
1900 - 1905     1936

Ganado Newspaper Columns

1932 - 1935

Ganado Items
Ganado School Visited “Old Ironsides” at Houston Last Friday

Supt. I. T. Taylor, with all of his teachers save two in the primary grades, chaperoned 100 or more pupils to Houston Friday morning to see the Constitution, historic “Old Ironsides.” With a knowledge of the noble part the old ship played in the early days of our Independence made her an object of great interest to the pupils and stamped her indelibly in the young minds of many who, most probably would never have heard of her. I feel that patriotism—a knowledge of love of one’s own country cannot be over looked in our schools if we expect the coming generation to be true loyal, Americans. Truly, we cannot begin the good work too early. After the inspection of the ship, the pupils were taken to the museum which was an enjoyable treat as well as educational. Supt. Taylor and his corps of teachers with the support of the board of trustees, should be congratulated for their wise forethought in making the trip possible. Many of the children went in private cars, but a way was provided for all who wanted to go.


Mrs. Dudley Jordan entertained with several tables of bridge Tuesday afternoon, complimenting Mrs. Tom White and Miss Ruth Whitaker guests of Mrs. L. I. Sanford.

Mrs. R. D. Ratliff and Miss Lela Stoner returned the past week from a three weeks visit in Galveston. While there, Miss Stoner had a pleasant visit with Mrs. Joseph Collogne of Dickinson. Mrs. Stofer accompanied her mother home and remained till Sunday.

Mrs. Tom White of Sonora and Miss Ruth Whitaker of San Angelo are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Sanford.

John Stofer of Victoria came over Saturday and accompanied his mother home on Sunday. Mr. J. N. Stofer met them in Houston and they visited “Old Ironsides.”

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dwigans and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dwigans of Sugarland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dwigans.

Mrs. Eugene Mixon was called to Runge the past week to be with her father, who is quite ill at his home with little hope for recovery.

Mrs. Eugene Black was hostess to the Christian Ladies’ Missionary Society Wednesday afternoon. An interesting program was enjoyed, followed by a social hour and refreshments.

Rev. Haley was unable to fill his regular appointment in Ganado on account of illness in his family. We regret to learn that his wife and little grandsons had diphtheria. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for all and sincere sympathy to the family.

We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Jack Carlton had returned to the Baptist Hospital in Houston for medical treatment. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. L. Whitmire .

Mrs. Joseph Roseborough Jr. of Victoria is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M. Heard.

Miss Harriet Shutt, a former Ganado resident, but now living in Los Angeles, Calif., was the guest of Mrs. N. Strauss the past week. While here she called on many of her old friends. She left Friday to visit her parents in Louisiana.

Mr. Guy Bonham of San Antonio made a short call with friends in Ganado Monday morning.

Miss Anna Dee Hall of Hico, Texas is visiting Dr. and Mrs. James Bauknight.

Mrs. F. A. Ratliff and Miss Lelea Stoner spent Tuesday in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff went to Houston Friday to see “Old Ironsides.”

Edna Weekly Herald, March 3, 1932

Ganado Items

Miss Mary Strauss went to Seguin Sunday for a months’ stay. Fred Strauss accompanied her to Houston.

Mr. Jim Heard went to Houston Sunday for a few days stay.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Drieschke took their baby to Houston Thursday for medical treatment. Mr. Dierschke went up for the week end with them.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. T. A. McCoy, proprietor of the South Side Hotel is very ill at this writing with pneumonia.

…Saturday of the past week, Mrs. ___ Sutherland passed away at her home in Houston. Mrs. Sutherland was the oldest sister of Mr. C. O. Rogers, Mr. Rogers had been down the previous week and spent a day and night with her, but was not well enough to attend the funeral.

Miss Lee Comwell, a pleasant visitor in Ganado for the past week, left Saturday from Galveston on the Clyde Mallory Lines for her home in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan and family, accompanied by Miss Anna Lou Matlock were returning from Victoria Friday evening when they had a wreck near Telferner which came near being a very serious one. There was a fruit truck in trouble parked on the roadside without lights. In passing the truck, they met a car and swerved to miss it and struck the truck, not seeing it, and almost demolished the Bryan car. The wonder is how the occupants of the car escaped without serious injury. However, they were badly shaken up and received plenty of bruises and scratches. They spent the night in Victoria.

Saturday morning Dr. W. C. Sumner and Mr. Will Ross went to Victoria after the Bryan family and were followed by Messrs. Alvin Landin and Fred Baker who brought the car home for repairs.

An election was called for Saturday to vote on the incorporation question. We are glad to state the vote was nearly 3 to 1 for incorporation.

Mr. Joe Petrash who was with the Guaranty Bond State Bank for several years, is now with the Citizens State Bank.

Mrs. Anna Olson of Cotulla came in Sunday for a short visit with Mrs. Monte Rogers. She left Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Collogne in Dickinson.

Mrs. L. S. Walker, who was badly burned last winter and confined to her bed for weeks, and then had pneumonia, has entirely recovered and was in town the past week for the first time.

F. A. Ratliff has rented the building formerly occupied by the Guaranty Bond State Bank and is having it put in order for occupancy. This building is more commodious, giving space for a ware room in the rear and more floor space in front which will make things much more convenient than in his present cramped quarters. He expects to move his stock of goods within the next few days.

Mrs. Praytor and daughter, Miss Callie, of Wharton, visited Mrs. Alvin Landin last week.

Mrs. Tom White of Sonora and Miss Ruth Whitaker of San Angelo, who have been guests of Mrs. L. I. Sanford for several weeks, have returned to their respective homes.

Mrs. Alvin Landin’s mother, Mrs. Burditt of Francitas, came in last week for an extended visit.

After a few days and nights of sub-freezing weather the past week, we surely appreciate the grand sunshine Sunday. The continued freezing weather played havoc with our fine early gardens, but we are hoping that it killed the boll weevil and insects that are an ever source of trouble to the gardeners.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bankhead and little daughter of Ganado have moved to Ganado and taken rooms with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burditt.

Rev. A. L. Halen will not fill his regular appointments here Sunday as there will be a revival meeting in progress at the M. E. Church. Rev. Haley will accept an invitation to participate in a revival at that time and come to us at a later date.

Mrs. J. L. Whitmire and daughter, Joan, accompanied by Geraldine Carleton, went to Houston Thursday to see Mrs. Jack Carleton, who is in the Baptist Hospital. They returned Saturday.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 17, 1932

Ganado Items

The Matagorda Young People’s Union met in Garwood last Sunday. There were 23 Ganado representatives, including the chaperons, Rev. and Mrs. David C. Roberts. Those from Ganado were: Mary Agnes Lancaster, Ola Franklin, Wonona Taylor, Aileen Koonce, Ruth Dwigans, Marie Franklin, Beatrice Gandy, Viola Hultquist, Minnie Hultquist, Erma Wofford, Carlos Koonce, Harvey Christian, Otis L. Walker, Ted Baker, Ralph Cherry, Clinton Franklin, Woodrow Brown, Willard Hultquist. Two of our girls were on the program. Wanona Taylor gave a very interesting talk on the subject: “My Place in Helping to Meet the Needs of the Young People,” Ruth Dwigans rendered a beautiful piano solo. It was an interesting and inspiring meeting and the young people came home feeling that it was good to have been there.

The Young People’s Division of the Methodist Church had a party at the church Friday evening. There were about fifty present and they enjoyed several hours of games. Lots of good things to eat added to the pleasure of the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lyons of Nordheim spent several days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mixon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons left Sunday, but left Miss Bobbie Lyons for an indefinite visit.

Mrs. Hannah Ross and little granddaughter, Oma Dell Ross, returned from Coolige where they visited Mrs. Bradley Miles and children. Mrs. Miles returned home with her mother and is here for a visit with her brothers and their families.

Mrs. Fred Harris and daughter, Aileen, went to Houston Monday that being the day previously set to operate on Mr. Harris.

Mr. Adolph Hrusek attended the wedding of his youngest sister in Garwood Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sherril of Galveston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Mauritz Wednesday evening. They were enroute to Corpus Christi.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Swenson and family of Hutto and Mrs. N. Mauritz and Misses Jennie and Nellie Mauritz of Houston were guests in the Mauritz home several days the past week.

Mrs. Minnie Sutherland of Uvalde is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rogers and other relatives in Ganado and vicinity.

The musical program given at the Methodist Church Sunday evening by the El Campo choir was a very enjoy…

Mrs. Chas. Serafino and children have returned to Houston.

Thomas Quinn came in last week to visit his aunt, Mrs. A. B. Mitchell. Thomas was a former Ganado resident and has many families here who gladly welcome him back. He returned to his work in Springfield, Mo., Friday. He has a position with the Sinclair Oil Co. there.

Mr. A. B. Mitchell is resting comfortably the past week, but is still in a critical condition.

Mrs. C. A. Mitchell had a fall from an auto Sunday afternoon and suffered a severe cut on the back of her head. Monday morning she was suffering from soreness and a stiff neck, but apparently there was no serious injury.

Forest Dwigans of Houston spent Sunday with his parents.

Jerry Lee Bryan of Victoria was here for the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff, Gele Allen and Miss Lela Stoner and Mrs. R. D. Ratliff were El Campo visitors Sunday afternoon.

The Style Show with its male cast put on at the pavilion Tuesday night by the ladies of the Methodist Church, was a very laughable and enjoyable affair. The effort of the men, in their various costumes, to assume the feminine role, manner and little eccentricities was truly comical. We feel that the bride with her lithe, willowry figure and easy grace deserves mention. In her dainty bridal gown, she was simply “fetching.”

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Green had the following guests for Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Merla and children from Rosenberg; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schromberg from Louise; Mrs. Homer Matthes and family from Wharton and Floyd Vest from Francitas.

Mrs. R. M. Crockett and daughters of Austin were guests of Mrs. Emil Egg the past week.

Mrs. Bill Hill and children of San Antonio are guests of her mother, Mrs. J. L. Hudson.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 30, 1932

Ganado Items

On Wednesday evening, June 29th, Joan Whitmire entertained sixteen friends with a Bunch party in honor of Geraldine Carlton’s thirteenth birthday. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion in pink and white and cut flowers in profusion everywhere. The tables were arranged on the porch where the breeze added much to the pleasure of the evening. Besides the honoree, Geraldine Carlton, the guests were, Lynette Goldman, Ariel Vess and Bud Lee of Edna, Rosemary Dolish, Adah O’Brien, Aileen Koonce, Maurice Taylor, Son Lancaster, Junior Segrest, J. C Anderson, Shelby Knudsen, Charlie Kohutek, Carvell Hollingshead and Kenneth Green.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stavinoha and Luttie Hiuchanek spent the 4th in El Campo.

Miss Annie Martin, Gene Martin and Bill Weynawaldt spent Sunday in Needville.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stavinoha and Luttie Hlnchanek and Aileen Koonce spent Sunday in Olivia and Port Alto.

Mr. and Mrs. Lad Cernoch spent the fourth in Nada with friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratcliff enjoyed the afternoon of the 4th at the Gun Club in Edna.

Mr. I. S. Walker was well enough to come into Ganado the past week.

Mr. A. B. Mitchell is still in a critical condition, grows gradually weaker day by day.

Mr. W. R. Black is reported much worse the past week.

Mrs. F. L. Green is visiting her sister, Mrs. Werlba in Rosenberg.

Miss Mamie Smythe of Victoria came in Saturday and spent the night with Mrs. A. B. Mitchell.

On Wednesday of last week a very enjoyable picnic was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, honoring Mrs. Minnie Sutherland of Uvalde who has been visiting in the county the past two weeks. She has many relatives and a host of friends who enjoy getting together for an old fashion spend day, whenever she comes for a visit.

Mrs. Annie Bard Suttley, auditor for the Woman’s Benefit and Insurance Co., spent the past week with Mrs. W. H. Lancaster. She resided in Ganado the greater part of her life and has a host of friends here who always welcome her coming. She left for Houston Sunday to spend the remainder of her vacation with her brother, H. A. Bard.

Mrs. T. N. Mauritz, Miss Gayle Mauritz, Miss Johnson and “Baby” Mauritz accompanied by Mr. Fred Mauritz, went to Houston Tuesday.

Louise Zrubek returned Friday from a months’ visit with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Pavlik of Richmond.

Mrs. Chas. Serafine and little daughter, Patsy and Bettie Rose, of Houston are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egg.

Mrs. Jimmie Owen and daughters, Mrs. Ben Edwards and Mrs. Jessie Collis, and Mr. Edwards of San Antonio were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egg Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Maurine, Ruth Delores and Bud were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lifford Lancaster Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Monte Rogers and Wanda and Marguerite and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Spencer spent Monday in the woods and enjoyed a barbecue dinner.

Forest Dwigans, Lucile Stanton and Ruth Inglet of Houston came in Saturday to spend their holiday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dwigans. They all enjoyed a bay trip and had good luck fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Head and little son of San Antonio are visiting Mr. J. R. Head.

Frank Toland of Houston came in Friday to visit with his mother, Mrs. C. W. Christ, for a day or two.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and little son passed through Ganado Friday enroute to Carlsbad for an outing.

Mr. Fred Harris writes friends that Mr. Harris is improving slowly.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold North and little daughters are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Black. They will go from here to Devers where Mr. North will be superintendent of the schools for the next term.

Mrs. H. J. Dahlstrom and sons H. J. and Robert of Edna spent Sunday with Mrs. Dahlstrom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Black at White Hall.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 7, 1932

Ganado Items

Mrs. T. N. Mauritz was hostess to the Lutheran Woman’s Missionary Society Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mont Rogers and Miss Dixie Brown returned home Friday after several weeks spent in Corpus Christi.

The members of the Methodist Missionary Society met Wednesday and Thursday at the Methodist Church and devoted their time to quilting. As a result two very pretty quilts are now ready for the bazaar when they expect to sponsor in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff and son, Gene, and Miss Lela Stoner were Houston visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos Gary and son, Enos Edward, of San Antonio spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gary. C. W. Silliman, Jr., accompanied them home for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Cotton Roseboom and daughter, Thelma Clare, accompanied by Mr. James McCann of Houston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Koonce.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Knupple spent Sunday in Brenham.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grohman and son Wilbert, of Weimar were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stavinoha Sunday. Miss Dela Grohman, who has been visiting the Stavinoha family, returned home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skrla and son, Dick, accompanied by Mrs. Albert Strauss, spent Sunday in Berclair.

Mesdames Chas. Seratino and family and Dudley Jordan and family were Houston visitors Monday.

We regret to state that Mr. Fred Knipling is confined to his bed with a bad case of tonsillitis.

Misses Gladys Mauritz and Helen Isaacson of El Campo and Marcos Mauritz and Fred Strauss of Seguin made a combined business and pleasure trip to El Dorado and Kansas City, Kansas, returning home Friday.

Rev. and Mrs. Byrd and family returned home Sunday from San Antonio.

Mrs. Ed Henson was a Houston visitor Monday.

Mrs. I. F. Spencer is visiting her son, Ross Spencer and wife of Smithville.

The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parrack? underwent an operation at the Victoria hospital the first part of the week. We sincerely hope the baby is now well on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christian returned Tuesday from a pleasant visit with friends in the Valley.

Mrs. Howard Wells delightfully entertained the members of the 42 Club at her summer home at Port Alto Monday afternoon.

Rev. and Mrs. M. Keller of Robstown spent several days the past week with Rev. and Mrs. Flathmann.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 23, 1934

Ganado Items

Sylvan Sumner spent several days the past week in San Antonio.

Mrs. Lloyd Travis and son, Rex, of Houston were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff.

Mrs. Fred Baker and daughter, Miss Rosalie, returned home Friday from Alpine where they had been attending summer school.

Miss Lucy Lee North of Madison, Ill., visited Mrs. Leonard Ross and Miss Rosalie Baker the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sohr of San Antonio were Ganado visitors Thursday.

Little Miss Dudly Dawn Jordan celebrated her third birthday with a very enjoyable party at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Emil Egg, Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Lucille and Alden Lancaster of Houston spent the week end with their grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Lancaster.

Misses Jennie Higgins of Victoria visited Mrs. A. B. Mitchell Monday.

Mrs. F. Matthes and daughter, Miss Clara, and son, Howard, left Tuesday on a vacation trip to the Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Lambert and Mrs. Fred Boepple were Victoria visitors Friday evening.

Miss Laurie Dell Knipling returned the latter part of the week from a Teacher’s Tour of Old Mexico.

Missionary Society

The Ladies’ Missionary Society of the M. E. Church met with Mrs. C. O. Rogers Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. An interesting program on rural church and social activities was led by Mrs. Hugh McColloch. Papers were read by Mesdames H. McColloch, Henry Mason, L. Lancaster, Chester Spencer and Howard Wells.

Plans for the bazaar in the near future were discussed.

Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to sixteen members and one visitor Miss Clara Matthes of Galveston.

Bay Party

About 25 young people of the Epworth League enjoyed an outing at Port Alto last Tuesday evening. After a delightful swim, supper was spread, eaten and thoroughly enjoyed.

Mr. L. J. Muery and son, Louis, Jr., of Houston came in Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. M. A. Wilburn.

They were accompanied home by Mrs. Muery, who spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Wilburn.

C. W. “Dub” Silliman returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit with his uncle, Mr. Enos Gary and family of San Antonio.

Mrs. B. A. Matthes spent several days in Blessing the past week.

Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Byrd left Thursday for Gulf, remaining over Sunday where Rev. Byrd filled his regular appointment.

The Methodist congregation enjoyed a Lay program Sunday night, given by Mr. Innis and his Sunday School class of Port Lavaca. A number of visitors from other local congregations and from Port Lavaca were present.

Son Lancaster has returned from a trip to Corpus Christi.

Mrs. John Rhylander of Port Lavaca is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Selby.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spencer and baby of Houston have returned home after a pleasant vacation spent with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer.

Mrs. I. S. Spencer returned home Saturday from Smithville.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed York and nephew, Verdrie Kleas, returned Saturday from a visit in Port Arthur.

Little Miss Dorothy Hubbard was complimented with a birthday party Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Alice Dilworth.

Mrs. Adolph Hruzek has accepted a position with the Rexall Pharmacy.

Christian Endeavor Organized

Friday evening August 24th, the young people of the Christian Church enjoyed a forty-two party on the lawn of the Dwigans’ home. Bro. Deatherage and his sister, Isobel, of El Campo were among those present. Besides forty-two, several other stunts and games were played. Especially were Bro. Deatherage’s singing and impersonations enjoyed. After a brief business meeting concerning the organization of the Christian Endeavor, ice cream and cake were served. The following officers of the Christian Endeavor were elected:

Sponsor—Mrs. Owen Rogers
President—Burt Good
Vice-President—Ruth Dwigans
Treasurer—Mrs. Roger Breland
Program Director—Clifford O’Briant.--Contributed.

Baptist Church
I. R. Byrd Missionary Pastor

Announcements for Sunday, Sept. 2nd:

Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Preaching service at 11 A. M.
B. T. S. at 6:45 P. M.

After the preaching service in the morning there will be a brief church conference for the purpose of electing a Sunday School superintendent for the coming Associational year, and also the appointment of a nominating committee to report to our Annual business meeting to be held at the morning service on October 7th. We especially urge all members to be present for the conference next Sunday morning.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 30, 1934

Ganado News Items


There will be a important meeting of the farmers at the City Pavilion Monday evening, Nov. 25th, at 7:30 o’clock. All farmers urged to attend.
Ernest Yoas, Emil Bures, R. H. Kuhlman, Committee


The American Legion Auxiliary will hold “Open House” (regardless of the weather) at the Legion Hall Friday evening, Nov. 22nd. The public is cordially invited to attend.—Mrs. Alvin Ross, President

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff left Sunday for Galveston where Mr. Ratliff will have his tonsils removed.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Dierschke and son, accompanied by Mr. A. B. Mitchell and Mrs. F. C. Boepple and sons, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell of Edna Sunday afternoon.

Irving Nelson of Sugarland spent Sunday in Ganado.

Miss Hilda Zapalac returned home Saturday after a visit with friends in Midfield.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Getzelman of Chicago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Voekel and son, Clinton Joe, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Etlinger Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Voekel of Orange Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kollaja and family.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 21, 1935

Ganado News Items

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ratliff and son, Gene, left Sunday on an extended vacation to San Angelo, Kerrville, Mason and San Angelo for the benefit of Mr. Ratliff’s health. We sincerely hope the change will restore Frank to his usual good health.

Miss Lela Stoner will visit her niece, Mrs. Jim Stofer, in Galveston while the Ratliffs are on their vacation.

Frank Strauss and sons, Jimmie and Nick, of Stillwell, Okla., are here on a visit with his mother, Mrs. N. Strauss and family.

Mrs. Jim Martin accompanied Mr. and Mrs. La Reue Praytor of Danevang to Winters and San Angelo to visit her mother and son.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seratino and family of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Jordan and family of Victoria were Thanksgiving guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egg.

Miss Faye Hudson of San Antonio spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Hudson and family.

Junior Segrest, who attends John Tarleton College in Stephenville, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Segrest.

Dr. and Mrs. Bauknight accompanied by Louis Schoenfeld and Harold Steinke attended the Texas A. & M. football game at College Station on Thanksgiving Day.

Miss Alice Dilworth returned home Sunday from Houston where she has been undergoing treatment for three weeks. We are glad to be able to report that she has been greatly benefitted and will soon be able to resume her work.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dierschke and family attended the celebration held in Shiner Thursday for Rev. Netardus.

A very successful Mission for Catholics was concluded Sunday by Very Rev. Bonaventura Aldering, O. F. M. of San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dierschke and children, Barbara Ann and Walter Dowell, accompanied by Mrs. L. Sanford, were Houston visitors Wednesday.

Mrs. Sam Farris and daughter, Miss Catherine, spent Thanksgiving in Houston with Mr. Sam Farris. We are glad to report that his condition is greatly improved and that he will soon be able to return home.

T. H. York and a party of friends from Conroe came in Saturday night to be here to usher in the quail season. They returned home Sunday.

Miss Philice Kleas and brother, Bobby, of Wharton, spent the holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Ed York.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Dierschke and family were Yoakum visitors Tuesday.

Mesdames C. W. Christ and Martin were Victoria visitors Friday of last week.

Mrs. Reed and children of El Campo spent the week end with her husband, who is relieving Mr. Farris.

Birthday Party

Mr. Albert Srauss was complimented with a birthday party and supper at his home Monday evening by his wife. A bounteous turkey supper with all the ‘trimmins’ was attractively served buffet style to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Boepple, Mesdames N. Srauss and A. B. Mitchell, Misses Viva Strauss and Daisy Janica and Messrs. Frank Strauss of Stillwater, Okla. Joe of Humble and Jim of Ganado, Joe Egg of Edna and the members of his immediate family. Forty-two was played until a late hour. Everyone departed wishing Albert many more happy returns of the day.

Woman 114 Years Old Dies

Rosenda R. Segura, a Mexican, was found dead at her home in Ganado about 2 p. m. Monday. Justice of the Peace Henry Reue, who held the inquest and rendered a verdict of death from natural causes. She was born December 2nd, 1821 at Brownsville, Texas, hence was 114 years of age at the time of her death. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1:00 o’clock with interment in the Ganado Cemetery.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 5, 1935


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