2. Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Company Muster-in Roll October 4, 1861 Camp Hy & McCulloch; Age 46 years; Joined Oct. 4, 1861 Matagorda for duration of war; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. Company Muster Roll Oct. 4 to 31, 1861; enrolled July 11, 186_ at Matagorda; Mustered into service Oct. 4, 186_ in Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 4. Company Muster Roll dated Nov. & Dec. 1861 - Present; enrolled July 11, 1861 at Matagorda 5. Company Muster Roll Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 6. Company Muster Roll Mar & Apr 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 7. Company Muster Roll May & June 1862; Resigned May 13, 1862 8. (back of previous page) His resignation was accepted May 13, 1862 as per Special Order No. 727 9. Regimental Return month of Jan 1862 – Present 10. Regimental Return month of Feb 1862 – Absent – on detached service since Feby 5, 62, by Post order No 12, at Camp Esperanza 11. Regimental Return month of May 1862 – Resigned. Resignation accepted by virtue of Sp. Order 727, dated Houston D. H._. May 13, 1862 12. Roster of Co D, 6th Texas Regiment dated Jan. 29, 1862 at Camp Henry McCulloch; Mustered in Octr 4, 1861 by Maj. A. M. Haskell 13. Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war. Undated roster; date of entry or muster 4 Oct 1861; date of rank 4 Oct 1861; Date and cause of vacancy R[esignation]; Name of successor Jas. Selkirk 14. Roster of 6th Regiment Texas Infantry dated Sept. 1, 1864; Date of rank Oct. 4, 1861 by election; Date and cause of vacancy: Resigned May 20, 1862; Name of successor James Selkirk; Regularly elected by his men 15. Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States; Date of appointment Oct. 4, 1861; Resigned (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 16. Return of Post of Camp Esperanza (near Saluria), Texas, for the month of Feby, 1862; Comd’g Co D 6 Infty (Misc. File No. 209) 17. Cover for resignation Head Qrs Camp McCulloch Victoria May 4, 1862; Col. R. R. Garland 18. To General S? Cooper? A General C.S.A.; Richmond V. A.; Head Quarters, Camp McCulloch, Near Victoria Texas, May 4, 1862; General, I have the honor to ____ herewith the resignation of Capt. E. A. Pearson 6th Regiment Texas Infantry. For the good of the service I respectfully recommend that his resignation be accepted. Very Respectfully, Your Obt Servt, R. R. Garland, Col 6th Regt Texas Infty 19. Camp Henry McCulloch Jany 12th 1862; T. S. Anderson; Lt. Col Comdg 6th Tx Infantry; Transmitting supplication for extension of leave by Capt. E. A. Peareson Comdg Co. D 6th T. I. 20. Lieut. Wm. C. Yager, Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl., San Antonio-Texas; Head Quarters, Camp Henry McCulloch, Jan. 12, 1862; Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of the Colonel Commanding the Western Military Dept of Texas, an application for an extension of leave for Capt. E. A. Pearson of 6th Texas Infty.; I beg leave to say in explanation of the matter that I gave Capt. Pearson leave of absence for Seven days from Jan. 11th to Jan. 18th, in consequence of information of the extreme and dangerous illness of his wife. Capt. P. resides in Matagorda Co., & in the town of Matagorda. His route from this place is first to the town of Lavaca and thence by the little mail Schooner across the Bay to Matagorda. Owing to the uncertainly of the winds it is doubtful whether he can go from here to Matagorda & return within the Seven days ___ if his wife’s condition would permit of his immediate return. But he has every reason to fear that her condition is critical and dangerous and, in consideration of the circumstances I have given him permission to make this 21. application for an extension of his leave to the 26th inst. and I respectfully ask that the Colonel will grant it. If the health of his family will permit Capt. P. will return at once to duty before the expiration of his leave – but if not and other circumstances should be adverse, he would of course, be much obliged for the extension. At his request I also ask that you will favor your reply to this application to me at this post. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Yr. Obt. Svt., T. S. Anderson, Lt. Col. Comg. 6th Tex. Infty 22. No. 2 (otherwise blank page) 23. Received Indianola Texas December 10th 1861 of 2nd Lieut. J. H. Dinkins C. S. Infantry Ordnance Officer one Box containing one Thousand cartridges and one thousand percussion caps. E. A. Peareson, Commanding Company D 24. No. 17 abstract 1st __ 1862; Articles Issued. Col. E. A. Pearson; Knapsacks and Straps 25. Received at Camp Esparanza on the 28th day of February, 1862 of Cap. Udolpho Wolfe a. q. m. the following articles of Camp & Garrison Equipage. Viz: 76 Knapsacks and 76 Knapsack Straps, quality good. E. A. Peareson, Commandig Company D 6th Texas Infantry 26. No. 40; No. 30 Abstract K 1st Qr. 1862, Articles Issued 6th Tex. Inf. Special Requisition
27. Special Requisition. For Shoes for Seventy
Seven men of Captain E. A. Peareson’s company “D” 6th
Texas Infantry, Commanded by Col. _____ 28. No 10 Abstract 1st qtr 61 December, Company D
29. Requisition for Straw for Company “D” 6th
Regiment Infantry commanded by Captain E. A. Peareson for month of
December 1861.; Station: Camp H. E. McCulloch 30. No 15 Abstract First Qr. 1862 Co. D February 1862 31. Requisition for Fuel for Company “D” 6th Texas Infantry Commanded by Col. R. R. Garland; Captains – 1; ____-8; NC Officers, Musicians & Privates 76; Laundresess & Servants-1; Total 77; I certify on honor that the above requisition is correct, & just, & that Fuel has not been drawn for any part of the time above charged. E. A. Peareson Capt. Co. “D”; Received February 1862 of U. Wolf H. Q. M. C.S.A. of 21 3/6 cords of Wood in full of the above requisition. E. A. Peareson Captain Co. “D” 32. No. 2 Abstract for 4th Qr. 1861 Requisition for Straw Company D 6 Tex Inf 33. Requisition for Hay for Company “D” (6th regiment Texas Infty) commanded by Capt. E. A. Peareson C.S. Army for the month of November 1861.; Station: Camp Henry McCulloch Texas; Non commissioned officers, musicians and privates-71; Laundresses-4; Servants-4; Total drawn for-79; Monthly allowance to each-12; Total allowance-948 Hay in place of straw; I certify that the above return is correct and just and that the Hay has not been drawn for any part of the time charged. E. A. Peareson, Capt. Commanding Company; Received at Camp Henry McCulloch Texas the 1 day of November 1861 of Capt. Udolpho Wolfe a. q. m. of C. S. Army. Nine hundred & Forty eight pounds of Hay in full of the above requisition. E. A. Peareson Capt. Commanding Company 34. Voucher No. 13 2nd Qr 1862; Abstract of Articles Recd? Capt. E. A. Pearson, April 30, 1862
35. Received, Victoria Texas, April 30th
1862 of Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Apt Quartermaster CS Army the following
articles of Clothing Camp Garrison Equipage. Viz: 36. No. 4 Abstract H 1st Qr. 1862; Co D; January 1862
37. Requisition for Hay for “D” Company 6th
Regt. 6 Infantry commanded by Capt. E. A. Peareson for the Month
January 1862; Station: Camp Henry McCulloch; N. C. Officers,
Musicians and Privates-76; Laundresses-1; Total 77; Monthly
Allowance to Each 12 Pounds; Total Allowance 924 Pounds; Mrs. Bryant
Laundress of Company D 38. No. 10 Abstract F, 1st Qr. 1862, Co D., January 1862
39. Requisition for Fuel, for Company “D” 6th
Regt. 6 Infantry Commanded by Colonel R. R. Garland for the Month of
January 1862; Station: Camp Henry McCulloch; Captains-1; __-3; N. C.
Officers, Musicians, Privates-76; Laundress-1; Total 81 40. Abstract F, 4 Qr 1861 No. 25 Company D, December 41. Requisition for Fuel for “D” Company 6th Regt. of Texas Infantry commanded by Capt. E. A. Peareson for the Month of December 1861.; Station: Camp Henry McCulloch; Captain-1; ___-3; N. C. Officers, Musicians, Privates-74; Laundress-1; Total 79; Capt.: 3 cords; Lts.: 2 cords; N. C. Off: 1/6; Music: 1/6; Privates: 1/6; Laundress: 1/6 Allowance: 20 cords Wood; Remarks: Mrs. Bryant Laundress of Comp. “D”; I certify on honor, that the above requisition is correct and just, and that fuel has not been drawn for any part of the time charged. E. A. Peareson Commanding Company; Received on the 19th of December 1861, of Captain Udolpho Wolfe, Assistant Quartermaster, C. S. Army, twenty cords of Wood, in full of the above Requisition. E. A. Peareson, Commanding Company
42. 456-14-1862; Camp H. McCulloch; May 4, 1862;
Resignation of Capt. E. A. Pearson, Compy D 6 Tex;
43. To The Hon Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of
War, Richmond, Va.; Camp Henry McCulloch, Near Victoria, Texas, May
4th 1862; Sir, I hereby resign my Commission as Captain
of Company “D,” 6th Regt. Tex. Vol. Infty.; I beg leave
respectfully to State that ill health alone has induced me to
adopt the course above indicated. My whole heart is with my country
in this Struggle, and should I recover sufficiently before it is
ended, my life will again be offered to the Cause; but my already
feeble and continually declining health convinces me that I
cannot longer hold the position and do justice to my self or the
service – I therefore respectfully ask that my resignation be
accepted to take effect from date. I have the honor to be Sir,
Respectfully Your obedient Svt. E. A. Peareson; Capt. Co “D,” 6th
Tex. Infty.
45. Received Victoria Texas December 12, 1861 of
2nd Lieut. J. H. Dinkins? C. S Inf. Ordnance Officer, the
following articles of ordnance & ordnance stores. Viz: 46. Camp Henry McCullouch, Jany 11th 1862; E. A. Peareson, Capt Comdy Co D 6th T. I.; Application for Extension of Leave
47. To the Commanding Officer 6th Tex.
Infty.; Camp Henry McCulloch, Jan. 11th 1862 48. 1861 Capt. E. A. Peareson, Victoria Nov 1st; Asking to be Transferred to Col. Bates Regt.
49. Victoria, Camp Hy E. McCulloch, Nov. 1, 1861;
Col. Joseph Bates, Brazoria 50. 1861 Head Quarters Velasco Nov 9th; Col J. Bates Commdg 4 Regt. T. I.; Asking that Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company be transferred to this Regt. 51. Head Quarters, Velasco, Novr 9th 1861; Genl. Hebert, I enclose you a letter from Capt. Pearson formerly a citizen of the town of Matagorda; and he is a very respectable gentleman and considerable intelligence & popularity. His zeal in the cause urged him to seek service, & believing ____ would not any nearer home, he early secured his present location. I am sure he desired service nearer home; and if he could be transferred to my Regiment it would be very gratifying to him & his company. I would be much pleased to receive him. Very Respectfully, J. F Bates, Col. 4th Regt. Texas Vol. 52. May 4, 1862; Certificate in the case Capt. Peareson, Dr. J. W. Lyons; E. A. Peareson Capt. 6 TX Inf. 53. Capt. E. A. Peareson of the 6 Reg. Texas inf having applied for a certificatee on which to _____ his resignation: I here by certify that I have examined this officer and find that he is suffering from pneumonia that he is much prostrated and in consequence there of is in my opinion unfit for duty and will not be able to stand the hardship of a campaign for some months.; J. M. Lyons, Surgeon 6 Reg Tex inf.; May 4th, 1862
54. Matagorda Dec. 6th 1863 E. A.
Peareson; Reporting received same of Capt. Shepperd of Ltr “J. F.
Carr: & discovering of Federal Pickets on the Peninsula 55. Matagorda Texas Dec. 6th 1863; Capt. Edward P. Turner A. A. Genl.; Sir, Capt. Shepherd of the Gun Boat “J. F. Carr,” and Capt. Simpkins C. S. N. made a reconnaissance this morning; they discovered upon the Peninsula two mounted Federal pickets above John Williams’ Bayou six or eight miles below Matagorda and about 430 miles from the head of the Bay. We have secured no information from the citizens residing on the Peninsula, their boats suddenly disappeared last night, and I presume they were captured by the enemy. Commodore Leon Smith left Matagorda in a launch for Lavaca 3 or 4 days since; we have no subsequent information as to his movements. I sent dispatch on yesterday (the 5th inst.) to the store of Smith & Granger addressed to Genl. Magruder containing all the information secured up to that time of the movements of the enemy. I have sent to day, by Courier, the above information addressed to Genl. Magruder at Columbia and also to Genl. (end of dispatch missing)
56. E. A. Peareson, Matagorda Nov 19, 1863;
(several lines illegible) 57. Matagorda Nov 19th 1863.; Maj? W. Hyelestia? Pro. Mar. Genl.; Sir, Upon the Colorado river about thirty miles from the City of Matagorda in Wharton County There has been gradually collecting a body of Deserters and runaway negroes. Until now they are becoming quite formidable in numbers. About nine months past, five young men from Wharton County deserted, and concealed themselves in the Colorado bottom, making Mr. Jonth. K., the father of two of the young men their rendezvous, for supplies, communication & c. They now number certainly thirty and probably more. Their number is continually increasing. They are well organized, well armed, well mounted, and surrounded by friends. Secreted in the dense river bottom, it will be very be very difficult to capture them. As an evidence of the animus of these men, Mr. Isaac ______, G., a private in Davidson’s Batt. Sent to see them, to persuade two of his nephews (deserters) to return to their company; his nephews promised to see the balance of the band, and induce them all to return. Some few weeks after this, seeing that their promise had not been complied with, and President Davis’s 58. proclamation having been published, offering pardon to all deserters, conditionally, Mr. G. again visited with his nephews this time confident of success. Quite a number of the band confronted him and their leader S., a deserter from Lynn’s? regiment accosting him ordered him not to come back there again. “You are a soldier, and we are here to kill all confederate soldiers. You may go this time, but do not return. We have seen the President’s proclamation; we receive the papers as regularly as you do.” Gale Talbot a private in Capt. Rugeley’s Company, Brown’s Batt. Told me that upon Mr. G’s second visit to his nephews, he went to Mr. K. and asked him to see them. Mr. K. replied “that they were in Mexico.” Mr. G. denied this and holding in his hand, the President’s proclamation _____ K. that all that he wanted was to induce his nephews to return to their duty in compliance with that proclamation. K. immediately left the house, & in a few minutes returned with his nephews, accompanied by S. & c. When the conversation before detailed occurred. If this be true K’s complicity is placed beyond a doubt. James Seaborn, also a private in Rugeley’s Company Brown’s Batt. Apprised me that K. told the squad from Rugeley’s Company who were sent but a short time since to arrest these men, that “he would ___ 59. and take care of his sons, so long as they remained about him.” S. is a daring and unscrupulous scoundrel. He has boasted that he has killed Mexicans for their spurs, or for a blanket. He is a nephew of P. L. Matagorda Co. a man who has been long suspected. There are but very few persons living upon the Colorado, between Matagorda and Wharton who are not strongly suspected of disloyalty. The moral conviction is beyond a doubt, but the actual proof cannot it be had. Their houses are visited by these Deserters, their hospitality is extended to them. They are kindly received and entertained by them. These things we know, but could not prove them in a court of justice. This Bandilla? As it numbers accumulate, will become more daring and enterprising, and unless they are crushed out, they will soon have it in their power to do us much harm. They have lately been seen in the dense wooded bottom within four or five mile of the city of Matagorda. Any night they could enter the City, set fire to the cotton that has been accumulated here, and thus destroy the place. Squad of ten or fifteen men have been sent to assist them upon two occasions, but, this is all folly. Concealed in an extensive river bottom, with, which they are thoroughly conversant with all the fords on the river well known to them, surrounded by friends who act as spies
60. Matagorda Tex Decr. 5th 1863; E.
A. Peareson Pro. Marshal Matagorda; Informs that lights of the enemy
were seen opposite that place ____ information to Col Bates…
61. Matagorda Texas Decr. 5th 1863 62. Matagorda Dec 20 1863; E. A. Peareson Pro. Mar.; Report as to launch boats in the bay.; Recd. Dec. 22/63. 63. Matagorda Dec 20th /63; Maj. ___ P. Turner A. A. Genl, Greenville McNeils; Sir, On the 13th of this month, December, Capt. E. S. Rugeley published an order from General B. Magruder commanding all boats, skiffs, &c, not in govmt service, or retained as courier boats, to repair without delay to Caney Creek. On the same day Lieut Turner, Capt Rugeley’s Co, ascended the west branch of the Colorado to notify boatmen in that river at Robin’s landing four miles from Matagorda. He found the Jeff Davis, commanded by _____ Wayman, one white boy on board named David Scott; the Paul Jones recently commanded by J. A. Lemore; an old man named not known, familiarly called Dad, discharged from Capt. Kinney’s Co. Goliad resides in Refugio County; four men, names not known, formerly belonging to the Lizzy Bacon, at that time employed by George Burkhart to raise the Schooner George Burkhart, _____ sunk in the west branch; and an old citizen named Warren, with a nameless boat, loaded with provisions for families residing at La___. After Lieut. Turner had left, all of the parties above descried, except Warren, swore that they would not obey the order. This was not known until Warren came to Matagorda next day. That night they made their escape from the west branch, which, enters the Bay three miles below Matagorda. It will be seen at once that the only possible way to have prevented their escape, would have been by armed boats stationed so as to guard the ___ through Dog Island Reef. J. A. Lemore made his escape in his own skiff. He had 64. moved all of his property from the Paul Jones to his skiff. He is a citizen of St. Mary’s, has a wife and five or six children there. He is a boatman, Northern born, and considered respectable. He was twice captured by Capt. Kitridge of the Arthur and the second time compelled to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Govmt. He was a secessionist and told Judge Peters that, but for his ____ he would now be in the army? Wayman is an Englishmen. Has not been long in the State, came ashore from a wrecked vessel off Padre Island, came to Matagorda with James Curry a citizen residing on Padre Island. The boy David Scott is an orphan raised by the mother of James Curry. He is perfectly loyal. James Curry has four sons in the Army and several sons in law all of them volunteers at the commencement of the war. The great difficulty in collecting reliable facts has delayed my report.; Respectfully, E. A. Peareson, Prov. Marsh, Matagorda; You are as well acquainted with the Lizzy Bacon’s men, Yanks, as I am, and with the fate of the Jeff Davis. E. A. P.; The four steamers are now in the upper bay. The ___ Dale is ready for her gun, the thirty two pounder &c has arrived. 65. Maj. ____ P. Turner, Greenville McNeils, Brazoria County Texas |
Copyright 2010 -
Present by E. S. Rugeley Chapter 542 UDC |
Created Aug. 16 2010 |
Updated Aug. 16 2010 |