
1900 - 1905     1932 - 1935

Ganado Newspaper Columns


Ganado News Items

Paul Brown of St. Louis, Mo., was a holidays visitor in his old hometown Friday and Saturday. He was accompanied here by Joe Strauss of Humble.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seratino and family of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Jordan and family of Victoria spent the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egg.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and family of Shreveport, La; Miss Faye Hudson and Elmo Hudson of San Antonio were holidays guests of Mrs. J. L. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambert.

Mrs. J. L. Hudson attended an Xmas party given by Mrs. Lundy of El Campo Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lad Cernoch spent Xmas with homefolks in Weimar.

Miss Kay Wells of Goliad and Howard Wells, Jr. of Austin were home for the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wells.

Mrs. Tom White and niece, Madie Birtelle of Sonora are guests of the L. P?. Sanford home.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Voekel and son, Clinton Joe of Orange Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J Etlinger last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strass of Seguin spent Xmas with homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Dierschke and family spent Christmas in Yoakum.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell and family of Amarillo and Miss Pauline Johnson of Houston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Meanor spent Christmas with relatives at Kerrville.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Lind spent Xmas in Georgetown.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Sumner and son, Maurice, of Lubbock were guests of Mrs. W. C. Sumner during the holidays.

Miss Mary Louise Marie spent the holidays with relatives in Yorktown.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Etlinger spent the holidays in Moulton.

Staley Goebler of San Antonio is a holiday visitor of his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Buren Pierce of Houston spent Xmas with the Paul Boepple family.

Miss Beatrice Gandy has returned to Houston after spending Xmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gandy. Miss Beatrice is employed by the Star Furniture Company.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell and son, C. A. accompanied by Mrs. L. Townsend and granddaughter, Jean, and daughter, Mrs. George Roland, and sons of Dallas were guests of Mrs. A….

Joe Strauss and Dr. R. Lichnovsky were in car wrecks during the holidays. Both were fortunate enough to escape without injuries, but had the misfortune of having their cars damaged considerably.

Chas. Pruess? happened to a painful accident Sunday night when the horse he was riding ran into  a Hi-way sign cutting the horse severely. The animal fell and Charles as a result and knocked him unconscious. A passing motorist brought Charles to town for medical attention. Charles and Gerald Wiese were both on horseback and were unable to account for the accident unless the horse was blinded by an approaching car as they were riding on the shoulder of the highway.

Mrs. E. Kramer, aged lady, passed to her eternal reward Sunday forenoon. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon with interment in the Ganado Cemetery. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 2, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer returned home Thursday from a pleasant visit spent with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris of Edcouch.

The Methodist Zone meeting in El Campo Friday was attended by the following ladies, Mesdames Roy Selby, Banks, Chester Spencer, M. R. Whyman and Lee Koonce. They report a very interesting meeting.

Mrs. Clayton's mother, Mrs Peper, of San Antonio has been dangerously ill at her daughter's home. We hope her condition will soon improve.

Dr. Futrell left the past week on a business mission to Del Rio.

Woodrow Brown has assumed charge of the Magnolia Filling Station, while Russell Whitmire will be associated with his father in the dry goods and grocery business.

Mrs. W. S Sumner was a San Antonio visitor over the week end.

Aug. Brodd was a business visitor to Edna and Victoria Monday.

Miss Isobel Deatherage was heard over the KXYZ Station Sunday evening in an amateur program.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jordan and family of Victoria spent the week end with her father, Mr. Emil Egg.

Mesdames Dierschke and Sanford were Edna visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell of Edna spent Sunday with Mrs. A. B. Mitchell.

We are glad to be able to report that Mr. Lifford Lancaster is now at home convalescing.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 6, 1936

Ganado News Items

Rufus Whitaker of San Angelo is visiting his sister, Mrs. L. I. Sanford, and family.

Mrs. Jim Stofer of Galveston stopped off here while enroute home to spend several days with her brother, Frank Ratliff, and wife, after having been at the bedside of her aunt, Miss Lela Stoner, who has been ill with pneumonia at the Central Clinic in San Antonio. We are glad to be able to report Miss Stoner out of danger and recuperating nicely.

Mesdames Fred Strauss of Seguin and Lambert Nelson and little daughter, Greta, of Round Rock are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Mauritz.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matus are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born Monday. Congratulations.

Mesdames Joe Stavinoha and Roy Selby and Miss Annie Martin attended the showing of Will Rogers' last picture, "In Old Kentucky," in El Campo Friday.

Sablatura's Orchestra is sponsoring a masquerade dance at the pavilion on next Wednesday night.

A bouncing baby boy made his arrival at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Bill Barker Monday. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratliff and son, Gene, and Mrs. Jim Stofer left Monday afternoon for Galveston.

A ten ton truck loaded with oil well supplies, fell through the East Mustang bridge early Monday morning. The driver and his companion narrowly escaped drowning.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 13, 1936

Ganado News Items

Miss Leola Selby and Werner Stavinoha, who are attending Draughton's Business College in Houston spent the week end at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krajicek and little daughter, Joyce Elaine, from Sealy spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Meador spent several days at Brownsville with her niece, Mrs. Green. They returned home Sunday.

Miss Roxie Peeler spent the week end with her parents in Belton.

Worth? Futtrell left Saturday for Del Rio to visit his father over the week end.

Valentine Social

The Methodist ladies enjoyed a Valentine social in the basement of the church Sunday afternoon, Feb. 15th. The rooms were decorated appropriately for the occasion. A very interesting program was rendered which was as follows.

Piano solo--Mrs. Aaron Johnson.
Reading--I'm Going Back to Texas.
Mrs. Ammons--Calm the Night.
Vocal Numbers--Mrs. Knudsen, Here Comes Cupid.
Reading--Oshun Vue House.--Mrs. Alvin Ross.
Piano Solos--Mrs. Chester Spencer.
Reading Reminiscences of Our Ladies Aid--Mrs. Hugh McColloch.
Bible Quiz--Mrs. W. H. Lancaster, Hearts
Contests--Mrs. F. Dolesh, Romance of Flowers.

In conclusion, a delicious plate luncheon was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Edna are spending the week with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Mitchell, while the floors in their apartment are being "done over."

We understand that there is an epidemic of measles started here. Our high school coach, Mr. Walker, has been absent from school the past few days due to the disease. There have also been a few cases of mumps and sore eyes reported.

Misses Peeler and Bayers have taken light house keeping rooms with Mrs. W. S. Sumner.

42 Party

Mrs. T. N. Mauritz was delightfully entertained with a 42 party on her natal day, Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Marcus Maurtiz with her daughters, Mrs. Lambert Nelson of Round Rock, Mrs. Fred Strauss of Seguin, Mrs. Pauline Steakley and Mrs. Helen Mauritz as joint hostesses. The guest personnel included Medsames J. T. Vance and Estelle Davenport of Edna and Mrs. Sam Carroll of El Campo; Mesdames W. H. Lancaster and sister, Mrs. Schroder, Fred Spencer, Roy Selby, M. Hollenshead, Howard Wells, A. B. Mitchell and W. Dierschke and Miss Viva Strauss.

Mrs. Lonnie Gandy was rushed to a Houston hospital Sunday with double pneumonia. We trust that her condition has improved. Mrs. Dossey has also had pneumonia, but is now recuperating, we are glad to report.

Mrs. Peper Dies.

Mrs. Peper, mother of Mrs. Clayton, passed away at her daughter's home late Tuesday evening. Her remains were taken to West Columbia where interment was made. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 20, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ellinger were San Antonio business visitors Friday.

Mrs. Byrd of El Campo spent the week end with friends.

Mrs. W. H. Lancaster left Saturday for Houston to attend the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Lucille Lancaster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moore Lancaster.

Mrs. Clinton Voelkel and little son, and Miss Louise Marie and Hyhunth? Phfiel of Orange Grove were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Etlinger.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boepple and sons were Corpus Christi and Alice visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galow and daughter, Ella, left Saturday for San Antonio to visit relatives over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selby and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore of Port Lavaca.

Dr. and Mrs. R. Lichnovsky spent Sunday in Nada with his parents. This is a rather belated announcement, but the "Mrs." is the former Miss Versie McKee, a popular member of the school faculty. The couple "put one by" their Ganado friends and were married on Jan. 4th. keeping it on the q. t. until it leaked out the past week. Better late than never, we offer our congratulations and best wishes.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stavinoha spent Sunday in Wiemar with relatives.

Miss Faye Hudson of San Antonio spent the week end with homefolks.

Mrs. Nora Hall and daughter of Victoria, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Campbell and son, George, of the U. S. N., home on a ten day furlough, visited Mrs. A. B. Mitchell Sunday afternoon. George stated that he was one of the Texas boys selected to be stationed at Dallas during the Texas Centennial. George is the former Victoria boy and will be remembered as the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jenson, former residents of this city.

Missionary Society Meets

The Methodist Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. H. Hollenshead Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Ratliff presiding.

Died in Houston - Tootsie Darnell Gandy

Mrs. Lonnie Gandy, formerly Miss Tootsie Darnell, died at the Memorial Hospital in Houston Monday at 10:00 A. M., following attack of double pneumonia. The remains were conveyed to Ganado Monday evening. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Bro. Deatherage of Bay City conducting the service. Interment was made in the Ganado Cemetery. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mary Joy, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darnell of Houston. We join the other friends of the family in extending sympathy.


There will be a fellowship meeting at the M. E. Church on "World Day Prayer," Feb. 28th at 7:30 P. M. All churches are invited  to attend service of worship and praise.


The marriage of Miss Edyth Capak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak of the New Mauritz community, and Mr. Cook of Francitas was solemnized at the Blessed Assumption Church Monday morning. We extend best wishes and congratulations to the happy young couple.

Young Woman Dies - Norma Helen Earl

Mrs. Norma Helen Earl was born on February 17th, 1916 at Round Top, Texas, and died on February 20th, at Ganado, Texas.

Mrs. Earl was a daughter of Mr. Willie Bathe and his wife, Ella nee Hetzel. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. On January 1, 1935, she was united in marriage with J. D. Earl, Jr. of Ganado. Their union was blessed with one child, Lee Roy, now about four months of age.

Mrs. Earl's health was impaired by heart trouble. She became ill on Feb. 10th, and died last Thursday afternoon, Feb. 20th. Her age was 20 years and 3 months. Funeral services were conducted by Pastor A. E. Flathmann of the Ganado Lutheran Church at the home and at the Ganado Cemetery, Friday afternoon, Feb. 21st.

Besides her husband and child, she leaves her mother and step-father, Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Goeke of Ganado, one sister, Miss Evelyn Bathe, one step-sister, Mrs. Emma Gerland and one brother, Melvin Bathe of Ganado, besides many other relatives and friends who mourn over her early departure out of this life.

May God's Word comfort and draw all sorrowing hearts unto Himself; our home is in heaven, prepared for us by Christ, our Savior.--Contributed

Edna Weekly Herald, February 27, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. Laura Toland has been the guest of Mrs. C. W. Christ and family the past week. She left Monday for Houston.

Mrs. Martha Carville and nieces of El Campo called on friends here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed York and Mr. and Mrs. Milam Kleas of Port Arthur attended the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Bob Kleas in Cuero Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kopecky of Midfield, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kopecky.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown of San Antonio visited homefolks here Sunday.

Mrs. Ella Udell and Miss Theresa Sparks of Houston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Killingsworth Sunday. We regret to report that Mrs. Killingsworth is ill with flu.

Mrs. L. D. Herbert and daughter, Miss Annie Mae, and son, Maxwell, of Goliad visited their aunt, Mrs. A. B. Mitchell, and family Sunday. Goliad is marking great preparations for the Field Mass and the celebration to be held there Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Milam Kleas of Port Arthur visited with her aunt, Mrs. G. M. Killingsworth, before returning home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross were Ganado visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Poland and babe left the past week for Calallen where Douglas has obtained employment.

Mrs. Garland Meador is visiting in Kerrville this week.

Methodist Missionary Notes.

Mrs. C. W. Christ entertained the Woman's Home Missionary Society at the Methodist Church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Anderson led an interesting program on Pioneering. There was a good attendance, with Mesdames Laura Toland, May Clayton and Roy Yearwood as guests. Delicious refreshments were served.


Ganado School News
Ganado Indians Win County Title

Coach Fred Walker's Ganado High Indians won the track and field championship of Jackson County last Saturday by scoring a total of 88 1/3 points.

The Ganado thinly clads were led by Harold Stienke, speed merchant deluxe, who garnered 23 points to cop scoring honors of the meet. All in all, the Indians exhibited a well-balanced team that seems destined to go places in the district meet this year.

Track and field summaries are listed below:

120 Yard High Hurdles--Browning, La Ward, 1st; 2nd, Schoenfeld, Ganado; third, G. Stienke, Ganado; fourth, Goodman, La Ward. Time: 17.2

100 Yard Dash--1st, H. Stienke, Ganado; 2nd, Burchard, La Ward; 3rd, Valigura, La Ward; 4th, Dossey, Ganado. Time: 10.2

Mile Run--1st, Allen, Lolita; 2nd Licona, Ganado; 3rd, Smith, La Ward; 4th, Jendry, Ganado. Time: 5.13

220 Yards Low Hurdles--First, H. Stienke, Ganado; 2nd, Goodman, La Ward; 3rd, G. Stienke, Ganado; 4th, Tomas, Ganado. Time 26.1

440 Yard Dash--1st, Browning, La Ward; 2nd, Green, Ganado; 3rd, Schomburg, Ganado; 4th, Tait, La Ward. Time: 59.8

220 Yard Dash--1st, H. Stienke, Ganado; 2nd, Tomas, Ganado; 3rd, Burchard, La Ward; 4th, Hayes, La Ward. Time: 23.4

880 Yard Run--1st, Garrett, Ganado; 2nd, Hunt, La Ward; 3rd, Harris, La Ward; 4th, Hurt, Ganado. Time: 2.22

Mile Relay--1st, Ganado (Green, Schomburg, Garrett, G. Stienke); 2nd, La Ward. Time: 3:40

Pole Vault--1st, Hayes, La Ward; 2nd, Hurt, Ganado; 3rd, Dossey, Ganado; fourth, Hilton, La Ward; Green, Ganado and Newton, La Ward. Height 9 feet, 11 inches

Running Broad Jump--1st, Valigura, La Ward; 2nd, G. Stienke, Ganado; 3rd, Schoenfeld, Ganado; 4th, Banks, Ganado. Distance 20 ft 4 in

Discus Throw--1st, Schonefeld, Ganado; 2nd, Smith, La Ward; 3rd, Hurt, Ganado; 4th, G. Stienke, Ganado. Distance: 85 ft., 5 in.

Running High Jump--1st, H. Stienke, Ganado; 2nd, Garrett, Ganado; 3rd, Hunt, La Ward, Knudsen, Ganado and Browning, La Ward. Height 5 ft, 9 in

Shot Put--1st, Browning, La Ward; 2nd, H. Stienke, Ganado; 3rd, Smith, La Ward; 4th, Banks, Ganado. Distance: 39 ft, 4 in

Javelin Throw--1st, Browning, La Ward; 2nd, Hurt, Ganado; 3rd, Schoenfeld, Ganado; 4th, Hayes, La Ward. Distance: 133 ft, 10 in

Edna Weekly Herald, March 26, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. A. C. Fisher and children of San Antonio spent Sunday with her husband, who has accepted a position with the Casper Ross Machine Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher expect to make Ganado their permanent home just as soon as the present term of school is closed.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter of Houston were guests of their brother, Mr. Aug. Brodd Sunday.

Jerry Lee Bryant, who has been employed in Victoria for the past several years, is at home for an extended visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryan.

Dr. and Mrs. Lichnovsky and R. H. Etlinger were Garwood visitors Sunday.

Mr. J. V. Petrash is wrecking the old Wicklund home and is going to erect a modern dwelling which he and family will occupy when completed.

Mr. Fred Liberda has just completed a lovely new home.

Mrs. Mary Rogers of Edna spent Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Lancaster and Mrs. Elizabeth Schrader.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boepple and sons, Mesdames R. H. Etlinger and Walter Dierschke and children spent Sunday on the Gulf near Sargent.

The Methodist Revival started Sunday evening with Rev. Mr. Banks preaching each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Services will continue until Easter Sunday. Rev. H. M. King, Conference Extension Worker of San Antonio, preached Thursday at 3:00 P. M. and at 7:30 P. M. A welcome is extended to all.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 2, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

We are glad to report that Mrs. Anna Lind has recovered from a siege malarial fever.

News from the bedside of Mrs. Hannah Ross this morning is not very favorable, we are sorry to state.

Mother's Day guests for Mrs. E. J. Etlinger Sunday were her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Voelkel and her husband and little son; Clinton, Joe, of Orange Grove.

Mrs. Voelkel, Sr. of Orange Grove spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. Kollaja, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell of Edna spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Mitchell.

Mrs. G. B. Hollingshead Honored.

Mrs. G. B. Hollingshead was honored with a birthday party at her home on May 2nd. The home was decorated with spring flowers in harmony with pink and white birthday cake. Mrs. Hollenshead received many gifts. Cake and punch were served. Mrs. Hollenshead was honored with the presence of all her children, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hollingshead, Jr. of Goose Creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lonard of Liberty, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Kominsky of Ganado and Carvel and Helen of this city. Among the other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Williams and family of Goose Creek and Rev. and Mrs. Duff of Ganado. Many other of her friends were present and the party was enjoyed by all.--Contributed

Edna Weekly Herald, May 14, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. Dolly Hollingshead and daughters, Mrs. Allen B. Sickle? of Arkadelphia, Ark., Misses Maude and Gladys of Illinois, and grandson, Mrs. Wilson, paid their former hometown a visit Thursday after an absence of twenty years. The late Mr. Hollingshead was a former Ganado postmaster and was well known here. The party visited the Centennial and also their son and brother, Major Frank Hollingshead, who is stationed in Galveston.

Dr. and Mrs. Joe Schubert and son of Alice and Mrs. Mike Wilson and daughters, Joan and Claudette of Orange Grove spent Sunday with relatives in Ganado. Alvin Kollaja returned home with them after a visit in Orange Grove and Alice.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hartenstein and Mr. Albert Groman of Weimar were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stavnioha Sunday.

Stanley Goebler of San Antonio is visiting his mother, Mrs. Goebler for several days.

Miss Adele Groman of Weimar is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stavinoha.

Mr. Chas. Serafino is spending his vacation with his family who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egg. They spent several days the past week at Port Alto.

Mesdames W. Dierschke and family and A Netardus and sons of El Campo returned home with Mrs. B. Stubbs and sons Wednesday and visited relatives in Yoakum, returning home Friday.

Mrs. Bill Hill of Lake Charles La., came in Saturday after several days spent in San Antonio.

Among the "Ganadoites" enjoying the week end at Port Alto were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selby. Among those enjoying the bathing and supper Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ross and Tom McColloch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boepple and sons, Mesdames J. L. Hudson, Lee Koonce, Bill Hill and children, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Knudsen and son, Hubert, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Knopp and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Sumner and son, Maurice of San Antonio are visiting his mother, Mrs. W. S. Sumner.

Mrs. Cone McCollister and family of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting her brother, Wayne Silliman and family.

Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Mauritz and Mesdames Pauline Steakley and Marcus Mauritz left Saturday for Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boepple and son, Jack, and Mesdames W. Dierschke and C. A. Mitchell spent Tuesday in Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell and son, C. A., Mrs. George Roland and sons, George? and Bill of Dallas and Wilma Gene Townsend visited Mrs. A. B. Mitchell Sunday afternoon.

Miss Viva Strauss of Houston and Joe Strauss of Humble spent the week end with homefolks.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 25, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 12, All News Items Appreciated

Parties Honoring Miss Laurie Dell Knipling

Miss Laurie Dell Kipling, whose marriage is an event of August 1st, was named honoree at a bridge breakfast given by Mrs. J. M. Bauknight Tuesday morning.

An embroidered cloth over yellow with a bridal centerpiece graced the table where breakfast was served. Bridge followed in the living room.

A guest towel was the honoree's prize, and a matching bath towel and cloth were presented to Miss Knipling by Mrs. Hollenshead, winner of high score. Those enjoying the delightful affair were Mesdames Howard Ross, Roy Selby, Heinie Boyd, M. R. Hollenshead, Walter Dierschke, Polly Steakley, Marcus Mauritz of Ganado, and Mrs. R. D. Zipp of Edna.

Miss Laurie Dell Knipling, bride-elect of Floyd Christian of Houston, was the honoree Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Ratliff, with Mesdames Howard Ross and Frank Ratliff as hostesses, at a miscellaneous shower.

Musical numbers were given by Mrs. Forrest Knudsen and Mrs. Marcus Mauritz, and a special number by Miss Stone.

To the strains of a wedding march, little Joe Selby and Barbara Bauknight, as a miniature bridal pair, marched in followed by Carrin Mauritz pulling a decorated wagon loaded with lovely gifts for the honoree.

Refreshments were a lovely bride's cake, topped by a bride and groom, and flanked by flowers and candles, and punch served to a number of guests.

Mrs. Heinie Boyd was hostess Wednesday afternoon to a Dumb Bell Bridge Party for Miss Laurie Dell Knipling whose approaching marriage has been the occasion for numerous social affairs.

On arriving, each guest was given an appropriate "dumb" name and dumb cracks were the order of the day. A contest was held and Miss Knipling proved the winner of a hanging wall pot, also a beautiful cheese and cracker service.

A lovely salad plate with a dessert course was served to Mesdames Walter Dierschke, Alvin Tisdale, M. R. Hollenshead, Polly Steakley, Marcus Mauritz, Howard Ross, J. M. Baukknight, and the honoree.


Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hollenshead and Mrs. Steakley spent several days last week in Austin and Belton.

Miss Mildred Johnson and Carrin Mauritz were El Campo visitors Friday afternoon

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lind returned from Georgetown Tuesday evening.

Mr. Vester Taylor of Louise, Miss Lorena Martin of Ganado and Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth of El Campo [spent] last week end at Aransas Pass on a fishing trip.

Russell Whitmire has just returned from Dallas where he was visiting an aunt and attending the Texas Centennial.

Luke Sanford, Norton Wells and T. J. Howell are attending the Texas Centennial at Dallas.

Miss Ruth Dwigans is visiting Miss Florence Landin in Sugarland.

Mrs. Max L. Clayton and two children, Maxie Lee and Sally Jean, are visiting in Longview.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Combs of Cuero spent Sunday in the T. N. Mauritz home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wehmeyer and Mrs. A. C. Wehmeyer and son, Melvin, of San Antonio spent the week end in Ganado visiting friends and relatives.

Miss Aileen Koonce spent the week end in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stavinoha spent Sunday in Houston visiting their son, Werner.

Wheeth Futrell of Houton spent the week end with his father, Dr. Futrell.

Messrs. Henry Macon and Frank Kohutek were business visitors to Weimar Sunday.

Mrs. Hannah Ross has returned from Coolidge after spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. Bradley Miles.

Mrs. Rud. Zetka of Galveston was an week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kollaja.

Miss Marjorie Stein of Houston was a visitor in the O. S. Rogers home over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratliff as their guest, Mrs. Ratliff's brother, Mr. Wiggans of Los Angeles, Calif.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Sumner motored to Houston Tuesday.

Mrs. T. C. Richards and family and Mr. Cochran of Paris, Texas were recent visitors of the Freemans.

Mrs. Lambert of Houston is visiting her father, Mr. J. R. Head.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Green and three children are visiting in Oklahoma and Colorado.

Mrs. Alvin Ross is visiting relatives in Dayton.

Dr. J. M. Bauknight spent Wednesday in Houston.

Mrs. I. M. Cole is spending several days in Beeville with her daughter, Mrs. Ingrham.

Mrs. Duff was in Houston Wednesday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jess Rogers.

Mrs. Henry Macon left, Wednesday for Ohio where he will purchase a new school bus for the Ganado school.

Miss Lillie Stienke is arriving Friday night from Houston to spend her two weeks vacation with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcell Maresh visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vesely, in the White Hall community Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Parrack left Wednesday morning for Houston where she will join her husband who has been visiting in Arkansas. From Houston they will go to Beaumont for an indefinite visit there.

Mr. and Mrs. Stofer of Galveston were week end guests in the F. A. Ratliff home.

Miss Stoner left for Galveston Monday where she will visit for an indefinite period.

Mrs. Frank Ratliff and son, Gene, and Mrs. Wiggans and family are spending several days at Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Heinie Boyd spent the week end in Houston and Galveston.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neumann of Bay City were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Segrist Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selby and Mr. Selby's mother are leaving for Dallas Wednesday to attend the Centennial.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcell Maresh of this city visited the Texas Centennial Exposition at Dallas last week. They also visited Fort Worth, Waco, Taylor and other points, and report a delightful trip.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 23, 1926

The Ganado School

M. R. Hollenshead, superintendent of schools at Ganado, was an Edna business visitor Friday, and while in the city made this office a pleasant call. He informed us that the Board of Education at Ganado had let the contract to Laberdia Brothers of that city for the construction of the new high school building and gym, and as work is now under headway the new building is expected to be in readiness for the opening of school on September 7th. The new building will provide some muchly needed room and will greatly improve the school plant as well as add to the comfort and convenience of the teachers and pupils. Mr. Hollenshead also informed us that vocational agriculture will be added to the course of study in the Ganado schools the next term, thus Ganado will be the first Jackson County school to include vocational agriculture in the courses of study offered. Mr. Hollenshead also stated that the Ganado school board had ordered a new International school bus with a seating capacity of 50 or better. Mr. Hollenshead will likely have some "school news" in the Herald within the next week or so, in which he will introduce the new members of the faculty. The Ganado school lost several valued members of last year's faculty, including two from the high school we know of--Coach Fred Walker and Miss Laurie Dell Knipling.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 6, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 42, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. Hannah Ross has as her guests, her daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Miles and family of Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Legro and family of Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family of South Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gustafson and little daughter, Janet, of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Bob Swenson and Harold Gustafson of Georgetown returned home Monday after a visit with their sister, Mrs. Arthur Land.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moffett of Welen, La., visited her mother, Mrs. Jim Smith, and other relatives here over the week end.

Mr. Henry Macon came in Thursday from Ohio where he went to purchase the Ganado School bus.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Alvin Tisdale still continues to improve after a very serious operation in a Victoria hospital Tuesday of last week for appendicitis.

Louis Malicek was a business visitor to Freer Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matocha and son, Roosevelt were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. Dierschke and family. Their sons, Billie and James Nelms, returned home with them Sunday afternoon, after a visit with their aunt, Mrs. Dierschke.

Mrs. J. B. Stallsworth was accompanied to her home in Dallas Thursday by her sister, Mrs. J. L. Whitmire and daughter, Joan, and niece, Geraldine Carlton who will make in extended visit and attend the Centennial.

Mrs. C. W. Christ and daughter, Sally Louise, spent several days the first part of the week with her son, Frank Toland and wife of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farris and daughter, Catherine, returned home Tuesday from a pleasant vacation trip to Los Angeles, Calif., where they visited their son and daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Richards and son, Russell, accompanied by Dorothy and Joanna Christ enjoyed an outing at Port Alto Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hruzek and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moffet spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the bayshore.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bauknight were Victoria visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farris and daughter, Catherine, and Doris Burditt left Saturday on a trip to Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Charlotte and Boerne.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Etlinger had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roznovsky and sons and Bennie Marie and Tommie Prasek of Hallettsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roznovsky and family of Hallettsville were visitors in the Louis Matocha home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Mauritz and family spent Sunday enjoying their new cottage at Port Alto.

Mr. and Mrs. La Rue Praytor of Danevang spent Sunday at the N. M. Martin home.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Green left Saturday for McFarland, California, to be at the bedside of his father, who is seriously ill. Their children, La Vina and Shelton, will visit relatives in Garwood during their absences.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strauss of Seguin spent Sunday with relatives in this city.

A fishing party composed of Messrs. W. Dierschke, Bevins, Chas. Hollub, Joe Zajicek, Sil Liberda, Harley Spencer, Dr. Lishnovsky and Ed Mares, chartered Capt. Bennett's shrimp boat at Port O'Connor Sunday and spent the day on the Gulf.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strauss were San Antonio visitors Tuesday.

Mr. Henry Dunn and daughter, Miss Doris, and son, Henry Jr., accompanied by Mr. Stevens of Roseland, La., came in Tuesday to visit their aunt, Mrs. A. B. Mitchell and family.

Mr. Ed York is confined to his bed this week. We hope his condition will improve and that he will soon be back on the job.

Mrs. G. P. Wilburn has had as her guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wilburn of Glidden and Mrs. Lola Murry and son, Robert of Houston.

Ganado's First Two Bales of Cotton Ginned Tuesday

Ganado's first bale of cotton for the season was ginned Tuesday at the Mauritz Bros. Gin, and was raised by John Kresta. The bale weighed 450 pounds. The second bale was ginned about an hour later by Killaja Bros. and was raised by P. O. Capuchino on the Gene Branch farm. This bale weighed 525 pounds. Seed brought $30.00 per ton.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 6, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 42, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. Brown has returned home after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Moore, of Goose Creek.

Mrs. Emil Egg is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Serafino and family in Dallas.

Mrs. Lee York and son, Mike, and daughter, Miss Mabel Lee, of Corpus Christi were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. York.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fanson of Wadsworth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fulk Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. R. Lichnovsky are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter on Thursday. Congratulations.

Shelby Knudsen left Sunday for College Station where he will attend A. & M. We understand that Shelby intends to take petroleum engineering.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hobson of Edna attended the picnic Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. York left Monday for Houston. Mr. York will undergo an operation at St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday. We sincerely hope the operation will be a success and that it will be the means of Mr. York regaining his heath.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christian returned to their home in Richmond after a pleasant weeks' visit with friends and relatives.

Mrs. Owen Rogers won the quilt given away at the picnic Sunday.

Roy Christian, Tom Skrla and Fred Boepple spent the week end fishing at the bay and really brought home 385 iice trout. These fish were caught at Rhoades' Point.

Christian Church

There will be preaching both morning and evening at the Christian Church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month by Bro. C. W. Reynolds.
Morning Service - 11:00 A. M.
Evening Service - 7:45 P. M.
A welcome is extended to all.

Ganado School Notes

In the four weeks since the opening of the Ganado schools much progress has been made and many plans are being put into execution. All classes of the high school have met and elected officers and sponsors. They are as follows:

Senior Class:
President - Doris Burditt
Vice-Pres. - Bob Hultquist
Sec. Treas. - Kathryn Farris
Sponsor - Pauline Mauritz
Class Mother - Mrs. M. R. Hollenshead

Junior Class:
President - Bartlett Gayle
Vice-Pres. - Glen Roy Whyman
Sec. Treas. - Ella Galow
Sponsor - Coach J. W. Ledbetter

Sophomore Class:
President - Jerome Hubalek
Vice-Pres. - Helen Hollingshead
Sec.-Treas. - Helen Bowden
Reporter - Joe Tomas
Sgt. at arms - James Dossey
Sponsor - Mr. Henry Smith
Class Mother - Mrs. Joe Stavinoha

Freshman Clas:
President - Ervin Stienke
Vice-Pres. - Henry Kohutek
Secretary - Junior Rogers
Treasurer - Juna Hill
Reporter - Harold Fowler
Sponsor - Miss Margret Wilson

The pep squad has been working on yells and drills but were disappointed in the failure of the suits to arrive for the first game of the season Friday night in Wharton. However, the victory was ours without the benefit of the pep squad suits. The suits, which will be here in time for the game with Sugarland next Friday, will be in the school colors--maroon and white. Maroon flannel skirts and white sweaters over white blouses will make the costume. A maroon Indian head on the back of each sweater carry out the school emblem and each girl will wear a maroon and white felt cap. The yell leaders for this year elected at the close of school last year, are: Doris Burditt, Sarah Brandes and Inez Banks. The sponsors of the group are Miss Irene Isaacson and Miss Pauline Mauritz.

Mr. Henry Smith, vocational teacher, has already been installed in the new high school building for Agriculture and Science classes and has the class room and office filled with books, charts, and other equipment with which the classes are working. The F. F. A. club has been organized with the following officers:
President - Juna Hill
Vice-Pres. - Walter Kohutek
Secretary - Henry Kohutek
Treasurer - Nelson Webernick
Reporter - C. W. Silliman
Sgt.-at-arms - James Dossey
Parliamentarian - Raymond Novosad

Committees appointed at the meeting last Tuesday and plans were discussed for the club year.

The Junior Business Training Class, under the direction of the teacher, Miss Wilson, has been organized into an office. The name given the office is Wilson Gayle & Co. The following were elected as officers of the corporation:
President - Bartlett Gayle
Vice-Pres. - Helen Bowden
Secretary - Jerome Hubalek
Treasurer - Willie Lee Henson
Purchasing Mgt. - Martin Banks
Advertising Mgr. - Joe Tomas
Sales Mgr. - Helen Holingshead

The high school newspaper, a new venture this year, will be issued twice monthly, beginning with a first edition on the 7th of October. The staff is as follows:
Editor-in-Chief - Jim Bryan
Asst. Editor - Floyd Huseman
Business Mgt. - Joe Ann Whitmire
Sports Editor - Henry Schomberg
Society Editor - Omadell Ross

Other members of the editorial staff are: Jerome Hubalek, Vicent Knopp, Bartlett Gayle, Helen Hollingshead, Raymond Sablatura, Annie Trcka, Doris Burditt.

Practice for the junior football team is held regularly each afternoon just as it that of the regular high school team. Much interest is being shown in this team, coached by Mr. Smith, and the first game is looked forward to with eagerness by students and patrons of the school.

The new high school building has been completed for several days, but delay in receiving the seats has made it impossible for all classes to be held there. The library has been moved but the new system of checking books cannot start until all classes are being held in the building. Work has begun now on the new gymnasium and it will be complete by the last of October. The football field will be made ready for the first home game during the coming week and the tennis courts will be cleared within the very near future.

The enrollment throughout the school system is increasing daily, especially in the high school. Some of the classes are larger  than ever recorded. It is expected that this increase will continue for the next few weeks.

Football Notes

Coach J. W. Ledbetter's boys won their first game when they beat the Wharton Lions 7 to 0 Friday night.

From the looks of things the Indians should go far in winning their district.

With only six lettermen back, the coach has spent much time teaching the fundamentals of the game to the boys who have never before seen a football game.

The starting line-up against Wharton was:
Martin Banks and Floyd Huseman, ends
James Dossey and L. J. Kahanek, tackles
Juna Hill and Jerome Hubalek, guards
Gilbert Stienke and Kent Betts, center
Backs--Henry Schomberg, Kenneth Green, Charlie Kohutek. Substitutes, Hubert Knudsen, Bob Hultquist, Edwin Hohensee, Raymond Novosad, Joe Tomas.

The schedule has not been completed thus far as there is one open date.
Sept. 25 - Sugarland at Sugarland
Oct. 2 - Goliad at Ganado
Oct. 9 - Sealy at Ganado
Oct. 16 - La Ward at Ganado
Oct. 23 - Wallis at Wallis
Oct. 30 - Open
Nov. 6 - Port Lavaca at Port Lavaca
Nov. 13 - Palacios at Palacios
Nov. 20 - Schulenburg at Schulenburg

Edna Weekly Herald, September 24, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 42, All News Items Appreciated

Miss Alice Dilworth spent the week end in Houston with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Carl Fulk has been added to the faculty of the Little Kentucky school. Mr. and Mrs. Fulk have moved to the house formerly occupied by the Jesse Knopp family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker of Alpine were business visitors there the latter part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Mauritz are rejoicing over the arrival of a son on Friday, October 30th at the DeTar Hospital in Victoria. Congratulations.

Mr. Ludwig Sablatura moved his wife and family to Robstown Monday where he has accepted a position.

Miss Lee Cromwell of New York City spent several days the past week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff.

Miss Theresa Young of Edna and Mrs. Ed York were Port Lavaca visitors Sunday.

The Halloween Carnival sponsored by the P. T. A. was a decided success. We haven't heard the exact sum that was made, but we know a nice sum was realized.

Christian Church
Ganado, Texas

Preaching both morning and evening at the usual hours, the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 A. M. every Sunday.

W. F. Reynold, Minister, Robt. Bryan, Supt.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 5, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 42, All News Items Appreciated

Mrs. Alvin Ross spent several days in Dayton the past week.

Mrs. J. L. Hudson, with a party from Edna spent several days at the Centennial in Dallas before going to Mineral Wells for the Texas Baptist Convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McColloch spent Sunday in Houston attending the Methodist Conference.

Mrs. Marens Mauritz and little son arrived home from Victoria Saturday.

Miss Viva Strauss of Houston and brother, Joe, of Humble spent Sunday. with their mother, Mrs. N. Strauss.

Mrs. Ike Spencer spent the week end with her daughter, Miss Helen, of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman were Houston visitors Sunday and while there attended the Methodist Conference.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 12, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 38, All News Items Appreciated

Norton Wells, who attends Schreiner Institute in Kerrville, is here to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells.

Mrs. Tom White and niece, Madie Birdie, of Sonora came in Saturday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Sanford.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell and son, C. A., and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hobson of Edna were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boepple Wednesday evening.

Word was received here the past week of the serious illness of Mrs. Ludwig Sablatura in Robstown. The latest report from her bedside is that she is a little better, we are glad to report.

Birthday Dinner

Sunday being the birthday anniversary of both Messrs. W. J. Dierschke and R. H. Etlinger, their wives pleasantly surprised them with a delicious turkey dinner with all the "trimmins." The table was attractively decorated with gifts and a large birthday cake and a beautiful Christmas tree. Those who enjoyed the day were, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Etlinger and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beopple and sons and Mrs. A. B. Mitchell.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and children, Adele and Billy, of Lake Charles, La., and Miss Faye Hudson of San Antonio will arrive Thursday to be holiday guets of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Lambers and Mrs. J. L. Hudson.

Master Fred Buchanek arrived home Wednesday from the De Tar Hospital, Victoria, where he was taken the past week with a light case of pneumonia. We are glad that he will be able to be home for Christmas and that he recuperated so nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sablatura were Robstown visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gregurey went to Robstown Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Ludwig Sablatura, who has been very ill.

Mesdames W. J. Dierschke and F. C. Boepple were Edna Monday.

Mr. Fletcher of Taft is a guest of Mr and Mrs. Clay King.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 5, 1936

Ganado News Items

Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Correspondent, Phone 38

We will be glad to take your subscription to The Edna Herald.

Miss Viva Strauss of Houston and her brother, Joe Strauss, of Humble spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. N. Strauss.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Dierschke and family were guests of Yoakum relatives for the Xmas holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Meador spent Xmas with Dr. and Mrs. Happel of Kerrville.

Dr. Tom White of Sonora joined his wife and niece, Maidie Birdle, here to spend Christmas with the L. L. Sanford family.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Etlinger and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Voekel of Orange Grove Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boepple and children spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Buren Pierce of Houston.

Miss Sylvia Malicek of the St. Mary's Nursing School in Galveston, spent the holidays with homefolks.

Mrs. Ed York spent the holidays with her brother, Mr. Phil Kleas and family of Wharton.

Mrs. Didley Jordan and daughters, Joy and Dudley Dawn, spent the week end with Mr. Jordan and other relatives of Victoria.

Mrs. Bauknight and daughter of Galveston were Christmas guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Bauknight.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira McColloch and sons, Sam, Jim Bob and Tom, of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross.

Lonis Malicek, who has been employed in Sweetwater by the Penny Company, is here on a visit.

Lawrence Nagel of Buffalo, N. Y., but who is attending the New Mexico School of Mines, spent the holidays with his uncle, Mr. Aug. Brodd, of this city. They left Monday for a trip to the Magic Valley.

Guests in the Green home on Christmas Day were: Mrs. Ada Young and daughters, Grace and Edna of Garwood, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shoppe of Garwood, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Werlla and two daughters of Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McMillan of El Campo, Mrs. Chapman and son, Paul, of Garwood, and Mr. Dave Wright of El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Pryor and children of La Ward and Lee and Mike Martin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Martin Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Etlinger spent Christmas Day in Moulton and while enroute home, figured in a car wreck but were fortunate enough to escape without injuries.

Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Nelson and little daughter, Greta, of Round Rock were guests in the T. N. Mauritz home Xmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strauss of Seguin were Xmas guests of relatives.

Miss Rosemary Dolesh of Houston spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dolesh.

Keith Koonce of San Marcos was a holiday visitor in Ganado.

Jerry Lee Bryant of San Marcos spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryant.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stofer of Galveston were holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratliff.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matthes and family of Blessing were Sunday guests of Mrs. F. Matthes.

Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman and son, Donald, and daughter, Velma of Alton, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sturdivant and family of Houston, Mrs. Mable Chapman of Wharton and Miss Elva Shone of Houston.

Mr. Albert Hultquist, accompanied by his son, Raymond, and brother, Mr. Martin Hultquist, left Monday for Temple where Mr. Albert will undergo a complete examination at the Scott-White clinic. Mr. Hultquist has not been in very good health lately and we trust that he will be restored to his usual good health before long.

An Appreciation To all who so generously donated to my Christmas shower, I wish to express my sincere thanks. May God bless each and everyone.--(Miss) Alice Dilworth.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell and son, C. D., accompanied by Mrs. L. Townsend and granddaughter, Wilma Gene, of Edna, spent Xmas Day with homefolks.

Miss Alice Dilworth spent Xmas with relatives in Yoakum and Sweet Home.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson and daughters of Orange Grove spent Xmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kollaja and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kollaja and family were Orange Grove visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stavinoha and son, Werner, and Mr. and Mrs. Lad Cernoch spent Xmas in Weimar.

Mr. and Mrs. Ramond Toman of Houston spent Xmas with relatives.

Miss Liza Beatty of Conroe is a guest in the C. W. Christ home.

Mr. and Mrs. Buren Pierce of Houston were Sunday visitors here.

Miss Faye Hudson has returned to San Antonio after a pleasant visit with homefolks.

Shelby Knudsen of Southwestern University, Georgetown, spent the holidays with his parents.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 31, 1936


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