The Matagorda County Tribune
Second Annual Rice Carnival Number
August 20, 1902


The Bay City Pharmacy

Dr. W. W. Bouldin's is the oldest and largest drug store in the city, as he is one of the oldest and most extensive practitioners in the county. His stock is always full and complete in all lines, and by turning to his ad, you will see that his lines are many.

Bay City Bank

This was the first bank established in Matagorda county, and is one of the safest and soundest financial institutions in the coast country. Hy. Rugeley, the manager of this bank, is a native of the county, has extensive and influential family connections, and is a leading factor in all public enterprises and many private corporations. See this bank's card on another page.


H. J. Falke

Mr. Falke is an energetic contractor and builder and works a large force of hands. He has an architect and draughtman in his office and will furnish designs and estimates on short notice. He has just completed I. Ditch's white brick corner, the finest business house in Bay City. Consult his ad, and then consult him.

Texas Star Rice Mills

This solid old institution has established a reputation for prompt and square dealing and it commands the confidence of the coast rice growers and a large share of their patronage. Read their ad.

Houston Rice Milling Co.

This new  candidate for popular favor is offering the rice growers every inducement to come over to their side and do business. Read their ad on page 2  and do business. Read their ad on page 2 and see if they can't be induced to offer you extra inducements to ship on them.


Copyright 2009 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Sep. 5, 2009
Sep. 5, 2009