Deutschburg Newspaper Columns


Mrs. Sadie Hill and Miss Ruth Woodrone spent the holidays in San Antonio and Yoakum.

Misses Emma Gerhardt and Ida Mae Wilson of the Lutheran College at Seguin spent the holidays with homefolk.

P. J. Gerhard and Misses Martha Gerhard and Louise Schmidt and C. Polifka, visited in Houston during the holidays.

Henry Johs left on New Year’s Day for San Antonio to enlist in the Army.

We are glad to learn that Miss Louise Hurta has returned home from the hospital in El Campo where she had undergone an operation for appendicitis.

Joe Polifka, of California, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Polifka during the Christmas holidays.

A party was given at the home of E. Johs in honor of his son, Henry, who was leaving for San Antonio.

Miss Martha Gerhard visited friends in Wallis the past week.

Palacios Beacon, January 11, 1940

Raymond T. Hester, aged 80 years, a relative of the Neuszer and Rampmeier families of Deutschburg died at the Neuszer home Tuesday night. Remains were shipped north for burial by the Brandon-Duffy Funeral Home.

Palacios Beacon, February 22, 1940


Monday night Mrs. Hill entertained the community with a May Fete as her commencement program. Everything was beautifully decorated with bouquets of flowers. Supt. I. T. Taylor gave an interesting talk to a very large crowd. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served.

Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johs, Alice Johs, Virginia Anders, Wilford and Hazel Wilson, and Leonard Schulke went to Matagorda and the Gulf and enjoyed a delightful swim.

Mr. C. H. Wilson and daughter, Hazel, made a business and pleasure trip to Seguin and Austin last Monday. They returned home Thursday evening.

Mrs. Hill gave a farewell party honoring Miss Martha Gerhard on Wednesday evening. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served to a number of friends.

Misses Ida Mae Wilson and Emma Gerhard returned home from Seguin where they have been attending Texas Lutheran College the past year.

Mr. C. D. Henderson has been visiting friends in Deutschburg the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs made a business trip to Port Lavaca and Edna last Saturday.

Miss Ida Mae Wilson visited Mary Eleanor Louderback Sunday morning before Mary Eleanor left for Alpine.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johs went to Port Lavaca Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roda and family from Boling visited in the Gerhard home Sunday.

We are glad to state that Mrs. John Neuszer is improving.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. B. Gillispie is in the Bay City hospital due to a fall. We are wishing for her a speedy recovery.

Miss Alice Johs made a pleasure trip to Bay City last week.

Misses Hazel and Ida Mae Wilson visited Miss Alice Johs Sunday evening.

Palacios Beacon, June 6, 1940


Mrs. Sallie Hill and sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, went to the Tom-Tom at Yoakum last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johs and family from Houston spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs.

A group of young people from this community enjoyed a few hours of skating at Port Lavaca one night last week.

The Gerhards, Schmidts, and Johs had a picnic and swimming party at Port Alto Tuesday evening.

Mr. Herman Gerhard from Chicago is visiting in the Gerhard home.

Miss Hazel Wilson made a business trip to Bay City last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott visited in the Wilson home last Sunday evening.

A group of young people from Deutschburg and Carancahua had a wiener roast at Wells Point last Wednesday evening.

Messrs. Kopnisky [Kopnicky] and Wilson made a business trip to Edna last Tuesday.

Misses Alice Johs and Hazel and Ida Mae Wilson made a business and pleasure trip to Palacios Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johs visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramsey Monday evening.

Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1940

John Kopnicky

Mr. John Kopnicky, age 72 years and 1 day, passed away at the family residence in Deutschburg Sunday morning after an illness of some time. Mr. Kopnicky is survived by his wife, Mrs. Pauline Kopnicky of Deutschburg, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Lou Vadakin and Mrs. Rose Phillips of Cleveland, Ohio, four sons, Mr. John and Mike Kopnicky of Cleveland, Ohio, and Stanley and Louis Kopnicky of Deutschburg, and one sister, Mrs. Anna Semeraski of Strawn, Texas. Funeral services were held from the family residence at Deutschburg Monday at 2 p. m. with Rev. Hanocek of the Blessing Catholic Church officiating. Burial was in the Deutschburg Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were in charge of the Palacios Funeral Home.

Palacios Beacon, June 27, 1940

Jackson County Rural School News
By I. T. Taylor
County Superintendent, Jackson County

Buy Defense Stamps

I have not received very much information on the sales of Defense Stamps to the school pupils through the teachers. I have one report on the little Deutschburg school which has about 27 or 28 students enrolled. Every child has bought Defense Stamps and started a book of them. This is the first school reported 100% in buying Defense Stamps and they bought these stamps before we got into the war. That speaks in the strongest language of their patriotism.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 18, 1941

Deutschburg Community Dedicates Scroll of Thirty-Three Servicemen

Sunday, May 6, the Deutschburg School community dedicated a scroll bearing thirty-three names of former students and residents who have been and are now serving with the armed forces of the United States of America.

The many beautiful flowers artistically arranged on the stage with a large flag for the background was an appropriate setting for the beautiful scroll, which was placed on a stand in the center.

When all assembled at three o’clock, Mr. Louis Kopnicky, secretary of the school board, in a few well chosen words extended a greeting and called for the invocation by Rev. Robert M. McGehee, D. D., of the First Presbyterian Church of Palacios.

Dr. I. T. Taylor, superintendent of Jackson County, was introduced and acted as master of ceremonies.

Two songs, “Prayer Perfect,” and “A Song of Peace” were rendered most beautifully by Misses Gladys Trull, Virginia White, Jackie Huddleston, Patsy and Bobby Jean Richards, accompanied by Mrs. Arnold Burton of Palacios.

Rev. Hubert L. Bauman of St. Peter’s Catholic Church of Blessing delivered a most eloquent and touching address, emphasizing the great sacrifices made by those honored and the debt we owe them, as well as assistance we may render them by living in peace and harmony with our fellowman and following the commands of our Divine Master. On portraying life and rewards for service he used the beautiful words of the poet:

“They say that life’s a highway
That its milestones are the years
That now and then there’s a toll gate
Where one buys his way with tears.
It’s a long road and a hard road,
It stretches near and far;
And at last it leads to a golden town
Where golden houses are.”

Rev. McGehee gave an inspiring and comforting prayer pleading for the safety of those in service and submissiveness to the Divine Commands of those at home.

Superintendent Taylor then read names and service sketch and said in part:

“It is my privilege and honor to call the roll of those honored by this community. These young men and women are giving their services in order that Democracy, Christianity, and Civilization may not perish from the earth. They are fighting two of the greatest demons the world has ever known: Facism and Nazism, which have engulfed the whole world into a great battlefield and applied the scorched earth policy to Europe and Asia and left the greatest crime wave of the human race that the world has ever known. These boys and girls are rendering service to their country in the darkest hours since the days of Valley Forge.

Great tributes will be paid them down through the ages. Their children’s children will call them International Heroes and a blessing to all mankind. They are fighting in the greatest of all wars.

It is my hope and prayer that at the last roll call, after Germany and Japan are beaten to their knees each of these now living will answer ‘Present.’

Major Landan Gist of Camp Hulen gave the dedication address. It was most interesting and timely. He reviewed the gradual rise of power of the leader who caused the awful conflict and the danger in which we can so easily become engulfed almost before it is realized unless we are ever watchful of our duty to home and country. Just as the dedication words were said, little Miss Norma Jeanette Rampmeier removed the veil.

Rev. H. E. Bauman gave the benediction.

After a short time spent in greetings all passed into the library room where delicious California punch, cake and dainty sandwiches were served. The table was laid in lace with centerpiece of Easter Lilies and Queen Ann’s Lace. Corsages of sweet peas were presented to wives, mothers and sisters of the honorees.

A most unusual event occurred. Just as Sgt. Walter Schneider’s name was called and he reported in Italy, he walked in and really gave a surprise to parents and friends. He made a short talk, but so overjoyed at getting home and facing a crowd so unexpectedly, he did not tell much of his experiences. He had made fifteen missions as a tail gunner and was fortunate to get a surprise furlough. He was heartily welcomed.

Following is a list of honorees:

The three who have made the supreme sacrifice are:

Petty Officer Frederich Schmidt, killed March 17, 1943, when his ship was torpedoed in the Caribbean sea.

Pvt. James B. Dillard, killed in South Pacific in January, 1945.

Second Lt. Garland Akers, killed in Belgium, Dec. 1944. His wife, formerly Miss Emma Gerhard, and daughter, Elizabeth Ann, are here with her parents.

Others in the service are:

2nd Lt. Frank Johs in England.
1st Lt. Albert Johs in India.
T/Sgt. Henry Johs in England.
Chief Engineer Tony Johs has seen service in Africa, Sicily and France where he was wounded.
Col. Karl L. Polifka in Okinawa.
Maj. Frank Polifka in Philippines.
Capt. Joseph G. Polifka has been in four battles, now at Saipan.
Sgt. Walter Schneider just arrived from Italy.
Cpl. Melvin Schneider in Germany.
Pfc. Weldon Schneider in Germany.
Sgt. Charles Hurta in Egypt.
1st. Lt. Herman Gerhard in Germany.
Petty Officer C. D. Henderson was on both the Oklahoma and Cruiser Houston when they were sunk. He is now in California.
Capt. Joe Fritz.
Sgt. Tillie Kunover.
Pvt. Selma Schmidt in West Va.
Sgt. George Meinke wounded at San Lo now at home.
S2/c Chas. Wilson in Pacific.
Pvt. Wilford Wilson.
Sgt. Lonnie C. Cunningham in Belgium.
Pfc. Alfred S. Seigfield, in service at Anzio and now in France.
Pvt. Hubert Stark.
Pvt. M. F. Greenwalt.
Cpl. Andrew J. Kopnicky.
Pvt. Edward Kopnicky in Alaska.
Capt. Morgan Pierce.
Pvt. William Spies.
Cadet Ensign Hardy E. Ross.
T/Sgt. J. B. Littleton.
Pvt. Paul J. Schmidt.

Sincere thanks are extended to all who in any way contributed to the success of the program. Each seemed to deem it a pleasure and a great privilege to assist in this gesture. We gladly welcomed a large number of visitors from outside the community.—Contributed.

Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1945

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met our new agent, Miss Sybil Guthrie, at the school house on January 24, with Mrs. Stanley Kopnicky as hostess. There were eleven members present. Two new members, Mrs. Howard Cook and Mrs. Sallie Hill have joined, and Mrs. John Rampmeier has re-joined our club.

New year books were distributed and partly filled out.

Miss Guthrie discussed the color, lines and design for each type of figure.

Mrs. Paul Gerhard resigned as Council delegate, and Mrs. Joe Johs was elected to serve in her place.

Our next meeting will be in the school house on January 31, with Mrs. Howard Cook as hostess.

Delicious refreshments of cake, cookies, coffee and cocoa were served. The meeting then adjourned.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 31, 1946

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. E. Johs on March 7th, at 2:00 P. M.

Twelve members, three visitors and Miss Guthrie were present. We are happy to welcome Mrs. Sandlin into our club as a new member.

The president appointed the chairmen of the Club Committees which are:

Finance: Mrs. Joe Johs
Program: Mrs. Howard Cooke
Exhibit: Mrs. E. Johs
Education: Mrs. M. W. Dillard
Marketing: Mrs. O. R. Kubecka

She also appointed Mrs. O. R. Kubecka as club reporter.

Approximate orders for pineapple were taken.

Miss Guthrie gave a very interesting discussion and demonstration on ventilating the kitchen and lighting the home. She showed us how light was measured.

The hostess served coffee, doughnuts, and cookies, and the meeting adjourned to meet on April 4th at the school house with Mrs. Sandlin as hostess. --Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 14, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mrs. Jennie Parrish of Dallas has arrived for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. John Rampmeier.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powers and son, Darrell, of Francitas Gas camp, drove to Shepherd Friday to visit Mrs. Powers' parents and brother. Mrs. Powers' brother, Jack Hafer, and her brother-in-law, Marcus Oliver, returned with them for a brief visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman E. Green attended a party given employees of the Skelly Oil Company at Bay City USO last Thursday.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson and sons, Wilford and Charles, spent part of the week in Houston and Channel View. Charles underwent a nose operation in Houston, from which he is recovering, and Mrs. Wilson and Wilford visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. "Dub" Boeker at Channel View.

Mrs. Charles Thatcher has returned home from an enjoyable visit in California.

Mr. and Mrs. John Looker and daughter, Frances Dawn, of Beeville, were guests of Mr. Looker's uncle, Mr. Albert A. Siegfried, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Simpson of Palacios returned with them from a visit with her mother.

Mr. A. G. Tinz of Los Angeles, while here on business, visited the Charles Polifkas.

Miss Mary Kunover came down from Houston last week end for a visit with her mother, Mrs. E. H. Sandlin.

Deutschburg district is sponsoring a comic style show and food sale Friday evening, March 29, at Deutschburg School, beginning at 8:00 o'clock. The show is for the benefit of the Red Cross and proceeds will be derived from sale of pie, coffee, cake walks, etc. The feminine sex of all ages from infancy up, is invited to participate. One of the prizes is a pair of nylon hose for the most unusual creation. Unique hat styles will be an important part of the consideration for winner. Male judges from outside the community have been obtained to assure that no undue influence will be brought to bear. Mrs. John Rampmeier is chairman of the community drive, and in charge of arrangements for the show. The public is cordially invited.

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club will meet Thursday afternoon April 4, in the school library. Mrs. E. H. Sandlin is program leader and hostess. Her subject will be "New Aids in Food Preparation."

Lt. and Mrs. Lonnie C. Cunningham are home after a visit with relatives in Harlingen and a jaunt into Mexico. With Mrs. Cunningham's mother, Mrs. V. W. Roberts, they plan a trip to San Antonio and Brownwood next week. During his assignment in Germany, Lt. Cunningham attended the Nuremberg trial of top war criminals and gave his friends interesting accounts of the ingenious methods used to bring all translations of the trials simultaneously to spectators.

Palacios Beacon, March 28, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Styles exhibited at Deutschburg's fashion show Friday evening indicate a startling trend in every direction. Mrs. Sallie Hill, who posed as Miss Calorie Vitamin, gave a nice demonstration of what the vegetable garden will be wearing this spring. Clad in colors only nature would dare to don, Miss Vitamin's costume was overlaid with strands of garden produce in a manner that was overpowering at close range, due to her selection of chartreuse onions for a corsage. Miss Judy Canova (Juanita Siegfried) was swept to the stage in a round of applause. Her attire, designed for the Arkansas country girl, was pointed up by a pig-tail coiffure and the earliest form of footwear. The three demure ladies of the nineties were out-dazzled by Mae West (Mrs. S. M. Danner) who took the prize in a lavender lace garden party dress with large-brimmed hat which won the approval of the male audience (some of whom were judges). Little Miss Norman Rampmeier came as the youthful Shirley Temple, and got a big hand. Miss Mathilda Kunover, formerly of the WACs and now a teacher in Bay City schools, was interpreter of the fashions presented. Louis and Stanley Kopnicky furnished appropriate music for the parade.

Proceeds from a cake walk and a refreshment sale brought $22.00 for the Red Cross. Members of the arrangements committee were Mrs. John Rampmeier, chairman, and J. M. Hillyer, Mrs. Jennie Parrish, Mrs. Sallie Hill, Miss Ruth Woodrome.

Prize for the best-looking tie worn by the men (feminine judges) went to Chris Hansen with consolation favor to Lt. Lonnie Cunningham. The nylon hose won by Mrs. Danner were contributed by Mrs. Jennie Parrish. The men's first prize was contributed by Mrs. John Rampmeier. Mrs. Chris Hansen won two cakes in the cake walk.

Guests from Palacios were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gist, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harbison, the Paul Gerhards and Albert Schneiders.

Mrs. Lela N. Boles is established in the former Charles Polifka home. The Polifkas plans to leave this week for California.

Deutschburg school district will hold a school board election Saturday, April 6, at the school. Louis Kopnicky has filed for the vacancy which occurred when Albert Schneider moved out of the community Poll is open from 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M.

The Murel Dillards are occupying the property, in company with Mrs. H. Shutte, which house the popular Paul Gerhard family.

The J. H. Simpsons had as their guests this week Mr. Simpson's brother, C. L. and wife, from Beeville.

Members of the American Liberty-Francitas Gas Bridge luncheon club journeyed to Corpus Christi for their March meeting with a former member of the club, Mrs. Pat Purvis. Francitas Gas members who made the trip were Mesdames V. W. Roberts, S. M. Danner, Albert Siegfried, and Sherman E. Green.

The J. H. Simpsons have as their guests this week Mr. Simpson's brother, C. L. Simpson and family, from Beeville.

The Murel Dillards are established in their new home in company with Mrs. H. Shutte. This is the property formerly occupied by the Paul Gerhards, who have moved to Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, April 4, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Louis Kopnicky was elected school board trustee for this district in last Saturday's election. 28 votes were cast,  25 were given Mr. Kopnicky and four were given Murel Dillard by write-in.

Deutschburg Home Deutschburg Club met last Thursday at the schoolhouse. Mrs. Oswald Kubecka presided, in the absence of the president. Mrs. Joe Hurta. A program was given on New Aids in Food Preparation. Mrs. E. H. Sandlin, as hostess, served a colorful plate.  Plans were made for a table display of fresh and canned vegetables and fruits, and flowers at Palacios Garden Club's flower show May 4.

Mrs. Marvin Powers entertained with a tea for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack Hafer, who arrived with her baby daughter, Linda, recently from Auckland, New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Hafer are living in Shepherd at present.

Marcus Oliver of Baytown spent several weeks with the Marvin Powers this week.

E. A. Whitley of Palacios is the new bookkeeper at Francitas Gas Company.

The D. D. Paris family returned from Church Sunday bringing with them Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie, of Palacios, and found company awaiting them. Mr. Paris' brother, Otto Paris, came from Alvin, accompanied by his wife and daughter Miss Betty Ruth, who is attending college at Denton. Also in the party was Mrs. Lee East of Coolidge.

Mrs. L. C. McMichiel and daughter Peggy Lynn returned from an extended trip to Ohio and West Virginia, and were accompanied by Mrs. McMichiel's brothers, J. B. Wright and family, who spent the past week with the McMichiels before going on to Corpus Christi. Mrs. McMichiel will spend some time in Corpus Christi this week.

Palacios Beacon, April 11, 1946

Deutschburg Items.

Quite a few children of our community are ill with measles. We wish for them a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polifka left last week for Watsonville, California, to make their home. We regret losing these fine people, but wish them well in their new home. Mrs. Boles of the Valley has purchased the Polifka farm, and to her we extend a most cordial welcome.

Mrs. Bud Stewart of the Turtle Bay community visited Mrs. O. R. Kubecka Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Johs and daughter of Houston spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs.

Captain Albert Johs, who has been serving his country in the China-India area for the past two and a half years, has been spending a well deserved furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, and other relatives.

Mrs. Paul Gerhard of Palacios and Mrs. Emma K. Akers of Austin spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Murel Dillard and Mrs. Henry Schutte.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pam [Paul?] Gerhard in Palacios Friday.

Mrs. O. K. Kubecka and baby were business visitors in El Campo Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. "Kid" Miller called in the O. K. Kubecka home Sunday evening.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 11, 1946

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club Meets.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met in the school library on Thursday afternoon, April 4, with Mrs. O. R Kubecka as leader, and Mrs. E H. Sandlin as hostess. Ten members and two visitors were present. The afternoon was spent discussing household hints, food preparation aids, and recipes.

An invitation from the Palacios Garden Club to display a table of flowers and vegetables was accepted, and Mrs. Hill was asked to arrange the table.

The Club women, together with the school, will sponsor an egg hunt on Tuesday afternoon, April 16.

The meeting adjourned after which refreshments of deviled eggs, crackers, cookies and coffee were served by the hostess.--Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, April 11, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

With three lovely little girls to their credit, Stanley and Jean Kopnicky are now the proud parents of a son, Stanley Frederick. Pop says he held out for the name Padere_ski, but was out-voted.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Green will be happy to learn that four-year-old Pamela, who was badly lacerated by an angry Chow, appears to be recovering nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Looker of Beeville were guests of the Albert Siegfrieds last week-end. On Saturday evening, their twenty-seventh wedding anniversary was celebrated by a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Danner.

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the schoolhouse Tuesday afternoon for a program on "Finishes for Kitchen Walls, Woodwork and Floors" by Miss Sybil Guthrie, Jackson County Home Demonstration Agent. Mrs. Joe Hurta acted as hostess, and the children were entertained by an Easter egg hunt by Mrs. Sallie Hill and her sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome.

Deutschburg School children and their parents attended the Jackson County Council of P. T. A. meeting last Friday night. Wallis Green, Johnny Cooke and Stanley Kopnicky, Jr., participated in a musical number. Refreshments preceded a musical program to which each local P. T. A. contributed. Mrs. Sallie Hill is president of the Jackson County Council.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Simpson, formerly of Beeville, have moved to Palacios, accompanied by young Charles, who has already entered Palacios High School. They are staying with Mr. Simpson's brother, J. H. Simpson, of Francitas Gas Camp, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalas and son, Joseph John, accompanied by Mr. Kalas' mother, Mrs. F. Kalas, attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Joe Kalas' grandparents at Caldwell last Sunday.

A hearty welcome was extended Mr. and Mrs. Ed T. Cox, of Waco, their daughter, Betty, now Mrs. Henry Marino, and her husband, last week-end. The Coxes were a very popular couple when they lived at the Francitas Gas Camp, and Betty attended Palacios High School. The Marinos are on their way to Boston to visit Henry's relatives, before returning to settle in Texas. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Paris.

Palacios Beacon, April 18, 1946

Red Cross Donors.

The list of donors to the Red Cross is furnished the Herald by Drive Chairman I. T. Taylor.


Solicitor--Mrs. John Rampmeier, Sr.

Raised by giving social - $24.62

Edna Weekly Herald, April 18, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. George Kirkwood, San Antonio, president of Francitas Gas Company, spent several days at the plant last week, supervising work-over of one of the company's wells.

Families of the Francitas Gas-American Liberty Bridge Club, together with a number of other guests, had a taste of real Southern hospitality Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. B Pierce, Blessing. The occasion began with barbecue, prepared in a pit on the spacious grounds of the Pierce home, and laid on tables heavy with delicacies on the large veranda. Games and music were enjoyed by children and adults throughout the afternoon, and another lunch was served in the evening. Families from Deutschburg district were those of Albert Siegfried, Sherman Green, S. M. Danner and Howard A. Cooke.

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club will meet Thursday, May 16, 2 p. m. at the school house. A program on Labor Saving ideas will be presented by Mrs. Joe Johs, who will also act as hostess for the social interval  at the end of the meeting.

J. H. Simpson is leading a double life these days, as he shuttles from the plant to Palacios, where he has bought the Texaco Service Station formerly owned by his son, Charles.

Shelling of roads in the Deutschburg district has been completed, according to Stanley Kopnicky, who checked deliveries and directed placement of the shell. Residents of this area are now assured an all-weather road to the Carancahua intersection.

Wynn-Crosby have a rig up on the Skelly-Bowen No. 1, Francitas oil field, near the Francitas Gas Plant.

Jo Ann Fox of Palacios was entertained at the Phillip Mannig bayshore place last week with a birthday party, in which a number of folks from the camp participated.

Members of the family of Mrs. Stanley Kopnicky gathered at the Kopnicky home Sunday for dinner to celebrate the return to civilian life of Mrs. Kopnicky's brother, Albert Watzlavik, who spent 27 months with the Navy in Hawaii.

Palacios Beacon, May 9, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the schoolhouse Thursday afternoon with 14 members and one visitor. Roll call brought forth suggestions for program topics next year which included meat cutting, home nursing and first aid, parliamentary procedure, flower arrangements, book reviews, dress form construction.  Business was handled by Mrs. Joe Hurta, chairman, and Mrs. Joe Johs gave a report of the last council meeting. A discussion of _____ detection and control was had. Mrs. Johs also acted as hostess for the social which closed the meeting. The refreshment board was colorfully decorated with a miniature maypole surrounded by dancing figures, and May baskets filled with wild flowers, which had been prepared by the school pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Sallie Hill.

Elizabeth and Joyce McMichiel of the camp entertained Friday night with a school-end wiener roast at one of the flares near the camp. Guests other than camp children were Palacios and Deutschburg schoolmates.

Miss Selma Schmidt is taking life easy as one can during canning season at the home of her father after a long spell with the WACS.

Deutschburg School children are really enjoying school these days, with a rig set up to drill a new water well on the grounds.

The Phillip Mannings, Sherman Greens and S. M. Danners were guests at a "42" party given by the Nathan Dahlstroms of the Ben Pierce ranch near LaWard Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Dana D. Paris and Dana Kay were dinner guests of the Charles Johnsons Sunday, along with a group of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton of Seguin spent Monday night with the Sherman E. Greens.

Mrs. F. Kalas has been in Wharton this past week with the family of her son, whose wife underwent an operation.

Mrs. John Neuszer and son Willie, Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier and children, Kenneth, Norma and William Alvin, attended baccalaureate services at Blessing High School Sunday. Their granddaughter and niece, Miss Margie Neuszer is a member of this year's graduating class.

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1946

Deutschburg News.

Mrs. Hill is busy preparing her end-of-school program which will be on Friday evening, May 31st. A Tom Thumb wedding if going to be put on by all the small children of the community.

Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Kubecka and family of Cordele, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family and Gerald Viets of Palacios, and Mr. and Mrs. Murel Dillard and family, Mrs. Henry Schutte, and Mr. Frank Stewart gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. R Kubecka to help Mr. Kubecka celebrate his birthday.

Mrs. Joe Hurta and Mrs. Joe Johs were guests of Mrs. J. W. Littleton in Garwood last Tuesday.

A number from this community attended the graduation exercises in Palacios Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas visited in the Gerhard home in Palacios last Sunday.

Mrs. E. Johs and Mrs. Paul Gerhard spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Henry Schutte.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. O. R Kubecka.

People in our community are wishing for some dry weather.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 30 1946

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club Meeting.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the school house on May 16th, with Mrs. Joe Johs as hostess. Eleven members and three visitors were present. Three new members were added to our Club.

Mrs. Joe Johs gave a report of the Council meeting, and Mrs. Hurta reported that our club had donated $2.50 to UNRRA. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Hill, as chairman, and her helpers, Mrs. John Rampmeier and Bertha Gerhard, for the fine exhibit they arranged for our club and community at the Flower Show in Palacios.

Mrs. Joe Hurta read parts of a biography of Mrs. Maggie W. Barry, who has played such an important role in organizing Home Demonstration Clubs over Texas.

Yearbook suggestions for 1947 were given to Mrs. Howard Cooke, program chairman. Pamphlets of recipes and on laundering were distributed. Mrs. Cooke gave the highlights of a speech on cancer that was given at the Matagorda County Federated Clubs meeting.

Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, and the meeting adjourned to meet on June 6th, when Miss Guthrie will direct a Food Spoilage Clinic.--Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 30, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Deutschburg patrons and friends were entertained by a delightful Tom Thumb wedding Friday evening at closing school exercises. The tiny bride, resplendent in white satin and pearls, carried a bouquet of cape jasmine. Bridesmaids in pastel shades and male attendants in white completed a colorful picture.

In addition to entertainment furnished by students and preschool children, a musical reading was presented by Mrs. S. M. Danner, a duet by Misses Jo Ann Fox and Myra Danner accompanied by Mrs. Muriel Fox, and a character sketch by Mrs. Alfred Siegfried.

Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier attended a shower at Blessing Community House Thursday afternoon complimenting her niece, formerly Miss Margie Neuszer. Miss Neuszer was married the previous Sunday to Robert Ackerman of near Blessing.

Mr. J. H. Simpson of the Camp has resigned to give full time to the Texas Service Station in Palacios which he recently purchased. He has purchased a home in Palacios and will locate there in the near future with his family.

Succeeding Mr. Simpson at the plant will be Frank Pearce, of Francitas, who, with his wife, will soon become a new resident of the camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Boeker and small daughter of Channelview were guests of Mrs. Boeker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson this week-end.

Mrs. Frank Looker of Beeville spent the holidays with her brother, Albert Siegfried.

Condition of "Dub" Wallis of Port Lavaca, driller for Wynn-Crosby, who was injured on location near the camp last week, is improved, and he expects to be back at work within a week. The rig elevator fell and the bales came off, striking Wallis a paralyzing blow. He was taken by a Bay City ambulance to Victoria Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson have their daughter, Mrs. Allen Rogers and family with them this week. Over the holidays they were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pennington and family of Beeville.

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie C. Cunningham have gone to Kingsville, where Mr. Cunningham will attend school.

Mr. Marcus Oliver of Baytown is visiting the Marvin Powerses.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooke and son John were in Freeport Sunday visiting Mrs. Cooke's brother and family.

Palacios Beacon, June 6, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powers have as their guest Mrs. Powers' mother Mrs. John Hafer, of Shepherd. Mrs. Hafer will accompany them on a trip to Mexico this week.

The Johs family last week celebrated the return of Captain Albert Johs from two years service with the army in India. Captain Johs was accompanied by his wife on terminal leave, but was recalled to service unexpectedly and has returned to Maryland.

Miss Bertha Gerhard was complimented by a bridal shower Thursday afternoon when the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the schoolhouse. The Tom Thumb wedding which was a feature of the school closing program was reenacted for Miss Gerhard for the tots of the neighborhood. The refreshment table was laid with a lace cloth on which rested a crystal and lavender centerpiece. White candles in crystal holders heightened the beauty of the three-tiered white cake, complete with bridal couple, and the large crystal punchbowl. Corsages were presented Miss Gerhard and Miss Sybil Guthrie of Edna, who conducted a program on Food Spoilage ahead of the shower. Punch and cookies were served on a table on the lawn to the children who spent the afternoon on the new gym set purchased by the school. Thirty-eight were present. Miss Gerhard will become the bride of Frank Stewart June 20.

Miss Louise Hurta returned last week from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Fisher Kansas, in New Orleans. Mrs. Kansas accompanied Miss Hurta home for a brief stay. Charles Hurta has gone to Alvin for the rice season.

The Skelly-Bowen No. 1 on the Bowen lease near Francitas Gas Plant was completed at 7398 1/2 feet for a 65-barrel per day allowable.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King and children, Patsy and Mickey, spent Saturday in Houston, wading through the zoo between downpours, and visiting with Mrs. King's sister, Miss Joy Byrd, during the evening.

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club will sponsor a box supper Saturday evening, June 15, at the schoolhouse, as a fund-raising venture to augment the club's treasury. Boxes will be auctioned and participants are urged to make them as decorative as possible. Members of large families should divide food for two or more boxes, to make them more salable. It is hoped to begin auctioning at 7:30.

Mrs. George Kirkwood and Buddy and Jane of San Antonio came down for several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Roberts of the Camp last week. They were joined on Sunday by Mr. Kirkwood, president of Francitas Gas company, who spent the day here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalas and Mrs. F. Kalas visited Mrs. Kalas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hlavaty of El Maton Sunday, bringing Johnny Hlavaty back with them for a brief stay.

The J. H. Simpsons have moved to Palacios, where they have purchased a home. We wish them luck in their new business venture, the Texas Company service station.

Palacios Beacon, June 13, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Lively bidding by Joe Tanner, E. H. Sandlin, Oswald Kubecka and little "Butch" Hurta helped bring in over $20 at the Deutschburg Home Demonstration box supper Saturday night at the schoolhouse. Paul Gerhard proved his ability for extracting money from reluctant customers by his silver-tongued auctioneering. The boxes were masterpieces of design. Sandwiches, pie and iced tea were offered for extra robust appetites.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs have entertained a succession of visitors during the past week. Mrs. Johs' sister, and family, the G. R. Tubbses of San Antonio, and another sister and family, the R. L. Newsoms of Port Arthur, and Keith Dillard of Nederland.

Miss Mary Kunover of Houston spent the week-end with her parents, the E. H. Sandlins. "Tilly" Kunover of Bay City is a frequent visitor of the Sandlins, and has had a capable hand in the remodeling of the Sandlin home.

Mrs. Oswald Kubecka and sisters, Mrs. Emma Achers and Miss Bertha Gerhard made a trip to San Antonio in the company of Frank Stewart one day last week for some pre-wedding shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siegfried spent the past week with brother Albert Siegfried, and were joined Sunday by Mr. Siegfried's sister and husband, the J. F. Lookers and their son John and family of Beeville.

A small group enjoyed a fish fry at the Carancahua Bay place of the Phillip Mannings one evening, culminating in a couple of hours of grand homemade music by Phillip Manning, Louis Kopnicky, with Mrs. Muriel Fox at the piano.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powers returned souvenir laden from Mexico, and Mr. Powers made another trip to Shepherd to take their guest, Mrs. John Hafer, to her home in Shepherd. Mr. Hafer, Mrs. Powers' father, accompanied Mr. Powers for a short visit in camp.

Mrs. Sallie Hill and sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, were in Yoakum last week for the Tom Tom and returned just in time to receive a call to Houston by the family of Claude O. Fatheree, cousin of Mrs. Hill. Mr. Fatheree was fatally shot by a 16-year-old youth who had burglarized a cafe and was attempting to escape.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce of Francitas, are moving into camp this week to occupy the former Simpson home. Mr. Pearce is now a stillman at the plant.

A large crowd of relatives and friends gathered at the Palacios Funeral Home last Thursday morning at 10 o'clock for the funeral rites of Mrs. Beatrice Register. Rev. L. W. Crouch officiated with Rev. George F. Gillespie assisting. Active pall bearers were Messrs. _ S. Appleton, Dennis Clardy, John Bowden, Gordon Starr, L. L. Chiles, Calvin Sexton, Tom Slone and E. B. Foisy.

Beatrice Stulting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stulting was born November 15, 1899 and died in Houston, June 11, 1946.

She was married to Everette Register, September 21, 1935, who with her aged parents survive.

Much of her life was spent in Palacios and she had a large circle of friends with whom we join in extending sympathy to the bereaved.

Out of town people who were here for the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Kimbell, Mrs. Stewart Powers, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Boettcher, Mrs. Leslie Stulting, Mrs. Ray Collins, Mr. Bud Nelms, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Van Ostrand, Houston; Mrs. George Clark, Aransas Pass; Mrs. F. C. Reid, sister of J. C. Stulting, Tilman Reid, Gonzales; Mrs. Bill Waterman, Taylor; Mr. Harris Milner, Mr. P. P. Terry, Bay City.

Palacios Beacon, June 20, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Charles Wilson returned from Houston this week where he has been staying the past two weeks. He and Earl Engle, a Palacios boy who has been in the Armed Forces, went together and when Earl returned to his camp, Charles continued to stay with some friends.

Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Roberts took their daughter, Katheryn, and her husband, Lonnie C. Cunningham, who were on a brief visit from Kingsville last week end to Edna last Sunday afternoon to go with another young couple back to Kingsville where they now live.

Miss Bobbie Gene Green is leaving this week end for a short visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Caulfield of Rockdale, Texas, where she will spend two or three weeks of her summer vacation.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Will Thomas at her home last Tuesday, July 2.

More than thirty friends from Palacios and Deutschburg gathered at the bayshore home of the Phillip Mannings last Thursday evening for a mortgage-burning party celebrating the last payment on the Carancahua property from A. J. Turner of Palacios a year ago last April. Barbecued meat, flavored to perfection with the Manning's own sauce recipe, came off the pit despite a day spent in attempting to keep the rain out of the fire and the fire out of the rain. Skies cleared in time to present a dry lawn where the tables were set up to accommodate the rest of the menu.

The Howard A. Cookes are making a vacation swing through Oklahoma, visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McMichiel of the Francitas Gas Co. have recently purchased a shrimp boat on which they had their daughters, Elizabeth Ann, Joyce Marie, and Peggy plan to spend their vacation.

Palacios Beacon, July 4, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Miss Joy Byrd was a week-end visitor of the J. E. Kings. On Sunday, they drove to Matagorda in company with the Sherman Greens, for a day on the beach.

Mrs. Sallie Hill and sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, have spent the greater part of the past two weeks in San Antonio, where they were called by the serious illness of a sister.

Mrs. Marvin Powers is home after a week's visit with relatives at Houston, Shepherd and Goose Creek. Her son, Darrel Ray, who had been away for three weeks, returned with her.

Marcus Oliver of Baytown spent Monday with the Marvin Powerses.

Mrs. Tony Hurta and daughter of New Mexico have been guests of relatives in the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart have returned from a wedding trip to Carlsbad and the Davis Mountains and are staying with Mr. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Stewart, while finishing touches are put on their new home.

The Murel Dillards and Oswald Kubeckas entertained with a fried chicken supper at Port Alto honoring Mrs. E. P. Gerhard of St. Louis, who was a guest at the Gerhard-Stewart wedding and remained for a brief visit. Out-of-family participants were Gerard Viets and Douglas Gayle.

The Howard Cookes are home after two weeks in Oklahoma.

Miss Myra Danner and Freddy Burdick entertained with a swimming party at the turning basin Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Looker and daughter, Frances Dawn, of Beeville, visited the Albert Siegfrieds last week-end.

The S. M. Danners, Phillip Mannings and H. A. Cookes were among those entertained with a hamburger fry Tuesday evening at the home of the Guy Claybourns.

Palacios Beacon, July 11, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Condition of Mrs. Sallie Hill, who underwent an eye operation in Houston last week, is reported as satisfactory. Mrs. Hill was accompanied by her sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome.

Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Paris returned from a vacation trip to Waco, Dallas and Wortham bringing with them Mr. Paris' father, J. H. Paris, of Dallas. Last week they were visited by Mr. Paris' sister and family, the W. A. Griffins, of Dallas, who then proceeded to Alvin for a visit with Mr. Paris' brother.

The Howard A. Cookes gave a command performance party at which guests were called upon to provide the evening's entertainment. Memorable events were the soap-box pre-election speech of W. Jackson Milam, candidate for city custodian of canines, complete with campaign placards, cigars and promises, a suspense-packed drama by the Carroll Cairnes, two excellent readings by Mrs. S. M. Danner.

Mr. Marcus Oliver of Houston was a brief visitor of the Marvin Powerses.

Mrs. Frank Looker of Beeville spent the week-end with her brother, Albert Siegfried, and was accompanied home by Mrs. S. M. Danner for a short visit.

Palacios Beacon, August 1, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Friends of the E. Johs family extend their sincere sympathy in the loss of the Johs home which burned to the ground last Friday, taking all their possessions and those of a son, visiting them.

Overnight visitors of the C. H. Wilsons were H. Francine and sons, Erick and John, Carl Francine and Allen Clint of Kenedy.

Word from the Charles Polifkas is that they are now occupying a new stucco home near Watsonville, California, and recently enjoyed a family reunion, the first in 14 years. Karl flew over from his station in Alabama and daughter Helen and other two sons live in California now.

It's back to the grind for Joe Kalas, who spent part of his vacation by taking his family on a trip to Caldwell, Bryan and Granger, visiting relatives.

The Phillip Mannings are vacationing, having visited briefly in Houston and departed again, this time for Corpus Christi.

Mrs. Sherman Green and daughter and son Pamela and Wallis, recently accompanied Mrs. Green's brother, Russell Wallis, to Conroe for a stay with relatives, returning by way of Houston.

Miss Bobbie Jean Green is home after an extended visit with relatives and friends in Houston, Austin, Rockdale and Seguin.

Mrs. S. M. Danner is home after a visit in Beeville with Mrs. Frank Looker. Mr. Danner and daughter Anita Joyce drove to Beeville for Mrs. Danner and spent the night there.

Mrs. Frank Pearce had a short visit with her sister from Beaumont recently at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. G. Green, Vanderbilt.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hafer of Cedar Bayou spent the week-end with Mr. Hafer's sister, Mrs. Marvin Powers, and left son LeRoy, Jr., for a longer visit. The Marvin Powerses also are enjoying a visit with Mrs. Jack Hafer and daughter Linda, of Shepherd.

Mr. Frank Pearce's brother, Harold Ben, and wife of Corpus Christi, were week-end guests.

Palacios Beacon, August 8, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Stewart have as their guests Mr. Stewart's brother and family from Enid, Oklahoma.

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Cunningham came up from Kingsville where Mr. Cunningham is attending school, for the week-end with Mrs. Cunningham's parents.

The Phillip Mannings entertained at their bayshore place last week with a house party to which came Mr. Manning's brother and wife, the A. L. Bachelors, and his sister and husband, the John Dotys, of Damon and Mr. Manning's niece, Mrs. Mildred Viviel, and children of LaWard. The days were spent fishing and visiting.

Ab Siegfried set some kind of record for the camp with a catch of 90 trout and 2 redfish, and that was before he got his new pistol-grip steel rod with the built-in reel.

Mr. and Mrs. John Looker and daughter were over from Beeville to spend Sunday with the Albert Siegfrieds.

Mrs. Charles Wilson and sons, Wilford and Charles, Jr., drove to Houston and Galveston last week.

The Sherman Greens had a week-end jaunt to Seguin.

Palacios Beacon, August 15, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Highlight of activities in the community last week was the shower given Mrs. E. Johs, whose home recently was destroyed by fire. The party, was planned and refreshments prepared by Mrs. Joe Hurta, and many friends inside and outside the district came to the schoolhouse gifts calculated to make the Johs' future home more attractive. Arrangements for pre-cut lumber have been made in Houston, and work on the new home should begin within a week or two.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurta entertained a group from Dallas last week, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Salmons and son. They enjoyed a fish fry at Port Lavaca and suffered a back-bake during an afternoon of swimming.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Green have Mr. Green's father, E. A. Green, with them for some fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King entertained Mrs. King's brother, Ned Byrd, and friend, Bob Allaire, both of Hawkins, last week. The boys were on their way to Galveston and a tour of the southern states.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier and children, Kenneth, Norman and William Alvin, left for San Antonio and points west on a vacation whose length will be determined by the hot weather they encounter.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce spent the week-end with Mrs. Pearce's mother at Vanderbilt.

The Frank Stewarts are settled in their new home, with improvements being added daily.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milam and daughters, Dollie Ann and Berry Jo, were dinner guests of the S. M. Danners Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, August 22, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Looker and son John and family were guests of the Albert Siegfrieds over the week end.

Wilford Wilson drove to Austin for a visit with friends and to get his sister, Ida Mae, who has been in school there the past year.

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club will meet with Mrs. Lela Boles Thursday afternoon, September 5.

Marcus Oliver of Houston was an overnight visitor of the Marvin Powerses.

The Howard Cookes visited Mrs. Cooke's brother, H. H. Back, and family near Freeport and brought young Charles back with them for a week's stay.

Election at the schoolhouse with J. V. Brocker in charge, Saturday, brought out 24 votes.

Miss Ann Brandon spent a couple of days with Dana Kay Paris this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Manning of Bay City were guests for several days of Mr. Manning's brother, Phillip Manning.

Word comes that Mrs. Sallie Hill is staying with her sister at Humble, while convalescing from an eye operation at Houston several weeks ago. Mrs. Hill is still undergoing treatment.

Palacios Beacon, August 29, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King and children have gone to Winsborough, where they were called by the death of Mrs. King's grandmother.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siegfried headed for Oklahoma City to spend part of their vacation with relatives and friends.

The Phillip Mannings' week-end guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Manning of Bay City and Mrs. Jimmie Howe and two children of Old Ocean.

Mr. and Mrs. Rampmeier and children have returned from a grand vacation in New Mexico, where they visited the Tony Hurtas of Jal, and with them drove to Carlsbad Caverns.

Friends of Mr. John Neuszer will be happy to know that he is progressing satisfactorily on his return to death after being taken to a Houston hospital. Mrs. Neuszer is with him and his daughter and family, the Alvin Rampmeiers, have been making regular trips to Houston to visit him.

Mrs. Sallie Hill and her sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, are busy getting things in shape for Deutschburg school opening Monday the 9th.

Palacios Beacon, September 5, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Ida Mae, Charles and Wilford Wilson made a week-end trip to Houston and Channelview, where they picked up their sister and family, the Dub Boekers, and drove to Galveston and Texas City.

Earl Ringo and family have moved to Palacios and their former home is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and son Frank, until all material is available to build their new home.

Mrs. Oswald Kubecka recently had as their guests her sister, Adele Gerhard and husband's sister, Florence Kubecka, who are working in Austin. Mrs. Kubecka took the girls to Victoria to catch the bus home, and while in Victoria visited with friends.

Miss Irene Gerhard spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Murel Dillard. Mr. Dillard's parents, the Mark Dillards of Palacios, spent a few days with them also.

Johnny Johs and wife of Houston spent part of their vacation with Mr. Johs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs. The Johs family enjoyed a family reunion at the home of Joe Johs recently at which were present, Capt. and Mrs. Albert Johs. The latter have returned to Maryland, from which they will go to Germany.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt and children of Victoria, were recent visitors of the Frederick Schmidt family.

Newlyweds in our community are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watzlavik, who occupy the Frank Marek farmhouse. Mr. Watzlavik is an employee of Skelly Oil Company, and Mrs. Watzlavik is the former Ethel Harris of LaWard.

Mrs. Frank Pearce left for Houston Sunday to be with her mother Mrs. E. G. Green of Vanderbilt during an operation.

Mr. John Neuszer has been returned home from a Houston hospital and continues improvement,.

Mrs. Sallie Hill and Miss Ruth Woodrome have as their guest, Miss Ella Loos of Yoakum.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Manning and sons, Phillip, Jr., and Alfred, and Miss Jo Ann Fox, drove to Yoakum Sunday to help celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. Maning's sister and husband, the A. Listners.

Mrs. Joe Hurta and Mrs. Joe Johs attended a two-day homemaking institute in Edna sponsored by the Home Demonstration Council.

Palacios Beacon, September 12, 1946

Deutschburg Doin's

Mr. Frank Pearce was taken to Bay City hospital last week for an emergency appendectomy, from which he still is in serious condition. Mrs. Pearce, who had gone to Houston for the operation of her mother, was called home. Her mothers' condition remains unimproved.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siegfried are home from a vacation in Oklahoma City and Kansas City.

Mrs. J. H. Paris of Dallas is visiting her son, D. D. Paris and family.

Wilford and Charles Wilson accompanied Miss Ida Mae Wilson to Houston where Miss Wilson spent Friday night with Miss Ermine Harbison of Palacios. Saturday they continued to Texas City where Miss Wilson will teach in the grammar school.

Folks of Francitas Gas Camp enjoyed some delicious shrimp from a catch of L. C. McMichiel's shrimp boat last week.

Mrs. Marvin Powers had as her guests last week her mother, Mrs. John Hafer of Shepherd, and her aunt, Mrs. Callie Bigler of Houston.

Palacios Beacon, September 19, 1946

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Murel Dillard on Wednesday, September 25th, at 2:00 P. M. Thirteen members, six visitors, and Miss Guthrie were present.

The president called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the previous meeting which were approved.

Election of officers were held and the following were elected: Mrs. Joe Tanner, president; Mrs. E. H. Sandlin, vice president; Mrs. E. E. Johs, secretary and treasurer; and Mrs. Frank Stewart, council delegate. Mrs. O. R. Kubecka was elected as the club nominee for the county T. H. D. A. chairman, who will be elected at the next council meeting. The new president appointed Mrs. Joe Hurta as 1947 club reporter.

The organization of a Meat Club was discussed and it was decided to obtain more information first.

Miss Guthrie invited all club members to attend Council at Edna, on October 8th, to hear the reports of the delegates who attended the T. H. D. A. meeting in Amarillo.

Miss Guthrie discussed fitting garments, and gave us some very helpful ideas and suggestions.

The club women will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Johs for an all-day meeting with a covered dish luncheon on Thursday, October 3rd, at which time they will complete the quilt.

The hostess served refreshments of sandwiches and grape juice and the meeting adjourned to meet on Oct. 17th with Mrs. Joe Tanner.--Reporter, Mrs. O. R. Kubecka

Palacios Beacon, October 10, 1946

Demonstration H. D. C.

On October 4th, 1946, at 2:00 P. M., the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Joe Tanner with nine members and two visitors present.

The president called the meeting to order. The secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting, which was approved as read.

Mrs. Joe Hurta gave a report of the school of instruction in Work Simplification conducted by Mrs. Florence Low, associate home management specialist, Texas A. & M. College Extension Service, that she and Mrs. Joe Johs attended in Edna on September 9th and 10th.

Mrs. Joe Johs gave a report of the last Council meeting.

Mrs. Joe Johs demonstrated the quickest way to iron a shirt, and she used the new wide ironing board that clamps over the regular one.

The yearly report was filled out.

The hostess served cookies and coffee, and the meeting adjourned to meet on November 17th, with Mrs. Howard Cooke.--Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 24, 1946

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The home of Mrs. Jaul J. Gerhard was the scene of the annual Christmas party of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club on December 12th, at 2:00 o'clock.

The living and dining rooms were festive looking in their Christmas decorations, and the living room had the prettily decorated Christmas tree as its main attraction.

After seventeen members, Miss Guthrie, and three visitors had gathered, everyone got into the Christmas spirit by singing "Joy to the World." Several entertaining games were then played, and the program ended with everyone receiving a gift from under the tree.

Refreshments of sandwiches, fruit cake with whipped cream, coffee and cocoa were served from a lace-laid table, decorated with a Christmas arrangement in crystal of Turk's Caps and candles.

All left wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and hoping to see each one at Mrs. Louis Kopnicky's on January 9th, for the first meeting of 1947.

Mrs. O. K. Kubecka

Palacios Beacon, January 9, 1947

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club had their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Louis Kopnicky, Thursday afternoon, Jan. 9, 2 o'clock with fourteen members present.

The new club president, Mrs. Joe Tanner, called the meeting to order. After the opening exercises, minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The Year Books were filled and the following Club Committees appointed: Year Book, Mrs. Joe Hurta; Recreation, Mrs. M. W. Dillard; Good Neighbor, Mrs. O. R. Kubecka; Finance, Mrs. Joe Johs; Marketing Committee, Mrs. Eric Johs.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka reported the club had on hand Jan. 1, 1947, $8.85. Mrs. Kubekca, Mrs. Joe Johs and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier were appointed as a committee for serving refreshments at the Land Owners Association meeting to be held at the school house, January 24, thanks to the president of the F. D. L. O. A. The association is to pay the ladies for their trouble and the proceeds will be given to our club.

Mrs. Sallie Hill gave a brief talk on the new school lunch law. Hereafter Mrs. Howard Cooke will send a timely reminder to each Club member, so as Club Days will not be overlooked.

After all business was finished, a delightful social hour was enjoyed, during which refreshments of sandwiches, cup cakes and coffee were served by the ladies.

The next meeting of the club will be on Thursday, Jan. 30th, with Mrs. Howard Cooke, as hostess. We are looking forward to a busy year and visitors, also new members, are welcome at all times.--Club Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1947

Deutschburg Land Owners Elect Officers At Annual Meeting

The Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners meeting as the Deutschburg school, Friday night, was quite successful. There was a large attendance of resident land owners and a few out of state owners were present. The meeting was called to elect new officers.

The following officers were elected: P. J. Gerhart, re-elected president; J. V. Brocker, vice-president; Louis Kopnicky, secretary; E. H. Sandlin, treasurer.

After a short business session, the meeting adjourned and the crowd enjoyed a real neighborly get-together that lasted until midnight. Some played "42," others danced and still others just visited with neighbors and made new acquaintances.

The Ladies Home Demonstration Club served refreshments of hot dogs, sandwiches, doughnuts, coffee and cocoa and earned $14.61 for the club. It was like giving a party and being paid for it.

Palacios Beacon, January 30, 1947

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Howard Cooke, January 30 at 2 P. M. There were 17 members and five visitors present.

The Club voted to donate three dollars to the "March of Dimes."

Following a brief business session, Miss Guthrie, our County Home Demonstration Agent, gave a very interesting demonstration on Kitchen Equipment for Cooking, Serving and Cleaning.

After the meeting was adjourned, refreshments were served by the hostess and a delightful social hour followed.

We are happy to welcome Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. Ed Wotzslavik as new members in our club.--Mrs. Joe Hurta, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 6, 1947

Country Store Sale At Deutschburg Feb. 15 For Hospital Fund

Deutschburg Women's Home Demonstration Club has decided to conduct its campaign for funds for equipment for the Palacios Hospital by means of a country store and white elephant sale, finishing off with bingo, dancing and refreshments. Date for the sale and entertainment will be Friday evening, February 14, beginning at 8 o'clock, at the Deutschburg school. Fresh eggs, butter, home canned fruits and vegetables, and other country produce will be sold at attractive prices. White elephant goods gathered up to date include furniture, radios, feed sacks, books, magazines, dishes, patterns, small farm and auto equipment, and numerous articles, useful and otherwise, at bargain prices. There will be 5c tables, 10c tables, and even surprise packages.

A bingo game will be running most of the evening to relieve shoppers of any stray nickels they may wish to squander. Sandwiches, pie and cake with coffee will be sold. Dancing will provide an outlet for any energy still available at the end of the evening.

All in all, the evening is designed to furnish a painless means of extracting funds for a project from which all in Palacios' environs stand to benefit.

It is hoped that a large number of prospective buyers will present themselves during the evening. A postcard to Mrs. H. A. Cooke, Star Route, will bring a truck to your door for any usable article you may wish to donate for the sale.

Palacios Beacon, February 6, 1947

Country Store Sale at Deutschburg Friday Night to Aid Hospital Fund

Enthusiasm is running high out in Deutschburg community over the country store white elephant sale and fun night planned for Friday evening, February 14, at Deutschburg School, as a means of raising funds for Palacios hospital equipment. Hens are being urged to overproduction, cows are getting pep talks, attics are being searched for antiques or just plain old things Mother put away and forgot about. Bingo prizes are being collected, "42" experts are going over strategic plays to use in the tournament designed to name the community champion. Pies are baking, coffee is brewing and some choice records are being gathered up for the dancing which will end the evening.

Last-minute good news is that we'll have hill-billy music and old time favorites furnished by Ed Warzlavik, John Maynard, Phillip Manning, Sr. and John Edward Martin, some really good string hoe-down.

Folks always have fun at  Deutschburg, and this will be fun mixed with excellent bargains in food stuffs and miscellany.

Already, valuable donations have been made for the white elephant sale. For instance, there's a Philco table radio, 1930 model. We've spent $25 on this radio in the past year and it still brings in the programs, but gets mushy-mouthed just when the villain is in hot pursuit, or the hero is getting in some effective arguments. It will tide you over until you get that super-duper set, and it's yours for $5. Folding playpen with floor. We don't need it--at present. What's your offer?

Here's a stepon-type tire pump. Even the salesman tried to argue us out of buying it, but it seemed such a wonderful invention, taking the work out of tire pumping. Well, we're convinced, now, and you may take a course in mountain climbing with it for a mere 50c.

Here's a good buy! A glass angel food cake pan, but don't try to bake an angel food cake in it. Most of the batter ends up on the oven racks. Just won't hold a recipe, but fine for fruit and pound cakes. Yours for a quarter.

We have dressers, end tables, chairs, what-not racks and whatnots, old costume jewelry, dishes, vases, magazines, feed sacks, toys, and more coming in.

Best and surest way to Deutschburg is out No. 35 to the marked Carancahua-Deutschburg intersection, turn right and we're a few miles down the road.

Friday evening, February 14, at Deutschburg School, at 8:00 p. m.

Committee chairmen busying Joe Johs, sales; Mrs. O. R. Kubecka, food; Mr. Joe Johs, Bingo; Mr. Wilford Wilson, "42"; Mr. Paul Gerhard, dancing; Mrs. H. A. Cooke, publicity.

Palacios Beacon, February 13, 1947

Jackson County Raised $1,209 For March of Dimes

Deutschburg School - $6.10

Edna Weekly Herald, February 13, 1947

Country Store Sale at Deutschburg Nets $154.71 For Local Hospital Fund.

Deutschburg Women's Home Demonstration Club's country store and white elephant sale last Friday evening was a hilarious success, thanks to the efforts of the whole countryside. Folks from Palacios, Carancahua, Midway, La Ward and other point came to buy, to play, to dance, and left a sum, which, in the final counting, netted $154.71 and three pence and one centavo for the Palacios Hospital Equipment Fund.

At the end of the evening, only a small box of assorted oddments was left of the many things offered. The things they bought! Even the crutches sold, though Guy Claybourn forgot to take them home. Remember the radio we advertised last week? Sherman Green bought it and resold it before he got outside the schoolhouse for $2 profit so we took the difference for a subscription to the Beacon. Small fry bought most of the ladies' handbags and all the funny books. Folks bought furniture, household articles, canned foods, eggs, clothing, toys, jewelry and a mouse trap. Late in the evening, Muriel Fox came out with a large batch of stuff which turned up when she moved her shop next door temporarily, and the sale was on again. Such expert arguments were given by the sales ladies and at least one of them rebought an article she had contributed to the sale. Behind the elephant counter were Mrs. Joe Johs, Mrs. Frank Stewart and Mrs. H. A. Cooke. Cashier Mrs. Marvin Powers had a line waiting sometimes six deep to pay for purchases.

When the buying slowed up, the hungry crowd attacked pies, sandwiches, cake, coffee, chocolate milk, and even delicious Kulochies (however you spell it) and were served by Mesdames O. R. Kubecka, Erich Johs, Sallie Hill, Louis Kopnicky, while Mesdames Murel Dillard, Lela Boles and Misses Louise Hurta and Ruth Woodrome blushed unseen over a fountain of dirty dishes in the kitchen. When it appeared everyone was stuffed and scads of sandwiches and pie still remained, Mrs. S. M. Danner who had cashiered the food sales, put on her auction hat and disposed of all the pies and a bunch of sandwiches, and even a few slow movers in household goods.

Alvin and Kenneth Rampmeier, and S. M. Danner kept a crowd at the Bingo tables all evening, and Joseph Tanner kibitzed the "42" tables.

Music by John Maynard, Ed Watslavik, John Edward Martin and Stanley and Louis Kopnicky entertained the sitters and enlivened the dancers, who finally tried some square dancing called by Jesse Munds. Dancing master Howard Cooke (temporarily lamed) tapped shoulders to collect for dancing and tried a round or two himself. We think every one had fun and hope the evening developed no immediate patients for the new hospital.

Sorry we couldn't pick up the kitchen cabinet offered by Lloyd Olson, Star Route, but if you need one and buy it, we get the proceeds. Sales didn't end with the evening. Next morning, club members cleaning up dug around in the box and bought some more.

We singned the following persons for Palacios Beacon subscriptions: Marvin Powers Stanley Kopnicky, Sherman Green, S. M. Danner, Ed Watslavik, Steve Watslavik, Joe Johs, D. D. Paris, J. V. Brocker, and H. A. Cooke. Entire proceeds of new subscriptions taken went to the fund.

Donations of white elephants, food, or money by persons outside Deutschburg community and the Athena Club were made by: Mesdames R. L. Price, Jess Munds, John Bolling, G. A. Salsbury, Ben Hilburn, Ted Fields, W. C. Gray, R. J. Sisson, B. W. Trull, C. W. Nester, R. T. Phillips, Geo. Hunter, Carlton Crawford, Carroll Cairnes, L. D. Chappell, V. G. Way, Paul Gerhard, Clarence Buller, and Miss Alpha Bussell. D. M. Green gave us a pickup load of stuff, which melted away during the evening, with only two huge ceiling globes left.

Thanks to everybody for contributing to a grand evening.

Palacios Beacon, February 20, 1947

Farewell Party Given C. J. Hansens In Deutschburg Area

Members of Deutschburg community gathered at the schoolhouse Sunday evening for a farewell party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Hansen, who have moved to Palacios after 33 years in Deutschburg. After an evening of games, visiting and refreshment, the Hansens were presented with potted plants for their new home and a leather book of autographed good wishes from their former neighbors. Palacios guests were Mrs. Dell Arnold, Mrs. Jennie Marco and Mrs. Mary Breuer.

Palacios Beacon, February 20, 1947

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club

Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met Feb. 20 at the home of Mrs. O. R. Kubecka. There were 13 members present.

The club voted to pay 35c per member to the Council fund from the club treasury.

The Country Store and White Elephant sale given by the club on Feb. 14 was a great success and much enjoyed by all. The sum of $157.71 was collected and given to the Palacios Hospital Fund.

Mrs. Eric Johs was elected candidate for delegate to the District T. H. D. A. meeting in Port Lavaca.

Mrs. O. R. Kubecka gave a very interesting demonstration on the four ways to cook meat. After the demonstration the ladies enjoyed a nice neighborly chat while Mrs. Kubecka served slices of the roast she had prepared in the demonstration. It was delicious served on bread with the pan gravy, cole slaw, and cookies and coffee.

The club will meet March 13, with Mrs. Lela Boles.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 26, 1947

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The regular meeting of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club was held at the home of Mrs. Lela Boles March 13th, at 2 p. m. There were 17 members and 1 visitor present.

The club voted to give $3 to Red Cross.

After a short business meeting a very interesting demonstration on kitchen storage space was given by Miss Guthrie.

Mrs. Dillard brought out a nice little guessing game which was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Boles turned the regular club meeting into a party occasion honoring St. Patrick when she served lovely refreshments of green and white cake, jello with whipped cream topped by cherry, and coffee. The refreshments plate was made more attractive by a gay little green shamrock napkin ring.

The Club will meet April 10th with Mrs. E. H. Sandlin.--Club Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 27, 1947

Results of School Trustee Elections


The following are the official returns of Saturday's school trustee elections throughout Jackson County:




District 20--Deutschburg


W. L. Wilson......................28

P. L. Manning....................22

John Rampmeier.................4


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 15, 1948


Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. E. H. Sandlin Thursday, April 10 at 2:00 P. M. Fourteen members and two visitors were present.

It was decided that the club have the old picnic grounds near the river cleared for picnics and community get-togethers. The president appointed Mrs. Sandlin, Mrs. Dillard and Mrs. Cook to name our community roads and see that markers are set up for each one. Mrs. Kubecka announced that Deutschburg Club drew the Edna club's name in the Council drawing where each club will entertain another club of the county. In turn we are to be entertained by the Shining Star Club.

Mrs. Eric Johs was chosen by Council as a Jackson County delegate to the District T. H. D. A. meeting in Port Lavaca next month.

A brief demonstration on canning fruits and vegetables was given by Mrs. Joe Hurta.

Mrs. Dillard brought out a very interesting little game that kept everyone busy while Mrs. Sandlin and Mrs. Hurta served delicious homemade ice cream and cookies.

The Club will meet again on April 24 at the home of Mrs. Paul Gerhard. Our county agent will be there, so let's all try to be present. Bring a friend along.--Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 24, 1947

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Will Thomas for its regular meeting on September 25th, at 2:00 p. m.

The following officers were elected for the coming year:

President (Re-elected): Mrs. Joseph Tanner
Vice-President (Re-elected): Mrs. E. H. Sandlin
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Murel Dillard
Council Delegate: Mrs. Erick Johs
Reporter: Mrs. E. H. Watslavik

A new member, Mrs. Frank Johs, was added to our membership roll and was elected Council nominee for T. H. D. A. Committee chairman.

Miss Guthrie, the home demonstration agent, presented a demonstration on Seams and Finishes and discussed briefly other articles of interest.

After the meeting adjourned, delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, and everyone joined in pleasant conversation.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Turner, Mrs. Erick Johs will lead the program on Home Nursing. This will be a member meeting.--Reporter.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 2, 1947

Deutschburg, H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Sandlin on April 21 for its regular meeting. There were ten members, one visitor, and Miss Guthrie present.

The Club completed plans for a social to be given at the Deutschburg school house on the night of May 1.

After giving a demonstration on uncooked icing, Miss Guthrie presented each one present with several sheets of recipes on cakes and icings.

The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served by the hostess.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. M. W. Dillard on May 13, and the demonstration will be on the use of sewing machine attachments. All members are urged to be there, and visitors are always welcome.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, April 29, 1948

Closing Exercises Of Deutschburg School Held Tuesday Night

The Deutschburg school closing program was held Tuesday night, May 25, despite the fact the teacher was called away the preceding Friday on account of the serious illness of a sister.

Mrs. Lela Boles took over the program and with the assistance of Mrs. Sam Danner and the pupils, especially Alfred Manning, completed rehearsals and decorating and put it over in a big way.

Each number was well rendered but some need special mention.

The play, "See the Animals," by Mrs. Boles, and granddaughter, Patsy King, with their hillbilly costumes and expressions, in going to the clerk, Alfred Manning, to register to vote was really a scream and drew great applause.

Little Pamela Green reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb," impersonating a timid girl, a bashful boy, a minister and a judge was most unusual for one so young and drew a big hand.

The Spanish song and dance by Lawrence and Victor Navarro and Antonio Rodriguez with Mexican costumes and stage settings was beautiful.

The songs by Mesdames Ed Watslavik and John Edward Martin and Mr. Philip Manning Sr., were received with much applause. The dialogue, "Who Took the Pie," by Norma Rampmeier, as mother, and Wallis Green, as the son who stole the pie, was extra well rendered.

Other numbers were as follows:
"Welcome, " Mary Dillard
"My Dolly," Patsy King
"Just A Little Boy," Lawrence Navarro
"A Brave Boy," Victor Navarro
"A Nice Grandma," Wallis Green
"Baby Sister Hasn't Dot a Toof," Norman Rampmeier
"A Negro Speech," Alfred Manning.

A thoughtful idea beautifully expressed was that of Alfred Manning making and presenting corsages to each lady as she came, then later presenting one more gorgeous than the others, to Mrs. Boles as an expression of thanks from all the pupils for her many kindnesses to them throughout the year and especially in helping with this program.

 "A friend in need is a friend indeed." This proverb expresses my feelings to Mrs. Boles, especially, and to Mesdames Ed Watslavik, John Edward Martin, Sam Danner and Mr. Philip Manning Sr., and all the pupils and any other who assisted to put the program over in my absence.

My sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, and I wish to thank all patrons for the hearty cooperation they have given us in every way during this year.

Mrs. Sallie Hill

Palacios Beacon, June 4, 1948

Gerhard Family Holds First Family Reunion In Thirty-Five Years

For the first time in almost thirty-five years the Gerhard brothers, namely Werner of Chicago, Erwin, of Sterling, Illinois, and Paul of Palacios, with their respective families, and an uncle, Hienie Schmidt, also of Chicago, spent a happy week together. Time was spent visiting, reminiscing, and seeing old landmarks, mainly in the Deutschburg community and Francitas, as they with their father and family, Dr. Herman Gerhard, had been among the first settlers of the Deutschburg community.

The highlight of the week was when Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard entertained with a real Texas barbecue on Wednesday evening, September 8th, at their home on East Bay. Barbecued beef with all its traditional accompaniments were served to
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Gerhard and son, Bob, of Sterling, Illinois
Mrs. Herman E. Gerhard, and son, J. Darrel, of La Salle, Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Gerhard and daughters, Jean and Joan, and Mr. Heinie Schmidt of Chicago, Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Kubecka and sons
Mrs. Emma Akers and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Sells
Paul Gerhard, Jr.
Irene Gerhard
Mr. and Mrs. Murel Dillard and family
Mr. and Mrs. D H. Stewart and Robert
Mr. Sherman Sadler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Alley
Mrs. Rose Schissler and Harry Schmidt.

All spent a very enjoyable evening, and early Friday morning those visiting from Illinois left for home after a visit that will long linger in each one's memory.--Contributed.

Palacios Beacon, September 16, 1948

Security Club Of Deutschburg And Carancahua Meets

Members of the Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club met at the Deutschburg Schoolhouse on Thursday night, October 7, for their regular meeting.

Chairman Wesslemann called the meeting to order and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Opal Danner.

The name Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club was chosen by the members for our club. This club has been organized to further civic improvements for the two communities, to continue the friendly relationship that has existed between these two communities for many years, and to work together for the betterment of the lives of the rural people. By past experience these people have realized what an organization can mean when a definite problem has to be tackled.

And getting off to a good start, a committee consisting of Murel W. Dillard, Wilford Wilson, and M. Frankson was appointed to look into the possibility of getting a telephone system erected in the two communities.

After the business meeting, refreshments of cake, pie, coffee, and kool-aid were served, and an enjoyable social hour followed. The next meeting will be on November 4th, at the Carancahua Schoolhouse.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, October 14, 1948

Mrs. Ed Day, of Blessing, was a recent visitor in our office and told us of receiving a letter from Mrs. John Evers stating she had been in the hospital for about three weeks as the result of a fall in which she suffered a fractured hip. Many of our readers will remember the family when they lived in the Deutschburg community and regret to learn of her misfortune. They are now located in Bell Gardens, Calif., at 6143 Gallant St.

Palacios Beacon, December 23, 1948

Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club Meeting Held Thursday Nite

A large group representing both communities met at the Carancahua Schoolhouse Thursday night, January 6th, for a regular meeting of the Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club.

The chairman called the meeting to order and the minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. All members present paid the regular dues.

The business meeting was devoted to discussion of the rural telephone system; and Messrs. E. H. Sandlin and Edwin Stuhrenberg gave their reports on the farm-to-market road. A tentative list was made up of prospective telephone customers.

A most enjoyable social hour was enjoyed where dancing and visiting provided entertainment and delicious refreshments were served.

Each family of the two communities is invited to be present at the Deutschburg Schoolhouse, February 3, for the next regular meeting. Anyone who is interested in seeing a good rural organization in session is invited to meet with us.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, January 27, 1949

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Home Demonstration Club of Deutschburg met at the school house, with Mrs. Lela Boles as hostess.

Ten members, one new member, one visitor and Miss Guthrie were present. Mrs. Kubecka acted as president and called the meeting to order.

Mrs. Joe Johs read a medication from the year book. Secretary, Mrs. Dillard, called the roll and read the minutes which were approved.

Our year books were filled in, after which Miss Guthrie gave an interesting demonstration on insect control and how to prepare seed boxes.

After the businesses session closed, refreshments were served from a snow scene decorated table, individual places were marked with snow men of marshmallows. The main attraction was a bowl in the center of the table with a snowman and filled with water, moth balls were the snowballs. An application of acid and soda made them rise to the top and fall repeatedly, made a scene of interest.

Next meeting will be February 17, with Mrs. Dillard as hostess. All members are urged to attend. Visitors always welcome.--Reporter

Edna Weekly Herald, February 3, 1949

Birthday Celebrated

Sunday afternoon, February 27, a group of little friends of Mary Dillard, gathered at the Deutschburg Schoolhouse to surprise her on her seventh birthday.

Several games were played, and then the honoree was brought in and she opened her pretty gifts. Mary's mother served birthday cake, cookies, and grape juice to the following; Mary, Bobby, Linda and Larry Dillard; Patty and Mickey King; Dick, Don, Dan, Douglas and Billy Kubecka; Norma, Sonnyman and Janice Rampmeier; Wallace and Pamela Greene; Donna Kay Paris, and Alfred Manning. Mothers present were Mesdames Murel Dillard, O. R. Kubecka, J. E. King, Lela Boles, Sherman Greene, Philip Manning, and Alvin Rampmeier.

Everyone left wishing Mary many more happy birthdays.

Palacios Beacon, March 3, 1949

Need of Telephone Service Stressed At Meeting of Community Club

Members of the Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club met at the Deutschburg Schoolhouse Thursday night, April 7, with a nice crowd present.

The chairman called the meeting to order and the minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

Mr. Gayle, commissioner of Precinct 4, was present, and discussed the possibility of getting a farm-to-market road from the Francitas gas plant to the Hug-the-Coast Highway. Mr. Gayle had just attended a meeting in Austin and Edna concerning farm-to-market roads and therefore was able to give the latest information. While the county quota is taken up for this year and probably 1950, it is very favorable for our community to get this road in 1951.

A motion was made for the B. F. Ward community to meet with us, and Messrs. M. Frankson, Philip Manning, Edwin Stuhrenberg and Wessleman were appointed to go as a committee and invite them.

Telephones were discussed at length, and Mr. Elster had some very interesting information to give. Messrs. Elster, J. E. King, and E. H. Sandlin were appointed as a committee to meet with the Palacios Chamber of Commerce, and discuss the telephone system with them.

The meeting adjourned and refreshments and a social hour were enjoyed. Meet with us in Carancahua on May 5th.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, April 14, 1949

Deutschburg H. D. C.

The Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the school house March 31 with ten members and two visitors present. Mrs. Kubecka and Mrs. Dillard were hostesses.

Meeting was called to order, president in chair. Minutes were read and approved.

After a short business session, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. D. F. Frankson of Carancahua Club, who gave a very interesting and enlightening demonstration on grafting and budding.

A demonstration on how to score butter was given by Mrs. Hurta, after which each member enjoyed trying their skill on the butter scoring.

An issue of The Daily Texan, exposing the pathetic condition of our mental hospitals in Texas was discussed.

After the meeting adjourned, lovely refreshment were served.

Table arrangement was beautiful, decorations being appropriate for the Easter season.--Reporter

Edna Daily Herald, April 14, 1949

Family Reunion Held Mother's Day At Home of E. Johs

It was really a pleasant Mother's Day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs of the Deutschburg community when all members of the family were present except one son, Capt. Albert Johs, who is in the army stationed in Germany. It was the first family reunion for Mr. and Mrs. Johs in nine years and a grand one indeed.

Those present besides Mr. and Mrs. Johs were Mr. and Mrs. John Johs and children of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs and children, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Johs and son of Pinehurst; Mr. and Mrs. Erich Johs and children of Blessing; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johs and children who have just recently returned here from Puerto Rico; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schulke and children and Mr. Frank Johs and son, Mrs. Frank Johs was not with the family as she was in the hospital with their very new daughter, Diana Elizabeth.--Contributed.

Palacios Beacon, May 12, 1949

Monthly Meeting Of Security Club Held At Carancahua School

Members from Deutschburg and Carancahua met at the Carancahua school house on Thursday night, May 5th for a regular monthly meeting of the Security Club.

The meeting was called to order by the president, and the minutes of the April meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

Mr. and Mrs. Bandy Gvastata were introduced as visitors.

The committee announced that an invitation had been extended to the B. F. Ward community to join and meet with our group.

The telephone committee reported that they had met with the Palacios Chamber of Commerce, and that that organization had promised to support us in any way possible. From this meeting a committee was formed with Ronald Harris as president, and Landon Gist as secretary. This committee will be composed of representatives from all the rural trading area around Palacios, and two from the city council.

Colonel Ronald Harris was guest speaker for the evening, and he discussed the progress that had been made in solving the telephone problem. As a member of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce he told how welcome our telephone committee had been. He further stated that the people of Palacios agreed not to accept service unless the surrounding rural areas get service too. He explained a petition that had been prepared for all the people to sign who desired telephone service. If this petition misses you and you desire telephone service see someone on the telephone committee. Everyone enjoyed Colonel Harris' talk, and we thank him for coming out.

It is only through cooperation and working together the problems like these can successfully be solved. So let's all get behind this telephone committee and support them in any way they need help, as it is definitely for the good of everyone.

At the close of the meeting a social hour and delicious refreshments were enjoyed.

Meet with us at Deutschburg on June 2nd.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 19, 1949

First Cotton For 1949 Brought In By C. H. Wilson

The first bale of cotton for Palacios this season was brought in by C. H. Wilson, July 21, and was ginned by the Farmers Cooperative Gin.

Mr. Wilson, who lives in the Deutschburg Community on the East Carancahua River, reports a wonderful crop this year and says he has averaged a bale every day since the first one was brought in.

A nice premium list had been arranged for the first bale which was presented to Mr. Wilson.

Business firms and citizens donating merchandise and case were as follows:

Palacios Farmers Coop Gin
Joe Husak
Magnolia Premium Co.
I. G. A. Store
Crescent Drug Store
Brandons Dry Good Store
Grace M. Barnett
City State Bank
Glen Pore Jewelry
Petersen's Cafe
Palacios Pharmacy

Western Auto
Morton Service Station
Feather and Son
Johnson's Magnolia Station
Maddox Motor Co.
H. C. Campbell
Bessie Belknap
C. Luther
Palacios Food Market
Palacios Bakery
K. & M. Super Market

Falks Barber Shop
Palacios Cleaners
Barnett Lumber Co.
John F. Grant Lumber Co.
Cleo B. Hamlin Grocery
Palacios Grocery
Wolstein Dry Goods
Central Food Market
Capitol Drug Co.
Capitol Theatre
Arl Hunt

A report from the Palacios Gin Wednesday noon, was nine bales received up to that time. Mr. Wilson had eight of them and E. H. Jurek one, which came in Wednesday morning. Other first bales reported in communities nearby were Charlie Peterson of Olivia and ginned at Port Lavaca; W. E. Buffaloe of Bay City and Paul Ratcliff of El Campo.

Palacios Beacon, August 4, 1949

C. W. Thatcher

Charles W. Thatcher, born August 1, 1876, died October 16, 1949 at the Bayview General Hospital following a several week’s illness.

He was married October 17, 1898, to Miss Cadence Emigh and to this union three children were born.

In his early years, Mr. Thatcher was a railroad employee in Nebraska. In 1910 he accompanied a party of homeseekers to Francitas, Texas, and purchased a farm in the Schwind-Maher Sub-Division known as the Deutschburg settlement. During the summer of 1911 Mr. Thatcher moved his family from Nebraska to their new Texas home where they continued to reside the greater part of the past 38 years. He and his wife and children were associated with the early life of both Deutschburg and Francitas, taking active parts in school, church, and civic activities as well as the development of these rural communities.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. C. W. Thatcher of Palacios; one son, Charles Hubert Thatcher of Palmdale, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. A. E. Cravat and Mrs. E. R. Cowsard of El Monte, Calif.; one brother P. W. Thatcher of Woodward Okla.; and seven grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Palacios Funeral Home with Rev. Wesley Schulze, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. He will be assisted by Rev. Walter of Francitas.

We join the host of friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1949

Deutschburg H. D. C. “Jitney” Supper.

The “Jitney Supper,” given at the Deutschburg school house Friday night, sponsored by the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club was well attended. Proceeds were $39.20; less some expenses.

Games of 43 and dancing were enjoyed later in the evening.

Thanks to each and everyone who contributed to make the supper a success.--Reporter                                                           

Edna Herald, November 24, 1949



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