Carancahua News 1917 - 1919


Carancahua Clippings

Mesdames Lathrop and Slaikeu were callers at the Neff Linquist homes Monday.

Mrs. Linquist and daughter, Mae, and Mrs. Carlsen and daughter, Bonny, were callers at the Frankson home Friday.

Mrs. Falls and Mrs. Gishwiller called at the Linquist home Tuesday.

The Schike family called at the Whyman home Tuesday evening.

Mr. Barnett finished drilling an artesian well for Mr. H. Petersen last week.

Mr. Frankson had what might have been a serious fire one day last week when a couple of hay stacks and the coral near the barn burned.

Mrs. Schike and Mrs. Gishwiller called on Mrs. Neff Monday.

Mrs. Zeigler was a guest of Mrs. Kluth the first of the week.

Nellie Slaikeu called on Esther Jensen Friday.

Mr. Falls and Myrtle and Mr. Bob were entertained at the Neff home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff and son and Mr. Jordan were callers at the Linquist home Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Neff called on Mrs. Gishwiller Wednesday p. m.

Palacios Beacon, January 12, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Helmer of Palacios was a guest at the Roy Whyman home Sunday.

Misses Signa and Gladys Frankson and the Messrs. Lloyd Frankson and Master Edwin Neff were callers at the Linquist home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Frisbie and son Art were guests of the L. J. Slaikeu family Sunday.

The Neff family was entertained at the Falls home Friday evening.

Miss Esther Cotton is staying at the G. W. Crone home at present.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and baby Carolyn and Mr. Nels Slaikeu spent Tuesday evening at the Linquist home.

Miss Mae Linquist, Mrs. Carlsen and Miss Bunny were callers at the Lathrop home Tuesday.

Messrs. Fluke Frankson and Ernest Abraham spent the week end in Olivia.

The Lathrop family spent Sunday p. m. at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. O. E. Drake and son and Mr. Chas. Sanders who have been visiting at the Whyman home the past week returned to their home in Sayre, Okla., Monday. They are making the trip in their Ford.

The Misses Mae and Maude Olsen and Messrs. Ed Powers and Earl Mozley were entertained at the G. W. Crone home Sunday.

Edwin Neff called on Barnes Lathrop Tuesday.

Bill Ashley spent the past week in Palacios.

Mrs. E. Linquist and daughter, Mrs. Carlsen and daughter spent Friday p. m. at the Loff home.

Palacios Beacon, January 26, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. A. E. Johns of Palacios is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whyman visited with the latters parents in Palacios Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carlsen and daughter left for Houston and Galveston Thursday, when they will visit before returning to their home in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whyman were callers at the Slaikeu home Monday evening.

Dr. H. C Lloyd, of Hobart, Okla., Dr. A. G. Neighbn?, of Houston, were guests of H. P. Lathrop this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Norris and baby were callers at the Neff home Monday.

Miss Esther Jensen is on the sick list.

A pretty home wedding was solemnized at the Olson home Wednesday evening when Miss Maude and Mr. Earl Mozley were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Shepherd of Palacios. The wedded couple are well known and highly esteemed in this community and begin wedded life with the best wishes of a large circle of friends.

Mr. Moore and Mr. Garret and son of Palacios spent a few days here.

John Falls had a narrow escape from being bit by a rattlesnake Monday. The reptile was over six foot long.

Mr. Frames, of Port Alto, received a telegram from Kansas stating that his father was dead.

Hans Petersen received a telegram Tuesday from St. Paul Minn.,that his daughter Emma had passed away. The sympathy of the community goes out to these people in their hour of sorrow.

Miss Mae Linquist called on Mrs. Falls Tuesday.

Miss Nellie Slaikeu called at the Linquist home Tuesday p. m.

Mrs. Neff called on Mrs. Falls Tuesday afternoon.

The crowd at choir practice last Sunday night was rather slim. We want everybody to come and help out. Singing begins at 7:30 p. m.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Johns, Ed Powers, Miss Mae Olson and the Julian children were callers at the Loff home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Whyman were guests at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

John Falls was a caller at Turtle Bay Sunday.

Miss Minnie Abraham, of Sour Lake, arrived Friday for a visit with home folks.

Misses Minnie and Ruth Abraham were guests of Mae Linquist Sunday.

Dolphin Abraham returned Friday from Iowa and Minnesota where he has spent the past four months. Dolphin thinks Texas will do for awhile.

Sam Whyman was on the sick list last week.

Nels Slaikeu called on Mr. Jordan Sunday afternoon.

H. C. Lewis purchased a Ford last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Johns called at the Frankson home Sunday.

Rev. Garrett, of Palacios, will hold special revival services at the M. E. church here beginning Monday night.

Mr. Jordan went to Palacios for a few days visit.

Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mesdames John and Roy Whyman called at the Slaikeu home Thursday.

Messrs. Nels and L. J. Slaikeu and Hans Petersen went to Danevang Thursday on business and pleasure.

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist and daughter Mae, Mr. Frankson and daughters Signa and Gladys and the Jensen family were entertained at the C. A. Abraham home Friday.

[article torn]

…called on Ernest Abraham…

…were entertained at the L. J. Slaikeu home Wednesday evening.

Medsames Lewis and Johns called on Mrs. Slaikeu Thursday p. m.

Dolphin and Albert Abraham of Olivia spent Sunday here.

Bob Falls and Norris Sealock were callers at Olivia Sunday.

Charley Sealock was a guest of John Falls Sunday.

Mae Linquist called on Mrs. Sleikeu Tuesday.

Minnie Abraham called at the Neff and Linquist home Tuesday.

The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Falls Monday. Mrs. Jensen gave an interesting talk on China which was much appreciated.

Mr. and Mrs. Olson and Nora and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mozley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Crone Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and children and Misses Mabel, Esther and Lillian Jensen were entertained at the Frankson home Saturday.

Minnie Abraham called at the Loff home Saturday.

Ed Powers and Henry Ashley were business callers at the Linquist home Monday.

The Zeigler family left Friday with their car of goods for Conway, Mo., to make their future home.

The Sterling came in Wednesday and took a load of cotton to Galveston

The surprise party at the H. L. Ashley home was well attended and all report a fine time.

Dr. A. E. Johns of Palacios made a professional call at the Frankson home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and children leave today for Kingsville.

Messrs. H. C. Jensen, C. G. Jensen, Miss Mabel Jensen and L. J. Slaikeu attended church in Palacios Sunday and took dinner with Rev. Garrett and family.

Mr. Nels Slaikeu returned from Danevang Monday.

Mr. J. Juel of Danevang was in this community selling lace, from here he went to Olivia.

The Carancahua Gin Co. had a business meeting at the Linquist home Saturday night.

Palacios Beacon, March 2, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mae Linquist called on Mrs. Slaikeu Thursday p. m.

Mrs. Neff called on Mrs. Gishwiller Thursday p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whyman called at the Neff home Saturday p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman were Sunday guests at the Simon Neff home.

Bob Falls was a guest of Norris Sealock Sunday.

Harry Oleson and Bob Loff called on Roy Linquist Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Falls called at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Norris Sealock and John Falls were Turtle bay callers Sunday eve.

Mesdames Gishwiller and Linquist called on Mrs. Neff Wednesday p. m.

Mr. O. F. Kluth purchased an auto from Mr. Craymer of Palacios.

Edwin Neff is on the sick list.

Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gishwiller were guests at the Neff home Sunday.

Rev. Garrett, of Palacios, was a guest at the Whyman home Sunday. He also preached at the M. E. church morning and evening.

Miss Alberta, Charley and Norris Sealock spent Sunday p. m. at the Falls home.

Mrs. Frisbie and son Art were guests of the Falls family Sunday.

Signa Frankson called on Mae Linquist Thursday.

The Misses Norris called at the Whyman home Sunday p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer, Mesdames Fell and Winter, of Palacios, and R. Helmer, of League City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman Monday.

Mrs. M. R. Whyman called on Mae Linquist and Mrs. Neff Tuesday.

Dolphin Abraham, of Olivia, spent Sunday here.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer, and Mr. R. Helmer, of League City, visited at the L. J. Slaikeu home Friday.

Carl Schicke called at the Whyman home one day last week.

Mrs. Gishwiller called on Mrs. Falls Tuesday.

Mr. H. C. Lewis was a caller at the Olson home Sunday.

Mesdames Falls and Gishwiller were callers at the Linquist home Wednesday p. m.

Mr. Falls had to replant some of his cotton. The farmers are just about thru planting and crops are looking fine. There is plenty of moisture.

Calhoun county had a nice rain Monday.

The Falls were entertained at the Neff home Friday evening.

Palacios Beacon, May 4, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

The Carancahua school taught by Miss Lilla Mae Barnett, of this city closes today, with the following program to be given at the school house tonight:

Invocation – Rev. Goodenough
Chorus, Awake! Awake!
“History of the Flag” – Helen M. Ward
Quintette- “Meet Me at the Portal”
Reading, “Playing School” – Beulah Smith
Duet. “The Thought of Me” – Miss Barnett, Mr. McLachlan
Reading, “Conscious Ignorance” – Gladys Smith
Quartet, “Holy Twilight Hour”
School Address – Rev. Goodenough
Solo, “Perfect Day” – Miss Barnett
Tableau, “Rock of Ages” – Beulah Smith

Palacios Beacon, May 18, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and family were entertained at the Whyman home Wednesday evening.

Sheriff Knopp of Edna made several business calls in our town a few days ago.

The Frankson, Falls, Linville and Sealock families were represented at Olivia the Fourth. All report a very enjoyable time. The celebration at Olivia was given by the Swedish Lutheran young people’s society of that place.

Marion Linville of Turtle Bay is employed at the Carancahua Dog academy.

The Falls and Neff families spent the Fourth at Newall’s grove on East Carancahua river.

S. C. Box, the star route carrier, enjoyed a rest on the Fourth. There being no mail services on that day at this place.

The Carancahua M. E. Aid Society met with Mrs. Frisbie on Thursday afternoon. The time was profitably spent in quilting.

J. A. Gishwiller served some of his excellent yellow cored watermelons to a number of friends on the Fourth.

The little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fields had a very narrow escape from a severe injury a few days ago. The little child ran up to a horse and was kicked squarely in the face. Only the nearness of the child to the horse saved its life probably.

Palacios Beacon, July 6, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. A. Loff and son Arvid took dinner at the Linquist home Monday.

Mrs. Mary Oxford and children of Olivia were week end visitors at the Neff home.

The silo crew helped fill the J. A. Whitacre silo Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Lucy Norris visited with Mrs. Mary Frisbie Saturday afternoon.

Myrtle Block visited Velma Oxford Monday morning.

The Frisbie brothers are having their water well cleaned this week.

A. Oliver and wife of Edna spent the week end camping at Carancahua bay.

Myrtle Falls and Barnes Lathrop spent Sunday with Nellie Slaikeu.

For this morning’s shower we are thankful; we are hoping it is the forerunner of a soaking rain.

There will be Sunday school at 10 a. m. followed by preaching at 11 next Sunday at the Methodist church. Also preaching services at 8 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend each service.

All public services were suspended here last Sunday so that each one might attend the B. Y. P. U. encampment services at Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Norris gave a watermelon feast Monday evening.

The Linquist-Slaikeu Gin Co. had the gin renovated this week to be ready for the new crop.

Palacios Beacon, July 13, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

Elgin Shows of Port Also, Texas visited at the Anders home this week.

Dolphy Abraham returned home Sunday. He has been in the employment of M. L. Cavallin of Olivia.

Albert Frankson purchased the Harleman house and moved it to his home place. Mr. Frankson expects to use the building for a garage and store house for grain.

Signa, Gladys and Fluke Frankson visited Emma and Roy Linquist Sunday.

Eric Linquist and son, Albert, and A. Loff wife and baby motored over to Danevang Saturday and returned Sunday. The party visited at the L. P. Hansen home enroute.

Rev. Garrett and family visited at the Falls and Neff homes Sunday.

Grandfather Halbrook and sixteen members of his family from Houston and Pasadena spent several days camping along Carancahua bay.

The Peterson families of El Campo spent a day here this week bathing and fishing.

Word was received here of the marriage of Laura Petersen and E. McKenna of St. Paul Minnesota. Miss Petersen was the first postmistress of Carancahua. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. McKenna a happy and prosperous married life.

We join with the other Beacon readers of this community in wishing the Beacon and its editor a safe journey and a pleasant, happy vacation.

Palacios Beacon, July 20, 1917

Carancahua Clippings

John Ernest Whyman left Wednesday for his home in San Antonio. He has spent the summer with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Whyman of this place.

Albert Frankson has purchased a new Ford car.

Mae Linquist of Bay City hospital was an over night visitor with home folks last week.

Simon Neff who has been quite sick for a few days is improving at this writing.

Chas. Sealock, Marian Linville and the Misses Noble and Linville of Turtle Bay visited Robert and Myrtle Falls Sunday evening.

The Linquist family visited at the Loff home Sunday afternoon.

Minnie Loff is employed at the Dr. A. E. Johns home.

J. R. Whyman visited Edwin Neff Sunday.

Dr. Jones of Bay City visited our town last week.

H. L. Ashley, Herbert R. Crone and W. B. Anders were the holders of lucky numbers next on the list of Uncle Sam’s call to service. Among the first called M. R. Whyman, B. V. Anders and Grant Crone were physically disqualified for service.

D. W. Grant and family of Palacios and Mrs. Frey and daughter of Almena, Kansas, visited at the Gishwiller home Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, August 24, 1917

Carancahua News

(From last week.)

Grant Crone, wife and daughter, Florence, left [article torn]…for a months visit with…at different points…and Illinois.

C. E. Peterson…this town Monday…Palacios. Mr. Petersen…intending the building of a teachers’ home near the school.

The Olson young…pleasantly entertained…of their friends…

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and family, Mr. and Mrs. Noble and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, of Turtle Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller, Mr. and Mrs. Neff and son of Carancahua called on Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ashley Sunday.

We regret to announce the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Ashley expect to change their place of residence to Dayton, Texas in the near future.

Mrs. Anna Larson and little Miss Gladys visited at the Linquist home Monday afternoon.

Cleo, Hamlin, Marian Linville and John Falls visited at the Falls home Sunday.

A number of people from this place attended the public auction at the Salsbury farm Thursday.

The Carancahua Ladies netted the sum of $16.50 for the Red Cross at the ice cream social Wednesday night.

Palacios Beacon, October 5, 1917

Miss Marion Manly, of Edna, one of the Carancahua teachers, was in town Sunday.

Mr. Brock, who recently purchased several hundred acres of land in the Carancahua neighborhood, arrived Friday and will make himself at home.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 2017


There will be an oyster supper at the John Whyman residence on Thursday, November 20. Everyone invited to attend. Benefit of Ladies Aid Society.

G. W. Falls returned to Tulsa, Oklahoma, last Saturday after having enjoyed two weeks visit with homefolks.

Ira Ressler, a newcomer in our midst, has erected a temporary dwelling on his new farm east of here and expects to bring his family here in a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman returned home from a week end visit with Mrs. Whyman’s uncle, R. L. Helmer, of League City, Texas.

About thirty neighbors gathered at the Neff home Wednesday evening to remind Mr. Neff of another birthday anniversary. All joined in wishing Mr. Neff many happy returns of the day.

R. L. Linquist and R. L. Falls rafted lumber to Port Also for C. J. Moore a part of last week.

Messrs. Slaikeu and Neff are employed in the construction of two dwelling houses on the Moore ranch on the west of Carancahua Bay.

Last but not least the rain Saturday night was appreciated, but more rain would have been more appreciated.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 1917


Misses Virginia Robinson and Marion Manly of Edna were entertained at the Lewis home last Sunday.

A jolly crowd of young people gathered at the Noble residence for a social time last Saturday evening.

Morris Sealock returned home from Collegeport Saturday.

Miss Mabel Jenson was a Carancahua caller one day last week.

L. J. Slaikeu, wife and daughter, Carolyn, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman Sunday.

A few of Ted Elder’s school friends completely surprised him on his birthday Wednesday.

Myrtle and Robt. Falls entertained Zeda Noble, Charles Whitacre, Marian Linville, Charles, Alberta and Norris Sealock Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. And. Loff and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frankson, Erick Linquist and daughter, Emma, and son, Roy, spent a very pleasant day with the Danielson family of East Palacios Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, November 30, 1917


On next Saturday, December 9, Sunday school will be held at 1:30 P. M. and preaching service at 2:30 P. M. instead of the regular hours in the forenoon.

Mrs. Anna Larson, who has been spending a few weeks visiting the Frankson family, returned to her home at Thief River, Minn., this week.

A few of the neighbors and friends of Miss Marian Manly reminded her of a birthday anniversary Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman and S. Neff and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller Sunday afternoon.

Mesdames Slaikeu and Lathrop were Carancahua callers Monday afternoon.

Rev. Sylvan of the South Texas Swedish Missions, held Thanksgiving service at the school house last Sunday. Rev. Sylvan was a guest at the Linquist home during his stay here.

Mrs. Gishwiller who has been on the sick list is not much improved at this writing.

Palacios Beacon, December 7, 1917


J. T. McCurty of Detroit, Mich., is spending a few days with H. P. Lathrop and family.

N. A. Ilson left this week with a car of goods for his new home near Texarkana. His family expects to follow in a few days. We wish them health and prosperity in their move, but we regret to see good neighbors leave this community.

S. H. Baldree moved his family on the Bussell place last week.

The children and teachers of Carancahua school expect to enjoy a week’s rest next week.

On next Sunday morning the children of Carancahua Sunday School will render a short program after which an offering will be taken for the Armenian sufferers.

Miss Myrtle Falls called on Mrs. Gishwiller Tuesday afternoon.

W. B. Andrews returned from a business trip to East Texas this week.

B. F. Smith and family of Olivia moved on the E. A. Linquist farm this week.

Palacios Beacon, December 21, 1917


Fluke Frankson spent Christmas at Olivia, the guest of G. A. Swenson and family.

Miss Minnie Abrahamson of Sour Lake spent her holiday vacation with her parents of this place.

The Linquist family enjoyed by the following Carancahua people: Myrtle Falls, Simon Neff and family, Albert Abrahamson, Lloyd and Maynard Frankson.

G. H. Helmer and wife of Palacios, N. Slaikeu and S. J. Slaikeu and family spent Christmas at the Whyman home.

Elder Jensen held special Christmas services at the A. Loff home on Christmas evening.

The sad news was received here of the death of Ernest Marcy from pneumonia at Camp Bowie. He enlisted from here for the service of his country about a year ago.

Palacios Beacon, December 28, 1917


Mrs. M. J. Frisbie’s health is improving nicely at this writing.

H. C. Lewis, L. E. Frankson and Fluke Frankson paid a visit to the county seat Monday. The boys are anxiously waiting to hear the results of their trip as to whether Uncle Sam can use them in his service or not.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman, who went to San Antonio some weeks ago, are both on the sick list.

The Wilborn girls entertained Nellie Slaikeu Sunday.

Sunday school on next Sunday will be at 1:30 p. m. followed by preaching at 2:30. Everyone invited.

The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the Frisbie home Thursday afternoon.

The final funeral services and burial of Mrs. Gishwiller took place on Tuesday of last week at Almena, Kans.

J. M. Falls returned to Bartlesville, Okla., Friday where he is employed in the oil fields. Mr. Falls has been visiting his parents here for a few weeks.

C. A. Abrahamson is the latest addition to the list of owners of “the universial car” in this community.

The Otto Kluth sale was well attended by people who wanted to buy. Mr. and Mrs. Kluth will reside in Palacios until spring then they expect to return to their old home in central Indiana.

Sam Schleisser has rented the farm that Mr. and Mrs. Kluth have just moved from and expect to take up his place of residence there soon.

Palacios Beacon, February 8, 1918

Willie Conway, formerly of Carancahua, was killed in an auto accident in Nebraska last week.

Palacios Beacon, August 23, 1918

Rev. C. J. Jensen, a returned Missionary from China, who is visiting his father, H. C. Jensen, of Carancahua, went to El Campo, Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, August 22, 1919


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