New Sutherland


New Sutherland Newspaper Columns


New Sutherland News

We wish for one and all a prosperous and happy New Year.

The program given on Friday, Dec. 20th, at the New Sutherland school house was well attended and everyone enjoyed it.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and sons visited relatives at Cushing during the holidays. They returned home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackbarth and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbafth had as their guests for several days last week the following from Lockhart: Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hohmann, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagedorn, Edgar Rose and Misses Edna and Hertha Rose. They returned home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haddock of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lile and son of Houston visited the Louie Koester home during the holidays.

Mr. Felix Knuppel is visiting friends in Washington County.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hahmann and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagedorn, Mr. Edgar Rose, Misses Edna and Hertha Rose, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow and daughter, Ella, Bennie Schomberg, Royce and Clifford Baur, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and baby, Dorthy Marie, enjoyed Christmas dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth.

A few friends helped Mrs. F. Telke celebrate her birthday Saturday night. Due to the bad weather several were unable to attend. May this good lady have many more happy birthdays is the sincere wish of her friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Claybrook and children visited the O. E. Hackbarth home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. August Pagel spent Christmas in Houston with their children.

The Hackbarth families received the sad news Christmas night of the death of their nephew, Mr. Hugo Lambrecht, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hackbarth of Kenedy, who formerly resided in Jackson County.

Edna Weekly Tribune, January 2, 1936

New Sutherland News

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick and boy visited the A. Baur home Sunday before last.

Mr. Herman Tegeler is on the sick list a victim of flu. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery.

The German Lutheran Ladies Aid Society did not meet last week due to bad roads. Weather permitting, a meeting will be held Thursday, the 18th, with Mrs. Edwin Pfeffer.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and sons visited the John Webernick home Sunday, Feb. 2nd.

Felix Knuppel and sister, Adell, visited the Telke home Sunday night.

There will be a play presented at the school in the near future by some of the grown ups of the community. Watch for further announcement.

Mrs. Willie Zajicek is on the sick list this week, we regret to state. We hope she will soon be all right.

Valentine’s Day will be enjoyed by the youngsters in the school this year as usual.

Perfect Spellers

Third Grade: Herbert Hackbarth
Fifth Grade: Eddie Simmons, Jarvis Ammons, Edna Knuppel
Sixth Grade: Frank Jaap, Bertie Simmons
Seventh Grade: Ludwig Dybala, Lifford Knuppel

Edna Weekly Herald, February 13, 1936

New Sutherland News

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaap attended the American Legion and Auxiliary meeting in Ganado Tuesday night of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Webernick received a telegram the last week end that her father had passed away. The funeral held at Brenham Monday.

Mrs. Chas. Brandes visited Mr. H. Reue Saturday afternoon.

Mr. James Brandes took a load of fine cabbage to Houston one day the past week.

Mr. Joe Junica and daughter, Miss Daisy, spent the week end in Brenham.

The dinner guests in the Robt. Hackbarth home Sunday included, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow, Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehard Kuhlman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuhlman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke and son, Misses Ella Galow and Lucille Hackbarth, and Royce and Clifford Baur, Rhinehard and Arnold Telke.

Those attending the Ladies Aid meeting last Thursday were Mesdames H. Kemper, O. E. Hackbarth and Robt. Hackbarth.

Some interesting baseball games were enjoyed last week. Following are the results:

New Sutherland 9; Rich Square 3
New Sutherland 2; Little Kentucky 3

Perfect Spellers

Third Grade: Herbert Hackbarth
Fourth Grade: Irene Zajicek
Sixth Grade: Frank Jaap

Edna Weekly Herald, February 20, 1936

New Sutherland News

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slaughter received the sad message last week end that their little niece, a daughter of Mr. Slaughter’s brother, had passed away at a Rosenberg hospital following an appendicitis operation. The funeral was held in Edna Monday. We extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper visited in the Tegeler home Sunday the 16th.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and babe of Inez visited in the Robert Hackbarth home Wednesday.

A farewell party was given Monday night, the 17th, for Willie Webel in the home of F. Tegeler. Willie, who has been staying in the White Hall community, left Saturday for San Antonio where he will reside with his parents.

Miss Lucille Hackbarth is on the sick list, a victim of flu. We hope she will soon be on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmidt and son of Moulton were guests in the A. Baur home for a few days last week, returning home Sunday.

Friends and relatives in this section have received announcements of the marriage of Bryan Skrla, a former resident of this section. He was married at Coolidge, Arizona.

The Hackbarth families received the sad message last Thursday morning of the death of their cousin, Mrs. Berman Zilleman, at Marion, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth and Mr. O. E. Hackbarth left early Friday morning to attend the funeral.

Friends had the pleasure of helping celebrate Mrs. Robert Zajicek’s birthday last week. After an enjoyable evening had been spent, delicious refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur visited the O. E. Hackbarth home Sunday night.

Perfect Spellers

Fourth Grade: Irene Zajicek, Evelyn Zacharies
Third Grade: Herbert Hackbarth
Seventh Grade: Ludwig Dybala

Edna Weekly Herald, February 27, 1936

New Sutherland Items

(Too Late Last Week)

Our farmers are taking full advantage of the pretty weather and field work is well under way.

The Ammons and Horace Webernick families visited the Robt. Hackbarth home Saturday night.

The first of last week our school baseball team had a game with Ganado with the following results: New Sutherland 6, Ganado 5.

The New Sutherland weekly letter could contain a great deal more real news if everyone in the community would report any news they might have to the correspondent. All news items are greatly appreciated.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemper and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth were dinner guests in the O. E. Hackbarth home Sunday. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow and Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur visited with them.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Pelt of Houston returned home on March 8th after a pleasant visit in the Aug. Pagel home.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jaap and children visited the Ammons home Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow and daughter and Mr. Oscar Galow were dinner guests in the Baur home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth visited Mrs. H. Reue Saturday night.

A surprise birthday party was given Sunday night in honor of Mr. Willie Skarpa. An enjoyable evening was reported by all in attendance.

Mrs. Charlie Bothe visited Mrs. H. Rene one afternoon the past week.

The Slaughter families received the sad message that their youngest sister, residing in Olivia, had passed away. We join their other friends in extending sympathy.

Herbert Hackbarth is ill with flu.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 26, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Well the county meet is over and the pupils and teachers worked hard. Due to so much sickness there were many who could not attend. We are proud of those pupils who won places in the meet.

Gayle and Garvis Ammons visited the Horace Webernick home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth spent a few hours in the Baur home Sunday night.

Misses Lucille Hackbarth and Adell Knuppel and Clifford Bauer, Felix Knuppel and Lifford Knuppel attended the Luther League meeting Sunday which was held in the Rhinehard Kuhlman home. A large crowd was present and an enjoyable meeting was held.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and sons made a pleasant visit in the Aug. Pagel home Saturday night.

We are pleased to mention the fact that Miss Lucille Hackbarth of this section and Miss Devodia Landin of Ganado, representing the Ganado high school in senior spelling at the county meet, won first place. This makes the seventh year that Miss Hackbarth has entered spelling in the county meet, and she has several first places to her credit. She says, however, from now on some one else will have to take her place as she graduates at the close of this term.

Several cases of flu are reported in this section.

Monday was Mrs. Henry Reue’s birthday and several of her friends gave her a surprise Sunday afternoon. After several pleasant hours had been spent, a delicious lunch was served. May this good lady have many more happy birthdays if the wish of a host of friends.

Otto Knuppel and H. Tegeler were dinner guests in the Robert Zajicek home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children and Mr. and Mrs. R. Robt. Hackbarth were dinner guests in the Reue home Sunday.

Perfect Spellers

Fourth Grade: Bobby Webernick, Irene Zajicek
Sixth Grade: Bertie Simmons, Frank Jaap, Ludwig Dybala

Edna Weekly Herald, March 26, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Farmers in this section have planted their corn and some have planted cotton, but the most of them are waiting for a good rain before planting cotton.

The Mocha family received the sad message last week that Mr. Mocha’s mother had passed away at Gonzales. The family went up to attend the funeral.

A very interesting meeting of the residents of this section was held at the school house Thursday night at which time topic affecting the school were discussed. It is good to see the people of the community interested in the school, its teachers and also the finances of the district.

Quite a number of people visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Webernick Sunday, among them being Mr. Joe Janica and family, Mr. F. Jaap and family, Mr. Horace Webernick and family, Mr. Horace Webernick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ammons and sons, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons and Miss Gladys Evelyn Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Becker and babe visited the Robt. Hackbarth home Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. John Webernick and children made a pleasant visit in the Ammons home Saturday night.

Mr. Charlie Brandes visited Mr. Herman Hackbarth Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbath, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son and Mr. and Mrs. Telke and daughter, Lorine, visited in the F. Meyer home Sunday.

Last Tuesday night quite a number of families enjoyed listening to the Dybala Band practicing.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth made a pleasant visit in the Ammons home Sunday night.

Perfect Spellers

Fourth Grade: Irene Zajicek, Evelyn Zacharies
Sixth Grade: Bertie Simmons
Seventh Grade: Nelson Webernick, Ludwig Dybala, Ray Webernick, Lifford Knuppel, Lupe Rubalcaba

Edna Weekly Herald, April 2, 1936

New Sutherland Items

A hard rain fell in this section Saturday night and Sunday we had more rain. Rain was not needed.

Mrs. Ernest David has returned to her home in San Antonio after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel.

Misses Elsie Betts and Lucille Hackbarth and Alois Jendry and Jerry Tomas of this section are numbered among the graduates of the Ganado high school for this term.

Friends had the pleasure of gathering in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth Saturday night and helping Mr. Hackbarth celebrate his birthday. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served after which the guests departed, all wishing Mr. Hackbarth many more happy birthdays.

Flowers are blooming in profusion in this section and the flower gardens present a beautiful sight.

Quite a number from this section were disappointed when bad weather prevented them from attending the play presented by the Ganado high school senior.

Mrs. Blanner and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Billings motored to Victoria Tuesday morning.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 14, 1936

New Sutherland Items

[a portion of this column is illegible]

…farmers have started putting…while some are still working…their cotton and getting things in…to plant…maize, etc. just…it rains.

Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and son, Mrs. Robert? Hackbarth and Miss Lucille Hackbarth, accompanied by Edwin…motored to Bishop…evening to visit relatives and attend a reunion. The party, with the…of Miss Lucille returned home Sunday. Mrs. Becker, who had been visiting in Bishop, returned home with them. They state farmers in the…seem to be in high spirits,…”putting on” the hot weather set in.

Mr. H. Kemper remains on the sick list we are sorry to state.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammons of Naca…Saturday evening to visit friends in this section, returning home Monday. Mr. Ammons will teach a…at Nacogdoches next term. Mr. and Mrs. Ammons are having a pretty brick home “erected” in that city.

Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. Johnson visited Mrs. Pagel one day the past week.

A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. J. J. Novosad Sunday night to honor Mr. and Mrs. Ammons. A large crowd was present and the evenings proved an enjoyable one. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served.

Mr. M. L. Hultquist and son, Robert, called in the Robert Hackbarth home Monday noon while enroute to Lolita to get a supply of peaches from the Walker nursery.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 25, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and babe, Dorothy Marie, of Inez visited the Robert Hackbarth home on the 4th.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel had as their guests for the Fourth their children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pelt of Houston and David of San Antonio.

Mr. Horace Webernick visited Mr. and Mrs. Smith Saturday night.

Those visiting in the Horace Webernick home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaap and children, Mr. Smith. Later in the day the following joined the crowd for an enjoyable evening, Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and babe and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children.

Due to the fact that the river was high and roads in some places not passable most of the residents of this section spent the 4th at home.

Farmers are wishing for some favorable weather for a while. Rain, probably as much as 6 inches, has fallen, and the cotton crop will be damaged.

Mr. John Webernick and children spent the 4th with their daughter and family at Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Koenig and children made a pleasant visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth Sunday afternoon.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 9, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. Frazier and a relative of Ottawa, Kans., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slaughter for a few days this week while looking after their farm in this section. Enroute to this section, they stopped off in Dallas to take in the Centennial.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kresta had as their guest, her brother and family and a few friends from Hillje Sunday, July 12th.

A dance was given in the Johnson home Saturday, July 11th. A large crowd was present and all had an enjoyable time.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick and sons, Nelson and Marvin, visited in the Robt. Hackbarth home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kresta and son motored to El Campo one day last week.

There will be a dipping vat built on the Frazier farm in this community in the near future.

Those enjoying the dinner and the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and baby of Inez, Mr. A. Baur and sons, Royce and Clifford, Mrs. Paul Galow, Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke and son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hackbarth and son, Herbert, Mrs. Emil Galow and children, Misses Lorene Telke and Lucille Hackbarth and Oscar Galow.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest David came in Sunday morning in the new Oldsmobile from Houston to spend the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webernick and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth visited in the O. E. Hackbarth home Tuesday night.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 23, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Showers sufficiently heavy to keep cotton pickers out of the fields have fallen in this section recently.

Mrs. Machla was taken to a Gonzales hospital for an operation, and is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. Mochla and children visited her Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackbarth, Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children of this community and Mrs. E. E. Becker and babe of Inez motored to Lockhart Friday morning returning home Monday night. Miss Lucille Hackbarth remained there for a longer visit.

Edna Weekly Herald, September 24, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pelt and Louis Dobbs Pagel and Miss Rosie Mary Heaton of Houston spent the 24th of Oct. in the August Pagel home.

Miss Lucille Hackbarth visited Elsie Betts Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Chas. Brandes and family visited the Barker home Sunday.

Mrs. Hugh McColloch and daughter and Mrs. Anderson visited Mrs. Betts Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and daughter, Miss Lucille, visited the Allen Koenig home Thursday afternoon,

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel visited the John Webernick home Sunday.

The Hackbarth families returned home Wednesday night from Karnes City where they attended the Rabe-Gross wedding. They report a delightful trip.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 5, 1936

New Sutherland Items

The Lutheran Ladies Aid Society met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth Sunday. The following were present: Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Flathmann, Mesdames H. Kemper, F. Meyer, John Kramer, Ben Huseman, Carl Fulk, Paul Galow, Emil Galow, O. E. Hackbarth, F. Telke, Mike Thellman, O. P. Stienke and Ernest Kunkel. An enjoyable meeting was held. When the menfolks came along the ladies were enjoying some interesting forty-two games. Delicious refreshments, consisting of two kinds of sandwiches, three kinds of cake and two kinds of pies, and coffee, were served. The next meeting will be held at the church the first Thursday in December.

Mrs. Alen Koenig and baby of Red Bluff and Mrs. O. F. Hackbarth and daughter, Lucille, visited Mrs. A. J. Peters and daughter at LaWard last Thursday.

County Superintendent I. T. Taylor visited our school one day the past week.

Mr. H. Macon, the Rawleigh dealer, was calling on friends in this section recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel and Mrs. Chas. Brandes and son, Woodrow of this section attended the funeral of Mr. Belsher, a cousin of Mrs. Pagel, at Bay City.

Miss Elsie Novosad has accepted a position in Edna.

Mr. Harold Stienke of Ganado and Miss Evelyn White of Houston were married in Ganado Saturday night. Both graduated from the Ganado High School last year. Congratulations.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 12, 1936

New Sutherland P. T. A.

School District No. 25:
President—Mrs. Anna Lou Calhoun
Secretary—Miss Christine Chamrad

Edna Weekly Herald, November 26, 1936

New Sutherland Items

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the year 1937 bring you health, happiness and prosperity.

Those who were dinner guests in the Paul Galow home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hackbarth and children, Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur and sons and Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke and sons of Ganado.

People in this section are thoroughly enjoying this pretty weather.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman of Ganado made a pleasant visit in the Aug. Pagel home one day the past week.

Mrs. Tom Skrla spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Pagel.

Ollie Fritz and family of Port Lavaca are moving on the Grandpa Slaughter place, also known as the Frazier place, in this section.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Knuppel celebrated their 25th anniversary Sunday with a nice dinner. Some relatives from Brenham and some friends from this section were in attendance and enjoyed the occasion very much.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 24, 1936

New Sutherland Parent-Teacher Ass’n

The Association met Dec. 11th, at 7:15 P. M. for a brief meeting, with thirty members present and six new members joining, who were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kemper, Jerry Tomas, Adolph Lesak, Alois Jentry and Fred Lesak. This makes a total of thirty-six members in the association.

After the business meeting a benefit social was held. The entertainment program consisted of two comedies presented by P. T. A. members and friends of the organization. After the program a pie and auction, cake and punch sale was held. A sum of $22.15 was derived from the sales. This fund will be spent in a way most beneficial to the school such as beautifying the yard and for other school improvements.

The Association wishes to thank all those who came out and in such a whole-hearted spirit helped to make the evening a success.

The P. T. A. members have worked on the school year. The spaces between the school house and sidewalks have been filled in with soil and some very nice shrubbery has been planted. A number of see-saws have been built and improvements have been made in the school rooms and outdoors as well.

The school appreciates the spirit and cooperation of the P. T. A. members and the Board of Trustees. With this good work continuing, the Association will be one of the school’s most valuable assets.


Edna Weekly Herald, December 24, 1936

New Sutherland Items

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mercer and children ate Christmas dinner in the home of Mrs. L. L. Betts.

Mr. Erwin Rabe of Bishop is visiting in the homes of his uncles, Messrs. Robert and O. E. Hackbarth.

Mr. H. Kemper returned Monday from Brenham where he attended the funeral of a relative.

Those enjoying a delicious Christmas dinner in the O. E. Hackbarth home were Mr. and Mrs. F. Telke and son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hackbarth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baur, Mrs. Schmidt, Misses Lorena Telke and Ella Galow, Royce and Clifford Baur, Bennie Schomberg and Mr. Erwin Rabe. All report a pleasant day.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brandes and children, Miss Sara and James, left Tuesday of last week for El Paso to visit the household of their son.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemper visited in the Johnnie Reue home Christmas Day.

Mrs. Lee Slaughter has returned from Houston where she visited a sick sister.

Mr. Raymond Reue, a member of our school faculty, received the sad message Tuesday that his aunt, Mrs. Herman of Rosenberg had passed away. The bereaved have the sympathy of every one.

The Otto Knuppel family enjoyed Christmas Day in the home of Eddie Knuppel.

The Valenta family has moved into this community.

Otto Knuppel and family had as their guests a few days last week Mr. Eddie Summerfeld and family of Brenham. They also visited relatives near Ganado.

Mr. Felix Knuppel and his sister, Adell, motored to Brenham Christmas Day where they spent several days with friends.

O. E. Hackbarth and family, Horace Webernick family and the Baur family spent a few pleasant hours in the Robert Hackbarth home Christmas eve.

Mr. and Mrs. August Pagel had the pleasure of having all their children with them Christmas. Rose Mary Heaton, their little grand daughter, is spending the week with them.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 31, 1936


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