Carancahua News 1916


Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Gray were on the sick list last week.

Norris Sealock spent Sunday with Robert Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist, Mr. and Mrs. Loff and children and Mr. Petersen spent Sunday at the L. P. Hansen home.

Miss Myrtle Falls spent Sunday with Miss Nellis Slaikeu.

Mr. G. W Johnson was a caller at the Hansen home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Crone were Sunday afternoon callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. Bill Ashley is back in this vicinity and we are glad to have him back.

Misses Maude Olson and Lorena Grace spent Sunday with home folks.

Misses Signa and Florence Frankson were callers in our city Tuesday.

Miss Jeanette and Mr. Harley Lewis called at the Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. Lloyd Frankson visited relatives and friends at Olivia the first of the week.

Dr. Johns, of Palacios, was a guest at the Lewis home Sunday.

Mr. Lloyd Frankson visited relatives and friends at Olivia the first of the week.

Dr. Johns, of Palacios, was a guest at the Lewis home Sunday.

Mr. E. A. Peterson left for Beebe, Arkansas, last Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, March 24, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Closing program and Grammar school graduation exercises of the Lower Carancahua school, March 31, 1916, 8 p. m.

  1 Welcome—Mae Hansen
  2 Song “Whippoorwill”—By school
  3 Recitation, A Country Girl—Lillian Jensen
  4 Dialogue, A Transition in Mumps—Francke Hansen and Roger Slaikeu
  5 Rec., My Chubby Talks—Anna Hansen
  6 Rec., Frogs at School—Francke Hansen
  7 Dialogue, Sniggles Family

Cast of Characters
Widow Sniggles—Ida Hansen
The Coquette—Myrtle Falls
The Hayfever Patient—Nellie Slaikeu
The Prima Donna—Esther Jensen
The Elocutor—Lillian Jensen
The Graceful Girl—Anna Hansen
The Giggler—Mae Hansen

  8 Rec., Der Dog Und Der Lobster—Roger Slaikeu
  9 Song—By school
10 Rec., Now Riddle Me This—Lillian Jensen
11 Dialogue, Dr. Brown—Francke and Mae Hansen
12 Rec, Sister’s Piano—Esther Jensen
13 Dialogue—Dr. Cure-All
Cast of Characters
Dr. Cure-All—Roy Linquist
Maria, office girl—Lillian Jensen
Mrs. Scrawny, a lady who wants to be fat—Esther Jensen
Miss Jane Scrimpkins, who wants blonde hair—Myrtle Falls
Mr. Alphonso de Jones, who wants a mustache—Robert Falls
Miss Roothins, her daughter afflicted with bashfulness—Nellie Slaikeu
Miss Seaphina Paddington, who wants to be tall—Anna Hansen
Mrs. Blooming, a handsome young widow—Myrtle Falls


Class Roll

Ida Theresa Hansen
Myrtle Isabel Falls
Nellie Marie Slaikeu
Robert L. Falls
Roy E. W. Linquist

Class colors—Pink and Green
Class flower—Pink rose
Class motto—“Deeds not Words”

14 Class welcome—Nellie Slaikeu
15 Vocal solo, “Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold”—Myrtle Falls
16 Class poem—Ida Hansen
17 Class song

Messrs. Falls and Linquist made a business trip through the Deutschburg communities Tuesday.

Mr. Geo. Ziegler, who has been spending the winter here with his brother returned to his home in Ohio last Saturday.

Mrs. Hansen was a caller at the Linquist home Wednesday.

The Frankson, Loff, Jensen, and Sandstrom families were entertained at the C. A. Abraham home Sunday.

Mr. Frankson and Miss Signa were callers at the Slaikeu and Linquist homes Sunday.

Mr. Will Ashley spent the week end in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman and Master Ernest were Sunday dinner guests at the L. J. Slaikeu home.

Mr. Roy Whyman was a guest of Charley Sealock Sunday.

Dolph Abraham entertained a number of his friends and relatives at his bachelor home Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Roy Whyman started for Collegeport with the “Delilah,” Dr. Gray’s launch, last Saturday. When he got to the Carancahua pass, the engine stopped and “nothing doing,” so Roy had to tow in home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Anderson and baby and Messrs. Dolph Abraham and Bird Anders were entertained at the Morey home Sunday afternoon.

E. A. Linquist was a caller at the Lathrop home Sunday afternoon.

The Misses Minnie and Edith Loff and Nora Olson and Messrs. Walter Loff and Eddie Olson were Sunday afternoon callers at the Linquist home.

Mrs. Barnett and children were callers in this vicinity Saturday.

Mrs. Magee commenced carrying the mail last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist spent Sunday afternoon at the Sundstrom home in Turtle Bay.

The Slaikeu family spent Sunday at the Helmer home in Palacios.

Mr. Gishwiller was a caller in Palacios Saturday.

Miss Mae Linquist called on Mrs. Slaikeu Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Hansen and children called at the Jensen home Saturday afternoon.

Palacios Beacon, May 12, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Mae Crone returned to Dallas Tuesday.

Miss Pearl Helmer was entertained at the Whyman home Sunday.

Norris Sealock called at the Falls home Sunday p. m.

Miss Mae Linquist called on Miss Pearl Helmer Thursday.

Mrs. Whyman spent Tuesday at the Frisbie home.

Mrs. Frisbie and sons and E. A. Linquist spent Sunday p. m. at the Glanton home.

Mrs. Zeigler spent Tuesday p. m. at the Kluth home.

The party at Sealock’s Tuesday night was well attended and all had a good time.

Mrs. Marsh and daughter Carrie are staying at the Kluth home.

Palacios Beacon, September 8, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Notice To Patrons And Students

Any one wishing to know the high school books we will use at the Lower Carancahua school may notice this list, as we will use the following books: Wentworths New School Algebra; Latin Lessons by Smith; Composition, and Rhetoric by Merkley and Ferguson; Ancient History by Myers; Ritchie’s Human Physiology. It would be advisable for all who can to secure these books before school opens.

Respectfully, H. C. Lewis.

The forty-two party at the Lewis home Saturday night was well attended and all report a great time.

Mrs. Gishwiller called on Mrs. Falls Saturday.

Mrs. Linquist spent Thursday with Mrs. Loff.

Miss Pearl Helmer returned to her home in Palacios Sunday. Miss Pearl has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Slaikeu and family in the past three weeks.

Miss Mae, E. A. and Roy Linquist were callers at the Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer of Palacios spent Friday at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. L. P. Hansen went to Danevang Tuesday.

The Andersen family of Danevang spent Sunday at the L. P. Hansen home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Lankford and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Marcy.

Mrs. Frankson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sundstrom, of Turtle Bay, Mr. Jensen and children were entertained at the C. A. Abrahamson home Sunday.

E. A. and Roy Linquist called on Henry Ashley Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. L. P. Hansen called at the Linquist home Monday.

Mr. Whyman went to Palacios Sunday in search of cotton pickers. He returned Monday with fourteen pickers.

Burl Holmes of Olivia called on Dolph Abraham the first of the week.

Mr. H. P. Lathrop and family made a trip to Edna and vicinity Wednesday.

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Fluke Frankson returned home from Austin Thursday.

Miss Pearl Helmer of Palacios spent the week end at the Slaikeu home.

Fluke Frankson and Ernest Abrahamson spent Sunday at Olivia.

Miss Pearl Helmer was a guest at the Whyman home Sunday.

Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and baby Carolyn went to Palacios Sunday to visit for a few days, from there they will go to League City to visit an uncle.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff and children spent Sunday afternoon at the Linquist home.

Miss Myrtle Falls spent Saturday with Nellie Slaikeu.

Norris Sealock entertained a number of friends Sunday p. m.

Mrs. Salsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie spent Saturday here fishing. They caught a nice bunch of fish.

The surprise party at the Neff home Saturday night was well attended. All report a good time.

Messrs. Bob and Bird Anders of Olivia were business callers here the first of the week.

Mr. Smith of Olivia has rented the Linquist farm for the next year.

Palacios Beacon, November 10, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist spent Sunday p. m. at the Neff home.

Mrs. Gishwiller called on Mrs. Falls Friday.

Mrs. James Zeigler and Mrs. Whyman were visitors at the Frisbie home Friday.

Mrs. Neff is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Frankson and Miss Ruth Abraham visited at the Loff home Sunday p. m.

The Misses Minnie and Edith Loff were entertained at the Sealock home Sunday.

Mr. H. P. Lathrop went to Cypress, Texas, to be present at the dog trials held at that place.

The J. E. Falls family were entertained at the Simon Neff home Friday.

Mrs. Falls visited with Mrs. Neff Tuesday.

Mrs. H. P. Lathrop spent Sunday in Palacios.

Miss Esther Cotton went to Palacios Wednesday evening to spend Thanksgiving with her parents.

The school here are enjoying a four days’ vacation.

Mrs. Gishwiller and Mae Linquist visited with Mrs. Neff Wednesday p. m.

The Whyman, Helmer and Wilbur families were guests of the L. P. Slaikeu family Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Lathrop and son and Ted Elder spent Thanksgiving in Palacios, the guests of Mrs. Elder.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Cowan of Ohio are visiting at the Whyman home.

Palacios Beacon, December 1, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu entertained at a forty-two party last Friday night. Those present were the Misses Myrtle Falls, Ruth Abraham, Minnie and Edith Loff, Signa Frankson, Pearl Helmer, May Linquist; Messrs. Ernst Abraham, Norris Sealock, Walter Loff, John and Bob Falls, Roy Linquist, Harley Lewis and Roy Whyman.

Wedding Bells will soon be ringing in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller, Mr. and Mrs. Falls and daughter Myrtle spent Sunday afternoon at the Neff home.

Mrs. Neff has been on the sick list, but is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Cowan, who spent the week end at the Whyman home, returned to Palacios Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Loff, Mr. and Mrs. Frankson and Rev. Sylvan were guests at the Linquist home Sunday.

Miss Pearl Helmer of Palacios spent the week end at the Slaikeu home.

The Olson family visited at the G. W. Crone home Sunday.

A number from this community attended the Sundstrom sale at Turtle Bay Monday.

Mr. Lathrop returned from the North Texas “trials,” bringing home second prize.

Mr. and Mrs. Whyman, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Linquist, Misses Falls and Cowan were Thursday afternoon callers at the Neff home.

Miss Perl Helmer spent Saturday with Mae Linquist.

Mrs. Hattie Ashley has been on the sick list, but is better at this writing.

Palacios Beacon, December 8, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Falls visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller Sunday p. m.

Miss Nora Olson was a week end guest at the Loff home.

Mrs. Linquist, Mrs. Lankford and Miss Ruth Abraham were Sunday callers at the Loff home.

Misses Signa Frankson and Mae Linquist called on Mrs. Hattie Ashley Sunday.

Mr. Nels Slaikeu, of Goldfield, Iowa, arrived Friday and will spend the winter with his son and family.

Lloyd and Fluke Frankson were callers across the bay Sunday.

Mr. N. Slaikeu called on Mr. Gishwiller Monday.

The Crone family were entertained at the Olsen home Sunday.

Messrs. Grant Crone, John and Roy Whyman went to Olivia Thursday to cast their prohibition votes.

Mrs. Neff called on Mrs. Gishwiller Wednesday.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Sam Whyman, of Spencerville, Ohio, arrived Saturday and will visit his brother, John Whyman and family.

Miss Pearl Helmer, of Palacios, spent the week end at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Mae Linquist entertained at a miscellaneous shower Friday evening in honor of Miss Pearl Helmer, who will soon become a bride.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff and son were callers at the J. E. Falls home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Pearl Helmer was a guest at the John Whyman home Sunday.

Ted Elder spent the week end in Palacios.

Mr. John Whyman was given a surprise Friday evening when a number of his neighbors came in with well filled baskets to help him celebrate his birthday.

E. A. Linquist called on Sam Schliesser Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Danielson, of Palacios, were callers at the Frankson home Wednesday p. m.

The Lutheran Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Loff Thursday p. m.

Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1916

Carancahua Clippings

A happy New Year.

Several from this vicinity attended the Christmas program at the Turtle Bay school house Saturday night.

Miss Maud Olson returned home Saturday, she having spent the past week in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carlsen and daughter, Bonny of Sidewood, Canada arrived Sunday and will visit with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linquist.

Mr. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Loff and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin and son, Miss Ruth Abraham and Messrs. Ernst Abraham were among those entertained at the Frankson home Sunday.

The Slaikeu family were guests at the Lathrop home Christmas day.

The Frankson brothers were callers over the bay Monday night.

Albert Abraham of Olivia spent Sunday and Monday at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop were callers in Palacios Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, December 29, 1916


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