Carancahua News 1950s



Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club held its member meeting January 12th  at the home of Mrs. Joe Baros.

The club members started the meeting by saying the club pledge in unison. New and old business was discussed and measurements of members were taken to that patterns could be bought and alterations made. All seemed to be enthused and eager to improve on their sewing and all members pledged themselves to get patterns and have them for the regular meeting  with our agent, Miss Sybil Guthrie of Edna.

After the pattern discussions the meeting adjourned and lunch was served consisting of chicken sandwiches, cake, cookies and coffee.

Pie Social Friday

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club is sponsoring a pie social at the Community Center Friday night, January 27, to help raise a little money for the March of Dimes.

Everyone is invited, so come out and eat some good, home baked pie and help a good cause. Coffee will be served.

Palacios Beacon, January 26, 1950

Carancahua Pie Social Well Attended

Did you come to the Carancahua Pie Social last Friday night held at the Community House? If not, you missed a lot for we all had a good time with lots of homemade pie, hot coffee, popcorn and Soda pop.

For just a quarter you got two huge pieces of pie and a cup of steaming coffee and that was almost all you could comfortably eat.

About 150 people came from Carancahua and surrounding communities and helped swell the amount given the “March of Dimes” and when it was all over $60.00 was in the Kitty.

Everyone enjoyed themselves and felt good digging deep in their jeans for dimes to help such a good cause.

A few played pool, while others danced to the music of the Victrola. One table of “42” was played and some just sat and visited. And when the evening had worn on and everyone had eaten all the pie they wanted Warrie Schicke and Lloyd Frankson auctioned off the remaining half dozen pies and the bidding was spirited and a few lucky ones had pie for dinner the next day.

Mrs. Susie Elliott was chairman of the “March of Dime Drive” and the pie social was sponsored by the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

On Thursday afternoon, February 2, the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg for the regular meeting.

There were 16 members, four visitors, and Miss Guthrie, the agent, present. The visitors, which, needless to say, are always welcome, were Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt, Mrs. W. C. Gray, Mrs. J. E. Martin, and Mrs. Warrie Shicke.

The president called the meeting to order requesting that the club prayer be repeated in unison. The secretary called the roll and each member present answered by displaying an article used in sewing. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Miss Guthrie presented the Council Budget for 1950 as prepared by the
finance committee and the club voted to contribute 50 cents per member to the Council treasury.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie, who gave a demonstration on  establishing a sewing center, which she fully discussed, and made us realize how important it is to have all of our sewing and cutting equipment in the same room to save time and steps, and to sew efficiently. She also showed some of the major necessities that a good sewing center should contain.

The hostess served refreshments consisting of chicken salad sandwiches, valentine cookies, and coffee.

Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. Ben Elliott Wednesday afternoon, March 8, for the regular meeting with the agent. It was held at this time because Miss Guthrie is to be out of town on the 16th, the regular meeting date. There were 12 members and Miss Guthrie present.

The meeting opened by repeating the club pledge in unison. Roll was called and each member present answered by stating what they had done towards organizing a sewing center, or some equipment they had attained since beginning our sewing lessons.

The president, Mrs. Ben Elliott, was unanimously elected to be our candidate to be voted on at next Council as a delegate to the District THDA meeting which will be in Galveston on April 19-20.

Raising funds for the club was discussed and it was decided to have a pie social at the Community Center on Thursday night, March 16. Come out and eat some good home baked pies and coffee. Sandwiches will also be available.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie and her demonstration was "Window Treatment.” She showed some material samples for curtains, and pictures of a number of different arrangements and color combinations of different rooms.

The hostess served delicious refreshments of Ritz-cheese sandwiches, pinwheel refrigerator cookies, cake and coffee.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, March 16, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Olson Thursday afternoon, April 6. Present were 11 members and one visitor, Mrs. John Perry.

Meeting opened by repeating the club pledge in unison led by Mrs. G. E. Peterson. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg gave the Council report and urged all the members to be thinking about the County Fair for this fall.

The meeting was turned over to Mrs. D. F. Frankson, who gave the third lesson in the series of sewing demonstrations. She showed the correct procedure in putting in sleeves, collars and zippers.

The hostess sewed refreshments consisting of chocolate cake, cookies and coffee.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 13, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club was very well attended at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson Wednesday afternoon, April 26. There were 19 members present. Miss Guthrie, the agent, and one visitor, Grandma Frankson were also present.

Meeting opened by repeating the club prayer and pledge. Roll call was answered by naming a good dress accessory.

The club voted to have the next meeting (which will be the last one on dress making) on Thursday afternoon, May 4, giving the members time to complete their dresses for the dress show to be held in Edna on May 12.

Miss Guthrie made a bound buttonhole, explaining fully the different steps as she went along. Her demonstration was on accessories, so she showed pictures of well dressed women, scored them, and explained that to be smartly dressed, you must be able to score yourself from 12 to 14 points, counting dress, hat, shoes, and accessories.

The hostess served delicious marble cake and coffee.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, May 4, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. William Hetchler for a member meeting on Thursday, May 4th, 1950. Nine members were present.

The president called the meeting to order, and club members repeated the club pledge in unison. Roll call was answered by displaying an old piece of glass or china.

Minutes were read and approved. Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave the council report. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. B. T. Elliott, one of our dressmaking leaders, who showed us how to put in an invisible hem and how to make a tailored belt.

After adjournment, the hostess served coffee, sandwiches, cookies, and cocoanut niblets.

Palacios Beacon, May 18, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration News

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with the Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club at the community center for a joint meeting on Thursday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m.

Each club held its own business meeting, and reported that Carancahua had 13 members present, and Deutschburg had 10. Yearbook suggestions were turned over to the club Yearbook Chairman, and each club voted to buy a set of tools for making leather purses.

Miss Guthrie presented material and briefly discussed pictures for our homes. Then she gave a demonstration on setting the table for our everyday family table, and ways to save the home maker many steps in setting a table by the use of a tray. A table can be set and ready by two trips with a tray, with just a little planning and thought. Try it, member—it really works!

Refreshments of sponge cake, homemade ice cream, coffee, and punch were served by Mesdames Andrew Kopnicky and E. H. Watslavick, the hostesses. These were delicious and enjoyed by all, as was the visiting with our neighbors. We enjoyed having you, Carancahua ladies! Come back again soon.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, June 8, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration News

The Carancahua H. D. Club met at the Community Center July 20, 1950. Mrs. G. E. Peterson was hostess. Ten members were present and three visitors—Mesdames E. E. Abrahamson, Lenus Peterson and Alvin Peterson—all of Olivia. The President, Mrs. Ben Elliott, called the meeting to order.

The club pledge was recited in unison. Roll call was answered by naming a favorite picture. Minutes were read and approved.

Our demonstration, being on pictures, Mrs. Emil Peterson gave an interesting talk on pictures, giving some pointers on “pictures appropriate for the home.”

Our club is making leather purses and billfolds, so time was taken out to cut out and work on them. To date our club has cut out and are working on nine purses and 15 billfolds.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Two birthdays—that of Mrs. Alvin Peterson and Mrs. Ludwig Peterson—were being celebrated so the hostess had made two beautiful birthday cakes which were served with cheese sandwiches and punch.

Palacios Beacon, July 27, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club had a join get together last Wednesday night at the school house when they honored Mrs. Amil Peterson on her birthday and Mrs. Robert Raplee with a stork shower.

Games, contest and visiting furnished the diversion for the evening.

The lovely gifts were presented to Mrs. Raplee in a bassinet decorated in pink and blue.

After the gifts were opened and admired, the group sang "Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Peterson. She then cut her beautiful cake, which was served with the other cake and punch.

Palacios Beacon, September 7, 1950

Elect Lloyd Frankson President of Club

The Carancahua – Deutschburg Security Club met at the Carancahua Community Center September 7. Mr. Lloyd Frankson was elected president for the coming year. Mr. Wesselman acted as chairman in the absence of the retiring president, Mr. Danner.

The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mr. Lloyd Frankson, president; Mr. O. R. Kubecka, vice-president; Mrs. M. W. Dillard, secretary and treasurer.

Many of the members were absent so that much of the intended business of the meeting could not be completed. However, dues were paid and the meeting adjourned to meet at Deutschburg on the first Thursday in October. Refreshments were served to the members during the meeting.

Palacios Beacon, September 14, 1950

Carancahua Home Dem. Club Meets With Mrs. L. E. Frankson

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. L. E. Frankson Thursday, September 14, 2 p.m. In the absence of the president Vice-President Mrs. A. L. Loff presided, calling the meeting to order.

After the prayer and pledge were recited in unison roll call was answered by 14 members. Three visitors were present—one of them, Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt, joined the

Minutes were read and approved. Members were reminded to give their orders for peanuts to Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, the club’s marketing chairman.

Council report was given by Mrs. D. F. Frankson and all club members were invited to attend the council meeting in Edna on October 10.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson also gave us a report on the Jackson County Fair which was held in Edna. The Club is very proud of their ribbons won at the fair. Twenty-one blue  ribbons, 14 red and seven white ribbons were awarded to the club members.

Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Mrs. L. M. Olson gave a demonstration of sweet dough mixing and baking making Swedish tea ring and cinnamon buns. They certainly were delicious as were also the Kolackys and coffee which was served.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, September 28, 1950

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. F. M. Frankson Thursday, November 16, for the regular meeting. Fourteen members and four visitors and Miss Guthrie, the agent, were present.

Money for the 1951 yearbooks was collected. It was voted by the club to donate $5 to the Palacios Christmas lighting drive.

The meeting was then turned over to Miss Guthrie, who very ably explained and demonstrated “Textile Painting,” which was interesting to all present.

The hostess served delicious refreshments consisting of cake, jello topped with whipped cream, and coffee.

The rest of the afternoon was admiring the Frankson’s completely re-decorated home, which is very convenient as well as beautiful.


The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club will have a called meeting at the Community Center Thursday afternoon, November 30, at 2 o’clock, for the purpose of distributing and filling in the 1951 yearbooks. The president urges all members to please be present so we can complete the books.


Officers of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club for 1951 were elected in October and are as follows: Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, president; Mrs. C. R. Hart, vice-president; Mrs. Ludwig Peterson, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. D. F. Frankson, council delegate; Mrs. C. G. Jeffers, alternate delegate; Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and Mrs. B. T. Elliott, reporters.

Palacios Beacon, 23 Nov 1950


Loff Family Reunion Held Sunday, Dec. 31

Sunday, December 31, the Loff family had a family reunion and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Loff at Carancahua.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Thelma, Mr. and   Mrs. Clinton Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corsey and Bobby, and Walter Loff of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Darvin Loff and boys from California; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ureson from Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and girls, Mr. and Mrs. L. M Olson and children of Carancahua, Charles Hurta of Deutschburg and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Loff and children.

Palacios Beacon, January 11, 1951

Carancahua Pie Social Friday Night Will Benefit Polio Drive

Want a treat?

How about some good old homemade pie like mother used to make?

Then come to Carancahua Community Center Friday night at 8 o’clock to satisfy your appetite and, at the same time, help a good cause—The March of Dimes.

The social, being sponsored by the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club, was decided upon at the regular meeting of the club last week.

Thirteen members and two visitors were present at the home of Mrs. Edwin  Stuhrenberg for the meeting.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott showed how to make a cutting bed and how to plant cuttings.

Mrs. William Hetchler led the recreation and Mrs. E. H. Abraham was the lucky winner.

Palacios Beacon, January 18, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The pie supper which was held at the Carancahua Community Center sponsored by the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club for the March of Dimes campaign was a grand success.

There was a large crowd and we thank everyone one who so generously helped. From the sale of pie, coffee, and contributions we have raised $60.00—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club members are doing their part in preparing for national defense.

Miss Guthrie, Calhoun County Home Demonstration agent, read a letter on civil defense to the ladies at their meeting Friday. She told them that they must guard against becoming unduly alarmed, but urged them to be prepared for any emergency.

First aid instruction classes are being arranged for the group as part of their civil defense training. Fourteen members answered roll call by giving a way to increase club membership. One visitor was present.

Future business on the agenda for the club are the selection of a delegate to the state meeting April 26-27, a freezing demonstration at Edna April 11, and suggestions for the yearbook. Members with ideas for the yearbook are asked to jot them down for future reference.

Miss Guthrie demonstrated choosing patterns and fabrics and included pictures of the right and wrong way to make a dress. Sample materials also were shown. Cake, cookies, coffee and punch were served following adjournment.

Palacios Beacon, February 15, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. D. F. Frankson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club at its last week’s meeting when 12 members answered roll call by giving an interesting current event. Two visitors were present.

Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg called the meeting to order and Mrs. Frankson read the club’s creed and prayer.

Mrs. Frankson volunteered to be the club delegate to the district meeting in Houston April 26-27.

Date of a club fund-raising social, voted by members at the meeting, will be announced later.

Mrs. A. L. Loff gave many fine points on why and how to prune shrubbery.

Winner of a quiz on Texas towns was Mrs. G. E. Peterson.

The hostess served cherry pie and coffee after adjournment.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott will be hostess to the club at its next meeting March 15.

Palacios Beacon, March 1, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. B. T. Elliott was hostess at the regular meeting of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club last Thursday. Fourteen members answered roll call by naming a favorite flower and telling something of its cultivation.

Miss Sybil Guthrie, county home demonstration agent, gave a very helpful demonstration on dressmaking. A pattern was laid out, material cut and marked.

Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg, president, read letters from C. Branch and B. Conner thanking the club for its part in the March of Dimes drive.

Miss Bennett, district home demonstration agent, also was present. The hostess served coffee, cake and cookies following adjournment.

Palacios Beacon, March 22, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the community center April 5 with Mrs. Ludwig Peterson as hostess. Fifteen members and three visitors were present.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave a good council report.

Mrs. C. G. Jeffers and Mrs. B. T. Elliott gave a demonstration on making corsages. They used home grown flowers and foliage. Besides showing how to wrap the flowers with wire the women also instructed the members in the type of flowers to use and how to prepare them.

Following adjournment the hostess served delicious cake, cookies, and coffee.

The next meeting will be April 25 instead of April 26.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, April 12 1951

Birthdays Celebrated By Abraham Family

A family get-together and birthday celebration was held at the E. H. Abraham home in Carancahua Sunday to celebrate the birthdays of La Verne Abraham and Joyce Cavallin. JoAnn Abraham also had a birthday but was unable to be present.

A picnic dinner and supper was enjoyed by all present.

Guests included Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and daughter, Isabell, and son, Private Lawrence of Camp Hood; Private Donald Frankson of Camp Hood; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and daughter, Gloria; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Swenson of Olivia, and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cavallin and daughter, Joyce, of Olivia.

Palacios Beacon, April 10, 1951


Carancahua H. D. Club Entertained

By Mrs. C. G. Jeffers

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the Community Center Thursday, April 25, with Mrs. C. G. Jeffers as hostess.

Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

The meeting was called to order with singing, “I Would Be True,” led by Mrs. E. H. Abraham.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson read the Good Neighbor Recommendation Committee report.

Motion was made and seconded that the club have a bazaar and that we have an education exhibit at the fair.

Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on how to sew in a sleeve and sew the skirt and waist together on a dress.

Palacios Beacon, May 3, 1951

Carancahua And Deutschburg Clubs Hold Joint Meeting

Deutschburg and Carancahua Home Demonstration Clubs held a joint meeting May 17 at 2 p.m. at the Carancahua Community Center.

Five Deutschburg and 16 Carancahua members answered roll call. Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave the council report, assisted by Mrs. E. H. Watslavik.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson gave an interesting report on her trip to Angleton. She was one of the members going with Miss Sadie Hatfield to the home of Mrs. Burleich for the landscaping demonstration. She related many points on making a lawn beautiful and placing necessary items in back yards to advantage.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson led the recreation. Mrs. Joe Johs and Mrs. R. G. Robinson served delicious refreshments of coffee, cake and cookies.

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club members will meet at the home of Mrs. Abraham May 30.

Palacios Beacon, May 24, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. E. H. Abrahamson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club last Wednesday afternoon, May 30, when it met at her home for the meeting with the agent. There were 14 members and Miss Guthrie present.

The meeting opened by the group singing America. Roll call was answered by naming a flower that will grow in a window box.

The club voted to donate a dollar to help finance Mrs. Slifes’ trip to the National Home Demonstration meeting at Lansing, Michigan. She is the vice-president of District 13.

The club voted to entertain the Turtle Bay Club in the near future. Mrs. Ludwig Peterson was elec ed to be the nominee from our club for delegate to the State THDA meeting to be held in College Station in August.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie and she discussed the county fair and then gave a demonstration on sewing in zippers and finishing the hem of a dress neatly.

The hostess served refreshments of delicious sandwiches, cake and coffee.

The next meeting will be on “Making Home Water Supply Safe,” at the home of Mrs. L. E. Frankson on June 28 at 2 p.m.

Palacios Beacon, June 7, 1951

Mrs. Effie Peterson

Mrs. Effie Koehl Peterson was born August 30, 1896, near Huntsville, Texas, and died in Bayview Hospital in Palacios, Texas, on June 5, 1951, at the age of 54 years. She had been a resident of the Carancahua Community since 1935.

On May 18, 1937, she was united in marriage with Emil Peterson of Carancahua, where she was teaching school. She has taught in Pine Prairie, Cartell, Art, and Carancahua.

Mrs. Peterson is survived by her husband, Emil Peterson; one daughter, Mrs. Vernon Fitzgerald of Riverside; five step-children, Ludwig, Kenneth, Charlie, Mary Ellen, and Leta Peterson.

Other survivors are her mother, Mrs. C. J. Koehl of Huntsville; two brothers, Tom and Ira Koehl, and three sisters, Miss Helen and Miss Ollie Koehl of Huntsville, and Mrs. Mary Hall of Houston; one grandson, Bill Fitzgerald III of Riverside.

Mrs. Peterson joined the church at an early age and lived a consistent Christian life and was the beloved teacher of the adult class at the little union Sunday School in Carancahua.

The community feels the loss of Mrs. Peterson’s passing very greatly and will miss her at the little church and Sunday School, but her influence for good and the heroic efforts, she put forth in carrying on church work, some will never forget.

Tho hearts in Carancahua are filled with sorrow, we'll be a little better as we remember how valiantly she lived, hampered by a frail body and so much pain but always willing to help others.

Her beautiful reed baskets lie unfinished, but she worked on them constantly even in her last days in the hospital, so that she might give them to her friends to enjoy.

For many years her hands picked and arranged the flowers for our church, coming early that she might greet the first comers.

Her love of beauty, books, flowers and poetry was so much a part of her. The Beautiful Rose of Sharon was her favorite flower and she shared them freely with us all. So may the blessings of God be with her dear family and to Effie we say,
“Servant of God, well done.
Rest from thy loved employ
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master’s joy.”

—Mrs. Maynard Frankson

Card Of Thanks

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all our friends who offered words of condolence and  lowers following the death of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Effie M. Peterson. We especially wish to I extend our thanks to the doctor I and all the hospital staff.

G. E. Peterson and children
Mrs. Vernon Fitzgerald and family.

Out-Of-Town Friends, Relatives Attend Rites For Mrs. Peterson

Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Myrtle Peterson, 55, were held at the Palacios Funeral Home last Thursday afternoon. Rev. Wesley N. Schulze of the Methodist Church
conducted the rites.

Out-of-town relatives and friends attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fitzgerald Jr. and Bill Fitzgerald III of Riverside, Miss Ollie Koch! of Kirbyville, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Koehl and Tom Koehl of Huntsville, Mrs. W. N. Hall of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morton of Hempstead, Mrs. Catherine Burke and son of Galveston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dehlert and family of Alta Loma, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peterson of Jacksboro.

Burial was in Olivia Cemetery.

Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1951

Carancahua Home Dem. Clubber To Get Training At Edna

Mrs. B. T. Elliott of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club was elected to take training in tailoring at Edna at the last meeting of the group. It also was announced at the meeting that six members will attend summer camp at Palacios August 27-28.

Eleven members answered roll call last Thursday at the home of Mrs. L. E. Frankson with ways to make the home grounds more attractive. Two visitors were present at the meeting.

Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg gave the council report and Mrs. R. G. Robinson gave a talk on “How to make the home water supply safe.”

The hostess served delicious refreshments of cake, sandwiches, punch and coffee following adjournment.

The next meeting of the club will be held July 19 at the home of Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

Palacios Beacon, July 5, 1951

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. F. M. Frankson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club at her home last Thursday afternoon, July 19. There were 10 members and 10 visitors present. We are always happy to have visitors with us.

Meeting opened by singing “Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Ludwig Peterson. Mrs. F. M. Frankson led a discussion on the Hoover report, which was interesting and instructive.

A demonstration on making nylon corsages was given by Mrs. John Musselman, Mrs. C. G. Jeffers and Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

The hostess served delicious refreshments of cake and ice cream.

Palacios Beacon, July 26, 2021

Deutschburg And Carancahua HD Clubs Hold Joint Meeting

The Deutschburg and Carancahua Home Demonstration Clubs met September 6 at the Deutschburg Community Center with 36 members and visitors and Miss Guthrie present.

The meeting opened with the group singing the district THDA song, “Follow the Gleam,” accompanied at the piano by Mrs. D. F. Frankson.

Miss Guthrie gave an interesting demonstration on sewing for children and displayed several garments she had made.

The highlight of the afternoon was a surprise pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. 0. R. Kubecka. The gifts were presented in a lovely pink and blue basket by two of the hostesses, Mrs. Frankson and Mrs. E. H. Watslavik.

After the many gifts were opened by the honoree, the guests were seated at a long white-covered table in the center of which presided a huge white stork. Refreshments of dainty sandwiches, pink and blue cake, coffee and punch were served. Pink napkins, folded to resemble little kimonas, and little blue diapers filled with mints adorned each plate.

Hostesses were Mrs. Frankson, and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen of Carancahua and Mrs. L. E. McMichiel and Mrs. Watslavik of Deutschburg.

Palacios Beacon, September 20, 1950

Carancahua Women Win 69 Ribbons At Jackson County Fair

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club members brought home 69 ribbons from the Jackson County Fair, Mrs. William Hetchler, club reporter, announced this week.

The HD women of the club carried away 22 blue ribbons, 21 red ones, 13 white and 13 pink, Mrs. Hetchler said. In addition, their educational exhibit on gift wrapping scored 93 and took a red ribbon.

Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg was re-elected president of the club at its last meeting. Other new officers are Mrs. R. G. Robinson, vice-president; Mrs. Ludwig Peterson, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. D. F. Frankson, council delegate; Mrs. C. G. Jeffers, alternate delegate; and Mrs. Hetchler, reporter.

Mrs. Frankson gave the council report and Mrs. Jeffers gave an interesting demonstration on gift wrapping.

Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Jack Elliott attended the pre-tailoring school in Edna on September 24 and will take a six-week course in tailoring, each making an all-wool garment and teaching other interested club members.

Mrs. Jerome Kovar will be hostess at the next meeting at 2 p.m. October 25.

Palacios Beacon, October 11, 1951

Carancahua HD Club Planning Bazaar

Plans for a bazaar to be held in the near future were made at an all-day meeting of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club last week at the home of Mrs. L. E. Frankson. Details will be announced later.

Eleven members were present to make nylon corsages under the instruction of Mrs. B. T. Elliott. One new member, Mrs. W. Eggemeyer, joined the club. Each member brought a covered dish for lunch and a delicious variety of food was enjoyed by all.

The club meets next at the Community Center today (November 15) with the county home demonstration agent.

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1951


Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg To Be Carancahua HD Host Next Thursday

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of the president, Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, next Thursday afternoon, January 10, for the first time in 1952.

Yearbooks will be distributed and Mrs. F. M. Frankson will lead a discussion on “Family Harmony.” All members are urged to be present and visitors are welcome.

Palacios Beacon, January 3, 1952

Carancahua HD Holds Meeting At Stuhrenberg Home

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met January 10 at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg with 13 members and two visitors present. Members answered roll call by giving one activity their family enjoys.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson made a motion, which passed, that the club give a pie supper January 15 to raise funds for the March of Dimes.

 Mrs. F. M. Frankson had charge of the demonstration on “Family Harmony." Among the fine points she stressed were that all members of the family work together, each one having a part that helps to make a house a home.

“If we want peace and harmony in the world,” she declared, “we must first have peace and harmony in the home.”

Mrs. Ludwig Peterson gave the finance report. Mrs. E. H. Abraham,who was in charge of recreation, led in a guessing game. Mrs. Ludwig Peterson was the lucky winner.

Delicious refreshments of chicken sandwiches, cookies and coffee were served by the hostess.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson will be the hostess when the club meets January 31 at her home.

Palacios Beacon, January 17, 1952

Barbecue Supper Tonight

Carancahua Community is sponsoring a barbecue and chicken supper with all the trimmings tonight (Thursday) beginning at 6:30 and continuing as long as necessary for everybody to get his fill. Everybody is welcome.

Palacios Beacon, February 14, 1952


Carancahua Supper Nets $200 Toward Upkeep Of Center

The barbecue and chicken supper given on Valentine’s evening at the Carancahua Community Center proved a huge success in spite of the inclement weather. A total of
$200.61 was realized from the event.

The supper was sponsored by the community for the purpose of making a little money to help pay for insurance and upkeep of the Community Center. The committee in charge of the supper expressed its thanks to all participants for their presence and aid in making it the success it was.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1952

Mrs. L. E. Frankson Is Hostess Thursday At Carancahua Meet

Mrs. L. E. Frankson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club at its meeting last Thursday when 10 members answered roll call by naming native shrubs or trees suitable for a mixed hedge.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave the council report and a resume of the style held in Edna February 18. She and Mrs. A. L. Loff had charge of the demonstration on "Planning the Landscape.” The members visited Mrs. Loff’s yard and saw a demonstration on making a shrubbery bed.

After returning to Mrs. Frankson’s home, the hostess served delicious refreshments of cake, cookies and coffee. The next meeting of the club will be March 13 at the home of Mrs. Sig Shimek.

Palacios Beacon, February 28, 1952

Carancahua HD Women To Sponsor Pie Social Friday

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club women will hold a pie social tomorrow night (Friday) at the Community Center. Everyone is invited.

The Club met recently at the home of Mrs. A. B. Greenawalt with eight members and one visitor and Miss Guthrie, the county agent, present.

Each member answered roll call by giving a suggestion for shampooing the hair. After the business session, Miss Guthrie gave a very interesting demonstration on personal grooming.

Following adjournment, the hostess served sandwiches, cookies and coffee.

The next meeting will be May 15 at the home of Mrs. Ben Elliott. All members are urged to attend and visitors are welcome.

Palacios Beacon, May 8, 2021

Carancahua HD Club Hears Discussion On Cookie Making

Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and Mrs. B. T. Elliott discussed cookie making at the meeting of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club May 15 at the home of Mrs. Elliott.

Fourteen members and one visitor were present to answer roll call by giving their favorite cookie recipe. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Elliott discussed cookie making and had several kinds already made which were served with coffee.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson gave the council report.

Mrs. B. J. Wesselman will be hostess for the next meeting at her home on June 5.

Palacios Beacon, May 22, 1952

Carancahua Home Dem. Club Meets With Mrs. Frankson

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson on Thursday afternoon, July 17, at 2 p.m.

The president called the meeting to order and it was opened with the singing of "America the Beautiful.” Roll call was answered by “My special problem in making
pies.” There were 15 members, the home demonstration agent, Miss Guthrie, and one visitor present.

Miss Guthrie told the members what they would need for making wooden salad bowls and for copper tooling, which the club members will make at camp. She then gave
a demonstration on making cream pies and meringue. Recipes for pies and meringue were passed out.

After the meeting was adjourned, the hostess served a delicious lunch.

Palacios Beacon, July 24, 1952

Security Club Enjoys Picnic and Dance Sunday, August 10

Deutschburg-Carancahua Security Club met July 24, for a called meeting in the Deutschburg Community Center.

The annual barbecue was discussed and it was decided to have a picnic lunch instead at the Deutschburg Community Center at noon on Sunday, August 10.

The picnic was followed by a dance that night with the KULP Rhythm Boys furnishing the music. Both were well attended and all had a good time.—Secretary

Palacios Beacon, August 14, 1952

Mrs. Jerome Kovar Elected President Of Carancahua H. D. Club

Mrs. Jerome Kovar was elected president of the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club for the coming year. Other new officers are: Mrs. B. T. Elliott, vice-president; Mrs.
Edwin Stuhrenberg, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. F. M. Frankson, council delegate; Mrs. E. H. Abraham alternate delegate; and Mrs. Martin Loff, reporter.

The club met at the home of Mrs. Arvid Loff last Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened by repeating the pledge in unison.  After all regular business was taken care of, the Jackson County fair was discussed and Mrs. F. M. Frankson talked on landscaping,
which is to be the club’s educational exhibit for the fair.

The meeting adjourned and the hostess served a lunch consisting of chocolate iced squares, ritz sandwiches, coffee and lemonade.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. L. M. Olson on October 2, Miss Guthrie, the agent, will give a demonstration on preparing fruit pies for freezing. Visitors are always welcome.—Reporter

Palacios Beacon, September 18, 1952

Carancahua H. D. Club

Mrs. L. M. Olson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club, Thursday, October 2. Fourteen members, one visitor, and the agent, Miss Guthrie, were present.

A report of our entries in the Jackson County Fair was given, our club received quite a few ribbons. The annual meeting of the Jackson County Home Demonstration Council was discussed and several members plan to attend.

The meeting was then turned over to Miss Guthrie, her demonstration being freezing fruit pies. She made an apple pie, which was put in a deep freeze.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served delicious cake, coffee, and punch.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, October 9, 1952

Carancahua H. D. Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Jack Elliott Thursday, October 23. Thirteen members answered roll call by giving something simple and attractive to serve with coffee. One new member was added to our club, namely Mrs. Bill Hasley.

Our annual report was filled out. The council report was given by Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg. The motion was made and seconded that we give a coffee and pie social
in the near future.

Mrs. Sig Shimek and Mrs. Pete Kocurek demonstrated the making of Strudel. Mrs. Jack Elliott and Mrs. Pete Kocurek were leaders on “Family Manners and Meal Service.”  Many good points were given on table etiquette.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served coffee, cookies and ice cream, and all present had a generous sample of the delicious Strudel made by Mrs. Shimek.

The next meeting will be November 13 at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar. Visitors are invited to attend the meeting. —Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, October 30, 2021


Care Of Roses At Carancahua Home Dem. Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham Thursday afternoon, January 8.

The new yearbooks were filled out and an interesting talk on the Planting and Care of Roses was given by Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

It was voted on and passed to give a pie supper and bazaar Friday January 30 at the Carancahua school house. The proceeds to be given to the March of Dimes. Everyone is invited to attend.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served lunch.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1953

Pie Supper, Bazaar At Carancahua To Aid March of Dimes

A pie supper and bazaar will be held at the Carancahua School house, Friday, January 30. Proceeds to go to the March of Dimes.

There will be "42" and Canasta games, a small charge of 50c will be made.

Everyone is welcome. Please come and bring your friends. Help us make this the biggest year ever.

Palacios Beacon, January 22, 1953

Mrs. Olson Is Hostess For Carancahua-Deutschburg Club

The Carancahua-Deutschburg Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. L. M. Olson Thursday, January 29, at 2:30 in the afternoon.

The meeting was called to order and 9 members answered roll call. Three visitors and one new member, Mrs. Alvin Bannert, were present.

After the business and reports of the committees were given, the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie, county agent, who gave an interesting demonstration on

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served refreshments.

Palacios Beacon, February 5, 1953

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar.

The Yearbook, Recreation, Good Neighbor, Finance and Marketing committees for the coming year were appointed by the president. The dates in our yearbook were changed.

Our leaders for advanced sewing are Mrs. B. T. Elliott and Mrs. Ludwig Peterson. Mrs. B. T. Elliott was elected delegate to attend the T. H. D. A. at Beaumont.

A very interesting council report was given by Mrs. Ethel Abraham. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Kovar who gave a demonstration on making cottage cheese cake
which was most enlightening.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served lunch.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 26, 1953

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met March 19 at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg. There were 14 members and 17 visitors and the Home Demonstration agent present.

Miss Guthrie gave a program on insecticides for the control of home gardens. Afterward a surprise baby shower was given for Mrs. Stuhrenberg.

After the meeting adjourned the hostess served refreshments.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, April 2, 1953

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met Thursday, April 9 at the home of Mrs. R. G. Robinson. Roll call was answered by 11 members. The council report was given by Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Mrs. E. H. Abraham gave the following reading “The Garden of Your Business”.

“First plant four rows of peas; presence, promptness, preparation and perseverance. Next, plant five rows of lettuce. Let us obey rules and regulations. Let us be true to
our obligations. Let us be faithful to duty. Let us be loyal and unselfish. Let us love one another.

No garden is complete without turnips. Turn up for meetings. Turn up with a smile. Turn up with new ideas. Turn up with determination to make everything count for something good and worth while."

A demonstration on cleaning and refinishing old furniture was given by Mrs. R. G. Robinson. Lunch was served by the hostess and then the meeting adjourned.—Reporter

Palacios Beacon, April 30, 1953

Carancahua H.D. Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met April 30th at the home of Mrs. Walter Kilgore with the agent, Miss Guthrie. Twelve members answered roll call.

The T. H. D. A. report was read by Mrs. F. M. Frankson then the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie, who gave a very interesting demonstration on “Getting ready to refinish furniture”. After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served lunch.

The next meeting will be May 21 at the home of Mrs. Martin Loff. Visitors are always welcome.—Reporter

Palacios Beacon, May 14, 1953

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Ludwig Peterson, Thursday, June 11, at 2::30 in the afternoon with 8 members answering roll call.

The meeting opened with Mrs. F. M. Frankson reading “How to slow down the club.” The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Plans were discussed for
the members who are going to attend summer camp. The meeting was then turned over to Miss Guthrie, our agent, who continued her demonstration on upholstering.

The hostess served lunch after the meeting adjourned. Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, June 18, 1953

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Arvid Loff on Thursday, July 23, for their regular meeting with the agent. There were 14 members six visitors and Miss Guthrie present.

The meeting was opened by the group Ringing “Home on the Range.” The Jackson County Fair was discussed and the club voted to have some phase of sewing as our
educational exhibit at the fair.

Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on harmonious colors, showing some very good ideas for home decorating.

After the meeting, Mrs. W F. Eggemeyer was honored with a shower for her baby girl.

The hostess served a delicious lunch consisting of cheese cake, ritz crackers, cookies and coffee.

There will be no meeting during August,our next meeting will be September 10 at the home of Mrs. Elliott. Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, July 30, 1953

Carancahua News
H. D. Club Meets With Mrs. B. T. Elliott

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. B. T. Elliott September 10 at 2:30 p.m. with 10 members present. One new member, Mrs. Virgil Farley, was added.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Ludvig Peterson.

An election of officers was held. Those elected were Mrs. B. T. Elliott, president: Mrs. D. F. Frankson, vice-president; Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. R. C. Robinson, council delegate; Mrs. Martin Loff, alternate delegate and reporter.

After the business meeting and plans for the county fair were discussed, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Jean Elliott who gave a very interesting book review. After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served delicious chilled orange melon, cookies and coffee.--Reporter.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert and children, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rassmussen of El Campo visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Thelma and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt had as visitors Darlene and Joe Allen Hart from Port Lavaca Saturday and Sunday.

The Rev. Cockrum visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Saturday morning.

Cpl. Charles Peterson returned home from Korea for a 30 day leave.

Rev. Thompson from Ganado visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham visited in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Charles Greenawalt visited in the home of Mrs. Martin Loff Monday.

Mrs. Leta Frankson and Carol visited Mrs. Martin Loff Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and girls spent Sunday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert were visitors in El Campo Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Thelma visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson Sunday.

Mrs. Bill Farmer of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. Bengston, and Mrs. F. M. Frankson Thursday and Friday.

We are so happy to report the arrival of Charles Albert, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Peter son at the Nightingale Hospital in El Campo, Sunday at 12:30 p.m.,
weighing in at six lbs. four ozs. Both mother and baby are doing fine.

Sorry to report Edwin Stuhrenberg being in the hospital. Wish him a speedy recovery and that he will be home soon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Olay from LaMarque visited in the home of Mrs. B. T. Elliott over the week end.

Palacios Beacon, September 24, 1953

Report Of Jackson County Fair Given At Meeting Of Carancahua H. D. Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met Thursday, September 24, at the Deutschburg Community Center with the Deutschburg club and Miss Guthrie, the agent. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Louise Dillard, after the business and report on
the Jackson County fair the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave an interesting demonstration on foundation garments. The meeting adjourned and the
hostess served lunch.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders of Victoria visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sochwell and sons spent the weekend in the Stuhrenberg home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Loff are the proud parents of a baby girl born September 22 at the Bayview Hospital.

Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Mrs. E. H. Abraham and Mrs. Martin Loff attended the P. T. A. reception in Palacios Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Thelma visited the Martin Loffs over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt of New Braunfels visited in the home; of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt and Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Abrahamson.

Weldon Anders and children of Victoria and Charles Harris of Carancahua visited in the Martin Loff home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch from Lolita visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Bannert and family and Mrs. Cecil Smith and family of El Campo visited, over the week-end in the Alvin Bannert home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bannert of El Campo visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peterson of East Texas visited in the G. E. Peterson home Sunday.

A. F. Greenawalt, Mr. Brubaker and Martin Ragusin had good luck fishing Sunday. They caught 25 nice trout and Mr. Greenawalt caught and landed a 35 lb. drum.

Kenneth Peterson sent three days of his vacation the past week visiting friends and relatives in Anahuac.

We wish to thank the ones from Carancahua, Deutschburg and Midway communities who so generously gave of their time and money make the float for the Jackson County  fair a success. Especially do we thank Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Mrs. B. T. Elliott for helping their help in decorating the float.

Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Frankson and Jimmy from Bay City visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson over the week-end.

Palacios Beacon, October 1, 1953

Carancahua News
Laverne Abraham Is New Bride; Sharon Ann Bannert Is Honored

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham announce the marriage of their daughter Laverne to Staff Sgt. Edward Zandanel Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zandanel Sr. of 635 McCrea Avenue, Donora, Pa.

The maid of honor was the sister of the bride, A/C Lorraine Abraham of Pope, A.F.B. Ft.
Bragg, N. C. The best man was Staff Sgt. John Fitzpatrick of Andrews A.F.B., Washington D. C. The reception was held at the N.C.O. Club, Andrews A.F.B. Washington. They spent their honeymoon in Donora, Pa.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. A. Bannert honored their daughter Sharon Ann with a party on her first birthday, Sunday, October 4 at their home in Carancahua at 2:30 p.m. Those enjoying
the happy occasion were Linda Stuhrenberg, Bobby Wesselman, John Carrol Frankson, Martha and Edwin Olson, Violet and Sarah Loff, June Ann Schicke, Glen, Gerald, Gary and Fierda Kocurek, Cynthia and Clinton Loff.

Also Sharon’s granddad Peterson, Mrs. Stuhrenberg, Mrs. Wesselman, Mrs. Leta Frankson, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Martin Loff, Mrs. Schicke and Mrs. Kocurek.

Out of town guests were Gwen, Donald, Tommy, Walter, Karen and Mrs. Willie DeBora of Olivia; Lottie and Linda Allen of Pasadena; Shirley, Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Rassmussen, Betty Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Bannert, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert Sr., of El Campo; Mrs. Raymond Allen of Palacios and the honoree’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert.

After the many gifts were opened and admired, the hostess served sandwiches, cookies, cake and punch. A grand time was had by all.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris visited in Victoria Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Warrie Schicke and June Ann and A. J. Turner visited the Martin Loff home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson attended the Chermanie-Mozley wedding in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch visited in the Alvin Bannert home Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch Friday night.

Johnny Novak, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Kutach, will leave for the army October 14.

A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Mary Bohuslav and James Gray of Wharton by Mrs. Ben Kutach of Carancahua. Mrs. Bohuslav was celebrating her 50th and James his 15th.

Walter Loff visited in the home of Martin Loff Sunday.

Grandma Loff returned to Houston with Mrs. W. H. Frankson for an extended visit, with her daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and girls spent Sunday in Bay City with Mrs. Loff’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn.

A lovely cake with candles was presented to both. After the lovely gifts were admired, refreshment of cake, pie, sandwiches, kolaches and punch were served.

Those enjoying the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. August Simiemch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEntire and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Novak, Mrs. Jake Zickuhr and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Kutach and Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Kutach and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Heinrich and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G. Bannert of El Campo honored their son Adolph and granddaughter, Sharon Ann with a birthday dinner Sunday, October 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert of Carancahua. Mrs. Adolph Bannert and children attended.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith of Point Comfort visited in the Martin Loff home Monday night.

Palacios Beacon, October 8, 1953

Jackson County Clubs Meet In Edna With Commissioners Court As Guests

Jackson County Home Demonstrations clubs had their annual covered dish luncheon Monday, October 12, in the City Hall in Edna. The commissioners court of Jackson County and Miss Bennett of A. & M. .extension service were guests. Each club represented read their report, Mrs. B. T. Elliott giving the report for Carancahua. Those attending from Carancahua were Mrs. B. T. Elliott, Mrs. R. G. Robinson and Mrs. Martin Loff.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar visited in Louise Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited in El Campo Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abraham and children visited in Carancahua Sunday.

Kenneth Lee Peterson is confined to the Bay View Hospital due to injuries received in a car accident Saturday night. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott visited in LaMarque the past week with their daughter Mrs. Perry Everett.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland of Houston were guests of the Martin Loffs Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson had their son, W. C., and his friends Joycie Kensey, Cricket. Hunter and Sonny Hall from San Antonio. These with the family helped W. C. celebrate his 21st birthday on Sunday. We wish him many more.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson and Anita Jo gave a birthday dinner at their home for Joe Huffman, Mrs. Frankson’s father. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huffman and Donald Frankson. We’d like to wish him many more happy birthdays.

Charlie Peterson attended the Prison rodeo Sunday and visited friends and relatives in Riverside and Anahuac.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert had as their guests Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch of Lolita; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rassmussen and family of El Campo.

Charlie Peterson returned to San Antonio Tuesday, October 13, for his discharge from the service.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehman of Needville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elster and family of Damon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuhrenberg and sons of Aransas Pass.

Palacios Beacon, October 15, 1953

Slaikeu Family, Former Residents, Visit In Frankson Home Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu and children and Mrs. Flora Slaikeu of Abraham, California
visited in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rea of Port Lavaca visited in the F. M. Frank son home Sunday evening. F. M. Frankson was in Edna Monday on business.

Donald, David and Johnnie Frankson and Lawrence Abrahamson attended the Prison rodeo Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris visited in Houston over the week end with relatives of Mr. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Orsak, Joe D. Jr., and Charles of Hungerford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Thelma Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and Bennie and Mrs. Johnnie Orsak visited in the B. L. Kutach home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch of Lolita had supper Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G. Bannert and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert Jr. and children of El Campo spent Sunday in the Alvin Bannert home.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Kenneth Lee Peterson were visitors in El Campo Monday night.

Kenneth Peterson attended the Prison rodeo Sunday.

R. G. Robinson, foreman of the Crescent V. ranch, finished his annual round-up Friday at noon.

Arvid and Martin Loff had good luck floundering Friday night, they got 10 nice flounders.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt have been catching their share of the trout this past week.

Palacios Beacon, October 22, 1953

Considerable Damage Done By Wind Sunday Night; Club To Meet

The wind storm which was accompanied by heavy rains Sunday night did a great deal of damage at Schicke’s Point. The house belonging to W. H. Frankson of Houston occupied by Bob Loff was completely demolished. Bob received quite a few bruises but no broken bones. Boats were torn up, houses unroofed, trailer houses turned over and the south end of the Clarence Schicke house was torn loose but no one else was injured.

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham Thursday, October 22 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs., Edwin Stuhrenberg presided in the absence of the president and vice-president. After the business meeting, Mrs. E. H. Abraham gave an interesting demonstration on ways to serve cottage cheese. A baby shower was given Mrs. Virgil Farley who received many lovely and useful gifts. There were 13 members and three visitors present.

A few of Anita Joe Frankson’s friends gave her a surprise birthday party. Those enjoying the happy occasion were Donald and Courtland Frankson, Betty Abraham,
Patsy and Betty Robinson and the honoree’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch of Houston visited in the D. F. Frankson home Saturday and Sunday. Robert Abraham, Gladys Marie Swenson, Charlie Peterson and Betty Abraham attended the Prison rodeo Sunday.

Mrs. Jerome Kovar and girls spent Friday in El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited in El Campo Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Everett and daughter visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott Sunday.

Roy Lee Wesselman of A. & I. College, Kingsville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wesselman.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johs and children of Deutschburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Monday evening.

Mrs. R. G. Allen visited Mr. Alvin Bannert Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt, Mrs. L. M. Olson and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt from New Braunfels visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson.

Emil Peterson attended the Prison rodeo with his daughter Mrs. R. G. Allen Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and daughter visited in Olivia Tuesday night in the Willis DeBord and L. B. Griffith homes.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham visited friends and relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and son visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson over the week-end.

Mrs. Fluke Frankson of Walla Walla, Wash, is visiting Mrs. Emma Frankson and other relatives and friends in Carancahua.

Mrs. David A. Frankson was a business visitor in El Campo, Wharton and Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Warrie Schicke spent Thursday with Mrs. Martin Loff.

Palacios Beacon, October 29, 1953

Mrs. M. Loff Honors Her Father And His Twin At Birthday Dinner Sunday

Mrs. Martin Loff honored her father, W. B. Lynn of Bay City, and his twin brother, J. B. Lynn of Bay Side, Texas, with a birthday dinner Sunday on their 67 birthday. Those enjoying the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Lynn of Bay Side, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lynn, Dorothy Ann and Jimmy of Corpus Christ! and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and girls.

Mrs. Helen Novak is making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kutach, while her husband Pvt. Johnnie Novak is taking his eight weeks of basic training at the Anti-aircraft Artillery Replacement Center, Fort Bliss, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ernies and family of El Campo and Mr. and Mrs. Albert McEntire and daughter of Palacios visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch of Lolita spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Bannert and children and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rassmussen and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert celebrating Alvin Bannert and Leonard Rassmussen birthdays.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited in the Alfred Peach home in Lolita Saturday and in El Campo Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson spent Sunday in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and son visited in the Alvin Bannert and Martin Loff homes Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith and children of Point Comfort village spent Monday evening in the Martin Loff home.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and girls visited in the A. H. Smith home in Point Comfort village Saturday.

Loyd Olson was a business visitor in Houston Thursday.

Mrs. Louise Cavallin and boys of Palacios visited in the Martin Loff home Tuesday evening.

Mr, and Mrs. E .H. Abraham and family visited in the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday night.

Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and Mrs. E. H. Abraham visited in the Guy Cavallin and A. E. Abraham homes in Olivia Tuesday morning.

Palacios Beacon, November 5, 1953

Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Snyder Of N. Dakota Honored At Family Gathering

The E. H. Abraham home in the Carancahua Community was the scene of a happy gathering Sunday November 8 honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder of Valley City, North Dakota. Mrs. Snyder is a sister to the Abraham brothers and sisters.

Everyone brought their dinner and at noon these were spread together. The afternoon was spent visiting and reminiscing.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder of Valley City, North Dakota; the A. E. Abraham and Guy Cavallin families of Olivia; the Wm. Hetchler, E. E. Abrahamson
and E. H. Abraham families of Carancahua; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abraham of Palacios and Miss Gladys Marie Swenson of Olivia.

Those unable to attend were D. C. Abraham of Linday, California. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Condie and family of Redondo Beach, California; S/Sgt. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt of
Randolph A.F.B., San Antonio; Mr., and Mrs. E. B. Abrahamson of Alexandria, Va.; S/Sgt. and Mrs. Ed Zandanel Jr. of Andrews A.F.B., Washington, D. C.; A/1C Lorraine
Abraham of Pope A.F.B., Ft. Bragg, N. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinchberger of Valley City, N. Dak.

A/3C Ralph Robinson who has been enjoying a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Robinson and friends will leave for Tucson, Arizona November 13.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt are announcing the arrival of their new grandson. His proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenawalt of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley are the proud parents of a baby girl born November 5 in the Bayview General Hospital. She has been named Marilyn Arlene and weighed 5 lhs. 6 ozs.

Ralph Robinson and Anita Joe Frankson visited in the Martin Loff home Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited in Olivia Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson were guests in the Martin Loff home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. J. W. Farmer of Edna visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, and Mrs. Bengston Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson attended the Hereford Sale Tuesday in Beeville.

Fluke Frankson visited in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner of Deutschburg and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and son of Bay City were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

Palacios Beacon, November 12, 1953

'Care 01 Floors And Furniture' Is Demonstrated At H. D. Club Meeting

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. L. E. Frankson on Thursday, November 12 at 2:30 p.m. with the agent, Miss Guthrie, present. Twelve members answered roll call. After the business session, the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave an interesting demonstration on “Care of Floors and Furniture." The hostess served lunch after the meeting adjourned.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff had as visitors in their home the past week Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt of New Braunfels, Mrs. Myrtle Abraham, Ralph Robinson and Anita Joe Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Farmer of Pasadena, Texas; Mrs. J. W. Farmer of Edna,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and sons of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughter spent Monday in El Campo and Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland of Houston visited in the L. M. Olson and Arvid Loff homes over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt of New Braunfels were guests in the A. F. Greenawalt and Earnest Abrahamson homes over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited in El Campo Sunday and Monday.

Wilbur Frankson, R. L. Erwin and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and sons all of Houston visited friends and relatives here over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach had as guests in their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Orsak and boys of Hungerford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavronvic and boys of Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich, Mrs. Johnnie Novak and
Miss Betty McEntire of Palacios in honor of the christening of their granddaughter, Marilyn Arlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley.

Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and Mrs, Martin Loff attended council meeting in Edna Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon Ann visited in the Alfred Pesch home Monday night in Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt honored little Sarah Loff with a chicken supper at their home Tuesday evening on her 10th birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson had as their guests Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nels Farmer and daughter of Pasadena and Mrs. J. W. Farmer of Edna also Dr. and
Mrs. M. C. Frankson and Jimmy of Bay City.

Donald Frankson and his father, F. M. Frankson were business visitors in El Campo Saturday.

Mrs. Ethel Abraham and Denny visited Mrs. Bengston and Mrs. Frankson Monday.

Mrs. Leta Frankson visited Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Mrs. Bengston Tuesday.

Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited Mrs. F. M. Frankson Friday.

Rev. and Mrs. Carmichael visited in the community Tuesday.

Sunday morning at 9 a.m. the District Superintendent of Methodist Churches will hold services at the Carancahua church. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.

Palacios Beacon, November 19, 1953

Home Demonstration Club To Hold Bazaar And Pie Supper December 4

The Carancahua Home Demonstration ladies are sponsoring a bazaar and pie supper Friday, December 4 at 7:30 p. m. at the community center in Carancahua.

Everyone is extended a cordial invitation to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wesselman, Bobby and Donnie visited in the Alvin Bannert and Martin Loff homes Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wesselman are the proud grandparents of a new grandson born November 20 in an Austin hospital. The parents of the 10 lb. 6 oz. son are Mr. and
Mrs. John Wesselman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch visited in the Alvin Bannert home Saturday.

Mrs. Martin Loff spent Friday in Bay City visiting her father W. B. Lynn, who has been ill.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott was confined to Bayview hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson visited in the Martin Loff home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Ella Hogan of Bloomington visited the Ludvig Petersons and Alvin Bannerts Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter and Glendola Monday.

Earnest Abrahamson visited in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Mrs. Arvid Loff, Cynthia, Clinton and Cecelia visited Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Grandma Bengston Sunday.

Fluke Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders and children spent Sunday in the D. F. Frankson home.

Mrs. L. M. Olson visited in the F. M. Frankson home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughters spent Sunday with the Robert Taylor family in Wharton.

Joe Jurecka, Lad and Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sodek and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reck of Fayetteville visited with the Jerome Kovars Thursday.

Charlie Peterson has returned home having received his discharge from the army. Glad to have him back with us.

Johnnie Frankson and his friend visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson. Donald Frankson visited in the L. E. Frankson home while Johnnie was home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt and boys visited in the Martin Loff home Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon Ann visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn in Bay City Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mueck and daughter of Damon visited in the Edwin Stuhrenberg home over the week-end.

Palacios Beacon, November 26, 1953

Bazaar, Pie Supper Postponed Until December 7 At Community Center

The Bazaar and Pie supper to be held at the community center in Carancahua will be postponed until Monday, December 7 at 7:30 p.m.Everyone is cordially invited to
come out.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and Jimmy spent Thanksgiving in the F. M. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch of Houston and Mrs. Joe Huffman and grandson, Joe Dan, of Palacios visited in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ressler
of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gaines and children of Port Lavaca were guests in the F. M. Frankson home.

Those attending the Heinroth Peterson wedding in Port Lavaca were Donald Frankson, Charlie Peterson, Lawrence Abraham and Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson.

Harry Frankson, Billy Stuhrenberg, Betty Abraham and Donald Frankson were visitors in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children spent Thanksgiving in Bay City in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swenson.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt spent Thanksgiving in the Martin Loff home.

Mrs. William Hetchler and Gloria spent Sunday afternoon in the Jerome Kovar home.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hetchler and Gloria were guests of Mr. Mrs. Bill Frankson at their home on the bay.

Mrs. Bill Frankson and Walter Loff visited in the Martin Loff home Thursday afternoon.   

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert had as their guests Tuesday evening Adolph G. Bannert and the Willie Rassmussen family.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Turner and children of Beaumont, Jean Ann Wesselman of Austin and Roy Lee Wesselman of Kingsville were visitors in the Ben Wesselman home
Thanksgiving. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Turner and Robert Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wesselman and Bobby were in Austin to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Wesselman, Jr. and their new son.

Jean Ann and Donnie Wesselman, Barbara and Leonard Turner visited Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon Ann Friday afternoon.

Charles Greenawalt, Lonnie and Sherry visited in the Martin Loff home Monday night.
Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Wilburn. Sincere sympathy of the family and friends.

Palacios Beacon, December 3, 1953

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and baby were calling in homes of relatives and friends Thursday. They visited in the F. M. Frankson, D. F. Frankson and L. M. Olson homes.

Mrs. Frank Hamlin and Mrs. Louis Smith of Palacios spent Sunday afternoon in the F. M. Frankson home.

Mrs. J. W. Farmer is spending a few days visiting her sister and mother, Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Mrs. Bengston.

Mrs. Alvin Bannert was a visitor Saturday afternoon in the F. M. Frankson home.
Mrs. Bert Abraham of Olivia visited the three grandmothers in Carancahua (Bengston, Frankson and Loff) and brought a Christmas treat for each.

The pie supper and bazaar was a success and we want to thank all who came and those who helped and gave their time. We of the club say “Thank you.”

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, Marvin and Linda, spent Sunday in Houston.

A. J. Elster has gone to Houston for an extended visit with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Baugh.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krijci and son and J. F. Supak of El Campo visited in the Jerome Kovar home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert and family of El Campo visited in the Alvin Bannert home Wednesday night.

Cecil Smith and family and Adolph Bannert and family visited in the Alvin Bannert home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt of New Braunfels were visiting friends and relatives this past week.

Mrs. R. C. Robinson, Mrs. Jerome Kovar and Joanie visited Mrs. Martin Loff Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon Ann were visitors in El Campo Monday.

Palacios Beacon, December 10, 1953


News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met Thursday, January 14 at 2:30 p. m. for a called meeting at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson. The yearbooks were filled out and it was voted on to have a Mexican supper at the Community Center January 27. Serving will start at 6 p. m. The menu will consist of Tamale pie, vegetable salad, beans, pie and coffee. Price is $1.00 for adults, 50c for children. It is to raise funds for the March of Dimes. Everyone is cordially invited to come and help us make it a success.

Visitors in the Alvin Bannert home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rassmussen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Bannert and children, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G. Bannert, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and children of El Campo; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch of Lolita; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter and Glendola of Edna.

The Martin Loffs had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Irwin of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca; Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Loff and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenwalt, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and Charles.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and Linda spent Sunday in Victoria visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller and family.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt, Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. E. H. Abraham were business visitors in Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Mrs. B. T. Elliott and Mrs. Martin Loff visited Gloria Hetchler in Ganado Friday. Gloria recently underwent an appendicitis operation and is doing nicely. We wish for her a speedy recovery and that she will soon be home.

Johnny Frankson visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson the past week.

Donald Frankson hasn't been doing anything for a change in the news.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham visited in the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday.

Mrs. Velma Byers of Port O'Conner visited Mrs. B. T. Elliott the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson, Judy and Thelma of Houston visited in the L. M. Olson Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley, baby and Bennie and James visited in Hungerford Saturday.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott visited Grandma Frankson and Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Dock Sherrill of Bay City visited in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson was sick over the week-end. Hope she will soon be feeling fine.

Weldon Anders and family also Fluke Frankson of Victoria visited the Charles Harris family.

Palacios Beacon, January 21, 1954

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

The March of Dimes supper given by the ladies of Carancahua was a huge success. A total of $171.71 was donated. We wish to thank everyone for their time and effort also the towns and surrounding community who gave so freely of their time and money. Again we say thank you.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson honored Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and Jimmy with a barbecue supper.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Holloway and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin, Ivan and Clyde Cavallin, Walter Loff, Dr. M. C. Frankson and Sam Danner visited in the Martin Loff home Sunday.

Sandra Abraham, who has been confined to the hospital in Palacios, is home and doing fine.

Geraldine Kovar and Gloria Hetchler are both recovering nicely from their illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mozley and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hasley of Palacios visited Grandma Bengston while they were out to the supper at Carancahua Wednesday night.

Eddie Huffman visited in the Martin Loff home Tuesday.

Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEntire and Betty of Palacios; V. J. and Adoloph Kutach of Wharton; Jerry Orsak of Hungerford; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Eichers and daughters and Mrs. Adolfina Hanselka of Yoakum also Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley.

Visitors in the A. F. Greenawalt home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hart and family of Palacios; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Brussard of Port Lavaca; Mrs. Charles Greenawalt and family, Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt and family of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson, Judy and Thelma visited friends and relatives over the week-end.

Grandma Loff returned to Houston for a visit with her daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and daughters, Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Patsy and Betty were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Palacios Beacon, February 4, 1954

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

Visitors in the Martin Loff home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis, Carol Lynn, Patsy and Harold of New Braunfels; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lynn, Lily and Lynette, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Martinson and family of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thurston and family of Palacios.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City, also Jimmy Frankson, their grandson, of Bay City.

Mrs. R. G. Robinson and friends drop in for a surprise birthday greeting Friday night. They were Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Anita Jo, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. Sheets of Palacios. They all enjoyed playing canasta. Delicious Refreshments of cake, ice cream and coffee were served.

Mrs. L. Brussard and Mrs. C. R. Hart visited Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt.

Mrs. L. M. Olson visited Mrs. A. H. Smith of Point Comfort.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt and Mrs. Martin Loff were business visitors in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt visited Mrs. Joe Hurta in Deutschburg Monday.

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club meets February 25 at the home of Mrs. Martin Loff.

Palacios Beacon, February 18, 1954

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

The Carancahua Hoe Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Martin Loff Thursday, February 25, at 2:30 p. m. Eleven members answered roll call.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson, vice president, presided in the absence of Mrs. B. T. Elliott. After the business meeting, Mrs. R. G. Robinson gave a demonstration on Table Service and Grace. The meeting adjourned and the hostess then served lunch.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and in the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia.

Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah, Mrs. L. M. Olson, Martha and Edwin visited Mrs. W. H. Frankson at her home on the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Polasek from Louise visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and family Sunday Evening.

Pvt. Johnnie Lee Novak, who has returned to Fort Bliss, Texas to resume his training was accompanied to Rosenberg by Mrs. Ben Kutach and Mrs. Virgil Farley, Thursday afternoon.

Guests in the Ben Kutach home during the week were Mr. and Mrs. John Ohel and children of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hubanek, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hajovsky and children of El Campo; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak of Ganado; and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zichukr of Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, March 4, 1954

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

The Carancahua Home Demonstration club met June 10 at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham with the agent, Miss Guthrie. Five members answered roll call also one visitor Mrs. C. F. Schicke, was present. After the business, Miss Guthrie gave an interesting talk on buying household appliances. The meeting adjourned and the hostess served lunch.

Miss Anita Frankson was honored with a bridal shower at the community center Friday evening, June 18. She received many lovely gifts. The hostesses were Mrs. E. H. Abraham, Mrs. Leta Frankson and Mrs. Elmer Abraham.

Mrs. C. F. Schicke was honored with a stork shower Wednesday, June 16 at the home of Mrs. Loyd Olson. Hostesses were Mrs. Loyd Olson, Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. Leta Frankson. The honoree received many lovely gifts.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt spent the week-end in Houston visiting her brother, J. E. Hart.

S/Sgt. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt are the proud parents of a boy born June 3. He weighed seven pounds and nine ounces and was named James Dwayne. Mrs. Greenawalt is the former Isabel Abraham and J. D. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt of Carancahua. They are stationed in Great Falls, Montana.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and children of San Antonio were visitors in Carancahua over the week.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home were Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and son, Jimmy and Bay City.

Fluke Frankson and children, Weldon Anders and family of Victoria; Susie and Mrs. Hasley visited Grandma Bengston Sunday night.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ragusin of Palacios; Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Judy of Houston; Mrs. Warrie Schicke of Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kutach and son of Point Comfort.

Mrs. Martin Loff and girls and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt visited Mrs. Loff's mother and father, Mrs. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn, in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lynn, Lillian and Lynette visited the Martin Loff family.

Palacios Beacon, June 24, 1954

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon Ann spent the week-end in San Antonio.

Billy Voss of San Antonio is visiting the Alvin Bannerts this week.

Loyd Olson and family have left for a vacation in Minnesota, where they will visit Loyd's parents, relatives and friends.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home were Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rogers and Louise of Pt. Lavaca, Mrs. Hilda Frankson and Donald also Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley, Marilyn and Denny.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Novak and Johnny Marie visited the Virgil Farleys over the week-end.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt visited Mrs. Charles Greenawalt Monday in Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Peterson and Charles visited in the Bert Abraham home Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt visited in the Joe Hurta home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Everett and Jenny Sue spent the week-end in the B. T. Elliott home.

A number of friends and relatives gathered at the community house in Carancahua for a picnic dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McFall, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Claughton and Ralph Frankson of Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. McFall, Mrs. Claughton and Ralph are former residents of Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, July 1, 1954

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Sig Shimek, Thursday, July, 1 at 2 p. m. There were eight members and three visitors present. The visitors were Mrs. Edna Hamlin, Mrs. Bertha Smith of Palacios and Mrs. Gene Krenek of Boling.

The president, Mrs. B. T. Elliott, opened the meeting with a prayer. Mrs. B. J. Wesselman read the report of the District THDA meeting held at College Station and Mrs. Elliott gave the council report in the absence of Mrs. Robinson, the council delegate.

The Jackson County fair was discussed and further plans made for our educational exhibit. The club voted to have a get-to-gether and game party at the Community Center Friday night, July 9. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is cordially invited to come out and have a good time.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek gave the demonstration on party refreshments. She prepared a watermelon bowl and filled it with lime punch which she served with watermelon and cantaloupe balls. It made a very pretty table centerpiece as well as being delicious. She also served iced coffolate and Mrs. Shimek's "yum-yummy" kolaches and cookies.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar on July 22. The agent will give a demonstration on "Storage in the Home." Visitors are always welcome.

Palacios Beacon, July 8, 1954

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar Thursday, July 22, with Mrs. B. T. Elliott, the president, presiding. To open the meeting, Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg read "These things to remember."

There were eight members, one visitor and the agent present. Roll call was answered by giving one's favorite party refreshment. The president reminded all to be sure to have their chest x-rayed.

After a short business session, problems of storage were discussed by the agent, Miss Sybil Guthrie, and picture clippings were passed around to illustrate all kinds of ideas on storage space.

Refreshments of delicious apple strudel, cookies, coffee and punch were served by the hostess.

Palacios Beacon, July 29, 1954

Patricia Wesselman To Represent Area At Jackson Co. Fair

Miss Patricia Wesselman, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wessleman, will represent the Carancahua, Midway and Deutschburg communities at the 1954 Jackson County Fall Fair.

She will be escorted by Alfred Manning. The junior duchess Cynthia Loff will be escorted by Donald Wesselman.

Miss Wesselman is a student at Palacios High School.

Palacios Beacon, August 26, 1954

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Ludvig Peterson on September 16 at 2:30 p. m.

The meeting was opened by the group reading the Club Prayer. The program for the new year was read by the president, Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. B. T. Elliott, president; Mrs. R. G. Robinson, vice president; Mrs. Ludvig Peterson, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Virgil Farley, council delegate; Mrs. Alvin Bannert, alternate delegate and Mrs. Martin Loff, reporter.

After the business session, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg who gave an interesting talk on "How to Manage Money."

The hostess served lunch after the meeting adjourned.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, September 30, 1954

Local Churches Plan Programs For Christmas

The pastor, W. J. Weimer, will bring a Christmas sermon at the church in Carancahua next Sunday at 9:00 a. m. The entire community is invited to attend this service.

Palacios Beacon, December 16, 1954

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Condie and children of Redondo Beach, Calif. have been here on a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahmanson.

Fluke Frankson of Victoria was attending to business here Tuesday and visited at the Chas. Harris home.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson and son, Courtland, were in Houston Saturday and Sunday to see their son and brother, Donald. We are glad to report that Donald is still improving and is now able to sit up for a short while each day.

Thelma Kutach is reported on the sick list. Hope you have a speedy recovery Thelma.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson were business callers in El Campo Monday.

Palacios Beacon, January 13, 1955

News Items of Interest At Carancahua

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and children and James Farley spent Sunday in Aransas Pass with the Gordon Thames family.

Mrs. Mildred Barr and son, Wallace, were callers at the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and children visited relatives in Richmond Sunday.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt and Mrs. Martin Loff were business callers in Port Lavaca Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador of the Point Comfort village were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ledford and children and his mother of Palacios and Robert Byers of Port O'Connor were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

Mrs. R. G. Robinson and Mrs. Virgil Farley were in Edna Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and daughters were in Houston Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives.

Visitors in the A. F. Greenawalt home Sunday were her brother, W. W. Hart of Houston and their son, J. D. Greenawalt and family.

Little Sharon Ann Bannert had the misfortune to hurt her right thumb very badly last Thursday. Glad to say she is doing fine.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Harry Frankson were in Houston Sunday to see Donald and other relatives.

Fluke Frankson of Victoria was a business caller in our community Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris were in Houston Sunday calling on his brothers, Ray, Ed and Paul Harris.

Mesdames Stuhrenberg, Robinson, Elliott, Abraham, F. M. Frankson, Farley, M. Loff, Greenawalt and Hetchler met with Mrs. D. F. Frankson Tuesday afternoon to plan a menu for the March of Dimes Hillbilly Supper.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. E. H. Abraham Thursday afternoon with sixteen members present also Mrs. S. T. Swenson, Mrs. G. H. Wilson, Mrs. G. L. Cavallin and daughter, Joyce, were visitors from Olivia.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott gave a demonstration of "Herb Cookery." Yearbooks were filled out and plans made for a Hillbilly Supper to raise funds for the March of Dimes. The supper will be at Carancahua Community Center, January 26. Serving starts at 6 o'clock p. m. and the menu will be baked ham, bread, creamed potatoes, cabbage and carrot salad, pineapple, beans, candied sweet potatoes, pickles, pie and coffee for $1.00 per plate for adults and 50c for children. Everyone is cordially invited.

Rev. Weimer has services at the Carancahua Church at 9 Sunday morning and Sunday School at 10. Everyone is invited.

Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1955

Supper To Aid Drive

For an enjoyable evening, a delicious meal and to help a worthy cause, attend the Ham Supper that will be served at the Carancahua Community Center Wednesday evening, Jan. 26. The supper is being sponsored by the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club with the proceeds going to the March of Dimes.

Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1955

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham Thursday, January 13 at 2:30 a. m. Sixteen members answered roll call and one new member was added to the roll, Mrs. C. F. Schicke. Four visitors from Olivia were present, Mrs. S. T. Swenson, Mrs. G. H. Wilson, Mrs. G. L. Cavallin and Joyce.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott, president, called the meeting to order and Mrs. D. F. Frankson read the Club Prayer. After the business meeting, Mrs. B. T. Elliott gave a demonstration on "Herb Cookery." The yearbooks were filled out then the meeting adjourned and the hostess served lunch.

The next meeting will be held February 3 at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenburg. The agent, Miss Guthrie, will meet with us. Visitors are always welcome.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 27, 1955

News Items Of Interest At Carancahua

Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughter, Joanie, were in Louise Friday to bring her daughter, Geraldine home for the week-end. Geraldine is attending school in Louise.

F. E. Appling of El Campo was attending to business here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family visited Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilson and other relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Martin Peterson of Wisconsin is here for the winter seeing about his property.

Mrs. Oscar Anderson of El Campo and brothers, Roy and A. E. Lindquist of Palacios were calling on their brother, J. G. Linquist Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Linquist of Willmar, Minnesota were calling on relatives and friends Saturday. Mrs. Linquist was formerly Emma Johnson, a schoolmate of Mrs. Wm. Hetchler in Minnesota.

Larry Abrahamson, Courtland Frankson and Opal Lee Buffaloe were in Houston Sunday to see Donald Frankson. Donald continues to show improvement.

Jerome Kovar was in El Campo Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson, Mrs. F. M. Frankson and son, Courtland, were in Bay City Monday, where Courtland caught the bus for Austin to make arrangements for returning to the University.

Floyd Ray and Lana Martin of Deutschburg spent Saturday night and Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Those on the sick list this week are Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Harry Frankson. We hope both a speedy recovery.

The Holmes Drilling Co. completed drilling another gas well Tuesday morning. There are now four producing wells in this field and more will be drilled.

Palacios Beacon, January 27, 1955

Carancahua Supper Aids March Of Dimes Drive; Other Events

The Carancahua community wishes to thank each and everyone who gave of their time and donations to freely to make the supper a success for the benefit of the March of Dimes. A profit of $208 was turned in. Thanks to the merchants and people of surrounding towns and communities who helped.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rassmussen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and family, all of El Campo and Mr. Chatham of Point Comfort were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert.

Mr. and Mrs. Westlin of Minnesota visited in the Martin Loff home Saturday. They are spending the winter here living in the Lloyd Olson cottage.

Courtland Frankson returned to Austin Monday to resume his studies at the University.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman of San Antonio and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machen of Dilley, Texas were visitors in the Virgil Farley home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner of Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons were visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, February 3, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg February 3 at 2:30 p. m. with the agent, Miss Guthrie, and fourteen members answering roll call.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Stuhrenberg in the absence of the president and vice president. "Woman's Work" was read by Mrs. Wm. Hetchler. Miss Guthrie read an interesting paper on everyday living in relation to our mental health.

After the business, the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave an interesting demonstration on making a tailored belt.

A delicious lunch was served by the hostess after the meeting had adjourned.

Palacios Beacon, February 10, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Martin Loff Thursday, February 24 at 2:30 p. m. with 15 members answering roll call. Three visitors were present they were Mrs. Wofford of Houston, Mrs. Edwin Olson and Mrs. Robert Westlund of Minnesota.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. B. T. Elliott. A poem 'Wishful Thinking" was read by Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg. After the business, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. M. Loff, who gave a demonstration on pasteurizing milk and the use of non-fat powdered milk.

Recreation was led by Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg and Mrs. D. R. Frankson was the lucky winner.

The meeting adjourned and the hostess served lunch.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca were visitors in the Martin Loff home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. F. Brock of Sugarland and Mrs. M. O. Cavallin of Palacios attended our Sunday school last Sunday. Mr. Brock lived in our community several years ago. We were all glad to see our former neighbor again.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah visited Charles Wilson in Deutschburg Saturday afternoon. They report that Charles is doing nicely and can be without the respirator for at least seven hours. They said he was very cheerful and full of good spirits and would like for his friends to come and see him and to write him letters as the time passes very slowly.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson of Victoria were calling on friends and relatives here Tuesday.

Donald Frankson is the popular one in our community, the following people visited him the last few days Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn, Mrs. Frank Buffaloe, Miss Opal Lee Buffaloe, Mrs. Thelma Holloway, Miss Jeanette Klaus, Mrs. M. T. Brooking, Mrs. Mildred Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Johnson and Sherman Sadler, not to mention the neighbors who run in quite often.

Mrs. Carl Backen and Mrs. C. W. Nester of Palacios visited Mrs. Martin Loff Thursday.

Mrs. A. V. Sherrer of Trespalacios was making business calls in our community Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Frankson.

Palacios Beacon, March 3, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Frankson and family of Houston spent the week-end at their cottage at Schicke's point.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jurek and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jurek and girls of Wallis, Texas were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thames and family of Aransas Pass spent Sunday evening with the Virgil Farley family.

L. E. Frankson was a business caller in Edna Monday.

Coy Ramsey, a student at the University and Donald Shimek called on Donald Frankson Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. Dunnig and Mrs. R. D. Buffaloe were callers in the F. M. Frankson home Thursday.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons spent the week-end at his parents home, the F. M. Franksons. On Monday morning F. M. Frankson and Dr. Frankson took Donald to Houston, where he will receive treatments and tests from Dr. Brown, a Neuro Surgeon at the Methodist Hospital.

Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Mrs. Johnny Novak and daughter were shopping in Wharton and visiting their daughter and sister Mrs. Joe Orsak and family in Hungerford Wednesday.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Richards, Bradley and William of Houston and Mrs. Roby Wise of Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Greenawalt of Pecos, Texas, Mrs. Johnnie Littleton and Mr. and Mrs. Orsak of Garwood, Texas and Mrs. Joe Hurta of Deutschburg were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt this past week.

Mrs. L. M. Olson, Mrs. Martin Loff, Mrs. Edwin Olson and Mrs. Robert Westlund of Minn. visited in the C. W. Wilson home in Deutschburg Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Olson, Martha and Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlund spent Sunday at Indianola picnicking and sight seeing.

Palacios Beacon, March 10, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jurecka and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sodek and children from Fayetteville spent Wednesday at the Jerome Kovars.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and son attended to business in Edna Saturday.

Floyd Ray Martin of Deutschburg spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Everett and daughters Jenny Sue and Cynthia Ann of LaMarque spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

Visitors in the A. L. Loff home Sunday were Mrs. Loff's sister Mrs. E. E. Adams of Alvin and her mother and brother Mrs. Hurta and Chas. Hurta of Deutschburg.

I. G. Holub and Joe Bunte from Bastrop called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar Monday.

Mrs. Amy Hall and Mrs. Amanda Henson of El Campo and Mrs. Mildred Barr of Palacios were callers at the F. M. Frankson home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson went to Houston Thursday to bring Donald home from the Methodist Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Mack Moore and son of Victoria were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders of Victoria and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ray and children of Port Lavaca were callers at the F. M. Frankson Sunday.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. F. M. Frankson were business callers in Edna Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson motored to Victoria Sunday, returned  by Edna and called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farmer and Mrs. Evaline Bengston.

The Home Demonstration club sponsored a Jitney Supper Thursday night at the Community Center. We wish to thank everyone who came out and helped with their time and donations.

Palacios Beacon, March 17, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar March 17 at 2 p. m. with the agent, Miss Guthrie, 15 members and three visitors, Mrs. E. Olson, Mrs. Robert Westlund and Mrs. Johnnie Novak present.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. B. T. Elliott. Miss Guthrie read a poem "Woman's Work." After the business, the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie, who gave an interesting demonstration on rice cookery.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served lunch.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. John Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hanson and son of Lake Lillian, Minn. called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and other friends here last week on their way home from vacationing and sightseeing in San Antonio, points in the Valley and in Mexico.

Mrs. Vernon Fitzgerald and son Bill III of Riverside spent the week end at G. E. Peterson's home.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City, Miss Opal Lee Buffaloe and Mrs. Jo Ann Dyson of Palacios were visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thurman and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Paulette of Houston spent the week-end at their cottage at the Old Houston Club.

Mrs. A. E. Abraham and Mrs. G. L. Cavallin and daughter Joyce of Olivia visited in the Wm. Hetchler and E. H. Abraham homes Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pesch of Lolita were visitors of the Alvin Bannerts Thursday evening.

Visitors in the A. F. Greenawalt home over the week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Greenawalt and children of Pecos, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt and boys, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and son of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hart of Port Lavaca and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brussard of Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olson from Minnesota were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Hefner Appling and son and Floyd Appling, Jr. and some friends from El Campo were doing some boat racing on the bay Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlund from Minnesota and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and Violet and Sarah went to Bastrop Sunday to the State Park, then on to Austin to see the State Capitol and other points of interest.

Dale and Gail Abraham of Olivia visited with Sandra, Herby and Dennis Abraham Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, March 24, 1955

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. and Mrs. Carol Abraham of Point Comfort Village and her mother Mrs. Thrasher Mrs. Thrasher of Port Lavaca were Sunday afternoon visitors in the E. E. Abrahamson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and children of Hungerford spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Sunday.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson was in Bay City Tuesday on business.

Mrs. Dave A. Frankson is sick with pneumonia in the Bay View Hospital, hope you have a speedy recovery Jo Beth. Others on the sick list are Mrs. F. M. Frankson and little Charlie Peterson.

Mrs. E. H. Abraham made a business trip to Edna Tuesday.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Brhlik and Mr. Eddie Huffman.

Thelma Kutach was honored with a birthday party Sunday afternoon at the community center. Hostesses were her sisters Mrs. Virgil Farley and Mrs. Johnnie Novak. After several games were played and the gifts opened and admired, the guests were served ice cream, strawberry soda, cake and cookies. Guests present were, Geraldine and Joan Kovar, Gloria Hetchler, Violet and Sarah Loff, Martha, Olson, James and Bennie Farley, Rose Marie and Patsy Shimek, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and children, Jody, Charles and Margie of Hungerford, and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson attended the Ladies Aid Social Supper in Olivia Friday night.

Spring really pulled the wool over our eyes this last week-end. Had high winds and quite cold with ice Saturday and Sunday morning. Crops and gardens were damaged and a lot of replanting will have to be done.

There will be a trustee election Saturday April 2, to elect two members to serve on our school board. Voting place for Deutschburg and Carancahua will be at Carancahua Community Center.

Alcoa has completed putting in a gas line to this field and will just be a matter of time until all the gas wells will be connected up. Alcoa is now drilling on the sixth well in this field.

Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg was hostess to a Stanley Party Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Dunning of Palacios was demonstrator.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlund left for their home in Minnesota Monday, after spending the winter here.

Visitors in the E. H. Abraham home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador of Point Comfort Village and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmie and Mrs. Gladys Lawson of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hetchler and Gloria visited A. E. Abraham and G. L. Cavallin in Olivia, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Reitz of Midway and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and Jimmie of Bay City were callers in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday.

We were all grieved to lose our Pastor W. J. Weimer, several from here attended his funeral Monday. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved family.

Our Sunday School is planning a Easter program. Sunday morning. Everyone is welcome to come worship with us and take in the program.

Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Eunice Shimek Thursday April 7 at 2 p. m.

In absence of  the president the vice-president, Mrs. Pete Kocurek called the meeting to order. Nine members answered roll call and one visitor, Grandma Shimek was present. Our club pledge was repeated by the members. Council report was given by Mrs. Virgil Farley. It was voted that we give a pie and coffee social the date to be set later. After business was taken care of the meeting was  turned over to Mrs. D. F. Frankson who demonstrated use of valance board. Recreation was led by Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg. The meeting adjourned and hostess served a delicious lunch.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and children of San Antonio spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Courtland Frankson, a student at Texas University at Austin was home for the Easter holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and sons from Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson.

Geraldine Kovar of Louise spent the Easter holidays at the home of her parents of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and children of Houston spent the week-end at their cottage at Schicke's point.

Mrs. Bill Farmer of Edna and her daughter Mrs. Raymond Kessler and children of Houston took in our Easter program Sunday morning.

Visitors in the Chas. Harris home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frankson, Ralph and Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders and children of Victoria. Mrs. Ernest Harris and sons, Maurice, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Harris and their daughters Debbie and Betty from Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Martin and children of Deutschburg.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmie had Easter dinner with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson.

H. C. Thurman and some of his friends from Houston spent the week-end at his cottage at Ye Olde Houston Club trying their luck at fishing. They reported no luck.

F. M. Frankson was a business caller in El Campo Tuesday.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday were Mrs. Fluke Frankson, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders and Family, from Victoria and Mrs. frank Buffaloe of Palacios.

E. E. Abrahamson was attending to business in Bay City Monday.

Chas. Harris was reported on the sick list, is much better at this writing.

Palacios Beacon, April 14, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, Marvin and Lindy spent Sunday in Damon with Mrs. Stuhrenberg's brother, Melvin Elster and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Wharton, Fred Kovar and daughters of El Campo were visiting the Jerome Kovars Sunday.

Mrs. R. G. Allen and Mrs. Roy Allen visited Mrs. Alvin Bannert and family Friday.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Violet spent Saturday in Lolita, where Violet was in the band contest and choral singing.

Visitors in the B. L. Kutach home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mclntyre, Betty and Bobby of Tres-Palacios.

Mr. and  Mrs. Chas. Harris spent the week-end in Houston with his brothers.

Mrs. A. L. Loff honored her son Clinton on his 6th birthday with a party Sunday April 17 at her home. Those helping Clinton celebrate this happy occasion were Sharon Ann and Alvin Dale Bannert, Donnie Wesselman, Martha and Edwin Olson, Violet and Sarah  Loff, Thelma Kutach, Benny Farley, Gloria Hetchler and Cynthia, Celia and Debbie, sisters of the honoree. Also Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Mrs. A. L. Bannert, Mrs. L. M. Olson, Mrs. William Hetchler and the hostesses Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Loff.

After an enjoyable afternoon of games, delicious refreshments of ice cream, cake, cookies and cold drinks were served to all. We all join in wishing Clinton many more happy birthdays.

Nels Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland of Houston were visiting Sunday at the F. M. Frankson and Martin Loff homes.

Mrs. Robert Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca visited in the Martin Loff home Sunday.

Norbert Eggemeyer and Billy Stuhrenberg went to A. & M. Saturday, they were members of the beef judging team.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley drove to Pleasanton Sunday to see his father, then on to Charlotte to visit W. M. Ferrier and daughter Shirley Ann May.

Melvin Elster and Harold Mueck from Damon were visitors in the E. Stuhrenberg home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olson returned to their home in Minnesota last week after spending the winter here with their son, L. M. Olson and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abraham of San Antonio are the proud parents of a baby boy, arriving last Sunday. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador at Point Comfort Village.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg attended the F. F. A. banquet in Palacios Tuesday night.

Visitors in the F, M. Frankson home Sunday were, their son, Dr. M. C. Frankson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner, all from Bay City and Mrs. Sonny Brhlik and children from Palacios.

Glen Peterson and children, Patsy and Bud of Anahuac, were visiting his brother Emil Peterson and family over the week-end.

Quite a few from here attended the Curly Fox and Texas Ruby show in Palacios Thursday night.

We will have services in our church Sunday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Everyone cordially invited.

Palacios Beacon, April 21, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club are sponsoring a pie and coffee social at the Carancahua Community Center Thursday (tonight) May 12. Everyone is cordially invited.

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. D. F. Frankson Friday May 6, at 2 p.m. with the agent Miss Guthrie. Fifteen members answered roll call and Mrs. F. M. Frankson rejoined the club after a two year absence, we were glad to welcome Mrs. Frankson back.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. B. T. Elliott. The members recited the Club Prayer in unison lead by Mrs. D. F. Frankson. After the business,
the meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie who gave a very interesting demonstration on making and hanging draperies.

The meeting adjourned and the hostess served a delicious lunch of coffee, cake and cookies. Next meeting will be May 19 with Mrs. William Hetchler.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Mrs. Ernestine Steiner and Laura Ford left Friday morning for Big Bend National Park. They had a very enjoyable trip, seeing the sights of a mountainous country, and looking across over in Mexico. While at a Sanderson Tourist Court they met up with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abraham of Olivia who were on their way to California on a two weeks vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah and Mrs. L. M. Olson, Edwin and Martha spent Sunday in Houston visiting Mr. Loff's and Mrs. Olson's two sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Irwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz of Houston are vacationing at their cottage at Old Houston Club. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and Joan attended the May Fete in Louise Friday night. Their daughter Geraldine participated in the Fete.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt spent Mother's Day picnicking at Lolita. Those helping her to celebrate Mother's Day were Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt, Ritchie and Charles William, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmie, Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt's brothers and families Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hart and Randy, of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hart and family of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brussardof Port Lavaca. Delicious
barbecued chicken and all the trimmings was enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios enjoyed Mother's Day dinner at the home of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador of Point Comfort Village drove to Goliad Sunday. They took in the Missions and Museum,
and sight seeing.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slaughter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson and Charles were in Edna Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah visited Mrs. Loff's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Donald and Harry spent Sunday in Bay City with Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Frankson and family.

D. F. Frankson and R. H. Robinson were in San Antonio Monday on business.

Little Johnnie Marie Novak accompanied by her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Helen Novak and Mrs. Ben Kutach visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak in Lolita Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich, Mrs. Ben Kutach, Mrs. Helen Novak and Johnnie Marie were attending to business in Hillje Monday. They spent the remainder of day with Mrs. Frances and John Kovar in Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris spent Sunday in San Antonio with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and family, and also took in the Zoo.

Mrs. B. T. Elliott attended the piano recital of her granddaughter Jennie Sue Everett in La Marque.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek and Mrs. Martin Loff attended Leaders Meeting in Edna Thursday.

We were blessed with a very nice rain this (Wednesday) morning, the farmers and ranchers appreciated it very much.

Palacios Beacon, May 12, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Our sympathy is extended to Virgil Farley and family and James Farley in the death of their grandfather Daniel Farley of Crystal City.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris, his brothers Paul and Ray and family of Houston spent Sunday in Indianola, picnicking and exploring the old townsite.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Betty Jo and Patsy went to San Antonio Sunday. The Robinsons and W. C. Robinsons of San Antonio went on to Uvalde and Crystal City. Mr. and Mrs. Frankson attended church in San Antonio and heard Brother Murray a former pastor at Palacios, preach. After services the Franksons went to Crystal City, picked up Robinsons and all returned home.

Maynard Frankson, his sons, Dr. M. C. Frankson and Harry, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham, Saundra and Dennis, all went to Alamo Beach Sunday afternoon.

B. L. Kutach and Thelma were attending to business in El Campo Saturday.

Mrs. G. L. Cavallin and Joyce of Olivia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and Gloria Sunday afternoon.

F. E. Appling of El Campo was attending to business here Tuesday.

E. H. Abraham and family are driving a new Ford.

There will be services at our church Sunday at 9:15 a. m., Sunday School at 10.

Palacios Beacon, May 19, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met Thursday, May 19, with Mrs. William Hetchler. In the absence of the president, our vice-president Mrs. Pete Kocurek called the meeting to order. Eleven members answered roll call by giving a safe driving rule.

Mrs. B. J. Wesselman gave an interesting report on Social Security, and Mrs. Pete Kocurek read a paper on arranging the living room also gave some helpful suggestions.

The meeting adjourned and the hostess served refreshments of coffee, punch, cake and cookies.

The next meeting will be with Mrs. L. M. Olson on June 9, at 2 p.m.

*    *     *

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson returned Saturday from a two weeks trip to Illinois and Ohio. In Dixon, Illinois they visited Mrs. Abrahamson's sister, Mrs. Art Wilson, and her family. Their next stop was in Haskin, Ohio with a brother, Robert Palis and family, then on to Signet, Ohio to visit another sister, Mrs. Floyd Adams and family. They also visited
cousins in Genoa, Ohio and went to Waterville, Ohio where they formerly lived.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert and children were in El Campo Sunday attending a shower for Selma Rainoshek, bride-elect of Leon Bannert.

Wilbur Frankson and Charles Compton of Houston and Eddie Gallagher of Florida were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keysi and son and Mr. J. F. Supak, all of El Campo were visiting Sunday with the Jerome Kovar family.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia were visiting at the E. H. Abraham and William Hetchler homes Sunday.

Gail and Dale Abraham of Olivia spent Sunday afternoon with Sandra Dennis and Herby Abraham.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner of Bay City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and family.

Miss Opal Lee Buffaloe and Jimmy Claybourn visited in the F. M. Frankson home Monday evening.

The high winds and hail last week did quite a bit of damage around here. It stripped D. F. Frankson's and E. Stuhrenberg's cotton, broke several antennas and trees, and last Monday the wind lifted several roofs and things were flying for some time.

Palacios Beacon, May 26, 1955


Carancahua Chronicle

Howdy Folks! Miss me last week? Sorry.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt honored their son little Jimmy Dwayne with a birthday party Friday afternoon. Those present to help him celebrate the happy occasion were his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson, and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt, also Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt, Richard and Charles William. The birthday cake was beautiful with its blue icing and the one pink candle. Refreshments of chicken sandwiches, cake, punch and ice cream were served to all.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaston and Stevie of Longview spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler and Gloria.

Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Harris motored to San Antonio Sunday to meet their son Jack, who was returning from the West Coast. Jack has been discharged after serving 4 years in the U. S. Navy. Glad to have you back home again, Jack.

Lillian Lynn of Houston is spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Martin Loff and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thurman, of Houston, spent a week at their cottage at Old Houston Club. They caught quite a string of fish in spite of the rough water.

Floyd Ray and Lana Martin of Deutschburg are spending a few days with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and uncle Jack.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Thelma, and Mrs. Johnny Novak and Johnnie Marie had dinner with their daughter and sister respectively, Mrs. Joe Orsak and' family, Sunday. Then on to Wharton to see Mr. Kutach's brother V. J. Kutach and family, also to see V. J. Jr. who is home on a 15 day furlough from Grand Island, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris spent several days in Dallas last week, at the bedside of Mr. Harris' brother-in-law, who is very ill.

Some high winds swept through our community Sunday night.; doing quite a little damage; wrecking some frame buildings which were in construction, breaking limbs off trees, and lifted a boat out of the bay at Martin Loff's and jammed it against his Buick
car, damaging it. Also wrecking a boat belonging to W. H. Frankson,at Schicke's Point, some houses at Schicke's Point were damaged also had quite a little rain and hail in some spots.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald spent Friday in Houston, where Donald had a check-up. His doctor was well pleased with the progress Donald has made.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and sons drove out from town one night last week and enjoyed a wiener roast with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah.

Courtland' Frankson, a student at Texas University came home Thursday and stayed until Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. James Willingham of Alabama and Mrs. Willingham’s sisters. Bernice and Alberta Baldwin were calling on friends in our community Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Donald and Harry were shopping in Edna Tuesday afternoon.

Frank Orsak Jr. of Louise is spending his vacation with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar.

The Holmes Drilling Company have completed the oil well on Signe Harris place. Alcoa No. 1 out in Carancahua Bay is set for drilling. The surface casing has been set.

Palacios Beacon, June 9, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mrs. L. M. Olson was hostess to the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club Thursday, June 9 at 2 p.m. Our agent, Miss Sybil Guthrie was present. In absence of the president and the vice-president, Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg called meeting to order. Mrs. F. M. Frankson read a poem, "Woman's Work". Roll call was answered by eight members.

Several members ordered material for three tier trays. Each member was given a score card to use in scoring ourselves "on the food we had one day for a good diet." We all scored fairly good.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Guthrie, who gave a demonstration on "Egg Cookery". After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served a delicious lunch of coffee, punch, cake and cookies. Next meeting will be June 30 with Mrs. B. J. Wesselman.

* * *

Mr. and Mrs. Chas Harris and Jack spent Sunday in Houston visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family were attending to business in Edna Monday.
Johnny Novak is home on a eight day leave from Fort Bliss. In just a few more months he will be discharged from the Army.

Mrs. Eunice Shimek has gone to Colorado to visit with her daughter Mrs. Jack Collins and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elster and family of Damon called at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. Stuhrenberg and family Sunday.

Mrs. Jack Elliott's mother Mrs. Ruthella Rothrock has left for California, and from there she will go to Hawaii.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and family of Houston spent the week-end at their cottage at Schicke's point.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikcu and children of Houston were callers at the E. E. Abrahamson home, Saturday evening. They also tried their luck at fishing.

Fishing hasn't been very good around here lately. William Hetchler went fishing Monday, caught one nice redfish. Mr. and' Mrs. Otto Moritz of Houston are vacationing at their cottage at Houston Club.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family spent Sunday afternoon in Olivia with her uncle, V. E. Damstrom.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garvonovic of Wharton called at her parent's home Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heinrich returned home with them for an extended stay.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday were Bill Farmer of Edna, Glen Kessler of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Dale of Victoria and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City.

Lawrence Abrahamson was a business caller in Bay City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka and family of Deutschburg enjoyed a picnic supper at Port Alto Sunday evening.

Mrs. Frank Novak and Josephine and Georgia Bures of Louise spent Thursday with Mrs. Johnny Novak and Johnny Marie and with Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

Four new cottages are being built at the old Houston Club. And Virgil Farley and Pete Kocurek will soon have their new modern homes finished in upper Carancahua.

Fluke Frankson and sons Ralph and Dale of Victoria, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and Jack.

Palacios Beacon, June 16, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Betty Jo and Patsy left for Crystal City Monday afternoon to visit relatives and to attend the wedding of their son and brother, W. C. Robinson and Julie DuBose on June 24.

Congratulations and best wishes to Kenneth Peterson and his bride, who were married a few weeks ago and are making their home in Palacios.

Visitors in the E. H. Abraham home Sunday to enjoy the Father's Day dinner were. Mrs. Abraham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Swenson of Olivia, and her brother, Philip Wilson and family of Bay City, also Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cavallin, and Joyce of Olivia, Howard Hilgendorf of Victoria and Mrs. Grover Lawson Jr. of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmie had Father's Day dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios spent Sunday in Houston with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and sons spent Saturday night and Sunday in Houston with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch.

We are happy to report that B. L. Kutach is able to be back on his job at Alcoa after being in the hospital for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz and W. C. Brannum were Saturday evening callers at the Martin Loff home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia were calling on Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler Sunday afternoon. The twins, Dale and Gail Abraham had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon with their cousins Sandra and Dennis Abraham.

Johnny Novak returned to Fort Bliss Sunday after spending a week with his wife Mrs. Johnny Novak and daughter Johnny Marie.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and children of Hungerford spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mclntyre, Betty and Robert Jr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav of Tres-Palacios were callers at the B. L. Kutach home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cepak and family spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and family.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson of Bay City spent Father's Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Donald and Harry.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and family spent Sunday in Damon with her brother, Melvin Elster and her father A. J. Elster. They enjoyed a barbecue dinner with all the trimmings.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah spent Sunday in Bay City, where she met her brother Hugh Lynn and family of Houston and they helped granddad Lynn celebrate Father's Day with a picnic at LeTulle Park. Lillian Lynn returned to Houston with her parents after spending her vacation in the Loff home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris and daughters and Paul Harris all of Houston spent Saturday eve and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Jack Harris, Johnny Martin, Sherman Green and Alton Richardson went on a fishing trip Friday night, and returned Sunday. They caught a nice string of fish and flounders.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson, Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald spent one day last week with Mrs. Bill Farmer and Mrs. E. Bengston in Edna.

Sandra and Dennis Abraham are spending their vacation with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thurman and their daughter Mrs. Jimmy Pallette, all of Houston spent several days at their cottage on the bay, fishing and enjoying our cool breezes.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home the past week were. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Irwin of Houston, Eddie Trowner of Point Comfort and Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca.

Mrs. Johnny Novak spent Tuesday morning with Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmy.

Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah spent Tuesday with Mrs. Annie Sherrer of Blessing.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hetchler and Gloria spent last Thursday with Mrs. Olin Poer in Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, June 23, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Burton Abrahamson and Carol Ann of Alexandria, Virginia, arrived Monday to spend their vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson.

Kathy Orsak of Louise spent last week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Kovar.

Mr. and Mrs. John Zurek of Louise were visiting a few days last week at the Jerome Kovar home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Dale of Victoria were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris.

John Kovar of Louise spent a few days last week at the home of his brother Jerome Kovar and did some fishing. John says that he didn't have much luck, caught just
a few little ones.

Visitors in the Jerome Kovar home Sunday were Mrs. Frances Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louise Orsak and family and Betty Jane Popp all of Louise.

Alcoa and Crown Central No. 1 in Carancahua Bay was completed Tuesday afternoon as a gas and distillate well.

The Holmes Drilling Co. started drilling Tuesday morning for the Sun Oil Co. in the Carancahua Bay, they are directional drilling.

Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1955

Collegeport Chronicle

Mrs. Jerome Kovar attended the bridal shower given in honor of Miss Irene Rab at Hillje Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family attended the shower honoring her cousin Vernon Damstrom and his bride in Olivia Friday night.

Billy Bowers of Port Lavaca spent the week-end with his aunt Mrs. P. O. Poemer at their cottage at Old Houston Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah left Friday afternoon on their vacation. They will visit relatives in Oklahoma then on to Minnesota and across the border to Canada.

Johnny Novak was home over Sunday on a three day leave from Fort Bliss, returning to camp Monday.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson, Mrs. J. H. Huffman, and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huffman and sons attended the Wilborn Reunion at camp Ben McCullough (West of Austin). They left on Friday and returned Monday night.

A. J. Elster, Mr. and' Mrs. Jimmy Baughs, Janet and Bruce and Danny Northup all of Houston spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and family.

Mrs. Adolfina Hanzelka and daughter Mrs. John Eicker and girls all of Yoakum were Monday visitors at the B. L. Kutach home.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Everette and daughters spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Saturday were Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Judy, Mrs. Wayne Frankson and children and Mrs. Richards all of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar, Geraldine and Joan spent the 4th in Fayetteville visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson returned from Crystal City last week. Betty Jo and Patsy stayed for a longer visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, were on business in Houston Monday and Tuesday.

Dinner guests in the L. E. Frankson home Sunday were: Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Donald and Harry.

Palacios Beacon, July 7, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Paul Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris and daughters of Houston spent the week-end with Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family spent Sunday afternoon in Olivia with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Damstrom.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and family of Louise were enjoying some fishing and visiting with the Jerome Kovar family Saturday.

Maynard Frankson was attending to business in Edna Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Olson, Martha and Edwin left on their vacation last week to points in Minnesota.

Mrs. Jerome Kovar, Geraldine and Joan spent Monday in Louise with her father and did some shopping in El Campo.

Mrs. Wm. Condie and children left Tuesday night for her home in Redondo Beach, Calif, after spending a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Lawrence and her sister Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Mrs. Wm. Condie and children were visiting in Olivia Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Abraham and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz returned to Houston Wednesday morning after spending a few weeks in their cottage. They report some good fishing.

Palacios Beacon, July 28, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Pfc. Johnny Novak was home on leave over the week-end from Fort Bliss.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and children of Hungerford spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach. Mrs. Kutach returned with them to Hungerford for a few days visit and to attend the wedding of a niece.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams and Mr., and Mrs. Harvey Adams and son of Houston are spending a month's vacation in the Moritz cottage on the Bay, enjoying fishing and our cool breezes. They say it is cool here compared to Houston.

Courtland Frankson spent the week-end at home with his parents Mr. and' Mrs. F. M. Frankson and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia were visiting Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Rek of Houston and Waldine Moeller visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and family Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thurman and Mr. and Mrs. John Naplava and Sandra of Houston are spending a week at the Thurman cottage.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughters and Waldine Mueller visited relatives in Wharton Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson of Tucson, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Betty and Patsy and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson with a chicken supper Tuesday night.

Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt is confined to the Calhoun County Hospital in Port Lavaca. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson returned to Tucson, Arizona Monday. After spending several weeks with their parents, the R. G. Robinsons. and D. F. Franksons.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynn, Lillian and Lynette of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City. Lillian remained with her aunt, Mrs. Loff, to help care for her while she is sick.

Betty Jo Robinson left for Crystal City Monday to visit relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson entertained with a dinner Sunday, honoring their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson of Tucson, Arizona. Guests present besides the honorees were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Huffman and sons.

Palacios Beacon, August 4, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuhrenberg and sons Billie and David and Miss Zelda Grosse of Aransas Pass spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and family.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and sons Donald and Harry spent Sunday in Bay City with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynn and Lynette of Houston were visitors in the Martin Loff home Sunday. Lillian Lynn returned home
with her parents after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Loff.

Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Frankson and Donald were in Houston Friday, where Donald had another check-up. His progress is slow but hope and prayers are soaring high.

F. M. Frankson and Harry attended the stock sale in Bay City and El Campo, Monday and Tuesday.

The farmers are busy harvesting their crops: feed, rice and cotton. The farmers are hoping it won't rain for a while, and the cattlemen are hoping that it will rain as the grass looks rather dried up.

Mrs. Chas. Harris and Gloria Hetchler are on the sick list. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Olson and children returned Friday from their trip to Minnesota.

Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mrs. Amy Hall of El Campo and Mrs. Mildred Barr of Palacios were visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Ferrier of Charlotte visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughters Geraldine and Joan and Miss Thelma Kutach were in Hillje last Sunday, taking in the picnic and dance.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and children of San Antonio spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia were visiting Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and sons were in Edna Friday helping her mother Mrs. E. Bengston celebrate her 87th birthday at the home of Mrs. Frankson's sister Mrs. W. Farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and children, Herbie Abraham and Norbert Eggemeyer attended the ball game in Bay City Sunday between the Round-Up 4-H Club and the Bell Bottom Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav visited in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heinrich and her sister Mrs. B. L. Kutach and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and family are now at home in their new modern home.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz of Houston are back in their cottage at Old Houston Club. They enjoy our cool breezes and fishing.

The oil activity is really humming around here. Holmes Drilling Co. is drilling another well on F. E. Appling's land and a well is being drilled on Johnny Frankson's land. Johnny has the pleasure of drilling on his own land. And another rig is drilling out in the

Mrs. Clarence Schicke is on the sick list, hope you have a speedy recovery Betty.

Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children were attending to business in Edna Friday.

Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Knight, Edward and Gloria Jean of Boling spent Thursday with Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria.

Mrs. R. G. Robinson and Patsy were visiting in Baytown Sunday with relatives.

Leon Kutach and his fiancé, Sylvia Hadash of Wharton spent Sunday with Leon's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and Jack were in Houston Sunday and Monday, visiting the Ray Harris and W. H. Frankson families.

F. M. Frankson and Harry were attending to business in Edna Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and Violet and Sarah were visiting Mrs. Loff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn, one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children were visiting in Olivia Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Joyce.

Charlie Peterson had quite a thrill last Friday when he shot an alligator in Sartwell's pond. The alligator was 7 1/2 feet long and  weighed 90 pounds.

Emil Peterson and L. E. Frankson have both been on the sick list, glad to report that both are much better.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson were calling on the G. L. Cavallin's Friday and also attending to business in Ganado and Edna.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and family.

Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria spent Sunday afternoon in Olivia visiting the G. L. Cavallins and A. E. Abraham families.

Palacios Beacon, August 15, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mrs. Johanna Roznorisky and son Rudy of Houston and grandchild Helen Berchenhoff of Moulton visited in the home of her brother B. L. Kutach and family last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Vacek and family of Richmond spent Sunday with the Edwin Stuhrenberg family.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria were in Bay City Friday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wehmeyer of Palacios were in Rockport Sunday visiting friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Anderson of Lolita were visitors in the Martin Loff home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frankson and son Dale spent Sunday in Houston visiting Ralph Frankson, who is in a hospital there, glad to report that Ralph is getting along fine. They also visited the Ray Harris and W. H. Frankson families in Houston.

Visitors in the F. M. Frankson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and family of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anders and children of Victoria, W. Farmer of Edna, Sylvia and Glenn Kessler of Houston and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson of Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Everett and daughters spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Holub and son of Bastrop were visitors in the Jerome Kovar home Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and children were visiting his parents and other relatives in El Campo Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Boiling and Mrs. Guy Salsbury of Palacios were calling on the L. E. and F. M. Frankson families Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and children of El Campo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and family.

Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria spent Monday in Olivia visiting the G. L. Cavallin and A. E. Abraham families.

Please take notice all H. D Club members, our club will meet with Mrs. Alvin Bannert on September 8th instead of the 15th, so as not to interfere with the Edna Fair. Plans for our exhibits will be discussed so everyone please be present.

Palacios Beacon, September 1, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The weather is the big news now days. We certainly have had the rain, and are so thankful that "Miss Gladys" missed us.

Little Jimmy Frankson of Bay City is spending a week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and children of Wharton spent Monday with the Jerome Kovar family, visiting and fishing.

It takes our mail carrier J. W. Henson and his son to catch the fish, they caught 18 trout and a 2 ½ lb. drum Monday a.m.

Mrs. A. V. Sherrer of Tres-Palacios was making business calls in our community last week.

Courtland Frankson, a student of Texas University is home for a few weeks until the Fall Semester starts.

H. C. Thurman and Mrs. J. S. Thurman and some relatives of Houston spent a week at the Thurman Cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff and daughters were visiting her uncle Mr. Lynn and family in Bayside Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson spent the week-end in Houston visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frosch.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Martin of Deutschburg on the arrival of a baby girl. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris.

There will be services at our church Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10, everyone welcome.

Palacios Beacon, September 8, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mrs. Alvin Bannert was hostess to the Home Demonstration Club Thursday, September 8. Twelve members and one visitor were present. The meeting was opened with our club prayer, led by Mrs. Ruth Hetchler; minutes of last meeting were read and approved
and new officers were elected for the coming year.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek was elected president; Mrs. Ludvig Peterson, vice president; Mrs. Alvin Bannert, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. B. T. Elliott, council delegate and Mrs. Virgil Farley, alternate.

Plans for our exhibits at the Jackson County Fair were discussed. After the meeting adjourned, the hostess served coffee, punch and cake.

 * * *

Visitors in the G. E. Peterson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Willis DeBord and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Griffith and family of Olivia and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Barrier of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and family of Houston spent the week-end at their cottage at Schicke's Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers and Louise of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and children of Houston were visitors in the Martin Loff home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar daughters attended the annual church bazaar in Hillje Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham, Charlotte and Gail of Olivia were visiting Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and children of Houston are enjoying their vacation at Schicke's Point.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. A. V. Sherrer were business visitors Bay City Thursday.

Quite a few from here are taking in the Jackson County Fair in Edna, and hoping our exhibits will win some prizes.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz of Houston were visiting Mrs. Ruth Hetchler Tuesday.

Courtland Frankson was in Austin Tuesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannert and children were in El Campo Monday on business and visiting relatives.

Perky Allen, who is in the service of Uncle Sam, is home on leave with his wife and relatives.

The Holmes Drilling Co. has brought in two more oil wells in our community. This makes a total of four oil wells and eight gas and distillate wells.

Palacios Beacon, September 15, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were visiting in Weatherford, Tex. Saturday and Sunday with her brother, Marion Linville and family, also to see a niece, Mrs. Jimmy Cook and family, of Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmy spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson and Larry.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar visited his brother, Sylvester, and family in Louise Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, Donald and Harry, spent Sunday in Bay City with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons.

The E. H. Abraham family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz returned to Houston Tuesday, after spending two weeks at their cottage. They report that fishing was none too successful.

Mrs. Ruth Hetcher and Gloria visited with Mrs. Louis Thurston, and children at Silver Courts Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. A. H. Abraham and Dennis were in Edna Tuesday on business.


Mrs. Martin Loff honored her two daughters, Violet and Sarah, with a birthday party Sunday afternoon. Violet celebrated her 13th birthday and Sarah her 12th.

Those helping them celebrate were Lona and Floyd Ray Martin, Henry and June Ann Schicke, Thelma Kutach, Geraldine and Jeanie Kovar, Patsy Robinson, Sharon Ann and Alvin Dale Bannert, Clinton, Celia and Cynthia Loff, Donnie Wesselman, Edwin and Martha Olson, Mrs. Warrie Schicke, Mrs. L. M. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert, Charles and Jack Harris, Johnnie Martin and the honorees’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff.

Games were played, then the lovely gifts were opened by the honored guests.

Punch, cake, candy and gum were served by the hostess.


Lt. Charles Shreve, who was coach at Junior High School last year, was here Thursday and Friday to attend the football games and visit friends. Lt. Shreve has been stationed at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas and is enjoying a 15 day furlough before reporting to
Fort Lewis, Wash., from where he will sail for Japan.

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kutac and family of El Camp in the death of their son, Daniel Wayne. He was the grandson of Mrs. Eunice Shimck of our community,

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and sons were in Edna Friday, to visit Mrs. Frankson's mother, Mi's. E. Bengston, and other relatives.

Visitors in the Edwin Stuhrenberg home last week were A. J. Elster, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bough and family of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehman of Needville and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elster of Damon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia and Mr. and Mrs. Carol Abraham of Point Comfort Village visited Mrs. Ruth Hetchler one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Swenson of Olivia were visitors in the E. H. Abraham home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios left Sunday for San Saba to visit the Sam Welborn family and to visit other points of interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and Jack were in Houston Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and family of Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kovar and family of El Campo were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kocurek and family have moved into their new modern home.

Jimmy and Donnie Frankson of Bay City spent the week-end with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson, while their parents Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Brhlik of Palacios attended the A. and M. football game.

Visitors in the Martin Loff home Sunday were Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Irwin, Mrs. Laverne Solomon and Allen Wayne all of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mclntire and family and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav of Tres-Palacios were visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and family and the A. Heinricks Sunday.

Mrs. A. V. Sherrer was attending to business in our community Monday.

Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria were in Olivia Sunday, visiting the A. E. Abraham and G. L. Cavallin families.

Adolph Bohuslav and August Simeck of Tres-Palacios were calling on Mr. and Mrs. A. Heinrich and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach, Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1955


Carancahua Chronicle

Larry Abrahamson made good use of his two weeks’ vacation, went to Florida, then to Alexandria, Va., where he visited his brother Burton and family, returning home

Guests in the Hetchler home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder of North Dakota, Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin of Olivia, Joyce Cavallin and Ivan Steele of Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Dale of Victoria spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah, visited with Mrs. Loff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lynn in Bay City, Sunday.

Mrs. L. E. Frankson, Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Don, Mrs. E. H. Abraham and Dennis and' Mrs. Ruth Hetchler were in Edna one day last week on business and shopping,

Geraldine Kovar, Thelma Kutach, Harry Frankson, Billy Stuhrenberg and Norbert Eggemeyer attended a birthday party Saturday night in Deutschburg honoring Peggy McMichael.

Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria were visiting relatives in Olivia, Saturday and shopping in Port Lavaca.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson and sons of Bay City spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and family.

Larry Abrahamson attended the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville Sunday.

Glad to report that Emil Peterson and Debbie Loff are improving. Both have been on the sick list.

Mrs. Ruth Hetchler spent Tuesday in Olivia at the A. E. Abraham home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder of North Dakota and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cavallin were also guests at the Abraham home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder were visitors in the E. E. Abrahamson home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs., Otto Moritz of Houston are spending a few weeks at their cottage at Old Houston Club.

The Holmes Drilling Co. have brought in another oil well. A real gusher on the L. E. Frankson place.

Next Sunday our pastor, John Fluth, will have services at our church at 9:00 A. M. Everyone is welcome.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Our community is having a Homecoming Dinner Sunday October 30, at the Community Center. All old' timers of the community are invited. Bring a covered dish and come spend the day.

Next Sunday we will have Sunday School at 11 a.m. instead of 10 a.m. as usual.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Swenson of Olivia visited the E. H. Abraham family Sunday, also called on other friends and drove around to see the oil and gas wells.

Visitors in the B. L Kulach home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Orsak and family of Hungerford; Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lee Novak and Johnnie Marie, Mr. and Mrs., Mclntire and family, Mrs. Ad. Bohuslav  of Palacios; James, Benny and Marilyn Farley. The above also visited with Grandma and Grandpa Heinrich.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were attending to business in Edna Monday.

Mrs. Flora Slaikeu of California is visiting at the D. F. Frankson home and calling on old friends in the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frankson and Dale attended the housewarming of their niece in Houston Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Jimmie spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs., E. E. Abrahamson.

Robert Abraham and Charley Peterson attended the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley attended the Rodeo in Huntsville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Thelma attended the wedding of their niece and cousin in El Campo Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald were in Ganado Tuesday, then drove over to Edna to see Mrs. Frankson's mother Mrs. Bengston, and sister, Mrs. W. Farmer.

H. C. Thurman and friends of Houston spent Saturday and Sunday in their cottage at old Houston Club. Tried fishing but had no luck.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios and Mrs. Flora Slaikeu of California spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and children of Houston are spending a few weeks at the Frankson cottage at Schicke's Point.

Palacios Beacon, October 27, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

The homecoming re-union last Sunday was a happy occasion of many friends getting together and chatting of good times had in the years gone by. The big table was laden with all kinds of good eats and plenty for everyone.

Those enjoying this happy occasion were as follow: Mrs. Flora Slaikeu from Alhambra, California. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham, Lorie and Johnny from San Antonio; Mrs. Minnie Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson, Thelma and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Brock, Mrs. E. A. Linsmier and' children, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, Wayne and Myra, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Frosch, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and children all from Houston.

Also Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baldwin, Sandra Goodson and Norris R. Sealock, from Texas City; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frankson, Ralph and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anders and children and Pamela and Sandra Geistman all from Victoria.

And Mr. and Mrs. Preston Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Neill and Mary Ethel and J. C. Neill all from Port Lavaca; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whyman of Ganado; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador of Point Comfort Village; Bill Farmer of Edna; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham, Allen, Charlotte, Gail and Dale, Mrs. Guy L. Cavallin and Joyce from Olivia; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jackson of Silverton, Tex.; and the following from Palacios. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Huffman, Joe Dan and Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Baldwin and James, Dorothy Jewels, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Cavallin, B. B. Wright, Ellis Jensen, Mrs. Susie Stokes, Rev. John Fluth and Janet and the majority of the Carancahua folks.

Mrs. Martin Loff honored her father W. B. Lynn of Bay City and his twin brother J. B. Lynn of Bayside with a dinner celebrating the 69th birthday Sunday. Those helping them celebrate were Mrs. W. B. Lynn and Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh Lynn, Lillian
and Lynnie of Houston and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald were in Bay City Monday on business.

Several from here attended the P.-'T. A. Hallowe'en Carnival at the Palacios Junior High School Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankson and sons attended a family reunion at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wehmeyer Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jackson of Silverton, Texas are enjoying a vacation at her niece's home, Mrs. D. F. Frankson. Mrs. Jackson was formally Katie Welborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ad Heinrich, Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Bohuslav, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEntire, Betty and Robert, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley, Benny and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Novak and Johnnie Marie. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Thelma spent Sunday helping to celebrate a surprise birthday party for Mrs. V. J. Kutach Sr. in Wharton.

Mrs. Virgil Farley and Mrs. B. L. Kutach attended to business in Edna and Hillje Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, November 3, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Minnie Cavallin and Joyce of Olivia in the death of their beloved husband and father, Guy L. Cavallin.

Our thanks to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson for the delicious barbecue and all the trimmings which was served to a large crowd Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Orsak and children of Louise were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and children Sunday.

Mrs. E. H. Abraham and Dennis and Mrs. Ruth Hetchler spent Tuesday in Olivia with Mrs. Minnie Cavallin and Joyce.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald were in Houston Friday on business.

John Kovar of Louise spent Tuesday with his brother Jerome Kovar and family, and did some duck hunting.

Mrs. C. J. Harris and Jack were in Victoria Tuesday on business.

1 Lt. Donald P. Rathnau has recently been assigned duties as Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General Hiram D. Ives, the new 5th Infantry Division ADC at Augsburg, Germany. Lt. Rathnau was formerly with the 2nd Infantry Regiment stationed at Munich, Germany.

Lt. Rathnau is the husband of the former Lorraine Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham of the Carancahua community.

Palacios Beacon, November 10, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham honored their son, Dennis Michael with a supper on his sixth birthday Sunday evening. He received many nice gifts. Those helping him celebrate were Mrs. Minnie Cavallin and Joyce of Olivia, John Carol Frankson, Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Amador of Point Comfort, Robert Herbie, and Sandra Abraham and his parents. We wish you many more happy birthdays  Dennis.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carol Abraham of Point Comfort on the arrival of little Michael Carol on November 11. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Abraham of Olivia.

Mrs. Willis DeBord and children of Olivia were visiting Mrs. Alvin Bannert Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Otto Frosch of Houston is visiting her sister Mrs. D. F. Frankson and Mr. Frankson, also her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios while her husband is enjoying a two week vacation out West on a big game hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah were in Ganado Saturday on business. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farmer and Grandma Bengston in Edna, also Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Polasek and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and family of Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kovar and girls of El Campo visited the Jerome Kovar family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris spent Sunday in Houston with his brothers Ed, Paul and Ray Harris and family.

Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson were in Olivia Thursday visiting his sister, Mrs. Minnie Cavallin.

Virgil Farley attended a Knight of Columbus initiation in Nada Sunday.

Mrs. Jack Elliott was injured and hospitalized Monday afternoon after having a collision with another car driven by Mr. Lovett, Mrs. Elliott's car turned over in a ditch, she was pinned underneath. Help arrived quickly. An ambulance was culled to take her, also Mr. Lovett and a man riding with him to the hospital. The cars were damaged considerably.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mueck and children of Damon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg and family.

Norbert and Butch Eggemeyer and Billy and Marvin Stuhrenberg attended the Annual 4-H Recognition Night held' in Bay City Saturday night. Norbert received the Tractor Driver's Medal and Billy received the Leadership Medal.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1955

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the Community Center on Wednesday, October 26 with Mrs. Clarence Schicke as hostess. Mrs. Jack Elliott gave a very interesting talk on Family Life.

The hostess served coffee, cake, candy and punch to the 12 members and one visitor who were present.

Mrs. Jack Elliott is hostess to our club meeting on November 17. All visitors are welcome.—Mrs. A. L. Bannert, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson of San Antonio drove in Wednesday night to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson, Betty Jo and Patsy. They returned home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald spent Tuesday and Wednesday in San Antonio.

Marvin Stuhrenberg was honored with a birthday party Sunday, it being his 10th birthday. Those helping him celebrate were Gene and Vickey Eggemeyer, Herbie Abraham, Bennie Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and Marilyn, the honoree's parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, Billy, Linda and Teresa Stuhrenberg.

Mrs. Alvin Bannert, Mrs. Ludwig Peterson and Mrs. Pete Kocurek attended the Home Demonstration Club Christmas party in Edna Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and daughters were in Louise Sunday visiting his mother Mrs. Frances Kovar and John, also the Sylvester Kovar family.

Little Johnnie Marie Novak spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doc. Rogers and Mrs. A. V. Sherrer Sunday.

Jimmie and Donald Frankson of Bay City are spending a few days at the home, of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson.

The measles are making the rounds in our community, quite a few children are being kept out of school.

Palacios Beacon, December 8, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Mrs. W. H. Frankson, Thelma and Judy and Mrs. Richards all of Houston, Raymond Frankson and his friend, Mr. Southward, from A. & M. College were visitors in the Charles Harris home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and family were in Olivia Sunday visiting his sister Mrs. Minnie Cavallin and Joyce.

Mrs. Eunice Shimek, Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Mrs. Virgil Farley were hostesses to the Victoria Deanery Council of Catholic women at Palacios.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek and Mrs. L. A. Peterson were in El Campo Monday on business.

Mrs. A. E. Abraham and Mrs. Minnie Cavallin of Olivia were visiting Mrs. Ruth Hetchler and Mrs. Charles Harris Monday. Jerome Kovar was attending to business in El Campo, Louise and Edna Monday.

W. C. Robinson of San Antonio spent one night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Robinson, while down this way on business.

Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Swenson of Olivia were seen driving around in our community Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and Dennis were in Bay City Monday on business.

Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Frankson of Bay City spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson. Their children, Jimmy and Donnie, returned home with them after spending a week with their grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loff, Violet and Sarah visited with the Louis Thurston family Tuesday night.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

A very nice Christmas program was enjoyed at our community center Friday night. Songs, recitations and plays were presented by the children. Santa arrived on time to have a chat with the little tots.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson of Houston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and Jack.

Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Kutach Sr. of Wharton and Pvt. V. J. Kutach Jr. of Grand Island N. Y. were visiting in the B, L. Kutach's home last week.

Mrs. Martin Loff and Mrs. Ruth Hetchler were shopping in Port Lavaca and visited with Mrs. Robert Rogers and Louise in Olivia Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kovar and children and Mrs. Kovar's mother Mrs. Pauline Ptopp of Louise visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Frankson left Monday for Tucson Ariz. to spend Christmas with their daughter and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson were shopping in Port Lavaca Monday and also visited with Mrs. Minnie Cavallin in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson and Donald were in El Campo Tuesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were in Edna and Victoria Saturday shopping.

Mrs. Robert Rogers and Louise of Olivia visited with Mrs. Ruth Hetchler Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and Jack have moved into their new modern home which was just recently completed.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland arrived from California last week and are visiting relatives and
friends here.

Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1955

Carancahua Chronicle

Visitors in the B. L. Kutach home over the Christmas holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orsak and family of Hungerford, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Novak and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley and children.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kutach and Thelma were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ad Bohuslav.

Mr. and Mrs. Ad Heinrich spent the Christmas holidays with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. August Simeck, and their daughters, Mrs. Ad Bohuslav and Mrs. Robert McEntire of Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, December 29, 1955

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Arvid Loff Thursday afternoon, May 16, with Mrs. Clarence Schicke as co-hostess. There were 11 members and one visitor at the meeting.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek presided over the business session during which plans for the Club's Educational exhibit for the county fair were discussed.

Mrs. Alvin Bannert gave the demonstration on "Let's Look At Your Zipper." Mrs. Mary Jo Grannberry was winner during the recreation period which was a quiz on May.

Delicious refreshments of angel food cake, dainty cup cakes, potato chips, cookies and coffee were served.

The next meeting will be on June 6 with Mrs. Eunice Shimek. The agent will demonstrate making a tailored belt. Visitors are always welcome.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1957

Carancahua Chronicles

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Martin, Diane and Patsy of Ingleside spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and Jack.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farmer of Edna spent Sunday in the F. M. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Abrahamson spent the week end in San Antonio visiting their daughter and family, the William Condi.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frankson called on Mrs. A. V. Sherrer Sunday, also drove to the Hawley Cemetery and on to Collegeport.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wesselman, Donnie and Bobbie also Patsy of Austin returned Saturday from a week's visit in Missouri where they visited their daughter, Jean in St. Louis and relatives and friends in Tippon, New Franklin and Salsbury. They drove Patsy to Victoria where she boarded the bus to return to Austin.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Buckley and family of Palacios visited in the Lloyd Olson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson and Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frankson and family of Houston spent the week end at the W. H. Frankson cottage at Schicke's Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Richards and family spent the week end at their cottage on the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moritz returned to Houston Tuesday after a two weeks stay at their cottage at Houston Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostland left Wednesday for California where they will spend the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grisham and Mary Ann, Mrs. Laverne Shepherd and Butch of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Richards and family of Sweeny visited in the Warrie Schicke home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and family and Mrs. Leo Urek of Palacios spent Sunday with Mrs. B. T. Elliott.

A chartered plane was forced down during the rain storm Saturday and landed on the Well's Point road. One of the passengers was ill from the rough weather. Mrs. B. T. Elliott drove the passengers to Palacios where they caught the bus to Corpus Christi. When the weather cleared, the pilot took the plane on to Dallas.

Mrs. Cecil Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bannert and children of El Campo and Mr. and Mrs. Antone Jureck and family of East Bernard visited in the A. L. Bannert home Sunday.

Mrs. Kenneth Petersen and Mrs. A. L. Bannert attended the shower in Palacios Monday night for Mrs. Norris Neeley at the home of Mrs. Carter.

Mrs. Pete Kocurek and children and Mrs. A. L. Bannert and children visited Mrs. Charles Greenawalt Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Farley are driving a new Ford.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntire and family and Mr. Simicek of Tres Palacios, Frank Garvonovic of Wharton visited the B. L. Kutachs Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bannert and children visited the Cecil Smith family in El Campo Saturday.

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1957

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

On November 14 the Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met for the last business meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Virgil Farley. Miss Guthrie, the agent, gave a lecture on “As Birthdays Come and Go, Growing Graciously as We Grow Older.”

During the business session, plans were completed for the one-act comedy “She Laughs Last” to be presented by the club ladies at the Community Center Tuesday night, November 26. The public is invited. Price of admission will be 35c for adults and 10c for children.

Plans were also made for the annual community Christmas party. The club was reminded that the Home Demonstration Council Christmas party would be held Tuesday afternoon, December 17.

The hostess served refreshments of delicious lemon pie and coffee to the following: Miss Guthrie and Mesdames Eggemeyer, Kovar, Kocurek, Wesselman, Shimek, Sanders, Granberry, Bannert, Gaskin, Stuhrenberg and Mrs. Wilson, a visitor. The children were served chocolate cake, cookies and punch. Mrs. Edwin Stuhrenberg, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club

The Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met October 5 in the home of Mrs. F. M. Frankson. Mrs. Ralph Robinson presided and opened the meeting by reading "He who is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else." Thirteen members answered roll call. We were pleased to have two visitors, Mrs. Lloyd Olson and Mrs. Joe Hurta and our county agent, Miss Guthrie attend.

Mrs. Hurta made a good report of the 34th District THDA meeting she attended in Brownsville in September.

October 31st the community will have its annual Hallowe'en Party.

Named to a committee to plan the Christmas Party were Mrs. Alvin Bannert, Mrs. Clinton Solomon, Mrs. Kenneth Peterson and Mrs. A. Loff.

Winners of the prizes were Mrs. Eunice Shimek, hostess prize; Mrs. Lloyd Olson and Mrs. Warrie Schicke, recreation.

Two important meetings that all should endeavor to attend are scheduled for next Tuesday. In the afternoon the annual council party and in the evening a county-wide meeting to organize a Civil Defense Plan.

The next club meeting will be October 27 with Mrs. Betty Schicke as hostess. The date for the next agent meeting has been changed to Friday, November 18th. This will be at the home of Mrs. Jerome Kovar.

Following Miss Guthrie's demonstration on "Use of Shrubs in Special Areas," Mrs. Frankson served delicious refreshments of cake, cookies, open-faced cheese sandwiches, mints and coffee.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, October 13, 1960

Carancahua Homemakers

Twenty members and five visitors attended the meeting of the Carancahua Homemakers Club at the Community Center on January 31st at 9:30 a. m.

Mrs. Shorty Jensen read "Prayer of Thanksgiving" as the opening exercise. Roll call was answered with "What I do when I do as I please." Mrs. Margaret Tuliback read the minutes and they were approved as corrected. A Valentine Social was planned. It will be held at the Community Center on February 13th at 7:30 p. m.

Mrs. Edith Kocurek gave the demonstration on quilting. She had each member do some quilting on a baby crib quilt to be given for a baby shower.

The next club meeting will be held February 21st which will be on "Keeping Family Record."

After eating lunch, members kept on quilting until 2 p. m. when a baby shower was given for Mrs. Elizabeth Bannert. She received many useful gifts.

Daily Tribune, February 14, 1980


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