Francitas Businesses

Charmel Noble - February 23, 1911


Francitas Pharmacy - Mrs. Ellen Brown

Francitas Bee, July 13, 1911

Interior of Francitas Pharmacy

Francitas Pharmacy

This institution is a credit to the gulf coast country. Mrs. Ellen J. Brown while on a visit here became so impressed with the city that she put up a building and bought a stock that would be a credit to a town of 2,000 people. Mrs. Brown is a stock holder in the First State bank and a most public spirited citizens.

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

W. L. Beatty - Francitas Bee, May 11, 1911


George Papineau - Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910

George Papineau

George Papineau, one of the very first citizens of Francitas, that is in time of residence, in the estimation of the citizens and in industry, and get-up-and-get, is always a booster. Mr. Papineau came down from Custer county, Nebraska, and upon his arrival, there was a load of brick and a little jag of lumber, and the section house upon the ground. He was under contract to hustle up and make a town of some proportions of the material at hand and do it quick. He superintended the construction of the five cottages, the Nebraska Inn, the canning factory, the lumber yard, the Gibson store and the office of Schwind and Maher. All this he did before the opening of Francitas to settlement. Since then Mr. Papineau has been busy contracting, having built the first house at Deutschburg, as well as many of the houses of this city. His is an industrious family. More people like them are wanted.

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

R. M. Hayslip - Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910


S. C. Holton - Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910

S. C. Holton

S. C. Holton and his three boys--they make a team. Mr. Holton is in the development business and started in with the town and he has done a good business. He has had many years experience in the fruit orchards of California and thoroughly understands his business. It is his opinion candid that Francitas soil is especially adapted to the growing of fruit; because of his great faith he contracts to deliver the trees bearing. He is one of the most optimistic men in all this great district, and the man with the blues will have them chased by talking to him.

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

 Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


Tonsorial Parlor - Francitas Bee, January 26, 1911


Clark & Phelps
- Francitas Bee, January 26, 1911


Schwind & Maher
- Francitas Bee, May 18, 1911


Francitas Meat Market - C. E. Taylor
 - Francitas Bee, August 3, 1911


M. Jorgenson
- Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911


W. M. Baruth
- Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


E. J. Van Wert and Co.
- Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


Postoffice Book Store - C . O. Hardy
 Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


G. W. Doering
- Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


C. C. Tabor & J. L. Burk
- Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


W. A. Bennett

He runs the first real market the town ever had. He just recently opened his place of business and he carries everything kept in a first class market.

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

The Francitas Market - W. A. Bennett
 Francitas Bee, December 21, 1911


Pearce's Cash Store - Francitas, Texas - 1937
Courtesy of Charlotte Polasek



William Baer Groceries
1920 & 1938

Courtesy of Charlotte Polasek


Copyright 2010 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Sep. 9, 2010
Oct. 9, 2015