Turtle Bay Community

By Margaret Johnson

The Turtle Bay Community is situated in the southwestern part of Matagorda County. It is bound on the west by Jackson County, on the south by Turtle Bay and Well Point, on the east by Turtle Bayou, and on the north by Reeds Creek and Jackson County. Turtle Bay was named for the adjacent bay by that name, which derived the name from the many turtles in its waters.

The land surveys given under Stephen F. Austin's colonization for this area were Thomas J. Williams, John Duncan, Edmund P. Crosby, and Rynd Lander. Up until about 1907 most of this area was used by the Ward Cattle Company of Jackson County and Abel H. "Shanghai" Pierce for the grazing of cattle. There is no evidence that any of the original owners ever lived here. Thomas J. Williams, Jr first lived at Cedar Lake in eastern Matagorda County, later moving to a place on Wilson Creek. John Duncan lived on a plantation in the eastern part of the county.

On August 26, 1907, a deed was recorded in the Deed Records of Matagorda County Book 18, Page 579, between Theodore F. Koch and Company and the Ward Cattle Company, who now owned this land, for the purchase of 3,299.55 acres. Koch was living in St. Paul, Minnesota. Koch and Company also bought large tracts in Chambers, Jefferson and Kleberg counties. They advertised this land as a "Garden of Eden" where large crops of citrus fruit, figs, cotton, and grain could be grown. Fliers were sent all over the northern states where the people were disgruntled with the long, cold winters. Many came to this "Southern Paradise" by train to buy land; others bought sight unseen.

Matagorda County deeds show the following persons bought land from Theodore F. Koch and Company in 1908: George H. and Emma Hamlin, of Calhoun County, Michigan; John Schumacher and Henry Boden, Defiance County, Ohio; A. J.  Louderback, Indiana; Z. K. Carson and W. Parsons, Winnipeg, Canada; Michael Kelly, Massachusetts; Ira Williams, Hardin County, Ohio; C. M. Hansen, Rush City, Minnesota; Paul Paulson (born in Denmark), Calhoun County, Texas; George Hatcher, Ohio; H. A. Davis, Bosque County, Texas; W. E. Heidlebaugh, Vaughnsville, Ohio; J. F. Carmean, J. D. Stout, J. B. Barger, and H. Panning, Belle Center, Ohio; P. F. Campbell, Palacios, Texas; William Buntz, Henry County, Ohio; Rudalph Tann, Calcasieu County, Louisiana; T. J. McAran, Chariton County, Missouri; J. L. Carroll, Pemiscot County, Missouri; Anton Morboe, Richland County, North Dakota; Wallace Lewis and W. W. Lewis, Cogswell, North Dakota; Edward Ryba; Joseph Ryba; A. S. Kitchen; F. A. Rhode, Stillwater, Minnesota; and B. G. Engstran, Taylor County, Wisconsin.

Land buyers in 1909 were: John Larson, Marshall County, Illinois; A. G. Everson, Rib Lake, Wisconsin; Peter Jensen, John L. Woodman, and Christian Johnson, Hennepin County, Minnesota; James A. Shuler and J. W. Bailey, Caddo County, Oklahoma; J. W. Wisecup; Edwin A. Whitacare; and Walter C. Lewis, Sargent County, North Dakota.

Frank Gillespie of Laurence County, Illinois, and James Matthew Harbison arrived in 191O. Newcomers to Turtle Bay between 1911 and 1940 were: Henry Clinton Mozley, George Miller, Robert Beard, Joe Beard, Ed Beard, Ed Buffaloe, G. A. Salisbury, John Evers, a Belnap family, a Bussel family, Sherman Saddler, C. A. Evans, Malcom Cavallin, Joe and Jim Benham, a Tweedle family, a Mr. Knight, Roy and Al Lindquest, D. H. Stewart, Sanford Barton, George Adkins, a Fields family, William E. Barber, a Linville family, L. H. Bell, Ben Elliot, Ira Ressler, Hardy Ross, a Skalla famiy, and a Phillips family.

The following families lived in Turtle Bay after 1940: Ellis, Nelson, Miller, Jeffers, Gullett, Batchelder, Shimek, Hunt, Turek, and others.

In 1907 with the arrival of settlers, many acres of virgin soil were plowed for the growing of cotton. The soil was of a heavy black texture and very fertile. A good farmer expected to produce a bale of cotton per acre. One of the most prosperous farmers was Frank

Gillespie. The first piece of land he bought in Turtle Bay had an artesian well that may have been used for the cultivation of rice. Gillespie built a large two-story home for his wife and three children, Roy, Mary, and Alice. They were able to add many acres to their farm which today is owned by children and grandchildren. At this time the principal crops grown are sorghum, cotton, corn, and soybeans.

The first school in Turtle Bay was a one-room building on land donated by James Matthew Harbison. It was probably built in 1911 as Harbison bought the land in the fall of 1910. This building was situated almost one mile south of Turtle Bay Bridge. Bernard

Jensen, a grandson of Harbison, has a home near the site of the first school. Henry Clinton Mozley gave land for a new and larger school in 1914. This building was on State Highway 35 and remained there until 1948 when it was moved into Palacios and made into the high school band hall.

As in all country communities, the social life revolved around the school. Church and Sunday School were held in the school. Many social get-togethers and parties were held there. Many a family sought shelter in the strong school building during a hurricane. On one such occasion a baby girl, Lydia, was born to the Ellis Jensen family.

Some teachers who taught in Turtle Bay were: a Mr. Pepper, Hazel Hall, J. R. Laslie, Maude Marshall, Eleanor Harrison (married A. J. Louderback), Lorene Ifland, Helen Ward, a Mrs. Herman, Clara Schley, Florence Best, Florence Stark, Mary Paulson (married a Mr. Wolf), Trude Ann Duffy, Weldon Sullivan, Annie Eversole, a Mrs. Cleveland (married Emil Peterson), Miss Vernon Cleveland, and Ester Anderson.

Charles and Margaret Johnson reminisce:

We never lived in Turtle Bay, however, we carried the mail on the Star Route, which serviced Turtle Bay, 1939-1947. This was when most of the roads were just black dirt. During periods of heavy rain the roads were almost impassable. We wore out a new pickup truck almost every year. We came to depend on the people along the way to pull us out of the bog-holes. They in turn depended on us to carry their eggs and cream to market and to purchase their groceries. We made many friends along the way.

Historic Matagorda County, Volume I, 407-408

Submitted by Gale French

Early Turtle Bay School Building



By Mary Gillespie Stewart

The Turtle Bay School District was located west of Palacios. Its east boundary was the Turtle Bay Creek and north to the Deutschburg line along the old Williamson Road, extending southwest to the Jackson County line and then south to the bay.

Sometime before 1910, Mr. James Matthew Harbison donated the land for a one-room school. This location was almost one mile south of the Turtle Bay Bridge on Highway 35. Only one former pupil is still in the Palacios locality, namely Mr. Lawrence Kelly. The teacher was Jeanette Lewis (Yeamans). Bernard Jensen, a grandson of Mr. Harbison, has a home near the site of the first school.


In 1914 a two-room school building was located on land donated by Mr. Henry Clinton Mozeley. In September of that year, school opened with Mr. Pepper and Miss Hazel Hall teaching. Pupils that first year still living here are Lawrence and Monica Kelley, Minnie (Linville) Brooking, Alice Gillespie Beard and Mary Gillespie Stewart.


The following teachers held classes from 1915 until March 22, 1947, the year the Turtle Bay District was annexed with Palacios ISD: Mr. Laslie, Maude Marshall, Eleanor Louderback, Lorene Ifland, Helen Ward, Mrs. Herman and Clara Schley. Also Mrs. Florence Best, Florence Stark, Weldon Sullivan, Trude Ann Duffy Brandon, Mrs. Mary Wolf, Annie Eversole, Mrs. Cleveland Peterson, Miss Vernon Cleveland and Esther Anderson Schilling.


The original one room building was moved to a lot close to the new building for living quarters for teachers who had no transportation.


The people of the community met on Sunday afternoons for Sunday School, first in the one-room building, then later in the new two-room school. As automobiles replaced the horse and buggy days, the Union Sunday School gave way to the call of the denominations, thus ending this era.


An interesting event occurred during a severe hurricane. Several of the families went to the school building for shelter. While there, Mrs. Ellis Jensen gave birth to a baby girl, Lydia, sister of Bernard Jensen.


The Turtle Bay School building was moved into Palacios in 1948 and located on the ground of the present East Side Elementary School and served as the High School Band Hall.


In 1980, the old Turtle Bay building had been remodeled into a church located on 9th Street in Palacios.


I am indebted to many for the recall of the history of the Turtle Bay School--Bernard Jensen, Lawrence Kelly, Minnie Brooking, Lillian Richmond, Edna Beard, Dorothy Hamlin, Alice Beard and Frank and Bob Stewart.


Palacios ISD 75th Anniversary 1906 - 1981, Palacios Beacon Supplement


Turtle Bay District Will Build a School

The voters of Turtle Bay school district, four miles west of Palacios held an election last Saturday and voted $1200 bonds for building a new school house. Every vote cast was for the bonds, and they numbered but seven. These enterprising pioneers cannot be too highly commended for their progressive spirit in thus early providing for the education of their children. This is one of the infallible signs by which Texas grows and prospers. At the same election Mr. C. C. Campbell was elected to the board of directors of the district. The hold over members elected last year for the two and three year terms are Geo. Hatcher and J. A. Whitacre. The new building will be completed and furnished in time for the opening of school for the fall term next September.

Palacios Beacon, April 21, 1911

Turtle Bay Topics

Sunday School will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin next Sunday, May 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. Coulter last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Church visited Mr. Harberson [Harbison] and family last Sunday.

Mr. P. F. Campbell brought seven from town out in his auto to attend Sunday School at Mr. Coulter’s last Sunday. Come again; you are always welcome.

Mr. Arthur Whitacre got a new hay press last Saturday; a self tyer.

Messrs. Hatcher and Hamlin are both going to put down wells soon.

Mr. Severs visited Mr. Gillespie’s Sunday.

Miss Ellen Fuller has gone to town to stay with Mr. P. F. Campbell’s [family] this summer.

The big rain has caused some of the farmers to plant their cotton over. Some have planted three times and will have to plant again. The corn looks fine and there will be a big hay crop; the largest for several years.

Palacios Beacon, May 24, 1912

Turtle Bay Topics

There was a good attendance at Turtle Bay Sunday school Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis and son Ulvan attended church at Palacios Sunday.

Mr. Backen has a good new well on his farm.

Mrs. Clara Fuller and son Myrl visited with Mrs. Whitacre and family last Thursday.

Miss Mary Gillespie has been having a case of sore throat.

Mrs. Gillespie attended church in Palacios last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin Sunday.

Mrs. Powers has returned from a two weeks visit with her sisters.

Mr. Bennie Jensen and sister Effa called on Miss Vola Fuller last Saturday evening and had a fine time.

Miss Ethel Hardy was visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Osburn and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. Ashley last Tuesday afternoon.

Henry Ashley was in Palacios last Saturday on business.

Miss Clara Fuller has been quite sick the last two days, we hope she will be better soon.

Palacios Beacon, June 13, 1913

Turtle Bay Topics

Mrs. Albert Davis has her father and mother and two sisters visiting her from Tyler, Texas.

Mr. Bierd has bought the Emmett Johnson farm and is moving there.  I am sure the neighbors will give them a welcome.

Mr. Backen is having the third well put down on his farm.  We understand he intends to put four down and divide his farm into four parts with a well on each farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Salsbury were at Palacios on business Saturday. 

Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Hatcher are helping Mr. Frankson fill his silo this week.  They will have several to help fill this year and something to put in them more than last year. 

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis and little son, Elvin, and Mr. and Mrs. Cagle and two daughters, Grace and Rubie, attended church last Sunday at Palacios.

Oran Shadrick and Otto Smith are helping Mr. Frank Gillespie with his hay.

Mr. Severs visited Mr. Gillespie last Sunday.

Mr. Lewis, the county school Superintendent, was here from Bay City on last Saturday, going over the district to pick out a suitable place for the new school home.

Palacios Beacon, July 18, 1913                    Courtesy of Jennifer Bishop


Sunday school at ten o’clock.  Come out everyone and let us build the school to what it was.  Those that wanted it changed from two until ten come and see if you like the change.

Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Sprague spent last Thursday and Friday with friends at Dunbar.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitacre have a little boy to come stay with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Cagie and two daughters left for their home at Tyler, Texas, Tuesday morning, after a pleasant visit with their daughter and family.

Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Hatcher are filling Mr. Tanner’s silo at Pheasant this week.  They filled an underground silo for Mr. Sells last week.

We understand Mr. Wright has rented Mr. Campbell’s farm for another year.

Mr. Shadwick went to Palacios Tuesday on business.

Mr. Goddard from middle Texas visited Mr. Wright’s family last week.

Palacios Beacon, July 25, 1913                        Courtesy of Jennifer Bishop

Turtle Bay Topics

The Helping Hand Club met with Mrs. G. A. Salsbury last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie went to the fair this week, leaving Tuesday and will return Saturday.

The road gang is working the road by the Osburn farm this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamlin visited the Davis family Sunday.

Mr. H. A. Davis and family will move to Mount Calm next week.

Mr. J. J. Whitacre's son-in-law, Mr. Jim Fields and family moved here the first of the week from Marlin.

Ellis Jensen is making hay at the Gillespie farm this week.

Mr. Noble and the Whitacre boys are making hay at the Gillespie farm this week.

Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1915

Turtle Bay

Good hog killing weather.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Hamlin are visiting in Waco.

School is progressing nicely with about 150 per cent enrollment.

Several people of this place are attending a sale near Deutschburg.

Mr. Jeff Lee and family of Alabama are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M Willingham.

Palacios Beacon, November 19, 1920

Turtle Bay

Clarence Massey is all smiles, for now he can begin his bookkeeping career.

Mr. James Willingham was in Palacios Monday having some dental work done.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wiggins, a baby girl weighing eight pounds. Born Nov. 23.

The young folks of this place enjoyed the song service last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ressler.

The school children and teachers are very glad Thanksgiving is so near. They are always glad to have a holiday.

Mr. Norris Sealock received a severe bruise just below the eye while cranking Mr. Phillips' Buick late Saturday evening.

Clarence Cavallin was absent from school Wednesday--(Reason) Daddy has a new Fordson.

Tom Massey, his wife, little daughter, Walsie, and Mr. J. Laslie went to a sale near Collegeport this week, where they purchased some fine registered stock.

Palacios Beacon, November 26, 1920

Turtle Bay

Mr. Tom Massey has purchased a new cream separator.

Miss Lillian Phillips was a guest of Miss Ellen Cavallin last Sunday evening.

The farmers are very busy these days, preparing land for next year's crop.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Hamlin returned Sunday after enjoying a short visit in Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Compton, of LaWard, spent Sunday with relatives of this place.

Little Calvin Cavallin has been very ill for the past few days, but is better today.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamlin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ressler last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harbison and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Laslie of this place.

We Turtle Bay folks wish to extend a cordial invitation to each and everyone to attend our Sunday school.

The young folks were sorry to see the rain last Sunday evening as it prevented them practicing the new church hymns that Mr. Ressler asked them to learn.

Palacios Beacon, December 3, 1920

Turtle Bay

Mr. Tom Massey was in Bay City this week on business.

There will be a community gathering at the school house Friday night, December 10.

The primary room at the school was glad to welcome two new pupils this week, little Effie and Tracy Wright.

The disagreeable weather prevented the young people of this district from holding their choir practice last Sunday evening.

Palacios Beacon, December 10, 1920

Turtle Bay

J. R. Laslie went to Port Lavaca Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamlin made a business trip to Houston Friday.

A number of the young folks of this community spent a delightful evening at the home of Miss Lillian Phillips Saturday.

The song service and Bible study class was greatly enjoyed by all who were present at the school house Sunday evening.

Misses Maude Willingham and Mary E. Laslie and Mr. James Willingham motored to Blessing Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M Willingham spent Friday in Houston, visiting their son, George, who is taking treatment in the hospital there.

Palacios Beacon, August 19, 1921

Turtle Bay

Miss Fannie Weaver was a Turtle Bay visitor Sunday.

Miss Hadie Savage of Olivia was a visitor at Turtle Bay Sunday.

Everyone enjoyed the hour in Bible studying Sunday evening conducted by Mr. Ira Ressler.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Willingham and sons, James and little Howard, motored to Blessing Saturday and spent the day with friends there.

Miss Ellen Cavallin entertained a merry crowd of young people at her home Saturday evening. Many games were played on the lawn and everyone present enjoyed a splendid time.

A large crowd of people from Olivia, Bay View, Carancahua, Edna, Ohio and Illinois Colony and Palacios gathered at the school house Sunday and spent a delightful day in singing . They all seemed to especially enjoy the lunch hour. The program for the afternoon was as follows:

Solos--Mary Withers.
Quartet--Mr. Thompson and others from Edna.
Duet--Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Fields.
Quartet--Mrs. Withero, Mrs. J. F. Fields, Mr. Johnson and J. F. Fields

Other songs were sung and the crowd dismissed.

Palacios Beacon, September 23, 1921

Turtle Bay

C. W. Fell and family and Mrs. Mary Winters drove to Francitas to attend the all-day singing Sunday.

Mrs. Mosley and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin.

J. A. Herman and family and Mrs. H. E. Spirk attended the all-day singing at Francitas Sunday.

Miss Fannie and Ollie Rundell, the Misses Dessa Wright, Lillian and Marie Phillips and Chlorine and Bessie Buffalo were at Francitas Sunday attending the singing.

Miss Genevieve Milley, county demonstration agent, met with her class of girls at the school house Saturday instead of Thursday, the usual day. She is now instructing them in cooking.

The following program was given at the Literary Friday night. A big crowd was in attendance:

Music--Mr. Thos. Wright, Mr. Buffalo.
Recitation--Ruby Sherrill.
Recitation--Miss Ruth Bengston.
Music--Mr. Wright and Mr. Buffalo.
Dialogue--"Dr. Jenkins," Sherman Sadler, Guy Barnett, Henry Moseley.
Recitation--Mrs. Herman
Talk on Compulsory Education--Mr. W. B. Rae
Jokes--Read by Mrs. Herman

The debate on the compulsory school law had to be postponed as Mr. Harbison was unable to be present on account of sickness in his family. Mr. Rae gave an interesting talk in place of the debate.

Palacios Beacon, May 11, 1923

Turtle Bay

J. F. Fields made a business trip to Bay City Saturday.

W. H. Sherrill was a business visitor at Blessing Tuesday.

Tom Wright and family spent Sunday afternoon at the W. B. Clardy home.

The Highberg family spent Sunday afternoon with J. E. Benham and family.

Miss Ada Whitaker, who has been attending school at Gulf, has returned home for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herman and daughter and Mrs. H. E. Spirk visited Sunday at the J. F. Fields home.

There will be all day singing at the school house Sunday, June 10th. Everyone is cordially invited to come. Bring your dinner and enjoy the day with us.

The following were Sunday dinner guests at the Sherrill home--Miss Mary Benham, Miss Fannie Rundell, 'Doc' Sherrill and Boyd Sifford, of Collegeport.

There was singing at the school house Sunday night. A good crowd was present. It was decided to meet again next Sunday night to complete arrangements for the all day singing. A large crowd is expected.

Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields entertained a number of friends and relatives. Ice cream and cake were served. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whitaker, daughter, Miss Ada, and sons, George and Milton, Ernest Eikenberg and family and Fred Eikenberg and family of Gulf.

Shell Beach was a popular resort Saturday night. More than 25 cars and trucks, besides several wagon loads of people from Turtle Bay as well as many from Palacios gathered there to enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Wieners were roasted and passed around to the crowd, after which several gallons of ice cream were frozen. It was late before anyone thought of going home all declaring they were loath to leave the moonlight beach.

Palacios Beacon, June 1, 1923

Turtle Bay

Barney Ware had the misfortune to break his arm Sunday, cranking a car.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mosley ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Ressler and family.

New shade curtains have been put up in the school, which greatly improves the appearance of the room.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Whitaker attended the singing at the Carancahua school Sunday night.

A large crowd attended the all day singing at the school house Sunday, June 10th. Mr. Connor preached in the morning. At noon the dinners were spread out in the yard on a large improvised table, which was still too small to hold all the dinners that were brought. Many from Francitas and other neighboring towns were present. The singing was good, the special numbers being well rendered.

Palacios Beacon, June 22, 1923

Turtle Bay

James Sherrill and Ollie Rundell drove to Ganado Sunday.

Roscoe Sifford returned to his home at Collegeport Tuesday.

Miss Belle Bass, of San Antonio, is a guest at the Roy Gillespie home.

Press Tweedle and Doc Sherrill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Benham and family.

Misses Mary Benham, Margaret Krauser and Lillian Phillips spent Monday evening at the Ed Buffalo home.

Miss Margaret Krauser has returned to her home at Port Lavaca after a week's visit with Miss Mary Benham.

Misses Fannie Rundell and Helen Ware and G. B. Coleman and Roscoe Sifford were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Evelyn Sherrill.

Misses Lillian Phillips, Evelyn and Janey Sherrill, Fannie Rundell, and Ollie Rundell and Press Tweedle spent Tuesday evening at the J. E. Benham home.

Several from the neighborhood went to Lolita Monday to work, among them being Mr. and Mrs. George Willingham, Mr. and Mrs. James Williangham, Ollie Rundell, J. H. Wiggins, Lawrence and Harold Kelly.

The following drove to Ganado Sunday to the all-day singing: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fell, and daughter, Mrs. Mary Winter, Mrs. H. E. Spirk, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herman and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields, who rendered special music there. At Francitas they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. John Young.

The following program was given at the literary Friday night:

Music--Adolph Highberg
Duet--Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields
Dialogue--Guy Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields.
Recitation--Fape Wright.
Recitation--Mildred Herman.
Recitation--Lillie Kate Fields.
Dialogue--"The Serenading Party"--Tressie, Effie and Faye Wright and Florence Fields.
Recitation--Allene Benham.
Instrumental Duet--Miss Gladys Fell, Mrs. J. A. Herman.
Recitation--Mabel Beard.
Recitation--Bernard Jensen.
Minstrel Duet--J. F. Fields, Guy Barnett.
Dialogue--"Kitchen Courting," Grace Evans, Elvin Evans.
Music--Adolph Highberg.
Dialogue--"Letter Writing,"--Tressie Wright, Florence Fields.
Instrumental Duet--Huldah and Annie Highberg.
Recitation--Gladys Beard.
Farce--"A Good Day's Work," Guy Barnett, J. F. Field.

The next meeting will be August 24th.

Palacios Beacon, August 3, 1923

Turtle Bay

The program at the Literary Friday night was short. Many of those who had promised to help had been too busy picking cotton to prepare their part. The principle feature of the program was a short play. "Josiah's Courtship." The characters were Miss Evelyn Sherrill, Henry Moseley, Barney Ware, and Ollie Rundell. The next meeting will be in four weeks. The new program committee is: Mrs. I. A. Ressler, Mrs. Moseley and Mrs. R J. Tweedle.

There was singing at the schoolhouse Sunday night. Plans were made for the all-day singing to be held Sept. 30th.

Palacios Beacon, August 31, 1923

Turtle Bay

J. F. Fields drove to Gulf Friday and returned Saturday.

Sunday a great number of Turtle Bay families attended the all day singing in Palacios. From all reports it was greatly enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Starr spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright.

Remember the ice cream social at the school house Friday night, Oct. 5. The proceeds to be used for the piping of water to the school house. Everybody invited.

There was a good crowd at the singing Sunday night at the school house, in spite of the fact that the majority had spent the day at the singing in Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, October 5, 1923

Turtle Bay

Ed James and family departed Saturday for West Texas to make their home.

A good crowd attended the ice cream social Friday night. The net proceeds were $22.90.

R. J. Tweedle and family moved this week to the farm vacated by Mr. Whitaker and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie and daughter ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sherman in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Robinson and family returned to their home at Olivia Tuesday after a short visit with her brother, J. H. Wiggins and family.

Mr. Tom Wright and family, Walter Kilgore and family and B. B. Wright and family spent Sunday with Elvie Killgore's family over beyond Cash's Creek.

Turtle Bay will soon lose another family. Mr. J. H. Wiggins has sale bills out announcing his sale for Oct. 18. They expect to move up near Sweetwater, Tex.

Mrs. Dick Phillips and children departed Friday, Oct. 5th, for Munday, Texas, to join Mr. Phillips who had gone there the week before. The family will make their future home there. They had rented Mr. Salisbury's farm for several years in Turtle Bay.

We lost another good family this week, that of Mr. J. J. Whitaker. They have moved to the Queen place north of Palacios. Mr. Whitaker recently traded his farm to Mr. Salsbury for a smaller one of Mr. Salsbury's that was being framed by R. J. Tweedle.

Palacios Beacon, October 12, 1923

Turtle Bay

Mr. Schilling and family spent Sunday with friends in Collegeport.

Sunday was the regular singing night at the school house. A large number attended.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fields and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whitaker and family.

Mr. Rundell and family moved Monday to the Salsbury farm recently vacated by R. J. Tweedle and family.

A number of young folks were entertained Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holliday. A good time is reported.

Gordon Starr and wife moved Monday from the Tres Palacios neighborhood to the place recently farmed by Wm. Farmer.

Wm. Farmer and family moved last week into the house vacated by Roy Gillespie and family. Mr. Farmer will work for Mr. Frank Gillespie the coming year.

The following were welcome visitors at school Friday afternoon: Mrs. Walter Kilgore, Mrs. Jim Benham, the Misses Evelyn Sherrill, Mary and Annie Highberg.

Palacios Beacon, November 2, 1923

Turtle Bay

Mrs. Geo. Hamlin is on the sick list this week.

Mr. Starr ate dinner Sunday with the J. E. Benham family.

Several from this vicinity attended the Schmidt sale Tuesday.

Miss Helen Ware is spending the week with the Hebel family east of town.

S. F. Fields and wife have moved to the farm recently vacated by the Rundell family.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Benham and Miss Mary Benham were Sunday dinner guests of Tom Wright and family.

A number of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ressler October 30th and reminded them of their 11th wedding anniversary. Ice cream and cake was enjoyed. The guests departed at a late hour, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ressler many more happy anniversaries.

Palacios Beacon, November 9, 1923

Turtle Bay School To Have Christmas Tree And Program Friday

Turtle Bay Community will have a community tree Friday night, Dec. 23, at the school house. The teacher, Mrs. Lauderback, and school children have been working for the past three weeks to render a program for the occasion. Following is the program:

Song--O Little Town of Bethlehem--By School.
Recitation--John Ressler.
Recitation--Out of Luck--Willie Miller.
Song--Luther's Cradle Hymn--First and Second Grades.
Recitation--Peace of Earth--Margaret Ressler.
Recitation--The Night Before Christmas--Lorene Beard.
Play--Comedy--Old Growlers Christmas. (Including Nursery Rhymes and Songs.)

Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1927

Pie Social At Turtle Bay School House On Friday, April 6th

A pie social will be held at the Turtle Bay School house on Friday evening, April 6, proceeds to be used to purchase a Victrola for the school. Everybody invited to come and eat pie and drink hot coffee.

Palacios Beacon, March 29, 1928

Turtle Bay Club News

The Turtle Bay Club met Wednesday, March 27, at the home of Mrs. L. H. Bell.

Demonstrations on clothing construction were given by Miss Alma Stewart.

"One of the best ways to hem a dress," said Miss Stewart "is to use the button hole stitch."

In sewing on buttons it is well to sew over a pin so that the stitch will not be too tight. Fasten the thread on the wrong side.

In sewing on hooks and eyes, use the button hole stitch as this makes a neat and substantial finish.

A demonstration was given on rug weaving by Miss Stewart.

Mrs. Buffaloe, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Alessandro, furnished games.

Our next meeting will be with Mrs. M. O. Cavallin, on April 10.

Those present were Mrs. Mike Alessandro. Mrs. E. E. Johs, Mrs. Ed Buffaloe, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. H. S. Bell, Mrs. M. W. Brown, Mrs. C. C. Ramsey, Mrs. C. B. Hamlin, Mrs. L. Newsom, Mrs. Evans, Miss Alma Stewart, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. L. H. Bell, Mrs. John Beard, and two guests, Mrs. Post and Mrs. Matteson.

The hostess served a dainty plate lunch with ice tea.--Reporter, Mrs. John Beard.

Palacios Beacon, April 4, 1940

Turtle Bay Club News

The Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. M. W. Brown Wednesday, May 22 at 2:30 p. m.

Meeting was called to order by the president. Letters from Miss Stewart were read to the club and reports were given by different members who attended the encampment which was held in Palacios, May 10-11.

Plans for sending a delegate to the A. & M. Short Course in July were discussed.

Mrs. Hamlin, Club Poultry Demonstrator, gave a review of her work and a general discussion of the poultry project followed.

Mrs. Alessandro, Mrs. Johs and Mrs. Stewart were appointed on gift committee. Motion was made for adjournment, after which the hostess served dainty refreshments.

Our next meeting will be with Mrs. N. D. Miller, Wednesday, June 12 at 2:00 p. m.

Those present were Mrs. L. H. Bell, Mrs. H. S. Bell, Mrs. C. C. Ramsey, Mrs. C. A. Evans, Mrs. Mike Alessandro, Mrs. Ed Buffalo, Mrs. R. N. Thompson, Mrs. C. B. Hamlin, Mrs. J. B. Arnold, Miss Millie Arnold, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. M. W. Brown. Visitors were Mrs. Robert Church, Miss Ruby Church and Miss Esther Anderson.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, May 30, 1940

Turtle Bay Club News

The Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday, June 12, at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. N. D. Miller. Meeting opened with all singing "God Bless America."  Minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. Council report was given by Mrs. Brown. The Club voted to send Mrs. Mike Alessandro to the A. & M. Short Course in July.

On Monday night, June 10, a picture show by the Coca Cola Company was given at the home of Mrs. C. C. Ramsey, for the benefit of the Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club, showing Flower Arrangements. Games were arranged by Mrs. Buffaloe and Mrs. Alessandro and prizes were won by Mrs. George Miller and M. W. Brown.

Our next meeting will be with Mrs. A. Nelson on June 26, at 2:30 P. M. Those present at the last Club meeting were Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. Mike Alessandro, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. C. C. Ramsey, Mrs. E. E. Johs, Mrs. Ed Buffaloe, Mrs. C. Hamlin, Mrs. M. O. Cavallin, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. R. R. Beard, Mrs. John Beard, Mrs. N. D. Miller and one guest, Mrs. Miller. The hostess served dainty refreshments.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, June 20, 1940

Party at Turtle Bay Friday Night To Be Hospital Fund Benefit

There will be a "42' and game party at the Turtle Bay school house Friday night, Feb. 21, starting at 8:00 o'clock.

The Home Demonstration Club women will sell hot dogs, sandwiches, pie, coffee and cocoa. The money made will go for the benefit of the Hospital Fund. Please come, there will be plenty of food and fun.--Mrs. E. E. Johs, chairman of Finance Committee.

Palacios Beacon, February 20, 1947

Former Turtle Bay School building in 2016 serving as Pilgrim Rose Baptist Church

Turtle Bay Club News

The Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday, Feb. 12 with Mrs. Edd Buffaloe. Mrs. C. C. Ramsey called the meeting to order and all joined in saying the Club Prayer. Fourteen women answered roll call and one new member was added to the roll.

Report of the February Council Meeting in Bay City was given by Mrs. C. G. Jeffers.

Plans were made for the Community Party at the Turtle Bay schoolhouse on Friday evening, Feb. 21. Club extends a cordial invitation to the public.

The program on Food Production for 1947 was given by Mrs. Jeffers. All phases of gardening were discussed. Names of new and improved varieties of vegetables were recommended.

Mrs. Heath, Recreation Chairman, was in charge of recreation period.

Those present were Mesdames C. L. Batchelder, J. E. Beard, Edd Buffaloe, Ben Elliott, Eldon Hamlin, Jim Heath, C. G. Jeffers, Erich Johs, Oswald Kubecka, Geo. Miller, A. V. Miller, L. H. McMichiel, C. C. Ramsey, R. N. Thompson and D. H. Stewart.

The next meeting of the club will be Tuesday, Feb. 25 at the home of Mrs. D. H. Stewart.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 20, 1947

Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club

The Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Bob Church Friday, May 8 with eleven members, six visitors and the agent, Mrs. Lynch, present.

During the business meeting plans were made to entertain another club. The program was then turned over to Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Keller who gave a report on the District H. D. A. meeting in Beaumont.

The next regular meeting will be with Mrs. Henry Alley, Friday, May 22.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 21, 1953

Turtle Bay Home Demonstration Club

The Turtle Bay Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. Henry Alley Friday, May 22.

During the business meeting final plans were made for our party to be given June 26 when we will entertain the Prairie Center club.

The program was turned over to Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Neeley who told abut Good Lighting, and Emphasis on the Kitchen. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. C. Cunningham on Friday, June 12.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, June 4, 1953


Copyright 2013 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

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