Deutschburg Newspaper Columns

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Evers and daughters left the later part of last week for Yoakum to make their future home. Mr. Evers has taken the salesmanship for the Watkins Medicine Co., with that section as his territory and Yoakum headquarters. Mr. Evers recently held a sale at his farm in Deutschburg and disposed of all his holdings there. The Evers family was one of the pioneer settlers of the Deutschburg community, being members of the Nebraska colony to go to Francitas nineteen years ago. They have worked patiently and substantially in the developing of this farming section and leave with many regrets, the change being made that Mr. Evers have lighter work. The best wishes of Palacios citizens go with this family to their new home.

Palacios Beacon, January 2, 1930


Mrs. F. W. Schmidt is on the sick list.

Fred Schmidt was in Palacios Thursday night taking in the movies.

Almost the entire family of Bond Gillespie have been on the sick list the past two weeks.

Corn is coming up nicely in this community, but very little cotton has been planted so far.

The small boy staying with Roland Hunnicutt had his face stepped on by a mule last week. Dr. Wagner sewed up the wounds. The mule was not hurt.

Several of the farmers of the Francitas, Carancahua and Deutschburg communities, under the able leadership of Mrs. Judge Cornish, have agreed to plant quite an acreage to tomatoes and beans this spring. Mr. Meyers, the agricultural agent for the Missouri Pacific R. R., is supervising the work. Newton & Wallace, tomato buyers from the Valley and Jacksonville, are going to build a packing shed in Francitas and buy our tomatoes and beans there. Many farmers are now busy setting out tomato plants from cold frames in to the fields. Those who did not build cold frames are expecting their plants from the Valley in the next few days.

The beans are now up and seem to have stood the unfavorable weather last Tuesday night in fine shape. Burpee stringless and Giant Greenpod stringless are the varieties of beans planted, while Maryglobe is the name of the tomatoes, and they will be picked in the green stage. It would help wonderfully if the growers and the Crawford packing Plant could get together and work out a plan to utilize the ripe tomatoes.

It is hoped that after these communities are started in the right direction their efforts will be successful enough to induce a large number of farmers to plant some small part of their farms to truck and in that way attract buyers to this locality as the buyers desire to buy in carload lots.

The Deutschburg Community Club meets each month on the Saturday on or before the full moon. J. H. Adams is chairman and Leo Neuszer, secretary. Visitors are always welcome.

Palacios Beacon, March 27, 1930


Joe Cuba is still on the sick list.

Saturday, April 5th, is election of School Trustees for this district.

Weather has been fine the past few days for all growing crops and all look good.

The bean and tomato acreage is showing up fine, and everybody is busy now planting their cotton.

Rev. Koeppe, of Ganado, was over last Sunday to conduct regular monthly Lutheran services at the Deutschburg school house.

There was a good roads meeting in Francitas Wednesday night. Jackson County is going to try and put over a County-wide bond issue. Good roads is all we need to make this an ideal country.

Roses are blooming. We go to the garden and eat fresh radishes, get a mess of fresh spinach for dinner and green lettuce for supper and by the last of the month we figure on having new potatoes on the table. What more do you want?

Palacios Beacon, April 3, 1930

By Sec. Deutschburg Community Club

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. White of Blessing, were callers in the Neuszer home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Jergenson has been the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen of this community.

Blooms are noticeable in a good many of the tomato patches, looks like we will soon have ripe tomatoes.

The school teachers and pupils are hard at work on their closing play, which will be given in the near future.

The Deutschburg Community Club will meet at the school house Saturday night, April 12, we are expecting a great time as there will be a debate given at that time, the subject is:--“Resolve that Capital Punishment should be Abolished.”

The young folks of this community enjoyed a surprise party at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt’s the other evening, the party given in honor of Mr. Harry Schmidt and Mr. Gus Jergenson as they are leaving for the northern states. Mr. Schmidt is going to Lincoln, Nebraska and Mrs. Jergenson is going to Chicago.

Palacios Beacon, April 10, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

The Debate Saturday night was enjoyed by all. Both sides made some good points.

Mr. and Mrs. Hale of San Antonio were visitors in the Rampmeier home the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Buckhorn, of LaWard were visiting in the Hunnicutt home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt visited in the Neuszer and Rampmeier home Sunday after noon.

Mrs. Hunnicutt of Bay City spent the week end with her son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hunnicutt.

The beans and tomatoes are just growing fine although a rain would be very much appreciated at present.

Mr. Myers, (Missouri Pacific Agricultural Agent), was around the past week inspecting the tomatoes also instructing how to prune.

There will be a play given at the school house Tuesday night April 22. Proceed is to go to sending the winners in the 4H club to A. & M. this summer.

Mr. McHenery will probably be here this week to cook over the tomato and bean prospects and to start building the shed to handle the crop. The shed will be erected at Francitas.

Palacios Beacon, April 17, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

A play will be given at the school house tomorrow night.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koupa were visitors of E. Johs this evening.

Mr. Gerhard and Mr. Hunnicutt are engaged in making hay this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta, of Dawson, N. Mex., arrived Friday to visit their mother for a few months.

The Trustees circulated a petition for the purpose of voting bonds for the re-modeling and building a school house this week.

We’re glad to report that the tomatoes and beans are doing fine. Beans are in full bloom and have small tomatoes. Other farm crops are doing nice.

The young folks enjoyed a party last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs. A number of young folks attended the dance at LaWard Sat. nite.

Charles Brown, Miss Mary Pearce and Harold Ben Pearce of Francitas called in the Neuszer home Friday night. Miss Pearce will be our Primary teacher next year.

Palacios Beacon, April 24, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

Miss Mary Hurta, of Bay City, visited her mother Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and children were visitors in the Neuszer home Saturday evening.

The farmers and truck growers of our community are rejoicing over the fine rain that fell here Monday evening.

School closed here last Tuesday. There was an interesting program rendered Tuesday night, and a school picnic was enjoyed Wednesday.

Joe John and Dub Matl have returned from Blessing, where they have been engaged in helping Mr. John Adams plant an acreage of rice.

This community will probably express out the first beans of the season this week. The tomatoes are doing fine, and shipments will start about the middle of May.

We regret very much to report the death of one of our friends and neighbors, Mr. Joseph Kuba. His remains were laid to rest in the Deutschburg cemetery. He had been in failing health for several years. We extend our deepest heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.

The Community Club will hold its next regular meeting at the school house Saturday night, May 10, at which time there will be a debate between Francitas and Deutschburg. The subject to be debated is:--“Resolved, That Prohibition is Fundamentally a Success.” Francitas having the affirmative and Deutschburg the negative. Those to represent Francitas are, Messrs. Wm. F. Schwind, H. Bentz and Gillespie. Those to represent Deutschburg are Messrs. W. R. Neuszer, Paul Gerhard and L. P. Neuszer.

Palacios Beacon, May 1, 1930


(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

Mr. and Mrs. R. Bolling were sightseeing in our community Sunday evening.

Mr. Peterson of Carancahua was a business visitor in the Rampmeier home Sunday.

We are glad to report Mrs. C. J. Hansen improving over a fall which broke her ankle.

Mr. C. J. Hansen was around looking over the Tomato and Bean prospects Sunday evening.

The first beans are to be shipped Tuesday, which from reports will probably exceed 100 hampers.

The first tomatoes will probably be shipped next Saturday as Mr. Myers will be there to receive them as they come in.

The Community Club called a special meeting to decide the day on which we would start picking beans, date decided upon was Monday, May 5th.

The Community Club will hold its next regular meeting next Saturday night, we are expecting a large crowd as we are scheduled for a debate that night.

Palacios Beacon, May 8, 1930


(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

The decision of the debate Saturday night went to Deutschburg, although Francitas has some very able speakers.

The tomatoes and beans are sure doing good since the rains, although the high winds hurt them to some extent.

Mr. Guenther, from the Valley, was in our community yesterday, looking after their property here, with the intention of moving here soon.

We intended to organize a Sunday School last Sunday but the rain prevented us from doing so, but lets all be at the school house next Sunday about 2:30 o’clock.

This community has been visited by several good rains in the past few days, which were enjoyed by every one, as it sure was needed on the growing crops.

Palacios Beacon, May 15, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

(Too Late For Last Week)

The farmers are in need of a good rain at present to finish up the corn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were visiting in Blessing Sunday afternoon.

Mr. H. W. Best, of Yoakum, was down on business the first of the week.

Mrs. Hunnicutt, of Bay City is visiting her son and family here this week.

Misses Sybil, Blanch and Fawn Adams were visitors in Ganado over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Bieri of Ashby, were visiting in the Rampmeier home Sunday afternoon.

The Sunday School was well attended Sunday. There were several visitors from other points.

Palacios Beacon, May 22, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com Club)

Everybody is sure glad to see this Gerhard home Sunday evening.

The first car of tomatoes was shipped from Francitas the first of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Buckhorn, of LaWard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hunnicutt Saturday night.

Everybody is sure glad to see this good sunshine. We hope it continues to shine for about three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. John Adams entertained a number of friends Sunday night with an ice cream social, which was enjoyed immensely by all.

A crowd met Sunday evening to organize a Sunday School. We ordered the literature and will meet next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. There will be a Singing Sunday evening also.

Palacios Beacon, May 22, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

There was an election at the School House Saturday for the purpose of voting bonds for the enlargement of the School House. The bond issue carried by a large majority.

Every body has been busy in our community picking tomatoes this week. They expect to ship two cars of tomatoes from Francitas this week. They are talking of putting in an acreage of tomatoes here for this fall’s market.

There was a nice crowd out Sunday afternoon to help organize our Sunday School. We divided the members into several classes, and elected officers and teachers. Officers elected were Mr. Paul Gerhard, Superintendent; Mrs. B. H. Pearce, Asst. Supt.; Miss Sybil Adams, Sec.-Treas;.; Miss Mary Pearce, Pianist and Mr. Nelson, chorister. We are trying to make our Sunday School a success, and we invite every one to come and help us.

Palacios Beacon, May 29, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hester, of Cuero, were visitors in the Neuszer home over the week end.

Mrs. L. P. Neuszer has returned from a visit at Cuero.

J. Paul Gerhard and E. Johs came in the first of the week from a business trip to the Valley.

The Trustees of the School informs us that they are hard at work getting necessary papers ready so as to speed up the building of the new addition on the school house. They intend to have it complete for this fall term of school.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams entertained the young folks of this community Sunday evening with an ice cream social.

Palacios Beacon, May 29, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club.)

There was a called meeting at the school house Saturday night, for the purpose of establishing a sweet milk route. There was not a decision reached so it will be decided at the next Community Club meeting.

Crops in our neighborhood are looking fine. Corn is in full silk and tassel. Will soon have lots of roasting ears. Most everybody has their cotton chopped, but if it keeps on raining will probably have to re-chop it.

The Lutherans held their regular monthly services here Sunday afternoon. There was a nice crowd out and also a good crowd at Sunday School, there being thirty-five present. Everyone seems to be taking quite a bit of interest, and we hope they continue to and make a success of the S. S.

Palacios Beacon, June 5, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club.)

Mrs. C. J. Hansen visited in the Rampmeier home Sunday.

The farmers are all busy cleaning the grass out of their cotton.

Mr. and Mrs. John Adams motored to Ganado Sunday to visit relatives.

Paul Gerhard and J. R. Hunnicutt are very busy this week making hay.

The firm of Newton and Wallace is loading their fifth car of tomatoes this week.

The tomato deal has been very successful this year, taking every thing into consideration.

The Community Club had their regular monthly meeting last Saturday night. The meeting was well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Neuszer, Alvin Rampmeier and Miss Ruby Neuszer motored up to Cuero to spend the week end.

C. J. Cavallin had the misfortune of turning a car over on him Sunday evening, we are glad to report him not very seriously injured.

Palacios Beacon, June 12, 1930


(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

(Too Late for Last Week)

The farmers are in need of a good rain at present to finish up the corn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were visiting in Blessing Sunday afternoon.

Mr. H. W. Best, of Yoakum, was down on business the first of the week.

Mrs. Hunnicutt, of Bay City, is visiting her son and family here this week.

Misses Sybil, Blanch and Fawn Adams were visitors in Ganado over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Bieri, of Ashby, were visiting in the Rampmeier home Sunday afternoon.

The Sunday school was well attended Sunday. There were several visitors from other points.


Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hester, of Cuero, were visitors in the Neuszer home over the week end.

Mrs. L. P. Neuszer has returned from a visit at Cuero.

J. Paul Gerhard and E. Johs came in the first of the week from a business trip to the Valley.

The Trustees of the School informs us that they are hard at work getting necessary papers ready so as to speed up the building of the new addition on the school house. They intend to have it complete for this fall term of school.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams entertained the young folks of this community Sunday evening with an ice cream social.

Palacios Beacon, June 26, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

The cotton crop is looking fine at this writing.

Mrs. J. Hillyard is reported quite sick this week. We trust she will make a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunter and daughter, Helen, are here from the Valley, putting up hay on their land.

Mr. and Mrs. Volkert, of Houston, and Mrs. Herman Roda and children, of Bolling, were visitors in Mrs. Schutte's home the past week.

Messrs. Paul Gerhard, E. Johs and John Cavallin, the three school trustees, are leaving this week for a week combining business with pleasure.

Miss Selma Schmidt, who was kicked by a mule two weeks ago last Monday, is recovering her injuries and able to get out of bed, much to the delight of her many friends.

Palacios Beacon, July 10, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

The cotton crop is looking fine at this writing.

Mrs. J. Hillyard is reported quite sick this week. We trust she will make a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunter and daughter, Helen are here from the Valley, putting up hay on their land.

Mr. and Mrs. Volkert, of Houston, and Mrs. Herman Roda and children, of Bolling, were visitors in Mrs. Schutte’s home the past week.

Messrs. Paul Gerhard, E. Johs and John Cavallin, the three school trustees, are leaving this week for a week combining business with pleasure.

Miss Selma Schmidt, who was kicked by a mule two weeks ago last Monday, is recovering from her injuries and able to get out of bed, much to the delight of her many friends.

Palacios Beacon, July 12, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)
(Too Late For Last Week)

Mr. Jones started to pick cotton this week.

Mrs. Schulte and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt [Gerhard] went to Galveston Monday.

Messrs. Gerhard, Hunnicutt and Hamlin are supplying the Army Camp with hay.

Our Sunday School is getting larger every Sunday, with greater enthusiasm. Everybody is invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunter have returned to their home in the Valley, after a several weeks stay here looking after their property.

Palacios Beacon, July 31, 1930

To Auction Off Old Deutschburg School Building Sat., Sep. 6

On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 6th, the old Deutschburg school building in District #20, of Jackson County, will be sold to highest bidder, also some left-over building material.

Palacios Beacon, September 4, 1930

(By Sec. Deutschburg Com. Club)

Cotton fields are being pretty well picked over.

The Union Sunday School, conducted by Mrs. Pearce of Francitas, was held as usual Sunday, Aug. 31, with good attendance and interest.

Our new school building is completed and ready for opening of school next Monday, with Miss Claxton, of Victoria, as principal and Miss Mary Pearce of Francitas, assistant teacher.

On Saturday afternoon the old school building will be auctioned off to the highest bidder, also some leftover building material.

 The new school building will be dedicated Saturday night, Sept. 6th, with a community program. Everybody invited.

Palacios Beacon, September 4, 1930


School News

When school was resumed after the holidays we found that we had two new pupils, Ollie and Bennie Brod. We are very glad to welcome these children, who come from the Rich Square School.

Quite a few of our pupils have been absent from school the past week due to colds and flu.

Miss Claxton, our principal, has been quite ill following a tonsil operation. We are very glad that she is much improved.

The fifth and ninth grades rendered a very commendable patriotic program during chapel exercises Thursday morning.

Many of our pupils are very despondent, due to mid-term examinations.

Honor Roll Students

Arithmetic:--Murvin Lee, Jerome Vrana, Jerry Skrabanek, Jessie Skrabanek, Herbert Stark.

Spelling:--Jerome Vrana, Herbert Stark, Ollie Brod, Martha Gerhard, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard.

Health:--Adele Gerhard, Frank Johs, Jerrie Skrabanek, Herbert Stark.

Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1931


Deutschburg School & Community Program

The Community Program was held Saturday night with a good attendance, considering the weather.

In the Junior Boy and Girl Declamations the following won out in the eliminations:--

Junior Boys: Albert Johs, first; Henry Johs, second; Bennie Brod, third.
Junior Girls: Louise Hurta, first; Ollie Brod, second; Martha Gerhard, third.
Senior Girls: Rosalee Cavallin, Donna Fae Dillard. (No elimination.)
Senior Boys: Woodroe Carpenter


If the weather permits we are going to Francitas to play ball Friday.

Misses Claxton and Pearce spent Saturday night in Francitas with the latter's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, Morgan Pearce, and Buster Vickers attended the program here Saturday night.

Work has begun on our community play. A good play has been chosen and everyone should watch for the date.

If the weather is pretty next Sunday, why not come out to Sunday School in the morning and to singing that night?

Perfect spellers for last week are:--Jerry Schrabanek, Jesse Mae Schrabanek, A. T. Carpenter, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs.

Mr. Virgil Brocker did not know he was so pretty until he saw C. D. Henderson, who impersonated him to a "fine point," Saturday night.

Messrs. Joe Johs, Paul Gerhard, E. Johs, Clyde Cavallin, Mrs. F. W. Schmidt, and Miss Frieda Schmidt, went to Edna the first of the week to attend court.

Palacios Beacon, March 5, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Only a small crowd attended singing Sunday night.

Messrs. Gerhard and Johs were business visitors to Edna Monday.

Rosalee and Frances Cavallin have been ill all week. We hope that they can soon return to school.

Lillard Gillespie has been ill the past week but is now able to return to school, ,we are glad to report.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ford are the proud parents of Bernice Ray, who made her arrival a few days ago.

Little Miss Detta Irene Smith came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith of Francitas last week.

Many absences this week are due to the fact that the pupils are needed to work in the fields during the pretty weather.

Honor Roll pupils for last week:--Frank Johs, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Jerome, Vrana, Herbert Stark, Adele Gerhard, A. T. Carpenter, Bessie Carpenter.

The Francitas baseball team came over and beat us by a score of 11-7 last Friday. Carancahua's team also came over but were prevented from playing by the rain.

Something like sixty-seven trees now adorn our campus. Several of our patrons worked very diligently and we certainly appreciate their efforts at beautifying our school.

Palacios Beacon, March 12, 1931

Deutschburg School and Community News

Don't forget, "Beads on a String."

The Jones children have left us to attend school in Francitas.

Miss Bryant visited school Friday and brought us some shrubbery for our "campus."

Messrs. Claude Bartee and "Kelta" Sloan spent the week end in the home of Tom Sloan.

"Beads on a String,' starring "Abner H. Dinlker," a correspondence school detective, Cleopatria Oleomargarine Johnson, demanding her "sixteen fo' bits," and Bennie, taking the role of a girl part of the time, is all set for Saturday night. Don't fail to see this three act play, in addition to the monologues and popular songs between acts. Only a small admission will be charged for grown-ups. Children Free!

Palacios Beacon, March 19, 1931

Manager the Queen Theatre Succumbs to Matrimonial Impulse

A marriage of interest occurred last week, (the exact date and place not known), when Mr. Russell E. Williams of this city, and Miss Agda Marie Nelson of El Campo, took their nuptial vows. The event had been anticipated for several weeks by Russell’s friends, but he succeeded in keeping it a secret until the first of the week when he and his bride, accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams, left for Eldora, Iowa on a business trip and to visit relatives.

Russell is well and favorably known here and community, he having attended Palacios High School, and then been connected with his father in the picture show business during the entire time of their ownership of the Queen.

Mrs. Williams is a popular and successful school teacher, being employed at Louise the present term and taught in the Deutschburg School last year.

The Beacon joins the many friends of these estimable young people in extending felicitations and will give them a most hearty welcome on their return from the honey-moon trip.

Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1931

Debate to be Held at Deutschburg, June 27

The Deutschburg Community Club is advertising a debate for their next regular meeting of the Club in the Deutschburg school house, on Saturday night, June 27th. The question is:--Resolved: “That the broom is more useful than the dish-rag.” Everybody invited to come, and enjoy the evening with this club of wide-awake members.

Palacios Beacon, June 18, 1931

Mrs. John Rampmeier

Mrs. John Rampmeier, a highly respected citizen of Deutschburg community, died suddenly at her home last Wednesday, July 30, following a stroke of paralysis. The deceased had lived at Deutschburg the past eleven years, coming there from Minneapolis, and had been a faithful worker in the making of that community, as well as a devoted wife and mother. Her sudden passing came as a great shock to her family and friends and has left a vacancy in the home that can never be filled. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Herman, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Hans, of Portland, Ore., who were here for the funeral, and Alvin, who is at home.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. R. A. Schmidt, of El Campo, a minister of the Lutheran Church, of which faith the deceased was a devout member. Interment was made in the Deutschburg cemetery, and was attended by a large crowd of sorrowing friends.


We desire to express our thanks for the kindness shown and assistance rendered by neighbors and friends during our recent bereavement caused by the death of our beloved wife and mother, and especially do we thank those who remembered her with such beautiful floral offerings.

John Rampmeier, Herman Rampmeier, Hans Rampmeier, Alvin Rampmeier

Palacios Beacon, August 6, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

School Faculty:--Mary Pearce, Prin., Aileen Howell, Asst.

Mrs. Harwell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. Dillard, this week.

See “The Laughing Cure”—it’s good for what ails you. Deutschburg School.

We regret to state that Mr. Bon Gillaspie has been very ill this week. We hope he recovers speedily.

School has been in progress for the past three weeks, and at present, we have twenty-eight pupils enrolled with prospects of quite a few more.

The Gerhard children entered school Monday. The Gerhard family and Mrs. Schutte have been on an extended visit with friends and relatives in Nebraska and Illinois.

Misses Howell and Pearce attended the Jackson County Teachers’ Association meeting in Edna Friday night. They spent Saturday and Sunday in Miss Howell’s home in Ganado.

A large crowd attended Sunday School and singing at the Deutschburg Community House Sunday night. We have these meetings every Sunday evening, and visitors are cordially invited to meet with us.

Saturday night, Oct. 24, at the regular meeting of the Deutschburg Community Club, the young people of the community are offering a two act play, “The Laughing Cure.” The cast is as follows:--
Dr. Carey, the laughing doctor, C. D. Henderson
Dr. Whitcomb, Rufus Dillard
Laura Hanson, a melancholy invalid, Mary Pearce
Clark Hanson, tired business man, Erich Johs
Jimmie Mason, Laura’s brother, devoid of seriousness, Tony Johs
Gay Hanson, Clark’s sister, gay as her name, Aileen Howell
Kitty Clyde, Jimmie’s weakness, Viola Dillard
Mrs. Perry, pessimist, Mrs. John
Norah, Irish maid, Thelma Jones.

Honor Roll

Primary Dept.—Elroy Dockal, Alice Johs, Rayburn Hull, Murvin Lee, George Vrana.

Elementary Dept.—Ollie Brod, Henry Johs, Lee Dockal.

High School—Louise Hurta, Albert Johs, Charlie Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, October 22, 1931

Deutschburg School and Community News

Faculty:--Mary Pierce, Prin.; Aileen Howell, Asst.
Reporters: Louise Hurta, Albert Johs, Charlie Hurta

Fred Koupa of Blessing visited here this week end.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, Jo and Alice made a business trip to Houston this week.

We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Bon Gillespie has not improved since our last writing.

Next Saturday night at the school, there will be a Hallowe'en program and party. Visitors will be welcome.

We regret to state that Mrs. Harwell, of Louise, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Dillard, has been ill the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and families, Mr. and Mrs. Buck, Miss Vivian Magee, and Mr. and Mrs. Wingart, all of Francitas, were visitors at the club meeting Saturday night.

A large crowd attended the regular Community Club meeting Saturday night. The young people offered a two-act comedy, "The Laughing Cure," after which the business meeting was held. Refreshments, donated by the ladies of the community, were served by the school girls.


Primary--Alene Hull, Rayburn Hull, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Frank Johs.
Intermediate--Martha Gerhard, Allie Brod, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod.
High School--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, October 29, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family visited the Johs home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skala, of Ganado, visited their daughter, Miss Aileen Howell, Saturday.

We are glad to state that Mr. Bon Gillespie has returned from a Houston hospital, and is improving.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce enjoyed a delicious chicken supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilyard Wednesday evening.

Rosalie Cavallin and Joe Johs seemed to have found that “on Hallowe’en day of fate, one may often find a mate.” At any rate, they became Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs at midnight Saturday night. They intend to make their home in Deutschburg. May we add our heartiest congratulations.

We wish to extend our sincerest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker, in event of the death of Mr. Brocker’s father. The elder Mr. Brocker, who has been ill for some time, passed quietly away at the Brocker home Wednesday evening. The remains were removed to Keorth for interment.

The Hallowe’en program was well attended Saturday night. The children rendered a program, after which there was much bobbin’ for apples, and other Hallowe’en festivities. There was a “prettiest girl; ugliest boy contest,” a box of candy being awarded to the winners, Miss Aileen Howell and Harry Schmidt.


Primary Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Olene Hull, Murvin Lee.
Intermediate Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Jerome Vrana, Ollie Brod, Martha Gerhard, Bennie Brod, Henry Johs.
High School Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, November 5, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Mary Pearce spent the week end in Francitas.

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end at her home in Ganado.

Messrs. Joe and Tony Johs made a business trip to Ganado Saturday.

Messrs. Gerhard, Johs, Schmidt, and Dillard, attended the road meeting in Francitas Monday night.

Mrs. E. Johs was ill several days this week, but was able to meet with us at singing Sunday night.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jones and family have moved from their temporary residence in Deutschburg to Francitas.

Mrs. Harwell, of Louise, has moved into our community. She will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. R. Dillard. We are very glad to welcome Mrs. Harwell into our community.

A sad accident occurred in our midst this week. Mr. John Neuszer was severely injured when his team ran away, and he was thrown under a stalk-cutter. We are very glad to hear, however, that he is improving rapidly, and we hope will suffer no lasting effects of the injury.

The eighth grade civic class has instituted a project for beautifying our school campus. They plan to clean up the ball diamonds and courts, and make flower beds and walks. They would appreciate it if any patrons who have bricks on their premises would donate them to help the project along.

At a special meeting called by the Community Club, a beef club was organized this week. The Club hopes to enlarge its membership, and begin its activities next spring. At the same meeting a Cemetery Association of the Community Club was organized. A committee was elected, and given authority to purchase material for the construction of a fence around the cemetery grounds. We hope to improve the grounds further by planting trees and flowers.


Primary Perfect  Spellers:--Frank Arnold Johs, Alene Hull, Murvin Lee, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Jerry Skrabanek

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Jerome Vrana, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod.

High School Honor Roll:--Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta, Albert Johs.

Palacios Beacon, November 12, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Singing was well attended Sunday evening.

Rev. Hull returned from a business trip to Dallas this week.

Misses Aileen Howell and Nolta Zinnert visited the teachers Friday.

Mrs. Paul Gerhard and children visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmidt Sunday afternoon.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce visited the Gillaspie home Tuesday evening.

On Thursday evening, November 26, there will be a Thanksgiving program and box supper at the school. Come and bring boxes!

You are invited to the monthly meeting of the Deutschburg Community Club next Saturday night. A program will be rendered followed by the business meeting. Sandwiches, cake, and coffee will be offered for sale by the ladies of the community.

The Deutschburg Union Sunday School was reorganized and new officers elected:--Miss Rubye Neuszer, Supt.; Martha Gerhard, Sec.-Treas.; Mr. C. Hansen, Choirister; Mrs. Paul Gerhard, Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce, teachers. Meetings will be held every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock.

Primary Perfect Spellers:--Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Olene Hull, Murvin Lee, Frank Arnold Johs.

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Jerome Vrana, Martha Gerhard, Emma Gerhard, Alice Johs, Allie Brod, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Lillard Gillasapie, Rayburn Hull.

High School Honor Roll:--Louise Hurta, Albert Johs, Charles Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, November 19, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. R. Dillard made a trip to Cuero this week.

Sunday School and singing were well attended Sunday.

Mr. Gordon and Miss Stella Slayton [Stayton] visited the teachers Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen Sunday afternoon.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce were dinner guests of Johs home Thursday evening.

Thursday evening at the school there will be a Thanksgiving program and box supper. Come and bring boxes.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brod and Mr. Joe Brod were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brod Friday evening.

The Community Club meeting was held Saturday evening. The program consisted of a dialogue, “A Proposal,” and a chorus of college songs. After the program the business meeting was called to order. Plans for the Christmas [program] was discussed. The annual election of officers was held. Results were as follows:--Mary Pearce, Chairman; Paul Schmidt, Vice-chairman; Erich Johs, Secretary; Mr. C. Hansen, Treasurer.

Primary Perfect Spellers:--Frank Arnold Johs.

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Jerome Vrana, Martha Gerhard, Bennie Brod, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs.

High School Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, November 26, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. R. Dillard made a business trip to Ganado and Louise, Thursday.

The Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce spent the week end at their respective homes.

Messrs. Paul Gerhard, C. Hanson, E. Johs and F. Schmidt were business visitors to Edna this week.

Messrs. John Johs and Jo Frits of …Mrs. E. Johs this week end.

Thursday evening the people of the community gathered at the school for a Thanksgiving program, given by the school children. The program was followed by a box supper. The boxes sold well and the proceeds will be used to buy equipment for the school.

Primary Perfect Spellers:—Frank Arnold Johs, Olene Hull, Adele Gerhard.

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Martha Gerhard, Jerome Vrana, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs.

High School Honor Roll:--Charles Hurta, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, December 3, 1931

Divine Services At Deutschburg School House, Sunday, Dec. 27

On Sunday, December 27th, English preaching services will be conducted by A. E. Flathmann, Pastor of the Ganado Lutheran Church, at 10:30 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend.

Palacios Beacon, December 24, 1931

Deutschburg School And Community News

[Paper damaged at the beginning]

Mrs. Harwell, of Victoria, is spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Rufus Dillard.

Mr. and Mrs. Johs and family and Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt and family spent Friday afternoon at the Gerhard home.

Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Cavallin entertained with a dance. It was well attended and all reported an enjoyable time.

Sunday morning at the school house, English Divine Services were conducted by Rev. Flathmann, of Ganado. Singing services were held Sunday evening.

The Deutschburg School gave their Christmas school program and community Christmas tree Thursday evening. There was a large crowd and everyone enjoyed it.

Primary Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Olene Hull, Murvin Lee, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Odele Gerhard, Jerry Skrabanek.

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Alice Johs , Rayburn Hull, Emma Gerhard.

High School Honor Roll:--Charlie Hurta, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, January 7, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

We are glad to state that Mr. Ben Brod has improved this week. Messrs. Johs and Gerhard made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hilyard entertained a group of young people Friday evening.

Mrs. R. Dillard returned Sunday, from Victoria, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Harwell.

Reverend Flathmann was unable to conduct services Sunday evening as announced, but singing was held instead.

Their friends in this community extend their sincerest sympathy to Mrs. M. Miller and children of Francitas, in the death of Mr. Miller.

Little Alice Johs was surprised with a birthday party at their home Thursday evening. All reported a delightful evening and wish Miss Alice many happy returns of the day.

Two of our popular young people, Miss Rubye Neuszer and Alvin Rampmeier, stole a march on us and became Mr. and Mrs. Rampmeier. They motored to Cuero for a short honeymoon and returned to Deutschburg, where they expect to make their home. We wish Alvin and Rubye all the matrimonial happiness they so richly deserve.

Primary Perfect Spellers:--Adele Gerhard, Olene Hull, Frank Johs, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Jerry Skrabanek.

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Lillard Gillaspie, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Jerome Vrana, Bennie Brod, Henry Johs, Rayburn Hull, Emma Gerhard, Alice Johs.

High School Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Charlie Hurta, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, January 14, 1932

School and Community News

Mrs. H. Schulte visited the Fred Schmidt home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brocker visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brod Sunday afternoon.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce and Tony Johs and C. D. Henderson went horse-back riding Saturday morning to Francitas.

We are sorry to state that Jerry Skrabanek, George Vrana, Adele Gerhard, Mable Cavallin and Murvin Lee are absent from school with whooping cough. We hope they will be back to school soon.

We are very sorry to report that Miss Mary Pearce had the misfortune to fall from a horse Saturday afternoon. Although her injuries were not serious, she will be confined to bed for this week. Tony Johs will teach for her in our room. We all wish her a speedy recovery, and wish her to be back at school with us in a few days.


Primary Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs

Intermediate Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Emma Gerhard, Alice Johs, Martha Gerhard, Bennie Brod, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs

High School Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta

Reporters:--Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod

Palacios Beacon, February 4, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Mary Pearce is able to take up her teaching duties this week.

Mr. Louis Kopnisky [Kopnicky] of Ohio, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kopnisky.

Miss Mary Hurta of Bay City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate Hurta, at present.

Misses Howell and Pearce visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dillard this week end.

Last Thursday evening Mr. Tony Johs was given a surprise birthday party at his home.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dillard Sunday evening.

Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier visited the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer Monday.

We are very sorry to state that Mr. Ben Brod is still confined to bed. We hope he improves rapidly.

Saturday evening at the school, a meeting of the Cemetery Association was held. Plans for the improvement of the cemetery were discussed and adopted. The young people of the community are practicing a play, the benefits of which will be donated to the cemetery fund.

Perfect Spellers: Alene Hull, Frank Johs.

Intermediate Honor Roll: Ollie Brod, Martha Gerhard, Lillard Gillaspie, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Rayburn Hull.

High School Honor Roll: Louise Hurta, Albert Johs, Charles Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, February 11, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Wilbur Henderson made a business trip to Louise Friday.

We are very glad to state that Mr. Ben Brod is much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker entertained friends at their home Tuesday evening.

A road meeting was held at the school Friday evening for the purpose of discussing the new road proposition.

Quite a number of our pupils have been ill with whooping cough. We hope they will soon be able to attend school again.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce made a business trip to Edna Saturday and spent Sunday with their respective families.

Monday afternoon a Valentine party was given at the school for the school children and other little folks of the community.

Reverend Flathmann, of Ganado, conducted services here Sunday. German services were held in the afternoon, and English in the evening. Both were well attended.

Perfect Spellers: Olene Hull, Frank Johs.
Honor Roll: Rayburn Hull, Jerome Vrana.

Palacios Beacon, February 18, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Martha Gerhard visited Miss Ollie Brod Saturday.

Mr. John Rampmeier called at the Gerhard home Saturday.

The school reports numerous absences due to whooping cough.

Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Dillard entertained friends at their home.

We are very glad to state that Mr. Ben Brod is improving. We hope he will soon be fully recovered.

The young people report favorable progress on “Bertie’s Cave Woman,” the play to be offered for the benefit of the Cemetery Association. The date of performance will be announced later.

In spite of unfavorable weather conditions the monthly meeting of the Community Club was held Saturday evening. The school rendered a patriotic program, following which the business meeting was conducted.

Primary Perfect Spellers:--Olene Hull.
Honor Roll:--Rayburn Hull, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, February 25, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

The school children have begun work on their school gardens.

Mrs. V. Brocker has been visiting relatives in Hallettsville the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown of Turtle Bay visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker Sunday afternoon.

Miss Louise Schmidt arrived from Houston Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family.

Mrs. Rufus Dillard and her mother, Mrs. Harwell, visited in Yoakum this week. Mrs. Harwell remained with relatives there.

Friday afternoon the declamation eliminations were held at the school. Contestants were chosen to represent us at the Interscholastic League. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Conner, of Palacios, and Louis Kopinsky [Kopnicky] served as judges.

Saturday night “Bertie’s Cave Woman” will be given at the school. The cast of characters is as follows:--Bob Banning, and his sister, Ann, two wild young westerners who own the Devil’s Roast Ranch—C. D. Henderson and Mary Pearce.

Speed McQuire, the Ranch Foreman, a “Rootin’, tootin’, son-of-a gun from Arizona—Rufus Dillard.

Lord Bertram Cecil Algernon Montcraven, direct descendent of Richard, Earl of Cornwall—Lony Johs.

His Mother, Lady Monteraven—Viola Dillard.

Bertie’s Cousin, Diana Montcraven, a real thoroughbred—Aileen Howell.

Phil Harden, Ann’s Western suitor—Herman Schmidt.

Henry, Bertie’s valet, not at all sold on the joys of western life—Louis Kopinsky [Kopnicky].

Scene is at the Devil’s Roast.

Don’t miss “Bertie’s Cave Woman,” Saturday night, March 12. Admission 10c and 25c.

Perfect Spellers—Frank Johs, Olene Hull, Jessie Mae Skrabanek.

Honor Roll—Rayburn Hull, Jerome Vavra, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, March 10, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

We are glad to know that Mr. Ben Brod is much improved.

Messrs. Gerhard, Schmidt, Johs and Rampmeier made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Misses Mary Pearce and Aileen Howell visited their respective homes this week end.

Reverend Flathmann, of Ganado, conducted services here Sunday. German divine services were held in the afternoon and English in the evening. You are cordially invited to meet with us.

The play, “Bertie’s Cave Woman,” to be given for the benefit of the cemetery association, has been postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions, until next Saturday evening, March 19, at 8 o’clock. Don’t fail to see “Bertie’s Cave Woman,” a drama of the old days in Wyoming. Admission ten and twenty-five cents.

Honor Roll:--Martha Gerhard, Albert Johs, Charlie Hurta, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, March 17, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs visited friends in Blessing Sunday.

We are very sorry to state that Mr. Ben Brod is very ill again.

Mr. Tom Baucom visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt this week.

There was a dance at the Cavallin home Saturday evening that was well attended.

Messrs. Gerhard, Johs and Rampmeier were business visitors to Edna Wednesday.

Many of her friends celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Joe Cuba, at her home, Sunday.

The play, “Bertie’s Cave Woman,” given at the school last Saturday evening was well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stavanoh, of Louise, visited Mrs. Stavanoh’s sister, Mrs. Rufus Dillard, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt gave a farewell party Sunday evening for Herman Schmidt and Tom Baucom.

Messrs. Herman Schmidt and Tom Baucom left Monday for California and Oregon, where they will visit relatives.

Saturday, March 19, was the date of the monthly meeting of the community club, but was postponed until next Saturday night in favor of the play. All interested in the club meeting will please be present next Saturday evening.

On Wednesday afternoon little Jessie Mae Dillard celebrated her fourth birthday with a party. The primary grades from school and other little folks of the community were her guests. Jessie Mae was a very gracious hostess and all the children enjoyed the lawn games. Refreshments consisting of cake, cocoa and candy, were served by her mother. Many happy returns of the day, Jessie Mae!

Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Jerry Skrabanek, Jessie Mae Skrabanek.

Honor Roll:--Jerome Vrana, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Henry Johs, Martha Gerhard, Lillard Gillaspie, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, March 24, 1932

Mr. Ben Brod

Thursday evening at eight o’clock the death Angel came into our midst and beckoned to our friend and neighbor, Mr. Ben Brod. The summons was not unexpected, Mr. Brod having been ill for many weeks, and we may have the consolation that he has passed beyond the vale of suffering which he has endured so patiently.

Mr. Brod was a native of this portion of the state, being born in Lavaca County, Texas, August 15, 1875. In February, 1900, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Breska. To this union six children were born, all of which survive his passing.

Mr. Brod was baptized into the Catholic faith in infancy and for 23 years he has been a member of the Slavic Benevolent Order of America.

Last year Mr. Brod and his family made their home in Deutschburg, and it was here that his summons came.

His remains were laid quietly to rest in the Deutschburg cemetery, Eld. C. F. Conner, of Palacios, officiating. Pallbearers were Frank Trojcak, James Burres, Charlie Trojcak, Virgil Brocker, Paul Gerhard, and Ben Pearce.

He is survived by his wife and six children: two sons, Willie and Bennie Brod, and four daughters, Ollie Brod, Mrs. Julia Spies, and Mrs. Tillie Trojcak, both of Ganado, and Mrs. Annie Foster of Rosenberg, and five grandchildren. His mother, Mrs. Jane Brod and three brothers, Joe and Charlie of Hallettsville and John of Yoakum; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Herman and Mrs. Paul Pilzner of Yoakum and Mrs. John Pilzner of Moulton, also mourn his passing.

With these loved ones, we his friends are also saddened at the absence of our friend from our midst. We cannot understand why the call came but we can only bow our heads to the inevitable and trust the omnipotent power of the Almighty. “Now we see through a glass darkly.” Some day we too must meet our Maker face to face, and we hold the everlasting promise of our Savior, who suffered the pangs of death for us—that “though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil for He is with us.” He has prepared an eternal home for us and it is there that we will meet our friend that is gone on before.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee visited Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Sunday.

The dance at the Cavallin home Saturday evening was very well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Johs and family and Mrs. Hurta and family attended church at Blessing Sunday.

The Easter bunny paid the little folks of the community a visit Saturday afternoon. They all had a jolly time with the hunt.

Messrs. John Johs, Joe Fritz and Bill Earhard came in from Houston to spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs.

A group of young people attended a party Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown, of Turtle Bay. All reported a good time.

His many friends in this section regret to hear of the death of Mr. Fred Koupa, of Blessing. We extend our sincerest sympathy to his bereaved relatives.

Last Tuesday evening Mr. Powell Dillard was given a surprise birthday party at the home of Mr. Rufus Dillard. Despite his seventy-two years, Uncle Powell was a young as any present.

Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Dorothy Gillaspie, Jessie Mae Dillard, Murvin Lee.
Honor Roll:-- Jerome Vrana, Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta, Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs, Lillard Gillaspie.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

The Gerhard family enjoyed an outing on the river Sunday.

Misses Mary Pearce and Aileen Howell were Edna visitors Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brocker and Mr. and Mrs. Mige Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard Saturday evening.

Messrs. Schmidt, Johs, Rampmeier and Gerhard were among those who attended the special session of the Commissioners’ Court in Edna Thursday.

Trustee Election was held Saturday at the school. Mr. Fred Schmidt was reelected and Messrs. John Rampmeier and Virgil Brocker were elected to fill the vacancies caused by resignation.

Representatives from our school. accompanied by the teachers, attended the Interscholastic League meet at Ganado Friday and Saturday. Albert Johs was awarded second prize in Jr. Boys Declamation, which entitles us to representation at the District Meet.

Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Murvin Lee.

Honor Roll—Jerome Vrana, Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs, Albert Johs, Charles Hurta, Louise Hurta.

Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1932


Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Tubbs, of Palacios, visited the Cavallin home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown entertained with a dance last Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise were visiting in our community Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, Paul Schmidt and Mr. Johs made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Rev. and Mrs. Flathmann were the dinner guests of Mrs. F. W. Schmidt Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roda and family of Boling, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard.

Misses Mary Pearce and Aileen Howell were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen Tuesday evening.

We regret to state that Miss Aileen Howell has been ill the past week and unable to fill her place in the school room. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Last Monday evening Mrs. Fred Schmidt was given a surprise party. A large crowd was present and the evening was very enjoyably spent. We wish Mrs. Schmidt many happy returns of the day.

Reverend Flathmann filled his appointments Sunday. German services were conducted at 3:30 p. m. and English services at 8 p. m. Both were well attended. These services are conducted on the second Sunday of each month. You are cordially invited to meet with us.

By mistake, we failed to mention in our last week’s news, the points won for us in the County Meet by little Frank Johs. Frank entered the story telling contest and although he was the only contestant he told a story very commendable. We are very proud of Frank, who in spite of his small statue and six years is a second grade A pupil.

Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charles Hurta, Jerome Vrana, Frank Johs, Murvin Lee, Jessie Mae Skrabanek.

Palacios Beacon, April 14, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Mary Hurta visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurta at Palacios, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker entertained friends at their home Saturday evening.

The monthly meeting of the Community Club was held Saturday evening.

We are very glad to report that Miss Aileen Howell is able to resume teaching.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson were visiting in our community Sunday afternoon.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin entertained at their home Saturday evening with a dance. A large crowd was present.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and Mr. John Rammpmeier attended the convention of the Lutheran Church at Yorktown, Sunday.

Perfect Spellers:--George Vrana, Frank Johs.

Honor Roll:--Albert Johs, Louise Hurta, Charlie Hurta, Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs, Jerome Vrana.

Palacios Beacon, April 21, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Last Thursday evening an entertainment was held at the school, under the direction of the 4-H Club girls. A program was rendered, Mr. Schofield being the speaker of the evening. A box supper followed the program, and refreshments were sold by the girls. We wish to commend the girls for their efforts.

The dance at the Cavallin home was well attended.

Misses Mary Pearce and Aileen Howell spent the week end in Houston.

Our declaimer, Albert Johs, accompanied by Miss Pearce, Mr. E. Johs and Paul Gerhard, attended the District Meet at Victoria Friday. We are proud of Albert, although he was awarded a place.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard motored to Houston this weekend. Mrs. Schulte, who has been visiting there, accompanied them home.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce and Mr. Liuse Kopiniske [Kopnicky] were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier and father Wednesday evening.

Perfect Spellers:--Frank Johs, Murvin Lee, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Jerome Vrana, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard.

Palacios Beacon, April 28, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Paul Schmidt spent the week end in Houston.

Singing was held at the school Sunday evening.

Messrs. Rampmeier and Brocker made a business trip to Edna Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and daughter Alice, visited the Gerhard home Sunday.

The dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin Saturday nite was well attended.

A dance was given at the Kopniske [Kopnicky] home Saturday evening. The evening was enjoyed by all present.

Misses Mary Pearce and Aileen Howell spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brocker.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Dillard and family, of Slaton, Texas, are visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dillard went on a fishing trip Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer of Blessing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neuzer, who were formerly of our community, are the proud parents of a new son, Leo, Jr.

Perfect Spellers:--Jerome Vrana, Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard, George Vrana.

Honor Roll:-- Albert Johs, Charlie Hurta, Louise Hurta, Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs.

Palacios Beacon, May 5, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Scholfield visited his club boys Thursday here in Deutschburg.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schmidt went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sunday afternoon.

Mr. L. R. Hillard from Victoria came to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hillard Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerhard and family took a trip to Port Lavaca Sunday afternoon.

Miss Bryant, our county demonstration agent, came here Wednesday to visit her club girls.

There was a dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin Saturday evening. It was well attended.

Miss Fredia Schmidt and Mr. Clyde Cavallin were in Houston Sunday to get Mrs. F. W. Schmidt, who had been up there for a visit.

Palacios Beacon, June 2, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

This community would benefit from a good rain.

The turkey raisers in this community are losing many young turks.

The crops are all O. K. The cotton is blooming now, and the corn has roasting ears.

There was a dance at the school house last Saturday night, that was well attended. The school made $14.

A strong wind hit this section last week, but the only damages were a few trees blown down and some farmers lost a few chicks.

Palacios Beacon, June 16, 1932

Charles Polifka and family arrived in Palacios Tuesday from Watsonville, Calif., via the auto route, to locate on their farm in the Deutschburg community. A cordial welcome is extended these newcomers.

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mrs. J. V. Brocker has returned from an extended business trip in Hallettsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerhard and family attended church in Ganado, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard spent Saturday night in Louise with Mrs. Dillard’s sister.

Miss Alice Johs, accompanied the Hurtas to Blessing, Sunday, where they attended church.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown of Turtle Bay visited the Misses Howell and Pearce Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Fred Schmidt, Jr., who has spent several months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, has left for Houston.

Louise and Charlie Hurta are attending school in Palacios this term. While we miss them at our school we wish them success in Palacios.

Misses Pearce and Howell spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom, Mrs. M. L. Pearce and grand-mother Joines at LaWard.

At the beginning of the third week of school there are 26 pupils enrolled. A number of pupils are still unable to enter because of cotton-picking.

Mr. and Mrs. Hansen entertained a group of young people Thursday evening. Of course they enjoyed the evening! Who wouldn’t—at Hansens!

Mr. Cox, the County Demonstrator, met with the 4-H Club Girls last week. We wish to congratulate the girls on the excellent work they are undertaking.

The teachers have submitted the following list of honor students for last week.--Frank Johs, Marvin Lee, Martha Gerhard, Morgan Pearce, Albert Johs and Henry Johs.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Knoff and family of Blessing, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs Sunday.

A dance was given at the Cavallin home Saturday night. It was well attended.

A number of people from this community were in Edna this week, serving as jurors and court witnesses.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown, Misses Pearce and Howell and Morgan Pearce enjoyed a picnic in the woods Sunday.

Messrs. Pearce and Langston of Francitas, were circulating a road petition in our community Friday afternoon.

Mr. Remir Schmidt of Lincoln, Nebraska, came in Saturday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt.

Mr. Wilbut Henderson, and a party of friends from Louise, went on a fishing trip this week. We haven't heard any reports about the "luck" as yet.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skela, of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown, of Turtle Bay were among the guests at the community meeting Saturday evening.

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll for the past week: Jessie Hale Brown, Frank Johs, Murvin Lee, Adele Gerhard, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Jerry Skrabanek, Morgan Pearce, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Allie Brod and Martha Gerhard.

Rev. Glathmann, of Ganado, filled his appointment Sunday evening. Services were well attended. Rev. Flathmann was unable to conduct German services in the afternoon, but he announced that at his next regular appointment the second Sunday of November, he will conduct German services in the afternoon and English in the evening. You are cordially invited to attend these services.

The school children entertained with a brief program at the meeting of the Community Club Saturday night. The 4-H girls decorated the building with golden rods. The program was as follows:--

Drill--Flower Dance--Girls
Reading--"Little Boy Blue"--Murvin Lee
Song--"Billy Boy"--Primary
Story--"Travels of a Fox"--Frank Johs
Negro Songs--"Can't Yo Heah Me Callin, Caroline?" and "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"--Intermediate.

Palacios Beacon, October 13, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brocker were visiting friends in Palacios Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson were in our community Sunday afternoon.

A small crowd gathered at the school house Sunday night for singing.

Miss Cox, the County Demonstrator, met with the 4-H Club girls Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gerhard and family, and Mrs. Schutte, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roda at Boling Sunday.

Misses Pearce and Howell, and Morgan spent the week end at their respective homes. They were also Edna visitors Saturday.

We were pleasantly surprised Wednesday afternoon by a visit from Mrs. Verna K. Harper, Mrs. Brickel, Mrs. Ward and Miss Katherine Young, of Edna. Of course we are always glad to have Mrs. Harper with us, but it was an "extra" surprise to have the other ladies. Miss Young told us about the plans for the Centennial Celebration, and we are very glad to give her our support in putting over the plan. Mrs. Brickel, who is chairman of the Bi-centennial Tree-Planting Committee, discussed plans for beautifying our campus. She brought us seeds and vines and told us how to transplant many local shrubs. Last, but not least, we had a nice talk by Mrs. Ward. Many, many years ago, Mrs. Ward taught a little school near the present East Carancahua crossing. She told us about it and even showed us the old blue-back speller she used, where Mrs. Ward's old home stood, in what is now Francitas Park. There are some shrubs she planted there. We plan to transplant some on the school ground in honor of Mrs. Ward. We hope these ladies will visit us again some time.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs visited relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hansen visited at the teacherage Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard, of Louise, visited the C. J. Cavallin home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson and family visited relatives in Louise Sunday.

Mr. Wm. F. Schwind of Francitas, was attending to business in our section this week.

Mr. Mike Kopniske [Kopnicky] of Cleveland, O., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kopniske, at present.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family and Mrs. Schutte attended church in Ganado, Sunday.

The teachers reported the following honor roll for the week:--Jessie Hale Brown, Murvin Lee, Frank Johs.

The people of the community are very glad to welcome the Polifka family to our section. They are building a home on their property, and we hope will become permanent residents of the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown, of Turtle Bay, entertained with a party, Saturday evening. It was a surprise birthday party for Miss Mary Pearce, and what a pleasant surprise it seemed to be. All present reported a delightful evening. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Henderson and Misses Mamie and Lon_ Henderson of Houston attended the party.

Palacios Beacon, October 27, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard made a trip to Louise Monday.

Miss Alice Johs visited the Gerhard girls Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Anne Foster is attending to business in Rosenberg this week.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce and Francis visited at the teacherage Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schmidt.

Mrs. Paul Gerhard and children and Mrs. Schutte attended church and Sunday School in Ganado.

Misses Pearce and Howell and Morgan Pearce were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen Thursday evening.

Saturday evening the school children entertained with a Hallowe'en program. The auditorium was effectively decorated in orange and black serpentine, the windows were festooned with moss and crepe paper, and black silhouette cut-outs of witches, owls, and cats were in borders above the black-boards and doors. The stage back-ground was a wooded scene--small shrubs, autumn leaves, and moss with an occasional Jack-o-lantern or skull and cross-bones. The program rendered was as follows:--

Reading, "Jack, Watch Out!"--Isabelle Henderson.
Playlet, "Meeting the Witches"--Primary.
Pantomine--"Mr. William Wallace Williamson."
Song, "Creepy Little Scarecrows"--Primary Boys.
Monologue, "Change of Mind"--Louise Hurta.
Song, "Shadows"--Girls.
Play, "Pirates and Pearls"--Intermediate and High School.

A large crowd was present. Among our visitors from out of the community were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mathis, Mrs. Stall, and the elder Mr. Mathis, of Blessing; Messrs. James and Cecil Buck, Miss Lucile Buck, Mr. Watts Langston, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, Mr. Leonard Johs, Misses Elsie and Edna Lubben and Mrs. C. D. Lubben of Francitas.

The dance which was given after the program was also well attended.

Palacios Beacon, November 3, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mrs. Annie Foster made a trip to Rosenberg Sunday.

Mr. Paul Gerhard made a business trip to Ganado Monday.

Mr. Wm. F. Schwind, of Francitas, was in the community Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Polifka were guests at the Gerhard home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs visited the Knoff home in Blessing Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee were business visitors to Ganado Monday.

Little Russell Matthes, of Blessing, was a week end guest at the teacherage.

Misses Howell and Pearce spent Friday night at the Brown home in Turtle Bay.

Messrs. Roland Hunnicutt and Robert Plant, of the Beulah [Buhler] section, called at the Gerhard home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. ___ entertained with a dance Saturday evening. A large crowd was present judging from the number of cars.

The Green and Wilson children have enrolled in school, bringing our enrollment up to thirty-five. We are pleased to have these children in our school.

The teachers have announced the following honor roll:--Frank Johs, George Vrana, Bertha Gerhard, Jerome Vrana, Vlasta Skrabanek, Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Henry Johs, Bernice Brod, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Morgan Pearce.

Palacios Beacon, November 10, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Mary Pearce spent Saturday at the Brown home.

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dillard spent Saturday in Louise.

Mr. John Johs, of Houston, visited at home this week end.

C. D. Henderson and Paul Gerhard went to Ganado Saturday.

Mr. Harry Best, of Yoakum, spent the week here on business.

Mrs. Vrana has been ill for quite a while, but is now recovering.

Miss Martha Gerhard spent the week end at the Skrla’s home in Ganado.

Mr. R. I. Bain, of Louise, visited Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Henderson last week.

Mr. Harry Landin, of La Ward, spent Saturday night with Mr. Morgan Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson spent Sunday at Turtle Bay, visiting relatives.

Mr. Leonard Yost and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Yost were in our community Saturday.

Miss Mary Pearce and C. D. Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson of Turtle Bay, Sunday.

Rev. Flathmann, of Ganado, filled his appointment here Sunday. German services in the afternoon and English at night. Services are held here every second Sunday of each month. You are cordially invited.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1932

Dillard – Cavallin

November 18, in Edna, two young people of our section were united in marriage. The bride, Miss Iva Mae Dillard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dillard; and the groom, Mr. Caude Cavallin, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin.

The ceremony was performed in the Methodist parsonage in Edna, Rev. Wilson officiating. The young couple expect to reside in the home now occupied by Mr. Clarence Lee. We extend our best wishes to them.

Mr. E. Johs made a business trip to Houston the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Neuszer visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer Sunday.

The young people of the Schmidt family and some guests from Blessing went on a pecan hunt Sunday.

Misses Pearce and Howell and Morgan, spent the week end at the home of Miss Pearce’s parents in Francitas.

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll for the week--
1st grade: Mabel Cavallin, Bertha Gerhard, Vlasta Skrabanek
3rd grade: Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard, Jessie Hale Brown, Jessie Mae Skrabanek, Murvin Lee, Jerry Skrabanek
4th grade: Jerome Vrana
5th grade: Emma Gerhard, Alice Johs
7th grade: Henry Johs, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Bennie Brod, Morgan Pearce
8th grade: Albert Johs.

Palacios Beacon, November 24, 1932

Deutschburg School and Community News

Morgan Pearce spent the week end with his parents in Francitas

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were supper guests at the Gerhard home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen spent Thanksgiving day with friends near Palacios.

Mrs. F. W. Schmidt and Friedt were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Gerhard home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs have moved to Olivia. They will make their home with Mr. M. L. Cavallin.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier and Mesdames John and L. P. Neuszer motored to Cuero this week end.

Mrs. R. H. Dillard accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee to Louise last week where she visited her sister.

Miss Cox and Mr. Scoffield, the Co. Demonstration Agents, met with the 4-H Club this week. Mr. Scoffield and the boys held their meeting Wednesday and Miss Cox and the girls met Friday. Accompanying Mr. Scoffield was a representative of the Dept. of Agriculture, who gave the children a demonstration of how to catch gophers. Surely, it is practical because they caught one!

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll for the week:
First Grade: Vlasta Skarbanek, Bertha Gerhard, Mable Cavallin
Second Grade: George Vrana
Third Grade perfect spellers: Murvin Lee, Frank Johs, Jessie Hale Brown, Adele Gerhard
Fourth Grade: Jerome Vrana
Fifth Grade: Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Dorothy Mae Gillespie
Seventh Grade: Morgan Pearce, Henry Johs, Martha Gerhard

The seventh and ninth grades held a debate Friday afternoon. The subject was: Resolved, the Single Land System is the Best Form of Taxation. Affirmative speakers were Henry Johs, Albert Johs, Ollie Brod and Lillard Gillespie. Negative Speakers were Morgan Pearce, Bennie Brod, Martha Gerhard and Frances Cavallin. Judges for the occasion were Misses Aileen Howell and Bonnie Cox. The decision was awarded in favor of the negative side.

School was not dismissed Thursday, but the children invited their parents to school, and exercises befitting the occasion were conducted. The program was as follows:--
Song, "Come Thou Almighty King."--Audience.
Responsive Reading.
History of Thanksgiving--Albert Johs.
Song, "Harvest Time."--Girls.
Reading--Frank Johs.
Reading, Thanksgiving Day--Margaret Wilson and Jerome Vrana.
Reading, Thanksgiving Praise--Martha Gerhard.
Reading, Thanksgiving Diary--Morgan Pearce.
Song, "Reapers"--Audience.
Song, "America"--Audience.
Flag Salute.

Palacios Beacon, December 1, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Brocker visited the Brod home Sunday.

Miss Mary Pearce was a guest at the Gerhard home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cavallin spent Sunday at the C. J. Cavallin home.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard, of Louise, were guests at the Cavallin home Sunday.

Messrs. Tanner and Quinn of Palacios were attending to business in the community Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gillard and children, and Mrs. Harvel visited relatives in Louise Sunday.

The Christmas program and community tree is scheduled for Saturday night, Dec. 24. We invite you to be present.

Miss Aileen Howell spent the weekend at her home in Ganado. She visited Mr. Skrla in the Victoria hospital and reports that he is recuperating.

A large crowd attended the dance given at the school Saturday night. Music was furnished by Adolph Highberg, and Lloyd Maples of Palacios, and Louis Kopniske [Kopnicky] of this community. Proceeds will be added to the community Christmas fund.

Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1932

Deutschburg School And Community News

Messrs. Johs, Schmidt and Rampmeier were business visitors to Edna Monday.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce spent the week end at their respective homes.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard spent the holidays with Mrs. Dillard’s family in Port Lavaca.

Mrs. Joe Fritz, of Houston, spent last week in the community surveying the lateral road to the Hug-the-Coast.

Due to unfavorable road conditions, Rev. Flathmann was unable to fill his regular appointments here Sunday.

Messrs. Louis and Mike Kopniske [Kopnicky] entertained at the home with a New Year’s Eve dance. The evening was very ably spent.

Among those who have been ailing are the Dillard, King, Johs, and Gerhard families. We are glad to state that they are improving.

His many friends in this section regretted to hear of the death of Mr. Malcolm Cavallin of Olivia. We extend our sympathy to his bereaved relatives.

Miss Frieda Schmidt, accompanied Mr. John Johs to Houston. Miss Schmidt spent the holidays at the Gerhard home and Mr. Johs at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs.

Palacios Beacon, January 12, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end at her home in Ganado.

Mrs. Virgil Brocker is visiting relatives at Keorth, Texas, at present.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson entertained with “42” Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Schwind visited in the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Gerhard and Johs made a business trip to Houston the past week.

Mr. John Rampmeier was given a surprise birthday dinner Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were dinner guests at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson and a group of young people enjoyed a picnic at the river Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard entertained a select group of friends at their home Saturday night with a dance.

Mr. and Mrs. Bane and son, Morgan, of Louise, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cavallin of this community were guests at the C. J. Cavallin home Saturday night.

Friday night, a meeting of the Community Reconstruction Finance Committee was held at the school. Plans for this work will go into effect at once.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quinn, formerly of the Palacios section, have moved into our community. They occupy the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs. We are very glad to welcome these people to our community.

The 4-H Club Girls met Friday afternoon, Jan. 13, at the Deutschburg school with Miss Cox, our County Demonstration Agent. There are seven girls in the Club and they have two hundred and five shrubs out for beautifying their yards. She showed the girls how to make screen plantings. Our next regular meeting will be January 21?st.

Palacios Beacon, January 19, 1933

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard visited the Johs home Sunday afternoon.

A meeting of the R. F. C. was called at the school Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and Alice, visited the Polifka home Sunday evening.

Mrs. Joan Brown, of the Turtle Bay section, was the week end visitor at the teacherage.

Mrs. Vergil Brocker returned home from Keorth Sunday, where she has been visiting relatives and friends.

The dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta was well attended and the evening enjoyable spent.

Mr. and Mrs. Hester, and daughter, Kate, of Conroe, were guests of the Rampmeier and Neuszer homes the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hansen entertained dinner guests Sunday. The occasion was Mr. Hansen's birthday. Many happy returns of the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier were visited by Mr. Stork Sunday night. He left a little son in their home. We are very glad for them.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce entertained with a social at the teacherage, Saturday afternoon. The honoree of the occasion was Mrs. Ruby Rampmeier. Decorations were pink and blue garlands and streamers. A buffet luncheon, consisting of salad, cakes and coffee, were served. Guests of the afternoon were Mesdames J. Neuszer, Hester, Wilbur Henderson, Joan Brown, C. D. Lubben, John Martin, Polifka, Tony Hurta and Misses Kate Hester of Cuero, Annie Mae Hurta and Sophie Lubben of Francitas.

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll for the week:--

First Grade:--Bertha Gerhard, Mable Cavallin, Ruth King, Vlasta Skrabanek.
Third Grade:--Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard, Jessie Mae Skrabanek.
Fourth Grade:--Jerome Vrana.
Fifth Grade:--Alice Johs, Emma Gerhard, Hazel King, Dorothy Gillaspie.
Seventh Grade:--Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Morgan Lee Pearce.

Palacios Beacon, January 26, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Paul Gerhard was an Edna visitor Friday.

Messrs. C. J. and Calvin Cavallin made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia, visited the Cavallin home this week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family called at the Polifka home Sunday evening.

Miss Laura Krepsbach visited the Misses Pearce and Howell Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise spent the week end in the community visiting relatives.

Mr. Mansen was given a surprise birthday party Wednesday evening. Guests were entertained with music, and a delicious luncheon of chocolate, sandwiches and sweets were served.

Miss Aileen Howell, Annie Brod and Mary Pearce, accompanied by little Frank Johs, attended the Matagorda County Teachers’ Association in Bay City, Saturday. Frankie was invited for the purpose of telling a story to the Interscholastic League sectional meeting, which he did very commendably.

The Club Girls and Miss Cox, our County Demonstration Agent, met Friday afternoon in the Deutschburg school, January 27th. Miss Cox told us how hot beds were made and asked how many shrubs each had. Now we have about three hundred and most of us have very pretty gardens. Our next meeting will be held February 11.

The many friends of Mr. Arthur Matthes were grieved to hear of the recent death of his father. We extend our sincerest sympathy.

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll for the week:--

First Grade:--Bertha Gerhard, Mable Cavallin, Carroll Bain Henderson, Vlasta Skrabanek.
Third Grade:--Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard.
Seventh Grade:--Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs, Bennie Brod, Morgan Pearce.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1933

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard entertained with a dance Saturday evening.

Misses Pearce and Howell and Morgan were dinner guests at the Gerhard home Wednesday evening.

Mrs. F. W. Schmidt entertained with a dinner party Sunday. Her guests were the Gerhard and Johs families.

Miss Kate Hester, who has been a visitor at the Rampmeier home for several weeks, has returned to her home in Cuero.

Mr. John Cavallin is in Cuero at the present, where he has undergone an operation. We are very glad to hear that his condition is improving.

Mr. Virgil Brocker was given a surprise birthday party Tuesday evening. Guests were entertained with dancing and delicious refreshments were served.

His many friends in this section were shocked to hear of the death of Mr. Alfred Landin. We extend our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved family.

The school children were given a Valentine party Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were present, Mr. Hansen acting as postman for the Valentine box. Candy, furnished by the girls, was served. Mr. Hansen told of his experiences in the Spanish-American war. Afterwards the pupils played a game of ball.

Palacios Beacon, February 23, 1933

Deutschburg School and Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt and son Paul, visited the Johs family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia were visiting their home folks Sunday.

Mr. E. Johs and Mr. Tony Hurta were business visitors in Edna Monday.

Mr. Roland Hunnicutt, of LaWard, visited the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

A dance was given at the Dillard home Saturday night. It was well attended.

Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Francitas spent the week end with Mary Pearce in Deutschburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer.

Mrs. B. H. Pearce, Mary Pearce, Ann Brod and Mr. J. V. Brocker were business visitors in Edna and Victoria Saturday.

We are sorry to state that Mr. Alvin Rampmeier was taken suddenly ill since Saturday. We hope that he will soon be well.

Misses Aileen Howell and Mary Pearce and Morgan were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen Thursday night.

The many friends were shocked to hear of the death of the elder Yoas of Francitas. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family.

A party was given at the home of Mrs. Kate Hurta Saturday evening. Cards and dominoes were played. Delicious refreshments were served:

Honor Roll:--
First Grade:--Vlasta Skrabanek.
Third Grade:--Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard.
Fourth Grade:--Ivan Cavallin, Jerome Vrana.
Seventh Grade:--Morgan Pearce, Ollie Brod, Martha Gerhard, Bennie Brod.
Ninth Grade:--Albert Johs.

Palacios Beacon, March 2, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker visited friends near Palacios Sunday.

Misses Howell and Pearce were guests at the Hansen home Saturday.

The Johs and Gerhard families visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmidt Sunday.

Mrs. Harvel, of Port Lavaca, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Dillard at present.

Messrs. B. H. Pearce and Paul Gerhard went to Edna Monday, to serve as members of the grand jury.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker, Misses Howell and Pearce and Morgan Pearce were dinner guests at the Brod home Wednesday evening.

Sunday, March 12 there will be German services at 3 p. m. and English services at 7:30 p. m., Rev. Flathmann officiating. We invite you to meet with us.

Mr. Knoff, a former resident in the Blessing district, passed away Sunday. His many friends in Deutschburg extend their sympathy to his bereaved family.

The seventh and ninth grades are busy rehearsing a play, entitled “The Worthy Vagabond,” which they intend to offer in the near future. Date of presentation will be announced soon. Watch for it.

Mrs. Harper and Mr. Dinkins, the State Inspector, paid us a visit Thursday afternoon. After making the report, Mr. Dinkins and Mrs. Harper talked to us. Exercises commemorating March 2 were held.

The teachers have submitted the following honor roll of the week:--
First Grade--Bertha Gerhard, Mable Cavallin, Vlasta Skrabanek, Carroll Bain Henderson.
Third Grade--Adele Gerhard, Frank Johs.
Fourth Grade—Jerome Vrana.
Seventh Grade—Morgan Pearce, Martha Gerhard.

Palacios Beacon, March 9, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker Sunday.

Misses Howell and Pearce spent the week end at their respective homes.

Mrs. Anton Knoff of Blessing and the Knoff family from west Texas, called on the Johs home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daye and family, and Mr. Dick Schmidt, all of Blessing, were visitors at the Gerhard home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wingart, Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz, and Mrs. Miller, of Francitas, were in our community Sunday afternoon.

Week end guests at the Cavallin home were Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cavallin of this community.

Reverend Flathmann filled his appointments Sunday. German services were held in the afternoon and English in the evening. Both were well attended.

“A Worthy Vagabond,” a three-act play, will be presented at the Deutschburg School, Saturday evening, March 18, at 8 o’clock, admission free. You are cordially invited.

Two young people of our community, Miss Agnes Skrabanek and Mr. Ben Vrana were united in marriage at the bride’s home this week. We extend our congratulations and best wishes.

Thursday afternoon the Declamation and Story Telling Elimination Contest was held. Contestants were chosen in each division to represent us at the County Interscholastic League Meet. Rev. and Mrs. Conner, of Palacios, were present to act as judges. Several patrons were present also.

Honor Roll:--First Grade, Vlasta Skrabanek, Bertha Gerhard, Ruth King, Carroll Bain Henderson
Second Grade, George Vrana
Third Grade, Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard
Fourth Grade, Jerome Vrana, Ivan Cavallin
Seventh Grade, Martha Gerhard, Ollie Brod, Bennie Brod, Henry Johs, Morgan Pearce
Ninth Grade, Albert Johs

Palacios Beacon, March 16, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Brocker called at the Brod home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were guests at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia, visited in the community this week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer.

In spite of unfavorable weather conditions, a small crowd met for singing Sunday evening.

Messrs. F. Schmidt, Paul Gerhard, Willie Neuszer and V. Brocker were among the business visitors to Edna this week.

We take this means of offering our congratulations to Louise Hurta, a former pupil of our school, who won Senior Girls’ Declamation in Palacios this year. Good luck, Louise!

Miss Bonnie Cox and Mr. Scoffield, our County Demonstrators, met with their respective 4-H Clubs Monday, March 13. The subject discussed by the boys was “Live Stock and the Stock Show,” and the girls, “What a Girl Must Eat to be Healthy.”

“A Worthy Vagabond,” play presented by pupils of the school was quite a success. Characterization was as follows:--
Judith Miller, Owner of the Bar-Heart-Bar Ranch—Martha Gerhard.
Dan Allen, A Worthy Vagabond—Morgan Pearce.
Sandy Lane, A noble Imposter—Albert Johs.
Sadie Snapp, A Neighbor—Sylvia Arnold.
Queenie Winton, Judith’s charming guest—Ollie Brod.
Horatio Benjamin Johnson, Jr., A Bug Crazy Prof. of Biology—Henry Johs.
Bart Thurman, A Typical Bad-man—Lillard Gillaspie.
Fred Miller, Judith’s Brother, and Bart’s co-worker—Bennie Brod.
Rachael, A colored mammy, who is right dare to look after her little ole’ white girl—Frances Cavallin.

Refreshments were sold after the play. Funds collected will be used to buy books for the school library.

Palacios Beacon, March 23, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Emil Peterson, of Carancahua, called at the Cavallin home Saturday.

Miss Mary Hurta, of Blessing, visited at her mother’s home Kate Hurts, this week end.

Mr. Tony Johs, who has been visiting in Houston for several weeks, returned this week.

The play “A Worthy Vagabond,” will be presented at the Blessing Community House, Tuesday evening.

Messrs. V. Brocker, John Rampmeier, and Fred Schmidt, were among the business visitors to Edna this week.

Singing was held at the school Sunday evening. You are invited to meet with us every Sunday evening at 8 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Baw, and son, R. T., of Louise, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson, Sunday.

Miss Cox, the County Demonstrator, met with the Girls 4-H Club Friday afternoon. The subject of discussion was “Poisons.”

Misses Howell and Pearce visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, of Turtle Bay, Saturday. Mr. Brown has been quite ill, but we are glad to state that he is improving at present.

A dance was given at the Kopniske [Kopnicky] home Saturday evening. A large crowd was present, and all spent a very enjoyable evening. Music was furnished by Mr. Arnold and daughter, Sylvia.

Interscholastic League work is progressing successfully. All eliminations have been held, and the following students will represent our school in Edna, Friday:--

Senior Boys’ Declamation, Albert Johs
Junior Boys’ Declamation, Morgan Lee Pearce
Junior Girls’ Declamation, Frances Cavallin
Story-Telling Contests, Bertha Gerhard and Frank Johs
Arithmetic, Henry Johs and Bennie Brod
3-R, Martha Gerhard
Senior Spelling, Albert Johs
Junior Spelling, Martha Gerhard and Ollie Brod
Sub-Junior Spelling, Hazel King and Emma Gerhard

Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

A large crowd attended singing Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Johs called at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson are rejoicing over the arrival of a new son in their home. Congratulations!

School Trustee election was held Saturday, Mr. V. Brocker as presiding judge. Mr. John Rampmeier was re-elected to the trustee-ship.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family visited relatives in Blessing Sunday. Mrs. Schulte, who has been visiting in Blessing the past week, accompanied them home.

The Carancahua ball team came over to play the Deutschburg team last Wednesday afternoon. The score was 27-30 in favor of Deutschburg, but both teams enjoyed the fray.

Our school play, “A Worthy Vagabond,” was presented at the Blessing Community House Tuesday night. It was well attended, and the proceeds will be used to defray graduation expenses.

Rev. Flathmann will conduct services here Sunday. German services will be held at three o’clock in the afternoon and English in the evening. You are cordially invited to worship with us.

Visitors at the Cavallin home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia, Mr. and Mrs. Kess Dillard of Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cavallin and Miss Frieda Schmidt of our community.

Representatives of our school attended the County Interscholastic League Meet at Edna Friday. Martha Gerhard was awarded first prize in 3-R, Alert Johs second in Senior Spelling, and second in Senior Boys’ Declamation; Frankie Johs third in storytelling and Morgan Pearce first in Junior Boys Declamation. We wish to commend all our contestants (not only those who were awarded places,) on the good work they have carried on for their school.

Palacios Beacon, April 6, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Daye, of Blessing, were guests at the Schmidt home Sunday.

Woodroe Carpenter, formerly a student of our school, is visiting in the community.

Miss Dixie Howell, of Ganado, spent the week end with her sister, Miss Aileen Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johs in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer, of Blessing were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer.

Mrs. F. W. Schmidt was given a surprise birthday party at her home Tuesday evening by her friends and neighbors.

Mrs. Harper visited our school Thursday afternoon. She brought about fifty magazines to add to our library. We always enjoy Mrs. Harper’s visits.

Reverend Flathmann of Ganado, conducted services here Sunday, German at three o’clock in the afternoon, and English at seven thirty in the evening. Both were well attended.

Palacios Beacon, April 13, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Singing services were conducted Sunday evening.

Mrs. V. Brocker is visiting in Hallettsville at present.

Mr. E. Johs was a business visitor to Ganado Saturday.

Misses Howell and Pearce returned to their respective homes for the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Volkert, of Houston, spent the week end at the Gerhard home.

Little Russell Matthes of Blessing, spent the week end at the teacherage and the Johs home.

A dance was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard Saturday night. A large crowd attended and spent a very enjoyable evening.

Representatives of our school attended district meet at Victoria Friday. Morgan Pearce, who represented us in Junior Boys’ Declamation, was awarded second place.

An Easter hunt was held at the school Thursday afternoon. The old bunny hid several hundred eggs for the children. Easter exercises were held before the hunt.

Miss Bonnie Cox, our County Demonstrator, and Mrs. Harper, visited our school Thursday morning. Miss Cox met with the 4-H Club Girls. They discussed club canning. Mrs. Harper visited with the children.

Palacios Beacon, April 20, 1933

Deutschburg School and Community News


Sunday, April 30th, at 8:00 o'clock, Reverend Flathmann will conduct Baccalaureate Services for the graduating class.

Wednesday, May 3rd, at 8:00 o'clock the elementary department will present the closing program, consisting of an Operetta, "Flower Nymphs Surprise" and a dialogue, "Tom Sawyer in Mother Goose Village."

Friday, May 5th at 8:00 o'clock, we will conduct Commencement Exercises for the graduating class. We cordially invite you to attend these closing school activities.


Singing services were conducted Sunday evening.

Mrs. Brocker has returned from a visit in Hallettsville.

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end with relatives in LaWard.

Mrs. Ben Brod and family visited with relatives at Midfield, Sunday.

The Schmidt, Gerhard and Johs families spent Sunday picnicing at the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise were week end guests in the community.

Mr. Walter Arnold of San Antonio, is visiting his brother, J. B. Arnold, at present.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown and Vera Lee Simmons spent Sunday at the teacherage.

We are very sorry to state that Ben Arnold has been stricken with an attack of appendicitis and is quite ill at present.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Francitas, and Mrs. and Mrs. R. H. Carroll, of Houston, visited at the teacherage Sunday morning.

A dance was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hurta are royal entertainers and the evening was a very enjoyable one.

We wish to express our sincerest sympathy, for Mrs. R. H. Dillard, whose father was seriously injured in an auto accident at Louise last week, and is now in a hospital at Rosenberg. We hope he will recover speedily.

Palacios Beacon, April 27, 1933

August Kunover

August Kunover, formerly of Deutschburg, died at his home in Houston, Monday. He was 48 years of age, and is survived by his wife, two daughters and one son; also his mother and two brothers, who live in Europe. Funeral services were held Wednesday conducted by Rev. T. F. O’Sullivan, and buried in Hollywood cemetery.  Mr. Kunover was one of the early settlers of the Deutschburg community and had many friends there and in Palacios who regret to learn of his death, and extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

Palacios Beacon, July 13, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillard entertained with a dance Saturday evening.

Mr. W. C. Hurtil, of Houston, paid our community a visit the past week.

School has been in session for two weeks. Enrollment at present is 26.

We invite you to our program and box supper, Friday night, Oct. 13th.

Miss Louisa Schmidt, of Houston, is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard and family called at the Polifka home Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. E. Johs and Claud Cavallin were among the business visitors to Edna this week.

Misses Howell and Pearce were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skrabanek and son, Jerry, and Mr. Ben Vrana were visitors to Rosenberg the past week.

Albert Johs, a former pupil of our school, who is attending school in Palacios this term, spent the week end at home.

Mrs. Louis Letturich and her two children, of Watsonville, Calif., are spending their vacation with Mrs. Lettunich’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Polifka.

We wish to extend our sympathy to the Neuszer family in the death of their relative, Mr. Hester, who passed away recently in Cuero. The Hesters home visited in our community and have many friends here.

There will be a box supper at the Deutschburg School Friday evening, Oct. 13th. Program for the occasion will be a Spanish Serenade. We invite you to see the program, bring a box, and visit the refreshment booth.

Palacios Beacon, October 5, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. W. C. Hurtel was in Deutschburg on business Sunday.

Miss Howell spent the week end with home folks at Ganado.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs, of Olivia, visited relatives here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brocker made a trip to Hallettsville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trojcak, of Ganado, visited the Brod home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise, were week end guests at the Cavallin home.

Miss Mary Pearce attended the Interscholastic League meeting in Edna Saturday.

We again invite you to the Spanish Serenade and Box Super Friday nite, October 13th.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and family were the all-day guests in the Knoff home Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. Flathmann, and Mr. Gascamp, who accompanied them from Ganado, were supper guests at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Miss Cox met with the 4-H Club girls in their regular meeting Sept. 29. The meeting was for the purpose of discussing plans for this year’s work.

Rev. Flathmann, of Ganado, filled his appointments here Sunday. Both English and German services are held in the afternoon, the German at 3 p. m.; the English at 4 p. m. In addition to the regular sermon the baptismal services for little Irene Gerhard were conducted Sunday. Rev. Flathmann meets with us the second Sunday of each month at the hours stated above. We invite you to these services.

Palacios Beacon, October 12, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mrs. Gerhard and family called at the Gerhard home Sunday.

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end with home folks in Ganado.

Misses Louisa Schmidt and Martha Gerhard visited Miss Ollie Brod Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt and family attended the Mission Festival in Ganado, Sunday.

Hay-making is going full force in our community, after the delay caused by the recent rains.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer, of Blessing, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer this week end.

Miss Mary Pearce was the honoree at a birthday dinner, given at the Brocker home Sunday evening. It was a surprise affair, given by the Palifka and Brown families.

The Spanish Serenade and Box Supper Friday night was well attended. The decorations were representative of a Fiesta and costumes were typical of the occasion. The program was supposedly broadcast from a Mexican station in Del Rio, and consisted of a Medley of family Spanish songs and several dances. As an additional number, the Misses Wilsons of Francitas, rendered a piano duet, "School Days." After the program the boxes were sold. Messrs. Wingart and Brocker acted as auctioneers. Refreshments were sold by the pupils. Among our visitors were Mr. Lorraine Howell, of Corpus Christi; Misses Lauriedell Knipling and Dixie Howell and Mr. Mike Martin, of Ganado and a number of Francitas people. We were very glad to have these folks with us. Proceeds of the evening will be used for school equipment.

Palacios Beacon,  October 19, 1933

Deutsch burg School And Community News

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end in Ganado.

Mrs. Pearce and Mary were guests at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

Mesdames Pearce and Brod and Miss Annie Brod were Edna visitors this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Brocker and Mr. J. Meinke were visitors at the Brown home Sunday.

Messrs. Johs, Gerhard and Schmidt were among the business visitors to Edna this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta returned this week from a visit to New Mexico. Mrs. Hurta’s home was originally in that state, and they report a pleasant visit with relatives there.

The secretary of the 4-H Club Girls submitted the following report of their last meeting: The Girls’ 4-H Club met at the Deutschburg School Friday afternoon, Oct. 27. Miss Bonnie Cox, the County Demonstrator, was present. Officers were elected as follows: Martha Gerhard, president; Frances Cavallin, vice-pres; Mildred Carpenter, secy.; Ollie Brod, reporter. Other members present were Dorothy Gillaspie, Alice Johs and Emma Gerhard. We discussed the keeping of our record books, and Miss Cox told us about vegetable plants. Date of our next meeting will be announced.

The Hallowe’en program was presented by the school Monday evening. The auditorium was decorated in the characteristic orange and black, and the stage setting was a cemetery in black and white. The primary children were all costumed as ghosts; and the intermediate and H. S. pupils were witches, devils, and clowns. The program was as follows:

I. A band of spooks assembled in the graveyard presented, “Because its Hallowe’en, Sound of Hallowe’en,” and Spook song.

II. Drama: Hallowe’en Masquerade—Intermediate and High School

III. Drill: Flight of the Witches—Girls.

IV. History of Hallowe’en—Andrew Kopniske [Kopnicky].

V. Acrobatics—Clowns.

VI. Tap Dance—Mildred Carpenter.

After the program young and old assembled on the school ground and played games.

Palacios Beacon, November 2, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt and family were business visitors to Ganado Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard, of Louise, were guests at the Cavallin home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, Alice and Erich, were visitors at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Miss Aileen Howell, accompanied a party of friends from Goliad to Houston this week end.

Mrs. F. W. Schmidt is spending a few weeks as a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dye, of Blessing.

The stork paid a sly visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vrana Saturday and left a little son. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. King and family have returned to our community and are residing at present at the Cavallin farm. We are glad to welcome these people back with us.

Mrs. Florence Pearce surprised teachers and pupils with a Search Party Friday afternoon. At the end of the merry search was the pot of gold, this time in the form of refreshments. It was indeed a pleasant surprise.

Mrs. Viola Stark, of Goliad, and son, Herbert, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hilyard Sunday. Herbert remained with his grandparents and enrolled in school Monday. Herbert was a pupil in our school several years ago, and we are very glad to have him back.

The Sixth Grade and their teacher, Miss Pearce, went picnicking in the wood Sunday. In addition to the sixth grade several of the high school pupils joined the group. Besides enjoying the pleasure trip, the class collected material for some projects in Texas History.

Mr. John Johs and Mrs. Ruby Neely, of Houston, spent the week end with Mr. Johs’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs. Albert Johs, who is attending school in Palacios, was also home. To make the family union complete, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia, joined the party Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, November 9, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

The Johs boys visited the home of Joe Johs in Olivia Sunday.

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end with her parents in Ganado.

Friday morning at the assembly hour the school conducted Armistice Day exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cavallin have taken up their residence at the home of Mr. John Rampmeier.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart of Francitas called on Mrs. Pearce at the teacherage Saturday evening.

Rev. Flathmann was unable to fill his appointments here Sunday afternoon, due to road conditions.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCrod and daughter, Evelyn, and Mr. George Meinke, of Hallettsville, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker.

Mrs. Schulte was given a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard Saturday evening in honor of her seventy-sixth birthday.

Ivan Cavallin was kicked by his horse just above the eye Thursday morning, shortly after he arrived at school. We are glad to hear that the physician did not report the case as serious.

The teachers have reported the following students for the second month of the term. These pupils have made an average of 90% in all subjects for the past month:

First Grade--Isabel Henderson, Emmet Lee Carpenter.
Second Grade--Bertha Gerhard, Mable Cavallin, Vlasta Skrabanek.
Third Grade--Felton Cartenter.
Fourth Grade--Frank Johs, Adele Gerhard.
Fifth Grade--Jerome Vrana.
Eighth Grade--Morgan Pearce.

Palacios Beacon, November 16, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. and Mrs. Hansen called at the teacherage Thursday evening.

Albert Johs, who is attending school in Palacios, came home for the week end.

Several members of the Cavallin and Johs families were Olivia visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trojak and children of Ganado, visited the Brod home Saturday.

Two Hanzelka families of Hallettsville, were the week end guests at the Brocker home.

Misses Howell and Pearce were dinner guests at the Henderson home Wednesday evening.

Mr. W. C. Hertel of Houston was attending to business matters in the community Sunday.

A number of families from our section have visited the vicinity of the burning well at Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown and Miss Vera Lee Simmons were callers at the Brocker home Sunday afternoon.

A group of young people enjoyed a wiener and marshmallow roast on the school campus Saturday evening.

We are glad to state that little John Kenneth Rampmeier, who was severely burned last week, is improving.

Mrs. H. O. Carpenter entertained at her home with a dance Saturday evening. A large crowd was present.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Polifka, Frank Mrs. Lettimack and children, were visitors at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

The trustees and teachers held a business meeting Friday evening for the purpose of beginning the Community Christmas work.

A group of friends serenaded the young married couple of the community, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cavallin, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cavallin reside at the Rampmeier home.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard, Misses Howell, Pearce and Schmidt, Mrs. Lettinnick, and Messrs. Frank Polifka, Tony and Erich Johs, C. D. Henderson, Paul and Harry Schmidt were among those present at the dance at the Daye home in Blessing Saturday night.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mrs. L. Luttenich visited friends in Bay City Saturday of last week.

Mrs. Pearce and Mary Pearce were guests at the Hansen home Sunday.

Mrs. Pearce substituted for Miss Mary Pearce, who was ill the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Polifka and family visited friends in Midfield and Blessing Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and family were callers at the Gerhard home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown and Miss Vera Lee Simmons visited the Hilyard home Sunday.

Miss Claire Partain and Mr. Arnold Burton of Palacios were guests at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

Misses Howell and Pearce, Mrs. Pearce and Messrs. Harold Pearce and J. Meinke were visitors to Edna Saturday.

Mr. Harry Best, of Yoakum, was looking after business interests and visiting friends in our community this week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cavallin have a new member in their household, a wee little lady. We offer our congratulations to these parents.

“Finger Prints,” a western mystery in three acts, will be presented at the Deutschburg School, Friday, Dec. 8, at 8 p. m. also “Here Comes the Bride,” one act comedy and several short features. Proceeds will be used for school purposes. We invite you! Admission, 10c and 20c.

On Nov. 24th Miss Cox, County Demonstrator met with the Deutschburg 4-H Club Girls. In the business meeting berry was discussed and a demonstration on planting was held in Alice Johs’ garden. Date of next meeting will be Dec. 8th. Reported by Martha Gerhard, Sec’y pro tem.

Palacios Beacon, November 30, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Friday afternoon the school children enjoyed a party at the school.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta entertained with a dance Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brocker and Miss Aileen Howell were dinner guests at the teacherage Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuszer.

Commissioner A. J. Peters and the local committee held an R. F. C. meeting with those interested in this work Wednesday evening.

Reports of firearms fill the air, and disturb our afternoon siestas. Not a war—but bird hunters. Sportsmen from Edna and Houston, as well as our local hunters, are in the field.

Mrs. Louis Luttenick and children, who have paid an extended visit at the home of Mrs. Luttenick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Polifka, left Sunday to return to her home in Watsonville, California.

“Fingerprints,” a western mystery play in three acts, will be presented Friday, Dec. 8th, at 8 p. m. Also a one act comedy, “Here Comes the Bride,” and several additional features. Come and enjoy an evening of fun.

Thanksgiving services were conducted at the school Thursday evening. Rev. Flathmann, of Ganado, and Mr. A. D. Thompson, of Francitas, were speakers for the occasion. Rev. and Mrs. Flathmann sang a duet. A large crowd was present.

Palacios Beacon, December 7, 1933

Deutschburg School And Community News

Jeff Meinke left for Hallettsville, Monday morning.

Fred Schmidt and family were business visitors in Edna Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cavallin and family visited in Olivia Sunday.

Jerry Koupa had been visiting in the community several times the past week.

A meeting of the local road committee was held at the school Wednesday evening.

W. C Hertel, of Houston, and H. Tetze, of Chicago, were community visitors Sunday.

Mrs. Fred Schmidt left Thursday for Lincoln, Nebr., where she will visit the home of her son.

We take this occasion to announce the Christmas tree and school program next Saturday night, Dec. 23rd.

The community players presented “Fingerprints,” in LaWard school auditorium Thursday evening. The performance was well attended.

Palacios Beacon, December 21, 1933

Deutschburg School and Community News

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end at her home in Ganado.

Mrs. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin entertained with a dance Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henderson called at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

By way of excitement, there was a "rodeo" at the Cavallin home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. C. J. Hansen, who had been ill, is improving.

Mr. D. Schmidt and Mrs. Ed Daye and children of Blessing were dinner guests at the Gerhard home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Brocker and Mr. J. Meinke were guests at the Brown home Sunday. They report that Mr. Brown is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vrana have moved to their new home near Ganado. We are very sorry to lose these young people from our community.

A group of young people from our community attended a dance at the Brod home in Midfield. The occasion was the birthday of Miss Ollie Brod.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vrana and children were called to Hallettsville the past week by the death of Mrs. Vrana's ____. We extend our sympathy to them in their bereavement.

His friends in this community regretted to hear of the death of Mr. John Martin of Francitas. Mr. Martin passed away Saturday afternoon. We take this opportunity to extend condolence to his relatives.

Miss Howell and the H. S. pupils entertained the school with an assembly program Friday morning. They presented a very humorous dialogue, entitled "Mother Goose's Party." The remainder of the program was in commemoration of the birthday of General Robt. E. Lee.

The teachers report the following honor roll for the first semester of the term:

2nd Grade--Bertha Gerhard, Vlasts Skrabanek, Mable Cavallin.
3rd Grade--George Vrana.
4th Grade--Frank Johs.
5th Grade--Jerome Vrana.
8th Grade--Martha Gerhard, Morgan Pearce, Harry Johs.

Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1934

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Tony Johs spent several days in Houston the past week.

Mrs. Polifka and Frank were guests at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

The Rhythm Band entertained at assembly Friday morning with a short concert.

Misses Howell and Pearce were supper guests at the Henderson home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and family, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Olivia.

Mr. Clyde Cavallin gave a dance in his new home Saturday night, the former Smith residence.

Mr. C. Hansen was given a surprise dinner by the Polifka and Pearce families Thursday evening in honor of his seventy-third birthday. Many happy returns, Mr. Hansen!

Misses Pearce and Howell and Mr. Jeff Meinke were guests in the Joines-Dahlstrom home in La-Ward Sunday.

Messrs. Joe, Fritz and John Johs were in the community this week. Mr. C. D. Henderson accompanied them in their return to Houston, where he will visit relatives.

Palacios Beacon, February 1, 1934

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. Jeffery Meinke left last week for Alvin.

Mr. W. C. Hurtel, of Houston, visited in the community Sunday.

Among the business visitors to Edna this week were Messrs. F. Schmidt, E. Johs, Paul Gerhard and John Rampmeier.

Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, of Palacios, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs were visitors at the Gerhard home Sunday afternoon.

Misses Howell and Pearce attended the teachers’ meeting in Edna Saturday. Miss Howell remained at her home in Ganado for the week end.

Mr. Tony Johs was the honoree at a birthday party Saturday evening. The guests were entertained with dancing and games. Delicious refreshments were served.

Visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cavallin this week end, were Mr. and Mrs. Koss Dillard of Louise; Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, of Olivia; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cavallin and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cavallin, both of this community.

The high school, under the direction of Miss Howell, presented a Negro minstrel show Friday morning. It was a typical old, darkey meeting. As an additional feature to the program the rhythm band played several selections. Visitors to the program were Messrs. Schmidt, Rampmeier, F. Polifka and Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard, Mrs. Polifka and Mrs. Pearce.

Mrs. Harper and Miss Cox visited our school Tuesday. Mrs. Harper told the children a story and visited with them while Mrs. Cox met with the 4-H Club girls. The club secretary presented the following report:--

The 4-H Club of Deutschburg met at the Gerhard home Tuesday, Jan. 30th at two o’clock. Miss Cox gave a demonstration on doorstep planting. Mrs. Gerhard served lunch to the club members. Four girls were present. Date of the next meeting will be announced.

Palacios Beacon, February 8, 1934

Deutschburg School And Community News

Mr. C. D. Henderson returned from Houston Saturday.

The school commemorated the birthday of Lincoln in a chapel program Monday.

Lillard Gillaspie has been quite ill and unable to attend school this week. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hurta entertained with a dance Wednesday evening. A very pleasant evening was reported by the guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skrabanek visited her daughter, Mrs. Ben Vrana, who now resides in the Little Kentucky section, Tuesday.

The dance given at the school was well attended. Music was furnished by Messrs. Adolph Huburg, Ben Arnold and Morgan Pearce. Funds will be used by the school to purchase rhythm band suits.

The teachers submitted the following honor roll for the fifth month:--
1st grade, Georgia King
2nd grade, Ruth King, Vlasta Skrabanek, Bertha Gerhard
3rd grade, George Vrana
4th grade, Frank Johs
5th grade, Herbert Stark, Jerome Vrana
6th grade, Hazel King
8th grade, Martha Gerhard, Henry Johs
9th grade, Andrew Kopnicky.

Palacios Beacon, February 15, 1934

Deutschburg School and Community News

Miss Aileen Howell spent the week end at her home in Ganado.

Mrs. F. W. Schmidt, who has been ill, is reported to be improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs, of Olivia, visited in the community this week end.

Guests at the King home this week were Messrs. Woodrow King, Otha Padgett, and Alex Laznby.

The school children had a Valentine box Wednesday morning. A postman was appointed and OH, how the mail did fly!

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs and family went to Houston Saturday to attend the wedding of their son, John Johs. We wish to extend our congratulations and best wishes to John and his bride.

The Rhythm Band and music pupils of our school were presented in recital Wednesday evening. Decorations were in red and white. The musical program was as follows:--

1. “Blacksmith”—Band.

2. “Soldiers on Parade”—Herbert Stark.

3. “Snake Charm”—Emma Gerhard.

4. “Tiddlewinks”—Frank Pearce.

5. “Moonlight March”—Frances Cavallin.

6. “School Days” (duet)—Martha Gerhard and Ida Mae Wilson.

7. Song, “Are You Ready?”—Hazel and Ida Mae Wilson.

8. “Annie Laurie”—Morgan Pearce.

9. Song and “Runaway Horses”—Martin Gerhard.

10. “Janet Waltz”—Herbert Stark.

11. “My Mamma’s Waltz” (duet)—Emma and Martha Gerhard.

12. Song, “Bob White”—Band.

13. “Mountain Dance”—Band.

14. “Minuet in G”—Band.

15. “Amarylis”—Band.

16. Song, “Big Bad Wolf”—Band.

After the musical program, Mrs. Harper, our county school Superintendent, made an address.

Refreshments, consisting of cookies, lemonade, and coffee were served by the girls of the school.

Palacios Beacon, February 22, 1934


Home Agent's Column
Miss Bonnie Cox, Home Agent, Jackson County

Unusual trimmings, a good fit, and accurate workmanship are the qualities in her dress which helped Alice Johs to win the first place among the 4-H Club girls below 13 years of age in the county. The material for her dress cost $1.00 and she values it at $1.50. She says she likes it better than most of the dresses she has. Alice is a member of the Deutschburg 4-H Club. Miss Louise Schmidt is the sponsor.

This is the first year that Alice has done clothing work in her club. She has made a total of four garments which cost $1.43 and she values at $2.70. She has mended 3 garments.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 30, 1934

25th Anniversary Of Deutschburg To Be Celebrated

The Deutschburg citizens are planning to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of this community on Tuesday August 18, at the school house. A booklet containing the history of the people, church and school is being compiled and 1000 copies are to be distributed. The business people are being asked to take space as an advertising medium. The sponsor, Mrs. H. S. Bell, has called on some, and those who would like a space, she asks them to please call the Beacon or see her.

Palacios Beacon, July 30, 1936

Deutschburg School -1936 Texas Centennial Program

Deutschburg Celebration

The Deutschburg people will celebrate the twenty-fifth year of the settlement of the community on Tuesday, August 25, from 3 until 12 p. m. For entertainment there will be a parade representing the ways of travel; a program which will be given on the campus around the flagpole that Mr. E. Johs will erect that day; an address by Mr. I. T. Taylor; songs by the community, and everyone will be asked to join in singing "America" and "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You;" contests of various kinds and prizes for the victors in them; an address by Mr. William Schwind of Francitas; a picnic dinner served at 6 p. m.; and a dance from eight until 12 in the evening.

A special feature of the celebration will be the fiddlers' contest of old time music. Everyone is invited to bring their musical instruments and take part in this contest. Each fiddler may bring as many as he desires to accompany him. There will be cash prizes for the first and second place winners. The contest will begin at 3 p. m.

Another feature of the program will be a contest in dancing.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 20, 1936

Deutschburg Items.

Mr. Paul Gerhard and daughters, Martha and Emma, and Mrs. H. Schutle made a combined business and pleasure trip to Houston Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Schutle remained in Houston with her sister, Mrs. Richard Volkert, for a more extended visit.

Miss Frieda Schmidt and Mr. Clyde Cavallin of Blessing visited in this community the past week.

Miss Bonnie Cox of Edna was a dinner guest at the Gerhard home Friday evening.

Mr. Frank Polifka left Sunday for College Station where he will resume his studies at A. & M.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tschersick and little son, Eddie, of San Antonio spent a week end in the Gerhard home the past month. Mr. Tschersick lived here with his parents twenty years ago. All of his old friends were glad to see him again.

Those registering in Palacios school the past week were Martha, Emma and Adele Gerhard, Henry, Frank and Alice Johs and Dorothy Mae Gillaspie.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerhard and Mr. E. Johs were visitors in Victoria, Edna, Ganado and El Campo Tuesday.

Mrs. H. S. Bell spent the week end in Boling.

Mr. Dick Schmidt and Mrs. Ed Day and children of Blessing in the Gerhard home Sunday.

Miss Selma Schmidt of Bay City spent the week end at home.

The 4-H Club met Friday eve with a good attendance. Miss Bonnie Cox, county home demonstration agent, taught the ladies the Ca_ work stitch and gave them some advice on the material they should use. Misses Alice Johs and Emma Gerhard were hostesses. The next meeting will be Friday...Oct. 2nd The Club will elect officers for the coming year so it is important that every member should be present.

Rev. A. E. Flathmann of Ganado held preaching services here Sunday afternoon, and in spite of the shower, there was a good crowd out.

Messrs. Jeff Meinke and Jewell ___tleton were in El Campo and Garwood Sunday and Monday.

Messrs. Friedrick, Paul, Harry and Freddie Schmidt were in Bay City Sunday night.

Mr. J. F. Walker of Weimar s___ worm supervisor for this district, ___ed on Mr. J. V. Brocker and left a supply of Benzol of pine tar to give to stockmen of this vicinity

Edna Weekly Herald, September 24, 1936

Deutschburg Items.

A number of this community were present at the dedicatory service of the Palacios High School Friday night.

Mr. Alvin Rampmeier made a business trip to Victoria Saturday.

The election Tuesday went off very quietly. The weather being bad, several of the voters did not even come out to vote.

We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. H. Schutle [Schutte?] has been suffering from an abscess in one of her ears. She was taken to El Campo one day last week to an ear specialist and at this writing seems to be a little improved.

Mr. Paul Gerhard left for Dallas Saturday morning.

The 4-H Club members met Saturday night. After all business had been disposed of and plans for the Christmas program were discussed, the club adjourned. The social program was to teach the beginners wow to dance. Cake and coffee were served.

Messrs. John Rampmeier and J. W. Littleton were looking after business matters in Edna Monday.

Mr. Rampmeier has been having some work done on the roads that is very badly needed.

Mr. P. J. Gerhard shipped out five cars of hay from Francitas last week.


J. W. Littleton was among the Deutschburg citizens transacting business in Edna Monday. He informs us that he and Mrs. Littleton will soon move to Garwood. Mrs. Littleton has corresponded for the Herald for the past year or so from Deutschburg, and we regret to lost both as Jackson County residents and her as correspondent.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 12, 1936

Home Agent's Column
Miss Bonnie Cox
Home Agent, Jackson County

Value of Bookkeeping

After having made a plan for the clothes she was to buy for a year and keeping account of the money she spent for clothing, Martha Gerhard, clothing demonstrator of the Deutschburg 4-H Club, states, "By planning my clothes and keeping account of my clothing expenditures for a year I find that I have not bought anything that was unnecessary. It has taught me to choose my clothes as to my personal needs and not spend more than my share of the family clothing money."

Edna Weekly Herald, November 26, 1936

County School Superintendent's Column
I. T. Taylor

Among the School


The Deutschburg School was a very busy place when visited. They are working hard on their Christmas program to be given December 24th along with a Christmas tree. The children delighted in rehearsing the program to the county superintendent.

Mrs. H. S. Bell is accomplishing some wonderful work with her little school. They have some real nice work books that is a credit to any pupil of their age.

She has some wonderful plans worked out for her school work this year. I am sure they will all materialize. She expects to standardize the Deutschburg school this year as one of her major projects.

Deutschburg flies the flag every day that it is not raining. It is raised at 8:30 A. M. as a signal for the children to start to school and is lowered after school.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 24, 1936

Deutschburg News.

Miss Selma Schmidt left Thursday to visit her sister near San Antonio.

Mr. Erich Johs was in Palacios Saturday night.

Mrs. Charles Polifka had the misfortune last week of being scalded by a container of hot water. We are glad to be able to report that the good lady is recovering rapidly, considering her severe burns.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brocker visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanzelka near Sweet Home. This being Mr. Hanzelka's birthday, a crowd of relatives and friends had an enjoyable day.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brown of Blessing and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hilbert of Palacios visited in the Polifka home Sunday.

Mr. John Rampmeier was in Palacios Saturday.

The Senior boys and girls from Palacios high school had a picnic on the Brocker place on the river Thursday evening. They left about 9:30, saying, "We Got to Come Back."

Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier and son Kenneth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polifka Monday morning.

Mr. Friedrich Schmidt made a business trip to Houston Tuesday.

There are rumors here of a possible oil location here in the near future.

Mr. P. J. Gerhard and children were on an outing at Port Alto Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 20, 1937

Deutschburg News.

Misses Martha and Emma Gerhard are spending a few days in Ganado.

Mr. Fred Schmidt was in Palacios Saturday.

Frank Polifka came home Saturday from College Station where he had been attending A. & M.

Messrs. Paul Gerhard and Charles Jurchek were transacting business in Palacios Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brocker were in Victoria last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polifka and son, Frank, attended church in Blessing Sunday.

Judge A Harris of Bay City and Mr. Charles Luther of Palacios called on Mr. J. V. Brocker Thursday.

Mr. Alvin Rampmeier was in Palacios Monday.

Our community was blessed Friday with a good rain which was needed for the crops and range.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 10, 1937

Mrs. Mary Hillyard.

Mary Esther Tennessee Hillyard, wife of John Hillyard, died at the home in Deutschburg community June 7th, 1937.

She was born June 29, 1877. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. L. M. Chapman, pastor of the First Baptist Church. The remains were then taken to White Hall and interred in the old Hillyard Cemetery.

A few years ago Mr. and Mrs.Hillyard moved to the Deutschburg community from near Ganado where they had made their home for many years.

After moving to this vicinity they came to Palacios quite often and during these trips made many friends among our citizens all of whom regret to hear of Mrs. Hillyard's death. To the bereaved husband and children and other relatives we extend our deepest sympathy.--Palacios Beacon.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 17, 1937

In giving the names of Palacios young folk off for school and college we neglected to name Frank Polifka, who is a senior at A. & M. Frank is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polifka, of the Deutschburg community and is making an enviable record in his work at college.

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1938

Deutschburg Items


Miss Hazel Wilson, principal of the Carancahua School visited homefolks over the week end.


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 6, 1938


Deutschburg Items.

This is station D. H. B. G. calling all readers of The Herald to stand by for Deutschburg happenings frequently.

Our school opened on September 13, with full attendance, making three weeks now, so we are off to a good start on our year's work.

Our teacher, Mrs. Sallie W. Hill and sister, Miss Ruth Woodrome, of Yoakum, are occupying the teacherage. We are happy about this for it gives our school such a home like atmosphere and too, we have an opportunity to get all the worthwhile radio broadcasts for our school.

We have had trouble with our well, but Messrs. Barnett & Hockey of Palacios washed it out last week.

A prairie fire, starting some two miles away, reached our school Thursday, but quick work on the part of the teacher and pupils secured help and put out the fire as it got within fifty steps of the building. It is very deplorable that one will be so careless as to start a fire that can do so much damage. A large amount of baled hay, belonging to Mr. Knopnisky [Kopnicky], was burned and several other houses besides the school endangered. We wish to thank all who assisted in putting out the fire, for we surely would have lost our building had not so many come to assist. This was the worst fire in this section for many years.

Two of our former pupils are attending college this year, Miss Martha Gerhard at Denton and Albert Johs at Rice Institute.

Mr. F. Schmidt and son, Paul and daughter, Miss Selma, will leave Sunday for a ten days visit to St. Joheprs [Joseph?], Ark. They will bring his daughter, Mrs. Rosie Schlieser, back here to her home.

The oil well being drilled on the Weed Ranch by the Texas Company is progressing rapidly.

Miss Hazel Wilson, principal of the Carancahua School, visited homefolks over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurta and family visited relatives in Palacios Sunday.

Many from here attended the picnic at Blessing Sunday.

Quite a number from this community attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Pearce Howell at Francitas last Thursday. Mrs. Howell was a former teacher of this place and we are indeed saddened because of the loss of such a dear friend. We wish to extend our most heartfelt sympathy to her bereaved relatives.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 6, 1938

Completion No. 1 Weed Celebrated At Deutschburg

For some weeks the central thought in our community has been the Weed No. 1 oil well. Saturday night many persons waited there throughout the night fearing to leave lest they miss the thrill of being present when the first liquid gold came rushing up from more than a mile beneath the surface. Not yet! Sunday morning early, people began arriving and kept a steady stream of cars going back and forth all day. At 5:30 Sunday afternoon, Oct. 30, 1938, while about two hundred people stood watching with intense interest to know the final outcome the flare was lighted. This meant that the separator was sending gas in one direction and oil in another to a storage tank. Smiles and expressions demonstrated the feeling of anticipated prosperity for our community.

The production is classed as food distillate with pressure of 2700 pounds.

Tuesday the employees and families and the whole community as well as many friends and interested parties of adjoining communities were given a free barbecue with all accessories by Messrs. J. F. Weed and J. L. Fletcher and families. Under the capable supervision of Mr. Joe Johs and his able assistants the feast was so well prepared it made all feel that prosperity was not just around the corner, but was already at hand. When all had been most bountifully served the assembly was called to order by Mr. Ed Melcher of Port Lavaca. He in a few well chosen words introduced Mrs. Salie W. Hill, teacher of the Deutschburg School. She in behalf of those present expressed thanks to Messrs. Weed and Fletcher and families for this thoughtful hospitality.

Attention was called to the debt of gratitude owed them for using not only their ability, both financially and mentally but their consideration, for the general welfare of the people by exerting influence in a promotion that will mean so much to the community at large. She spoke briefly of her admiration and appreciation of these people most of whom came down from the North some twenty-five or thirty years ago to raise fruit and found it unprofitable because of lack of marketing facilities. All these years they have with hard work, determination  and endurance maintained comfortable homes, sent their children to college and built up one of the best equipped small rural schools in the state.

The pupils then sang “The Eyes of Texas,” and other songs dedicated to the hosts, after which all joined in singing “Beautiful Texas.”

Mr. Weed started in the oil business in 1901 when the famous Lucas well blew in. He operated at Spindle Top, Batson, Saratoga, Sour Lake, and Humble. He drilled his first oil well on Barber’s Hill, Chambers County. The Sulphur field of Boling, was discovered by him. Ten years ago he quit the oil business and came to Jackson County to raise Hereford cattle. His beautiful ranch home is located on the west bank of Carancahua Bay, near Weed Haven. He still maintains his home in Beaumont. Mr. Weed is a civil engineer by profession and has done a get amount of work in that line. Four years ago he purchased this land on which above mentioned well is located. It is known as the Maud Traylor tract. It has for some time been under lease with the Texas Company. This was about to expire and they desired to renew the lease, but Mr. Weed felt it was time for his good neighbors to enjoy the fruits of this part of the earth if there be any hence the well for which we celebrated today.

Those present were from Port Lavaca, Palacios, Beulah [Buhler], Midway, Francitas and El Campo and the local residents.

Palacios Beacon, November 10, 1938

The Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners Ass'n. Adopts By-Laws

President P. J. Gerhard held a called meeting of the Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners Association at the Deutschburg school house the second day of February, 1939. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and adopt by-laws for this Association. Also for a general discussion on all matters of interest to its members.

The following by-laws were adopted:

Be it resolved that the land owners of the Francitas-Deutschburg oil field shall form an association, the name of which shall be Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners' Association.

The officers shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

These officers shall be elected for one year at the annual meeting to be held the second Tuesday of January of each year.

The membership shall be composed of land owners and royalty owners of the area.

The place where the principle business of this association shall be transacted is the Deutschburg school house in Jackson County, Texas.

All meetings, except the annual meeting, shall be at the call of the president, vice-president, or five of the members.

A quorum shall consist of ten members present.

Notice of annual meeting shall be sent by the secretary to resident members ten days before date of meeting; non-resident members, thirty days before date of meeting.

All committees shall be appointed by the presiding officer.

The membership fee or dues shall be $2.00 per year, due on January 1st of each year. All other money needed shall be raised by donations. Each member will be expected to contribute according to the acreage owned by such member.

The purpose of this Association are:

To bind ourselves together to better protect our interests, and get this area developed to the best interest of all, such as the best recovery of all minerals under our land. To be represented at all hearings before the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas, pertaining to this area. And to conduct any other business such as requesting a hearing on spacing, or allowable, pollution, confiscation, or any other business that requires a decision of the Railroad Commission.

These rules and regulations may be amended by majority vote of the members present at any annual or called meeting.

And be it further resolved: That we invite and urge all non-resident land and royalty owners to become members of this association, that we may help protect their interests and have their assistance in protecting the interest of all.

Be it resolved: That all monies paid out by the treasurer shall be on order of at least three members of the board of directors.


Mr. P. J. Gerhard explained to the satisfaction of all present the Railroad Commission Bulletin No. 129 in regard to the 50% on acreage and 50% on well allowable. A general discussion was had on spacing of 466 feet of property line.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 16, 1939

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Johs and Henry Johs were chatting with friends here last Sunday. They told us that the derrick was going up on the farm of John Kopnisky [Kopnicky] over in Deutschburg. So, of course, we are all excited here, too.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 2, 1939

Deutschburg Items.

Mr. Charles Polifka visited friends in Blessing Sunday.

Mr. J. W. Littleton of Garwood called on friends in the community Monday.

Messrs. Paul Gerhard and Charles Jurchek were in Edna on business Monday.

Mr. C. J. Hansen called on friends in Palacios Saturday.

Mr. J. V. Brocker made a business trip to Victoria Monday.

Mr. John Rampmeier was a Palacios visitor Wednesday.

Mr. John Bolling of Palacios visited friends in this community one day last week.

We are glad to report that Mr. John Neuszer is o. k. again after having been kicked by a horse about a week ago.

Mr. Friedrich Schmidt and son attended the show in Palacios Saturday night.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 2, 1939


A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Mr. John Rampmeier of the Deutschburg community and Mrs. Bette Willis.

The couple was married in Judge Barber’s office, the Judge officiating in the presence of a few near friends and relatives. We join a host of friends in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Rampmeier congratulations and best wishes.

Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1939


A wedding of interest was solemnized Saturday evening, Sept. 30, at 8 o’clock at the home of Rev. L. W. Crouch, pastor of the First Baptist Church, when Mr. Erich Johs, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, and Miss Lenadene Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramsey of the Turtle Bay Community, were quietly married. Miss Alice Johs, sister of the groom, and Mr. Willard Skinner of Bay City, were the attendants. Miss Imogene Ramsey, sister of the bride, and Miss Hazel Wilson were present.

They will make their home in the Johs apartment which has just been completed at the farm of the groom’s father in Deutschburg.

The Beacon joins the many friends of these popular young people in extending congratulations and best wishes.

Palacios Beacon, October 12, 1939


A forty-two party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Erich Johs at the school house. Everyone present reported a nice time.

Miss Hazel Wilson made a business and pleasure trip to Bay City and Edna, Saturday.

Miss Louse Hurta has returned home from a visit with her sister at Alvin, Texas.

Mrs. Erich Johs, and Mrs. E. Johs and daughter, Alice, made a business trip to El Campo, Saturday.

Mrs. Sallie Hill and Miss Ruth Woodrome were Palacios visitors Saturday.

Miss Martha Gerhard spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony John of Clemville were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Johs, Sunday.

Miscellaneous Shower

A miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Mrs. Erich Johs, formally Miss Lenadene Ramsey, by Misses Hazel Wilson and Alice Johs, at the home of Mrs. E. Johs, on Saturday, Oct. 7, 1939.

After a number of games were played, a story was given by Miss Hazel Wilson revealing the past days of this young couple. Little Ema Jean Johs dressed in pink and white entered the room pulling a load of beautiful gifts. She presented them to the bride which were opened for everyone to see.

The large wedding cake was cut by the bride then refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and punch were served.

Thirty-five guests were present.

Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1939


Last Sunday evening friends in the community entertained with a “progressive 42” party at the school in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Erich Johs. The room was very beautiful in decorations of goldenrod and sunflowers as well as ferns and various autumn grasses. The tables born beautiful yellow covers in matching shades.

Spirited games were enjoyed for sometime. Mrs. Erich Johs winning first prize and Mr. Alvin Rampmeier the “booby.” These were presented to the honor guests, who also received a gift. Refreshments were then served and all wished Mr. and Mrs. Johs much happiness for the future.

The Kunover well is reported to be a good crude and we of course rejoice for this good lady. There is another derrick being erected on the Broughton land.

Mrs. L. M. Behring of Yorktown visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Green over the week end.

Misses Opal and Lilly Mae Green and Frank Pearce and Charlie Hurta were visitors in El Campo Sunday.

School News

We have organized two reading clubs, one is called the “Wise Owl Club” for the 4th and 5th grades. We have a large cardboard with a tree on it and for each book read there is a little owl placed on the limb. The other is “The Happy Bird Club” for the children who cannot read yet, but for each book taken home and heard read we place a bird on the tree. They are all striving to fill these trees for it’s very interesting to watch these charts grow.

We have been very much amused lately with turtles. So many are found on the way to school and brought in, so we have fixed an orange box with sand and water in it and a screen cover for our turtles. It is very interesting to study the different types and various designs on them.

The regular meeting of our Community Club was held Friday night. After business an instructive program was lead by Mrs. John Rampmeier. The ladies and men engaged in a “question answering match.” The men won the money prize which they presented to the club.

Last Wednesday the entire school and many of the patrons attended the Fair at Wharton. All wore yellow ribbon arm bands with a blue “D” on them. Cars were decorated in yellow pennants with the name of the school in blue letters and a picture of an oil derrick on them. They also carried both state and national flags. There were six cars from here carrying pupils and patrons. We feel that we gained much more by the trip than staying in school so we wish to thank our County Superintendent and trustees and patrons for making this possible. The school exhibits were really wonderful and each pupil found many ideas that he wants to carry out. The other exhibits were so interesting and so numerous, and the carnival attraction so much enjoyed. We cannot take time for so much detail, but the pupil who writes the best description of our trip will be rewarded.

Our perfect spellers for this week are: 5th grade, Anna Gerhard; 4th grade, Grace Cavallin and Jean Hurtes.

Our colors yellow and blue, Why?
Goldenrod, yellow
Bluebonnet, blue
We love our nation
And our State too.

Palacios Beacon, October 26, 1939

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Polifka, of Bay City, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polifka in the Deutsch burg community, Monday and enjoyed a turkey dinner at the parental home in celebration of Frank’s birthday.

Palacios Beacon, November 9, 1939

Deutschburg Items.

My Trip to the Wharton Fair
By Anna Gerhard
5th Grade

Wednesday, October 18, 1939, all of the Deutschburg school left for the Wharton Fair. We wore yellow bands with blue "D's" on our arms. On the cars we had yellow pendants with Deutschburg written in blue letters and a picture of an oil well on them.

We left at 7:30. The first town was Blessing, second town was Midfield, third Danevang, fourth El Campo. We arrived there at 8:30 and waited for another car with some of our crowd in it. Then we left El Campo and went through Pierce and then on through Wharton to the fair grounds.

Each car had to pay 25c for parking space. The school children got in free and the others had to pay 25c each.

First we saw tractors. There were different kinds of tractors. Some had discs and others had plows. The tractors were all red. Next we saw an elephant eating buns. He would take two or three buns at a time; and we saw him drink water. We had our pictures taken with an elephant. Then we rode on the hobby-horses. Then we rode in small cars. The cars were different color. The one I rode in was green. Some had bells for horns. Next we went to the exhibit. There was a quilt 75 years old. There was a spinning wheel brought from Germany in 1835. There were old Bibles from 50 to 75 years old. There were beautiful colored quilts that were very old and scarfs and sweaters that were very old.

Next we went to see the cows. There were different kinds of cows--some Jerseys and all kind. There were some very big bulls. They were Brahmas. There were cows, bulls and calves. Then we saw the chickens. There were all kinds of chickens. We also saw a couple of turkeys. Then we saw the pigs. There was a big old hog 3 feet and 10 inches high. It was brown. there were baby pigs. They were white and black. Then we saw the horses. Next we went to the school exhibit. We saw a house made of cardboard; a big bull frog and a snake in a jar of alcohol; very pretty scrap books and posters and a lot of pretty things.

We ate dinner by the tractors in the shade. Everybody fried chicken and we bought bananas at a store, so for dinner we had fried chicken, bananas and cookies.

After dinner we went to the "Bug House." In the house there were mirrors. In the house you could look in the mirrors and see yourself big or little. You could go further in and there would be nothing but glass and you could get lost in the house. Next a lady and I saw the monkeys. One would get his hat on wrong all the time and the man would have to tell him to put his hat on right. I think they were very pretty. We were walking along and saw a ferris wheel and while we were on it something broke and it took him about 10 minutes to fix it. We were on it about 20 minutes. When we were on it we could see far out.

We got the crowd together to leave for home. I enjoyed the day very much. I think I gained more at the fair than a day of school. We left at 5:30 from Wharton. On the way home we had to go by MCGrory to bring my sister home who teaches there and her three school children. That made us home abut 10:30.

We had a very nice time and I hope I can go again soon.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 16, 1939

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hart had as their guests Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Greely—their son Billy Littleton of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurta and children of Deutschburg, Mrs. Belle Z. Swinford and Mr. Elisha Swinford.

Palacios Beacon, December 28, 1939



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All rights reserved

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