New Sutherland


New Sutherland Newspaper Columns

New Sutherland Items

Mr. J. A. Scofield, our county agent, visited our school Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mercer of Hungerford visited Mrs. L. L. Betts during the week end.

Monday a Valentine party was held at the school house.

Friends will be sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. M. E. Rabe. We wish this good lady a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and Mrs. Stoerig of Inez visited the Robt. Hackbarth [family] for a few days last week. They came over to attend the bedside of Mrs. M. E. Rabe who was very sick.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller motored to Inez Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Becker visited Mrs. M. E. Rabe in the Robt. Hacbarth home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Rose and daughters of Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rabe of Kennedy came in last week to attend the bedside of Mrs. M. E. Rabe, whose condition was so critical. Mrs. Rose remained here to assist in nursing her mother, Mrs. Rabe.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Ruth Windham, Bobby Webernick, Eddie Simmons, Edna Knuppel

Second Grade: Bertia Simmons, Bertha Simmons, Willie Maresh, Ellis Windham, George Windham

Third Grade: Evie Mae Windham, Rosa Capuchino, Nelson Webernick, Preston Hendrix, Lifford Knuppel, Arnold Bothe, Ludwig, Dybala, Bennie Marg, Frank Zapalac, Ray Webernick

First [Fourth?] Grade: Joe Tomas, Charlie Orsak, Elmer Kresta, Beatrice Mahoney, Jesus Vasquez, Isidor Aquilar, J. B. Hendrix

Fifth Grade: Erma Lee Norcross, Kirby Lee Betts

Sixth Grade: Mary Zapalac, Dorothy Webernick, Kent Betts, Robert Orsak

Seventh Grade: Jerry Novosad, Horace Webernick, Annie Hohensee, Adell Knuppel

Edna Weekly Herald, February 18, 1932

New Sutherland Items

Those visiting Mrs. M. E. Rabe in the Robert Hackbarth home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and Mrs. W. Becker of Inez, Miss Katherine Taylor and Miss Mary Drake, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuretsch of Ganado, Mrs. Mike Theleman and Mrs. W. Pagel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pagel of Ganado, and Mrs. Chas. Brandes and daughter, Mrs. Walter Barker, and Mrs. Erich Brandes.

Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Rabe continues very ill. Her three daughters are waiting on her.

A bunch of youngsters enjoyed a 42 party at the Hohensee home Sunday.

Those calling in the Henry Kamper home Sunday were Mrs. C. Huffmeyer, Mrs. Hohensee, Mrs. Charlie Boothe, Mrs. Jess Hendrix, Mrs. Faltycek and Mrs. Otto Knuppel.

Mrs. W. Tegeler and Mrs. Herman Tegeler visited the Gus Tegeler home near Ganado Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key were supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kresta Friday evening. 42 was also enjoyed.

Friends in this community were sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Frank Bigott of the White Hall community. We hope he will soon be well.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Jerry Orsak, Edna Knuppel, Eddie Simmons, Ruth Windham, Tom Capuchino, Sisto Gutierrez

Fourth Grade: Joe Thomas, J. B. Hendrix, Jesus Vasquez, Catherine Capuchino, Beatrice Mahoney, Lathie Simmons

Fifth Grade: Erma Lee Norcross

Sixth Grade: Robert Orsak, Kent Betts, Dorothy Webernick, Mary Zapalac

Seventh Grade: Lucille Hackbarth, Horace Webernick, Jerry Novosad

Edna Weekly Herald, March 3, 1932

New Sutherland Items

A hard rain, accompanied by some wind, struck this section Friday night. The rain was not needed and the farmers are feeling blue over it.

Miss Josephine Witcher, one of our teachers, was on the sick list Friday and Saturday.

Mesdames F. Meyer and O. P. Stienke visited Mrs. Rabe one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur visited the Robert Hackbarth home Sunday. They were enroute to Yoakum to visit Mrs. Bauer’s father who has been sick for the past several months.

Mrs. Henry Kamper visited her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Boothe and family Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Reue and Mrs. D. Webel sat up with Mrs. M. E. Rabe Monday night.

Those visiting in the Otto Knuppel home Friday afternoon were Mesdames Key, Brozozwski, F. Webernick and Hohensee.

Mrs. John Kramer and Mrs. Thiele of the Little Kentucky settlement came over to visit Mrs. M. E. Rabe Tuesday. Mrs. Rebe has been quite ill for some weeks.

A forty-two party was given at the Key home one night last week. Among those enjoying this happy occasion were Miss Gertrude Witcher and brother, Boots, of Ganado, Felix Knuppel, Annie, Henry and Richard Hohensee. A jolly time was reported by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow of Ganado spent Thursday night in the Robert Hackbarth home, while Mrs. Galow waited on Mrs. Rabe.

Mesdames Horace Webernick, John Kresta, Eler Olson, and G. E. Kay visited the Ed Psencik home above Ganado Thursday afternoon.

Mesdames Horace Webernick and John Kresta made a pleasant visit in the Robt. Hackbarth home one day last week.

Last Sunday a kitchen shower was given at the home of Mrs. Horace Webernick in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Psencik, and they received many pretty and useful gifts. The following enjoyed this occasion: Messrs. and Mesdames L. S. Horton, Nels Olson, Elmer Olson, Otto Knuppel, John Kresta, John Webernick, John Kalivoda, G. E. Key, and Mr. Grisham and Mrs. Ed. Brozozwshi. Delicious refreshments or sandwiches, coffee and cake were serving.

The following ladies visited at the home of Mrs. Knuppel: Mesdames Horace Debernick, John Kresta, John Kalivoda, Marz Hahn, Aubrey Barron, Hohensee, Frank Faltysek, Key, Kemper, Ed Brozozwski and Miss Gertrude Witcher. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Knuppel and greatly enjoyed by all.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Eddie Simmons, Jerry Orsak, Edna Knuppel

Second Grade: Berney Brozozwski, Ellis Windham, Willie Marsh, Bertha Simmons, Bertia Simmons, George Windham

Third Grade: Nelson Webernick, Wilbur Norcross, Raymond Novosad, LIfford Knuppel, Arnold Bothe, Dexter Betts, Preston Hendrix, Henry Maresh, Evie Mae Windham, Jim Camarillo, Rosa Capuchino

Fourth Grade: Joe Tomas, Elmer Kresta, Jesus Vasquez, Raymond Novosad

Fifth Grade: Erma Lee Norcross

Sixth Grade: Kent Betts, Robert Orsak, Dorothy Webernick

Seventh Grade: Jerry Novosad, Annie Hohensee

Edna Weekly Herald, March 10, 1932

New Sutherland Items

A light snow fell in this section last Thursday and Friday—quite a novelty for that time of year.

Mrs. Verna K. Harper, our county school superintendent, and a representative of the State Department of Education, visited our school Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and son of the Mauitz School section, Mr. and Mrs. F. Knuppel of Ganado, Mr. O. E. Hackbarth of this section and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Becker of Inez visited the Robt. Hackbarth home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark of Corpus Christi, who were guests in the Aug. Pagel home for a couple of days, have returned home. They were accompanied by Mrs. Clark, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Aug. Pagel for a month.

Mrs. Key is suffering with tonsillitis, we regret to state.

Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Flathmann of Ganado visited Mrs. M. E. Rabe Saturday evening.

Mesdames H. Kamper and W. Tegeler of this section attended the Ladies Aid meeting in the home of Mrs. Stienke on March 10th.

Mrs. H. Kamper and Mrs. Hohensee visited Mrs. Rabe Monday. While she is still on the sick list, Mrs. Rabe’s condition is improving. This will be good news to her many friends.

Last Saturday night, March 12th, a number of friends had the pleasure of assisting in the celebration of the birthday of Mr. Willie Zacharies of Ganado. The writer was unable to be present, but joins Mr. Zacaharies many other friends in wishing him many more happy birthdays.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow visited in the Robt. Hackbarth home Monday night.

Misses Grace Olson and Johnnie Webernick called at the Aug. Pagel home Sunday.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Eddie Simmons
Second Grade: Bertha Simmons, Bertia Simmons, Willie Maresh, Ellis Windham
Third Grade:  Evie Mae Windham, Rosa Capuchino, Raymond Novosad, Lifford Knuppel, Wilbur Norcros
Fourth Grade: Joe Tomas, Catherine Capuchino
Fifth Grade: Erma Lee Norcross

Edna Weekly Herald, March 17, 1932

New Sutherland Items

Mrs. Will Pagel had the misfortune to injure her side last week. For a few days she suffered considerably. Her friends hope she will soon be all right again.

Mrs. Nels Olson and daughter, Miss Grace, visited the Aug. Pagel home one day last week.

Rev. and Mr. A. E. Flathmann of Ganado visited Mrs. Rabe Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key, accompanied by Miss Albina Brozozwski, motored to Port Lavaca Friday evening for a few days visit with relatives and friends.

Tuesday, March 15th, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Stienke and Mr. Otto Hackbarth made a pleasant visit in the Robert Hackbarth home. They enjoyed a delicious mid-night lunch which was in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Rose, a sister of Mesdames Robert and O. E. Hackbarth.

Mrs. M. E. Rabe is still on the sick list. A few days ago her condition was not so favorable, but at this writing she is somewhat improved. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery.

Mrs. W. Tegeler and Mr. Herman Tegeler visited the F. Tegeler home Sunday afternoon

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son motored to Edna Saturday.

Last Sunday a surprise birthday party was given in honor of Miss Albina Brozozwski. Quite a number of youngsters were present and all enjoyed the occasion very much.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel, Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Key are ailing, suffering with lagrippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Theiman visited Mrs. W. Pagel Sunday.

Those visiting Mrs. M. E. Rabe in the Robt. Hackbarth home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons, Mr. Otto Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kamper, and in the evening Mrs. W. Tegeler and son, Herman, came to visit Mrs. Rabe.

Friends were sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Minnie Tegeler of the White Hall community.

Mrs. John Finister of Port Lavaca is the guest of Mrs. Key.

The farmers in this section have started to plow and they are getting their land in shape.

Miss Katherine Taylor, one of our teachers, was taken ill suddenly with flu last Monday night and Tuesday morning was taken to Bay City.

New Sutherland and Lolita boys and girls had interesting games of baseball with the Lolita teams Friday. The boys’ game resulted in a score of 7 to 0 in favor of New Sutherland, while the Lolita girls won by a score of 13 to 3.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 24, 1932

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons motored to Yoakum Easter morning to spend the day with Mrs. Baur’s parents. On their return that evening, they stopped in Inez for the Lutheran Church Easter program.

Mrs. Billings visited Mrs. Robert Hackbarth one evening last week.

Mr. Barker of Edna visited his son, Walter Barker and family, Sunday.

Several people of this community attended the musical given by the Seguin Lutheran College Choir last Monday at the Ganado school auditorium. The Lutheran membership extends thanks to the trustees who kindly donated the use of the school building and also they wish to thank the Methodist congregation for the use of the nice kitchen in which the lunch was prepared. Such a spirit of co-operation is greatly appreciated by everyone.

Mr. Herman Tegeler motored to Brenham for Easter.

The condition of Mrs. M. E. Rabe, who has been on the sick list for some time, is greatly improved, we are glad to state. This will be pleasing news to this good lady’s many friends.

Miss Lillie Pagel of San Antonio and Mrs. G. Kamp of Three Rivers visited the W. Pagel home in this section and the Mike Theleman home near Ganado Easter.

Mr. H. Wiese and Mr. Rhinehard Kuhlman of Ganado were appointed delegates to the Convention of the German Lutheran Church which will convene in Yorktown April 12th and 13th.

Those visiting in the Robt. Hackbarth home Good Friday were Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiese, Mrs. Edwin Pfeffer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thiele, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and son, Clifford, Mrs. Emil Miller and children and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children.

Lucille Hackbarth spent Friday night with Ella Galow.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Webel, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Sless visited the Kamper home Sunday.

Mr. Felix Knuppel, Lonnie Knuppel and Adell Knupel spent Easter in Brenham with relatives.

The Easter Egg hunt given in the Robt. Hackbarth meadow Thursday afternoon was greatly enjoyed by the teachers and pupils.

Mrs. Ernest David and Rose Mary Heaton of Gonzales were guests in the Aug. Pagel home for Easter. Mrs. Davis has returned home, but Rose Mary will remain here and attend our school.

A baby girl came on March 22nd to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brozozwski.

Mrs. Emil Galow and children and her father, Mr. Meyer of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth visited the Robt. Hackbarth home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key, accompanied by Mrs. John Finester, motored to Port Lavaca for Easter. Mrs. Finister had been visiting Mrs. Key, who is her daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Zajicek and daughter visited the Robt. Hackbarth home one evening last week.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Martin Cordova, Eddie Simmons, Dempsey Betts
Second Grade: Bertia Simmons, Lois Queen, Willie Maresh, Ellis Windham, George Windham
Third Grade: Mildred Nelson, Evie May Windham, Wilbur Norcross, Henry Maresh, Preston Hendrix, Dexter Betts, Lifford Knuppel, Nelson Webernick, Arnold Bothe, Frank Zapalac, Raymond Novosad
Fourth Grade: Joe Tomas, Elma Kresta, J. B. Hendrix, Raymond Nelson
Fifth Grade: Ermalee Norcross
Sixth Grade: Dorothy Webernick
Seventh Grade: Elsie Betts, Lucille Hackbarth, Adell Knuppel, Horace Webernick, Alouis Jendry        

Edna Weekly Herald, March 31, 1932

New Sutherland Items

A light shower of rain fell in this section last Friday morning which was of some help to the corn and cotton. Insects are reported to be plentiful in the cotton fields.

Mrs. Horace Webernick and Mrs. Kresta visited the Key home one day last week.

Mrs. Westerhof returned to her home in Moulton Thursday. Her nephews, Royce and Clifford Baur, accompanied her home for a visit with relatives and friends in that section.

Mrs. Key and her brother, Leslie Finister, and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth motored to Inez Thursday afternoon.

Those who were dinner guests in the A. Baur home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Knuppel and daughters of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and Mr. Herman Hackbarth.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kresta and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick made a pleasant visit in the O. E. Hackbarth home last Tuesday night.

A winsome little Miss was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brandes on June 27th. The writer joins their other friends in extending congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. Witcher and children of Ganado spent a few pleasant hours in the Key home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rippel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick and sons, Mrs. Webernick’s brother, Mr. Domnick, Mr. and Mrs. Faltysek and babies, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key and children, and Leslie Finister were visitors in the Knupple home Sunday afternoon.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 30, 1932

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key and Leslie and William Finster visited in the Ed Brozozwski home Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Corpus Christi who have been visiting relatives in Houston, Galveston and Goose Creek while on their vacation, came by here to visit the Aug. Pagel home and also the Phelm Clark home in Ganado. Grandmother Clark, of Goose Creek accompanied them home.

Miss Lillian Belle Heaton of Houston, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel returned home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Key and children and Mr. Wilburn Finster motored to Port Lavaca Saturday evening to visit relatives. They returned home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbath were dinner guests in the Baur home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children joined them for the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key and children and Leslie and Wilburn Finster visited the Horace Webernick home Monday night.

Friends in this section have learned that a winsome little miss made her arrival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krajicek of Sealy. Mrs. Krajicek before her marriage was Miss Emily Azjicek of this community. The writer joins the other friends of Mr. and Mrs. Krajicek in extending congratulations.

Horace Webernick, Jr., spent Saturday night with Leslie Finster.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zajicek and daughter visited the Edwin Quebe home Sunday.

Mrs. A. Baur received the sad message from Yoakum Saturday night stating that her cousin, Mrs. Clara Pledger, had been killed by a man by the name of Wick. We offer our sympathy to the bereaved ones.

We regret to state that the condition of Mr. Herman Hackbarth, who has been ill for some time, continues to grow worse. We join his other friends in the hope that he will soon be on the road to recovery.

A large crowd from this community attended the picnic in Ganado Sunday.

Rose Mary Heaton spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Phlem Clark in Ganado.

Mr. Aust. Pagel had the misfortune to lose one of his good work mules this week.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 23, 1934

New Sutherland Items

The larger children in Mr. Key’s room during the last term gave him a surprise farewell party Wednesday night. Everybody enjoyed the evening very much. After delicious refreshments had been served, the students bade Mr. and Mrs. Key a reluctant good night as they had been associated with them for six years.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sablatura visited the Key home one evening last week.

Mrs. W. Tegeler and Mrs. Frieda Zacharies visited in the Robt. Zajicek home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Webernick and children were dinner guests in the Key home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Knuppel and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gaascamp, Mr. and Mrs. Rhineharn Gascamp and baby of Ganado and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brozozwski of Texana joined them for the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur of this section, Mrs. W. Schmidt of Yoakum and Mr. Charlie Brandes and son visited in the O. E. Hackbarth home Sunday afternoon.

Friends had the pleasure of helping celebrate the birthdays of Rhinehard Kuhlman, Mr. Horton and Mr. Herman Kunkle, the latter of Hobson, who, with his family and little granddaughter, Mary Ann Westerfield, had come in to visit relatives and friends. The birthday celebration was Sunday night and all present join in wishing all of the gentlemen many more happy birthdays.

The Novosad family visited the Key family Sunday night.

Cotton picking is almost over in this section and some farmers have started hauling corn while others are bailing cane.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children are having some dental work done in Edna this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Knuppel and children attended the birthday party at the Walter Kuhlman home Friday.

A surprise farewell party was giving for Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth Friday night. Among those enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. John Webernick and children, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hohensee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Janica and son, Mr. and Mrs. Huffmeyer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Koester and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lillie and baby, Mrs. Frieda Zacharies and daughters, Mrs. W. Tegeler, Mrs. Arnold of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Kamper, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reue of Ganado, Mr. Frank Witcher and son of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Key and children, Herman Tegeler, Boots and Walter Witcher,Henry, Richard and Edward Hohensee, Horace and Nelson Webernick, Elmer Kresta, Leslie and Wilburn Finster, Arthur Webernick and Misses Gertrude Witcher, Annie Hohensee, Lucille Hackbarth, Irene and Lucill Koester, Olga Harris and Dorothy Webernick. A most enjoyable time is reported by all in attendance and the evening will long be remembered. When Mr. and Mrs. Key leave, their love and kindness will never be forgotten.

Miss Daisy Janica has returned home from San Marcos Teachers’ College. Before returning home she visited friends at Columbia.

Mrs. Gus Tegeler was taken to Victoria Sunday to have her tonsils removed. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hackbarth and daughters, Elizabeth, Helen, and Dorothy of Kenedy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth last week. They all motored to Edna to visit the Stoerig home before returning home.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 30, 1934

New Sutherland Notes

Our county superintendent, I. T. Taylor visited our school Friday morning. He gave a very interesting talk on higher education, which was greatly enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Kleim and children moved into this community the past week.

Mr. John Webernick is quite ill at this writing, we regret to note.

Mrs. H. Kemper, Mrs. Fredda Zacharies and Mrs. Robert Hackbarth attended the Ladies Aid Thursday which was held with Mrs. Ernest Kunkel.

Friends had the pleasure of hearing the program broadcast from Corpus Christi by the Dybala Band Sunday.

Those visiting in the Robt. Hackbarth home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webel, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reue and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kuretsch and daughter Esther and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children.

A surprise was given to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Thursday night, the occasion being Mr. Henderson’s birthday. Dancing was enjoyed and at a late hour delicious refreshments were served which added to the pleasure of the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and boys made a pleasant visit in the Robert Hackbarth home Sunday night.

The farmers in this community were glad to see the fine cold weather last week and many fine hogs were butchered.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaap attended the chicken barbecue given recently in Ganado by the Hillyard-Yoas Unit of the American Legion.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and boys visited in the John Webernick home Sunday afternoon.

Perfect  Spellers

Seventh Grade: Nelson Webernick, Ludwig Dybala, Ray Webernick, Elmer Kresta
Sixth Grade: Bertie Simmons
Fourth Grade: Irene Zajicek, Evelyn Zacharias
Third Grade: William Jaap

Edna Weekly Herald, November 21, 1935

County School Superintendent’s Column
By I. T. Taylor

Among the Schools

New Sutherland

The New Sutherland School has added much improvement for this year. All desks have been varnished and all stoves repaired and painted. New pencil sharpeners, window shades for two rooms have been added. Fire extinguishers, song books, victrola and records, seven new maps, and waste baskets have recently been added. They have bought and made or remodeled the following to the playgrounds: Tennis courts, chinning bar, playground ball, bat, basket ball. The trustees put a new top on the water tank. They bought a new flag pole and several nice pictures for all the rooms. They are beautiful pictures and are in nice frames.

Miss Christine Chamrad’s room was working out an Indian project. They were constructing Indian posters and costumes and this work will materialize in an Indian play. Her room was decorated with posters, nice pictures and pot plants.

The primary room, under Mrs. J. M. Ammons was a very interesting place. The room was decorated with two pictures, “The Song of Happiness” and “The Dutch Children.” Nice flower bowls with cacti, bulbs and other plants decorated the windows. Mrs. Ammons has bought six ten cent attractive story and picture books from Kress. The children are taking a great interest in the books.

The first six weeks of school term were spent on a unit of work, “The Circus.” This included much dramatization and limitation of the different circus animals and people. Number work developed through counting balloons, horses’ feet, buttons on clowns’ suit, etc. Construction work introduced by making circus tents, cages for animals, wagons, etc. Many animal stories were read and discussed.

The second six weeks they worked on Mother Goose characters. Mother Goose jingles were memorized and acted. They also practiced singing several of the rhymes which the children did with great joy.

The third six weeks were devoted to a Thanksgiving Program, which, of course will center around the Puritans and Indian lives, their homes, and food.

This room has a wonderful health program. They have a great number of health posters which have created much interest and enthusiasm as well as helping the little tots to form right health habits.

Hand washing and a supervised lunch is a part of an every day program. They brought a mirror and have it hung low for the small children to see when their faces are dirty or their hair needs to be combed.

The primary is well equipped. The New Sutherland trustees are good about seeing to the needs of the school. They bought a printing press, hecktograph, construction paper, beads for stringing, colored sticks, molding clay, dominoes, work books, etc. They also gave the primary room a reading table and six small chairs.

Mrs. J. M. Ammons was doing what I call real teaching in the primary room. Everything was play, no work to the children. It was a real pleasure to visit such a room and see the enthusiasm the children had for their work. We all should make our school work seem more like play.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 28, 1935

New Sutherland Notes

A happy Thanksgiving to all!

Farmers in this section are wishing for dry weather.

Our school gave a Thanksgiving program Tuesday night, Nov. 26th. Music was furnished by the Dybala Orchestra.

The New Sutherland and Ganado playground baseball teams met in a match game which resulted in a victory for New Sutherland by a score of 6 to 2.

The Luther League will meet at the home of Mrs. Otto Knuppel Sunday.

Miss Lillie Koester of Needville is visiting the Louie Koester home for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Kudelka and son, accompanied by Mrs. Blamer and Mrs. Rodger Billings motored to San Antonio Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kudalka and Mrs. Billing will return home after a brief visit, but Mrs. Blanner will remain for a visit with her sister at that place.

Those from this section attending the farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webel were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemper, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth, Mrs. Jess Hendrix and son, J. B. All report a nice time.

Messrs. Robt. and O. E. Hackbarth visited San Antonio Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Westbrook and son are moving to Bennview.

Those enjoying dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Stienke, Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webel gave them a very enjoyable farewell party Sunday night. There was a large crowd in attendance and the… Those enjoying the occasion were Rev. A. E. Flathmann, Mr. and Mrs. John Kraemer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemper, Mr. and Mrs. F. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Stienke and son, Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kuhlman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thellman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reue, Mrs. O. E. Galow and children, Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son, Mr. and Mrs. Falchek and sons, and Mrs. Jess Hendrix, Misses Lorene Telke, Lucille Hackbarth, Irene Kramer and Evelyn Reue; Messrs. Royce and Clifford Baur, Berry Kuhlman, Rhinhard Telke, Arnold Telke Oscar Galow, J. B. Hendrix. There were a few others present whose names the writer failed to learn. The Ladies’ Aid Society, of which Mrs. Webel had been a member for twelve years, remembered her with a nice gift. The many friends of this estimable family regret very much to see them remove from our community, but wish them well in their new home at San Antonio

Perfect Spellers

Third Grade: Ernest Skrpa
Fourth Grade: Evelyn Zacharias
Sixth Grade: Frank Jaap
Seventh Grade: Nelson Webernick, Ludwig Dybala, Ray Webernick, Raymond Novosad, Charlie Orsak

Edna Weekly Herald, November 28, 1935

New Sutherland Notes

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lillie and son moved to Houston a few weeks ago where they will reside in the future.

Mr. Charlie Brandes made a pleasant visit in the O. E. Hackbarth home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kunkel of Hobson announce the marriage of their daughter, Lillie to Mr. Victor Kainer, the marriage taking place Nov. 24th.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth and Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur of this section and Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke and sons of Ganado enjoyed a fine turkey dinner in the home of Paul Galow Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuhlman were also present.

Mr. Charlie Brandes of this community went to Dallas Monday as a delegate to the Texas Agricultural Association and also the Texas Co-operative Association.

The Norcross family is moving to the place vacated by Mr. Dan Webel on the other side of Ganado.

The Rinehard Kuhlman home was the scene of an enjoyable birthday party Saturday evening, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Kuhlmann. All present report an enjoyable time. May this good lady have many more happy birthdays is the hope and wish of a large circle of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer and son of Brenham visited the Otto Knuppel home and also other relative and friends a few days last week.

Mr. Jess Hendrix and son have returned from West Texas where they had spent a couple of months.

Those enjoying a sumptuous dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow and daughter and Mrs. O. F. Hackbarth and children and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and babe of Inez.

Perfect Spellers

Seventh Grade: Ludwig Dybala, Nelson Webernick, Ray Webernick, William Koester, Charlie Orsak, Elmer Kresta
Third Grade: Roger Billings,Herbert Hackbarth
Sixth Grade: Bertie Simmons
Fifth Grade: Edna Knuppel, Joe Maloch, Jarvis Ammons, Eddie Simmons, Eddie Simmons, Jarry Orsak
Fourth Grade: Ruby Ripple, Irene Ripple Irene Zajicek, Evelyn Zacharies

Edna Weekly Herald, December 5, 1935


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