Carancahua News 1940s




The REA is making advancement in the Carancahua community. We hope to be modern Aladdins before long.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club will present a three act comedy soon. Complete details will be published in the near future.

Mr. A. Loff, Al Olsen of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen have returned from a trip to Mexico.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler, Jan. 13, 1940, a girl, Gloria Louise. She has the distinction of being the only infant in Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, January 18, 1940


Mrs. Bill Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ira Koehl and children have been visiting in the G. E. Peterson home for
a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson were over from Corpus Christi over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and children, Walter Loff and Louise, Holman spent the week-end in the Loff home. Mrs. Frankson and the children stayed over for a week's visit.

Louise Holman went to Corpus Christi with the Lloyd Olsons to spend a week.

Mr. Marion Linville has been visiting his sister Mrs. Lloyd Frankson.

Buddy Larson is entertaining the measles.

Mr. Clarence Schicke spent the past week with D. C. Abraham.

A group of young people from Olivia visited in our community Sunday afternoon.

The Turtle Bay Ball Team was over Sunday afternoon and played a game of softball with the Carancahua team.

Betty Ruth Abraham is visiting her cousin, Joyce Cavallin in Olivia.

Palacios Beacon, July 4, 1940


The G. E. Peterson family attended the 4th of July picnic at Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson and Anita Jo were in Edna on Saturday.

Mrs. Frankson attended the Home Demonstration Council of the Women’s Club.

Mrs. Ellen Johnson and son Wendel Johnson, wife and baby visited their cousins, Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Mrs. J. W. Farmer and Mrs. A. L. Larson the past week.

Bro. Smith and family and Mrs. H. F. Green and sons Clifford and Herbert Lee and friend and Mrs. Koehl from Houston spent the week end at the “Green Gables.” They attended our Sunday School after which Brother Smith gave a very interesting message.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil of Palacios also attended our Sunday School Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson, Mary Ellen and Leta Catherine visited in the E. H. Abraham home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Oehlert and Miss Ruth Peterson visited in the G. E. Peterson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson and Isabel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and Gloria were visiting in the A. E. Abraham home in Olivia Sunday night.

Palacios Beacon, July 11, 1940


L. E. Frankson attended the Farmer's Short Course at A. and M. College last week.

Isabel Abrahamson had the misfortune of sticking: a pitchfolk through her foot last Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Joyce were visiting in our neighborhood Sunday night. Lorraine Abraham went home with their, for a visit.

Rev. Kluck from Markham preached in our church Sunday night in the absence of Rev. Mack. There
was a smail crowd due to the inclement weather.

G. E. Peterson was a business visitor to Edna Monday.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Dave Frankson last Friday. As Miss Cox
could not be at this meeting the regular business was attended to after which a social hour and refreshments of sandwiches and punch was enjoyed by the five members and hostess.

There will be a Pie Supper at the Carancahua School House Friday night, July 19th. Proceeds to go
to the Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anders visited in the F. M. Frankson home Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and children, Walter Loff, and Laverne and Jewel Holman from Houston spent the week-end in the Loff home. Laverne and Jewel stayed for a more extended visit.

The A. L. Larson family and Helen and Robert Loll spent the week-end at Corpus Christi with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson.

Palacios Beacon, July 18, 1940


Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham and family and Lorraine Abraham visited in the E. H. Abraham and Wm. Hetchler homes on Sunday afternoon.

Guy Cavallin was in our neighborhood Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and family and Mrs. Minnie Holman visited in the Loff and Artie Larson
homes the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Loff returned from Corpus Christi where they had visited their daughter Mrs. Lloyd
Olson the past week.

Laverne and Jewell Holman returned to their home in Houston after spending two weeks with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Loff.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer and Nels spent Sunday in Houston.

Palacios Beacon, August 1, 1940


The Ganado Community Organization entertained the Carancahua and Deutschburg Communities last Wednesday evening. A lunch of hot dogs, potato chips, pie, orange punch and coffee were served after which an hour or two of games were enjoyed by a large number at guests.

The Jackson County 4-H boys went on a 3-day camp last week. Those attending from Carancahua were as follows; Burton and Lawrence Abrahamson, Clifton Frankson, Johnnie and David Frankson,
Wilbur Frankson, Ludvig and Kenneth Lee Peterson, Artie Larson, Jr., and Charles Wilson and Maynard Frankson, the Club sponsor.

There were preaching services at the church Sunday night. Brother Mack brought a very good message as usual.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham visited in the Guy L. Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson are staying at their cottage here for few days until a new job opens up for Mr. Olson.

Martin Loff is employed at the Olivia Gin Company in Olivia.

Palacios Beacon, August 15, 1940


Mrs. A. Wilborn and Mrs. J. H. Huffman visited in the D. F. Frankson home last Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson has gone t5o Gravette, Arkansas, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. F. Miller, who is ill.

Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin, Joyce and Burton Abrahamson visited in the Ernest Abrahamson home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. A. Frankson returned home after a two week’s visit in the W. H. Frankson home in Houston.

Mrs. Norman Carey and baby returned to their home in Houston after several weeks visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer.

Mr. W. H. Frankson and children, Frances and Raymond, spent the week-end in our neighborhood.

Miss Helen Loff has gone t Houston where she has employment.

Clarence Schieke spent the week-end with D. C. Abraham.

Mr. Arvid Loff and the Misses Hazel and Ida Mae Wilson have gone to San Marcos where they resumed their studies at the teachers college.

The D. F. Frankson family spent Sunday in the E. H. Abraham home.

Palacios Beacon, August 26, 1940


Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Schinalk [Shimek], Jr., are the proud parents of a fine baby girl born to them one day last week.

L. E. Frankson, F. M. Frankson and J. W. Farmer made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family visited in the S. T. Swenson home in Olivia Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Beck Steiner and two children from Palacios visited in the L. E. Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Charles Harris accompanied by his brother and Johnny Frankson were in Houston on Saturday and Sunday.

Burton Abrahamson returned home Sunday after working for his uncle, Guy L. Cavallin, several weeks.

The Larson family had visitors from the north, Friday and Saturday.

Beryl Larson has been sick for several days but is able to be back in school again.

Palacios Beacon, September 26, 1940


The G. E. Peterson family spent Sunday afternoon in the L. B. Griffith home in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Joyce visited in the Wm. Hetchler home Sunday.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson returned from Gravette, Arkansas where she had a very delightful visit with her
sister Mrs. E. F. Miller.

The Home Demonstration Club met at E. H. Abraham home Friday afternoon. Miss Cox gave a very
interesting talk on egg cookery. After the talk by Miss Cox the new baby Rose Marie Shimek was presented with a number of gifts from the ladies.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Mrs. J. VV. Farmer spent Sunday in Houston in the W. H. Frankson

Quite a number of the men in our neighborhood have employment at Camp Hulen.

Mrs. Frank Schulke is in Houston making the acquaintance of a new granddaughter at the Otto
Rogers home.

Palacios Beacon, October 17, 1940


Rev. and Mrs. Murray Johnson from Lolita spent Sunday in our community. Rev. Johnson preached two very good sermons and they were dinner guests in the L. E. Frank son home.

Mr. Frank Schulke had the misfortune of getting a part of his right thumb cut off in a feed grinder last Saturday.

Mrs. Floyd Black and two children and little Marvin Rogers were visitors in the Frank Schulke home last week.

The A. L. Larson family visited in the Nels Bengston home Sunday night.

Miss Helen Loff returned from Houston Monday night.

We learned that Wayne Frankson has been very seriously ill but was better at the time Miss Loff left Houston.

Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1940


Carancahua Church Revival Closes With Three Receptions

The Carancahua Methodist church closed a one week revival meeting on Sunday afternoon, August 3, with the reception of three young men into the Church. They were: Clifton and Donald Frankson and Kenneth Peterson. Donald and Kenneth were baptized before being received into the Church. At the morning service on August 3 Mrs. Amiel Peterson was received into the Church by transfer of membership.

The Revival began Monday evening, July 28, and the pastor, Rev. Murray O. Johnson, brought a message each evening and on Sunday morning. Each morning, Tuesday through Friday, the children of the community attended a Vacation Bible School under the direction of the pastor’s wife. Several of the ladies of the Church helped with this school in which seventeen children were enrolled.

On Sunday at noon the members and friends of the Church gathered at the School house for a big church dinner. Special guests at the dinner were Rev. J. E. Mack and family, of Palacios and Chaplain Dow H. Heard and ten boys of the 106th Regiment of Camp Hulen. After dinner the boys favored the group with a number of songs among the best of which were “My Old Kentucky Home” and “America.” These boys from Kentucky are fine young men and the people of Carancahua were glad to have them as guests.--Murray O. Johnson, pastor.

Palacios Beacon, August 7, 1941


Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club held a Social on Monday evening, February 23rd, in the school house. The program and arrangements were under the chairmanship of Mrs. Amel Peterson and Mrs. Abraham.

An interesting program with George Washington as the theme was presented until it was time for the President’s speech when this was tuned in on a radio. After Mr. Roosevelt finished his speech several more numbers were presented and the program ended with community singing led by Mrs. Abraham and Mrs. Johnson at the piano.

There were four booths: Jaeky Horner, or a grab bag with contributions from all Palacios merchants who gave many useful things; a Mistress Mary booth where flower seeds were given away—some were given by club members but a great many by Mrs. Walker’s Seed Store Bay City; a Simple Simon who sold fish with prizes and the Queen of Hearts who presided over the cookies which were passed when sandwiches and coffee were sold.

The social was given to add to the Club’s budget for the year and very neat sum was realized, thanks to the many contributors and to the hearty cooperation of a community that knows how.

Palacios Beacon, February 26, 1942


Carancahua Chronicles

Mrs. Raymond Kessler of Houston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer. She is accompanied by her two small children, Sylvia and Glenn. Mr. Kessler is in the service and is probably overseas.

Mrs. Evalina Bengston is recuperating from a slight injury received from a fall.

The Chronicler has been asked to report that the Carancahua Community responded nobly to the National War Fund Drive. Over hundred dollars was sent in. Carancahua is a small community and none of its citizens are wealthy. The contributions in many cases meant self denial.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Abraham Friday afternoon. Miss Mary Routh, demonstrator, conducted a most skillful and helpful demonstration on the boning and canning of chicken.

Rev. Lawrence Greenhaw conducted services at the Carancahua Church on the second Sunday instead of the fourth Sunday this month. He will attend conference at the latter date. The little Church has done well this year, and sends a good report to conference.

Mrs. G. E. Peterson and Mrs. C. J. Harris have both been on the sick list.

The farmers are hustling to get their cotton picked and plowed under by the deadline October 31. Ludwig Peterson was the honoree at a "surprise” party on his 18th birthday October 14. Both indoor and outdoor games were played. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake, and punch were served to 25 guests by Mrs. G. E. Peterson assisted by Mrs. Ignac Shimek and Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

The Chronicler sheds “Crocodile tears” as she corrects an error in her last column. Clifton Frankson is not in Mexico but in Las Cruze, New Mexico attending the A. M. and A. College there. He writes that the work is rather hard. Emphasis is placed on mathematics and his only training in math was taken at the “little ole Carancahua school house,” but the Chronicler knows “Kiffie” and calmly cheers him on.

The Chronicler wishes to express “One Woman’s Opinion” in regards to Wolf Hunting. It is good, clean sport, it is beneficial, but it should not be indulged in on the Lord’s Day. Sunday after Sunday the baying of dogs and the blowing of horns has worked havoc with the nerves of those who want to served the Good Shepherd who give his life to save his sheep from ravening wolves, but who carefully asked that His Day be kept holy.

Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1944

Carancahua Chronicles

Burton Abrahamson who is taking Naval Training at the Columbia University in New York is at home on furlough.

Lt. John E. Frankson (Johnnie) is now in India, and from all accounts is doing creditable service for Our Country.

Nels Farmer writes from a Pacific Isle that he is well, and thinks the scenery quite beautiful.

Clifton Frankson in a recent letter to his mother slated that he made 90 in a mathematic test, and an excellent record in English, The Chronicler reserves the woman’s right to say, “I told you so.”

The Wolf Hunters were given a barbecue by Mr. H, C. Lewis on his ranch in our community, Oct. 22. One wolf was killed and several others chased. It is presumed that the barbecue consisted of beef however.

Mr. and Mrs. Lenus Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson and family were visitors at the G. E. Peterson home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family visited relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Robert Loff, Ludwig Peterson and G. E. Peterson were business visitors in Edna Monday. G. E. attended the Feeders-Breeding meeting where a discussion was held as to means of eradicating grubs and lice in Jackson county.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Prinzing and family have returned from a visit to Minnesota and Arkansas. Our former teacher, Mrs. Gladys Rogers now resides in Fayetteville, Ark.

The Home Demonstration Club had a called meeting at the school house Monday afternoon for the purpose of electing officers.

The following officers were elected: Mrs. C. J. Harris, president; Mrs. D. E. Frankson, vice-president; Mrs. Maynard Frankson, sec.-treas.; Council delegate and reporter, Mrs. G. E. Peterson.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. C. J. Harris the second Friday in November. Mrs. D. E. Frankson will give the annual Christmas party in December at her home.

The slogan for the year is to be, “Co-operation.”

Palacios Beacon, October 26, 1944

Carancahua Chronicles

Several members of the Carancahua Community attended a Hallowe’en program at La Ward the evening of Oct. 30. They were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Harris and family, Donald Frankson, Adela Kutach, Lawrence Abrahamson, Ludwig, Kenneth, and Charlie Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Elster and little daughter, Margie, of Damon, Texas, were week-end guests in the Stuhrenberg home. Mr. Elster is Mrs. Stuhrenberg’s brother and Mrs. Elster is Mr. Stuhrenberg’s sister. Believe it or not.

Warrle Schicke was home on a furlough. He returned to his post of duty accompanied by his wife.

Sgt. Weldon Anders, formerly of the Carancahua Community, is in Italy. He writes that he gets to see a movie nearly every night, and receives lots of mall.

The Parker family moved to Blessing last Thursday. They have been esteemed members of the Carancahua Community for several years and will be greatly missed.

Mr. Maynard Frankson has begun work as a fireman at Camp Hulen.

Wanda Davis has recovered from a recent illness and is again able to attend school.

Mr. I. T. Taylor, county superintendent, visited school Friday afternoon. He gave an interesting address on “People Who Made the Most of Their Opportunities." He mentioned several who succeeded in spite of physical defects, and other handicaps such as Helen Keller, Thomas Edison and Will Rogers.

The Carancahua School under the able leadership of the teacher, Mrs. Cook, gave a Hallowe’en party Friday evening. Many games and stunts suitable to the occasion were enjoyed by both children and adults. Refreshments consisting of cookies and punch were provided by the patrons of the school.

Mr. A. V. Raplee (Bob) is home on a six-day leave.

Palacios Beacon, November 9, 1944

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. A. V. Raplee. (Bob) is home on a six day leave.

Mr. J. W. Farmer and his wife's mother, Mrs. Evalina Bengston visited relatives in Houston Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goppert and family now occupy the house vacated by the Parker family. The Carancahua Community welcomes them.

Mr. Jim Pearce (“Uncle Jim”) is in El Campo where he is recuperating from an attack of indigestion
and cold.

Mrs. Annie Pehl from Minnesota is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Emma Frankson.

The Prinzing family has moved to Palacios.

Home Demonstration Club

The home demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Harris, Friday, Nov. 10 at 2 o’clock p. m. The demonstrator, Miss Mary Routh gave a charming demonstration on attractive serving in simple style.

The attendance was almost 100 percent, only one member being absent. Plans were made for the Christmas Party which will be given to the Club members at the home of Mrs. D. E. Frankson, Dec. 11. The recreation was furnished by Mrs. Maynard Frankson who sponsored a “Turtle Race.”

Refreshments of coffee and cookies were served by the hostess in the form of an afternoon tea with Mrs. C. O. Graham pouring the coffee.

Palacios Beacon, November 16, 1944

Carancahua Chronicles

Robert Loff, Miss Helen Loff, and G. E. Peterson were business visitors in Bay City last Wednesday. On the way home, they stopped for a visit with the Parker family at Blessing.

Lt. Vernon Frankson has finished his training in aviation at S. W. S. T. C. at San Marcos, Texas. He
is visiting relatives in Carancahua now. When his furlough is ended he will go to Massachusetts to assume his duties there.

Several of the Carancahua folks attended the barbecue at La Ward, Tuesday evening. This event was a courtesy shown by Mr. Watzel to the football boys and pep squad girls of La Ward high school.

The following committee has been appointed to sell War Bonds in the Carancahua community: Lloyd
Frankson, chairman; Mrs. Farrie Cook, and Mrs. G. E. Peterson.

The 4-H Club had their regular meeting at the school house Monday morning. Under the supervision of Miss Mary Routh they learned to make cookies.

The football game, Sons vs. Fathers, with Lloyd Frankson as referee, which was scheduled for Sunday afternoon was called off because of unfavorable weather conditions.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 1944

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen and babies are hack at their home here. Mr. Olsen is a welder and has been working at  Morgan City. He will leave for Houston soon but Mrs. Olsen and the babies will remain here.

The following visitors enjoyed our annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner with us at the school house Thursday, Nov. 30: Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenhaw and daughter Fern, Mr. and Mrs. John
Nensteil, and Mrs. Joe Huffman of Palacios, the W. H. Frankson family, and Misses La Verna and Jewel Holman of Houston; Pvt. John Edward Martin and Pearl Cook [Koch] of Francitas.

Miss Helen Loff, Mrs. Maynard Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson were Edna visitors Saturday.
Mesdames Frankson and Peterson attended the Christmas Council Tea of the Home Demonstration Club.

Pvt. John Edward Martin of the Francitas Community who has been home on furlough spent part of his time visiting his friends in Carancahua. He was our school bus driver last year, and is now stationed at Fort Riley Kansas.

Mrs. L. E. Frankson was hostess at a dinner given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson who
celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary Sunday, Nov. 26. Few marriages prove to be as happy as their’s. No couple is more congenial than they. They have been blessed with four fine sons: Clifton, Donald, Courtland, and Harry.

Palacios Beacon, December 7, 1944


Carancahua Chronicles

The Elmer Abraham, Ernest Abrahamson, and Wm. Hetchler families, Donald Frankson and Charley Peterson went to Olivia Sunday afternoon to see the twins, Dale and Gale who have come to live at the Bert Abraham home.

Officers and teachers for the Carancahua Sunday School are: Supt., Mr. Ernest Abrahamson; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. C. J. Harris; Pianist, Miss Betty Abrahamson; Choirster, Miss Thelma Harris; Teachers: Adult Class, Mrs. D. F. Frankson; Young People’s Class, Mrs. C. O. Graham; Junior Class, Miss Betty Abrahamson; Beginners Class, Mrs. L. E. Frankson.

Our little Sunday School has been and will be a great factor for the good of the community.

Mrs. Lloyd Olson honored her little daughter, Martha, with a birthday party Monday afternoon, Jan.
16, at her home. The little lady was one year old and seemed to realize that she was honoree. She
graciously permitted each admiring guest to fondle her, and never cried at all. She and her cousin Sarah (a few months older) received many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments of sandwiches, cookies, birthday cake, fudge and coffee were served to the guests.

The Girls 4-H Club met at the school house Monday afternoon. Miss Mary Routh taught the girls
how to hemstitch. Two new members, Willie Wright and Adeline Shimek, were added to the club.

Home Demonstration Club

The Home Demonstration Club met Friday, Jan 12 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hetcher. Each member
answered roll call by giving a list of cuttings that she has to exchange. Quite a variety were mentioned including cape jasmine, crepe myrtle, chrysanthemum, japonica, althea, rose, as well as pot plants,
and yard plants.

Miss Routh gave an interesting lecture and demonstration on the planting of shrubs and fruit trees.
The recreation was in the form of games pertaining to the topic of the day and was led by Mrs. G. E. Peterson.

Refreshments of cake, cookies and coffee were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Olson and will deal with landscaping.

Palacios Beacon, January 18, 1945

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. Horace Cook who has been ill several days returned to his work at La Ward Monday morning.

Several Carancahua folks attended the Fat Stock Show at Houston. Those going were Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson and daughter Anita Jo, Mrs. Lloyd Olson and her little daughter, Martha, and Miss Helen Loff.

Little Sarah Loff stayed with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Graham over the week-end, while her aunt, Mrs.
Olson, was away.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson and “Uncle Jim” Pearce were in Edna Saturday. Mrs. Peterson attended
the council meeting of the Home Demonstration Club.

Thelma Harris is captain of the La Ward volley ball team. They won a trophy in a tournament at
Victoria, playing against much larger schools.

Palacios Beacon, February 8, 1945

Carancahua Chronicles

Mrs. Edwin Sturhenberg’s father is visiting at her home. Her brothers and sisters and their families will come Sunday to celebrate their father’s birthday.

Adeline Shimek who has been ill for several days is able to be back at school.

Robert Raplee was home for a week-end visit with his mother, Mrs. A. V. Raplee.

Ludwig Peterson spent two days in Houston at the Fat Stock Show.

Mrs. C. O. Graham entertained her Sunday School class with a Valentine party Tuesday evening. Many clever contests and games appropriate for the occasion were enjoyed. Refreshments consisting of cookies and cocoa were served by the hostess.

Saturday evening the Junior class of La Ward had a horse-back ride along the bay at Carancahua. The end of the affair was to have been an oyster fry at the Houston Club at the bay, but the oysters failed to materialize, so sliced bacon was substituted. Some "point” to that!

Home Demonstration Club

The Home Demonstration Club had its regular meeting Friday afternoon February 9, at the home
of Mrs. Lloyd Olson. Each member responded to roll call by presenting a shrub for identification.
The main feature of the meeting was a landscape plan for Mrs. Olson's home. Miss Mary Routh, Demonstrator, started a landscape chart suggesting methods for a landscape design.

Refreshments of coffee and pie were served to the group. Everyone Refreshments of coffee and pie maker.

Palacios Beacon, February 15, 1945

Carancahua Chronicles

Miss Betty Jane Abraham son has gone to San Antonio to take a position there since Camp Hulen has transferred a number of the employees. She will be greatly missed in the community having been an earnest worker in the church and Sunday School.

Arte Larson is living in the J. W. Farmer home now. He has been in the hospital in Houston with an
injured hip, but is much better now.

Our young people attended a birthday party Saturday evening at the home of Dorothy Shimek at Turtle Bay.

Arvid Loff is home on furlough. He has been overseas in India for quite awhile. We are very happy to
have him back in the States for awhile.

Rev. Lawrence M. Greenhaw conducted his regular monthly church service Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied by Mr. Joe Huffman of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anders and children of LaWard were visiting among their numerous friends at
Carancahua Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. G. E. Peterson has been appointed Red Cross solicitor of the Carancahua Community. If convenient take your contribution to her before you are called on and experience a feeling of greater happiness than you feel when called upon. In either case give freely to a noble cause thanking; God that you are on the giving: rather than the receiving end of the deal.

Palacios Beacon, March 1, 1945

Carancahua Chronicles

Mrs. Huldah Loff who underwent an operation at the Bay City Hospital is at home again recuperating
nicely. Her son, Darwin, came in from California to visit her during her illness. He will remain until after Easter.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family went to Olivia Sunday to be present at the wedding of Mrs. Abraham’s brother, Philip Swenson Wilson to Miss Dorothy Nelson.

The Home Demonstration Club ladies gave a pie supper and ‘‘42’’ party at the schoolhouse to raise
funds for the club. The affair was quite successful. The chronicler could not learn the exact amount
taken in but it was over ten dollars.

Wilbur Frankson, a former Carancahua boy, visited relatives here while on furlough, and was honor guest at a 42 party given at the school house Monday evening of last week.

Church service included the Communion ritual was held by Rev. Lawrence Greenhaw at the Carancahua Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Mrs. Annie Pehl spent a week at Olivia visiting Mrs. Guy Cavillin. Mrs. Pehl has been spending the
winter months here.  She will return to her home in Minnesota next week.

Mrs. C. J. Harris who has been ill for some time is able to be up and about again.

Palacios Beacon, March 29, 1945

Carancahua Chronicles

(Too Late For Last Week)

John E. Frankson is at home driving a new car. We half expected him to pioneer in the use of the
airplane as a means of conveyance in Carancahua.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Falls and son, Johnny, are visiting Mr. Falls’ sister, Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson and
her family. Being from the North, they will make an extended visit.  Johnny is attending school here for the time being.

Mrs. J. K. Goppert family is moving to Edna this week. Although they have lived here only a year, they had made many friends in the community who sincerely regret their leaving.

The Girls’ 4-H Club met at the school house October 12. They elected officers for the coming year, and will continue as a club of seven members. Miss Routh taught them how to make lapel pins.

Lloyd Vostatek, who is wearing his discharge pin, spent last week at the G. E. Peterson home as a most welcome guest. He is at Houston now where he will work as a truck driver.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parker of Houston were in Carancahua Sunday as prospective buyers of the W. Frankson place.

Arvid Loff is the proud owner of a discharge pin. He will occupy the Loff homestead which he plans to buy.

H. D. Club Meeting

The H. D. Club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Abraham, Friday, October 12. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. C. J. Harris; Vice-president, Mrs. D. F. Frankson; Sec.-Treas., and Council Delegate, Mrs. C. O. Graham.

Miss Routh gave a lecture on the upholstering of furniture, and exhibited a footstool which she had made and upholstered as a student. She also showed how to make and use dry suds in the cleaning of upholstery fabrics.

The recreation period was used for the presentation of shower gifts to Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Reitz. The former being a stork shower, and the latter a “Can Shower’ to replace Mrs. Reitz’s canned good that were lost when her home went down in the August storm.

Refreshments consisting of light and dark cake, sandwiches, coffee, and soda pop were served by the hostess who was assisted by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Hetchler.

Mrs. J. H. Huffman entertained a group of ten ladies at her home Friday afternoon, honoring her
guest, Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu of Alhambra, Calif. Mrs. Slaikeu lived in the Carancahua community a number of years before moving to California and has a large circle of friends who are always delighted when she returns for a visit.

Palacios Beacon, October 24, 1945


Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Harris, president of the club, Friday, November 9 at 2 p. m. Mrs. Mary Routh gave a lecture on and showed illustrations of Living Room Arrangements. She emphasized the fact that the living room should express the personality of the owner.

The Club members expressed regrets that Miss Routh is leaving the county to take a position at A. and M. College.

Refreshments of cake, cookies, sandwiches, and coffee were served by the hostess.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1945



Carancahua Chronicles

Miss Betty June Abrahamson was married Dec. 31 to Lieut. Wm. Condie at San Antonio where she is working.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frankson and family of Houston are visiting relatives here.

Bonnie Martin of Houston is staying with her sister Mrs. Ed Parker and attending school here.

Mr. Artie “Buck” Larson of South Dakota is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. O. Graham. He plans to spend the winter months here.

Palacios Beacon, January 24, 1946

Carancahua Chronicles

The “42” party held recently at the school house for the benefit of the Home Demonstration Club was a huge success. We were glad to welcome Mr. Victor of Palacios and the young folks of Olivia and thank them for making our party so enjoyable.

Mrs. G. E. Peterson continues to be on the sick list. We miss her in our church and social affairs.

Mrs. Ed Parker has had as guests the last week her little niece and nephew of Blessing.

The Maynard Frankson family spent Sunday at the C. O. Graham home.

Nels Farmer is home to stay having received his honorable discharge from the Navy. Nels spent the last year in the Philippines.

Johnny Frankson received his honorable discharge from the Air Corps, March 14th.

Mrs. Cecil Graham and Mrs. Maynard Frankson spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. B. Jensen of the Turtle Bay Community.

Eighteen guests gathered at the David Frankson home Friday evening for a family supper honoring Pfc. Maynard C. Frankson who leaves Tuesday for Kearns, Utah, a replacement depot for oversea duty.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders of Victoria spent Friday evening in the David Frankson home.

Mr. J. W. Farmer is spending a few days in Houston.

Courtland Frankson missed a week of school due to illness.

Mrs. Lloyd Olson was a Sunday caller in the Maynard Frankson home.

Quite a number of our men and boys went to Olivia Sunday afternoon and played baseball. A close game was played with Carancahua one score ahead.

Arvid Loff and Lloyd Olson spent Friday in Houston.

Home Demonstration Club was held Friday afternoon with Mrs. Ruth Hetchler. A majority of the members were present and one visitor.

Rev. Greenhaw will fill his regular monthly appointment at the Church Sunday afternoon, March 24th. Sunday School will be at 2 o’clock and sermon at 3 p. m. Everyone welcome.

Palacios Beacon, March 21, 1946

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostlund and niece, Thelma Joyce, returned last Saturday from a Thanksgiving visit
with Mr. Ostlund’s family in Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. “Bill” Frankson, sons, Wilbur and Raymond and Mr. Bob Loff of Houston spent
the week-end with relatives here.

Ludwig Peterson had the misfortune of being kicked just above the eye, by a calf while working
cattle last Friday. We are glad to report he is getting along fine.

Next Sunday, Dec. 22, Rev. L. M. Greenhaw will fill his regular appointment at ‘the church at 3 p. m.
Sunday School at 2 p. m. Everyone welcome.

Joyce Cavallin of Olivia visited in the Elmer Abraham home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris and family of Houston made a pop-call on his brother, Chas. Harris and
family, Sunday afternoon.

The Elmer Abrahams and Cecil Grahams spent Sunday afternoon at the Chas. Harris home.

Donald Frankson was seen sporting a new “hair-do" Saturday.

Palacios Beacon, December 19, 1946

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met Friday afternoon, December 13, 1946 with Mrs. L. M. Olson for the Annual Christmas party with ten of the thirteen regular members present.

The 1947 year books were distributed and filled out. The regular business meeting was omitted.

Games and a social hour was enjoyed by all. The exchange of Christmas gifts from under the lighted tree, being the high spot of the afternoon.

A delicious lunch of chicken sandwiches, pie and coffee was served by the hostess.

Those present were Miss Sybil Guthrie, Jackson Co. Home Demonstration Agent, Mesdames D. F.
Frankson, F. M. Frankson, Ed Parker, Edwin Stuhrenberg, L. M. Olson, C. J. Harris, Elmer Abraham,
William Hetchler, Roy Ostlund, and Cecil O. Graham.

The next meeting will be a member meeting with Mrs. C. J. Harris, January 10, 1947 at 2 p. m., at
which time we will study the new school lunch law. Visitors welcome.--Mrs. C. J. Harris, president; Mrs. Cecil O. Graham, secy, and reporter.

Palacios Beacon, December 19, 1946


Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met for a member meeting with Mrs. William Hetchler at 2 p. m. March 6, 1947, with seven of the ten regular members and one visitor present.

After the regular business meeting Mrs. Chas. Harris gave a demonstration on meat cookery—using
a roast and two cuts of steak for the demonstration.

The delicious meat was served along with gravy, hot rolls, butter, cole slaw, coffee and cookies.

The following were present: Mesdames E. H. Abraham, D. F. Frankson, F. M. Frankson, C. J. Harris,
William Hetchler, Edwin Stuhrenberg, John Edward Martin, and Cecil 0. Graham.

The next regular meeting will be March 27, 1947 at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson. The
demonstration will be on kitchen storage space for food utensils, dishes, and cleaning equipment.

Everyone welcome.—Mrs. Graham, reporter,

Palacios Beacon, March 13, 1947

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club met at 2 p.m. May 1, at Mrs. L. M. Olsons for a regular meeting, with 9 of the 11 members present and 2 visitors.

After tile regular business meeting, Miss Guthrie, Jackson county home demonstration agent, tested
pressure cookers for all members who brought them.

The hostess served a delicious lunch of ice cream and strawberries, coffee and cookies.

Those present were Mrs. Guthrie and Mesdames E. H. Abraham, D. F. Frankson, F. M. Frankson, Cecil O. Graham, C. J. Harris, L. M. Olson, Edwin Stuhrenberg, Ed Parker, Joe Baros, Roy Ostand
and Warrie Schicke.

The next meeting will be at 2 p.m., May 22 at Mrs. D. F. Frankson.—Mrs. Graham, Reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 8, 1947

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at 2 p. m. at the Carancahua School House, for
a regular meeting, with seven of the 12 members present and three visitors .Mrs. F. M. Frankson being the hostess.

After the business meeting, Miss Guthrie, Jackson County Home Demonstration Agent, gave a very
helpful demonstration on putting in zippers, assisting several members put zippers in garments.

The hostess served coffee, cake, and cookies.

Those present were Mesdames E. If. Abraham, D. H. Frankson, F. M. Frankson, Cecil O. Graham, William Hetcher, L. M. Olson, Ben Elliott, S. S. Shemik, John Edward Martin, Adeline Shemik and Gloria Hetcher.—Mrs. Cecil O. Graham, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, June 19, 1947

Carancahua H. D. Club Entertains Deutschburg Clubbers

Those Deutschburg Club members who failed to attend the Carancahua Club meeting June 26,
missed a most enjoyable afternoon a very worth-while demonstration.

Twelve members of the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club and one visitor and nine members of
the Carancahua Club met at the Carancahua school house for their regular meeting. The Deutschburg Club held a short business session at which it was decided no business meeting would be held July 17, when the Edna Club is to be entertained at Deutschburg, and committees for entertaining were appointed.

As Miss Guthrie was to be away this month she gave her demonstration scheduled for July at this
meeting, which was very interesting and helpful, “How to Select and Buy Piece Goods and Ready-to-
Wear” were fully discussed and I am sure most of us will be more careful in our selection of clothing
after this. Miss Guthrie showed some of the latest designs in prints and fabrics that were simply beautiful and we hope it won’t be too long before we will be able to buy them.

After the demonstration a few short games were played and enjoyed by all. While the Carancahua
ladies served huge slices of cake and delicious fruit punch, the best part of the meeting was the visiting with our neighbors. Come over and see us some time Carancahua, we had a lovely time. Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, July 3, 1947

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson, Oct. 2, 1947,
at 2 p.m. for a regular meeting. There were 8 of the 13 members present, including our “new” member.

Officers for 1948 were elected as follows: Mrs. D. F. Frankson, (re-elected) president; Mrs. Charles
Harris, (re-elected) vice-president; Mrs. Joe Baros, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Arvid Loff, council delegate; and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, reporter.

The new member, who was added to our roll is Mrs. Arvid Loff, formerly Miss Louise Hurts of Deutschberg.

The list of demonstration for next year was read and some of the topics are as follows: making
lampshades, bedroom storage, the well equipped bed, quick meals, icings, slip covers-draperies, use
of attachments, (for sewing machines), bed spreads, flower arrangements, leather work (gloves), hat clinic, and others. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

A very useful demonstration was given by Miss Guthrie, the Jackson County Home Demonstration
Agent, on seams and finishes, showing them in all stages.

After the meeting the hostess served a delicious lunch of fruit jello, with whipped cream topped
with a cherry cake, and coffee.

The next meeting will be on Home Nursing with Mrs. William Hetchler, October 23, at 2 p.m.—Mrs. Graham, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, October 9, 1947

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. Ed. Parker on Thursday afternoon, November 13, at 2 p.m. for their regular meeting with Miss Guthrie, Jackson County Home
Demonstration Agent, present. In spite of the rainy weather, 10 of the 14 members and one visitor
were present. One more name was added to our list, Mrs. Martin Loff, joining the club.

The president being absent, Mrs. Charles Harris, the vice-president, presided. Roll was called, the minutes read and approved. The secretary, Mrs. Cecil Graham, reported that the club netted $35.10 at the bazaar and pie social held recently. The Club planned a Christmas party to be held at the schoolhouse on the night of December 16.

The meeting was then turned over to Miss Guthrie, who gave a demonstration on clothing accessories and helpful hints on bias cutting. The meeting adjourned after which the hostess served lunch consisting of cake, fruit jello and coffee.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 20, 1947


Carancahua Farmer Makes Good Profit From Flax Crops

Emil Schulze of Carancahua reports that he planted about 15 acres of flax December 24, 1946,
which he harvested in the spring of 1947, realizing $46 per acre from the crop. He then plowed up the flax stubble, which helped rid the land of Johnson grass, and planted hegira on the same ground.

This fall he combined the crop and netted $44 per acre. This makes a total of $90 per acre or $1,350
for the field of 15 acres.

Palacios Beacon, January 1, 1948

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Cecil Graham on Thursday afternoon, January 8, at 2 p.m. for its regular meeting, with 10 of its 14 members present. 1948 year
books were filled out and plans made to order material for gloves. The president, Mrs. D. F. Frankson, appointed the chairman for the different committees for this year namely Mrs. C. J. Harris, year book; Mrs. E. H. Abraham, recreation; Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Good Neighbor, Mrs. Cecil Graham, finance and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, marketing.

After a few minutes recreation, the hostess served lunch consisting of cake topped with jello, cookies and coffee.

The next meeting will be with Miss Sybil Guthrie, Jackson County Home Demonstration Agent on January 29, at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham.

Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1948

Stork Shower

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club honored Mrs. Arvid Loff with a stork shower at the
school house on Friday afternoon, January 16, with Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Mrs. Cecil Graham as hostesses. The centerpiece was a lovely two-tiered cake topped with little storks marching all the way

The weather being so bad, only a small percentage of those invited could attend, but those present
had a very enjoyable time. Two very interesting contests were played Mrs. E. H. Abraham and
Mrs. John E. Martin being the winners. Cake, cookies and coffee were served. The honoree received
many lovely and useful gifts.—Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 22, 1948

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

On Thursday afternoon, February 5, at 2 p.m. the Carancahua Home Demonstration club met at
the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham for its regular meeting with Miss Sybil Guthrie, Jackson County
Home Demonstration agent, present. Nine of the fourteen members answered to roll call, each stating
a requirement of a good club member.

Mrs. Cecil Graham and Mrs. Joe Baros were appointed to attend the training meeting on making gloves, which is being held in Edna this Thursday.

Miss Guthrie gave an interesting demonstration on making lampshades.

After the adjournment, the hostess served lunch, consisting of chicken sandwiches, cookies and
coffee.—Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 12, 1948

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Baros for its member
meeting on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 19, at 2 p.m. Twelve of the 14 members and one visitor were

Mrs. B. T. Elliot very efficiently gave the report of the last Council meeting. The club voted to enter
the bread and cake contest which is to be held at Edna, and also to entertain another club this year.

The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Cecil Graham and Mrs. Joe Baros, who demonstrated
glove making. Several pairs of gloves were cut by the members.

Mrs. E. H. Abraham led the club in recreation which was trying to write your name holding the slip
of paper against your forehead. This caused plenty of excitement, Mrs. Cecil Graham was winner. The hostess served lunch consisting of sandwiches, cookies and coffee.—Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 26, 1948


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