Aylett C. “Strap” Buckner, the son of Judge Aylett and Elizabeth (Lewis) Buckner of Louisa County, Virginia, was one of the more colorful characters among the early settlers of Texas. One of his ancestors, John Buckner, attempted to introduce the first printing press into Virginia in 1682. His extraordinary exploits earned him a legendary status comparable to that of Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed. He was made a mythological hero in "The Devil and Strap Buckner," found in The Coming Empire (1877) by N A. Taylor. Of Scottish and Irish ancestry, this red-headed adventurer earned the nickname "Strap" for his size- 250 pounds spread over a six-foot, six-inch frame. His strength, appetite, and thirst were of legendary proportions.
Buckner first came to Texas in 1812 as a filibusterer in the Gutierrez-Magee expedition. He returned in 1816 with Francisco Xavier Mina, and for a third time in 1819, as a member of the James Long expedition all attempts to free Texas from Spanish rule.
In 1819 Buckner and his partner, Peter Powell, became the first permanent Anglo-American settlers in what is now Fayette County, when they built a log cabin on Buckner's Creek on the west side of the Colorado River near LaGrange, claiming the land by "squatter's rights." Four years later Stephen F Austin's empresario grant was confirmed, however Austin refused to recognize Buckner as a member of his colony or Buckner's claim to the land he had made his homestead. Austin awarded title to this league of land to Seth Ingram. Austin then granted Buckner title to a league and two labors of land in the eastern Matagorda County area in 1824. Strap left his name on this land, for "Buckner's Prairie" is still a feature of Matagorda County. He also operated a trading post on Bay Prairie, supposedly near the site of Bay City.
Buckner and Austin quarreled violently regarding the land in Fayette County. Austin charged Buckner with seditious conduct and ordered Andrew Rabb to arrest him. Rabb claimed to be "sick"- too sick to attempt to make the arrest. John P. Cole and Jared E. Groce told Austin the other colonists thought Buckner had a just claim to the land. Austin found a graceful way out of the impasse and said It was all a misunderstanding and everything was forgiven . Buckner wanted to the buried "under his own soil" and offered to purchase 1,000 acres of the disputed land.
In 1824 Austin appointed Buckner as captain in the militia to fight the Indians. Following the massacre of the Flowers and Cavanah families in Matagorda County in 1826, Buckner organized the party which chased, surprised, and killed thirty of the guilty Karankawas. As a major he commanded another attack on the Karankawas at Liveoak Bayou in 1831. His reputation was so fierce with the Tonkawas and Karankawas that they named him "Red Son of Blue Thunder."
The census of 1826, listed Buckner as being single and having four servants and one slave. Benjamin Edwards attempted to recruit Buckner to serve in the Fredonian Rebellion, but instead, Buckner signed a resolution in protest of the uprising. Following that expression of loyalty to the Mexican government, he and Austin became friends.
Captain Buckner led a militia force of twenty Fayette County men when the Texians attacked the Mexican fort during the Battle of Velasco on July 25, 1832. The Texian casualties numbered eight killed and twenty-seven wounded. One of the dead was Captain Aylett C. Buckner, who died instantly when a Mexican bullet shattered his cypress shield and a splinter pierced his head.
Historic Matagorda County, Volume I, pages 52-53
The recent heavy rains have done a great deal of damage to crops on Buckner Prairie. Mr. Jim Bruce has about 75 acres of rice out of 200 that will do to water. Jim Kirkman reports lots of grasshoppers and says what the recent heavy rains did not destroy the grasshoppers are finishing what is left of the corn and cotton. He says they are planting over in Egyptian wheat, sorghum and feteria. Mr. Bruce will put in a couple of silos this fall. Harry Hamilton, the plunger, reports a very good crop of corn on the Leeson place. Harry lost 50 acres of cotton on his home farm on Buckner Prairie. But he will plant over if the weather permits. Frank Vaughn says he has made several good crops and as a rule he was on the market first but the heavy rains of last season leave crops almost a failure with him. The heavy rains of this season have made his crops look very doubtful. Mr. Vaughn says he sees where he is short on drainage. O. J. Walker is a heavy beer both in corn and cotton, but he is planting over as fast as the weather will permit. Mr. Walker reports what corn and cotton was not drowned out is looking very good. Mr. Kirby is a new comer here from Oklahoma; bought a farm out of the Spencer tract of land; planted 75 acres to corn and cotton, but the recent heavy rains destroyed his crop except about five acres. Mr. Kirby is not the man to set idle and let his farm grow up in grass and weeds. J. B. Hall is from Louisiana and rents from Dr. W. F. Box. Mr. Hall has 30 acres of very good corn; he planted 75 acres of cotton, but the recent heavy rains destroyed it. He is preparing to plant over. John Denning owns a 50 acre farm at Cedar Lane and rents 100 acres from Dr. W. F. Box on Buckner Prairie but the recent heavy rains almost destroyed his entire crop; but John is from Missouri and says they will have to show him that he can't yet make a crop with such good season in the ground; he says he will continue to plant as long as his seed lasts. Dr. W. F. Box has the material on the ground at Cedar Lane to build a large hay barn capacity 50 cars and when finished will fill a long felt want. W. H. Stetson owns his farm 120 acres and rents 220 acres more. He planted 100 acres in cotton and corn but the recent heavy rains destroyed about one half of it. Mr. Stetson will not plant over he believes in diversifying crops; sorghum, peas both sweet and Irish potatoes and a variety of garden stuff he believes in raising every thing good to eat he carries about 40 head of hogs, 15 herd of mixed Jersey cattle and has 200 acres of the famous Buckner Prairie hay. Henry Leitenburg is a heavy loser and says he has all kinds of bad luck a hard worker but a poor manager married over little things and lets the big ones escapes him yet he gets there just the same has a little more water than he can use on his farm but says too much wet is better than too much dry. O. L. Kirkpatrick of Palacios was over on Buckner Prairie last week doing business for the Texas Nursery Co. of Sherman Texas and did a nice business in orders for future deliveries. Mr. Kirkpatrick says the farmers of Buckner's Prairie and surrounding country have no kick coming so far as crops are concerned as they look mighty good to him. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billingsley of Big Hill were visitors to Buckner Prairie last week Mr. Billingsley says crops are looking extra good on Buckner Prairie to what they are in other sections of the country. Our country roads in this precinct are in a horrible condition, with washouts and bog holes they are almost impassable. The writer witnessed an awful sight Monday there were six little school children ranging from 6 to 8 years of age on their way to school. They were trying to cross a bad hole. One got mired down and the writer drove his team in to rescue the child and got his team bogged down but succeeded in getting both the child and his team out. The writer was passing the home of Mr. G. E. Ratliff of Cedar Lane and noticed G. E. was installing a lot of new furniture. It appeared to the writer that something was going to happen. I wonder who is going to be the presiding angel. Jumbo Matagorda County
News and Midcoast Farmer, June 12, 1914 |
Crops on Buckner Prairie are doing fairly well, considering the spring heavy rains, and the present drought that prevails in this section of the county and while the general cry is for rains, rains would not be of any benefit to corn and would be injurious to cotton. Cotton that has been well worked is looking good and is fruiting nicely. Boll weavels are doing but little damage to cotton. Leaf worms are reported in places but not doing much harm. The hay men of Buckner Prairie are in full force making hay. W. H. Stetson is working up his own and W. E. Hamilton hay meadows. G. E. Ratliff and L. V. Vaughn are working up the Ratliff and Dr. W. F. Box hay meadows. Henry Leinthurg has a crew working on J. A. Bruce's meadow. The combined pay rolls of the hay men is about $400 per week. The farmers are taking advantage of the cheapness of hay and are putting in a supply for future use. Heavy loses from charbon is reported. Henry Hamilton reports 8 head with the disease and two dead and Mr. Moore on the Gleason place lost two mules and it is reported that Mr. Moore has the disease himself in the arm. Squire Peters, a negro farmer on Dr. W. F. Box's farm lost one mule. Kelly White a negro farmer lost one mule. G. E. Ratliff reports that several mules on Dr. Box's farm has charbon. W. H. Stetson had one mule swollen from his head to his shoulders. Mr. Stetson used kerosene freely, both externally and internally and the mule is well and at work. Mr. Stetson says he is a strong believer in kerosene oil for it has a tendency in killing all poisonous germs left from bites of insects. While the farmers of Buckner Prairie have undergone several disasters this season, and are once again facing a most severe disaster in that fatal diseases among their work stock known as charbon or anthrax yet they are going ahead with a will and determination to overcome and exterminate the disease from this section of the country. All carcasses of animals dying from charbon or anthrax are being burnt at once. Stables, lots and barns are being burnt, cleared of all refuse and burnt sulphur, charcoal, salt and carbolic acid is being used freely, as a disinfectant. With all these disasters one following the other the farmers of Buckner Prairie are going ahead with a grim determination to win out; and if no other disaster follows, Buckner Prairie will forge to the front with a good average cotton crop. While the corn crop will be short other crops will make up for that deficiency. Jumbo
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
July 17, 1914 |
Cotton, corn and the hay meadows found relief from the drouth by a steady rain that fell today all over this section of the county. The hay men are through making hay and their hay meadows are in a fine condition. The present rain will insure a good fall crop of hay. Cotton is opening and a part of the crop is insured. Old cotton has shed considerable owing to the drouth. Young cotton is doing as well as could be expected. The bell worm is doing some damage and the leaf worm got in his work to a considerable extent, but quick action on the part of the farmers soon put a quietus to them. While the corn crop is short, the yield will be much greater than at first expected. The Grim Reaper got in his work this week among the colored people. Old man York Adams died on Aug. 5th, and old aunt Vandy Brown on August 7th, while old man King Vaughn [Vann?] is now at Death's door. Now, boys of H-ville, you who were so noisy and conspicuous at the polls the other day to move the county seat, come up as actively for a $25,000 bond issue for the improvement of our public roads. For the purpose of making better highways in Precinct No 2 your activity in support of the bond issue will be appreciated by all, and when you do this, boys, you will be up-building your county and doing a good deed for which you will be remembered when you have passed away to the happy hunting grounds. Charbon has no respect for the just more than the unjust. Frank Vaughn lost a fine mule from the dreaded disease. P. M. Bowie has a new case; Wells Page colored, has a new case; while Mrs. Austry, a widow woman, with two little boys and a little girl, traveling through the country looking for work, lost one of their burros, from charbon. Jumbo
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
August 14, 1914 |
Buckner's Prairie will maintain its reputation as one of the leading farm districts of Matagorda county. In face of several disastrous setbacks Buckner Prairie will produce 10,000 bushels of corn and 125 cars of hay. January was an ideal month for breaking land; February and March were too cold and wet for planting; the spring rains delayed most of the farmers; those that succeeded in getting a stand were delayed in getting their crops worked out; in the spring, rains were followed by a prolonged drouth, and that fatal disease charbon, that killed a great many work stock. That was the final blow that almost killed Father, and caused some of the farmers to abandon their crops and move out. Those who remained and worked out their crops have no complaint to make. W. H. Stetson; Henry Hamilton; Henry Leitenburg are planting big in German millet. Frank Vaughan is harvesting his corn, and O. J. Walker is picking cotton to beat the band. The recent thunder showers caused Buckner Prairie to fail in getting the first bale of cotton raised in the county on the market. Frank Vaughan is rushing his hogs and giving them a finishing touch so as to be prepared to place a car load on the market when the price reaches the top notch. A heavy rain fell on Buckner Prairie last Saturday for several hours. Charlie Voseweaker has brought a good well of water on the J. B. Carrington farm. The well is 90 feet deep. J. B. Hall and Alma Eason, farmers on Dr. W. F. Box's place, returned Friday after a ten day trip through the northern part of the state looking for a better farming location. All they report was "a plenty of rain." Some folks do not know when they are well off. Dr. W. F. Box's farm will produce 200 bales of cotton and 5,000 barrels of corn this season. The county road leading from Cedar Lane to the intersection of the Bay City road to Cedar Lake at Bruce's gate that has been contemplated for the last twenty years, is at last about to materialize. Henry Hamilton has contracted with the county to grade two miles of the road.
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
August 21, 1914 |
W. C. Hamilton has a lot of hands digging and blowing out stumps on the Cedar Lane and Buckner Prairie Road. P. M. Bowie of Cedar Lane began ginning cotton last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker and Miss Bessie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn attended church at Gainesmore Sunday. W. H. Stetson is repairing his hay machinery so as to be ready to put up hay as soon as the weather will permit. The hay crop is exceptionally good. Miss Bessie Walker of Buckner Prairie is the champion lady cotton grower. Miss Bessie has two acres of cotton that will produce three bales of cotton. The Germans of Buckner Prairie, Linville, Live Oak Creek and Hawkinsville accompanied by their ladies enjoyed a barbecue all to themselves on Live Oak Creek Sunday. That barbecued mutton sure smelled good and those watermelons made me cry and think of the days of auld lang syne. T. W. Kirby on the Norvell farm has twenty acres of corn in silk and tassel and will make thirty five barrels of corn per acre and twenty five acres of cotton ready to pick. J. G. Parker on the Curry farm on Live Oak Creek has twenty acres planted of June corn that will produce forty barrels of corn per acre. Miss Bessie Walker will give a picnic and barbecue in the near future. I am sure she will not be so elitist as to over look or forget her neighbors and friends. All is well that ends well. It has been raining. Everybody has quit complaining and gone to work harvesting their crops. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ratliff of Cedar Lane attended church at Gainesmore, Sunday.
Herbert Bowie of Cedar Lane was out Monday with his
road hands working the Cedar Lane and Buckner Prairie Road. |
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freeman, of Bay City, were visitors to their old home at Coulterville Sunday. They spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Stetson. T. J. Clark, the groceryman of Bay City, was a visitor to Coulterville Friday. Henry Leitenburg is doing a lot of improvements on his holdings on Buckner Prairie. Mr. Leitenburg says he came here to stay for he is a strong believer in the future of Matagorda county. Mrs. O. J. Walker and son, Sargent, were visitors to Coulterville Friday. O. J. Walker has been a very busy man the past week making hay. O. J. is a strong believer in that old saying, make hay while the sun shines. J. B. Hall, a farmer on Buckner Prairie, after spending some time traveling east and west as far as Victoria looking for a better farming location, returned here and rented a farm in the rich Caney Valley. That's right J. B., we know you are a good judge of farming land. The farmers are taking advantage of the prevailing good weather in harvesting their crops. There is but little cotton changing hands here as most of the farmers are having their cotton ginned and storing it at home. There was quite a lot of ladies passed through Coulterville on their way to the Gulf and the noted fishing resort, Cedar Lake, but, of course the ladies had some of their men folks along to put up their tents, get wood, make fires and do the cooking, and kill rattlesnakes, chase sand crabs on the beach while the ladies fished. J. C. Carrington, of Bay City, spent a few days on his farm near Hawkinsville this week. Mr. Carrington is having some improvements done on his farm and preparing to do a lot of fall plowing. W. H. Stetson began making hay Monday. W. J. has 200 acres of the famous Buckner Prairie grass to make into hay. JUMBO.
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
September 18, 1914 |
A little over a year ago there was a circulated petition, asking for a Good Road Bond Election within Road District No. 7, precinct 2, to issue bonds amounting to $25,000. The Election was held and resulted in defeat. It has been circulated by a few that the defeat of the bond issue was that the money would be spent to build a shell road from Gainesmore via Hawkinsville, via Sargent, to the Intercoastal canal, thence to the Gulf of Mexico, and that the proceeds of the bond issue would only benefit a few, the Rugeleys, the Deyerles, and a few pleasure seekers. Of course it would be unfair to charge this defeat entirely to that cause, or the lack of mature consideration of the necessities of the precinct. Failure should be charged at least in part to the general lack of interest. I believe the voters will agree with me that the Rugeleys and the Deyerles are the largest in individual tax payers and friends and advocates of good Roads in our precinct, and that they are entitled to some consideration at the hands of the voting element of Road District 7 and precinct 2. Less than 5 years ago there was not a cotton gin in commission in Road District 7 and precinct 2. At the present time we have 4. Who are the promoters of those cotton gins? J. W. Rugeley at Sargent; W. W. Deyerle at Hawkinsville; A. L. Gastin at Cedar Lake; P. M. Bowie at Cedar Lane near the precinct line. Less than 5 years ago W. W. Deyerle purchased the farm at Hawkinsville, consideration $50,000, and since then, W. W. Deyerle has paid out $50,000 for improvements on said farm. Less than 5 years ago Henry Rugeley purchased the Thompson Farm, consideration $50,000, and since then Henry Rugeley has paid out or caused to be paid out $50,000 toward improvements on said farm. Henry Rugeley, is the promoter of the town of Gainesmore. Less than 5 years ago, J. W. Rugeley, has invested and caused to be invested $75,000 in the way of improvements on his holdings at Sargent. J. W. is the promoter of the town of Sargent. J. W. has put into commission tug bots and barges for the handling of cotton and other produce by the way of the intercoastal canal to Galveston. Those cotton gins mentioned are so situated that the farmers of Road District No 7 would have not over five miles haul to reach one or the other of those gins. Yet owing to the deplorable condition of our public roads last season, it was almost impossible to haul a load of cotton to either of those gins, and the cost of hauling cotton to either of those gins, was approximately $10 per bale. The loss and cost of marketing of other farm products such as corn, hay, cattle, hogs, potatoes, etc. was approximately $10,000. $7,000 of that loss and cost can be charged to the impassable condition of our public roads. We have now learned by a sad and costly experience the need of good roads. We could not have been taught in any other way the supreme necessity of a bond issue to improve our public roads in Road District No. 7. I do not hesitate in saying, and believe, the public will agree with me. That: the only way to develop and improve our agricultural resources, is by first improving our public highways and then our water ways. Our government at a cost of many thousands of dollars has built the intercoastal canal through Road District 7 and has also built a bridge across the canal for the accommodation of all traffic. It is claimed by some of the other settlers of precinct 2 and can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that not many years since Caney Creek was lined with boats from the Sanborn farm to the Thompson farm, taking on cargoes of freight such as corn, cotton, syrup, sugar and other marketable produce. Now, the question naturally arises; are we progressing or degenerating? Jumbo
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
September 25, 1914 |
Mr. Willie Parker has been visiting in Freeport for the past week. Miss Lillian LeSage visited homefolks last week and reports a delightful visit. Mr. O. J. Walker made a business trip to Bay City Friday. Mr. F. P. Vaughn was a Bay City visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Archie Harrison for a few days. Masters Russell and Sargent Walker visited Orangedale Monday. Our school is progressing splendidly with Miss Lillian LeSage as teacher. Mr. W. H. Stetson visited "The Club House" Sunday.
A jolly crowd of young people composed a merry
fishing party on the banks of dear old Live Oak Creek Saturday. Masters
Russell and Sargent Walker were very successful fishermen, and Miss
Bessie Walker caught "one." Miss Lillian LeSage was also very
successful, catching five, the first fish she had ever caught. All
reported a delightful time. |
Mr. F. P. Vaughn made a business trip to Gainesmore. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker visited Buckner Prairie Wednesday, remaining until Friday. Mr. O. J. Walker made a business trip to Gainesmore Wednesday. Miss Lillian LeSage spent a delightful day with Mrs. F. P. Vaughn Sunday.
Mr. J. J. Shockley and nephew, Jack, are now located
on Buckner Prairie and are ready to pull off their farming "stunt." |
Mr. J. J. Shockley and Mr. J. H. Shockley have been hauling maize for the past few days. They have now finished and Mr. J. H. Shockley is wearing a broad smile. Mr. Sargent Walker visited Orangedale Sunday. Mr. J. J. Shockley visited Van Vleck Tuesday. Miss Bessie Walker has been on the sick list for the past week, but is improving rapidly. Mr. F. P. Vaughn attended Sunday school at Gainesmore Sunday. Miss Lillian LeSage attended Sunday school at Bay City Sunday. Mr. W. H. Stetson visited "the club house" Sunday. Messrs. W. C. Lloyd and Archie Harrison visited on Buckner Prairie Thursday. Mr. Eddie Walker visited Buckner Prairie Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn visited at the Walker residence Sunday. Miss Lillian LeSage spent a few days with homefolks this week. Mr. Russell Walker visited Gainesmore Monday. Messrs. J. H. Shockley and Sargent Walker visited Gainesmore Monday. Miss Lillian LeSage visited Gainesmore Monday.
The Matagorda County Tribune, March 15, 1915 |
Mr. J. J. Shockley returned to Buckner Prairie Thursday, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Florence, who will attend school here. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn and children attended Sunday school at Gainesmore Sunday. Master Russell and Sargent Walker visited Orangedale Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fate visited Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn and children Sunday. By the way, Jack Shockley has convinced us he could lay off "straight" rows twenty-five yards long, but we were from Missouri. Mrs. O. J. Walker visited Orangedale Saturday. Miss Lillian LeSage also visited Orangedale Saturday. Mr. J. H. Shockley and Sargent Walker attended Sunday school at Gainesmore Sunday. Miss Lillian LeSage also attended Sunday school at Gainesmore Sunday.
The Matagorda County Tribune, April 2, 1915 |
Mrs. O. J. Walker has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Archie Harrison in Bay City, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harriss visited Buckner Prairie Monday. Messrs. B. E. Norvell and E. E. Ruse made a business trip to Buckner Prairie the past week. They report a delightful time hunting. Mr. Robert Harrison visited here Sunday and Tuesday and says he will soon be back--there's attraction. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn, Miss Lillian LeSage, Mr. J. H. Shockley and Master Sargent Walker attended church at Gainesmore Sunday. Miss Lillian LeSage spent Easter with homefolks in Bay City. Mr. O. J. Walker and Master Sargent visited Orangedale Wednesday. Mr. J. H. Shockley and daughter, Miss Florence, returned to Buckner Prairie Monday, having spent Easter with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn are visiting in Bay City this week. Mr. Fondon made a business trip to Buckner Prairie Tuesday.
The Matagorda County Tribune, April 16, 1915 |
Within a radius of five miles is one of the most fertile and prosperous dry farming sections of Matagorda county. In the rich Caney valley around Coulterville on Buckner Prairie, Cedar Lane, Bowie Valley and Gainesmore, those farms stretch out in many directions. The weather which has prevailed of last has permitted much activity and practically all crops are now ready for planting, or have been planted. Corn, cotton, sorghum, Kaffir corn, Egyptian wheat are being extensively planted. While the farmers of this section are diversifying and it is difficult to mention everything planted. The past season has taught the farmers and business men of this section a lesson that will not be forgotten. This section has been favored more than usual and there is an optimistic note to be heard among the farmers which bespeaks of an area of content and prosperity for the coming months.
Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer,
April 16, 1915 |
The ladies of Buckner Prairie and Cedar Lane are not worrying about Suffrage. They are now giving their attention to poultry raising and vegetables. Mrs. O. J. Walker has a fine lot of little chickens and a few young turkeys that will soon be ready for table use. Mrs. F. P. Vaughn is making turkey raising a specialty. She has quite a lot of little chickens that will soon be ready for market. Mrs. W. C. Hamilton is diversifying with ducks, turkeys, guineas and chickens. Mrs. W. H. Stetson has a fine lot of mixed Rock Island Reds and Leghorns that will be ready for table use in the near future. Mrs. D. S. Bailey has quite a lot of young chickens and ducks. Miss Cassie Lemley is making a specialty of White and Brown Leghorn chickens. Miss C. has quite a lot of young ones that are doing nicely. Mrs. Henry Leitenburg has a fine lot of young chickens. Mrs. H. L. is making the Brown Leghorn a specialty. Mrs. Rud Cloebedans has a lot of young mixed chickens that are thriving well. Mrs. G. F. Ratliff has quite a lot of young chickens. Unfortunately the varmints visited Mrs. G. F.'s poultry yard early in the season and destroyed the greater part of her young birds and yet they are trying to pass a law prohibiting the killing of fur bearing animals. Mrs. Ed. S. Ware has the largest lot of young chickens. She leads in both quality and quantity and those that are lucky enough to find a place at her table will be treated to a variety of young fowls. Mrs. Hubert W. Bowie has a fine lot of young fowls and any one happening in at meal time will be treated to a nice boiled or fried chicken. Mrs. J. M. Shaffer has a fine lot of young fowls that are about ready for table use. Mrs. Shaffer says she has a ready market right at home for all the fowls she can raise. Mrs. Tom Hamilton is doing splendidly with an early crop of young fowls. Miss Mable Shaffer gives the most of her time to teaching the young folks of Cedar Lane. She has the best equipped school of this section. Miss Lillian Lesage, the Buckner Prairie young school teacher is doing a splendid work with the youngsters of Buckner Prairie. Mrs. J. W. Demming has a fine lot of young chickens. She is making Rock Island Reds a specialty. She says she has a steady market at home for all of her ready fowls as Mr. J. W. is very fond of chicken pie. Mrs. W. M. Moore is diversifying her time with chickens and vegetables. Any one who is lucky enough to get his feet under her table will find a treat in young chicken and vegetables. G. E. Ratliff of Cedar Lane had his store burglarized Saturday night April 17th. A few shirts and other goods are missing; burglars unknown.
Buckner Prairie was visited April 19th with a good
rain that was appreciated by all. Crops that are up are looking fine.
The farmers have been rushing their crops so as to be ready for the big
rains promised by Easter. |
Some of the farmers of Bowie Ville, Cedar Lane, Gainesmore and Buckner Prairie were taking advantage of the rains by going out fishing. They had better success than the Houston Post fisherman did. They landed all the big ones and little ones got away. Mr. P. M. Bowie closed a land deal with the Railroad Co. on the Hawkinsville Branch. He parted company with 6 acres of valuable Caney dirt consideration $100 per acre. Archy Harrison of Bay City made a business trip to Coulterville Friday. He purchased some choice beef cattle from W. C. Hamilton for the Harrison Bros. market. J. B. Carrington of Bay City made a business trip to Coulterville Friday. The recent rains that fell over this section have done considerable damage to crops on low lands. All crops on high or well drained lands are looking fine. With a few more days of sunshine the farmers on high or well drained lands will be able to work over their crops. It will be a week or 10 days before farmers on low lands will be able to work their crops. Some of the lowest lands will have to be planted over. W. H. Stetson on the J. H. Freeman farm lost 20 acres of corn and cotton. W. C. Hamilton lost 50 acres of corn and cotton.
Part of the crops on the farms of T. P. Vaughn, O. J.
Walker, and J. J. Shockley was damaged and some of the lands will have
to be planted over. While most of the farmers of this section were up
with their crops and prepared for the heavy rains that fell April 23rd,
but, as usual, no matter how favorable the conditions are, there are at
all times a few that are behind with their crops and as a rule they are
the little ones who suffer the most, and most of them will have to plant
over. Unless some other calamity beyond the control of human agency
shall intervene the farmers of this section will pull off a banner crop. |
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker visited their daughter, Mrs. Archie Harrison, in Bay City Wednesday. Miss Lillian LeSage and Miss Florence Shockley and Mrs. J. H. Shockley visited Gainesmore Tuesday after school hours. Miss Lillian LeSage spent Wednesday with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughan and children, Miss Lillian LeSage and Mr. J. H. Shockley attended Sunday school at Gainesmore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker visited Orangedale Thursday. Mr. J. J. Shockley and daughter are having a delightful visit in Van Vleck. Mr. W. C. Lloyd and others are enjoying a delightful hunt near Buckner Prairie. Major J. J. Shockley assures us that it certainly "did" rain Friday. We (the people of Buckner Prairie) are glad to hear that we are raising so many chickens, for we didn't know it. Mr. W. C. Hamilton visited Sheriff J. G. Parker Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker and baby spent Sunday at the Walker residence.
Rev. L. F. Hardy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Vaughan. |
W. W. Patterson, of Cedar Lane, is loading out a car of onions and cabbage for the Houston market. Fred Froeburg, just across the line in Brazoria County, was a visitor to Cedar Lane to day. Mr. Froeburg reports that the recent heavy rains that fell over this section did considerable damage to his crops. He says most every one has planted over but are very much in need of rain to bring up crops recently planted. All crops in his section are in need of rain while the growing crops are not suffering yet but a good rain would be more or less beneficial to all.
W. H. Bell of Westhoff bought of Dr. W. F. Box and G.
E. Ratliff of Cedar Lane 43 Head of mixed Cattle. |
The early crops of cotton and corn are doing nicely, considering the drouth that prevails over this section. While both the growing crops and late planted need rain. The corn is not germinating satisfactorily except in portions of the low lands where the moisture has been held by continued harrowing.
The majority of the citizens of Buckner Prairie, Bowieville and Cedar Lane prove themselves Christians by offering up a prayer for rain to fall and ruin W. H. Stetson's hay, as he had started to making hay Saturday 29th. Their prayers were answered at 3 o'clock a. m. 30th.
Rain fell for 30 minutes accompanied by considerable wind that blew down and damaged old corn. Many thanks for the prayer. Somewhere in the good book these words are to be found: "The prayers of a sinner availeth him nothing."
Later. The farmers of this section were blessed with another good rain Monday morning May 31st. That insures the early corn crop. The farmers of this section are all smiles today.
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Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Apr. 12, 2009 |
Updated Apr. 12, 2009 |