Carancahua News 1914-1915


Carancahua Clippings

Miss Laura Peterson went to Mrs. Sasse's Tuesday for a stay of a week or more.

Mrs. L. Brom entertained a few friends at a rook party Tuesday night. all had a pleasant time.

Mr. and Mrs. Borden and four daughters, of Arkansas, are visiting at the Sealock home. Mrs. Borden is a sister of Mrs. Sealock.

Mr. Gishwiller and wife are enjoying a visit from his brother and sister from Illinois.

Mrs. Sealock gave a party Saturday afternoon for the little friends of Alta and Alna in honor of their 9th birthday.

The Swedish people had preaching services Sunday morning and afternoon. Rev. Sullivan, who has been appointed to this district, conducted the services.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff were entertained at the Falls home Sunday.

Mr. D. L. Brown, our genial mail carrier, was sick last week. His son Will took his place on the route.

A large crowd of young people gathered at the Sealock home last Saturday night and made merry for a few hours.

Rev. Campbell, of Palacios, will preach at the M. E. church Sunday morning and night. Let everyone come out to hear him.

Palacios Beacon, March 27, 1914

Etta Holloway

After an illness of three days Mrs. Etta Holloway, mother of Mrs. Dr. J. A. Gray, of Carancahua, passed away. Mrs. Holloway always made her home with her daughter until the past year, when her grandson, Mr. J. W. Johnston, took her to Indiana to visit her son. She had many friends here who will be grieved to know of her death.

Palacios Beacon, May 8, 1914

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Donna Brown returned home last week after a short visit with her sister in Palacios.

Mrs. Sutterfield and babies are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown.

Rev. Sylvan, the Lutheran minister, held services at the school house last Sunday, both morning and afternoon.

Dr. and Mrs. Gray and son, Geo. Johnson, left Monday for the old home in Indiana to spend the summer. They anticipate a very pleasant time at their summer home.

Harry Olson was the guest of the Harleman boys last Sunday.

Misses Maud and Mae Olson were pleasantly entertained by Miss Dona Brown Sunday afternoon.

Nellie and Roger Slaikeu are spending the week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer, in Palacios.

Lillie Robert Loff was quite sick a few days last week.

The Loff family were Sunday visitors at Hansen’s.

Roy Whyman is chopping cotton for Frisbies.

Will Brown is spending the week in Palacios.

The subject of next Sunday’s League lesson is, “Leaving a crowd to talk to an individual.” Mrs. Harleman, leader.

Crop conditions around Carancahua are very encouraging. Cotton is doing well. Corn is giving promise of a big yield and all other crops are looking well.

Palacios Beacon, June 19, 1914

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Sherman, of Palacios, was a week end visitor at the John Whyman home.

Mr. Helmer and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur, of Palacios, were Sunday visitors at L. J. Slaikeu’s and L. Brown’s.

Miss Iona Brown spent Sunday with Olsen’s.

Miss Pearl Helmer returned to her home in Palacios Sunday after spending about two months with her sister, Mrs. Slaikeu.

An election of officers was held at the M. E. Sunday School last Sunday. The following were elected. Supt., Arthur Frisbie; Ass’t Sup’t., Mr. Neff; Organist, Mrs. Slaikeu; Chorister, Roy Whyman; Sec., Myrtle Falls; Treas., Walter Frisbie; Librarians, Kenneth Harleman and Roger Slaikeu; Teachers, Mr. Whyman, Arthur Frisbie, Mr. Slaikeu, Mrs. Neff and Mrs. L. Brown.

Mrs. Neff commenced her school in the Crone District last Monday.

Rev. Myers preached the last sermon of the conference year here last Thursday night. We hope he may be returned to this charge.

Our school commenced Monday of this week with full promise of a successful year.

The League subject for Oct. 11 is “The Christian Suggestion of Profit Sharing.” Christian Stewardship. L. J. Slaikeu, leader.

Palacios Beacon, October 30, 1914

Carancahua Clippings

Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sealock last Thursday and took from them their little two year old son Melvin, a short service led by Mr. Julian, was held at the home after which the remains were taken to the cemetery at Palacios where Rev. Curtis conducted the burial service after which the body of little Melvin was laid to rest. The family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

County Supt. Bagby, and Mr. Wilkerson, county agricultural agent, visited our schools last Thursday and in the evening Mr. Wilkerson conducted a meeting at the Schliesser schoolhouse which was of much interest to the farmers. Several boys joined the Corn club.

Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie called at the Harleman home Tuesday afternoon.

There was a surprise party given at the Whyman home last Friday night in honor of Roy’s 21st birthday, Roy had said he couldn’t be surprised.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown and daughter, Iona, were visitors at the John Sutterfield home in Palacios Saturday and Sunday.

The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. John Whyman last Thursday.

Roy Whyman visited a friend in Palacios Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashley are now at home to their friends at the Geo. Ashley residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Olesen were Sunday visitors at the J. L. Harleman home.

The Loff family visited at L. P. Hansen’s last Sunday.

Don’t forget the meeting of the Literary Society Saturday night. We expect to have a good program and the election of officers will occur on that night. Be sure and be there.

Palacios Beacon, February 12, 1915

Death Visits the Sealock Home

Melvin Richard, aged two years and six days, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Sealock, residing about eight miles west of Palacios, died Thursday, the 4th inst., after a brief illness. Funeral services were held at the family home Friday afternoon conducted by Rev. Curtis of the Palacios Academy, followed by interment at the Palacios cemetery. The large circle of friends of the family throughout the surrounding country sincerely sympathize with them in their loss and bereavement.

Palacios Beacon, February 12, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Misses Lummie and Jeanette Lewis visited Misses Pearl Helmer and Mae Linquist last Saturday.

Miss Olive Olson visited with Iona Brown Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson and Miss Gladys visited at the Linquist home Friday.

Mr. Moore from Palacios, preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Helmer from Palacios visited with the L. Brown and L. J. Slaikeu families Sunday.

The Carancahua Literary Society met at the lower school house last Saturday night, a good program was rendered. The debate “resolved that fire is more destructive than water,” decision rendered in favor of the affirmative. The Society will meet at the upper school house Saturday evening April 10th.

Miss Maude Olson and Mr. G. Swanson called at the D. L. Brown home Sunday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. Gray and Mr. Johnston were entertained at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Miss Pearl Helmer went to Palacios Tuesday to visit with her parents for a few days.

Mr. Goodwin Swanson from Olivia visited at the Olson home over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard and daughter Alice, were callers at the Gishwiller home Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, April 9, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Messrs. John and Bob Falls, Norris and Charley Sealock and Fluke Frankson, attended Literary across the bay Friday.

Miss Maud Olson, visited with home folks over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie and Mrs. Linquist and Miss Mae were Wednesday callers at the Whyman home.

Mrs. Helmer who has been visiting with her daughter, returned home Saturday.

Miss Signa Frankson visited with Miss Mae Linquist Saturday night and Sunday.

Miss Alice Howard returned home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff called at the Falls home Sunday.

We have some new neighbors on the Kelsey place.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Abrahamson visited at the Linquist home Sunday.

Mr. Goodwin Swanson from Olivia visited at the Olson home over Sunday.

Mr. Charley and Miss Alberta Sealock were entertained at the Howard home Sunday.

Mr. Moore from Palacios preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. D. L. Brown and Miss Iona were callers at the Howard home Saturday afternoon.

Miss Alice Howard is on the sick list at this writing.

The Literary Society met at the upper school house last Saturday night. A short but good program rendered.

Palacios Beacon, June 4, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman and Master Ernest were entertained at the Howard and Neff home Sunday.

Misses Nora Olson and Kate Whitacre spent Saturday and Sunday at the Loff home.

Mrs. Frankson entertained the Lutheran Ladies Aid last Thursday afternoon.

Messrs. Ed Powers and Ernest Marcy called on Harley Lewis last Friday night.

The Hansen family were entertained at the Linquist home Sunday.

Mr. Will Ashley is visiting with home folks.

Miss Clyde Whitacre visited with Miss Mae Olson Saturday and Sunday.

John Falls is working over at the Ashley ranch.

Fluke Frankson spent Sunday with Roy Whyman.

Messrs. Albert Abraham and Ernest Marcy visited across the bay Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, June 18, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Neff took a crowd of Port Alto folks to the Gulf on a pleasure trip last Wednesday, returning home Thursday.

Miss Mae Olson was the guest of Miss Iona Brown a few days last week.

Mr. Fluke Frankson went to Port Alto last week to work for an indefinite time.

Mrs. Slaikeu and sister, Miss Pearl Helmer were all day visitors at the Whyman home last Wednesday.

Miss Mae Linquist visited with Miss Signa Frankson Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Pearl Helmer, who has been visiting relatives and friends here the past week returned to her home in Palacios Tuesday.

Mrs. Olson and daughter, Miss Mae, and Mrs. Ed. Powers were entertained at the D. L. Brown home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Linquist visited friends in Olivia the last of the week, they also attended the Lutheran mission meeting while there.

Miss Signa Frankson spent Sunday with Miss Mae Linquist.

Palacios Beacon, September 3, 1915

Miss Lummie Lewis went to Bay City Wednesday for a few days visit with the family of County Superintendent W. C. Gray, and will then go to Edna to attend the Jackson county Teachers Institute preparatory to the opening of her school at Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, September 3, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Whyman last Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Neff and sister, Miss Alice Howard, went to Port Lavaca last week to attend Institute.

Misses Iona Brown, Henriette and Ida Hansen and Mr. Roy Whyman, were entertained at the Falls home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frankson called on Mr. and Mrs. Linquist Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Harley Lewis called at the Frankson home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crone and Ed Powers spent Sunday at the Olson home.

Messrs. Norris Sealock, Alvert and Dolphie Abraham and Ernst Morey, spent Sunday across the bay.

Miss Maud Olson, went to Palacios last Friday for an indefinite time.

Mrs. Charley Harberson called at the Olson home one day last week.

Miss Mae Linquist spent Sunday with the Misses Signa and Florence Frankson.

Mr. Will Ashley was a Carancahua caller Wednesday morning.

Palacios Beacon, September 10, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Linquist entertained the Lutheran Ladies Aid last Thursday.

Miss Alice Howard spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Myrtle Falls.

A crowd of young folks gathered at the Linquist home Saturday night. A good time was enjoyed by all. Those present were the Misses Iona Brown, Myrtle Falls, Alice Howard, Minnie and Edith Loff and Signa Frankson, Messrs. Will, Maynard and Lloyd Frankson, Louis Scooley, Ernest Marcy, Albert and Dolphie Abraham, Herbert Crone, Will Ashley, John and Robert Falls, Morris and Charley Sealock.

Messrs. Ernest Abraham and Fluke Frankson visited on this side of the bay Sunday.

Miss Signa Frankson was the guest of Miss Mae Linquist Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Frankson is on the sick list at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Linquist, Mr. Frankson and the Misses Alberta, Florence and Iris Sealock visited at the Lodd home Sunday.

Ernest Marcy and Walter Loff Spent Sunday across the bay.

Will Ashley was entertained at the Carancahua hotel last Sunday.

Mrs. Neff and Miss Alice Howard returned home from Port Lavaca Friday night.

Mr. Slaikeu attended church conference in Palacios last Sunday.

Misses Maude and Mae Olson visited at the Grant Crone home last week.

Palacios Beacon, September 17, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Norine Gardner and Mr. Beazle, from Palacios, were guests at the Lewis home Saturday night and Sunday.

The Falls family were Sunday visitors at the Brown home.

Mrs. Marcy and nephew, Jesse, were entertained at the D. L. Brown home Sunday.

Messrs. Fluke Frankson and Ernest Abraham were callers here Saturday evening.

School opened here a week ago Monday with Miss Jeanette Lewis as teacher.

Messrs. Cavallin and Peterson from Port Also were callers here Tuesday.

Harley Lewis made a business trip to Blessing Tuesday.

Dolphie Abrahamson and Jessie James were business callers in Olivia Monday.

The Crone brothers sold a number of their cattle to Mr. Price of Palacios last week.

Palacios Beacon, October 1, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

A number from here attended the picnic across the bay last Wednesday night and all had a fine time.

The John Whyman family and Miss Ifland were guests at the Falls home Sunday.

The Howard and Neff families were entertained at the L. Brown home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frankson and Miss Gladys were Sunday afternoon callers at the Linquist home.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer and Miss Pearl of Palacios visited with the Slaikeu and Brown families Sunday.

Miss Maude Olson was a guest at the D. L. Brown home the first of the week.

Mr. Herbert Crane left here Monday morning for Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown and daughter Iona were Sunday visitors at the Olson home.

The literary society will meet at the lower school house Saturday night, Oct. 9.

Mesdames ____, Davis and Olson were visitors at the Grant Crone home Tuesday.

Several from here attended literary across the bay last Friday night. The program was short but good.

Palacios Beacon, October 8, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Mae Linquist, who has been staying at the H. L. Ashley home returned home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert and daughter, from Dayton, are here visiting relatives.

Mr. L. J. Slaikeu has been quite sick with malaria fever, but is some better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ashley are the proud parents of a 6 ½ pound girl, born Nov. 7. The baby was born with a tooth.

Mr. Roy Whyman was a Palacios suburb visitor Monday night.

Miss Mae Linquist and Mesrs. Dolph Abraham, Lenus Peterson, Fluke Frankson and Harley Lewis were guests at the Frankson home Sunday.

Mrs. G. Ashley, Mrs. G. Curtis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashley and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Church and daughters were callers at the H. L. Ashley home Sunday.

The Howard and Neff families were entertained at the John Whyman home Sunday.

Jessie James entertained a number of his friends at a party last Friday evening. A very pleasant time is reported.

Mrs. Linquist was a Sunday afternoon caller at the Loff home.

Ernest Abraham from Olivia visited with home folks Sunday.

Mr. E. Linquist is on the sick list at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Falls and daughter and Mrs. Adams and daughter were visitors at the John Whyman home Tuesday.

Mrs. D. L. Brown and daughter Iona were callers at the Hansen home Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Hansen is on the sick list.

Palacios Beacon, November 26, 1915

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Ruth Abrahamson and Mrs. Mary, and nephew, Earnest, were visitors at the D. L. Brown residence Sunday.

Mrs. Adams and daughter returned to their home in Ohio last Friday after a few weeks visit at the home of parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Miss Eda, visited at the Linquist home Sunday afternoon.

The Glanton family was entertained at the Frisbie home Sunday.

Miss Alice Howard spent Sunday with Miss Myrtle Falls.

Ernest Abrahamson from Olivia, visited on this side of the Bay Sunday.

John Falls is working for Mr. Cavallin of Olivia, at present.

Roy Whyman was a Palacios caller Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Hansen had the misfortune to lose a horse last week.

The Slaikeu family were pleasantly entertained at the Dr. Gray home Saturday night.

Too late for last week—Mr. Slaideu commenced building on his new house last week.

Mr. E. A. Linquist returned from Olivia, Minn. last week.

Mr. Fluke Frankson, from Olivia, visited at home Wednesday.

Miss Signa Frankson and Gladys called on Miss Mae Linquist Wednesday.

The Lutheran Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Loff last Saturday afternoon

Palacios Beacon, December 17, 1915


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