Matagorda County Brand Book Vol. 1  1837-1875

These records were extracted from the brand book because they indicated that the person registering the brand was a freedman. There are other African-Americans who registered brands who may have been missed because freedman or African was not written on the record.

An actual drawing of the brand is not included in the records on this page. A complete copy of the brands from Book 1 as well as drawings of the brands can be found by clicking the Book 1 link.

The original book is in the County Clerk's office at the Matagorda County Courthouse, 1700 7th Street. A copy is in the Matagorda County Museum archives, 2100 Avenue F. The Bay City Library, 1100 7th Street has a transcribed copy. The original book also included drawings of the marks in addition to the brand.

Marks and Brands 754 - 998

Marks and Brands 1010 - 1099

Marks and Brands 1102 - 1588


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 7, 2005
Mar. 19, 2022