Early Francitas Photos

All Steel Necessary for Construction of Bridge Across the Carancahua Now on the Ground

The material for one of the bridges to be constructed across the Carancahua has arrived and the structure will soon be in position.

The bridge is here all complete, and all that is necessary is to put it in position and rivet the parts together. The steel will be hauled out this week and the bridge should be completed within  a very short time or before the time specified in the contract, September 15.

The material for the second bridge will be here any day and work will be rushed on that. The contractors will bring in their gang of experienced bridge builders, so there will be no delay in completing the work.

These two bridges will be of inestimable value to the people of Francitas and the farmers who live across the river. Ferries which have been in use here for several generations have outlived their usefulness, as the country is being settled, so the bridges will fill a long felt want. The cot of putting up these structures is to be paid by the county, and the fact they were ordered indicates that the county commissioners realize teh importance of Francitas.

Francitas Bee, August 31, 1911

Bridge Under Construction - Francitas Bee, November 9, 1911

New Bridge on Caranchua River - Francitas Texas



New Bridge on Caranchua River - Francitas Texas

Bridge Upper view shows Caranchua River before the installation of the big bridge.

Ferry on West Carancahua River - Francitas, Texas

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Copyright 2006 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 6, 2006
Oct. 9, 2015