Carancahua News 1911


Carancahua Clippings

Not much news this week, everybody is froze up.

Mr. John Whyman and wife with their guests, Mr. Sam Whyman and wife, spent  Sunday in Palacios with a son of Mr. Sam Whyman.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helmer ate New Years dinner at L. Slaikeu’s and incidentally helped him celebrate his birthday.

Mr. George Johnston, after a holiday visit here with his folks, left Saturday for New Orleans, where he will resume his studies in the law school.

The Harleman family took dinner with Mr. Phillip and family Sunday.

School began Monday after a week’s vacation.

A party of hunters went up the river Saturday in the “Owl” and returned Sunday with a good supply of game. Messrs. Perkins, Nyberg and Larson made up the party.

The Christmas program given by the Sunday school at the church Saturday night was well attended considering the threatening weather. The program was interesting and well rendered. Carancahua has reason to feel proud of the ability of its young people and children.

The basket social given by the Swedish young people at the school house last Friday night was quite well attended by the male members of the community, but because of the absence of the ladies there were few baskets and the proceeds were not as large as the young people would have liked.

Palacios Beacon, January 6, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

There has been quite a good deal of sickness in the neighborhood the past week, severe colds being the prevailing complaint.

Mr Karvaline of Olivia, was calling on friends in this community Sunday and Monday.

Quite a good many from here attended the dedication of the new Swedish church at Olivia last Sunday.

Mr. Albert Frankson and Amil Larson drove over to Edna on business Tuesday returning Wednesday.

Dr. James Gray attended the funeral of Mr. Elder at Palacios Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Henry Baden was threshing broom corn for Mr. Hansen Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Foley of Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Carr of Hardy, Iowa called at the Phipps and Harleman homes last Saturday afternoon. They were all at one time neighbors in the north near Renwick, and Hardy, Iowa.

The Swedish Lutheran League held a meeting at the school house last Friday night. A large crowd was present and a good time enjoyed.

Mrs. G. H. Helmer went to Palacios Wednesday afternoon after some orange trees which had been shipped him from the Alvin Nursery. He expects to put out quite an orchard of Satsuma oranges.

Mr. Albert Rodelius was most agreeably surprised last Tuesday night when on returning home from town, he found a crowd of his neighbors awaiting him to help celebrate his birthday. The surprise was planned, the refreshments prepared and the neighbors invited during the day, in the absence of the father and mother by the children. They merit a good deal of praise for the enjoyment they afforded their father and the guests.

Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1911

Carancahua Clippings.

Wedding bells will soon ring for one of our young ladies.

Mr. D. L. Brown and family moved into the Holmes cottage this week.

Mr. Suders, who has been doing carpenter work in Olivia and Red Bluff the past two months, came over to Carancahua Saturday night and went to Palacios Tuesday.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. James Kelsey next Thursday afternoon, Feb. 2d. A large attendance is desired.

Mr. Conway and family came across the bay from Olivia Saturday night. He is tearing down his large barn and will build two houses, which will be occupied when completed by the Brown and Perkins families. W. C. and family expect to move to Port Lavaca in about three weeks.

The new church pews have arrived and are already set up in the church. They are fine pews and add much to the beauty of the church and the comfort of the church goers. The church people expect to begin revival meetings about February 5th with Rev. Williams, of Palacios in charge.

Palacios Beacon, January 27, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Levi Mann has been quite sick but is better at this writing.

Mr. Bontrager sold his farm near here, Saturday, to a man from Neb.

Rev. Bergman returned home Sunday evening from Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whyman, who have been visiting relatives here for some time, left Wednesday morning for their home in Spencerville, Ohio. They will stop enroute and visit a nephew in Kansas.

Some people from Indiana, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bontrager, were calling at the Levi Mann home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Mabel Brown visited friends and relatives in Palacios Friday and Saturday of last week.

Walter Galliford, who has been with the surveying gang for some time past, is at home for an indefinite stay.

Theo. F. Rock was in Carancahua on business Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bontrager came out from Palacios Saturday morning to see Mrs. Mann, who was quite sick. They went back to town Sunday evening.

The Swedish Lutheran League had an interesting meeting at the Crone home last Friday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. Gray have been entertaining his brother and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Batts, of Collegeport, this week. They made the trip Sunday morning by boat.

Mr. Hans Petersen went to Palacios Tuesday, where he will work on the new dormitory.

Miss Maud Olson is at home for a few days visit.

The Swedish young people will give a social at the Albert Frankson home next Friday night, Feb. 10, to which everybody is cordially invited. Coffee, cake and sandwiches will be served for the nominal sum of 20 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. Come and have a good time and incidentally help the young people raise money for all organ.

Mr. Conway and family came across the bay from Olivia Saturday night a week ago, Mr. Conway having finished his building contract, having built a modern Swedish Lutheran Church. The church and furnishings costing nearly $2,600. Mr. Conway is now tearing down his large barn and in its place will erect a comfortable bungalow residence. After its completion it will be cared for by Mr. Perkins as Mr. Conway expects to be gone a few months on business matters, he having several large building contracts. Upon his return to Carancahua, Mr. Perkins will build a neat residence on his own property. Mr. Conway has a splendid piece of property here that some one might rent. He is considering having a public sale on his personal property.

Palacios Beacon, February 10, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Swanson, of Olivia, is visiting friends in this neighborhood this week.

The social given by the Swedish young people at the Frankson home last Saturday night was well attended and every one seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. A large crowd of young people from Olivia came over in the “Lily Bird.” The sum of $12 was realized.

Mr. Loff had the misfortune to lose a horse last week.

Mr. Hans Petersen who has been laying brick on the new dormitory in Palacios was home Sunday and Monday for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sutterfield and Will Sutterfield, of Palacios, made a short call on her folks Saturday evening.

Hereafter our mail carrier, Mr. Brown is to make but three trips a week to Palacios for the mail.

Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and daughter, Ora, went to Palacios last Friday, where they will return a few weeks before returning to their northern home. They were good neighbors and we hate to lose them from our community but hope they have been benefitted by our mild climate and will return to us next fall.

Mrs. J. Harleman was calling on old Iowa friends in Palacios last Friday. There are five families from her home town in Palacios now.

The Carancahua Ladies Aid Society will give a “measuring” social in Mr. Conway’s new house next Tuesday evening, February 28th. The following invitation is for everybody.

“A measuring party is given for you;
‘Tis something novel, something new.
We young ladies ask all to come,
And each one bring to aid us some;
Two cents for every foot you’re tall,
We’ll measure you on door or wall;
An extra cent for each inch give,
And thereby show how high you live,
With music and some refreshments and pleasure,
We’ll meet one and all at our party of measure.”

Palacios Beacon, February 24, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

The school teacher, James Ward, is sick with the mumps, so the school is having a vacation this week.

The John Whyman, Neff and Howard families visited Mr. Marion Reece and wife in Palacios Sunday.

Mrs. Mann, who has seemed on the road to recovery the past week, has had a relapse and is in bed again. She certainly has had a hard siege of sickness, and her many friends sympathize deeply with the family.

Miss Nannie Stanford was hostess last Friday evening to the Swedish Lutheran League. The evening was spent in a social manner and the young people enjoyed a very happy evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Craig and family spent Sunday with the Falls family.

Mr. Linquist and family are now nicely settled in the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Perkins. We are glad to welcome this estimable family in our community.

Mr. Seiders came out from Palacios Tuesday to help Mr. Conway on his new house.

A party of young people from Palacios accompanied by the Brown family of this place went up the Carancahua river Sunday on a pleasure trip. Mrs. Brown accompanied them back to Palacios for a day’s visit with relatives.

Howard Packard has struck a job as cow boy on the Ward ranch and took up his duties this week.

“The “Measuring” social given by the Ladies Aid Society at the Conway residence Tuesday night was well attended and a success in every way. Everyone was perfectly satisfied with the bountiful supper of oysters, cake, pickles and coffee provided. The program was short, but snappy and provoked a good deal of merriment. A very happy evening was enjoyed by all.

Palacios Beacon, March 3, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. John Sutterfield and Will Sutterfield, of Palacios, called on her folks Saturday evening.

Mr. J. L. Harleman returned home Wednesday from Edna where he had been since the Saturday before. He was called to serve on the jury, but through the kindness of the judge he was excused and allowed to return home to his farm work.

Miss Maude Olson came home Saturday from Mr. Bollings, where she had been for several weeks helping Mrs. Bolling.

Mr. Albert Frankson is having a new well put down on his farm near here. Mr. Amil Larson’s machine which was formerly owned by Herman Schleisser, is doing the work.

The Carancahua Ladies Aid Society held its monthly meeting with Mrs. John Whyman last week Wednesday afternoon. A goodly number of ladies were present and a pleasant afternoon enjoyed.

Mr. Charles Christian, a cousin of the Sutterfield boys of Palacios, visited at the Brom home last week.

There was a dance at Mr. John’s Saturday night.

The Swedish Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Albert Frankson last Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Hans Petersen went to work on the new dormitory at Palacios, Wednesday, after a few days at home.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallner and son, Cecil, of Palacios, and Mr. and Mrs. MeKelloy, of Albton, Nebraska, called on Mr. Brom and family Sunday.

W. C. Conway is working in the planning mill at Port Lavaca.

Mr. Sam Schliesser assisted by Mr. Seiders of Palacios, is building a large new barn on his farm near here.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard and daughter, Alice, who have been visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Neff and family, the past two months, left for their home near Lima, Ohio last Friday morning. They expected to stop at Sherman, Texas, for a few days visit with relatives. Mrs. Bugoon, also from Lima, Ohio, who has spent the winter in this vicinity and Palacios returned with them.

Dr. James A. Gray left Tuesday for Lake Charles, La., where he was called to attend the wife of Mr. Dudley McWilliams, who is seriously ill at her home in that place. Dr. Gray was the family’s former physician. He will return Saturday.

Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1911      

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Hans Petersen came home from Palacios Tuesday evening, having finished his mason work there.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown entertained at Easter dinner Sunday, Mrs. Sutterfield and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutterfield, Will Sutterfield and Miss Ring of Palacios.

A jolly party composed of the Cropp, Gustin, Hilts and Harelman families and Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu drove over near Beulah last week, (Wednesday) after dewberries. They did not get many berries, but saw some beautiful country and had a good time.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff, Laura Petersen and Myrtle Benedum were entertained at the John Whyman home Easter Sunday.

Mr. Chas. Morris came out from Palacios in his auto Monday. He took Mr. Helmer’s row boat and went across the bay on business.

Messrs. Bateman and Williams, of Palacios, were in our little village Saturday night on a business and pleasure trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Whyman took dinner with the Will Schleisser family Sunday.

The “Owl,” Ed. Nyberg’s sail boat, took a party up the Carancahua river berry hunting Monday. Mrs. Neff, the Misses Emma and May Linquist, Gus Linquist and Ed. Nyberg comprised the party. At this writing they have not returned yet.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helmer and A. E. Petersen were Easter guests at the Slaikeu home.

Palacios Beacon, April 21, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Farmers are almost too busy to eat these days.

Two young men from Ganado visited last week with Jess Hollingshead and Henry Ashley at the Geo. Ashley home.

Drs. Baldwin and Wagner and families visited a short time at the Dr. Gray home Monday afternoon.

Howard Packard spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. L. Harleman and family.

A five foot alligator was shot of Mr. Gus Butis, near the wharf, Monday evening. He skinned it and expects to take it north with him when he goes next week.

A baby girl arrived at the Olson home over the stork line one day last week. Mother and child doing nicely.

Miss Minnie Abrahamson is at home for a few days rest and recreation.

The Carancahua Sunday school will observe Children’s Day next Sunday at 2 o’clock with a program. Everybody will be welcome.

The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Geo. Ashley last Thursday afternoon. There were nine ladies present and considerable business was transacted. New officers for the coming year were elected. Mrs. Neff, president; Mrs. James Kelsey, vice-president; Mrs. Harleman secretary and Mrs. Slaikeu, treasurer.

A crowd of Swedish people came from Olivia to Carancahua in Ed Wyberg’s sail boat Monday evening and went to Palacios Tuesday morning to attend the Swedish Mission meeting at the Baptist church. Those in the party were: Rev. and Mrs. Demstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and baby and Mrs. Skogberg and mother, Mrs. Haterius. A good many Swedish people from this neighborhood also attended the meeting.

About forty people went across the bay to the barbecue given by the Olivia people last Friday. We were certainly treated fine. Besides the…roast ox…; bread, pickles, cake, pie, coffee and lemonade was served free to everybody. The Olivia people are noted for their sociability and everyone there seemed to enjoy themselves immensely; if they did not it was their own fault. A riding tournament, boxing and a baseball game were provided for the entertainment of the people. An address of welcome was given by Mr. Gates, a talk on Agriculture by Mr. Moore and a talk on the Sunday School by Mr. Taylor.

Palacios Beacon, May 19, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. George Johnston, who has been attending the law school at Tulane University, New Orleans, the past year, arrived home Friday and will spend his vacation at the parental home.

Mrs. Earl Grant and children, of Palacios, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the Cropp and Gustin families.

The Halmer and John Sutterfield families visited at the L. D. Brown home Sunday and attended the children’s day exercises at the church in the afternoon.

There was a large crowd at the church Sunday to hear, the children’s program. It was well rendered and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Messrs. Dwight and Earl Grant and families and Mr. Seiders were Sunday evening callers at the Dr. Gray home.

The Abrahamson and Loff families called on E. A. Peterson Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Cropp visited friends in Palacios Saturday.

The Carancahua Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. George Cutis next Thursday, June 1st.

Palacios Beacon, May 26, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Iona Brown has been sick with jaundice the past week, but is much better at this writing.

Mr. Caraline, of Olivia, was visiting friends around here Saturday and Sunday and taking the census of the school children in this part of Calhoun county.

Mr. J. L. Harleman and family Sundayed at the Levi Mann home.

A party of young people spent a pleasant evening at the Stanford home this week. They departed at a late hour voting Miss Nannie a pleasant entertainer.

Mr. Gus Butts left Saturday for his old home in Minnesota after spending the winter with his home folks here.

Mr. John Whyman is entertaining an old boyhood friend of his, Mr. Burnett, who came here from Sarah, Okla., where he has been living the past year. In their boyhood days in Ohio they were close neighbors and friends and they are having a good time talking of the days when they were young.

Mr. Hans Petersen is building a fireplace and chimney in the new Louderback residence near Turtle Bay.

Rev. Dallas Williams, of Palacios, will preach to us Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, following the Sunday school, which will be at 2 o’clock. Everybody try to attend these services and get food for the hungry soul.

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Neff celebrated their wedding anniversary Sunday by partaking of a bountiful dinner and a pleasant visit at the Gishwiller home.

Sunday, June 18, our church will be dedicated to Christ. Rev. Alexander, the District Supt., and our pastor, Rev. Williams will conduct the all day services and we are planning on having a great day. Let everybody come and enjoy a feast of good things.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sutterfield and Miss Ring, of Palacios spent Tuesday evening at the Brown home.

We are glad to state that our postoffice will be served with daily mail after June 1.

Palacios Beacon, June 2, 1911

Next Sunday, the 11th, the Turtle Bay Sunday school will meet at Mr. Hatcher’s. There will be no Sunday school or preaching on Sunday, the 18th, on account of the dedication of Methodist church at Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, June 16, 1911

The Beacon
is pleased to acknowledge receipt of an invitation to attend the dedication of the new Methodist church just completed at Carancahua, on Sunday, the 18th inst. The services will be under the direction of the Presiding Elder, Rev. Alexander, and will continue during the day. Rev. Williams, pastor of the Palacios church, will preach. At the noon hour a basket dinner will be served. These services are public and everybody is invited to attend. The good people of Carancahua are to be congratulated upon their enterprise and energy in providing for themselves a place of worship in such a short time. They are the kind of folks it takes to settle and develop new countries and establish desirable communities.

Palacios Beacon, June 16, 1911

Carancahua Clippings.
(Crowded out last week.)

Bathing in the bay is the chief enjoyment of many of our people these warm days.

Miss Nannie Stanford spent Sunday with Lola and Hattie Crone.

The ice cream social given by the Lutheran League at the school house last Friday night proved to be a great success. The amount received was $14. A large crowd came over from Olivia and all reported a very enjoyable time.

Mrs. F. O. Crone met with an accident Sunday evening by spraining an ankle. It was very painful at the time, but is getting along as well as can be expected. It will be some time before she will be able to use her foot.

Miss Mabel Brown visited relatives in Palacios a few days this week.

The Dorcas Society met at the home of Mrs. F. O. Crone last Thursday afternoon. Light refreshments were served and the afternoon was spent in a very sociable way.

Mr. Levi Mann and family took dinner and spent the afternoon with the John Whyman family last Sunday.

Miss Pearl Helmer, who has spent the past eight months with relatives and friends in northern Iowa, returned home last Friday. Everybody was glad to see her again.

Palacios Beacon, June 23, 1911

Presiding Elder Rev. Alexander, preached at the M. E. church last Sunday morning, having held the quarterly conference of the Palacios church the previous evening. In the afternoon Rev. Alexander went to Carancahua and delivered a sermon at the dedication of the new church just completed there. Rev. Williams, pastor of the Palacios church, preached at Carancahua Sunday morning, and has been holding a series of meetings at the church during the past week.

Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Fluke Frankson has been on the sick list the past week.

Mrs. James Kelsey spent Tuesday with Mrs. Warren Snodgrass in Palacios.

Mr. G. H. Helmer hauled out a load of lumber from Palacios Tuesday for Dr. Gray. He will use it to build the cabin on his new boat.

Mr. Frankson has just completed a large new barn with a commodious shed along one side. He is an up-to-date farmer and his crops are the best in the neighborhood. He will have a bumper corn crop.

A petition is being circulated in this neighborhood to have a new road put through from here to Edna. It goes without saying that everyone will sign.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snodgrass, who visited relatives and friends at Olivia last week, came over to Carancahua Sunday and Mr. Frankson took them to their home in Palacios. Miss Ruby Holmes, a cousin of Mrs. Snodgrass accompanied them for a visit.

Mr. D. L. Brown and family were entertained at the John Whyman home Sunday.

Rev. Williams will preach for us again next Sunday at 3 o’clock. Sunday school will convene at 2 o’clock. We would be pleased to have a large crowd at these services.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet next week Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Frisbie. A large attendance is desired.

The Cropp and Gustin families were royally entertained at the Gishwiller home Sunday.

Miss Pearl Helmer went to Palacios Monday to spend a week with Mrs. Pasal.

Mr. Will Hughes, of Palacios is plowing cotton for Mr. Halmer this week.

Mr. John Sutterfield was a Sunday guest at the Brown home.

Mr. Lindquist has built a new porch on the east side of his residence on the bay shore.

Palacios Beacon, July 7, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Frankson has been on the sick list the past week.

Messrs. Cropp and Gustin are havesting the broom corn on Mr. Conway’s 5 acre tract.

Mr. Frankson has had a large crew at work this week harvesting and threshing broom corn which was grown on Mr. Helmer’s farm.

Howard Packard Sundayed with his sister, Mrs. Harleman and family.

Mr. Perkins has been in Galveston the past two weeks, visiting his daughter, Mrs. Conway and family.

Mr. Seiders came out from Palacios Monday and Tuesday morning went across the bay to Olivia to see Dr. Brookings about a new house which he is to build for him soon. He returned to Palacios Wednesday.

Mrs. J. L. Harleman visited friends in Palacios Monday.

Mr. John Whyman and family took dinner and spent the afternoon at the Harleman home last Sunday. Likewise, the Cropp and Gustin families were entertained at the Frisbie home; Mr. Allie Whyman and family at the Slaikeu home; Mr. and Mrs. Mann and Miss Pearl Helmer at the Brown home; Mr. Craig and family at the Falls home; Miss Laura Peterson with Mrs. Perkins and Ed Nyberg at the Neff home.

Palacios Beacon, July 21, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Perkins left here Tuesday for Galveston where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. W. Conway and family.

The Cropp and Gustin families took dinner with Levi Mann and family last Sunday.

Miss Mable Brown spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Laura Sutterfield of Palacios.

The Carancahua Ladies Aid Society met with Signe Frankson Thursday. Eight of the ladies were present and enjoyed a good meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff and Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman attended the Baptist Encampment in Palacios last Sunday.

The Misses Mae and Emma Linquist and Larvia Peterson, who have been in Palacios the past few weeks, returned home Tuesday.

Mr. A. E. Peterson is building a shed for his Kaffir corn and other feed.

Mr. A. Loff took a load of fat hogs to Mr. Ruthven of Palacios Wednesday.

Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1911

It is told of a Carancahua farmer that he drove into the cotton gin one night last week, arriving here about midnight, and came at that late hour with the expectation that he would be first in line to get his cotton ginned the next morning, but found when he got here that there were six other loads ahead of him. The gin is having a big run just now, but is keeping up with the work in good shape.

Palacios Beacon, September 8, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

A bright little baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Larson, last Friday.

Mrs. Olson and daughter Maude called on Miss Laura Petersen Wednesday afternoon.

The Cropp and Gustin families started Tuesday afternoon for Oklahoma. They will drive through. Their many friends here join in wishing them a safe and pleasant journey.

School started Monday with an enrollment of about thirty.

Mr. Harleman and family spent last Sunday with the Widmann family of Palacios. They were old friends back in Iowa.

Mr. Emil Larson’s gang is putting down a well for Mr. Andrew Loff.

Mr. G. Harris returned from Galveston Monday. He said it was too hot in the city for him.

Messrs. Cropp and Gustin and families were entertained at the Neff home Sunday.

Dr. James A. Gray expects to launch his new boat “Delilah,” Friday.

Messrs. Frankson, Helmer, Cropp and Gustin hauled their broom corn to Palacios Monday and sold it to Mr. Sisson.

Palacios Beacon, September 22, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

How thankful we are for the rains we have been having the past week. We are all busy putting in gardens now days.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Harleman next Thursday afternoon All the ladies in the neighborhood are invited.

Mr. J. S. Kelsey arrived home last Friday from Galveston where he has been staying for some time past. His wife is still with her mother in Illinois and expects to be home October 1st.

Dr. Gray, with the help of his neighbors, launched his boat the “Delilah’ last Friday. He gave it a try out last Sunday and is well pleased with it. Dr. George Johnston and Jess Hollingshead went in it to Palacios from where George took the train Wednesday morning for New Orleans where he will take up his law studies at the University for the coming year. The Dr. and Jess returned home Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. G. Harris sold his sail boat to parties in Palacios and Monday Walter Galliford and J. S. Kelsey delivered it.

The “Marguerite” came out Thursday and Friday started for Galveston with a load of rice belonging to Ashley, Lewis and Curtis. They will be back and take another load.

Mr. Seiders came out from Palacios with Dr. Gray in his launch Wednesday and will look after business here for a few days.

Ed Nyberg came back from Galveston last Friday. He is having a serious time with a sore arm.

Guy Karaline was seen on our streets Saturday evening.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Maude Olson visited with Laura Petersen last week.

The Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. J. L. Harleman last Thursday afternoon. There were thirteen ladies present and a good time enjoyed. The meeting will be with Mrs. G. H. Helmer, Nov. 2.

Misses Laura Petersen and Emma and May Linquist took dinner with the John Whyman family Sunday.

Mr. Emil Larson has finished putting down an artesian well for Mr. Loff and is now at Mr. Frisbie’s trying for a well there.

The Margaret took another load of rice to Galveston Thursday for Messrs. Lewis, Ashley and Curtis.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff entertained the Levi Mann family at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Whyman were Sunday afternoon callers at Dr. Gray’s.

Mrs. J. S. Kelsey returned home Tuesday night. Her mother, Mrs. Heydiant, came with her for a visit.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Frisbie has been suffering a good deal lately with rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown and Ione spent Sunday with relatives in Palacios.

Ed Nyberg is husking corn for Mr. Adam Loff.

The Crone family visited at the John Whyman home Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Harleman and Slaikeu baled their hay the past week. They had about 20 tons. Mr. Frankson is making hay and baling it also this week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wayman entertained Mrs. Slaikeu and children Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller were Palacios visitors Wednesday.

Mr. Robertson and son took dinner at the Lindquist home last Sunday.

Rev. Demstrom, of Olivia, will preach in the church week from next Sunday, Oct. 29, at 10 o’clock a. m. The Methodist Sunday school will convene in the afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Mr. A. E. Peterson was a Sunday visitor at the Levi Mann home.

Mr. Allie Whyman went over to Mr. Karoline’s on business last Sunday. Dr. Gray and family took him and his family over in the launch.

Ed Nyberg makes regular trips to Port Also on Wednesdays and Sundays. This will be a great accommodation to people on both sides of the bay and no doubt many will take advantage of it.

Mr. Helmer fell last Friday while unloading hay and has been suffering a good deal from it.

The Helmer and Slaikeu families were guests of Dr. Gray and wife on a fishing trip Wednesday. The trip was made in Dr.’s new launch “Delilah.” Picnic dinner was thoroughly enjoyed at noon and a very pleasant day was spent.

Palacios Beacon, October 27, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

Minnie Abrahamson is quite sick at her home near here.

Emil Larson finished a well for Mr. Frisbie last week. He got a good flow of water.

Mabel Brown, who has been staying in Palacios with her sister for some time, came home Tuesday evening for a few days.

Mr. G. Harris spent Saturday and Sunday in Galveston.

Mr. Hollingshead, of Markham, visited his son Jess and the Ashleys a few days last week.

Levi Mann and family expect to leave the first of next week for their new home near Goshen, Indiana.

Mr. A. W. Wilson, wife and two sons, of Bowling Green, Ohio, arrived Tuesday to spend the winter with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Falls and family.

A change has been made in the arrangement of services for next Sunday. The Methodist Sunday school will convene at 10 o’clock a. m. instead of 2 p. m. and the Swedish services, conducted by Rev. Demstrom, of Olivia, will be at 1 o’clock a. m. Everybody will be welcome.

Mr. Kluth and wife, of Elkhart, Indiana, who will live on the farm vacated by Levi Mann, arrived Tuesday. Carancahua people will gladly welcome them to our community. Mrs. Kluth’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Haynes and daughter are expected soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashley spent a few days last week at the Ashley and Curtis homes.

Palacios Beacon, November 10, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

We are indeed thankful for the bountiful rain that came to gladden vegetation this week. It was much needed.

Mr. and Mrs. Haynes called at the John Whyman home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. G. Harris was a Sunday evening caller at the James Kelsey home.

Mrs. D. L. Brown was called to Palacios Sunday to help care for a new grandson which arrived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Sutterfield that morning.

Mr. Kariline, of Olivia, brought over the seats for the school house in this part of Calhoun county Sunday afternoon in the “Minnie A,” Ed. Nybergs sail boat. School will probably begin soon.

The new song books for the Methodist Sunday School came last week and were given a trial Sunday. Everybody is well pleased with them and renewed interest is taken in the choir practice which meets at the church every Sunday evening. The meetings are not only for the choir but for everybody who enjoys singing.

Mr. Seiders came out from Palacios Saturday evening and Sunday Dr. Gray took him and Mr. Slaikeu to Palacios where they took the train Monday morning for Lolita to do carpenter work.

Mr. Emil Larson has just completed another fine well for Herman Schliesser.

Messrs. Frankson and Larson drove to Matagorda Sunday on business.

Miss May Lindquist went to Palacios last Friday for an indefinite stay.

Mr. Porter and son, of Palacios, came out in their auto one day last week and took Dr. Gray and Jess Hollingshead up the river on a hunting trip. They were not very successful in their hunt for deer.

Mr. Hans Petersen is expected home from Minnesota soon.

Word has been received from Mr. N. Slaikeu that if the cold weather up there continues he will soon start for Texas. We will all be glad to welcome him back again.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

School will commence in the school house over by Mr. Whyman’s, next Monday with Miss Minnie Hunt, of Palacios, as teacher. She will board with Mrs. Allie Whyman.

Jess Hollingshead and Mr. Craig went up the river one day last week on a hunting trip. Jess was fortunate in bagging a deer.

The attendance at Sunday School last Sunday was very small, only six being present.

Rev. Williams, of Palacios, will be with us again next Sunday to preach at 3 o’clock. Sunday School will convene at 2 o’clock. Everybody come out and hear a good sermon. We gladly welcome him back for another year’s work among us.

Mr. G. Harris went to Houston Monday to attend the carnival.

Han Petersen returned home Tuesday from St. Paul, Minnesota, where he has spent the past summer. He stopped at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and visited a brother on his way home.

Word was received lately form Mrs. Cropp that their wandering had ceased and they and Mr. Gustins were located at West Plains, Missouri. They were all well.

Mr. Enoch Hallner came out from Palacios Wednesday for a few days stay.

Palacios Beacon, November 24, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

The Misses Mabel and Iona Brown were in Palacios Sunday making the acquaintance of their new nephew, Messaline Sutterfield.

Mrs. George Ashley arrived home Sunday from a three weeks visit with relatives in North Texas. Henry Ashley, who has been up there some time returned home with her.

Mr. Abraham is building a new barn.

There was a large attendance at Sunday school and preaching last Sunday and Rev. Williams gave us an excellent sermon, the kind that inspires us with a greater desire to live a better life.

The Swedish Sunday School have joined forces with the Methodist School and are preparing a fine program for Xmas.

Miss Minnie Hunt, of Palacios, came out Sunday and began teaching Monday morning in the school house near Mr. Whyman’s.

Palacios Beacon, December 1, 1911

Carancahua Clippings

A bright baby girl came to gladden the home of Will Schliesser ___day night.

A dairyman from near Elkhart, Indiana, a friend of the Kluth family came out from Palacios Monday night for a visit. He is prospecting this county with a view to locating.

Messrs. Williamson and Sutterfield came out in a launch Tuesday night. They were searching for a boat that had been stolen while up East Carancahua river sometime ago.

Messrs. Jess Hollingshead, Ed Nyberg and Walter Galliford started Monday on a visit to Jess’ folks who live at Matagorda. They went in the ‘Minnie A,” Ed’s sail boat.

Miss May Linquist who had been in Palacios for some time returned home Tuesday night. Mr. Dayton Lafayette Brown brought her out from town.

Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie and family are enjoying a visit from her son and brother, Rev. Frisbie, of Oklahoma. He gave a short talk Sunday after Sunday school and preached in the church Thanksgiving night. He returned to his home in Oklahoma Monday morning.

Messrs. Frankson and Hans Peterson drove over to Mr. Bollings Monday. Mr. Peterson bought a team of mules and will try his hand at farming this next year.

The Allie Whyman family and Miss Minnie Hunt enjoyed the hospitality of the Dr. Grays home Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff ate Thanksgiving dinner at Mr. John Whymans.

Mr. and Mrs. Johns entertained Mr. Hans Peter and daughter Laura to Thanksgiving dinner last week.

Miss Minnie Hunt is in Port Lavaca taking the teachers examination.

Messrs. G. Harris and John Turners were Thanksgiving guests at the Kelley home.

Mr. and Mrs. Crone entertained a large crowed of friends Thanksgiving. Among the guests were the Linquist and Frankson families.

Howard Packard was a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harleman.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson entertained relatives from Palacios last Thursday.

Mrs. Allie Whyman entertained at dinner last Sunday in honor of Mr. Whyman’s birthday. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Haines and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kluth and Mr. and [Mrs.] John Whyman.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sutterfield and baby son came out from Palacios Saturday for a visit with her folks.

A birthday party in honor of Will Brown was given at his home Saturday night. An enjoyable time was had by all present.

Mr. N. Slaikeu arrived Saturday from Iowa to spend the winter with his son, Lionel and family.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1911


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