, Woodsboro District 32, H114: Wimmer, Valentine 54 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Nettie M. 22 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Millard H. 19 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Milton H. 15 yo son, b. VA parents b. VA, school. Ruth I. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1948 Death: 12-07-1948 Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. 1948 Burial: Copper Hill Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
+ Wimmer, Augusta Elvira |
Parents: Giles & 3rd wife Levicia (Conner) Blankenship. 1879 Birth: 1-16-1879 Floyd Co., VA. (src: birth record) 1878 Birth: 1-18-1878 Floyd Co., VA. (src: tombstone) 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Ulysses Valentine Wimmer. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with husband Ulysses Valentine Wimmer. 1930 Death: 1-8-1930. 1930 Burial: Mt Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery, Myersville, Frederick Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Denise C.) |
4. Wimmer, Fletcher Deaton |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1998 Birth: 11-1898 VA. 1898 Birth: 12-7-1898 VA. (src: Florida Death Index, 1917-18 Draft Registration, SSDI) 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1983 Death: 3-11-1983 Polk Co., FL. 1983 Burial: |
4. Wimmer, Eva Elizabeth |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1900 Birth: 9-30-1900 VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. Marriage #1: She m. William Day. |
4. Wimmer, Annie Vatey |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1903 Birth: 1-5-1903 VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. Marriage #1: She m. Alfred Stump. 1972 Death: 12-14-1972. 1972 Burial: |
4. Wimmer, Jeanette May Nettie |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1908 Birth: 2-28-1908 VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., MD with widowed father. Marriage #1: She m. Charles Beal. |
4. Wimmer, Alien Levice |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1910 Birth: 5-18-1910 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1926 Death: 5-3-1926. 1926 Burial: Mt Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery, Myersville, Frederick Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photos added by Denice C.) |
4. Wimmer, Millard Harvey |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1910 Birth: 5-18-1910 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., MD with widowed father. Marriage #1: Margaret Miller. 1974 Death: 6-20-1974 Westminster, Carroll Co., MD. 1974 Obit: © Carroll County Times June 25, 1974 (in part) Aged 64, he died in a Westminster Hospital where he had been a patient for a week. He was a native of Floyd County, Virginia, the son of the late Valentine and Augustus Blackenship Wimmer. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Miller Wimmer; a daughter Mrs. Janet L. Sipe: brothers and sisters: Fletcher D. Wimmer, Mrs. Evy Day, Mrs. Charles Beall, Mrs. Earl Bland: and two granddaughters Karen and Elaine. 1974 Burial: Haughs Cemetery, Ladiesburg, Frederick Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photos added by Becky) |
4. Wimmer, Milton Herman |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1914 Birth: 7-5-1914 VA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., MD with widowed father. 1947 Marriage #1: Milton H. Wimmer m. Kathleen Mullis 6-14-1947 Mount Airy, Surry Co., NC. He 32 yo of Kannapolis, NC, s/o Valentine Wimmer, living & Augusta Wimmer, deceased. She 25 yo of Kannapolis, NC, d/o James Atlas & Lillie Rebecca Mullis, both deceased. 1967 Death: 7-28-1967 Richard Baker Hospital, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC. COD: Myocardial infarction. Juvenile diabetes mellitus. 1967 Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC.
(src: Find A Grave; [photos
added by Ann) |
4. Wimmer, Ruth Irene |
Parents: Ulysses Valentine & Augusta (Blankenship) Wimmer 1919 Birth: 8-22-1919 Chester Co., PA. 1920 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., MD with widowed father. Marriage #1: Earl Edward Bland. Marriage #2: Greer Siceloff. 1998 Death: 1-26-1998 Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., VA. 1998 Obit: © Daily News Record; Tues., Jan. 27, 1998. Ruth Bland Siceloff, 78, Harrisonburg, died Monday, Jan. 26, 1998, at Avante Nursing Home in Harrisonburg. Mrs. Siceloff was born Aug. 22, 1919, in Lincoln University, Pa., and was the daughter of the late Valentine and Augusta Blankenship Wimmer. She moved to the area 26 years ago from Roanoke. She was a member of the Bethany United Methodist Church, the Wayland Womens Club, the Shenandoah Valley Choral Society and the Roanoke Valley Chorus. She also belonged to the Roanoke County Republican Women's Club and the Timber Ridge Extension Homemaker's Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, Greer Siceloff. Surviving are one son, Chris Bland of Montezuma; one daughter, B. J. Westervelt, Winchester; two sisters, Nettie Beall and Evy Day, both of York, Pa.; and three grandchildren. The Rev. Don Hawks will conduct a memorial service at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Bethany United Methodist Church. A private burial will be at St. Paul's Cemetery near Weyers Cave. The family will receive friends at the church following the service. Arrangements are by the Kyger and Trobaugh Funeral Home in Harrisonburg. 1998 Burial: Saint Paul Cemetery, Weyer Cave Augusta Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo provided by Marlin Diehl) |
3. Wimmer, Lydia Ellen |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1877 Birth: 6-30-1877 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1897 Marriage #1: Liddie E. Wimmer m. Noah P. Shaver 12-25-1897 at James H. Wimmer's, Floyd Co., VA by I.H. Shaver. He 21 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o John A. & Nancy Shaver. She 20 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o James H. & Lizza Noah Preston Shaver, b. 10-13-1876 Floyd Co., VA, d. 1954, s/o John Adam & Nancy (Wimmer) Shaver. [shaver] 1917 Death: 2-17-1917. 1917 Death: |
3. Wimmer, Noah Isaac |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1879 Birth: 12-17-1879 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1901 Marriage #1: Noah I. Wimmer m. Bettie L. Conner 12-26-1901 Floyd Co., VA. He 23 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Jas H. & Eliza Conner. She 23 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o William & Elsie Conner. 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA, Cave Spring District, H318: Wimmer, Noah I. 32 yo w/m farm laborer working out, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 7y, rents house, HOH. Bettie L. 28 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 7y, 0 children with 0 living. Beckner, Nannie 2 yo w/f, relationship not given, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Boone Co., Indiana, Center Twp, H69: Wimmer, Noah 41 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Bettielee 41 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Anna 13 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. (same as Nannie Beckner?) 1930 Residence: Cecil
Co., MD, Election District 9, District 20, H124:
Noah I. 51 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st
married, rents, vet?: no, HOH.
L. 52 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married.
1 non related boarder. 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD, District 13-8, Pekoe-Havrede Grace Road, H607:
Noah 61 yo w/m WPA laborer, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Harford Co., MD
1935, rents, HOH
62 yo wife, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Harford Co., MD 1935, housework
1 non related boarder.
(Leroy Barnett same as 1930) 1955 Death: 12-12-1955. 1955 Burial: |
+ Wimmer, Elizabeth Lee
Bettie |
Parents: William M. & Elsa Emeline (Cole) Conner. [Conner_Cornelius_Anna] 1878 Birth: 8-27-1878 Floyd Co., VA. 1876 Birth: Bettie, b. 4-12-1876 Floyd Co., VA. (src: birth record) 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with husband Noah Isaac Wimmer. 1920 Residence: Boone Co., Indiana with husband Noah Isaac Wimmer. 1930 Residence: Cecil Co., MD with husband Noah Isaac Wimmer. 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with husband Noah Isaac Wimmer. 1970 Death: 2-6-1970. 1970 Burial: |
4. Wimmer, Anna Aka
4. Beckner, Nannie |
Parents: may have been a Beckner &
adopted by Noah Isaac & Elizabeth Lee Bettie (Conner) Wimmer 1907 Birth: abt 1907 VA. 1910 Residence: Roanoke Co., VA with Noah Isaac & Elizabeth Lee Bettie (Conner) Wimmer as Nannie Beckner 3 yo w/f. 1920 Residence: Boone Co., Indiana with Noah Isaac & Elizabeth Lee Bettie (Conner) Wimmer as Annie Wimmer 13 yo daughter. |
3. Wimmer, Cordelia E. Dilla |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1880 Birth: 4-04-1880 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1917 Marriage #1: Della E. Wimmer m. Noah P. Shaver 4-19-1917 at J. A. Shaver's Floyd Co., VA by B. T. Naff, Minister of the Brethren. He 40 yo widowed w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. A. & Nancy Shaver. She 37 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. H. & Eliza Wimmer. Noah Preston Shaver, b. 10-13-1876 Floyd Co., VA, d. 1954, s/o John Adam & Nancy (Wimmer) Shaver. Noah was the widowed husband of Lydia E. Wimmer, Cordelias sister. 1958 Death: 11-25-1958. 1958 Burial: |
3. Wimmer, Omer Daniel |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1882 Birth: 5-25-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1904 Marriage #1: D.O. Wimmer m. Mettie E. Austin 3-3-1904 Floyd Co., VA. He 21 yo single w/m, b Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. H. & Eliza Wimmer. She 22 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Robert & Nancy Austin. Mettie Austin, b. 7-9-1878, d. 5-10-1949. 1910 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana, Union Twp, District 48, H142: Wimmer, Omer 28 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 6y, rents farm, HOH. Mettie 29 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 6y, 3 children with 3 living. Oscar 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Marshal 3 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Nathan 1y 9/12 son, b. IN, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana, Union Twp, District 45, Egger Rd, H148: Wimmer, Omer 37 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH. Mettie 40 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Oscar 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. Vafarm laborer, school. Marshall 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Nathan 11 yo son, b. Indiana, parents b. VA, school. Gladie 9 yo daughter, b. Indiana, parents b. VA, school. Ralph H. 6 yo son, b. Indiana, parents b. VA, school. Effie 4 yo daughter, b. Indiana, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Lancaster Co., PA, Sadsbury Twp, District 111, H105: Wimmer, Omer 48 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Mettie 51 yo wife, b. VA, parents b.VA, 24 yo when 1st married. Oskar 25 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ralph 17 yo son, b. IN, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Effel 15 yo daughter, b. IN, parents b. VA, school. 1962 Death: 4-6-1962 Chester Co., PA. COD: Fx skull with severed rt leg at hip, severed thumb & 2 fingers of rt hand. Ran into path of oncoming car Ό m. e. of Gum tree. Rt. #182, Highland Twp, Chester Co., PA. Accidental. (src: PA Historical & Museum Commision; © 1962 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., VA. (no photo) |
+ Wimmer, Mettie Elizabeth |
Parents: Robert & Nancy Elizabeth (Mills) Austin. [austin] 1878 Birth: 7-9-1878 Floyd Co., VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with husband Daniel Omer Wimmer. 1930 Residence: Lancaster Co., PA with husband Daniel Omer Wimmer. 1949 Death: 5-10-1949. 1949 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., VA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Oscar E. |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1905 Birth: 1-7-1905 VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. 1930 Residence: Lancaster Co., PA with parents. 1948 Death: 9-9-1948 Lehigh Co., PA. COD: delirium tremors due to alcolholism. (src: PA Historical & Museum Commision; © 1948 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., VA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Marshall R. |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1906 Birth: 1906 VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. 1988 Death: 1988. 1988 Burial: Georgetown Methodist Cemetery, Georgetown, Lancaster Co., PA. (src: Find A Grave; photo provided by Miabeth) |
4. Wimmer, Nathan R. |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1908 Birth: 7-20-1908 IN. 1910, 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. 1978 Death: 8-9-1978. 1978 Burial: Saint Johns United Methodist Church Cemetery, Paradise, Lancaster Co., PA. (src: Find A Grave; photo provided by Miabeth) |
4. Wimmer, Gladie |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1911 Birth: abt 1911 IN. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Ralph H. |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1913 Birth: 1913 IN. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. 1930 Residence: Lancaster Co., PA with parents. 1978 Death: 1978 1978 Burial: Georgetown Methodist Cemetery, Georgetown, Lancaster Co., PA. (src: Find A Grave; photo provided by Miabeth) |
4. Wimmer, Effel Mary |
Parents: Daniel Omer & Mettie E. (Austin) Wimmer. 1915 Birth: 10-18-1915 IN. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., IN with parents. 1930 Residence: Lancaster Co., PA with parents. 1957 Death: 1-16-1957 of R.D. #2, Christiana, Lancaster Co., PA. Effel M. Wimmer. Born 10/18/1915 IN. Never married. Seamstress. COD: Malignant melanoma with cerbral metastasis. (src: PA Historical & Museum Commision; © 1957 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church pf the Brethren Cemetery, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., VA. (no photo) |
3. Wimmer, Thomas Flemington |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1884 Birth: 3-7-1884 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1908 Marriage #1: Thomas F. Wimmer m. Hattie F. Deweese 1-8-1908 at J. P. Deweese's Floyd Co., VA by David Sumner, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 23 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. H. & P. L. Wimmer. She 17 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. P. & Catherine Deweese. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 51, H139: Wimmer, Thomas F. 26 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 2y, rents farm, HOH. Hattie F. 19 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 2y, 1 child with 1 living. Dennis O. 1y 5/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 100, H37: Wimmer, Thomas F. 37 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mortgage, HOH. Hattie F. 26 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Dennis S. 11 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Arthur W. 9 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Allie M. 7 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Mary N. 4 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 12, H136: Wimmer, Thomas F. 46 yo w/m famrer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Hattie F. 40 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 17 yo when 1st married. Arthur W. 19 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Mary 14 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Thelma 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Mable 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Carl 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Winfred 2y 5/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 32-13, Rd 221, H15: Wimmer, Thomas F. 56 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed G4, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Hattie F. 50 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Arthur W. 30 yo single son, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, road construction drill operator. Carl 14 yo son, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school. James W. 12 yo son, b. VA, completed G4, resided in same house 1935, school. Rheba I. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G2, resided in same house 1935, school. 1949 Death: 7-9-1949 Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA. 1949 Burial: Copper Hill Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by David E. Slocum) |
+ Wimmer, Hattie Florence |
Parents: James Peter & Louisa Catherine (Blankenship) Dewese. [dewese] 1890 Birth: 3-19-1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Thomas Flemington Wimmer. 1977 Death: 10-1-1977. 1977 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Wimmer, Dennis Omer |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1908 Birth: 12-17-1908 Floyd Co., VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1927 Marriage #1: Dennis Wimmer m. Rachel Beckner 3-21-1927 Floyd Co., VA by W. F. Vest, Minister of the (can't read") Church. He 18 yo single w/m public worker, b. Floyd Co., VA with mailing address of Copper Hill, VA, s/o T. F. & Hattie F. Wimmer. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA with mailing address of Copper Hill, VA, d/o John & Izette Beckner. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east part of Locust Grove District 12, H137: Wimmer, Dennis 21 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 18 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?: no, HOH. Rachael 24 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Paul 2y 4/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Earl 10/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 32-6, Rd 615, H48: Wimmer, Dennis O. 31 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, rents, HOH Rachel 33 yo wife, b. VA, completed G4, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. Paul 12 yo son, b. VA, completed G4, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. Earl 11 yo son, b. VA, completed G2, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. Lena 7 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G0, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. Lane 5 yo son, b. VA, completed G0, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935. Linda 0/12 daughter, b. VA, completed G0. 1979 Death: 10-30-1979. 1979 Burial: Jacksonville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
+ Wimmer, Rachel |
Parents: John & Izette (unknown) Beckner. 1905 Birth: 11-30-1905 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Dennis Omer Wimmer. 1980 Death: 10-30-1980. 1980 Burial: Jacksonville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
5. Wimmer, Paul |
Parents: Dennis Omer & Rachel (Beckner) Wimmer. 1928 Birth: abt 1928 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Wimmer, Dennis Earl |
Parents: Dennis Omer & Rachel (Beckner) Wimmer. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 2000 Death: 12-12-2000 of Woodlawn. 2000 Obit: WIMMER, Dennis Earl, 71, of Woodlawn, passed away Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at Roanoke Memorial Hospital. He was preceded in death by his parents, Dennis O. and Rachel Beckner Wimmer, and a brother, Paul Wimmer. Surviving are four daughters, Denise Jones, Sandra Royal, Rebecca Smith, Stephanie Hancock; three sons, Wendell Wimmer, Jerry Wimmer, Daniel Wimmer; one brother, Lane Wimmer; two sisters, Lera Sue Kidd, Linda Clarkson; thirteen grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Friday, December 15, 2000 at the Maberry Funeral Home Chapel, Floyd. Placing of the cremains will follow in Wimmer Monument at the Wimmer Cemetery located on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There will be no night visitation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Wimmer Memorial Cemetery Fund, c / o Wendell Wimmer, P.O. Box 194, Union Hall, Va. 24176. 2000 Burial: Wimmer Cemetery, Blue Ridge
Parkway, VA. |
5. Wimmer, Lena |
Parents: Dennis Omer & Rachel (Beckner) Wimmer. 1933 Birth: abt 1933 VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Wimmer, Lane |
Parents: Dennis Omer & Rachel (Beckner) Wimmer. 1935 Birth: abt 1935 VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Wimmer, Linda |
Parents: Dennis Omer & Rachel (Beckner) Wimmer. 1940 Birth: abt 1940 VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Arthur Wendell |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1910 Birth: 5-16-1910 VA. 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1975 Death: Nov 1975. 1975 Burial: Jacksonville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Ollie May |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie F. (Dewese) Wimmer. 1913 Birth: abt 1913 Virginia or Indiana. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. I1929 Marriage #1: Ollie May Wimmer m. Richard Nichols 7-1-1929 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Dickerson, Minister of the Baptist Church. He 21 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, present mailing address Copper Hill, VA, s/o Jim Nichols & Teresa King. She 18 yo single w/f, b. Indiana, present mailing address Copper Hill, VA, d/o Thomas Wimmer & Hattie Dewese. |
4. Wimmer, Mary N. |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1916 Birth: abt 1916 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1936 Marriage #1: Mary Wimmer m. Lee Ray 4-18-1936 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Tise, Minister of the Lutheran Church. He 22 yo single w/m laborer, b. Washington Co., TN & living in Floyd Co., VA, P.O. Copper Hill, s/o James Ray & Maggie Glover. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA. P.O. Copper Hill, d/o T. F. Wimmer & Hattie DeWese. |
4. Wimmer, Thelma |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1920 Birth: abt 1920 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Mabel Nubbin |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1921 Birth: 12-5-1921 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1937 Marriage #1: Mabel Wimmer m. Curtis Manning 12-23-1937 Copper Hill, Floyd Co., VA by W. F. Vest, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 22 yo single w/m truck driver, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with P.O. address of Bent Mountain, VA, s/o Posey Manning & Francis Wimmer. She 16 yo wingle w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA with P. O. address of Copper Hill, VA, d/o T. F. Wimmer & Hattie Dewese. Curtis Wimmer Manning, s/o Posey Curtis & Frances American (Wimmer) Manning. [manning] 2013 Death: 1-30-2013. 2013 Obit: ©The Ronaoke Times Feb 1, 2013 Mabel Wimmer (Nubbin) Manning,
91, of Copper Hill, went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, January 30,
2013. She was preceded in death by her husband, Curtis W. Manning. Mabel was
a dedicated member of Copper Hill Church of the Brethren. 2013 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Becky St.Clair Harris) |
4. Wimmer, Carl McKinley |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1925 Birth: abt 1925 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 2014 Death: 11-24-2014 2014 Obit: © The Roanoke Timer November 25, 2014 Carl McKinley Wimmer Sr., 88, of Copper Hill, Va., passed away on Monday, November 24, 2014. He was a United States Marine Corps Veteran of World War II, Pacific Theatre. He was a member of Pippin Hill Church. Mr. Wimmer was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Hattie DeWeese Wimmer; and by seven siblings. He loved life and family. Surviving are his wife of 65 years, Lucy Claudine Wimmer; a daughter and son-in-law, Joan and Harvey Nichols; a son and daughter-in-law, Carl M. Jr. and Ellen Wimmer; a daughter and son-in-law, Beverley and David Boothe; four grandsons, Patrick Nichols, Michael Nichols (Jamie), Matthew Wimmer (Tonya) and Benjamin Wimmer; two great-granddaughters, Avery and Aubrey; a great- grandson, Rylan; his sister, Reba Richard and husband, Warren; and several nieces and nephews. The family would like to extend special thanks to Amedysis Hospice. Services will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 2014, at Oakey's South Chapel on Brambleton Ave. Chaplain Troy Mays will officiate.Interment will follow in Copper Hill Cemetery.Friends may call at Oakey's South Chapel from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Arrangements by Oakey's South Chapel, 540-989-3131. 2014 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, James Winfred Dink |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie Florence (Deweese) Wimmer. 1927 Birth: 10-29-1927 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1945 Marriage #1: Winfred Wimmer m. Mary A. Conner 7-9-1945 Floyd Co., VA by R. Gamble See, Minister of the Presbyterian Church. He 19 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, mailing address Copper Hill, VA, s/o Thomas Wimmer & Hattie Dewesse. She 17 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, mailing address Copper Hill, VA, d/o Enis Conner & Dessie Sink. 1948 Marriage #2: James Winfred Wimmer m. Freeda Ellen Williams 6-2-1949 Floyd Co., VA by R. Gamble See, Minister of the Presbyterian Church. He 21 yo widowed w/m electrician, b. Floyd Co., VA, mailing address Copper Hill, VA, s/o T. F. Wimmer & Hattie F. Deweese. She 18 yo single w/f, b. Franklin Co., VA, mailing address Copper Hill, VA, s/o A. D. Williams & Grace S. Nichols. 1980 Death: May 1980 1980 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Wimmer, Rheba I. |
Parents: Thomas Flemington & Hattie F. (Dewese) Wimmer. 1931 Birth: abt 1931 VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
3. Wimmer, Walter Jackson |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1885 Birth: 10-05-1885 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1913 Marriage #1: W. J. Wimmer m. Eva Conner at the brides parents 12-25-1913 Floyd Co., VA by H. V. Cole, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 28 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Joh H. & Eliza T. Wimmer. She 24 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o S. J. & Sarah J. Conner. 1920: 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 11, H182: Wimmer, Walter J. 44 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 28 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?: no, HOH. Evia 41 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 25 yo when 1st married. Marvin A. 15 yo son, b. WVA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Geneva J. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Jeraldine 9 yo daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA, school. Roxie I. 7 yo daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA, school. Samuel H. 3y 5/12 son, b. PA, parents b. VA. Albert J. 1/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1970 Death: 9-1-1970 Southwestern State Hospital, Marion, Smyth Co., VA. Walter Jackson Wimmer, 84 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. Oct 5, 1885 VA. Spouse: no record. Father: Harvey Wimmer. Mother: Wilson. Informant: hospital records. COD: pulmonary embolism; fracture left femur. Fell out of bed 8-30-1970. Burial: Evergreen Burial Park, Roanoke City, VA. 1970 Burial: Evergreen Burial Park, Roanoke City, VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Karen) |
+ Wimmer, Evie |
Parents: Samuel Joseph & 1st wife Sarah Jane (Smith) Conner. [Conner_Aaron_Kesiah] 1888 Birth: 8-30-1888 Floyd Co., VA. Twin. (src: birth record) 1889 Birth: 8-30-1889. (src: tombstone) 1920: 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Walter Jackson Wimmer. 1966 Death: 2-3-1966 Shawsville, Montgomery Co., VA. Evie Conner Wimmer, 76 yo married w/f, b. Aug 30, 1889 Copper Hill, VA. Spouse: Walter J. Wimmer. Father: Samuel J. Conner. Mother: Sarah Smith. Informant: Walter J. Wimmer of Shawsville, VA. COD: acute coronary insufficiency. Burial: Evergreen, Roanoke, VA. 1966 Burial: Evergreen Burial Park, Roanoke City, VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Karen) |
4. Wimmer, Marvin Hampton |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1914 Birth: 9-24-1914 West Virginia. 1920: 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1941 Marriage #1: Marvin Hampton Wimmer m. Mabel Gay Epperly 8-9-1941 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Dickerson, Minister of the Baptist Church. He 26 yo single w/m truck driver, b. W. VA, residence Pilot, VA, s/o W. J. Wimmer & Evie Conner. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Pilot, VA, d/o B. J. Epperly & Nellie Wimmer. (cant id B. J. Epperly) 1990 Death: 10-15-1990 of Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA. 1990 Obit: © The Roanoke Times Tuesday October 16, 1990 PILOT - Marvin Hampton Wimmer, age 76, died Monday in a Roanoke hospital. Surviving are his wife, Mabel Epperly Wimmer; one daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Junior Conner; one son and daughter-in-law, Danny and Betsy Wimmer, all of Salem; four grandchildren, Teresa Gallagher, Roanoke; Crystal, Angel, and Jake Wimmer, Salem; one great-grandson, Blake Gallagher, Roanoke; one sister, Roxie Edwards and one brother Samuel Wimmer, both of Shawsville; also his mother-in-law, Nellie Epperly Vest, Pilot. The Funeral will be Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. at the Christiansburg Church of Christ with Clarence Lavender, minister of the church and C.E. Mannon, minister of Laurel Hill Church of Christ officiating. Interment will be in the Huffville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Floyd Rescue Squad Station #3. The family will receive friends from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday at Wood Funeral Home, Floyd. 1990 Burial: Huffville Cemetery, Huffville, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
4. Wimmer, Geneva J. |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1918 Birth: abt 1918 Pennsylvania. 1920: 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Jeraldine |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1921 Birth: abt 1921 Pennsylvania. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Roxie I. |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1923 Birth: abt 1923 Pennsylvania. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Samuel Harvey |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1927 Birth: 10-11-1926 Pennsylvania. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1993 Death: 2-2-1993. 1993 Burial: Piedmont Cemetery, Montgomery Co., VA.
4. Wimmer, Albert J. |
Parents: Walter Jackson & Evie (Conner) Wimmer. 1930 Birth: 1930 VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1978 Death: 1978 1978 Burial: Piedmont Cemetery, Montgomery Co., VA. |
3. Wimmer, Norman Cecil |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1887 Birth: 11-23-1887 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910: 1910 Marriage #1: N. C. Wimmer m. Hettie Mills 9-22-1910 Floyd Co., VA by Samuel Crumpacker, Minister of the German Baptist Church. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. H. & (L.?) Wimmer. She 17 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. T. & T. J. Mills. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana, Union Twp, H92: Wimmer, Norman C. 32 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Hettie O. 25 yo wife b. VA, parents b. VA. Clara M. 8 yo daughter, b. Indiana, parents b. VA, school. Robert W. 6 yo son, b. Indiana parents b. VA, school. Pearl C. 2 yo daughter, b. Indiana parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Londonderry District 47, H113: Wimmer, Norman 42 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?: (blank), HOH. Hettie 35 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 16 yo when 1st married. Clara 18 yo daughter, b. IN, parents b. VA, drygoods store saleslady. Robert 16 yo son, b. IN, parents b. VA, school. Pearl 12 yo daughter, b. IN, parents b. VA, school. Ruby 9 yo daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA, school. Mildred 5 yo dau daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA. Hazel 3y 5/12 daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA. Donald 10/12 son daughter, b. PA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA, Penn District 15-63, H140: Wimmer, Norman C. 52 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same place 1935, owns, HOH. Hettie 46 yo wife, b. VA, completed G8, resided in same place 1935, houswork. Ruby 18 yo daughter, b. PA, completed H3, resided in same place 1935, school. Mildred 15 yo daughter, b. PA, completed H1, resided in same place 1935, school. Hazel 13 yo daughter, b. PA, completed G7, resided in same place 1935, school. George 8 yo son, b. PA, completed G2, resided in same place 1935, school. Norma 5 yo daughter, b. PA, completed G0, resided in same place 1935. Robert 26 yo single son, b. IN, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, road construction ttruck driver. 1962 Death: 10-25-1962 Middleton, DE. 1962 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA. (no photo) |
+ Wimmer, Hettie O. |
Parents: James Taylor & Tabitha Jane (Mills) Mills. [mills] 1895 Birth: 9-14-1894 VA. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana with husband Norman Cecil Wimmer. 1930, 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with husband Norman Cecil Wimmer. 1978 Death: 3-22-1978. 1978 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Clara M. |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1912 Birth: 9-5-1911 Hendrick Co., IN. (src: Indiana Birth record) 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1999 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Robert W. |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1913 Birth: 1913 IN. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1986 Death: 1-25-1986. 1986 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Pearl C. |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1917 Birth: 1917 IN. 1920 Residence: Hendricks Co., Indiana with parents. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. Marriage #1: William P. Rylee. 1991 Death: 7-5-1991. 1991 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Ruby |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1921 Birth: abt 1921 PA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Mildred |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1924 Birth: 10-15-1924 PA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. Marriage: Walter Simpson Buckley Jr. 1999 Death: 5-30-1999. 1999 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster
Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, Hazel |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1927 Birth: abt 1927 PA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Donald |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1929 Birth: 1929 PA. 1930 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. 1930 Death: Apr 1930. 1930 Burial: Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren, Quarryville, Lancaster
Co., PA. (no photo) |
4. Wimmer, George |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1932 Birth: abt 1932 PA. 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Norma |
Parents: Norman Cecil & Hettie O. (Mills) Wimmer. 1935 Birth: abt 1935 PA. 1940 Residence: Chester Co., PA with parents. |
3. Wimmer, Dock Lemuel |
Parents: James Harvey & Eliza P. (Wilson) Wimmer. 1891 Birth: 4-14-1891 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1913 Marriage #1: D. L. Wimmer m. L. A. Conner 8-27-1913 at the brides fathers, Floyd Co., VA by Davis Sumner, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. H. & Eliza Wimmer. She 20 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o W. R. & Lulu Conner. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 100, H38: Wimmer, Lemuel D. 26 yo w/m tenant farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH. Lydia M. 25 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Clytie E. M. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Virginia E. 3 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Minnie E. 2 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. James W. 11/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA, Little Creek District 10, H73: Wimmer, Lemie D. 37 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Lydia A. 37 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Virginia L. 14 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Ella M. 13 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. James W. 11 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Johnnie O. 8 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Joseph H. 6 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Irene _. 2 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA, Amsterdam District 12-2, Rd 640, H168: Wimmer, Doctor L. 47 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed G2, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Lydia R. 46 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. James J. 21 yo single son, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, farm laborer. John C. 18 yo son, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, farm laborer. Joseph A. 15 yo son, b. VA, completed G4, resided in same house 1935, school. Irene M. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G1, resided in same house 1935, school. 1984 Death: 1-16-1984 VA. 1984 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Becky St. Clair Harris) |
+ Wimmer, Lydia Ann |
Parents: William Riley & Virginia Lilly (Custer) Conner. [Conner_JohnR_Louisa/Doshia] 1893 Birth: 3-1893 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Dock Lemuel Wimmer. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with husband Dock Lemuel Wimmer. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with husband Dock Lemuel Wimmer. 1982 Death: 9-14-1982. 1982 Burial: Copper Hill Brethren Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Becky St. Clair Harris) |
4. Wimmer, Clytie E. M. |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1915 Birth: abt 1915 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Virginia |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1916 Birth: abt 1916 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Minnie. |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1918 Birth: abt 1918 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, James |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1919 Birth: abt 1919 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Johnnie |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1922 Birth: abt 1922 VA. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Joseph |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1924 Birth: abt 1924 VA. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. |
4. Wimmer, Irene |
Parents: Dock Lemuel & Lydia Ann (Conner) Wimmer. 1928 Birth: abt 1928 VA. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Franklin Co., VA with parents. |
2. Wimmer, Mahala Elizabeth |
Parents: Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer. 1856 Birth: 10-31-1856 Floyd Co., VA. 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1877 Marriage #1: Mahala Elizabeth Wimmer m. William Riley Green 8-16-1877 Floyd Co., VA. He 27 yo single w/m, b. Franklin Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Jane Green. She 20 yo single w/m b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Martha* Wimmer. (*should probably be Mahala) William Riley Green, b. abt 1849, s/o Isaac & Jane (unknown) Green. 1898 Death: 1-02-1898. 1898 Burial: |
End Isaac & Mahala (King) Wimmer Family.