1. James Selkirk, Co. D, 6 Texas Infantry; 1 Lieutenant-Captain 2. 1 Lt; Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 37 years; Company Muster-in Roll Oct. 4, 1861 Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled Oct 4, 1861 at Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: war; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Enrolled July 11, 186_ at Matagorda by Capt. Peareson; Mustered into service: Oct. 4, 186_ at Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 4. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 – Present 5 . Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 6. Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 - Present; Pay due from enlistment; Signs roll as Comdg Co 7. Capt; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 - Present; Last paid by Cap. A [U] Wolfe Q. M. Jan 1, 1862; Remarks: Promoted May 13, 1862 (over) 8. (back of index page # 11) vice Cap. E. A. Peareson having resigned, his resignation was excepted May 13, 1862 as per Special order No 727 9. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Wolfe Jan 1, 1862 10. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Q M Jan 1, 1862 11. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U Wolfe; To what time: Nov 1, 1862 12. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863; Present or absent: not stated; Dated Apr 30, 1863; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Nov 1, 1862; Remarks: Sick since May 5, 1863 (over) 13. (back of index page # 12) Recapitulation shows Capt Present sick 14. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 – June 30, 1863 – Present 15. Company Muster Roll of Co D, 15 Regt, Tex. Cav for Jan 1 to July 1, 1863; Signs roll as Comdg Company 16. Company Muster Roll of Co D 15 Regt Tex Cav for July & Aug, 1863; The officers of this Co were displaced May 24, 1863 by the temporary consolidation of the 6th 10th & 15th Tex. Regt and Capt. Selkirk of Co. D 6 assigned to duty in said…Entry from Record of events and signs roll as commanding Company 17. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1863 – Present 18. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 – Present 19. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1863 – Present 20. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1864 – Absent; Sick in Hospl 21. Company Muster Roll for March & April, 1864 – absent; Remarks: In Hospital 22. Appears on Regimental Return for Jan, 1862 – Present 23. 1 Lt; Appears on Regimental Return for Feb, 1862 – Absent; Remarks: On detached service since Feby 5, 62 by Post Order No 12, at Camp Esperanza 24. Capt; Appears on Regimental Return for May, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: Present; Remarks: Promoted Capt May 17, vice E. A. Pearson, Resigned 25. Appears on Regimental Return for June, 1862 – Present 26. Appears on Regimental Return for July, 1862 – Present 27. Appears on Regimental Return for Aug, 1862 – Present; Station: Camp Holmes; Remarks: Sick since August 28th, 1862 28. Appears on Regimental Return for September, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 29. Appears on Regimental Return for Oct, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 30. Appears on Regimental Return for Nov, 1862 – Present 31. 1 Lt; G. L. Stewart, 2 Lt, Co. D, 6 Reg’t Texas Infantry; Appears on a Roster of the organization named above; Roster dated Camp Henry McCulloch Jan 29, 1862; Remarks: Mustered in Octr 4/61 by Maj. A. M. Haskell 32. Lt; Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war. Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Election Oct 4, 1861; Date and cause of vacancy: Promoted May 20, 1862; Name of successor Green Stewart; Remarks: Regularly elected by his men 33. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roll not dated; Date of rank: 4 Oct 1861; Date and cause of vacancy: Pro; Name of successor: G. L. Stewart 34. Appears on a Roster of the 6th and 15th Regiments of Texas Volunteers (Consolidated); Granbury’s Brigade; Cleburne’s Division; Hardee’s Corps; Army of Tennessee; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Promotion 20 May 1862 35. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank: Promotion May 20, 1862; Remarks: Election returns on orders promoting, all made (over) 36. (back of index page # 39) in accordance with law. No record at present in Regiment - all documents and books of Regiment having been lost at Arkansas Post on the 11 of January 1863. Every requirement of the law was complied with in reference to this officer. 37. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster not dated; Date of rank 17 May, 1862 38. Appears on a Roster of troops of the Confederate Army captured at Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863; Roster not dated 39. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from St. Louis, Mo., by the Provost Marshal General, Department of the Missouri, to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, January 27, 1863, under instructions from Washington; Roll dated St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1863; Where captured: Ark Post Jany 11, 1863; NOTE: “The Arkansas Post Prisoners were all transferred directly from the Boats in which they came up the river, to the Cars which took them East.” 40. Appears on a Descriptive Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Chase, Ohio; Arrested Ark Post Ark Jan 11, 1863; Received at Camp Chase, Ohio Jan 30, 1863; Whence: St. Louis, Mo.; By whose order; Maj Gen. Curtis; Description: Height 5 ft, 10 ˝ in.; age 28; Eyes Grey; hair: Lt; complexion; age 384; Eyes Grey; hair Brn; complexion Dk; Date of departure Apr 10, 1863; Remarks: Transferred to Ft. Delaware (Camp Chase, Ohio, Register No. 2, page 78) 41. Appears on a register of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware, Del.; Where captured: Ark Post; When captured: Jany 11, 1863; When joined post April 12, 1863; Remarks: Forwarded to City Point for exchange April 29, 1863 (Fort Delaware, Del., Register No 4; page 32) 42. Name appears as a signature to a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled at Fort Delaware, Del., April 25, 1863; Roll not dated; Where captured Ark Post Jany 11, 1863; Name appears in Column of names as James Selkirk 43. Company Muster Roll of Co D 10 Regt Tex Inf for July & Aug, 1863; Signs roll as comdg Co 44. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate State; Date of appointment May 17, 1862; (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 45. Appears on an Abstract of Payments made by Capt. Udolpho Wolfe, A. Q. M., 6th Reg’t Texas Infantry, and Actg. Brig. Q. M., Garland’s Brigade, for the months of October, November, and December, 1862; Abstract not dated; Date of payment Novr 23, 1862 From Jany 1, 1862 To Nov 1, 1862; Amount $1127.00 46. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States; Date of appointment: Oct 4, 1861; Date of resignation, death, transfer or promotion: Pro. Capt. (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 47. Appears on an Inspection Report of Granbury’s Brigade of Texas Troops, commanded by Brig. Gen. H. B. Granbury; Report dated In the Field near Atlanta Aug 25, 1864; Absent commissioned officers accounted for: By what authority Medical Board; Date: Feby 20, 1864 (Inspection Report H, No. 14; inclosure 10.) 48. Appears on a Return of Troops stationed at Arkansas Post, Ark., for the month of Sept, 1862 – Present (Miscellaneous File No. 30.) 49. Appears on a Return of Post of Camp Esperanza (near Saluria), Texas, for the month of Feby, 1862 (Miscellaneous File No. 209.) 50. Selkirk, Jas., Capt., 6 & 15th Tex Regt; leave of absence 90 days; Spec. Or. #17, Hq. Army Tenn, Tupelo, Miss, Jan 22/65 51. Selkirk, James, Capt. Co D, 6 Tex Inf; Recom’d For Major; See 378/5 Appmts 1864 with personal papers of Rhoads Fisher, 6 Ref’t Tex 52. Camp near Tunnel Hill, Ga, Decr 11/63; Capt James Selkirk, 6 Tex. Inf., Recd Decr 19th/63; ___ For Transportation … 53. The Confederate States To 1st Lt James Selkirk Dr; For—Transportation paid in the following named Recruits for the 6th Texas Infantry May 20th 1862 from Matagorda Texas to Victoria Texas viz. T. McCue, C. H. Quadan, Thos Smith, L. Peden, W. Dunbar, P Soper, L. Roerden, J. Connory & Thos Hill – total nine @ $8.00, 72.00; Actual expences $72.99; I certify on Honor that the above account is correct and just, that the expences for transportation were paid by me as stated and that they were necessary for the public service. May 25, 1862, James Selkirk 1 Lt Co D 6 Regt Infty Recruting Officer; Approved R. R. Garland, Col 6th Texas Infantry; Approved H. B. Granbury Col Comd Brig 54. [duplicate of document #53] 55. Report of the ___ ___ on the Claim of James Selkirk Capt. for Transportation of recruits; Reported July 27th 1864; Comptroller office July 29/64; I concur in this Report of the 2nd auditor; ___ ____ comptroller 56. Report of the Second Auditor on the Claim of James Selkirk 1st Lieut “Co D” 6th Texas Infantry Recruiting Officer for the transportation of Nine Recruits from Matagorda Texas to Victoria Texas [quality of the remainder of the document is poor] 57. 1st Lieut James Selkirk Co D. 5th Texas Infantry; Due him For Recruting & Transportation of Recruits ($72.00) Reported August 1st 1864 Returned 58. [additional document for #53] 59. Hardee’s Army. Camp near Tunnel Hill. Ga Dec 11, 1863; Sir, With this I enclose a small claim against the Confederate States Government for Transportation paid by me on recruits while recruiting under orders from the Col Commanding for the 6th Texas Infantry. The order detaching me from my Company on this duty was lost at the time of my Capture at Arkansas Post 11th Jany last. The claim was presented to our Brigade Q. M. for payment. He refused payment on the grounds that it was necessary for the claims to be presented to you for your approval in which case he would pay the same. If in favor will you please order the same to be paid through Cap. W. H. Moores Brigade Q. M. Smith’s Brigade, Gen Cleburne’s Division, Gen Hardees Amy near Tunnel Hill, Ga.; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th 10th & 15th Texas Infantry consolidated; W. H. S. Taylor Second Auditor Confederate States Richmond Va; 60. Lt. James Selkirk; Transportation; For Transportation of Recruits; Filed Decr 19th, 1863…. 61. Voucher No 28 2nd Qr 1862; Abstract of Articles Issued To Capt. Jas. Selkirk, June 4, 1862 62. Received at --- the 4th day of June 1862 of Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Ast Quartermaster C. S. Army, the following C. C. & G. Equipage
James Selkirk Cap Comd 63. Voucher No 39 2nd Qr 1862; Abstract of Articles Issued to Capt Jas. Selkirk, June 9th 1862 64. Received at Navasota Texas the 9th day of June? 1862 of Capt Udolpho Wolfe Asst Quartermaster C. S. Army, the following C C & G Equipage Viz:
James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th Texas Infantry 65. Voucher No. 61; Paid 23rd November 1862; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th Texas Infantry C. S.; From the 1st day of Jany 1862 To the 1st day of Novbr 1862; Pay 1127.00 66. [payment referenced in # 65] received from Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Q Master CSA 23rd day November 1862 the sum of Eleven Hundred twenty seven dollars 67. No. 5; Abstract of Articles Issued Capt. Jas Selkirk July 19th 1862; 6 Tex 68. Received at Camp No. 42 Ark? The 19th day of Feby 1862 of Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Act Quartermaster, C. S. Army, the following C C & G Equipage
James Selkirk Cap Co D 69. No. 4; Receipts for issues; 3rd Quarter 1862 “D” 70. Received Benton Ark August 10, 1862 of W. W. Phillips 1st Lt 6th Texas Infantry act’g Ordnance officer the following ordnance and ordnance stores
James Selkirk, Capt Comd’g Co “D” 71. No 4; Receipts for issues 3 Quarter 1862 “D” 72. Received Benton Ark Aug 10 1862 of W. W. Phillips 1st Lt 6th Texas Infantry act’g ordnance officer the following ordnance and ordnance stores towit
James Selkirk, Capt. Com’d’g Co “D” 73. Voucher No. 102; Paid 8th of Feb 1864; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6 Texas Inft C. S. From the 30 day of Nov 1863, To the 31 day of Dec 1863; Pay $130 74. [payment referenced in #73] received from Maj. W. C. Moores AGM 8th day of February 1864, the sum of One Hundred & thirty 75. Voucher No. 125 Paid 21 of Feb 1863 J. Selkirk Capt Co D 6th Texas C. S. From the 31 day of Dec 1863, To the 31 day of Jan 1864; Pay $130.00 76. [payment referenced in #75] received from Maj. W. H. Moores AQM this 21st day of February 1864, the sum of One Hundred & thirty 77. “D” No 9 Receipt for issues 2nd Quarter 1862 6th Tex 78. Received Camp Henry McCulloch May 20, 1862 of W. W. Phillips 1st Lt 6th Tex Infantry actg Ordnance Officer the following Ordnance & Ordnance stores
James Selkirk Com’d’g Co “D” 79. No 25 4th Qr 132; Capt James Selkirk, November 13th 1862 80. Received at Arkansas Post the 13th day of November 1862 of Capt. U. Wolfe Brig Quartermaster C. S. Army, the following Articles of Clothing viz:
James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th Texas Infantry 81. Received at Arkansas Post the 27 day of October 1862 of Capt Udolpho Wolfe, Asst Quartermaster C. S. Army, the following C C & G Equipage viz:
James Selkirk Cap Co D 6th Texas Infty 82. Voucher No 57; Paid 25 Jany 1864; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6 Texas Infty From 31st Oct 1863 To 30th Nov 1863; Pay $130.00 83. [payment referenced in #82] received 25th day of Jany 1864 84. Quartermasters Office; Chicamauga Tenn November 4, 1865; I certify that I have this day paid to Capt Jas Selkirk Co (D) 10th Texas Inft pay to the 31st October 1863 from August 31st 1863; W. H. Moores Capt Q M Smith’s Brigd 85. Vouch No 27 K; 6 + 10 + 15 Tex 86. Special Requisition For
James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th 10th 15th Tex. Infty Received at Tyner Station on the 15th day of August 1863 of Lieut B. F. Church A Q M CSA seven prs pants, twenty one shirts, eight prs drawers, nine prs shoes, eight Hats & two Tent Flies 87. Vouch No. 15 K 88. Special Requisition For
James Selkirk Cap Co D 6th 10th & 15th Tex Infty Received at Tyner Station Tenn on the 31st day of July 1863 89. No 9; Invoice Company “D” 2nd Quarter Co D 6 Texas Inf. 90. Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over to Cap James Selkirk Company “D” 6th Texas Infantry to Lt. W. W. Phillips actg Ordnance Officer 6th Texas Infty
Eagle Lake, Colorado Co Texas June 4, 1862; James Selkirk Capt Co “D” 6th Texas Infty 91. No. 18 Receipt for ___ 2d Quarter 1862 Company “D” 6th Tex 92. Received Camp No 25 June 27 1862 of 1st Lt. W. W. Phillips actg Ordnance Officer 6th Texas Infantry the following Ordnance & Ordnance Store
James Selkirk Capt Com’d’g Co “D” 93. No 15; Receipts for ___ to the troops 2nd Quarter 1862 Co “D” 6th Tex Infantry 94. Received Camp No. 8 Eagle Lake May 29, 1862 of W. W. Phillips 1st Lt 6th Texas Infantry actg Ordnance Officer the following Ordnance & Ordnance Stores
James Selkirk 95. No 14; Receipts for ____ to the troops Co “D” 6th Tex Infantry; 2d Quarter 1862 96. Received Camp No. 8 Eagle Lake June 2, 1862 of W. W. Phillips 1st Lt. 6th Texas Infantry actg Ordnance Officer the following Ordnance & Ordnance stores
James Selkirk 97. No. 6; Abstract Articles Received from Officers, 3rd Qr 1862; Capt. Jas. Selkirk Aug 10th 1862 98. List of C C & G Equipage delivered by Capt J. Selkirk Co “D” C. S. Army to Capt Udolpho Wolfe Asst Quartermaster at Benton Ark on the 10th day of August 1862; 1 Tent & Poles 99. No 2; Abstract of Stationery Issued 3d Qr 1862; Capt Jas. Selkirk July 1st 1862 100. Requisition for Stationery for Captain James Selkirk Company “D” 6th Texas Inft for the quarter commencing on the 1st of July and ending on the 30th day of November 1862; Station Camp No. 27; 2 ˝ qrs. Cap Paper; 12 Steel Pens; 1 ___; ˝ oz wafers; 1 Box ___ 101. Q M Office Smiths Brigd; Tunnel Hill Ga July 8, 1864, I certify that I have this day paid Capt. James Selkirk Co “D” 6th Tex Inft One month pay $130.00 from Nov. 30, 1863 to Decr 31, 1863; W. H. Moores Maj & Chf Q M Smiths Brigd 102. Quarter Masters Office; Camp near Tunnel Hill Ga Jany 25th, 1864; I certify that I have this day paid to Capt Jas. Selkirk Co D 6th Texas Infantry pay from the 31st October 1863 to the 30th November 1863; W. H. Moores, Major & Q M 103. Vouch No 4 K 104. Special Requisition For:
James Selkirk; Received July 20/63 105. Invoice Aug 10, 1862; Co “D” 106. Invoice of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores turned over by Capt. James Selkirk Company “D” 6th Texas Infantry to Lieut W. W. Phillips acctg Ordnance Officer 6th Texas Infantry
Camp No 48 near Benton, Ark; August 9, 1862; James Selkirk 107. No. 2 Receipt for ___ Co D
108. Received at Camp Holmes this 1st
day of September 1862 from Henry Burns 1st Lieut 6th
Texas Infty Actg Ord Officer the following Ordnance and Ordnance
Stores viz 109. Special Requisition for Quartermaster Stores from Captain James Selkirk Company “D” 6th Texas Infantry For 18 pairs of Shoes; 6 pairs of Shoes; 4 pr 6; 4 pf 7; 3 pr 8; 4 pr 9; 15 of June 1862 110. Voucher No 39; 6, 10 & 15 Tex Inf 111. Special Requisition For 1 One Tent Fly; 14 Fourteen Hats; Received at Tyners Station Tenn on the 30th day of August 1863 112. Voucher No. 179; Paid the 4 day of Nov 1863; Capt Jas Selkirk; Co “D” 6th Tex; From the 31 day of Aug 1862 to the 31 day of Oct 1863; Amount $260.00 113. [payment referenced in #112] received of Cap W. H. Moores A.Q.M. this 4 day of November 1863 114. Quartermaster Office Chickamauga Creek; October 5th 1863; I certify that I have this day paid to Cap James Selkirk Company D 6th Texas Infantry pay from the 31st day July to the 31st day of August 1863; $130.00; W. H. Moores Capt & AGM 115. 6th Tex Inf. 116. Invoice of Ordnance & Ordnance Stores Turned over by Cap James Selkirk Company D 6th Texas Infantry to Lt. W. W. Phillips 6th Texas Infantry actg Ordnance Officer
Camp No. 25 near Tyler Texas June 28, 1862; James Selkirk 117. Voucher No 52, 2nd Qr 1862; Abstract of Articles ____, Capt. J. Selkirk 28 June/62 118. Special Requisition for Quartermaster’s Stores for Captain James Selkirk’s Company “D” 6th Texas For: 1 pants-2.50 ea; 3 pairs of Drawers-55₵ ea; 89 shirts-55₵ ea; 30 blankets; 15 _____ 50₵ ea; 26 knapsacks & straps-2.87 ea; 4 pair shoes (2 pr @ 3.20; 2 pr @ 2.50); 10 canteen straps-50₵ ea; 21 yds Lensey?-51₵ yd; Rcd at Camp No. 25 the 28th of June 1862 of Capt Udolpho Wolf Asst Q M C.S.A. 119. Voucher No 39; Paid October 5th 1863; Capt James Selkirk Co “D” 6th Regt Tex Inft From July 31 1863 To Aug 31st 1863; Amount $130.00 120. [payment referenced in # 119] 121. Quartermasters Office Near Tyners Station, Tenn August 1, 1863; I certify that I have this day paid to Capt James Selkirk Company D 6th 10th & 15th Texas Infantry , pay from the 30th June to the 31st July 1863 – W. H. Moores Capt & AGM $130.00 122.Voucher No 8 I Texas 123. No 38 (Voucher to Abstract I); Requisition for Stationery for Capt James Selkirk, stationed at Tyner’s Station Tenn, for the Quarter commencing on the 1st day of July 1863 and ending on the 30th day of September 1863; ˝ (one half) Quire Cap paper; ˝ (one half) Quire Letter paper; 25 (Twenty five) Envelopes; Received at Tyners Station, Tenn on the 20th day of July 1863 of Lieut B. F. Church, a a q m CS Army… 124. A. C. Horton Matagorda Feb. 25/61 Texas; Recommending James Selkirk for Collector of Customs at that port 125. Matagorda Feby. 25th 1861; Hon. J. H. Reagan Montgomery, Ala; y dear Sir, Oweing to the dissolution of the Union and the formation of a Southern Confederacy, it will probably be necessary to make new appointments of Collection of Customs at the different ports. In which case I would ask of you as a favor to use your influence in setting for my friend James Selkirk of this place the appointment of Collector of Customs at the port of Matagorda Texas. As an evidence of his faithfulness and ability to fill that office, I will go on his bond. Mr. Fisher the present occupant is a gentleman and a Brother in Law of Jack Harris Galveston. I have also written our other Delegates at Montgomery and trust you with them will use your influence in behalf of my friend. Yours Respectfully, A. C. Horton 126. Voucher No 163; August 1st 1863; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6 10 15 Tex Inft; From June 20th 1863 To July 31st 1863; Pay $130.00 127. [payment referenced in # 126] received of Capt. W. H. Moores 1st August 1863 128. Quartermasters Office near Tiners Station Tenn July 10th 1863; I certify that I have this day paid to Capt James Selkirk Co D, 6th 10th & 15th Texas Inft, pay from 31dt of May to the 30th of June 1863; $130.00; W. H. Moores Capt & AQM 129. Voucher No 13 Paid the 11th day of July 1863; James Selkirk Capt Co D 6 10 & 15th Texas; From the 31st day of May 1863 To the 30 day of June 1863; Amount paid $130 130. [payment referenced in # 129 – upper portion] 131. [payment referenced in # 129 – lower portion ] 132. Head Quarters Churchills Brigd Wartrace Tenn June 10, 1863; I certify that I have this day paid Capt James Selkirk Co (D) 6th 10th & 15th Regt Texas Inft From April 30st 1863 to May 31st 1863 $130.00; W. H. Moores Capt & Chf Q M Churchill’s Brigd 133. Treasury Department C. S. Second Auditor’s Office, August 1st 1864; I Certify, That I have examined and adjusted the account of 1st Lieut James Selkirk Co “D” 6th Texas Infty, and ___ there is due the said Lieut James Selkirk For Transportation paid for Nine Recruits for the 6th Texas Infantry from Matagorda Texas to Victoria Texas at $8.00 each per Account filed approved by R. R. Garland Col. 6th Texas Infantry and approved by H. B. Granbury Col Comd Brigade and decision of Comptroller ___________; $72.00; Appropriation “For Recruiting and Transportation of Recruits”; Paymt to 1st Lieut James Selkirk Co D 6 Texas Infantry
134. [appears to be lower portion of # 133] |
1. Greenberry Stewart; Co. D, 6 Texas Infantry; 2 Lieutenant-1Lieutenant 2. G. Stewart; Lt. A.A. C. S; Appears on a List of Commissaries, Assistant Commissaries, and Acting Assistant Commissaries, District Texas, New Mexico and Arizona; Listed dated Houston, Tex., May 25, 1864; Stationed: Matagorda; By whom appointed or assigned to duty, Orders Dist. Hqrs.; When appointed or assigned to duty, Apr. 16 1864; Bonded or not bonded-Not bonded; Remarks: Lieut. Detached 3. Stewart, Green, 1st Lt., 6th Tex. Regt.; Subject: Relieved from command.; Title of record: S.O. 99/1; Dept 2 & Western Dept—Bragg; Date: June 10, 1863; This record contains information relative to the above named man, upon the subject stated. (Confederate) 4. Stewart, C. (L.), 1st Lt., Co. D, 6 Regt. Tex. Vols.; Subject: Revoked; Special Order Number 43/17; Feb 21, 1865; Adjutant & Inspector General’s Office, Confederate States, contains information relative to the man named, on the subject mentioned above.
5. Stuart [Stewart], G., 1st Lt., Co.
D, 6 Tex. 6. 2 Lt; Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 33 years; Company Muster-in Roll Oct. 4, 1861 Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled Oct 4, 1861 at Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: war; 85 miles to rendezvous 7. Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Mustered into service: Oct. 4, 186_ at Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 8. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 – Present 9. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 10. Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 - Present; Pay due from enlistment 11. Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 - Present; Last paid by Cap. A [U] Wolfe Q. M. Jan 1, 1862; Remarks: Promoted May 13, 1862 (over) 12. (back of index page # 11) vice 1 Lt. J. Selkirk promoted as per Special order __ 13. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Wolfe Mar 1, 1862; Remarks: Sig. roll as Comdg Co 14. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Q M Jan 1, 1862 15. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U Wolfe; To what time: Nov 1, 1862 16. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863 - Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Nov 1, 1862; Remarks: Sig on roll as Comdg Co 17. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 – June 30, 1863 – Absent; Last paid by Capt W. H. Moore; To what time: May 31, 1863; Remarks: Relieved from duty by temporary consolidation 18. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1863 – absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by temporary (over) 19. (back of index page # 18) consolidation 20. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 – absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by (over) 21. (back of index page # 20) Temporary consolidation of 6, 10, and 15 Texas, and ordered in Trans Miss Dept 22. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1863 – Absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by consolidation and in Trans Miss Dept 23. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1864 – absent; Remarks: Relieved by consolidation & in Trans Miss Dept 24. Company Muster Roll for March & April, 1864 – absent; Remarks: Relieved by consolidation and in (over) 25. (back of index page #24) Trans Miss Dept 26. Appears on Regimental Return for Jan, 1862 – Present 27. Appears on Regimental Return for Feb, 1862 – Absent; Remarks: On detached service since Feby 5, 62 by P. O. No 12, at Camp Esperanza 28. Appears on Regimental Return for May, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: Present; Remarks: Promoted 1 Lieut, vice J. Selkirk 29. Appears on Regimental Return for June, 1862 – Present 30. Appears on Regimental Return for July, 1862 – Present 31. Appears on Regimental Return for Aug, 1862 – Present; Station: Camp Holmes 32. Appears on Regimental Return for Sept, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 33. Appears on Regimental Return for Oct, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 34. Appears on Regimental Return for Nov, 1862 – Present 35. G. L. Stewart, 2 Lt, Co. D, 6 Reg’t Texas Infantry; Appears on a Roster of the organization named above; Roster dated Camp Henry McCulloch Jan 29, 1862; Remarks: Mustered in Octr 4/61 by Maj. A. M. Haskell 36. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war. Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Election Oct 4, 1861; Date and cause of vacancy: Promoted May 20, 1862; Name of successor Phillip E. Pierson; Remarks: Regularly elected by his men 37. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roll not dated; Date of rank: 4 Oct 1861; Date and cause of vacancy: Pro; Name of successor: P. E. Pierson 38. Appears on a Roster of the 6th and 15th Regiments of Texas Volunteers (Consolidated); Granbury’s Brigade; Cleburne’s Division; Hardee’s Corps; Army of Tennessee; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Promotion 20 May 1862 39. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank: Promotion May 20, 1862; Remarks: Election returns on orders promoting, all made (over) 40. (back of index page # 39) in accordance with law. No record at present in Regiment all documents and books of Regiment having been lost at Arkansas Post on the 11 of January 1863. Every requirement of the law was complied with in reference to this officer. 41. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster not dated; Date of rank 17 May, 1862; Date and cause of vacancy: Drpd 28 Nov, 1864 42. Appears on a Roster of troops of the Confederate Army captured at Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863; Roster not dated 43. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from St. Louis, Mo., by the Provost Marshal General, Department of the Missouri, to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, January 27, 1863, under instructions from Washington; Roll dated St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1863; Where captured: Arkansas Post Jany 11, 1863; NOTE: “The Arkansas Post Prisoners were all transferred directly from the Boats in which they came up the river, to the Cars which took them East.” 44. Appears on a Descriptive Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Chase, Ohio; Arrested Ark Post Ark Jan 11, 1863; Received at Camp Chase, Ohio Jan 30, 1863; Whence: St. Louis, Mo.; By whose order; Maj Gen. Curtis; Description: Height 6 ft; age 34; Eyes Blue; hair Brn; complexion Dk; Date of departure Apr 10, 1863; Remarks: Transferred to Ft. Delaware (Camp Chase, Ohio, Register No. 2, page 78) 45. Name appears as a signature to a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled at Fort Delaware, Del., April 25, 1863; Roll not dated; Where captured Ark Post Jany 11, 1863; Name appears in Column of names as Greenbury Stewart 46. Appears on a register of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware, Del.; Where captured: Ark Post; When captured: Jany 11, 1863; When joined post April 12, 1863; Remarks: Forwarded to City Point for exchange April 29, 1863 (Fort Delaware, Del., Register No 4; page 44) 47. Appears on an Abstract of Payments made by Capt. Udolpho Wolfe, A. Q. M., 6th Reg’t Texas Infantry, and Actg. Brig. Q. M., Garland’s Brigade, for the months of October, November, and December, 1862; Abstract not dated; Date of payment Nove 23, 1862 From Jany 1, 1862 To Nov 1, 1862; Amount $58.66 48. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States; Date of resignation, death, transfer or promotion: Dropped Nov. 28, 1864; Remarks: S. O. 282 (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 49. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States; Date of appointment Oct 4, 1861; Date of resignation, death, transfer or promotion Pro. 1st Lt. (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 50. Appears on a Return of Troops stationed at Arkansas Post, Ark., for the month of Sept, 1862 – Present 51. Appears on a Return of Post of Camp Esperanza (near Saluria), Texas, for the month of Feby, 1862 52. Camp of 6th & 15th Tex Regts; S2883; 13th Septr 1864; Par ___ No 282; Capt. James Selkirk, Co. D. 6thTex Inf; _________; asking that 1st Lt. G. Stewart Co D. 6th Tex Inf. B dropped from the Rolls; Hd, Qrs 6th & 15th Tex Regts 14 Septr 1864; Approved and Respectfully Benjamin R. Tyres? Capt Comdg Regt.; Hd Qrs Granbury’s Brig Sept. 14, 84; approved & resply forwd with request that application be promoted. H. B. Granbury, Brig. Gen.; Retd Nov 14, 1864; Recd S & A. G. O. Oct 5, 64 53. [cover for document covered with transfer and forwarding information] 54. [duplicate of #53] 55. Camp near Jonesboro Georgia, September 13, 1864; ___ S. Cooper; Adjt and Insp Genl; Richmond Va; Sir, I would respectfully ask that 1st Lieut G. Stewart of Co D. 6th Texas Infantry be dropped from the rolls of Co. D 6th Texas Infantry for the following reasons – He was one of the displaced officers by the consolidation of the 6th, 10th & 15th Texas Regiments and ordered to the Trans Miss Dept in May 1863. He has been home since that time and has no intention of joining his command East of the Miss River. He as written thus to his brother in Co. D 6th Texas Infantry and very recently sent word to 2nd Lieut. P. E. Peareson of same Company that he was not going to return to his command although he had received orders so to do. He stated among other reasons for not doing so that he could not return here and take command over officers who had passed through the trying campaigns of the past fifteen months. I would therefore say that he dropped from the rolls of Co D 6th Texas Infantry for being absent without leave. Very Respy, James Selkirk Capt Co D 6th Texas Infantry 56. [cover of document covered with transfer and forwarding information] 57. [ too light to transcribe] 58. No 11 Abstract F 4 Qr 1861 59. Requisition for Fuel, for Company “D” 6th Regt. 6 Infantry Commanded by Capt. E. A. Peareson for the Month of November 1861; Station: Camp Henry McCulloch; Captains-1; __-3; N. C. Officers, Musicians, Privates-76; Laundress-1; Total 81; Monthly allowance to each, in cords: Captain-3 cords; Lt.-2 cords each; Pvt 1/6, Laundress-1/6 cord; 21 5/6 cords wood; I certify, on honor, that the above requisition is correct and just, and that fuel has not been drawn for any part of the time above charged. G. Stewart Lieut The A. G. Quartermaster will ___ agreeably to the above. R. R. Garland, Colonel __ Army Comdg; Received November 20th 1861 of Captain U. Wolfe Assistant Quartermaster, Provisional, C. S. Army, twenty one and five sixth cords of Wood, in full of the above requisition; G. Stewart Lieut Commanding Comp D 60. Voucher No 48; Paid the 23rd November 1862; G. Stewart 1st Lieut; Co “D”, 6th Tex. Infty C. S. From the 1st day of Jany 1862 To the 1st day of Novr 1862; Pay $858.66 61. The Confederate States of America To 1st Lieut. G. Stewart; Pay as 2nd Lieut from 1st Jany 1862 To 30 Mayl 1862; 4 Months, 13 Days; Pay Per Month: 80 Dollars; Amount $354.66; Remarks: to 1st Lieut promoted May 13th 1862; Pay as 1st Lieutenant from 13th May 1862 to November 1st 1862; 5 Months, 18 Days; Pay per month $90; Amount 504.00; [Total] Amount $858.66; I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, or forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five-year service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Q M CSA and to the 1st day of January 1862; I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Q M CSA, this 23rd day November 1862 the sum of Eight Hundred & fifty-eight 66/100 dollars being the amount in full of said account. G. Stewart 1st Lt. 62. Voucher No 16 2nd Qr 1862; Abstract of Articles Issued; Lieut G. Stewart; May 10th 1862 63. Received at Victoria, Texas the 10th day of May 1862 of Capt Udolpho Wolfe Q Quartermaster C. S. Army, the following Clothing Camp & Garrison Equipment; 79 Coats $3.50; 79 Pairs Pants $2.30; G. Stewart 2nd Lieut Comding Comp D 64. Bate’s (Col. Jos.) Comd.; Stewart, Greenberry, Lieut. & Actg. A. C. S.; May --, 1863. Was relieved as 1st Lieut. Co. D, 6th Tex. Inf. By the consolidation of the 6th, 10th & 15th Tex. Regts. and ordered to the Trans-Miss. Dept. (FF); Bates’ (Col. Jos.) Comd. Aug. 5, 1864. Return shows him as 1st Lieut. & Actg. A.C.S. 2d Sug—Dist. of Tex., Col Joseph Bates, comdg.; Sept. 23, 1864. From Camp 6th & 15th Tex. Inf. Says he arrived at his comd. At above date, and asks that he be reinstated as 1st Lieut. Co. D, 6th Tex. (FF Jan. 15, 1865); Nov. 28, 1864. Dropped as 1st Lieut. Co. D, 6th Tex. Cav. For prolonged absence. (S.O.282(19), AGO); Feb. 21, 1865. Above order revoked & restored to duty. (S.O.43(17), AGO) Memo.-No other record found; Paroled 1865 at ___; Prepared by JMB; Examined by __ [includes two fingerprints] 65. No. 4 Abstract __ 4th Qr 1861 66. Requisition for Stationery for “D” Company 6th Texas Infantry stationed at Camp Henry McCulloch Texas, for the quarter commencing on the 1st October 1861, an ending on the 31st of December 1861.; 2 ˝ Letter Paper quires; 2 ˝ Cap Paper quires; ˝ Ounces Wafers; 5 Ounces Sealing Wax; 1 Pots Ink; 1 Pieces Office Tape; 50 Envelopes; 12 Steel Pens; 1 Pen holders; 2 Blank Books; 1 Ink Stand; I certify that the above requisition is correct and that I have not drawn Stationery for any part of the time specified. G. Stewart Lieut Commanding Comp D; Received at Camp Henry McCulloch Texas the 21st day of Novr 1861 of Capt Udolpho Wolfe as a. qr. master P C S Army. Two & one half quires Letter paper. Two & one half quires Cap Paper. one half ounces wafers. three ounces sealing wax. one bottle ink. one piece office tape. fifty Envelopes, twelve steel pens. one penholder. two blank book[s]. one ink stand; G Stewart, Lieut Commanding Company D
68. Requisition for Camp and Garrison Equipage for Company “D” 6th Regiment of Texas Infantry, commanded by E. A. Peareson Captain, Provl C. S. Army, stationed at Camp Henry McCulloch.; 2 Spades, shovels; 2 Axes; 2 Axe-___; I certify that the above requisition is correct and that the articles specified are absolutely requisite for the public Service. G. Stewart Lieut Commanding Company D; Captain U. Wolfe, Assistant Quartermaster; Provl C. S. Army, will _____ the articles specified in the above requisition. R. R. Garland, Col P. Comdg; Received at Camp Henry McCulloch, the 26th of Novr 1861, of Capt. U. Wolfe, Assistant Quartermaster Provl C. S. Army, two Spades, two Axes Two Axe ___, in full of the above requisition. G. Stewart Lieut Commmanding Company D 69. Voucher No. 315; Paid the 6 day of May, 1863; G. Stewart 1 Lt., Co “D” 6 Tex. Inf. C. S. From the 31 day of Oct 1862 To the 30 day of April 1863; Pay $540
70. The Confederate States of America To 1st
Lieut. G. Stewart; For myself 1st Lt. from 31st
Oct To 30 April; 6 Months; Pay Per Month: 90 Dollars; Amount
$540.00; I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and
just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of
the time charged for; that I have not received pay, or forage, or
received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time
therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and
were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole
of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally
held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have
been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the
charge for every additional five-year service; that I am not in
arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and
that the last payment I received was from Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Q M
CSA and to the 31st day of October 1863; I, at the same
time, acknowledge that I have received of Maj. John Ambler, this 6th
day of May 1863 the sum of five hundred & forty Dollars being the
amount in full of said account. Pay, $540.00; G. Stewart 1st
Lt. Co D 6th Reg Tex Inft |
1. Philip E. Peareson, Co. D, 6 Texas Infantry; 3 Lieutenant-2 Lieutenant 2. 3 Lt; Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 20 years; Company Muster-in Roll Oct. 4, 1861 Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled Oct 4, 1861 at Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: war; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Mustered into service: Oct. 4, 186_ at Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins
4. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 –
Present; Remarks:
5. (back of index page # 4) 6. 2 Lt.; Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Absent; Pay due from enlistment; Absent on detached service until the 2 of March 1862 7. Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 - Present; Pay due from enlistment 8. 2 Lt; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 - Present; Last paid by Cap. A [U] Wolfe Q. M. Jan 1, 1862; Remarks: Promoted May 13, 1862 (over) 9. (back of index page # 8) vice 2 Lt G Stewart promoted as per Special order No. 10. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Wolfe Jan 1, 1862 11. 2 Lt; Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Q M Jan 1, 1862 12. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U Wolfe; To what time: Nov 1, 1862 13. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863 - Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Nov 1, 1862 14. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 – June 30, 1863 – Present; Last paid by Capt. W. H. Moore; To what time: May 31, 1863 15. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1863 – Present 16. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 – Present 17. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1863 – Present 18. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1864 – Present; Remarks: Signs roll as Comdg Co 19. Company Muster Roll for March & April, 1864 – Present; Remarks: Signs Roll as Comdg the Co 20. Appears on Regimental Return for Jan, 1862 – Present 21. Appears on Regimental Return for Feb, 1862 – Absent; Remarks: On detached service since Feby 5, 62 by P. O. No 12, at Camp Esperanza 22. Appears on Regimental Return for May, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: Present 23. Appears on Regimental Return for June, 1862 – Present 24. Appears on Regimental Return for July, 1862 – Present 25. Appears on Regimental Return for Aug, 1862 – Present; Station: Camp Holmes; Remarks: Sick since Aug 29th 1862 26. Appears on Regimental Return for Sept, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post; Remarks: On daily duty as Inspector to Gallespie’s Regiment 27. Appears on Regimental Return for Oct, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post; Remarks: Returned to duty from daily duty Inspecting Gallespie’s Reg’t Oct 28, 1862 28. Appears on Regimental Return for Nov, 1862 – Present 29. Appears on a Roster of the organization named above. Roster dated Camp Henry McCulloch Jan 29, 1862; Remarks: Mustered in Octr 4/61 by Maj. A. M. Haskell 30. Appears on a Roster of the 6the and 15th Regiments of Texas Volunteers (Consolidated); Granbury’s Brigade; Cleburne’s Division; Hardee’s Corps; Army of Tennessee; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Promotion 20 May, 1862 31. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roll dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Election Oct 4, 1861; Promoted May 20, 1862; Name of successor John F. Dale; Remarks: Regularly elected by his men 32. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roll dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Promotion May 20, 1862; Remarks: Election returns on orders promoting all made in (over) 33. (back of index page # 32) accordance with law. No record at present in Regiment-all documents and books of Regiment having been lost at Arkansas Post on the 11 of January 1863. Every requirement of the law was complied with in reference to this officer. 34. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roll not dated; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Oct 4, 1861; Pro; Name of successor: Jno F. Dale 35. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster not dated; Date of rank: 17 May 1862 36. Roster of troops of the Confederate Army captured at Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863; Roster not dated 37. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from St. Louis, Mo., by the Provost Marshal General, Department of the Missouri, to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, January 27, 1863, under instructions from Washington; Roll dated St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1863; Where captured: Arkansas Post Ark Jan. 11, 1863; NOTE: “The Arkansas Post Prisoners were all transferred directly from the Boats in which they came up the river, to the Cars which took them East.” 38. Appears on a Descriptive Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Chase, Ohio; Arrested at Ark Post Ark on Jan 11, 1863; Received at Camp Chase, Ohio Jan 30, 1863; Whence: St. Louis, Mo; By whose order: Maj. Genl. Curtis; Description: Height 5 ft 8 in; age 21; Eyes Grey; hair dk; complexion Fair; Date of departure Apr 10, 1863; Remarks: Transferred to Ft. Delaware (Camp Chase, Ohio, Register No. 2; page 26) 39. Name appears as a signature to a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled at Fort Delaware, Del., April 25, 1863; Roll not dated; Where captured: Arkansas Post Jany 11, 1863; Name appears in Column of names as Philip E. Pierson 40. Name appears as a signature to a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled at Fort Delaware, Del.; When joined post: April 12, 1863; Remarks: Forwarded to City Point for exchange April 29, 1863 (Fort Delaware, Del., Register No 4; page 60) 41. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Nashville, Tenn., captured by forces under Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas commanding Dept. of the Cumberland, and forwarded to Capt. S. E. Jones, A. D. C., Louisville, Ky., Dec. 2, 1864; Roll dated Headquarters Dept. Cumberland, Office Provost Marshal General, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 2, 1864; Where captured: Franklin Tenn; When captured: Nov. 30, 1864; (Hd. Qrs. Prov. Mar. Gen’l, Dept. of the Cumb’d. Nashville, Tenn.; Roll No 370; sheet 3.) 42. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War who arrived at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., during five days ending December 5, 1864; Roll dated Louisville, Ky., December 6, 1864; Where captured: Franklin, Tenn; When captured: Nov 30, 1864; Where from: Nashville, Tenn 43. Appears on a roll of Prisoners of War at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky; Date when received: Decr 3, 186_; Where captured: Franklin, Tenn; Date when captured: Novr 30, 1864; Date when discharged: Decr 3, 1864; Where sent: Johnson’s Island; Remarks, charges, &c.: Nashville (Louisville, Ky., Register No. 7; page 114) 44. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded to Johnson’s Island, O., from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 1864; Roll dated Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 1864 45. Name appears as signature to an Oath of Allegiance to the United States, subscribed and sworn to at Johnson’s Island, Ohio, June 27, 1865; Place of residence: Madigorda [Matagorda], Tex; Age 23; Complexion: Dark; hair Dark; Eyes: Grey; height 5 ft 7 in; Where captured: Franklin, Tenn; When captured: Nov. 30, 1864; Name appears in column of names as Philip E. Pearson; Indorsement shows: “Roll of Prisoners of war released at Johnson’s Island, June 17th, 1865, as per G. O. No. 109, A. G. O.” 46. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Depot Prisoners of War, near Sandusky, Ohio; Where captured: Franklin, Tenn; When captured: Nov 30, 1864; Joined: Dec 5, 1864; Where from: Louisville; Remarks: Released on oath June 17, 1865 G. O. 109 (Johnson’s Island, Ohio, Register No. 2; page 122) 47. Appears on a Return of Post of Camp Esperanza (near Saluria), Texas, for the month of Feby, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: absent; Remarks: On detached service since 26 Feby 1862 48. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate states; Date of appointment: Oct. 4, 1861 (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 49. Appears on a Return of Troops stationed at Arkansas Post, Ark., for the month of Sept, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: Present; Remarks: On daily duty as Instructor in Col Gillespie’s Regiment 50. Appears on an Abstract of Payments made by Capt. Udolpho Wolfe, A. Q. M., 6th Reg’t Texas Infantry, and Actg. Brig. Q. M. Garland’s Brigade, for the months of October, November, and December, 1862; Abstract not dated; Date of payment: Nov 23 1862; From Jany 1, 1862 To Nov 1, 1862; Amount $800.00 51. Appears on a Report of Staff Officers and Acting Staff Officers serving in Cheatham’s Corps, Army of Tenn; Report dated Tuscumbia, Ala. Nov. 7, 1864; Date of appointment: not known; Date of assignment: Sept. 5, 1864; Authority of assignment: Brig. Gen Granbury; Remarks: A. A. I. G. Granbury’s Brigade (Inspection Report H, No. 28; inclosure 5) 52. Appears on a List of Staff and acting Staff Officers serving with the Army of Tennessee; Listed dated in the field Nov. 6 1864; Staff: Brig. Gen. Granbury, Cleburne’s Div.; Date of assignment: Sept. 5, 1864; Authority of assignment: Gen Granbury; Remarks: Not authorized by General Orders No. 44 (Inspection Report H, No. 28; inclosure 1) 53. Pearson, P. E., 2nd Lt., Granbury Brig. 6th Texas; Subject: Inspectors report; Title of record: L. R.; Army of Tenn; Date: Nov. 5, 1864 54. Peareson, Philip E., 2d Lieut, 6th Tex Inf & A.A.I.G.; Granbury’s (H.B.)Comd; Sept. 5, 1864. Insp. Report H28 Nov. 20, 1864, shows him 2d Lieut. 6th Tex., A.A.I.G. to Gen. Granbury, comdg. Brig., Cleburne’s Div, Cheatham’s Corps, from above date Super G.O. 44; Memo.-Was 2d Lt. Co. D; Dec. 7, 1864. Insp. Report J. 54 shows him Lt. & Insp. of Granbury’s Brig., Cleburne’s Div., Cheatham’s Corps; Memo.-No other record of staff duty found. Gen. Granbury was killed Nov. 30, 1864; Paroled 1865; 55. Voucher No 15; Paid Oct 3rd 1863; 2d Lieut P. E. Peareson; Co “D” 6th Regt Tex; From July 30 1863 To Aug 31 1863; $80.00 56. Form No. 3—Officer’s Pay Account; The Confederate States of America, To 2d Lieut P E Peareson Dr.; On what account: Pay from July 31, 1863 To Aug 31, 1863; 1 Month; Pay per month: 80.00; ; I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, or forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five-year service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. W. H. Moores AGM and to the 31st day of July 1863. I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received af Capt. W. H. Moores Quartermaster C. S. Army, this Fifth day of October 1863, the sum of Eighty Dollars, being the amount, in full, of said account; Pay $80.00; Amount $80.00; P. E. Peareson 2 Lieut Co D 6th Texas Infty 57. Quartermasters Office; Near Tyners Station, Tenn; August 1st, 1863; I Certify that I have this day paid to 2nd Lieut P. E. Peareson Company D 6th 10th & 15th Texas Infantry – pay from the 30th June to the 31st July 1963; $80.00; W. H. Moores Capt QAGM 58. Voucher No 162; Paid August 1st 1863; P. E. Peareson Lt. Co D 6 10 15 Tex Inft; From June 30th 1863 To July 31st 1863; Pay #80.00; Amt $80.00 59. Form No. 3—Officer’s Pay Account; The Confederate States of America, To 2d Lieut P E Peareson Dr.; On what account: Pay from 30th day June, 1863 To 31st July 1863; 1 Month; Pay per month: 80.00; I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, or forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five-year service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. W. H. Moores AGM CSA and to the 30st day of June 1863. I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Capt. W. H. Moores A Quartermaster C. S. Army, this 1st day of August 1863, the sum of Eighty Dollars, being the amount, in full, of said account; Pay $80.00; Amount $80.00; P. E. Peareson 2 Lieut Co D 6th Texas Infty 60. Quartermasters Office; Near Tiners Station, Tenn; July 11, 1863; I Certify that I have this day paid to 2nd Lieut P. E. Peareson Co D 6th 10th & 15th Texas Inft – pay from the 31st of May to the 30th of June 1963; $80.00; W. H. Moores Capt QAGM 61. Voucher No 156; Paid Nov 2, 1863; 2d Lieut P. E. Peareson; Co “D” 6th Tex; From Aug 31, 1863 To Oct 31, 1865; Amount $160.00 62. [paid $160.00 for two months listed in #61 paid November 2, 1863] 63. Quartermasters Office; Deshlers Brig; Chicamauga Tenn Oct 5, 1863; I certify that I have this day paid 2d Lieut P. E. Peareson one month pay from July 31st to Aug 31, 1863. 80.00; W. H. Moores Capt. & Chf Q M Deshlers Brig 64. Voucher No. 100; Paid 8th of Feb 1864; P. E. Peareson 2nd Lt Co. D, 6th Tex Inf C. S. From the 30 day of Nov 1863, To the 31 day of Jan 1864; Pay $80; Amount $160.00 65. Officers’ Pay Account [for dates listed in #64 paid 30th day of November, 1863] 66. Quartermaster Office; Smith Brigade; Tunnel Hill Ga Dec 4th 1863; I certify that I have this day paid to Lt. P. E. Peareson Co. D 6 Regt Texas Inft pay from the 31st of October to the 30th of November 1863. 1 month $80.00; W. H. Moores Capt Chf Q M Smith Brigd 67. Voucher No. 265; Paid the 4 day of Decr 1863; 2d Lt P. E. Peareson Co “D” 6th Tex; From the 31 day of Oct 1863 To the 30 day of Nov 1863; $80.00 68. Officers Pay Account [payment for dates listed in #67] received from Capt. W. H. Moores AQM, and to the 30 day of October 1863; 4 December 1863 69. Voucher No. 8?2; Paid the 11 day of July 1863; From the 31st day of May 1863 To the 30 day of June 1863; $80 70. Officers’ Pay Account [payment for dates listed in #69] received from Capt W. H. Moores AQM; received 11th day of July 1863 71. Voucher No. 377; Paid the 6 day of May 1863; From the 1 day of Dec 1862 to the 30 day of April 1863; Pay $400 72. [payment for dates listed in #71]; Paid the 6 day of May 1863 by Maj John Ambler; $400.00; Exchanged Prisoner Ark Post 73. Pay Department; Petersburg, Va May 5, 1863; 2nd Lt. Pearson Co “D” 6th Reg Tex Vols., has been paid monthly pay from the 31 day of Oct 1862 to the 31st Nov of 1862, amounting to $80 at this office. C. __ Wallach Captain & A. Q. M. Post Paymaster, &c. 74. Voucher No. 63; Paid the 23rd November 1862; From the 1st day of Jany 1862 To the 1st day of November 1862; Pay $800.00 75. [payment for dates listed in #74] received from Capt. Udolpho Wolfe Q M CSA this 23rd day November 1862 the sum of Eight Hundred 76. Head Quarters Churchills Brigd Wartrace Tenn June 10, 1863; I certify that I have this day paid 2d Lieut P. E. Pearson Co (D) 6th 10th 15th Regt Texas Inft From May 1st 1863 to June 1st 1863 $80.00; W. H. Moores Capt & Chf Q M Churchills Brigd
77. Quartermasters Office; Chicamauga Tenn,
Smith’s Brig. Nov 2nd 1863; I certify that I have this
day paid Lt. P. E. Pearson Co (D) 6 Regt Texas Inft pay from the 31st
of August to 31st of October 1863; 2 months 80.00 Amt
$160.00; W. H. Moores Capt & Chf Q M Smith’s Brigd |
1. George S. Lewis, Co. D, 6 Texas Infantry; Sergeant-Private 2. 1 Sgt; Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 3 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 25 years; Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Enrolled July 11, 186_ at Matagorda by Capt. Peareson; Mustered into service Oct. 4, 186_ at Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 3. Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr, 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 4. Company Muster Roll for May & June, 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. A. [U.] Wolfe Q. M.; To what time: Jan. 1, 1862 5. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1862 - Present; Enlisted Oct. 4, 1861 at Victoria Tex by Lt. Dinkins; Period: war; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe; To what time: Mar 1, 1862 6. Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe; To what time: June 30, 1862 7. (back of unknown index page, possibly #12 ) and drew pay as Sergt to that date, since that time pay as private 8. Pvt; Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War captured by the 16th Army Corps and forwarded for exchange by Captain H. L. Burnham, Provost Marshal, from May 1 to August 15, 1864; Roll not dated; Captured July 22, 186_ at Atlanta, Ga, by 16 A. C.; Disposition: Forwarded ___ War Marietta Ga July 24 9. Pvt; Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Nashville, Tenn., captured by forces under Maj. Gen. Sherman, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi, and forwarded to Capt. S. E. Jones, A. D. C., District of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky., August 8, 1864; Roll dated Headquarters Dept. Cumberland, Office Provost General, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1864; Where captured: Boyd’s Station Ala; When captured: Aug. 4, 1864 (Hd. Qrs. Prov. Mar. Gen’l, Dept. of the Comb’d, Nashville, Tenn.; Roll No. 328 ; sheet 3) 10. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War who arrived at Louisville, Ky., Military Prison during the five days ending Aug. 10, 1864; Where captured: Boyd’s Sta. Ala; When captured: Aug 4, 1864; Where from: Nashville, Tenn 11. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded to Camp Chase, Ohio, from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 10, 1864; Roll dated Louisville, Ky., Aug. 10, 1864; Where captured: Boyd’s Sta. Ala; When captured: Aug 4, 1864
12 A. G. O. 10th St.; Aug. 5, 1812;
Mr. Whitcomb: 16 Card from Roll 4, sheet 1716 Army Corps, shows G.
S. Lewis, Pvt. Co G, 6 Regt Tex. Inf. Captured July 22 – 64;
Atlanta, Ga., By 16 A. C.; Forwarded to Pro. Mar. Marietta, Ga. July
24 – 64; Card does not seem to fit in case of George S. Lewis, Pvt.
Co D. 6 Texas Inf who appears on record of Nashville,
Louisville & Camp Chase as having been captured Aug 4/64 at
Boyds Station, Ala.; Can you find anything addtl?, Respectfull F. V.
V.; Mr. Van Vranken, Roll 1 station Ft. Hindman Ark. Post, Ark; Roll
151 Camp Chase; Reg. 2 Camp Chase; Reg 3 Louisville; show Geo. S.
Lewis, Co. D 6th (over) [back of this sheet might
be #7] |
2. 2 Sgt; Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 26 years; Company Muster-in Roll Oct. 4, 1861 Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled Oct 4, 1861 at Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: war; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Mustered into service: Oct. 4, 186_ at Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins; Remarks: On Recruiting service (over) 4. (back of index page #3) furlough 10 days 5. 3 Sgt; Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 – Present 6. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 7. 2 Sgt; Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 - Present; Pay due from enlistment 8. ___ 2 Lt; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 - Present; Last paid by Cap. A [U] Wolfe Q. M. Jan 1, 1862; Remarks: Elected to fill vacancy (over) 9. (back of index page # 8) caused by promotion of Lt. P. E. Peareson May 14, 1862 as per order Mo 10. 3 Lt; Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Wolfe Mar 1, 1862 11. 2 Lt; Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Q M Mar 1, 1862 12. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 – Present; Last paid by Capt. U Wolfe; To what time: Nov 1, 1862 13. 3 Lt; Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863 - Present; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe Nov 1, 1862; Remarks: Name appears in Column of Names present as John F. Dale 14. 2 Lt; Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 – June 30, 1863 – Absent; Last paid by Capt W. H. Moore; To what time: May 31, 1863; Remarks: Relieved from duty by temporary consolidation 15. Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1863 – absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by temporary (over) 16. (back of index page # 15) consolidation 17. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 – absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by (over) 18. (back of index page # 17) Temporary consolidation of 6, 10, and 15 Texas, and ordered in Trans Miss Dept 19. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1863 – Absent; Remarks: Relieved from duty by consolidation and in Trans Miss Dept 20. Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1864; Remarks: Died 21. Appears on Regimental Return for May, 1862; Commissioned officers present and absent: Present; Remarks: Elected 2 Jr Lieut May 21, 1862 vice P. E. Peareson – Promoted 22. Appears on Regimental Return for June, 1862 – Present 23. Appears on Regimental Return for July, 1862 – Present 24. Appears on Regimental Return for Aug, 1862 – Present; Station: Camp Holmes 25. Appears on Regimental Return for Sept, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 26. Appears on Regimental Return for Oct, 1862 – Present; Station: Arkansas Post 27. Appears on Regimental Return for Nov, 1862 – Present 28. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster not dated; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: E, 21 May 1862; Date and cause of vacancy: Dd 1 Jan, 1864; Name of successor Jno. F. Holt 29. Appears on a Roster of the 6th Regiment Texas Infantry, Granbury’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee; organized Sept., 1861; mustered into Confederate service, Sept. 27, 1861, to April 10, 1862, for 3 years or the war; Roster dated Sept 1, 1864; Date of rank, and whether by appointment, election or promotion: Election, May 20, 1862; Date and cause of vacancy: Died Jany 1, 1864; Name of successor: John F. Holt; Remarks: Election returns forwarded ___ to (over) 30. (back of index page # 29) capture of command on 11 Jany 1863 31. Roster of troops of the Confederate Army captured at Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863 32. Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from St. Louis, Mo., by the Provost Marshal General, Department of the Missouri, to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, January 27, 1863, under instructions from Washington; Roll dated St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1863 33. Appears on a Descriptive Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Chase, Ohio; Arrested at Ark Post Ark on Jan 11, 1863; Received at Camp Chase, Ohio Jan 30, 1863; Whence: St. Louis, Mo; By whose order: Maj. Genl. Curtis; Description: Height 6 ft; age 28; Eyes Grey; hair dk; complexion Fair; Date of departure Apr 10, 1863; Remarks: Transferred to Ft. Delaware (Camp Chase, Ohio, Register No. 2; page 20) 34. Name appears as a signature to a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled at Fort Delaware, Del., April 25, 1863; Roll not dated; Where captured: Arkansas Post Jany 11, 1863 35. Appears on a register of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware, Del.; Where captured: Ark. Post Jany 11, 1863; When joined post April 12, 1863; Remarks: Forwarded to City Point for exchange April 29, 1863 (Fort Delaware, Del., Register No. 4; page 57) 36. Appears on a Register containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States; Date of appointment May 21, 1862 (Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 6) 37. Appears on an Abstract of Payments made by Capt. Udolpho Wolfe, A. Q. M., 6th Reg’t Texas Infantry, and Actg. Brig. Q. M., Garland’s Brigade, for the months of October, November, and December, 1862; Abstract not dated; Date of payment Nov 23, 1862; From May 20, 1862 To Nov 1, 1862; Amount $ 429.32 38. Appears on a Return of Troops stationed at Arkansas Post, Ark., for the month of Sept., 1862 – Present 39. Dale, J. F., 2 Lt. Co. D. 6. Tex. Inft, Registered at Pro. Mar. Office; See personal papers of H. E. Lockett, Pro. Mar. Houston, Tex. O. 19 40. Dale, John, 2nd Lt., 6th Texas. Regt., Relieved from command, Subject: S. O. 99/1; Title of Record: Dept 2 & Western Dept—Bragg; Date: June 10, 1863. This record contains information relative to the above named man, upon the subject stated. (Confederate) 41. Col. R. R. Garland concerning election of 2nd Lt. Co D; Jno F. Dale; Co D 6 Tx Inf; Texas Papers 1862 42. Samuel B. Davis Capt A. A. A. General Houston, Texas; Head Quarters 6th Texas Infy, Camp H. McCulloch, May 21, 1862; Sir, I have the honor to enclose herewith Returns of Election showing that John F. Dale heretofore 2nd Sergeant Co D 6th Texas Infantry was in the 20th Inst elected Junior 2 Lieut of “D” Company 6th Texas Infantry, occasioned by the promotion of Lieut. Selkirk Company D to Captain vice E. A. Peareson resigned by ____ request that the General Commanding the Department will take the necessary steps to have the election confirmed, and the appointment made at Head Quarters. I have ordered Lieut Dale to duty with Company “D” 6th Texas Infantry, and have taken him up on my return. Trusting it will meet with the approbatoin of the General Commanding. Very Respectfully, Your Obt Sevt ,R. R. Garland, Col 6th Regt Texas Infy 43. Camp Henry McCulloch May 20th 1862; In obedience to Order of the Commanding Officer of the 6th Regt. Tex. Infty, the undersigned proceeded to hold and conduct an election for Jr. 2nd Lieutenant and of Co. “D” in Said Regiment – and Said election was properly and fairly held, and 2nd Sergt. John F. Dale was elected Jr. 2nd Lieut of Co “D” 6th Regt Tex. Infty vice 2nd Lieut p. E. Peareson promoted; Genl. Stewart; 1st Lieut Camp Dr.; P. E. Peareson Sr. 2nd Lieut; [Results] Jr. 2nd Lieut.: G. S. Lewis-18; J. F.Dale-42; 5th Sergeant; A. Cheesman-53; 2nd Sergeant: W. Gibson-20; F. Holt-40 44. List of votes polled at an election held in Co. D for the Office of Jr 2 Lieut, 2nd Serg. & 5th Serg.
45. Voucher No. 352; Paid the 6 day of May 1863; J. F. Dale 240; Co D 6. Tex C. S.; From the 1 day of Dec 1862 To the 30 day of April 1863; Pay $400 46. The Confederate States of America To J. F. Dale 2nd Lt Co D 6 Texas Inf; Pay from 1st Decr 1862 To 30 April 1863; 5 Months; Pay Per Month: 80 Dollars; Amount $400; I hereby certify that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent, without leave, during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, or forage, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the time therein charged; that the horses were actually kept in service and were mustered for the whole of the time charged; that for the whole of the time charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment and did duty in the department; that I have been a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for every additional five-year service; that I am not in arrears with the Confederate States on any account whatsoever; and that the last payment I received was from Capt. Wallach A. Q. M. and to the 31 day of May 1862. I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Maj. John Ambler this 6 day of May 1863 the sum of Four hundred Dollars, being the amount in full of said account. Pay $400, Forage--; Amount, $400; 2nd Lt. J. F. Dale Co. “D” 6th Tex Infty 47. Voucher No. 62; Paid the 23rd November 1862; J. F. Dale, 2nd Lieut Co “D” 6th Tex. Inftry C. S.; From the 20th day of May 1862 to the 1st day of November 1862; Pay $429.32; I at the same time acknowledge that I have received of Cap Udolpho Wolfe Q M CSA this 23rd day November 1862 the sum of Four Hundred twenty-nine Dollars being the amount in full of said account.; J. F. Dale 2nd Lieut Co “D” 6th Texas Infty 48. The Confederate States of America, Pay as 2d Lieutenant 20th May 1862 – November 1st 1863; 5 Months, 11 Days; Pay Per Month 80 Dollars; Amount $429.32; Remarks: Election fill office of 2d Lieutenant; I, at the same time, acknowledge that I have received of Cap Udolphus Wolfe Q. M. CSA this 23d day of November 1862 the sum of Four Hundred twenty-nine 32/100 dollars being the amount in full of said account.; J. F. Dale 2nd Lieut Co “D” 6th Texas Infty
Photo courtesy of Chuck Taylor |
1. William H. Gibson; Co D, 6th Texas Infantry. (3 Texas Inf.)
2. 3 Sgt, Capt E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6
Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 22 years 3. 4 Sgt., Age 22 years; Mustered into service: Oct. 4, 1861; Where: Victoria; By: Lt. J. H. Dinkins; Remarks: On recruiting service cover 4. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 – Present 5. 3 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 6. 3 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 7. 3 Sgt; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 – Present; Last paid: by Capt. A. Wolfe, Q. M.; To what time: Jan. 1, 1862 8. 3 Sgt.; July & Aug 1862 - Present; Last paid by: Capt Wolfe, Mar 1, 1862 9. Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1862 – Present; Resigned as 3 Sgt Oct. 17, 1862 as per S. O. No. 106 10. Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862; Last paid by Capt. U. Wolfe by July 1, 1862; Died in Hospital at Arkansas Post Ark
11. (back of # 10) Wm. H. Gibson, Co d 5 Tex Inf;
May 3d/62
12. Plantation May 5, 1862
13. or west of Victoria. In accordance with this Capt Pearson ___
hand bills to be struck off notifying the members of the Company,
that such was the case, under these circumstances my son joined
Capt. Pearsons Company and now as they are ordered off I beg of you
Gen Hebert to transfer him to his original Reg. Terrys. Last summer
my son was thrown from his horse & bracked his leg bone – since
which time he has not been able to do much walking without giving
much pain as well as having the limb to swell – and if he goes with
Capt Pearesons Company he will hundreds of miles to march which I
know he could not stand it 25 miles. I have stated the case to you
please act on it immediately. Let me hear from you by Wednesday as I
expect to visit by son on Thursday. May complying with my request a
Mothers Blessing will accompany you as also her dailey prayer. |
1. David Culver, Co. D, 6 Texas Infantry – Sergeant – 2 Lieutenant 2. David Culver, 4 Sgt, Capt. E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age: 35 years; Company Muster-in Roll Oct. 4, 1861, Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled: Oct. 4, 1861 in Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: War; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. 2 Sgt.; Age: 35 years; Company Muster Roll for Oct 4 to 31, 1861; Enrolled July 11, 186_ in Matagorda by Capt. Peareson; Mustered into service Oct 4, 186_ in Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 4. 2 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 - Present; Enrolled July 11, 1861; 5. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 6. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr 1862 - Present; Pay due from enlistment 7. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 – Present 8. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 – Present 9. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1862 – Present 10. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 – Present 11. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to Apr 30, 1863 – Present 12. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Dec 31, 1862 to June 30, 1863 – Present; Last paid by Maj. Ambler Apr 30, 1863 13. 4 Sergt.; Company Muster Roll for July & Aug, 1863 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Moores June 30, 1863 14. 4 Sergt.; Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 – Present; Last paid in hospital Aug 31, 1863 15. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec, 1863 – Present; Last paid by Capt Moores Oct. 31, 1863 16. 4 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb, 1864; - Present; Last paid by Capt Moores Oct. 31, 1863 17. 2 Lieut.; Company Muster Roll for March & April, 1864 – Present; Last paid by Capt. Moores Oct. 31, 1863; Remarks: Promoted from 4 Sergt March 1, 1864 18. Sgt.; Roster of troops of the Confederate Army captured at Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863 19. 4 Sgt.; Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois; Roll not dated.; Where captured: Ark Post, Ark Jan 11, 1863 20. 4 Sgt.; Roll of Prisoners received at Camp Butler, Ill., Jan. 31, 1863. Roll not dated. 21. Prisoner of War Record 1 22. (appears to be an index page for another soldier)
23. (illegible) |
1. John H. Shortridge, Co. D., 6 Texas Infantry 2. John H. Shortridge, Pvt, Capt E. A. Peareson’s Company, 6 Regiment Texas Infantry; Age 28 years; Company Muster-in Roll dated Oct. 4, 1861 at Camp Hy E. McCulloch; Joined for duty and enrolled: Oct. 4, 1861 at Matagorda by Capt. E. A. Peareson; Period: war; 85 miles to rendezvous 3. Pvt.; Company Muster Roll for Oct. 4 to 31 1861; Mustered into service: Oct 4, 186_ in Victoria by Lt. J. H. Dinkins 4. 5 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861 - Present; Appointed 5 Sgt (over) 5. (back of index page #4) 27 December 1861 6. 5 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1862 - Absent; Remarks: Absent on sick leave since the 6 of Feb 1862; Pay due from enlistment 7. 5 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for Mar & Apr, 1862 – Present; Pay due from enlistment 8. 5 Sgt.; Company Muster Roll for May & June 1862 ; Remarks: Dischared May 14 (over)
9. (back of index page #8) 1862 cause disability
as per Special order D. H. quarter |
Copyright 2010 -
Present by E. S. Rugeley Chapter 542 UDC |
Created Aug. 16 2010 |
Updated Aug. 16 2010 |