School-Girl Days
A Memory Book of Nellie Mae Pasal
Palacios High School
1922 - 1925



May 2 - All Senior class assembled out on the porch until Mrs. Elliott invited us in. We found our place cards.

After the first course Miss Vic Elder gave us the meaning of "Know Man's Land."

Then Mary Bolfing told us about the funniest thing that had ever happened to her. Cora Anna told us about her most embarrassing moment.

Through Know Man's Land


Guide - Miss Elder

Upward Glance - Mary Bolling

Fun Along the Way - Cora Anna

In the Dark - Jane Elder

Music - Cleo Hankins

A Mountain Pass -

The Little Brown Church - Albert Dorris

A Bridge to Cross - Miss Hayes

Chiming Bells - Mr. Frazier

Campus Travels - Miss Stock

Cleo Hankins sang a solo, then Miss Hayes gave a reading.

Jane Elder told us about the most difficult situation that she had ever had which was very funny. Albert Dorris then told what his church really meant to him. Rev. Frazier of the Baptist Church gave an interesting talk which we all enjoyed and last but not least at all was a wonderful talk given by Miss Stock as she urged us all to attend some college.

Junior-Senior Banquet Held Saturday Night

On the evening of Saturday, May 9, the Juniors and Seniors of Palacios High School assembled at Hotel Palacios for their annual banquet given in honor of the class of 1925. Promptly at eight o'clock the doors of the large dining room were opened and the company marched into the beautifully decorated room to strains of music rendered by Miss Ruth Skinner at the piano, John Richards and Miss Muriel Green, violins and Jim Green cornet. Spanish colors were used for decorations. The place cards were Spanish dancing girls and the waiters were members of the H. E. Class dressed as Senoritas. When all had found their places the invocation was given by Rev. Gillespie and the address of welcome by Rupert Elliott.

A delicious dinner, served in four courses, prepared by the genial host and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Jennings, was heartily enjoyed as was the delightful music furnished by the orchestra.


The program arranged for entertainment opened with a violin solo by John Richards, followed by a duet by Mrs. R. J. Sisson and Mrs. O. C. Arnold. The Class Prophecy, which was read by Johnnie Bonner came next and was one of the most interesting features, but not many wish to see this class prophecy come true. Edna Mae Reynolds and Bruce Berger, presidents of the two classes, each gave short talks, and then Bruce presented the Juniors their flag, which had been taken from them by the Seniors in a flag fight last February, and thus closed an evening of fun for all and one long to be remembered.

Paper and date unknown



May 9 - Gayly attired we all met at the Hotel Palacios and to the strains of music we all marched into the large beautifully decorated dining hall where we found our place cards and after the invocation by Rev. Gillespie we were all seated. Rupert Elliot made the speech of welcome which indeed made us all very welcome. The class prophecy was very interesting and was especially enjoyed by all of the seniors. We all had a real nice time realizing this to be our last Junior-Senior.


Class Prophecy

Seniors '25

In the year of 1914 A.D. a serious and intelligent bunch began their school career. During their first year they gained their sand for future life--from the first grade sand pile. In the year of 1925 they left old P. H. S. with honors, and their places were filled by the very energetic juniors.

This gang after leaving school went out into the world, each seeking their highest ambition. Time flew swiftly, and it was in the year of 1942 when I made a visit back to old Palacios.

When I stepped off of the Palacios limited, the first thing that attracted my attention was a large factory erected close to the sea shore with this sign upon it, H. Stapp, Shrimp Packing Co. I decided I would go over and have a talk with my old school mate. When I entered the factory, facing me was a door with this inscription on it. Howard Stapp Sr. President. After shaking hands with Howard and discussing his business for a short while the subject changed to our old school mates. The first one being Angus McFarland who had become a great stage actress in New York. Howard told me he had received a short letter from her some time back and she was getting along fine, except she was having trouble with her teeth, because the part she played on the stage is very hard on teeth. About this time a very beautiful lady entered the office. I arose and Howard introduced her as his wife and behold I recognized her as Lucille Hogg. I bid them goodbye. As I passed the Hardware store I noticed a short stubby man standing on the corner, with his thumbs in his vest and a star on his coat. When I passed him I recognized him. He was Bruce Berger. He told me that his wife, Nellie Mae, had always longed for him to hold a responsible position, so he accepted the office of city marshal. Bruce asked me to spend the evening with him so I accepted. During the evening we talked of old times. I asked him what had become of Paul Braden. About that time in walked Paul Braden, with a big chunk of ice. He told me he had become a successful ice man, and had married the flower of his life, Mary Bolling, who was I remember the flapper of the town. After Paul had left, Bruce gave me a picture of a man who I recognized to be Truett (Shot Gun) Rogers, and below this picture was a warrant for his warrant for the kidnapping of Velma Sherfield. Bruce then told me of the rest of his classmates. Johnnie Grant and Cora Anna Hendrick highest ambition was to get married but their advertisement in the Palacios Beacon was ignored, so they left for parts unknown. Faye Green was trying to reduce by using the wash board daily, while her old pal Margaret Nester was slinging hash in the Hale Café. Ruth Lewis and Meta Baxter have established a beauty parlor on the corner of Main, and 13th street, and were doing a rushing business. Wanda Gray had given up her ambition of becoming a school teacher and was running a rooming house in College Port with Lula Hagler and Beryle Forehand two old maid school teachers staying with her. The last time Bruce had heard of Jewel Smith, she was using her wonderful voice for drawing crowds in a medicine show. Reba Curtis and Ruby Chamblee were wives of successful cotton farmers in Caranchua bottoms. Bruce said that if I would stay for supper we would go to church. After supper we went to the last Presbyterian Church where they were having a revival meeting held by Pastor Dorris who preached the gospel, and his wife Katy Hammond led the song service. Upon the Amen seat set a very old looking and feeble man. Bruce asked me if I recognized hi. I said I did not and he told me that it was Mr. H. C. Lewis, our used to be principal and athletic director in 1925.

May 27 - Jewelle Smith invited all of the Senior class to her home for a may be last evening together of fun. We played games all pretending to be athletics such as the bowling game and the high hurdles. Angus won 1st prizes for having the widest grin, it being 4 3/4 in.

At a late hour delicious refreshments were served and we all left declaring it to be the best class party ever.

Index names: Cowger, Lewis, Grant, Bolling, Gray, Hale, Hendricks, Nester, Berger, Braden, Stapp, Rogers, Hagler, Hammond, Baxter, Hogg, Greene, Chamblee, Pasal, McFarland, Smith, Curtis, Sherfield, Caylor

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Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs   All rights reserved

Dec. 27, 2007
Dec. 28, 2007