May 27, 2007 - Collegeport, Texas

Penland Family Information

Penland/Huffhines Reunion held Sunday at Collegeport.

On Sunday, May 27, the Penland and Huffhines families gathered for a reunion at Mopac House in Collegeport. A pot-luck dinner and an afternoon of sharing memories, stories and photographs were enjoyed by over 50 family members.  About 20 of the group visited the former family home south of Collegeport where they were given a tour of the house by one of its current owners. The house was built by John Phillips Pierce around 1900. Longtime owners were Lolalita and Earl Cockburn. The Penland family lived here for many years before the Cockburns moved to Collegeport.  Others who made this their home include the families of Allen & Linda Neisig, Red & Julia George and currently, Bill & Sandra Gay who have been restoring the house. Family members traveled from many states, including Montana, California, Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas and Hawaii to attend the reunion.

Following the tour, Gene and Patsy Huffhines, accompanied by two of Gene’s sisters, placed markers at Collegeport Cemetery for Tressie Lorene Huffhines and Grady Clyde Penland who were victims of tragedy in the Tres Palacios Bay on March 14, 1931.

Several members of the Penland and Huffhines families also attended Collegeport Day on Saturday.



Copyright 2007 - Present by the Penland Family
All rights reserved

May 28, 2007
May 28, 2007