Coulterville Community Information

Matagorda County, Texas

Coulterville was located near the intersection of what is now FM 457 and FM 521.

Hamilton House lower right and barn belonging to Tom Clements.
The barn was no longer standing in December 2014.


Mary B. Ingram, Shirley Brown

Coulterville, situated in Buckner’s Prairie, was names for Lemuel B. Coulter who owned a store at that site. The post office was moved to the store in 1895, and Coulter served as postmaster until 1901. Christian Zipprian was postmaster from 1901 until 1903, when the post office was discontinued and the mail for that vicinity was sent to Caney.  The Coulterville post office was reinstated in 1909 with Joe H. Freeman as postmaster, however, it was discontinued again in 1911, and the mail for the Coulterville area was sent to Bay City.  At one time the store was managed by Harry Hamilton.

The Bay City Breeze, March 25, 1897, stated that a daily mail will be put on between Bay City and Coulterville, via Caney P. O., except Sunday.  Scheduled to leave Bay City at 7 in the morning, arriving at Coulterville at noon; returning, leaving Coulterville at one and arrive at Bay City at 6 p.m.

Typed by Faye Cunningham


Front and side views of the last building standing in Coulterville in December 2014.
It was the home of the Hamilton family and later the family of Ira Clements lived there.


Everything was smiles last Friday, May Day, even the weather clerk had been tipped by the good people of Coulterville, and gave orders for an ideal picnic day. It seems that the people of Lower Caney decided on doing a thing, and when they have fully decided they go and do it. They decided among themselves on having a May Day picnic, and they had one, not one of the ordinary every day picnics, but one of those that you read about, one of them whole day and night picnics; not one of them where they give you a cup of coffee grounds and a tooth-pick, with red-bugs and ticks on the side, but one of them old fashioned fellows, that get right close to you, and in order to get rid of it you have to get on the outside of the hind quarter of a barbecued beef, cakes and pies so thick and many that you can't call them by name, and a dozen other kind of dishes that they had to fill in with.

Early Friday morning about thirty Bay Cityites turned their faces southeastward and kept a goin' until they reached the picnic grounds. They were a jolly crowd and they went for fun, which they had from the time they reached the grounds until they left it. They reached there about 10 o'clock and found already gathered a large number of people from the surrounding country, but the crowd had not fully gathered until about 1 o'clock, when about three hundred people were on the grounds, having come from Columbia, Brazoria, Matagorda, Bay City and those of the neighborhood.

The grounds were in a beautiful grove at the Coulter store and post office, with a fine dancing platform and plenty of seats under the big live oak trees. As the people drove in, their teams were taken in charge by a committee, who when the guests were ready to depart had them brought around again, fed and cared for. About noon the orchestra arrived and dancing began, which was kept up until the early hours of the following morning. The dinner, which was served about 3 o'clock, was simply something immense, but the good people did not stop with simply dinner, but also served supper and lunch in the early morning hours, and then enough was left over to feed a half thousand starved people. Not only did they give this magnificent spread, but during the entire day had ice cream and cold drinks of all kinds in abundance, which were also free. Oh, they do things up down there, and they know how to do it, too.

And then they had a way of making each one feel as though he were the guest of honor, that they had done all of this for his especial benefit, and this makes a big crowd feel mighty good, when each thinks that he is the pet of the occasion. It seems those who had it in charge tried to out do each other, and we never saw anything in the way of a public frolic pass off more pleasantly than this picnic did. Then they deserve double credit when the fact is taken in consideration that those who had it all in charge are a very few, and live some distance apart, and there was much work attached besides the day of the picnic. For days they were at work on the grounds while the good wives were at home doing the cooking and baking.

Those who had the matter in charge and to whom we are indebted for personal favors shown us are Messrs. P. M. and H. W. Bowie, V. L. & L. LeTulle, J. J. LeTulle, C. H. Williams, L. P. Coulter, W. E. and T. E. Bell, R. T. Chinn, F. V. Vaughn and J. D. Ogburn. Long will they be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to be their guests for one day, and who only desire an opportunity to show more deeply their appreciation.

Bay City Breeze, May 7, 1896


Will the weather clerk please let up on the rain and give us some sunshine.

We all join the BREEZE in her fight for R. R. for Matagorda county. Give us a railroad and we will sure go to the front with our rich lands.

The farmers and planters are backward as it keeps raining and raining. Jno. Rugeley has his field of 250 acres about all under a good fence. It is raw land, but he hopes to make a good crop on it this year.

Walter Millican has a disk plow, to which he works three yoke of oxen and he is turning over Buckner's prairie land in good shape. He says he can plow five acres a day. Walter is a rustler to work, also to eat.

On last Monday morning the elegant Rotherwood home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Williams caught fire from a defective flue and the house was saved simply because it was daylight, there was plenty of help there and it was discovered before it had burned through the roof. The fiaught (sic) between the ceiling and roof and by getting on top of the house and chopping a hole through the roof it was soon under control and the damage was slight. Nothing but the fact that everything was favorable and that heroic efforts were made at the right moment saved the place.

On Thursday, February 4th, about 2 o'clock, just after dinner was over and the family was gathered around a heating stove, lightning struck the house of Mr. Johnie Rugeley and their escape from instant death, at least some members of the family, seems to be nothing less than miraculous. They were around the stove, Mr. and Mrs. Rugeley and baby and Walter Millican. The lightning struck the upper part of the stove, following it down into the stove, tore several joints of the pipe all to pieces, overturned the stove, then followed along where the floor and ceiling met for a ways and tore a piece of weather boarding off from the sill, up for ten feet or more. Shattering the weather boarding into splinters and throwing the splinters for some distance. Broke several windows all to pieces and shattered every lamp shade in the house. There was no fire in the stove but a lot of ashes and Mr. Rugeley thinks the ashes saved their lives, as they turned the current of the lightning outwards, and they were all in front of the stove and not more than four feet distant. The jar was awful, everybody was stunned and it was several minutes before they could hear or realize what had happened. The current of lightning melted holes in the stove pipe, did not hurt the sill of the house but split up a live oak block. He says he can't understand how the current of electricity got out of the back of the stove as it did, without breaking the stove, which it did not injure.

Bay City Breeze, February 11, 1897


All quiet on Buckner's prairie tonight.

Mr. L. P. Coulter is preparing ground for the purpose of planting pear trees.

Miss Chapman has improved her farm very much in the last two months.

Hawkinsville mail arrives on time daily, though the roads are bad.

The health of our town never was better. Xmas pulling up slowly.


The Matagorda County Tribune, December 3, 1898


Some improvements going on in our town.

Yesterday was a busy day with the Messrs. Coulters putting out fruit trees.

Mr. L. P. Coulter is filling his hay contracts, with his fine prairie hay, delivering ton after ton in that historical city, Matagorda.


The Matagorda County Tribune, December 10, 1898

Coulterville Cogitations

Miss Sarah Coulter is quite sick.

Mr. L. P. Coulter and lady went on a flying trip to Brazoria yesterday.

Dr. W. F. Box is having furniture, etc. hauled to his palatial residence here.

Judge Thompson passed through Monday on his way home from your city where he had been presiding over the court.

Our little town was thrown into excitement this morning by a false alarm of fire, caused by Mr. A. M. Coulter burning out a chimney. The flame rolled high above the roof so that it could be seen in the distance. No damage done; only a few of the citizens exhausted themselves getting to the scene.

Success to THE TRIBUNE.               H.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 27, 1898


The mail arrives every day on time.

Dr. W. F. Box is spending the holidays at home.

Old Santa Claus only made his bow and passed us by.

T. Hamilton and lady took a trip to the coast yesterday.

Mrs. L. P. Coulter's "Xmas tree" was magnificent. She erected one for her two sweet little girls.

Who is Mrs. Dr. Chinn? Mail comes here for that name--and if R. T. Chinn is married, we would like to know it.

H. Hamilton and Miss M. Coulter attended the dance given at O. Walker's. They report having a fine time--together with Ed Gibson, the top dancer of this county.


The Matagorda County Tribune, December 31, 1898

Coulterville Cogitations

By Daisy

Frank Kingley killed a large rattlesnake, Tuesday.

S. J. and A. M. Coulter made a flying trip to Velasco, this week.

Dr. Mynatt, of Knoxville, Tenn., was in Coulterville last week, looking up a location.

Grass is growing fine on Buckner’s Prairie, and haying will commence about the middle of May.

The high winds are drying out what little moisture there is in the ground, and crops are needing rain.

Following arrived too late for last week.

Dr. Box has returned from Houston and is busy rounding up cattle.

B. A. Ryman has been down moving cattle from here to his upper pasture.

Miss M. Coulter has a quilt pieced on a pattern called the bachelor’s puzzle.

V. LeTulle has just completed plowing over 120 acres of his fine corn crop.

W. C. Hamilton and Miss M. Coulter visited Magnolia, Sunday evening, and were presented with a bunch of flowers.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 15, 1899


Long may old glory wave over the roof of your office, is the prayers of the writer.

The young ladies of Coulterville are up to date--riding cow boy horses, ladies in the saddle, cow boys up behind.

Miss Melissa Coulter and sister spent the evening in east Coulterville on yesterday. Come again ladies; we enjoy such visits.

Farming at a standstill--too much mud. Some ditching, some fencing, some sodding and others sitting around cook stoves.

Our hospitable friend, Dr. W. F. Box, is sure a rustler. You would think so if you could see the amount of work he has done around his premises.

The draw bridge over Caney near Hawkinsville is in bad condition. Mr. Sam Coulter was called by one of our county commissioners to inspect said bridge.


The Matagorda County Tribune, January 21, 1899


By Daisy

There is a great deal of sickness in this neighborhood.

Otto Walker of Kenner Prairie, was in Coulterville last week.

Frank Hawkins has been moving some cattle from his lower pasture.

Mrs. C. H. Williams died at her home at Rotherwood, Sunday morning, and was buried on Sunday afternoon.

Miss Ada Rugeley and Mrs. Mary Rugeley, who have been attending the late Mrs. C. H. Williams, have returned to their homes.

Another wave of prosperity in Coulterville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Coulter, another fine curly headed girl. Both mother and babe are doing nicely

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 28, 1899


(Received too late for last week.)

News scarce.

Dr. W. F. Box has been on the sick list.

Last week rain; this week mud; farmers got the blues.

B. Ryman has been down looking after his cattle in the Spencer pasture.

L. P. Coulter is the champion squirrel hunter, killing three at two shots with his target (Colt 22).

Our mail arrives on time though our energetic mail rider has injured his eyes--so much so, he purchased a pair of Dr. D. E. Franklin's celebrated glasses.

P. P.

The Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1899


By Pencil Pusher
(Following arrived too late for last week.)

Dr. Box has gone to Houston.

J. Hamilton has moved to the Spencer place.

We are having some of McKinley's embalmed beef.

Plenty of mud, plenty of rain, plenty of vexations; but not plenty of money.

Bud Smith had the wind mill repaired on the Spencer farm. Plenty of water at present.

Victor LeTulle, the champion farmer, has nearly one hundred acres of corn planted on Mrs. Dr. Box's farm.

Misses Lucille and Dorothy Coulter spent the evening of last Sunday with the Misses Hamilton, at Spencerville.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 11, 1899


By Pencil Pusher

Farmers are very busy at this time. Their lands are getting dry and hard.

Miss Melissa Jane Coulter and mother visited Spencerville on yesterday evening.

Our much-esteemed friend, George Culver, has made his round among us assessing property.

We regret very much to have Dr. Box leave us. He is going to make Houston his home in the near future. His equal as a neighbor is hard to find.

Our Pete and his mule had a tangle yesterday. On entering the gate at the office the mule did not want to obey orders as heretofore. "Plenty of grass now," says the mule.

We are astonished to hear men of means say that if a stalk of cotton should happen to come up on their land, they would have pulled it up as quick as they would a burr. They ought to know their wealth was made in cotton. Don't discontinue the raising of cotton.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 18, 1899


By Daisy

L. P. Coulter has gone to Houston on a business trip.

Tom Hamilton now has a dairy running in city style.

Miss Malissa Coulter has been quite sick for a few days.

Another wave of prosperity; a fine girl at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dugar's.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin, of Bay City, were visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Williams, last week.

Ike Towell passed through Coulterville last Saturday on his way to lower Caney on a fishing expedition.                                            

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 8, 1899


By Daisy

Frank Kingley killed a large rattlesnake Tuesday.

S. J. and A. M. Coulter made a flying trip to Velasco, this week.

Dr. Mynatt, of Knoxville, Tenn., was in Coulterville last week looking up a location.

Grass is growing fine on Buckner's Prairie, and haying will commence about the middle of May.

The high winds are drying out what little moisture there is in the ground, and crops are needing rain.

(Following arrived too last for last week.)

Dr. Box has returned from Houston and is busy rounding up cattle.

B. A. Ryman has been down moving cattle from here to his upper pasture.

Miss M. Coulter has a quilt pieced on a pattern called the bachelor's puzzle.

V. LeTulle has just completed plowing over 120 acres of his fine corn crop.

W. C. Hamilton and Miss M. Coulter visited Magnolia Sunday evening and were presented with a bunch of flowers.                            

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 15, 1899


By Daisy

We have had two fine rains and farmers are looking happy.

Mr. Kilbride of Robbins's ranch, was in Coulterville this week.

D. E. Franklin lost a valuable mule while on a trip to Velasco, last week.

Messrs. Sims and Gaines passed here on their way from the beach last week, and reported having a fine time.

Mr. Fred Robbins was over last week, and purchased a lot of smooth wire from Dr. Box. He intends building a suspension bridge over a slough on the west side of the Colorado.

There was quite an enjoyable gathering at the residence of R. T. Chinn on Thursday night. Dancing and a fine supper were the features of the evening. All present report a fine time.

W. E. Harris, representing Gust Heye & Co., of Galveston, Mr. Morris representing a tobacco firm, and Chas. Mensing, of Mensing Bros., of Galveston, passed through this week.

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 22, 1899


By Daisy

Some corn and cotton were badly damaged by the hail.

Mrs. C. H. Williams is expecting her brother, from Mobile, Ala. She has not seen him for 20 years.

Some time ago we saw in The Tribune that in Coulterville the ladies rode in front and the cowboys rode behind; but now we notice on a little four mile trip, the cowboy road and the lady walked beside him.

We had a severe wind and hail storm last week, and one of Dr. Box's tenant houses, occupied by Thos. Hamilton, was blown off the blocks and considerably damaged. Neighbor Jones says he saw two bed quilts coming towards his home, but soon found that they were around Hamilton. Tom's wife followed later.      

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 29, 1899


By Daisy

A. M. Coulter made a trip to Brazoria, this week.

Crops are looking fine on this prairie, and everybody is busy.

Traveling men representing James Bute & Co., and the Houston Post, passed through here, this week.

Wolves have become so bold hereabouts as to attack calves tied in the yard and to carry off chickens.

Several dogs in the neighborhood have been bitten by a mad-dog; but so far, the dog has not been killed.

Dr. Box is having his share of bad luck. One of his tenant houses, occupied by George Haily, burned down on Saturday night.            

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 29, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations

By Daisy

C. A. Mensing and W. E. Harris passed through here, this week.

Squirrels are very plentiful now, and we have fresh meat every day.

Mrs. Judge Rugeley, of Wharton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kit Williams.

News is scarce, this week; everybody is too busy even to go to the post-office.

W. M. J. McGoon, of Chicago, has been in this vicinity, looking around with a view of locating.

Dr. James Gunn, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Kit Williams, left for his home in Alabama, last Saturday.

Mr. Tobeck and Mr. Sherrer of Bucks Bayou settlement, were in Coulterville, this week, soliciting scholars for their school.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 13, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

One of J. B. Dugar’s children has been quite sick for a few days.

L. P. Coulter has commenced pressing hay and selling it at the press for $4 per ton.

Mrs. Annie Hays and Mrs. Mary Burke, of Bloomington, Indiana, are visiting Mrs. L. P. Coulter.

Mr. Hoops, of the New York Spool Cotton Co., and Capt. Van Houten, passed through here, last week.

Caspar Bell, of the Box-Bell Live Stock Commission Co., of Houston, is in this vicinity gathering up fat cattle to ship.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 20, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Roasting ears are plentiful now.

Miss Sara Coulter is on the sick list.

Mrs. Mary Burke is visiting on Kenner’s Prairie.

J. G. Dennis of Caney, is cutting hay on L. P. Coulter’s land.

L. P. Coulter and family spent a day on the beach, last week.

Otto Walker and family were visiting in Coulterville, last week.

Mrs. Millican, of Brazoria, has been spending a few days with Mrs. C. H. Williams.

A party of young men passed here on their way to Cedar Lake on a fishing expedition.

May 24th was the 60th birthday of James Hamilton, and his friends remembered with a fine dinner.

The chill tonic man was around last week, but we don’t need chill tonic; we are too busy to have chills.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 3, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

We are needing rain badly.

S. J. Coulter went to Brazoria, this week.

L. P. Coulter was in Bay City, last week.

J. B. Dugar and family went to Brazoria, last week.

J. C. Carrington and Capt. Andrewartha were in Coulterville, this week.

Mrs. Wm. Austin, of Bay City, and Walter Millican, of Brazoria, are visiting Dr. C. H. Williams and wife.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 10, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Watermelons are plentiful.

Dr. Box, of Houston, is in Coulterville.

We have had a little rain but need more.

S. J. Coulter and D. E. Franklin went to Brazoria, last week.

Dr. Follis, the dentist, of Bay City, was in Coulterville, last week.

M. E. Gipson, of Bay City, was in Coulterville a few days, this week.

About 25 wagon loads of people going to the beach have passed here during the past week.

V. L. LeTulle and wife, the Misses Bell and Frank Vaughan made a trip to the beach, last week.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 17, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

I. W. Spencer, of Richmond, was in Coulterville, last week.

L. P. Coulter has been delivering hay to Frank Hawkins at the Lake and plantation houses.

Mrs. Mary Burke and Mrs. Annie Hays are visiting friends and attending campmeeting on lower Caney.

Polk Williams, the Cedar Lake mail carrier, reports that the gulf is out over the country about three miles inland.

There was a severe wind and rain storm, Monday night and Tuesday, which did considerable damage to crops.

Mrs. S. F. Bowie, the venerable mother of P. M. and H. W. Bowie, died at her home on Monday evening, after a lingering illness of many months.

J. C. Carrington and family, Capt. Montgomery and wife and J. W. Gaines and family, of Bay City, and Jesse Matthews and family, of Caney, all passed through here on their way to the beach.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 1, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations

Ed. Dugar and Fidelia Goodman are visiting J. B. Dugar and family.

Jas. Hamilton and wife have been spending a few days in Matagorda.

Mrs. Annie Hays has returned from a visit to friends on Kenner's Prairie.

Mrs. Sara Coulter, Miss Malissa Coulter, and S. J. Coulter are on the sick list.

Mrs. E. S. Rugeley has returned to Wharton. She has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Williams.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 8, 1899


By Daisy

A. M. Coulter has been quite sick for a few days.

L. P. Coulter and family spent a few days on the beach last week.

L. P. Coulter's store and contents burned to the ground Saturday night. No cause for the fire is known.

Mrs. Jessie Carrington and Miss Fanny Ayres passed through here on the way home from Bay City, Thursday.

We have been having some very warm weather--100 in the shade, and the mosquitoes make it several degrees warmer.

Mrs. Wm. E. Austin, of Bay City, and Mrs. Mary Rugeley, of Wharton are attending the bed-side of Mrs. C. H. Williams, who is very low.            

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 22, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Born to J. H. Lucas and wife, a boy.

S. J. Coulter has returned from Houston.

Mrs. Johnie Rugeley and C. H. Williams have returned from the beach.

R. M. Winston, from near Bay City, passed through Coulterville this week.

Dr. Brooks, a young physician from across the Colorado, has located in Coulterville. We wish him success.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 26, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

We had another big rain, Thursday.

Will Bell and John Wheeler are branding cattle in LeTulle’s pasture, this week.

Mr. Dray, the enterprising drummer for A. H. Frank & Co., of San Antonio, was in town, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rugeley and Miss Ada Rugeley, of Bay City, visited Mrs. C. H. Williams, today.

There is quite a number of sick folks in Coulterville neighborhood—Felix Wartell and wife and son, A. M. Coulter, Miss Malissa Coulter, Mrs. D. E. Franklin, Mrs. Mary Rugeley, and Mrs. Johnie Rugeley and two children.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 29, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

There is still a great deal of sickness in this neighborhood.

Otto Walker, of Kenner Prairie, was in Coulterville last week.

Frank Hawkins has been moving some cattle from his lower pasture.

Mrs. C. H Williams died at her home at Rotherwood, Sunday morning, and was buried on Sunday afternoon.

Another wave of prosperity in Coulterville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Coulter, another fine curley headed girl. Both mother and babe are doing nicely.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 5, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

L. P. Coulter went to Brazoria on Monday.

P. M Bowie has just returned from a trip to Quintana.

Dr. C. H. Williams is resting and recuperating at the beach.

Calvin and Charlie McNeil passed through Coulterville, Tuesday, on their way to Frank Hawkins’s Lake House, bent on a bird hunt.

A. M. Coulter left on Monday for an extensive visit among relatives at Greenville, Texas, and through Indiana and Illinois—and probably to see his best girl.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 12, 1899

Coulterville Cullings

Boll weevill are in patches on west side of Caney and Buckner Prairie, but few if any on east side of the creek. Going east we find a few on the Jordan place and on Brazos river. No Army worms.

Dick and Watts Vaughn returned Sunday night from a visit to their old home near Waco. Both physically improved.

Victor LeTulle and family are on the beach.

Good deal of sickness among the whites on Caney.

Forty-seven cases of sickness in Brazoria and two negroes died there on Sunday night.

Burglars entered Mat Williamson’s store a night or two ago and secured $100 worth of dry goods and groceries. Supposed to be white men.

Hon. Wells Thompson will, before his return, go to Louisiana and investigate rice culture with a view of planting it on his Caney plantation.

Bachelar bulls and other live stock on Caney are suffering greatly from mosquitoes, which are worse than they have been in ten or fifteen years. They are especially bad in wire grass sections and along the Brazos.

Native grass on Bailey’s prairie was killed by the flood, but new grass is taking its place. Stockmen are moving their cattle out.

The graded road from Brazoria to Quintana is in a fearful condition. It’s covered with dirt intersperced with patches of quick-sand.

Twenty-five feet of water on Quintana bar. The bayou back of Quintana washed into the gulf but has since filled up.

Wire grass on the lower Brazos was entirely destroyed by the flood and stockmen are hunting new pastures.

The weather for the past week has been cloudy, dry and sultry—nineteenth of Aug. anniversary ’86 storm.

A gentleman in Brazoria County is circulating an agreement among the business men and planters asking them not to buy seed cotton. There will be a meeting held later by signers making a more binding agreement.


Weekly Visitor, August 18, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

S. J. Coulter went to Houston Tuesday.

Mrs. Mary Burke left on Tuesday for Houston.

L. P. Coulter has been quite sick for a few days.

V. L. LeTulle and wife have returned from the beach.

Richard Vaughan is spending a few days in Houston.

The little child of J. B. Dugar has been very sick.

E. A. Gibson, of Hawkinsville, was in the city this week.

Mrs. Johnie Rugeley and children have gone to the beach.

Dr. Follis, the dentist, of Bay City, was in Coulterville this week.

J. G. Dennis and Ed. S. Rugeley are cutting hay on Buckner Prairie.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 18, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Frank Kingsley went to Bay City Saturday.

Col. M. F. Mott, of Galveston, is visiting Dr. C. H. Williams.

We have had some real cool weather, but so far there has been no frost.

Frank Hawkins has been moving his cattle to his lower pasture this week.

Mr. Birch, of the Hulen Nursery Co., spent a night in Coulterville this week.

Dr. Box and wife, of Houston, are spending a few days in Coulterville looking after their plantation.

Messrs. Young and Jordan, of Missouri, were in Coulterville last week, looking up a location. They seemed to be well pleased with this country.

Mr. Drey, a San Antonio drummer, spent Saturday night in Coulterville. His team gave out and he had to hire a team to take him to V. L. LeTulle’s.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 4, 1899


By Daisy.

C. Zipprian spent Sunday with home folks.

J. B. Dugar made a trip to Velasco this week.

LeTulle & Vaughan are gathering corn on Dr. Box's place.

S. J. Coulter and Frank Kingsley went to the beach Sunday.

Walter Ayers, of Kenner's Prairie, was in Coulterville Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 9, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

S. J. Coulter spent Sunday on Kenner prairie.

Mrs. Beers, of Houston, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Franklin.

Harry Hamilton and Mr. Coulter spent Sunday on Bucks Bayou.

Mrs. Annie Hays and Mrs. L. P. Coulter were shopping in Bay City this week.

A good many people are getting alarmed about the smallpox and several have been vaccinated.

Dr. W. N. Brooks has gone over home to take his wife to Bucks Bayou where she will teach this winter.

Mrs. M. F. Mott arrived from Galveston Saturday and is spending a few days at Rotherwood plantation.

L. P. Coulter, H. W. Bowie and R. T. Chinn, as a jury of view, met Monday and proceeded to lay out a road northeast from Coulterville to the Brazoria road.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 11, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Born to D. E. Franklin and wife a fine girl.

Frank Gill is visiting J. B. Dugar and family.

Mrs. L. P. Coulter is spending a few days in Houston.

L. P. Coulter went to Angleton and Velasco this week.

Several young people met at J. B. Dugar’s Saturday evening and spent the evening dancing.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 16, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Mosquitoes are getting plentiful again.

The rain has stopped haying for a while.

Carlysle Williams returned from Wharton a few days ago.

Johnnie Rugeley has returned from a few days visit in Wharton.

Miss Fidelia Goodman has been very sick but is much improved.

Judge Wells Thompson is spending a few days on his Caney plantation.

It is reported that some of the Negroes on the Thompson place have scarlet fever.

There is not so much sickness as there was earlier in the fall, and we think after one or two good northers there will not be any.

Misses Bertie Caldwell and Bessie Harn, who have been visiting at Rotherwood plantation, have returned to their homes in San Antonio.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 21, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

D. E. Franklin is suffering of erysipelas.

L. P. & S. J. Coulter made a flying trip to Brazoria.

Dr. C. H. Williams is able to be about after a severe illness.

V. L. LeTulle has built a large dirt tank in Dr. Box’s pasture.

Ed Dugar and Miss Fidelia Goodman have moved to Buck’s Bayou.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rugeley spent Sunday at Ed. Rugeley’s on Caney.

Tuesday was election day and all seemed in favor of having the county seat where it is.

L.P. Coulter has commenced hauling hay to Brazoria and also hauling lumber to build a store and dwelling house.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 29, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations

By Daisy

Dr. W. N. Brooks has left Coulterville.

Chris Zipprian spent Sunday at Big Hill.

L. P. Coulter spent a day or two in Brazoria this week.

S. J. Coulter cut his foot quite badly while chopping wood.

Dr. C. H. Williams spent several days in Bay City last week.

C. A. Mensing, the Galveston drummer, was in Coulterville this week.

We suppose everybody had turkey and pumpkin pie for dinner last Thursday as it was Thanksgiving.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 2, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations

By Daisy

J. B. Dugar is very sick.

The infant child is spending a few days on his plantation.

Gov. Thomson is spending a few days on his plantation.

Dr. Foote, if Caney, was in Coulterville on professional business last week.

Dr. E. Franklin died at his home in Coulterville last week, of black jaundice.

B. A. Ryman passed through Coulterville this week with a small bunch of cattle.

Miss Malissa Coulter met with a painful accident last week. While riding in a wagon she fell across the wheel, severely injuring her side.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 16, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations

By Daisy

Miss Sarah Coulter is visiting on Bucks Bayou.

W. E. Holder of Limestone, Ind. Ter. is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. E. Averitt.

Ed Dugar and Miss Fidelia Goodman, at Bucks Bayou, were visiting in Coulterville this week.

John LeTulle has returned from Houston where he attended the Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Festival.

The infant child of Mrs. D. C. Franklin died Saturday and was buried Sunday. We tender sympathy in the bereaved ones.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 23, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

Miss Malissa Coulter spent Christmas at Spencerville.

Frank Vaughan and bride are moving to Dr. Box’s plantation.

Mr. Ainsworth, of Elliott’s Ferry, passed through Coulterville this week.

Mrs. Mary Burke and son, Hays, of Houston, are spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. L. P. Coulter.

Misses Dorothy, Lucille and Hazel Coulter and little cousin, Hays Burke, enjoyed a Christmas tree on Christmas eve.

For several nights past some one has been prowling around Mrs. Franklin’s house, and she became alarmed and got one of the neighbors to watch the house. About eleven o’clock some one stepped up on the porch and attempted to open the door. Mr. Lucas fired two shots at him, but he escaped. So far nothing has been heard of him.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 30, 1899

Coulterville Cogitations
By Daisy

A. J. Burke spent Wednesday in Hawkinsville.

Follis Wartel? and family left Monday for Brownstown.

C. A. Mensing, of Galveston, passed through here Tuesday.

A. Drey?, of San Antonio, spent Saturday night in Coulterville.

Milton Winston, of Bay Prairie, passed through Coulterville this week.

Dr. C. H. Williams is visiting relatives in Galveston. This correspondent is sure of it this time.

Mrs. Johnny Rugeley has returned from Bay City, where she has been spending a few days with friends.

Matagorda County Tribune, 24 Feb 1900


By Daisy

E. H. Phillips of Kenner passed through here Monday.

Mrs. L. P. Coulter was quite sick a few days last week.

E. A. Gibson of Hawkinsville was in the city Monday.

LeTulle & Vaughan drove 100 fat hogs to Van Vleck for shipment.

F. M. Arnold of Hungerford is spending the week with V. L. LeTulle.

Dr. E. E. Scott was in Coulterville this week and says he thinks of locating at Van Vleck. We wish him success.

Mrs. Susie Rugeley has returned to her home in Bay City after a pleasant visit with her parents, Capt. and Mrs. V. D. LeTulle.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 19, 1900

Coulterville Cogitations
By Cogitator.

C. Zipprian went to Big Hill Saturday.

Judge Currie and the madam came over for mail Saturday.

J. A. Bruce came out Monday and commenced to make more hay.

A. G. Moore came over from Judge Currie’s ranch one day last week.

F. S. Scherrer was in our village last week, summoning special venire men.

H. Robinson went to Bay City Tuesday with a load of vegetables for Box Bros.

F. P. Vaughn has returned from a visit to his mother in Colorado county.

Dr. A. F. Box returned from Van Vleck Sunday where he had been shipping cattle.

Dr. Walter Box is here the guest of his brother. They are gathering fat cattle to day to ship to Houston.

H. W. Bowie came out on the prairie Saturday to cut some more hay and Monday we had another good shower of rain.

Mortie Bell and his charming young sister were in our village a few days last week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn.

Edgar Hawkins was taken very sick Friday while driving cattle for Box Bros., and C. Zipprian sent him to Dr. C. H. Williams’s in his buggy for treatment.

Mrs. V. D. LeTulle and daughter, Miss Julia, came out for their mail and some groceries. They report the Capt. quite ill, but we hope that he is improving at this writing.

Jack Dudley and family and quite a gathering of their friends, neighbors and relatives passed through our village en route to Rotherwood Lake to fish and hunt. It was a jovial crowd of about twenty persons.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 26, 1903

Coulterville Cogitations

By Cogitator.

Mortie LeTulle was a pleasant caller at our office last Wednesday.

Harvey Hamilton was in our village again last Saturday, hunting mules, he said.

Dr. A. F. Box is fighting weeds and crab grass this week, and he is making good time.

Vaughn, Bruce and Zipprian are all cutting their second crop of hay this week, and it is fine.

Ed. Gibson, the rustling Lake Austin ranchman, was a pleasant caller at our office today, Tuesday 21st. He reports all well at the Lake House.

Judge and Mrs. Currie have both been quite sick for about two weeks, but their many friends will be glad to hear that they are recovering again.

Quite a number of Bay City people have gone to the Gulf for a dip in the surf and pleasure generally. The writer would like to be one of the party.

Mrs. Capt. V. D. LeTulle and daughter Julia made us a social and business call Saturday. They report the captain still quite unwell, but we hope he will take a change for the better soon.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 24, 1903

Coulterville Cogitations.

By Cogitator.

J. J. LeTulle was a pleasant caller at our office Saturday.

Dr. E. C. King was in our office a few minutes last Friday.

The weather still continues showery and interferes with hay making.

C. Zipprian went to Big Hill Saturday to spend Sunday with home folks.

Harry Hamilton was in our village Monday, returning home the same day.

Frank Kingsley went to Van Vleck Tuesday after a load of freight for C. Zipprian.

Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Box have both been sick, they are improving at this writing.

J. B. Cookenboo of Wharton made C. Zipprian a social and business call last Friday.

Mr. Wardell, from G. C. Duncan’s plantation, was in our village Tuesday, looking for cattle that have strayed off.

H. Robinson took his family to Bay City  His wife and baby have been very sick, and Mr. Robinson has been very sick himself.

F. P. Vaughn went down to the beach Saturday to join his wife who has been down there about two weeks with a pleasure party from Bay City.

Judge Currie came over from his ranch Saturday to hold justice court. Whites in attendance: Attorney Hensley of Bay City, and H. Robinson, the constable. As the parties accused failed to arrive court adjourned.

We are sorry to report the sad news of the death of Mrs. G. C. Duncan of Spanish camp. She died in Galveston and was brought to our village Saturday for interment at the family cemetery. She was an estimable Christian lady and the sister of P. M. and H. W. Bowie. The bereaved relatives and many friends have our heartfelt sympathy.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 7, 1903

Coulterville Cogitations.

By Cogitator.

Frank Kingsley returned from Big Hill Tuesday.

Dr. Albert Box’s family are regaining their health slowly.

It rained nearly all day Monday and all the roads are very bad.

Dr. E. C. King was a pleasant caller at our office one day last week.

G. W. Z. went to Big Hill Saturday with supplies for the home folks.

J. B. Cookenboo spent Tuesday night in our village, the guest of C. Zipprian.

We were pleased to see H. W. Bowie at our office last Friday. He reports all well.

Mr. Miller, dry goods and notions drummer, spent Tuesday night in our village the guest of P. M. Bowie.

Frank Kingsley went to Matagorda Saturday with a load of hay for J. F. Williams from C. Zipprian.

F. P. Vaughn came out from his plantation several days last week, looking after his interests in the Prairie.

John Dennis and two young ladies and Mr. Wardell and family passed through our village en route for the beach to have a good time.

Carlysle Williams, the expert young hunter who killed a deer and shot a man in the fleshy part of the leg, was a pleasant caller Sunday.

H. Robinson came from Bay City Saturday looking like a shadow. He says he was quite sick while there and that his wife and baby are still sick.

Capt. Holt, a brother-in-law of Morgan Smith, was in our village last week, trying to buy C. Zipprian’s boat for the purpose of engaging in oystering for T. F. Carr in Matagorda.

Mr. Lackey and his niece, Miss Julia LeTulle, were pleasant callers at our office Saturday. He reports Capt. V. D. LeTulle much improved in health, which is good news. He also reports that J. J. LeTulle and wife have been sick but are much better.

J. M. Ayers, the genial young man from Kenner, was in our village Saturday with two petitions for signers, one for a bridge across Caney, at what is known as the Bruce Ferry, and the other asking the commissioners to prorate the $60,000 road fund among the several precincts.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 14, 1903

Coulterville Cogitations.

By Cogitator.

H. W. Bowie was here one day last week.

S. J. Coulter had his toes badly mashed this week.

Dr. A. F. Box went to Bay City Saturday on business.

Dr. E. C. King was a pleasant caller at our office Friday.

Jim Bruce is with us again this week, trying to make hay.

F. P. Vaughn and wife made the Coulters a short visit Saturday.

G. W. Zipprian went to Big Hill Saturday, to spend Sunday with home folks.

Mr. Lackey came over from Capt. V. D. LeTulle’s plantation one day last week, after his mail.

Carlysle Williams has been working with Dr. A. F. Box, grading the bad lane in our village.

Dr. A. F. Box and C. H. Williams are both on the sick list this week. Dr. King is waiting on them.

C. W. Burkhart and Jim Bruce were in our village Thursday, returning to Matagorda the same day.

Frank Kingsly went to Van Vleck Thursday after a load of freight for C. Zipprian. He also went to Matagorda with two loads of hay which he sold for C. Zipprian.

C. Zipprian has resigned as post master at Coulterville, and this post office will be discontinued on 31st of August, which is next Monday. People will please call and get their mail, and have their post office address changed.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 29, 1903

Bitten By Mad Dog

Mrs. A. R. Harrison, of Coulterville, a small settlement about twenty-five miles southeast of Bay City was bitten by a mad dog last week. She was brought to Bay City where she and her husband boarded the train for Austin where the victim was placed in the Pasteur Institute. Mr. Harrison returned to the city this morning and reported the condition of his wife to be very favorable. The dog belonged to the Harrisons and died after biting another one which Mr. Harrison says he will kill as soon as he gets home.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 26, 1911

Coulterville Locals

Some of the farmers of Buckner Prairie have diversified their crop. The majority of the crops are corn, cotton and hay. All high land crops are up and being worked out. The low lands have all been planted. The rain that visited this section recently will insure a good stand.

J. A. Bruce has planted 200 acres to Egyptian wheat and sorghum for silage.

Mr. Bruce had the misfortune to have one of his silos? blown down by a wind storm that visited this section recently.

F. P. Vaughn has 75 acres planted to corn and ready to be worked out.

Mr. Vaughn has erected on his farm a syrup mill, having planted several acres to ribbon cane. The citizens of Buckner Prairie will be furnished with fresh new syrup delivered at their homes.

Mr. W. C Hamilton has planted 60 acres to corn and 50 acres to cotton.

Mr. J. H. Lemely has planted 30 acres to corn and 25 acres to cotton.

O. J. Walker has planted 50 acres to corn and 10 acres to cotton.

J. J. Shockley is planting 75 acres to corn and 25 acres to cotton.

Red Klobedans has 30 acres planted to corn and 25 acres to cotton.

Henry Leitenburg has diversified 75 acres to corn, millet, sorghum and hay.

W. H. Stetson has diversified 180 acres to corn, cotton, hay, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, Artichoke, Brazilian wheat, corn, coffee, sorghum and a variety of vegetables, canteloupes and watermelons.

On the W. F. Box’s farm 300 acres is planted to cotton and corn.

Mr. Oertling of the Firm of Brunner & Oertling of Bay City made a business trip Thursday to Coulterville.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 23, 1915

House from Coulterville moved c 1940s.



Copyright 2006 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 15, 2006
Dec 17, 2014