Carancahua News 1920s



The Simon Neff family took dinner at the Abraham home Sunday.

Mrs. Schliesser was entertained at the Huffman home last Sunday.

The Easter program given by the Sunday School last Sunday was well attended and enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Bengston and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson were Sunday guests at the Frankson home.

Mr. Harley Lewis, who has been Principal of the Francitas school the past year, is at home for the summer vacation.

A seven and a half pound baby boy, Glen Roy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman Wednesday morning. Mother and child doing nicely.

The Primary and Intermediate Classes of the Sunday School were entertained at the Huffman home last Sunday. After a bounteous dinner, an egg hunt was enjoyed. Twenty-two tired but happy children wended their way homeward in the late afternoon.

Palacios Beacon, April 1, 1921


Mrs. C. Abrahamson was on the sick list last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bengston were Sunday visitors at the Loff home.

Mrs. David Frankson spent Saturday night in Palacios with Miss Curtis.

Rev. Derrick preached to a good crowd at the church Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Huffman and Dolphy Abraham were Olivia callers last week Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer visited their daughter and family Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Reba Curtis spent the week end with home folks. She went to Bay City Saturday to the Federated Clubs meeting and took part on the program.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and two sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and son.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons of Ganado were Sunday guests at the Slaikeu home. Mrs. Whyman stayed until Tuesday when her husband came for her.

A party was given at the M. O. Cavallin home last Friday night. A large crowd attended and had a merry time. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening.

Palacios Beacon, March 15, 1928


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