School-Girl Days A Memory Book of Nellie Mae Pasal Palacios High School 1922 - 1925 |
Again the old town is sending of its bravest
and brightest to help swell the attendance at the centers of higher
learning. C. I. A. at Denton will receive the Misses Angus
McFarland, Beryl Forehand, Cora Anna Hendricks, Dessie Sullivan and
Nellie Mae Pascal; the two latter being first year pupils. Misses
Zalie Reaser and Beatrice Chaddock will attend business college in
Houston and Miss Ruth Berger will study in Draughn's in San Antonio.
Russell Feather and Harold Barr are senior students in Rice
Institute, Henry Luther and Rupert Elliott will be students at
Baylor U., Waco. Miss Margaret Nester will re-enter John Tarleton,
Stephenville. Bruce Berger and Joe L. Deutsch, Jr., will be freshies
in the Texas Dental College, Houston. Everett Skinner, Merwin
Robinson and Henry Barr will do first year work in the Methodist
College in Jacksonville. Leonard Waters will enter S. M. U..,
Georgetown and Raymond Waters will try his fate in Shriners' college
near Kerrville. Misses Jewel Smith and Ruby Chamblee will attend a
college in Decatur, Texas, and Miss Mabel Kirkpatrick will go to
Cleburne. Misses Wanda Gray and Mary Bolling will enter Sophomore
year at Texas U.
When the College Kids Came Home
Wednesday night had a boat sail. Thursday night a dance at the pavilion also one Friday night. After the dance Friday night they all came up to the house and we all drank punch (spiked - heads or heels?) and ate cake.
Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs All rights reserved |
Created Dec. 27, 2007 |
Updated Dec. 28, 2007 |