Deutschburg Newspaper Columns

1960s - 1970s

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club met at Deutschburg School on March 25 at 7:45 p. m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read.

Mr. Douglas gave the checks to the member who had exhibits in the fair and talked about the show. He also talked about the records and handed out record forms.

Cecelia Loff gave a demonstration on how to repair an extension cord.—Reporter, Clinton Loff.

Palacios Beacon, April 11, 1962

D-C Security Club Holds Quarterly Meeting November 26

The Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club held its regular quarterly meeting in the Community Center of Carancahua, Tuesday night, November 26th.

Vice-president Virgil Farley presided. Secretary Mrs. B. J. Wesselman read the minutes and gave the Treasurer’s report.

The report of the Tri-Community Float Committee was given by Mrs. O. R. Kubecka and Mrs. Murel Dillard. Necessary bills were allowed.

It was voted the Security Club would become the sponsor of the Tri-Community Fair Booth and Float and that necessary socials be held to finance them.

The Civil Defense Committee was represented by Clinton Solomon and B. J. Wesselman. After the discussion on the feasibilities of a dual purpose shelter, J. L. Stewart was requested to contact the Jackson County Civil Defense office in Edna. On Monday, December 3rd, he contacted Mr. Bill Dewey of the Edna Chamber of Commerce who is also Civil Defense Chief to learn if our areas are included in a County Plan for Disaster. At present the same type of Civil Defense classes that Mr. J. G. Smith and Mr. Harry Treybig of Palacios sponsored in our communities in February are being taught in Edna. Literature can be obtained and we are welcome to attend their classes or they would sponsor a class here. The only information on shelters was on some concrete ones built by private concerns at outrageous prices. We will be notified if more information, plans or materials are available.

Mr. Stewart stated that a two-way radio would be placed in the Francitas Plant by Sheriff Watson’s department and since they have men on duty 24 hours per day constant direct communications with the Sheriff’s department will be available.

The next regular meeting will be the fourth Tuesday in February, but if need arises a called meeting will be held.

Refreshments were served after the meeting.—Reported by Mrs. B. J. Wesselman.

Palacios Beacon, December 6, 1962

All Officers Re-Elected By Deutschburg Club

The Deutschburg Community Center held its annual election of officers at its last meeting December 11. The following slate of officers were reelected by acclamation:

Jack Stewart, president; Paul Cooper, vice-president; Mrs. Joyce Manning, secretary and treasurer.

The annual March of Dimes Sea Food supper will be held as usual in the near future, with more and better facilities for serving available. There will be an announcement on this in the future.

Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1962

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club met at Deutschburg school house at 7:30 p. m. January 14. The new president, Dannie Kubecka, called the meeting to order and all new officers took office.

Linda Dillard gave a council report and Mrs. Smothers, the home demonstration agent, gave a discussion on how to give a demonstration.

The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served.—Reporter, Clinton Loff.

Palacios Beacon, January 24, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club met at the Deutschburg School on January 28. President Danny Kubecka called the meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. Thirty-three members answered roll call and two new members joined the club. The annual 4-H calendars were distributed to the members.

Paul Fields gave a talk on Parliamentary Procedure.

Mr. Douglas, the assistant county agent, discussed broiler production, the names for parts of swine and calf (nomen clature), and cuts of beef, lamb, and pork.

Refreshments were served after the meeting.—Clinton Loff, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1963

Seafood Supper To Aid March of Dimes At Deutschburg Sat.

The annual March of Dimes Seafood Supper will be held at the Deutschburg Community Center, Saturday, February 2, from 5:30 ‘til. Adult plates will be $1.25 and children plates 75c.

Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1963

Security Club To Meet

The Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club will hold its regular quarterly meeting Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 p. m. at Deutschburg.

This is an important meeting as election of officers will be held.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

Round-Up 4-H Club was called to order in February 11 at Deutschburg School at 7:30 p. m. Twenty-three members were present.

Linda Dillard gave a council report and discussed the exhibits in the fair. The meeting was adjourned.

Mrs. Smothers gave a demonstration on the types of exhibits to be entered and what time they would be entered and what time they would leave the fair grounds. Entry blanks for those who were raising an animal for the fair were distributed.

Refreshments were served after the discussion.—Clinton Loff, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1963

Security Club To Meet

The Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club will hold its regular quarterly meeting Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 p. m. at Deutschburg.

This is an important meeting as election of officers will be held.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1963

Card of Appreciation

The people of the Deutschburg community would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped or donated in any way to make their March of Dimes supper so successful.

After all expenses were paid, we had a net profit of $621.02. This amount was evenly divided between Jackson and Matagorda Counties.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club was called to order at Deutschburg School on February 25 at 7:35 p. m. The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read. The members then went outside to see a demonstration given by Danny and Douglas Kubecka on how to show a calf.

Paul Fields gave a demonstration on how to block a lamb. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 and refreshments were served.—Clinton Loff, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, March 7, 1963


Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club was called to order at 7:40 p. m. on Mar. 11 at the Deutschburg School. The roll was called and the minutes read.

Patrolman Poplin of Houston gave a talk and showed two films on Highway Safety. He also distributed several pamphlets on this subject. Mrs. Smothers, the home demonstration agent, was also present.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 and refreshments were served.—Clinton Loff, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, March 21, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The 4-H Round-Up Club met at the Deutschburg Community Center, April 8, with Linda Gillette giving a council report. The girls’ public speaking contest was held April 20th.

All boys’ and girls’ exhibits will be in Rosenberg, April 27. Records are due in May.

After the meeting was adjourned, Mrs. Smothers led a panel discussion on grooming. The panel included Cecilia Loff, Danny Kubecka, Linda Gillett, Mrs. Koch, Mr. Pearce, Robert Koch. After the discussion refreshments were served.—Clinton Loff, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 25, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club held its meeting at the Deutschburg school at 7:30 p. m., April 22.

The meeting started with the reading of the minutes and several announcements from Mr. Douglas, one of which was that the entomology team, representing our club, would go to state.

A record meeting will be held in Carancahua and Deutschburg.

Mr. Douglas showed a film of the fair and refreshments were served.—Reporter, Clinton Loff.

Palacios Beacon, May 2, 1963

Security Club Dance At Deutschburg Sat. Night For Float Fund

The Security Club of Carancahua-Deutschburg and Midway is sponsoring a dance Saturday night, July 27, at the Deutschburg school house to raise funds for their float to be entered in the Jackson County Fair.

The dance will begin at 8 p. m. Refreshments consisting of cold drinks, sandwiches, pie and cake will be sold during the evening.

Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy an evening of fun.

Palacios Beacon, July 25, 1963

Security Club To Meet Tuesday At 8:00 P. M.

The Security Club will hold their regular meeting at the Deutschburg School House, Tuesday, September 3 at 8 p. m.

All members from Carancahua, Midway and Deutschburg are urged to be present as a discussion on the “Fair Float” will be held.

Palacios Beacon, August 29, 1963

Midway-Deutschburg-Carancahua Win Spots at Jackson Co. Fair

The Carancahua-Deutschburg-Midway communities’ Agricultural Booth at the Jackson County Fair won fourth place. Those serving on the committee were Mrs. Oswald Kubecka and Louise Dillard from Deutschburg; Harold Sells, Edwin and Milam Simons from Midway; Mrs. Virgil Farley, Mrs. B. T. Elliott, Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, co-chairmen, and Alvin Bannert, chairman, of Carancahua.

In the Agriculture Crop display, 20 ribbons were won out of 21 entries. They were:
Lloyd Frankson, hay, red ribbon.
Edwin Stuhrenberg, maize, red; cotton, blue; clover, red; maize head, red; eggs, blue.
Virgil Farley, okra, red; sweetpepper, blue; kumquats, red.
Jerome Kovar, eggs, red; red potatoes, red.
Ruby Parrish, soap, blue.
Wilbur Eggemeyer, cotton, red.
Ben Wesselmaqn, maize, red.
Oswald Kubecka, rice, red.
Harold Sells, clover, red.
Howard Tanner, tomatoes, blue and sorghum heads, red.
Elmer Abraham, okra, red.
Murel Dillard, hegari, red.

It is hoped that next year more people in our communities will save products to be displayed at the county fair. For our county fair is what each of us help make it to be.

“By the Sea” was the theme of the Carancahua-Deutschburg-Midway float and representing these communities on the float were Duchess Melvena Tanner, Palacios High School senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tanner; Larry Dillard, escort, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murel Dillard; Junior Duchess, Carrol Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rice and Junior Escort Gene Kubecka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka.

Palacios Beacon, September 26, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club was called to order at 7:40 on September 23 at the Deutschburg school house. The motto, pledge and prayer were said and the minutes read.

Mrs. Koch, chairman of our float for the Rice Festival asked a committee to meet at her house to cut letters and emblems to be used on the float. Another committee was assigned to meet at Cynthia Loff’s house to prepare the corn, also at Ramsey’s. Mrs. Kubecka took the name of those who could work at the concession stand at the Rice Festival.

The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served.—Cynthia Loff, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, October 3, 1963

Charlie W. Polifka, Former Area Resident Buried in California

Word has been received of the death of Charlie W. Polifka in Watsonville, Calif. on September 9. Rosary was recited Sept. 11 at 7:30 p. m. in the Mehts Colonial Chapel and funeral services were held at 8:45 a. m. September 12. Interment was in the Watsonville, Cemetery.

Born November 5, 1875, in Donnerwitz, Austria, he came to the United States with his parents when two years of age, settling in Ellis County, Kansas. While living there he married Pauline Karlin, who preceded him in death two years ago. They moved to Raton, New Mexico in 1903 and in October 1910 came to Blessing, Texas. In 1919 they moved to California where they lived until 1932 when they returned to live on their farm in the Deutschburg community. Returning to California in the early 1940s.

He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Helen Letternich of Watsonville; two sons, Joe Polifka of Ventura, Calif. and Col. Frank Polifka of Washington, D. C., six grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Emilia Campbell of Denver, Colorado and Mrs. Anna Johnson of Osceola, Missouri.

Palacios Beacon, October 24, 1963

Round-Up 4-H Club

The Round-Up 4-H Club meeting was called to order at the Deutschburg school house on December 9 at 7:45 p. m.

There was an election of officers for 1964 and the members with their families participated in the Christmas party after the meeting.

Mr. Douglas made an announcement that the Progress Show would be Saturday, December 14 but the date was forwarded to some time in January due to the inclement weather.

Refreshments were served after the meeting.   --Clinton Loff, reporter

Palacios Beacon, December 19, 1963

Deutschburg H D Club Women Enjoy Dinner, Plan Year's Program

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met January 16 with Mrs. Joe Hurta as hostess.

The first meeting of the year is always an all day meeting with a covered dish luncheon. The ladies assembled at 10:30 a. m. and the rest of the morning was spent filling in year books, discussing programs of work and appointing committee chairmen for the year.

After lunch the meeting was called to order by the new president, Mrs. Virginia Cornett. Mr. Joe Hurta gave a short reading on the Epistle of James I.

Nine members answered roll call, each giving her idea of "When is a bargain, a bargain."

After a short business session, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Joe Hurta, the leader for this time. Her demonstration was an exhibit of food and articles that may be bought in a grocery store with a page from the family account book with the title "Is It All Food."

The forthcoming March of Dimes Seafood Supper, set for Feb. 15, was discussed.

Our axiom to live by at this time: "Remember when you talk you only repeat what you already know, but if you listen you may learn something."

Needless to say, a good time was had by all.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1964

Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club Selects Wesselman For Trustee

The Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club met Tuesday, Jan. 28th, in the Deutschburg Community Center.

After routine business was completed, O. R. Kubecka, a member of the Palacios Independent School Board, announced that positions No. 1 and 2 for Palacios Independent School Trustees would be elected in April. Position No. 1 is now held by Mr. Kubecka.

In line with the established policy of our Security Club, the two communities of Deutschburg and Carancahua alternate each term with offering a nominee from our areas to serve on the Palacios Independent School Board. B. J. Wesselman from the Carancahua Community was unanimously chosen to be our entry for Position 1 on the School Trustee Election.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka and Mrs. M. Dillard served refreshments.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 1st in the Carancahua Community Center.

Palacios Beacon, February 6, 1964

Annual Seafood Supper At Deutschburg To Aid March of Dimes

The Annual Seafood Supper for the March of Dimes will be held Saturday, February 15, at Deutschburg Community Center on Farm-Market Road 1862.

Serving will begin at 5:30 p. m. Adult plates are $1.25 and children’s 75 cents each.

A cake auction will also be held.

Palacios Beacon, February 6, 1964

M. O. D. Supper At Deutschburg Saturday

For good fellowship and and a good meal, and at the same time help a good cause, attend the Seafood Supper Saturday evening at the Deutschburg Community Center, Farm-to-Market Road 1862, for the benefit of the March of Dimes.

Serving will begin at 5:30 p. m. and adult plates will be $1.25 and children's 75 cents each.

A cake auction will also be held.

Palacios Beacon, February 13, 1964

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club held its regular monthly meeting January 29 with Mrs. Annie Gerhard as hostess. Ten members answered roll call by naming “My Favorite Dinner Menu.” Mrs. Joe Hurta gave a short reading “Middle Age” from this month’s Messenger. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Ruby Parrish will be our candidate for delegate to the District T. H. D. A.

Two visitors were welcomed to the meeting by President Cornett, they were a former member of our club Mrs. Mackie Manning and Mrs. D. H. Stewart.

The County Home Demonstration Agent, Miss Sybil Guthrie, gave a short parliamentary drill and discussed the importance of conducting a meeting orderly.

For her demonstration on Quick Meals, bulletins on quick meals, good meals, conserving nutritive values in foods, family meals at low cost, food and weight, food guide for older people were given to all present. These were discussed, then the meeting adjourned.

Refreshments were served by the hostess. Our axiom at this time: “Genuine Homemaking is a business, a science and an art. It is the greatest of all professions.”—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 13, 1964

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday, February 19 in the home of Mrs. M. W. Dillard, vice-president. Mrs. O. R. Kubecka called the meeting to order. Six members answered roll call, each naming “A bargain I didn’t get.”

Mrs. Annie Gerhard gave the council report. County council recommendations for special study were discussed. The Health and Safety program was then selected for our special study subject.

It was voted that we have a game party for our senior citizens to observe National Home Demonstration Week.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka gave the demonstration on “Management of Time and Money for Special Events.”

The meeting adjourned. Games were played and refreshments were served by the hostess. We meet again March 3.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 27, 1964

Deutschburg Seafood Supper Nets $616.48 For March of Dimes

The Deutschburg Seafood Supper and Cake Auction netted $616.48, which was divided evenly between Jackson and Matagorda Counties.

We’d like to thank everyone who helped or donated to make it a success. Special thanks go to Lewis Grocery, Hamlin’s Grocery, Partain’s Food Market, Butterkrust, Holsum and Rainbo Bread Companies, C-Level Flying Service, Mr. Stallard, Mr. Rockenbaugh, and Verlin Murphy our auctioneer.

Palacios Beacon, February 27, 1964

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club Meets With Co. Agent

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met March 3 with Mrs. Howard Tanner as hostess. Nine members were present.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka called the meeting to order, then Mrs. Tanner read an article from Readers Digest. Each member answered roll call by telling “How I Plan My Clothing Budget.” Mrs. H. W. Dillard reported that $616.48 was cleared on the March-Of-Dimes Supper and Dave Whitlow of Edna won the cake. Money was taken for the council treasury.

Miss Sybil Guthrie, county agent, gave a demonstration on “When We Buy Our Clothing” then the meeting adjourned. After games were played, refreshments were served by the hostess. Our next meeting will be April 1.

Our axiom to live by at this time: “You are never fully dressed until you put on a smile.”—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, March 12, 1964

Deutschburg H. D. Club Holds Meeting

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Bertha Koch. Twelve members, two visitors and Miss Guthrie were present. Each member answered roll call “Why I Vote.” Mrs. Joe Hurta read the Home Demonstration creed.

Mrs. Giles from Ganado gave the report of the District Meeting held in Bellville.

Miss Guthrie urged all to attend the picnic, sponsored by the county Home Demonstration Council honoring Home Demonstration Week, on May 7 at the Lutheran Hall in Ganado.

It was voted to invite Senior Citizens of Carancahua to attend a “42” party honoring senior citizens in our community. The party will be Wednesday afternoon, May 6, from 1:30 to 4 p. m. and is being given to celebrate Home Demonstration Week.

Miss Guthrie’s demonstration was a study of “A Healthy Personality.”

Games were played and refreshments served by the hostess.

The club will meet on May 13 in the home of Mrs. Lillie Mae Pearce.

Our thought for today: “The 4 B’s of good citizenship are: Bible, backbone, brains and balance.”—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 30, 1964

Old Citizens Honored By Deutschburg And Carancahua HD Clubs

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club sponsored a games party, honoring the senior citizens of Deutschburg and Carancahua communities, in commemoration of Home Demonstration Week. Progressive “42,” dominoes and scrabble were played. Numerous prizes were awarded to the oldest and youngest grandmothers, most grand-children, most great grandchildren and game winners.

Following refreshments of frozen fruit salad and cookies, coffee or tea, guests departed and “Why don’t we do this more often” was heard again and again.

Those attending  were Mesdames Eunice Shimek, Leta Frankson, Elsie Olson, Helen Frankson, Lillie Broussard, Mae Frankson, Sadie Greenawalt, Olga Volek, L. C. Donovan, Ida Wilson, Mary McCord, J. E. Tanner and a friend from El Campo, Anna Gerhard, Martha Kubecka, Louise Dillard, Vera Mae Poston, Lela Krueger, Estelle Tanner and Dora Mae Hurta.

Our sincere thanks to Mr. Poston for solving our water problems. Hats off to Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Estelle Tanner for the lovely Maypole centerpiece, King and Queen of May and gifts for guests.

Yes, Why don’t we do this more often?—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, May 21, 1964

Deutschburg Supper Due

EDNA--The Deutschburg community will hold its annual March of Dimes seafood supper Saturday at the community center on Farm Road 1862. Serving will begin at 11 a. m. and continue until 9 p. m. at $1.50 per plate.

Mrs. Paul Cooper, a MOD co-chairman for Jackson-Matagorda counties, said the menu will be a choice of shrimp, oysters or fish with rice salad, beans, hot rolls, pie, coffee or tea.

The Joe Evans family of Corpus Christi will entertain with music during the evening.

Victoria Advocate, January 29, 1969

Deutschburg Club Plans Annual Event

PALACIOS--The annual seafood supper is being planned for Saturday by the Deutschburg Community Club for the benefit of the March of Dimes and the Community Club's building fund.

The Deutschburg community is located on Farm Road 1862 near Palacios.

Serving will begin at 11 a. m., and continue throughout the day until 9 p. m., with tickets at $1.50 per plate.

The menu will include shrimp, oysters or fish with beans, rice salad, pickles, onions, hot rolls and coffee or tea, with dessert extra. Food will also be prepared to take out.

Cakes and pies will be on sale, and a cake auction will be held during the evening. Musical entertainment will also be featured.

Mrs. Paul Cooper and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka are co-chairmen for the March of Dimes in Jackson and Matagorda Counties.

Victoria Advocate, February 5, 1970

Deutschburg Community Sets Supper

PALACIOS--The Deutschburg Community Club will hold its annual benefit seafood supper Saturday at the community center on Farm Road 1862.

Proceeds from the annual event go to the March of Dimes and the community center building fund.

Serving will begin at 11 a. m. and continue until 8 p.m. and tickets are priced at $1.50 each.

There will be a choice of shrimp, oysters or fish, served with beans, rice salad, hot rolls, coffee or tea and dessert will be extra.

There will also be a "to go" window for persons who wish to order and take their meal with them.

There will be a cake auction in the evening and a Shetland pony will be given away at a drawing that evening.

Victoria Advocate, February 4, 1971

Deutschburg Sets Annual MOD Benefit

PALACIOS--The annual seafood supper for the benefit of the March of Dimes will be held Feb. 5 in the Deutschburg community, located on Farm Road 1862 near Palacios.

The Deutschburg Community Club sponsors the event. Serving will begin at 11 a. m. and continue until 9 p. m. or later, with tickets at $2 per plate.

A choice will be available of shrimp, oysters or fish, served with beans, rice salad, pickles, onions, hot rolls, coffee or tea and dessert extra. Food also will be available to be taken out.

A cake auction will be held through the day and in the evening there will be a drawing on the special March of Dimes cake. Entertainment is planned during the noon hour.

Victoria Advocate, January 26, 1972

Deutschburg Supper Set

PALACIOS--The Deutschburg Community Club will sponsor its annual seafood supper Feb. 3 at the community center on Farm Road 1862.

The event will benefit the March of Dimes for Jackson and Matagorda Counties and the community club's building fund.

Serving will begin at 11 a. m. through 9 p. m Tickets will be choice of shrimp, oysters or fish served with beans, rice salad, pickles, onions, hot rolls, coffee or tea, with dessert extra. Food to go will be available.

A cake auction will be held throughout the day. Late in the evening there will be a drawing for a special March of Dimes cake.

Victoria Advocate, January 25, 1973

Seafood Supper Planned

DEUTSCHBURG--The annual Deutschburg Seafood Lunch and Supper will be Jan. 31 from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. or later at the Community Center located on Farm Road 1862.

Tickets will be $3 per person.

There will be a choice of shrimp, oysters or fish served with beans, rice, salad, pickles, onions, hot rolls, coffee or tea, with desserts extra. There will be food to go.

A cake auction will be held throughout the day.

The annual event will benefit different charities in Jackson and Matagorda Counties.

Victoria Advocate, January 21, 1976


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