Deutschburg Newspaper Columns

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The first meeting of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club for 1950 was held at the Community Center on Thursday, January 12th at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier as hostess.

Our new president, Mrs. E. H. Watslavik, called the meeting to order, and in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Murel Dillard, call the roll and read the minutes.

The Year books were filled out, and during the business session, the club voted to donate $5.00 to the March of Dimes; elected Mrs. O. R. Kubecka as parliamentarian, and voted to pay $5.00 on the 1949 electric bill for the Community Center.

The following committee chairmen were appointed for the year.

Year Book: Mrs. F. D. Pearce
Recreation: Mrs. O. R. Kubecka
Good Neighbor: Mrs. D. Paris
Finance: Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier
Marketing: Mrs. M. W. Dillard

Mrs. A. Kopnicky gave a report of the officers' training school that was held in Edna in December. Among the points that were especially stressed were that the meetings should begin on time, and that visiting be done after the meeting during the social hour.

The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. D. Paris and Mrs. A. Kopnicky, our leaders on dress making, who very ably started the members on thinking in terms of color, style, and the material to suit the individual. The members took each other's measurements which will be used to alter the patterns before cutting a dress out.

The hostess served delicious refreshments of cake, Ritz crackers with cheese, cocoa and coffee to ten members, one visitor, and one new members. Mrs. L. C. McMichiel, who we welcome to our club.--Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 2, 1950

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. Lela Boles was hostess to the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club meeting on Wednesday, January 25, at the Community Center.

The president called the meeting to order by asking that the pledge be said in unison. The secretary called the roll, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. O. R. Kubecka read the constitution and by-laws as drawn up by the committee and the club voted to accept it as presented. Several important bills were paid by the secretary. Miss Guthrie presented the council budget as prepared by the finance committee and the club voted to contribute fifty cents per member to the council treasury.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave a demonstration on establishing a sewing center, which she fully discussed and had the major necessities to show what a good sewing center should contain. It made many go home and do some re-arranging, where by they could sew efficiently without getting something from every room before they could even start.

The hostess served delicious refreshments to Miss Guthrie, 13 members and two visitors. Our next meeting will be on February 16, and the second of our sewing lessons will be given.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1950

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met for a regular meeting at the Community Center on February 16, 1950, at 2:00 p. m., with nine members present, and Mrs. M. W. Dillard as hostess.

The president, Mrs. E. H. Watslavik, called the meeting to order. The secretary, Mrs. Joe Johs, called the roll and each one answered by giving an interesting current event. The minutes were read and approved.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka gave the Council report. Mrs. D. D. Paris told the members that the Singer Sewing Machine Company from Bay City would bring sewing machines to the Community Center and give a demonstration on the use of attachments. The club voted unanimously to accept the offer, and decided to ask them to come on March 30th at 2:30 p. m.

Mrs. Paris also announced that a plastic dress form demonstration would be given at the Singer Shop on February 24th, and all were invited to go.

The Tacky Party being given by the community was announced.

Mrs. Paris and Mrs. Kopnicky, our dress making leaders, continued their demonstration on dress making and the cutting of the dress was discussed and one dress was cut out. By the  next leader meeting each member ...ed and one dress was cut out and stay-stitched.

The hostess served delicious refreshments of tuna sandwiches, valentine cookies, potato chips and coffee.

The next meeting will be on March 9th, with Mrs. Paul Gerhard as hostess, and Miss Guthrie will be with us.--Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, March 2, 1950

Deutschburg Home Demonstration News

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club members and friends met at the Community Center on March 30th at 10:00 a. m. for an all-day meeting.

The president called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll, with each one answering, "One thing I would like to have included in the Yearbook next year." The minutes were read and approved.

Council report was given by Mrs. O. R. Kubecka, and she brought back the wonderful news that our president, Mrs. E. H. Watslavick, had been elected as one of the three delegated from Jackson County to attend the District Meeting of T. H. D. A. in Galveston on April 19th and 20th.

Our dress making leaders continued with instructions on the making of our dresses. We were showed how to put in a sleeve and zipper.

At noon a covered dish luncheon was served, which was enjoyed immensely by everyone, including several of our husbands.

At 2:00 p. m., the Singer Shop from Bay City gave a demonstration on using sewing machine attachments, which was very instructive. Also, they had on display their different methods of sewing machines, a vacuum cleaner, and an iron. We wish to thank the Singer people for giving such an excellent demonstration.

The hostess, Mrs. Joe Hurta, served cake and coffee after the meeting.


The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the Community Center, Friday, April 7, 1950, at 1:30 p. m. with nine members and Miss Guthrie present.

The president called the meeting to order by asking the group to sing "Follow the Gleam." The secretary called the roll and each one answered by showing either a good dress accessory or a picture of one. The minutes were read and approved. A letter from Mr. Junneman was read by Miss Guthrie.

The club voted to pay our council donation of 50 cents per person for those who have not paid, so we would be 100 per cent at our next council meeting. Also, the club voted to help the community club with cleaning the community center sometime in May.

Mrs. M. W. Dillard was elected as our nominee for the state meeting in August.

Miss Guthrie's demonstration, making bound button homes and choosing dress accessories was enjoyed by all, and I think will make many of us think before we add that extra bracelet or that colored scarf with an already bright-colored dress.

Mrs. Joe Johs, our hostess, carried out the Easter theme in her refreshments, by serving sponge cake decorated with candy Easter eggs, ritz crackers with cheese, and individual favors of little rabbits and candy, and coffee and punch.

Our next meeting will be an all-day meeting with a covered dish luncheon on May 11th, and this will be our last dress making demonstration.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 4, 1950

Joint Meeting of H. D. Clubs.

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club at the Community Center for a joint meeting on Thursday, June 1, at 2:00 p. m.

Each club held its own business meeting, and each reported that Carancahua had thirteen members present and Deutschburg had ten.

Yearbook suggestions were turned over to the club yearbook chairman, and each club voted to buy a set of tools for making leather purses.

Miss Guthrie presented material and briefly discussed, pictures for our homes. Then she gave a demonstration on setting the table for our everyday family table, and ways to save the homemaker many steps in setting a table by the use of a trap. A table can be set and ready by two trips with a tray, with just a little planning and thought. Try it members. It really works.

Refreshments of sponge cake, home made ice cream, coffee and punch were served by Mesdames Andrew Kopnicky and E. H. Watslavik, the hostesses. These were delicious and enjoyed by all, as was the visiting with our neighbors. We enjoyed having you, Carancahua ladies! Come back again soon.--Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, June 15, 1950

Elect Lloyd Frankson President Of Club

The Carancahua-Deutschburg Security Club met at the Carancahua Community Center September 7. Mr. Lloyd Frankson was elected president for the coming year. Mr. Wesselman acted as chairman in the absence of the retiring president, Mr. Danner.

The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mr. Lloyd Frankson, president; Mr. O. R. Kubecka, vice-president; Mrs. M. W. Dillard, secretary and treasurer.

Many of the members were absent so that much of the intended business of the meeting could not be completed. However, dues were paid and the meeting adjourned to meet at Deutschburg on the first Thursday in October.

Refreshments were served to the members during the meeting.

Palacios Beacon, September 14, 1950

March of Dimes Dance at Deutschburg January 13.

A dance for the benefit of the March of Dimes campaign will be held at the Deutschburg school house Saturday night, January 13, starting at 9:00 o'clock, Mrs. Murel Dillard has announced.

The dance is being sponsored by the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club of which Mrs. Dillard is president.

Music for the affair will be provided by Nolan Birmingham and His Boys.

The admission will be $1.00 with ladies free.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 4, 1951

Deutschburg H. D. Club Meeting

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club had the first meeting of the new year. The members present had their business meeting and filled in the new year books.

Chairmen of various committees are:

Mesdames P. L. Manning, Sr., Yearbook
S. M. Donner, Recreation
O. R. Kubecka, Goodneighbor
Joe Johs, Finance
M. Dillard, Marketing

After adjournment, the club had a surprise birthday party for the president, Mrs. E. Watslavik. The gifts were presented in a huge paper bag while club members sang "Happy Birthday."

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka baked and decorated the delicious and beautiful mints along with sandwiches and coffee.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 11, 1951

Deutschburg Plans Polio Benefit Dance

The 1951 March of Dimes in Deutschburg gets off to a musical start Saturday night at 9 o'clock with a dance sponsored by the Home Demonstration Club there.

String music will be featured and refreshments will be available. Hot dogs, sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served.

Men's ticket will go for $1 and ladies will be admitted free.

Everybody is welcome.

Palacios Beacon, January 11, 1951


Deutschburg Dance Proves Big Success

The March of Dimes dance held in the Deutschburg community dance hall last Saturday night was a big success, it was reported this week by Mrs. Murel Dillard, who had charge of the arrangements.

Mrs. Dillard extends her thanks to everyone who helped make the affair the success it was.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 18, 1951

Deutschburg Dance Nets $36 for Drive

The March of Dimes benefit dance sponsored by the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club and the community netted $36 for the campaign and a lot of fun for all those who attended, according to the club reporter.

Music was rendered by Nolan Birmingham and his five piece string band. These boys played them all--the new tunes and the old favorites.

At 10:30 and on refreshments of coffee, cake, sandwiches, hot dogs and cocoa were sold. The club extends thanks to those of the community who donated cakes and sandwiches. Special thanks go to the Palacios merchants.

Monroe Sells of Olivia and Sheriff Lewis Watson of Edna were present alternately during the evening. Although the services of these gentlemen were not needed in their "official capacities" the club was glad to have them and appreciate their coming out.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 25, 1951

Deutschburg Home Dem. Club News

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the Community Center with five members and one visitor present.

Mrs. S. M. Danner and Mrs. D. D. Paris gave a demonstration on corsage making. Mrs. Danner told which types of flowers from home gardens to use in corsages. She also told how to select the flowers and how to prepare them.

Mrs. Paris demonstrated the actual making of corsages. Wrapping the wire stems and foliage, arranging them into a complete corsage.

Mrs. Frank Stewart served delicious ham sandwiches and cookies with coffee.--Mrs. D. Paris, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 6, 1951

Deutschburg Home Dem. Club News

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met Thursday at the Community Center, when eight members answered roll call with "Something I Have Learned About Freezing Foods."

The County Home Demonstration Agent gave a demonstration on fitting the waist to the skirt.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka served refreshments of Sundish Tea Ring and coffee.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 26, 1951

Deutschburg and Carancahua Clubs Meet Together

Deutschburg and Carancahua Home Demonstration Clubs met together for a meeting May 17 at 2 p. m. at the Carancahua Community Center.

Meeting was opened by singing "When We All Get Together." Five Deutschburg and sixteen Carancahua members answered roll call.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave the Council report, assisted by Mrs. E. H. Watslavik. Mrs. F. M. Frankson gave an interesting report of her trip to Angleton, she being one of the members going with Miss Sadie Hatfield to the home of Mrs. Burleigh for landscaping demonstration. Many points on making a lawn beautiful and placing necessary items in back yards to advantage were learned.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson led the recreation. Mrs. Joe Johs and Mrs. R. G. Robinson served refreshments of coffee, cake and cookies.

The next meeting will be with Mrs. E. H. Abrahamson on May 30.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 24, 1951

Deutschburg Home Demonstration News

Mrs. P. L. Manning was hostess to the Home Demonstration Club when the club met at the Community Center. Ten members answered roll call with a suggestion for yearbooks. Plans are being made to enter an exhibit at the County Fair in Edna in September.

Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on putting a zipper and hem in a dress.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1951

Dance to string music at the Deutschburg School House Saturday, August 18, beginning at 8:30. Refreshments will be sold. Admission 50 cents per person. Sponsored by the Deutschburg Community Club.

Palacios Beacon, August 9, 1951

Deutschburg And Carancahua HD Clubs Hold Joint Meeting

The Deutschburg and Carancahua Home Demonstration Clubs met September 6 at the Deutschburg Community Center with 36 members and visitors and Miss Guthrie present.

The meeting opened with the group singing the district THDA song, "Follow the Gleam," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. D. F. Frankson.

Miss Guthrie gave an interesting demonstration on sewing for children and displayed several garments she had made.

The highlight of the afternoon was a surprise pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. O. R. Kubecka. The gifts were presented in a lovely pink and blue basket by two of the hostesses, Mrs. Frankson and Mrs. E. H. Watslavik.

After the many gifts were opened by the honoree, the guests were seated at a long white-covered table in the center of which presided a huge white stork. Refreshments of dainty sandwiches, pink and blue cake, coffee and punch were served. Pink napkins, folded to resemble little kimonas, and little blue diapers filled with mints adorned each plate.

Hostesses were Mrs. Frankson, and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen of Carancahua and Mrs. L. E. McMichiel and Mrs. Watslavik of Deutschburg.

Palacios Beacon, September 30, 1951

Mrs. Dillard Elected New H. D. President Of Deutschburg Club

Mrs. M. Dillard was elected president of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club, it was announced this week. Other new officers are Mrs. L. E. McMichiel, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. E. Watzlavik, council delegate; and Mrs.. D. D. Paris, reporter.

At the last meeting  Mrs. Paul Gerhard gave a lesson demonstration on shrubs and Mrs. Paris gave a pre-tailoring demonstration. Five club members will make all-wool garments and line them.

Hand-made dressed, canned and baked goods will be among the club's entries in the Jackson County Fair, it was reported.

Mrs. P. L. Manning, Jr., hostess, served sandwiches, cake and coffee.

Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1951

Deutschburg HD Club Sets Christmas Party For December 15

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club members and their families will hold their annual Christmas party in the form of a covered dish supper Saturday, December 15, at 7 p. m. in the Community Center, according to Mrs. D. D. Paris, club reporter.

The party was planned at the last meeting when the club closed out its year's program with a demonstration by Mrs. B. T. Elliott, who chose flower arrangement as her subjects.

Palacios Beacon, December 6, 1951

Community Dance Is Scheduled Saturday At Deutschburg

Proceeds from the big community dance scheduled Saturday, December 8, at the Deutschburg Community Center will go toward the upkeep of the center, used for many public functions by various groups.

Richard Honzec of Ganado and his string band will provide music for the occasion. The public is invited.

Palacios Beacon, December 6, 1951

March of Dimes

Enjoy an evening playing canasta or "42" for 50 cents at Deutschburg Community Center on Friday, January 18, from 7:30 until ?. Sponsored by Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club, refreshments will be sold. All proceeds go to the March of Dimes.

Palacios Beacon, January 10, 1952

Dimes Party Successful

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club's March of Dimes party last week netted $26.50, which was turned over to Claudius Branch, chairman of the Jackson County March of Dimes. The ladies of the club extended their thanks to all those who helped make the affair a success.

Palacios Beacon, January 24, 1952

Deutschburg HD Club Enjoys Covered Dish Lunch Jan. 24

Good food and good fellowship were enjoyed by Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club members, the county agent, and two visitors at the covered dish luncheon January 24 at the Community Center.

After lunch the club had a business meeting and committee appointments were made. Mrs. Paul Gerhard will head the yearbook committee, Mrs. W. Poston the recreation committee, Mrs. O. R. Kubecka the Good Neighbor committee, Mrs. Joe Johs the finance committee, and Mrs. Ed Watzlavik the marketing committee.

Following the business meeting, Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on how to make a good appearance. She stressed a suitable dress for one's self and the occasion and a suitable combination of garment, accessories and occasion.

Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1952

Deutschburg HD Club To Sponsor Game Party Friday

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club is sponsoring a game party Friday night at 7:30 at the community center to raise funds for club projects.

Admission will be 50 cents for adults, children free. Forty-two and Canasta will be one attraction and another will be delicious refreshments served by the ladies of the club. Everybody is invited.

Cleaning Demonstration

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club women met last Thursday at the Community Center to witness a demonstration by Miss Sybil Guthrie, county agent, on how to clean a man's felt hat and woolen garments.

Palacios Beacon, March 13, 1952

Game Party April 18

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club is sponsoring a canasta and domino party the night of April 18 at the community center. Fifty cents will be assessed players for an evening's fun and refreshments will be served free. The public is invited.

Palacios Beacon, April 10, 1952


The canasta party at the Deutschburg Community Center has been postponed until further notice because of conflict with other activities, Mrs. Murel Dillard announced this week. Friday, April 18 was the date originally set for the party.

Palacios Beacon, April 17, 1952

Mrs. Poston Elected Deutschburg Hd Club Delegate To Kingsville

Mrs. Poston has been elected Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club delegate to the state convention that will be held at Kingsville in July.

The president of the club urged all members to go to Edna June 26-27 for free chest X-rays.

Mrs. Guthrie, the home demonstration agent, gave a demonstration on sewing techniques, including home-made and bound button holts and bias tape.

Palacios Beacon, June 5, 1952

Notice To Bidders

Sealed bids will be received by Mrs. S. M. Danner, secretary of Deutschburg Community Club, Box 125, Blessing, Texas until 8:00 p. m. August 12, 1952 for the sale of the following buildings:

1. One 23' x 24' Teacherage
2. One 12' x 20' Garage

Will accept bids on said buildings separately or combined.

The trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids.

Palacios Beacon, July 31, 1952

Palacios Beacon, August 7, 1952

Security Club Enjoys Picnic And
Dance Sunday, August 10

Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club met July 24 for a called meeting in the Deutschburg Community Center.

The annual barbecue was discussed and it was decided to have a picnic lunch instead at the Deutschburg Community Center at noon on Sunday, August 10.

The picnic was followed by a dance that night with the KULP Rhythm Boys furnishing the music. Both were well attended and all had a good time.--Secretary.

Palacios Beacon, August 14, 1952

Fire Destroys Home Of W. C. Thomas In Deutschburg, Wed.

A blaze of undetermined origin completely destroyed a $10,000 two-story home of W. C. Thomas at Deutschburg just across the county line in Jackson County. The fire, which occurred at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday, was partly covered by insurance, firemen said.

Firemen from Palacios answered the call.

Palacios Beacon, November 6, 1952

Prize Winning Float

First place winner in the parade opening the Jackson County Fair last Tuesday was the float designed and built by the Carancahua-Midway-Deutschburg communities. Riding the float was the committees' duchess, Miss Dana Kay Paris, and the junior duchess, Melvina Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. Murel Dillard and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tanner were in charge of building the float.

Edna Daily Herald, September 24, 1953

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration club met on April 1 at the home of Mrs. Paul Gerhard with eight members and four visitors present.

Mrs. Gerhard gave a very interesting demonstration on "Cleaning and Care of Upholstery."

A stork shower was given Mrs. Frank Johs, our club president, by the club members. The honoree's mother, Mrs. G. D. Cooper, her sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Collins and Mrs. Kathleen Flewellen and her mother-in-law, Mrs. E. Johs were also present.

The hostess served refreshments. The next club meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Estelle Tanner on April 27. We are always glad to have visitors.

The club has had as its demonstrations so far this year. The first one was on Mexican Cookery. The hostess, Mrs. Estelle Tanner, had made out a menu and given each member a dish to bring and we made a luncheon out of these.

Personality Grooming by Miss Guthrie, the agent, was enjoyed.

Table Service and Family Grace was very instructive to all, it was given by Mrs. Frank Johs.

Oven meals, a demonstration by Miss Guthrie, featured "Chicken Tetrazzini." This was served by the hostess, Mrs. Krueger, with her refreshments.--Mrs. Murel Dillard

Palacios Beacon, April 8, 1954

Regular Meeting Of Round-Up 4-H Club Held Monday, May 3

The Round-Up 4-H Club held its regular meeting Monday, May 3, at Deutschburg with the county agricultural agent.

The meeting was called to order by our president, Norma Rampmeier. The minutes were read and approved then the president turned the meeting over to the agent who showed us some films on insects, which were very interesting.

The meeting adjourned to meet Monday, May 17 with our adult leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka.

Refreshments were served to all members and Mrs. Stuhrenberg, Mrs. M. W. Dillard, Mrs. Joe Hurta and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka.--Club reporter, Barbara Beard

Palacios Beacon, May 13, 1954

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. H. A. Tanner on April 27 for its regular meeting with Miss Guthrie.

Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on "Making Lampshades" which all of us enjoyed very much. Many are enthused over it and will make them. This is our club's Educational Exhibit for the Fall Fair. We had planned to have it ready to exhibit for National Home Demonstration Week, but the time was too short.

Several families attended the annual picnic at Magnolia Chapel in Vanderbilt on April 30.

The club leader demonstration of "Flower Arrangement" was given by Mrs. M. W. Dillard with the assistance of Mrs. Tanner. Had it not been for the friend having flowers the poem Mrs. Dillard read "I Can Dream, Can't I" might have been true.

Mrs. Tanner read the report of the delegates who went to the District meeting and Mrs. Dillard gave the council report.

The next meeting will be with Mrs. W. A. Myers in Palacios, we urge all to attend. Miss Guthrie will be present and her program is "Buying Equipment." This meeting will be June 3 at 2 p. m.--Mrs. M. W. Dillard, reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 20, 1954

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-up 4-H club held its regular meeting Monday, May 17 at the Deutschburg school house. The meeting was called to order by the co-president, John Beard. Twenty three members answered roll call and one new member was welcomed into the club. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The club voted to change their meeting day during the summer to the first and third Wednesday of each month instead of on Monday.

Our first meeting in June will be June 6 when we enjoy a Sunday afternoon picnic at Port Alto.

Dickie and Donnie Kubecka and John Beard were members of the Round-up 4-H lucky enough to win a Sears' pig.

The meeting was turned over to our adult leaders, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kubecka.

Mrs. Kubecka will take Billy Stuhrenberg, John Beard, Kathryn and Leroy Hurta to College Station June 7 where they will stay until June 11.

The club adjourned to have their next meeting June 16.

Refreshments were served to all members and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka, Maynard Frankson, Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier, Mrs. M. W. Dillard and Mrs. John Beard.

Palacios Beacon, June 3, 1954

County Extension Service News

...Then I attended the Round-Up 4-H Club which meets at the Deutschburg school on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday night of each month. This group is a community club, made up of both boys and girls, and any of their parents who are interested in participating or helping as leaders. The girls in this group made plans for active participation in a clothing program for the rest of the summer. There are nine girls in this group at the present. They plan now to meet in my office on July 1 at 2:00 p. m. We will talk a little bit about selection of pattern and material; then we will actually go shopping.

Palacios Beacon, June 24, 1954

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-up 4-H Club held its regular meeting July 7 at the Deutschburg school house. The meeting was called to order by the co-president John Beard. The roll call was answered by 15 members and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The president turned the meeting over to the adult leaders. Mrs. Kubecka showed the girls how to fit dress patterns and Mr. Kubecka instructed the boys or how to grease tractors and fill grease guns.

A wiener roast was planned for Sunday afternoon at the river.

The meeting adjourned to meet Wednesday, July 21 with our county agents. Refreshments were served to the members and their parents.--Barbara Beard, reporter

Palacios Beacon, July 15, 1954

Polio Drive To Benefit From Dance, Cake Sale At Deutschburg, Sat.

Saturday night, August 28, at the Deutschburg school house there will be a benefit dance and cake sale. There will be no charge for admission but a free will donation will be taken with the proceeds going to the Polio emergency drive.

Palacios Beacon, August 26, 1954

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H club held its regular meeting Wednesday September 1 at the Deutschburg school house. The co-president, John Beard, called the meeting to order. Nineteen members answered roll call. The minutes were read by Kathryne Hurta.

Norma Rampmeier told about the dress revue which was held in Bay City Thursday, August 26, Verle Miller won first, Norma Rampmeier, second and Bettye Wilson, third.

The meeting was then turned over to the adult leaders, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kubecka. Plans were made for the talent show held Friday night, September 3.

The club adjourned to meet Wednesday, September 15 at 8 p. m.

Refreshments were served to the parents and members.--Reporter Barbara Beard

Palacios Beacon, September 9, 1954

Associates Present Charles Wilson New T-Vee Set

Former associates at the Alcoa plant and members of the M. Y. F. of the Palacios Methodist Church, are responsible for the new 21-inch television set now resting near the bed of Charles Wilson.

Employees at Alcoa, veterans, and friends assisted in obtaining the set for Charles.

Charles is improving at his home in Deutschburg, and we are sure will enjoy the remaining games of the World Series, and many more hours of happiness.

Palacios Beacon, September 30, 1954

Charles Wilson is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson, in Deutschburg after a three weeks visit with his sister, Mrs. Gustave Franzen in Collegeport.

Palacios Beacon, November 18, 1954

New Officers Elected For Deutschburg 4-H Round-Up Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club met Friday night, December 3, at the Deutschburg school house. Our co-president, John Beard, called the meeting to order.

We elected new officers for '55 as follows; Billy Stuhrenberg, president; Katherine and Leroy Hurta, vice presidents; Dickie Kubecka, secretary and Norma Rampmeier, reporter.

Mrs. Kubecka showed the girls how to make candy and Mr. Kubecka talked to the boys.

Refreshments were served to Mrs. Hurta, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Kubecka and to all of the club members--Reporter, Barbara Beard.

Palacios Beacon, December 9, 1954

Plaques Awarded Outstanding 4-H Club Leaders In County

Matagorda County's two outstanding 4-H Club adult leaders for 1954 were recognized at the county-wide 4-H Club Christmas party last week.

A plaque and gift went to Mrs. Oswald Kubecka of Deutschburg for her work with 4-H Girls' Clubs.

Voss McCrosky of Bay City received a plaque and a gift for his work with 4-H Boys' Clubs.

Palacios Beacon, December 23, 1954

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met January 13 at the home of Mrs. M. W. Dillard.

The club had luncheon which was based around "Herb Cookery," which was the demonstration for the meeting. The demonstration was given by Mrs. M W. Dillard.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka read a poem "The Party" out of the new Home Demonstration yearbook.

The club planned a Chicken Pie Supper to be held February 5 for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Supper will be served from 6 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. at the Deutschburg school house for $1.00 per plate for adults and 60c for children.

There will be a cake sold after supper and other forms of recreation held. Everybody is invited to attend.

The meeting adjourned to meet next at the home of Mrs. Howard Tanner on February 2, at which time Miss Sybil Guthrie, Jackson County Home Demonstration Agent, will give a demonstration on spot cleaning and cleaning hats.--Reporter, Mrs. Howard Tanner

Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1955

Deutschburg March Of Dimes Chicken Pie Supper Nets $243.88

Mrs. Murel W. Dillard, chairman of the Deutschburg March of Dimes, reports that the Chicken Pie Supper and Cake Sale given last Friday night was a big success.

The total amount taken in was $258.55, with only a small expense of $14.67, which left a balance of $243.88.

Mrs. Dillard said the dinner was the success it was due to the generosity of the people who donated food and to these and all who attended they wish to express their appreciation

Palacios Beacon, February 17, 1955

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah visited Charles Wilson in Deutschburg Saturday afternoon. They report that Charles is doing nicely and can be without the respirator for at least seven hours. They said he was very cheerful and full of good spirits and would like for his friends to come and see him and to write him letters as the time passes very slowly.

Palacios Beacon, March 3, 1955

County Extension Service News

Round-Up 4-H Club met Friday afternoon in the Deutschburg Community Center. The girls cut out their material for their construction problem for their summer work. The biscuits they had made and brought to the club meeting were discussed and judged. The girls decided to make cup cakes and bring them to the next meeting. All these recipes have been demonstrated to the club earlier in the year. Round-Up will continue their sewing construction and will meet again at 2:00 Friday afternoon, July 1.

Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1955

County Extension Service News

Barbara Beard and Verle Miller, the Deutschburg 4-H Team, gave their Team Demonstration to seven members of the Palacios Home Demonstration Club in the home of Mrs. Mabel Petersen. They demonstrated Spritz Cookies and Puffed Rice Balls to the ladies and gave them recipes and samples of their products.

Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1955

Kubecka Elected 4-H Club Prexy

Dickie Kubecka was elected president of the Round-Up 4-H Club at a meeting held recently in the Deutschburg School house.

Other officers elected included: Georgia Hurta, vice-president; Norbert Eggemeyer, secretary-treasurer; Barbara Beard, reporter; Verle Miller, girls' council; John Beard, boys' council and Billy Stuhrenberg, sergeant-at-arms.

Retiring President Bill Stuhrenberg presided over the meeting.

According to the reporter, area 4-H Clubs will hold a Christmas party in the Bay City Service Center Sunday, December 17. At the party, instead of following the usual practice of collecting toys for young people, the group will donate money to the Retarded Children's Fund.

Refreshments were served following the business session.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the group is Thursday, December 13 at 7:30 p. m.

Palacios Beacon, December 8, 1955

Benefit Supper Set For March of Dimes

A supper will be held at the Community House in Deutschburg Friday, January 13, with the proceeds going to the March of Dimes Drive.

The drive runs annually through January 31.

Palacios Beacon, December 29, 1955

Deutschburg HD Club Sets Benefit Dinner

The annual benefit dinner, held to aid the March of Dimes Drive, is scheduled by the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club Friday January 13, at the Deutschburg School House.

Serving will begin at 6:30 p. m., and tickets will be $1 for adults and .50 for children.

The club decided the date of the dinner at an all day business meeting that was held Friday at the home of Mrs. O. R. Kubecka.

After the business meeting a chicken dinner was served to members.

Palacios Beacon, January 12, 1956

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. O. R. Kubecka with eight members, the agent, Miss Guthrie, and Mrs. Bertha Stewart present.

Plans were made to send a member to the Landscaping School at A. & M. College on February 8-9; and for a Cake and Pie Sale to be held in Palacios on Saturday, February 18.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who explained "A Good Bed."

At the next meeting on February 2 at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Hurta a demonstration on "The Importance of Breakfast" will be given by Mrs. Dillard.

Refreshments were served and the meeting adjourned.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1956

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

Eight members and Mrs. Guthrie, the agent, were present at the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club meeting on March 14 at the home of Mrs. Howard Tanner.

A business meeting was held and the club voted to send money to the council's Educational Fund.

After a program on the Identification of Shrubbery, refreshments were served by the hostess.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, March 22, 1956

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H club meeting held in the Deutschburg School House was called to order by the president, Dickie Kubecka and the minutes were read by the secretary, Norbert Eggemeyer.

At the County Fair and Livestock Show held recently in Bay City, the boys in our club won the champion and blue ribbon and the girls, a red ribbon on their Educational Exhibits and a prize of $15.

There were 48 entries in the fair from our club and we brought home 12 blue, 22 red and 10 white ribbons.

The meeting was turned over to our county agents, Miss LaJuan Fite and Frank Orts. Miss Fite spoke to the girls on "Being Kind to Your Clothes" and Mr. Orts showed the boys a film.

After the meeting adjourned, refreshments were served.--Reporter, Barbara Beard

Palacios Beacon, March 22, 1956

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met August 7 at the home of Mrs. Howard Tanner. Plans for the exhibits for the Jackson County Fair were discussed along with other plans for the club.

An electrical demonstration was presented by Mary Dillard and Verle Miller, members of the 4-H Roundup Club. This same demonstration by these girls was presented at the home of Mrs. Hobbins at Pledger on July 25.

This meeting was adjourned and delicious refreshments were served by our hostess. Our next meeting will be an all day meeting on September 6 at the home of Mrs. Muriel Miller. This meeting will be on various hand crafts.--Reporter N. Wilson.

Palacios Beacon, August 16, 1956

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club met at the Deutschburg school house with Dickie Kubecka calling the meeting to order.

All of the members present worked on their records. An electrical team demonstration was given by Mary Dillard, Verle Miller and Barbara Beard. They will give this same demonstration at the Jackson Home Demonstration Club meeting August 23 at the home of Mrs. Stuhrenberg and to the Wayside Club on August 29 at the home of Mrs. Ike Ramsey.

After the meeting adjourned, refreshments were served.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, August 16, 1956

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. A. V. Miller Thursday, September 6 for an all day meeting.

The morning hours were spent working on various crafts, after which a delicious lunch consisting of southern fried chicken, Spanish rice, English peas, green beans, ambrosia salad, tossed salad, eat loaf, ice cream and coffee were enjoyed by all.

After lunch a short business meeting was held and more work done on our crafts.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Murel Dillard.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, September 13, 1956

About the Town

A note of congratulation to Joe Johs of Deutschburg, who copped the Grand Championship in the cross-breed calf division with his Brahman at the Jackson County Fair livestock show in Edna last week.

Norbert Eggemeyer's calf took the red ribbon in the same contest.

Johs purchased the calf from Henry Mozley.

Palacios Beacon, September 13, 1956

Charles Wilson Released From Warm Springs Foundation

Gonzales--Twenty-nine year old Charles Wilson of Palacios has been discharged from the Gonzales Warm Springs Foundation.

Wilson, who was undergoing treatment for poliomyelitis, first contracted polio on June 19, 1952.

Victims of all types of crippling diseases undergo extensive rehabilitation treatment at Gonzales Warm Spring Foundation.

Palacios Beacon, December 6, 1956

January 12 Supper Will Aid M. O. D. Drive

There will be a March of Dimes Supper, Saturday, January 12, at 6:00 p. m. at the Deutschburg School House.

The supper will consist of chicken pie as a main course. There will be a cake auction after the supper.

Palacios Beacon, January 4, 1957

Jackson Matagorda Counties to Divide M. O. D. Proceeds

The proceeds from the March of Dimes Supper to be held Saturday, January 12, at the Deutschburg School House will be divided between Jackson and Matagorda Counties.

The supper, consisting of chicken pie as a main course, will sell for $1.00 a plate for adults and 75c for a children's plate. Serving will begin at 6 p. m.

There will be a cake auction after the supper.

Palacios Beacon, January 10, 1957

March of Dimes Supper Nets Over $300 At Deutschburg

The March of Dimes Supper given at the Deutschburg Community Center Saturday night, January 12, was termed a huge success, and netted around $330. Of this amount $125 will be given to the Matagorda County March of Dimes and the remainder will go to the Jackson County March of Dimes.

Mrs. Murel W. Dillard, chairman, expressed thanks for the members of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club, to the merchants of Palacios who donated or gave discounts on supplies bought, to the Holsum and Butterkrust Bread Companies for their donations of rolls, to the people of the Deutschburg and Turtle Bay communities for their donations of food and time and to everyone who in any way helped to make their supper a success.

Palacios Beacon, January 17, 1957

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club of the Deutschburg, Carancahua and Turtle Bay area met January 8 at the Deutschburg Community Center. The meeting was called to order by the new presiding officer, Lonnie Beard. Dickie Kubecka was elected to take the place of Leroy Hurta who resigned as council delegate.

The demonstration for the boys was a film "Safety on the Farm."

The girls' demonstration was given by Louise Dillard and Muriel Miller on Quick Breads.

Officers for the coming year were elected as follows, Lonnie Beard, president; Donnie Kubecka, boy's vice-president; Verle Miller, girl's vice-president; Harry Frankson, secretary-treasurer; Dickie Kubecka, reporter; Joe Johs, sgt. of arms; Mary Dillard, girl's council delegate and Dickie Kubecka, boy's council delegate.

The next meeting date was changed to the 29th of January as the county agent was unable to attend on regular meeting date, January 22.

Refreshments were served to the members and the adults attending, Mrs. Wilford Wilson, Mrs. Louise Dillard, Mrs. Muriel Miller and Oswald Kubecka.--Reporter, Dickie Kubecka

Palacios Beacon, January 17, 1957

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met February 7 at the home of Mrs. A. V. Miller with nine members and two visitors present.

Mrs. Howard Tanner reported that Mrs. Nyla Wilson was elected to go to the district meeting.

Plans were made to meet at the school house on February 27 to itemize the repairs needed. This will be discussed at our next meeting which will be held February 28 at the home of Mrs. O. R. Kubecka.

The meeting was turned over to the hostess who gave a demonstration on Quick Breads, which were served to the guests with coffee.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 14, 1957

Carancahua H. D. Club
Deutschburg Home

Mrs. Virgil Farley was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club at her home last Thursday afternoon, February 21. There were eight members and two visitors present.

During the business session, the president, Mrs. Pete Kocurek, read a letter from Claudius Branch, the county March of Dimes chairman, urging all the ladies to promote the Salk polio vaccine and thereby help stamp out polio.

Mrs. Jerome Kovar read the council report prepared by the delegate, Mrs. B. J. Wesselman, who was unable to attend.

The hostess demonstrated "Quick Breads," going though each step in making cornbread muffins. She had also baked beforehand one loaf each of apple-sauce bread, maple date nut loaf and banana quick bread, which she served with coffee. All were delicious.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 28, 1957

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday, February 27, at the home of Mrs. O. R. Kubecka with seven members and the agent, Miss Guthrie, present.

The club will sponsor a Cake and Pie Sale Saturday, March 9 in the Maynard Green building, one door west of the Western Auto.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave a demonstration on Frozen Foods.

After the meeting, the 4-H girls brought their team demonstrations. Verel Miller and Georgia Mae Hurta gave one on Safety and Mary Dillard and Peggy McMichiel, one on Electricity.

The hostess served cookies and coffee.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, March 7, 1957

Mrs. Roy Ostland, Mrs. Martin Loff visited Charles Wilson at Deutschburg last Thursday. Charles was feeling fairly well and wanted to thank his friends who had been so thoughtful of him.

Palacios Beacon, December 5, 1957

Seafood Supper At Deutschburg School Will Benefit M. O. D.

There will be a seafood supper served at the Deutschburg Community Center on Saturday, January 11 for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Serving will be from 6 to 8:30 p. m. and plates will sell for $1.00 for adults and 75c for children. A cake auction will be held after the supper.

Any donations of fish or seafood would be appreciated, and if anyone has any, please phone 5528 or 6836 after 3 p. m.

Everyone is cordially invited to come and have an enjoyable evening and support the March of Dimes as all proceeds will go to Jackson and Matagorda counties.

Palacios Beacon, January 9, 1958

Mothers March Jan. 31 Will Aid Dimes Drive
Deutschburg Community Supper Nets $750

...The men and women of the Deutschburg Community are to be commended for their untiring efforts in behalf of the March of Dimes. These people raised over $750 for the March of Dimes in Jackson and Matagorda County. After expenses were paid, Mrs. Dillard turned over to Woody Wilson, $375 for Matagorda County's share of this supper. Palacios and Matagorda County should be proud of these people who have given so unselfishly of their time and money in order to help those polio victims who cannot help themselves.

The people of the Deutschburg Community have seen first hand what polio can do to one of its victims, and how the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis pitches in to come to the aid of these victims. They have two such cases in their own community, Charles Wilson and Gerald Kubecka. The polio foundation will never give up in its efforts to give these two and thousands of others the finest in medical care and physical therapy...

Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1958

Card of Appreciation

The people of the Deutschburg and Turtle Bay Communities want to thank each individual, firm, and the Round-Up 4-H Club girls for any donations and help they gave to make the March of Dimes Seafood Supper and cake auction such a huge success.

The net proceeds will amount to approximately $770; and $375 of this will go to the Palacios M. O. D. Fund, and the remainder to the Jackson County's fund.

Without the wonderful cooperation of each one this would have been impossible.--Local chairman, Mrs. Murel W. Dillard

Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1958

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club meeting opened with the Club Pledge then the roll was called and two members added.

The following officers were elected to serve for the following year:

Dickie Kubecka, president
Bobby Dillard, boy's vice-president
Linda Dillard, girl's vice-president
Larry Dillard, boy's council delegate
Mary Dillard, girl's council delegate
Herbie Abraham, secretary and treasurer
Verel Miller, reporter

A committee composed of Peggy McMichiel, chairman, Yvonne Wilson, Mary and Larry Dillard were appointed to further plans for a Hallowe'en masquerade party to be held October 25 at 7:30 p. m. at the Deutschburg schoolhouse.

The president reported that the club's float had placed second in the Rice Festival parade. Members who worked and rode on the float were Georgia Hurta, Peggy McMichiel, Yvonne Wilson, Verel Miller, Linda, Larry, Mary and Bobby Dillard, Dickie, Donnie, Dannie, Douglas and Billy Kubecka, Don Wesselman, Herbie Abraham, Mary Kay and Geraldine Kovar, Brenda Stewart and Shannon Miller.

The boy's demonstration was given by Dickie Kubecka and the project report forms were filled out.

Each girl participated in a complete meal demonstration.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, October 9, 1958

Blessing News
By Elaine Day

The Deutschburg school house was the scene of a party given Saturday night by Mrs. Joe Johs for Josephine and Sonny's birthday. There were a number of teenagers present. They all enjoyed themselves by dancing. Refreshments of sandwiches, cheese, crackers, olives, pickles, cake, Fritos, potato chips and punch, were served.

Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1959

Deutschburg Seafood Supper Will Benefit March of Dimes Drive

There will be a Seafood Supper served at the Deutschburg Community Center on Saturday, January 17 for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Serving will begin at 6 p. m. and plates will sell for $1.00 for adults and 75c for children. A cake auction will be held after the supper.

Everyone is cordially invited to come and partake of the delicious food and support the March of Dimes. All proceeds will go to Jackson and Matagorda counties.

Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1959

Deutschburg Sends Thanks For Support Given M. O. D. Supper

The people of the Deutschburg and Turtle Bay communities want to thank each individual and firm for any donation and help that they gave to make their March of Dimes Seafood Supper and cake auction a success. Without the wonderful co-operation of each one this would have been impossible to do.

The net proceeds amounted to $631 of which $300 was sent to the Palacios March of Dimes fund and the remainder to Jackson County's fund. Our community has two polio victims, one in each county.

Palacios Beacon, January 29, 1959

Services Held Tuesday for J. V. Brocker

Funeral services and Requiem Mass for Joseph Virgil Brocker were held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Blessing with Rev. V. J. Bily officiating. Interment was in St. Peter’s Catholic cemetery, Blessing.

Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Monday night at the Taylor Brothers Funeral Home in Bay City.

Joseph Virgil Brocker was born February 14, 1901, near Koerth, Texas and at the age of one year went to live in Koerth  where his father was a merchant. He made his home in Koerth until he was 18 when he moved to Jackson County where he made his home with his brother until he was 25 years old. He then moved to Collegeport where he was field foreman for the Collegeport Rice and Irrigation Company for three years. In 1926 he moved to the Deutshburg community where he has resided ever since. He died at the Matagorda General Hospital in Bay City at 1:25 a.m. Monday.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. J. V. Brocker and one son, Corbett.

Palacios Beacon, March 19, 1959



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