Biographies and Obituaries contain close to the same information, a name, birth and death dates, and information on ones life.
Mrs. Isabella Bigler of Plymouth, wife of Adam Bigler died on the 4th inst. She leaves a family of five boys and three girls nearly all grown. The funeral services were held at Plymouth on Wednesday and then the remains were taken to Farmington for interment. The deceased was an old settler in this county, having lived here nearly 20 years.
Sheriff Josephsen went up to attend the services, deceased being his neighbor in that locality.
Source: The Box Elder Report, January 9, 1904
Kenneth L. Seifert
Brigham City
Box Elder County
May 29, 1939
Life of John D. Burt.
John D. Burt was the son of Andrew and Isabella
Hill Burt, and was born January 12, 1827, in
Dunfermiline, Scotland. He became a member of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
May 19, 1848, and married Elizabeth Patterson in
August of the same year: a few days after he
left his native country to seek a home among the
saints of Zion: worked in the mines near St
Louis until the sprihg of 1851; arrived in Salt
Lake valley September the 1th, and came to
Brigham City in 1855, and was ordained a High
Priest by Lorenzo Snow in the fall of that year.
In 1858 he was appointed adjutant under Major
John Sharp in the Echo canyon campaign, and was
in the "move" south the next spring. On his
return he acted as deputy sheriff under S. B.
Cutler for ten years, and as sheriff for another
ten years, including the eight years he was
Marshall of Brigham City. He was probate judge
of Box Elder county for five years; was also a
lieutenant colonel in the territorial militia
under Colonel Chester Loveland, and held that
position until the Nauvoo Legion and militia
were dis-organized. When Brigham City was
divided into wards in 1877 he was ordained and
set apart as bishop of the third ward. Five
years later he was chosen as second counselor in
the stake presidency of the Box Elder stake,
which position he held until he was called to
fill a mission to Great Britain in March, 1885,
when he was assigned to labor in Scotland, where
he remained about two years. In the fall of
1886, on his return home, he was called on a
mission to the Sandwich Islands where he
remained until 1893 when he ret-uened home for a
brief visit and then went back to the islands
accompanied by his wife, Lizzie Snowball Burt
and some of the children. He presided over the
mission there until his return home. Since then
he has been the president of the High Priest's
quorum of the Box Elder stake for about ten
years and for most of that time he has been a
patriarch in the stake, until his death May 6,
Copied from the "Box Elder News" issue of May
10, 1906.
- Complete -
~Transcribed by MaryAlice Schwanke, includes spelling errors.
Peacefully and quietly, Steven Wight passed away January 8th, 1903.
Deceased was a native of New Yor, having been born in Henriette, Monroe Co. May 7, 1820, emigrated to Salt Lake 1852, where he lived until he removed to Brigham City 1860, where he has resided ever since.
For many years, high in the confidence of the people, he acted as county surveyor. All who knew him respected him for his devotion and stead fastness.
He was the father of 18 children and has a posterity of 31 grand children and 11 great-grand children.
Peaceably had he lived and peaceabley he died, a fitting sequel to a life so long and well lived.
Source: The Box Elder Report, January 9, 1904