Carancahua News 1912


Carancahua Clippings

Rev. Williams, of Palacios, will preach for us next Sunday, Dec. 31, instead of the week following. Sunday School at 2 p. m., and preaching at 3 o’clock. Everybody come out and hear a good sermon.

George Johnston, son of Mrs. Dr. Gray, arrived from New Orleans last Saturday to spend his vacation at home. Dr. Gray and Jess Hollingshead went to Palacios in the “Delilah” after him.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rasmussen and son Raymond, of Goldfield, Iowa, arrived in Palacios Friday and came out to Carancahua Saturday for a two weeks visit with the Helmer and Slaikeu families. Mrs. Rasmussen if a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff spent Christmas at the John Whyman home.

The Brown family were entertained by relatives in Palacios Christmas day.

The Christmas program given by the Swedish and Methodist Sunday Schools at the church Monday night was well rendered and entertaining. A large crowd was present despite the muddy roads. The tree was very beautiful and the primary classes were made happy by the generous treat given them.

A crowd of young people went across the bay to Olivia in the “Minnie A” Tuesday night to an entertainment.

Miss Mabel Brown has been enjoying a visit from an old friend, Mr. Arthur, of Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashley and a friend of the Ashley boys, Mr. Dike, of Markham, spent Christmas with the Geo. Ashley family.

Palacios Beacon, January 12, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Ed Nyberg went to Palacios in his sail boat “Minnie A” Monday for a load of posts for a man who is going to fence his property down near Mr. John Whymans.

L. J. Skaikeu went across the bay Monday to help Seiders and Anderson build the new schoolhouse at Olivia. Dr. Gray took him across on the “Delilah” with Mr. Kelsey as pilot. The engine took a balky spell and in consequence the men had to spend the night on the bay, reaching home the next day about noon.

Walter Galliford went to Galveston Monday to visit his mother.

Mr. Blakeslee and family, of Palacios, were here last Friday looking after property they own here.

D. L. Brown and family have rented the Jordan house and took possession last week. Mr. Brown built a shed for his horses.

Mr. and Mrs. George Helmer and daughter Pearl arrived home Tuesday night from their visit with Mr. Helmer’s brother and wife at League City. They were at Galveston one day where they went out to see the war vessels.

Last week we neglected to mention the arrival of a new son at the Andrew Loff home.

Mr. N. Skaikeu and son Lionel went across the bay Saturday in a row boat and before they got ready to return a norther was on and they were obliged to seek refuge at Mr. Petersen’s until the next day when the bay was calmer, and they rowed back without any mishap.

Palacios Beacon, January 19, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Emil Larson is quite sick with some nervous trouble.

Mrs. Laura Sutterfield and baby have been spending the past two weeks with her folks, the D. L. Brown family.

Mrs. Ed Nyberg took Messrs. Geo. and Ed Zeigler and Roy Whyman to Port Lavaca Saturday morning on the “Minnie A.” The Zeigler brothers who are from Ohio have been here the past two weeks improving their property. They built 440 rods of fence and expect to have their land broke up this summer. They returned from Port Lavaca Sunday evening and left Wednesday morning for their home. They have been staying at the John Whyman home while here.

Mrs. Allie Whyman went to Palacios last Friday to meet her father Mr. Scott Neeley and his brother Mr. Frank Neeley who arrived from Ohio for a visit with his daughter and family. Mr. Scott Neeley owns property near here.

L. J. Slaikeu came across the bay Saturday evening for an over Sunday visit with his family.

Howard Packard was a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. L. Harleman.

Guy Karaline was visiting a friend on this side of the bay Sunday.

Minnie Hunt spent Saturday and Sunday with her folks in Palacios.

Miss Mabel Brown entertained about fifteen of her friends at her home Friday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent.

Mr. Lyle Arthur, who has been spending the past month with friends here, expects to leave for Nebraska Friday morning. Miss Mabel Brown will accompany him for a visit with relatives and friends.

There was a meeting at the school house Monday night for the purpose of discussing the new bridge which is to be built across Turtle bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Whyman and her father and uncle went for a ride on the bay with Dr. and Mrs. Gray Tuesday. They took their guns along but didn’t get much game.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. G. Harris returned home from Galveston Sunday morning.

Mr. Grant, of Palacios, and Mr. Seider ate dinner Sunday at the Gishwiller home.

L. J. Slaikeu came over from Olivia Saturday night and spent Sunday at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belknap, of Ceylon, Minn., and Mrs. Wilson Belkhap, of Palacios, were guests at the G. H. Helmer home last Thursday.

Messrs. Frankson and Sealock made a business trip to Edna Monday.

Word was received this week of the marriage of Miss Mabel Brown to Mr. Lyle Arthur at Spaulding, Neb. We extend congratulations.

The Valentine social at the Geo. Helmer home Wednesday night was a most enjoyable affair. A fair sized crowd was present and merriment was at its height until a late hour.

Rev. Dallas Williams gave us an excellent sermon last Sunday and all present must have felt repaid for being there.

Palacios Beacon, February 23, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

The Crone family are enjoying a visit from Mr. Crone’s brother and wife from Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hahner and son and Mrs. Laura Sutterfield, of Palacios, came out Sunday to spend the day at the D. L. Brown home. Mrs. Sutterfield remained for a week’s visit.

The Linquist family entertained about eighteen young people at supper Sunday night.

Mr. Crone and his brother and Mr. Linquist spent Sunday with friends across the bay.

Will Brown is at home again, Mr. Kelsey having taken his place on the fishing boat.

Mr. A. C. Egg, of Edna, was on our streets Tuesday.

Drs. Wagner and Baldwin and Mr. Powell, of Palacios, were at Dr. Gray’s Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Baldwin and Mr. Powell went across the bay in the “Minnie A.”

Howard Packard was a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harleman.

Mr. John Whyman and family were guests at the L. J. Slaikeu home Sunday.

Mr. Crone and wife and his brother and wife were visitors at the Frankson home Wednesday.

Next Thursday, Feb. 29, will be the last day of a very successful term of school in our district, James Harbison teacher. The pupils and young people in the neighborhood will give an entertainment in the evening followed by a basket social. Everybody cordially invited. Girls don’t forget your baskets.

Palacios Beacon, March 1, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mesdames Kelsey, Heydlauf and Packard were Palacios visitors Monday.

Rev. Williams preached a good sermon to those present last Sunday. It is regretted that more were not there to hear him.

Miss Laura Petersen visited with Mrs. Johns last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and children went to Palacios Monday and took the train Tuesday morning for Bay City where they will make their home for awhile.

Rev Swanlund, of Texas City, Texas, held services in the school house Sunday morning and evening. A good sized crowd was out to hear him.

Mr. Erick Petersen was a guest of the Crone family Sunday.

School closed last Thursday after a very successful six months term taught by James Harbison. In the evening a very interesting program was rendered by the school assisted by outside talent. The young people who took part in some of the mirth provoking dialogues showed unusual talent of a high order. The basket supper at the close of the program was a fit ending for a very happy evening. Herbert Crone acted as auctioneer and the bidding was fair. $15.70 was realized from the sale of the baskets.

Palacios Beacon, March 15, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

One of Mr. A. T. Whyman’s oxen died awhile ago, and last week he went across the bay and bought one of Mr. Swanson.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society had an interesting session last Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Jo__ Whyman’s. Nine ladies and three gentlemen were present.

Mr. Frankson has been doing some breaking on the Ed. Zeig___ farm near Mr. Whyman’s.

Frankson & Larson are putting down a well for Mr. Sasse near Turtle bay.

The Swedish Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs. Loff this week on Thursday.

Dr. and Mrs. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey and Mr. Helmer started for Palacios in the “Delilah” Sunday afternoon but did not get there till Monday. Mr. Helmer returned home Tuesday afternoon but the rest of the party did not get home till Wednesday afternoon. They had experiences which they did not care to repeat.

Mr. L. J. Slaikeu and Mr. Anderson, who have been working on the new school house at Olivia, went across the bay in Jess Hollingsworth’s launch Saturday evening. Mr. Anderson, who has been feeling poorly the past week or two, went to Palacios Sunday for a few days rest, and will go back to work when feeling better. Mr. Slaikeu will remain at home a couple of weeks to put in his crops, then will go back to help finish the building. It shows up pretty large from this side of the bay and work on it is progressing nicely. It is ready for the cem___ on the outside. It will be a ___ building when completed and one that any city might be proud of. This speaks well for the enterprising citizens of Calhoun county.

A birthday surprise party was given Albion Greenberg Tuesday night by the teacher and pupils by Pybus lake school and others, in fact we were told that all of Calhoun county, with the exception of ___ were present. Refreshments of cake, coffee, bananas and cream and candy were served. Those present to enjoy the feast of good things were Mr. Allen T. Whyman, Misses Opal and Ola Whyman, Roy Whyman, Miss Minnie Hunt, Herbert Crone, the Misses Lola, Hat[tie], Verda and Hazel Crone, Albert Linquist, Hans Peterson, Mr. Greenberg and Lesley and Albin Greenberg.

Palacios Beacon, March 22, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family came out from Palacios Saturday for a visit at the parental home.

Mr. J. L. Harleman went across the bay Sunday to see his brother-in-law, Howard Packard.

Mr. Falls has been building a kitchen on the residence of G. B. Harris.

Simon Neff and family were Sunday evening visitors at the Gishwiller home.

Our old neighbor R. S. Perkins, has returned for a weeks end visit here. He has been residing the year past at Port Bolivar, Texas, just recently having moved his family from Galveston. According to Mr. Perkins’ perception no place looks quite so good to him as Jackson county after all.

Palacios Beacon, April 26, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Howard Packard is the owner of a fine new buggy. Now watch the girls smile at him.

Miss Mae Linquist left Monday for Palacios where she took the early morning train for St. Paul, Minn., to spend the summer with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Helmer, of League City, arrived in Carancahua Wednesday afternoon for a visit with his brother and family. They made the trip in their fine Ford auto.

Dr. and Mrs. Gray and her mother enjoyed a dinner and social evening at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Mr. N. Slaikeu, who has spent the winter here with his son and family, left Monday for Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman entertained the Will Schliesser family Sunday.

The Frankson young people entertained a number of friends Sunday evening.

Mr. A. L. Wilson and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Craig home.

Mr. A. Whyman and family called at the Kelsey home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kelsey entertained at dinner Saturday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Halloway.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and family and Mr. H. Slaikeu were pleasantly entertained at dinner Sunday at the G. H. Helmer home.

Palacios Beacon, May 10, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Miss Nannie Stanford spent Sunday with her friend, Hattie Crone.

Mr. Hans Peterson went across the bay Wednesday to build a chimney on Victor Demstrom’s new house.

Mr. Harleman and family went up to the woods for dewberries Tuesday.

Rev. Demstrom, of Olivia, preached a good sermon to an attentive audience at the church Sunday.

Jess Hollingshead took Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu, Pearl Helmer and Walter Gilliford up the river in his launch last Friday after dewberries. About 8 gallons of berries was picked.

We were requested to announce a meeting to be held at the school near Schleissers on Tuesday, May 14, at 8 p. m. The question to be considered is a Fourth of July celebration. Everyone interested is requested to be present.

Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Robert Ashley is here from Markham for a visit with his parents.

Mr. George Johnston returned from New Orleans last Friday to spend his summer vacation at home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Whyman entertained the Harleman family at dinner last Sunday.

Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and children and Miss Laura Peterson left here Tuesday for a visit in the North. Mrs. Slaikeu and children will visit relatives and friends in Goldfield and Keokuk, Iowa, and St. Paul, Minn. Miss Peterson will spend the summer in St. Paul.

Sunday school next Sunday June 9, will be held at ten o’clock. Rev. Williams will be here to preach, both at the close of Sunday school and at three o’clock in the afternoon. All are invited to be present.

Miss Emma Linquist entertained a few of her friends Sunday afternoon and evening.

Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1912

The Beacon
was privileged to sample some Smith county peaches the first of the week, which were left at our office by Mrs. H. A. Davis, of Carancahua. The peaches were of the Early Wheeler variety and were grown by Mrs. Davis’ father, Mr. Cagle, who was here visiting with his daughter a short time ago.

Palacios Beacon, June 21, 1912

Mr. A. W. Haynes Found Dead on His Farm Near Carancahua

Mr. A. W. Haynes, a well known farmer near Carancahua, was found dead on his farm some time last night or early this morning with a knife sticking in his neck. The family home is in town where Mrs. Haynes and the youngest daughter reside, but Mr. Haynes spent his time on the farm with his oldest daughter, Mrs. Otto Kluth, whose husband is operating the farm. Undertaker Rittenhouse and coroner Willis went to Carancahua this afternoon to hold an inquest and prepare the remains for burial. If this was a case of suicide, the cause is not known. Mr. Haynes had been an active and successful farmer, and his crops were among the best in the neighborhood. If it is suicide, as supposed, it must have resulted from some temporary mental aberration. News of the distressing happening reached the Beacon just as it was going to press to-day, hence our information is very meager, and this is all we could learn concerning the matter. In their sudden distress the family have the sympathy of all our people.

Palacios Beacon, June 28, 1912

Funeral of A. W. Haynes

The remains of Mr. A. W. Haynes, who committed suicide on his farm at Carancahua last Friday morning, were brought to the city that afternoon by undertaker Rittenhouse and embalmed. Funeral services were held at the family home in this city Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Israel, pastor of the Baptist church, followed by interment at the city cemetery. Deceased was about 54 years of age.

Brooding over unfavorable business affairs and financial reverses, resulting in mental aberration, is supposed to have been the cause which led to the deplorable act. The deceased leaves his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Otto Kluth, of Carancahua, and Miss Carrie Haynes, who is with her mother, and a son in another state, to mourn his loss. Mr. Haynes was well known in the city and the Carancahua neighborhood as an active, energetic worker and a progressive business man, and to all who knew him the news of his death came as a great shock and surprise. In their sudden and trying bereavement the family have the sincere sympathy of all.

Palacios Beacon, July 5, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

The Dr. Gray family went on a fishing trip in their launch Delilah last Saturday returning Monday forenoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown entertained their daughter, Mrs. Halner and family from Palacios last Sunday.

The Fourth of July celebration here was well attended, a great number coming from Olivia. In the afternoon Mr. Fred Connor, of Olivia, gave an entertaining talk which was well appreciated by all who heard him.

In the ball game between the Turtle bay boys and Palacios, the former picnic at Olivia, Thursday the 11th.

Palacios Beacon, July 19, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Jess Hollinshead went to Palacios Sunday in his launch returning Monday.

Mr. Hans Petersen left here Monday for St. Paul, Minn., where he will work at his old trade brick laying.

Mr. Johns is hauling sand for the cement foundation of the large barn he will erect on his place soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff entertained the John Whyman family at dinner Sunday. In the afternoon both families called on Mr. and Mrs. Gishwiller.

Mrs. D. L. Brown is spending this week in Palacios.

Mr. Joshn Harleman went to Edna last week on business pertaining to school affairs.

Dr. Gray and family were entertained at the A. T. Whyman home lsst Sunday.

Messrs. John and Allie Whyman went to Port Alto to cast their votes at the election Saturday.

Mr. Cavallin and son Guy of Olivia were in Carancahua last Monday.

There was not much interest taken in the primary election here Saturday. Only fifteen voters were at the polls.

Palacios Beacon, August 9, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Dr. Gray left last week for his old home in Indiana where he will be gone some time attending to business interests.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and children went to Palacios Monday and started for their old home in Ohio Tuesday morning. They have spent nearly a year in Palacios and with her folks here and have made many friends who will greatly miss them.

Mr. James Kelsey is picking corn for Mr. Lewis.

Mr. Simon Neff and a party of nimrods started on a fishing expedition to the Gulf on the “Emma D” Tuesday…stories when they return.

The Craig family spent Sunday at the Falls home.

Messrs. Helmer and Slaikeu delivered some fat hogs to the Palacios butchers Monday.

Carancahua is to have a new school house 24 x 36 feet, the erection of which will be begun right away. Mr. L. J. Slaikeu will do the work.

Miss Pearl Helmer is at Palacios at the Pasal home.

Mr. Ed Johns, with the help of Messrs. Slaikeu, Knisely and Crone, has just completed a large barn, 28x40x16 feet on his place between here and Palacios and by the looks of his crops we feel no hesitancy in saying it will be filled by winter.

Rev. Williams of Palacios will fill his regular appointment out here next Sunday at 3 o’clock. He would be pleased to see a full house.

Palacios Beacon, September 6, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Dr. James Gray arrived home Sunday from his month’s business trip in Indiana.

Miss Laura Peterson, who has spent the past three months in St. Paul, Minn., and Council Bluffs, Iowa, returned home Monday.

The Harleman family took dinner at the A. T. Whyman home Sunday.

Mr. D. W. Grant’s house moving outfit was out here last week and moved a house for Mr. Falls.

Mrs. Gishwiller left Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends in Kansas.

Mrs. Ed Johns visited Laura Peterson at the D. L. Brown home Tuesday night.

Howard Packard was a Sunday visitor at his sister’s home. He took his three horses back to Markham with him.

Mr. Kluth is hauling the lumber for the new school house. The carpenters are busy shingling now.

Misses Maud and May Olson spent Wednesday afternoon with Laura Peterson.

The people of Carancahua have one of Schliesser’s engines and are cleaning out the town? well. They expect to get it so it will flow again.

Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1912

Carancahua Clippings           

Mrs. T. Craig and children departed Tuesday for Oklahoma where she will visit a sister. Mr. Craig expects to follow in a short time and look up a location for a home.

Mr. Neff took the Carancahua Sunday school up the bay last Sunday in the “Emma D.” They enjoyed a nice picnic dinner and had an interesting Sunday school session in the afternoon.

Miss Pearl Helmer and her friend Miss Shoemaker of Palacios came out from town Saturday and went up the bay with the Sunday school Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neely, of Spencerville, Ohio, arrived here for a short visit with their daughter Mrs. A. T. Whyman.

Jess Hollingshead left last week for Wadsworth where his folks live. He will be missed by his many Carancahua friends.

Dr. Gray took the Whyman and Neely families out for a ride on the “Delilah” Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Laura Sutterfield came out from Palacios Saturday and enjoyed the trip up the bay with the Sunday school Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Lefler, of Ohio, is in the neighborhood looking after the interests of his father’s farm, which has been farmed the past two years by Mr. Craig.

Mr. Wilbur, of Grundy Center, Ia., visited the G. H. Helmer family Monday and Tuesday of this week. They have known each other over forty years and a good many years lived neighbors to each other. They have greatly enjoyed talking of old times and old acquaintances. Mr. Wilbur will return home in a few days to get his better half and will then return to spend the winter in Palacios. He is much pleased with the country and climate and thinks they will locate here permanently.

Mr. Craig and Milton Falls left last Thursday for Oklahoma. Mr. Craig goes to join his family there and Milton will try to get work in the oil fields.

Mr. and Mrs. George Zeigler and his brother arrived last week from Ohio and are building on their farm southeast of Carancahua. We are glad to welcome these people to our community.

Mrs. D. L. Brown left last week for an extended visit with relatives in Dakota and Nebraska.

The Carancahua Ladies’ Aid Society will give a Hallowe’en social in the Conway house, Thursday, October 31. The spooks, hobgoblins and witches will be out in full force and a jolly good time is anticipated. Supper will be 15c.

School commenced Tuesday with Mrs. Neff as teacher. Twelve scholars were enrolled.

Iona Brown spent last week in Palacios visiting her sisters, Mrs. E. Hallner and Mrs. John Sutterfield.

Mr. John Whyman was quite sick last week but is getting better.

The Whyman school opened last week with Mr. Bristor, of Palacios wielding the rod.

Mr. Neff took a party of young people across the bay to a social in the new school house last Friday night. They were late getting there and late in the morning getting home but they all seemed to think they had a good time.

The Dr. Gray, Helmer and Slaikeu families took a ride in the “Delilah” Saturday and incidentally fished a little. Not many of the finny tribe were caught but a royal good time and a picnic dinner were enjoyed.

We hear that the Prentice Williams family is soon to leave for Kansas. We are sorry to lose this estimable family.

Palacios Beacon, October 25, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. Neff took the Calhoun county voters across the bay to Olivia Tuesday in his launch.

A farewell surprise party was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Williams Tuesday evening. A large crowd was present and a pleasant evening enjoyed. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Williams leave in a short time for Kansas.

Nearly all of the voters were at the polls Tuesday at the Schliesser school house to vote for their favorite parties. Roosevelt seems to be the favorite in this neighborhood.

A large crowd met at the Schliesser school house last Saturday night to organize a literary society. A spirited debate on the question, “Resolved that Columbus deserves more praise for discovering America than Washington does for defending it,” was enjoyed during the forepart of the evening, after which the literary society was organized with James Harbison president; Lionel Skaikeu, vice-president and Lola Crone, secretary and treasurer. The society will meet every two weeks, the next meeting being Friday evening, Nov. 15.

The Swedish Sunday school meets in the Carancahua school house every Sunday now instead of the Schliesser school house.

The Hallowe’en party given by the Aid Society in the Conway house last Thursday night was quite well attended despite the cold evening. Old Mother Witch was there with her broom stick, also her black kettle from which fortunes were taken. Two ghosts received the guests at the door and games of all kinds were played. The pumpkin pie race was a highly amusing feature of the evening’s entertainment.

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zeigler moved into their new home near here this week.

Mr. L. J. Slaikeu has just built a large shed to house his stock this winter. We are in hopes it will not need to be used very much.

Mr. and Mrs. Olson and children Sundayed at the Kluth home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns welcomed a baby boy into their home last Friday.

The Hansen family entertained relatives from Palacios Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neff spent Sunday afternoon at the John Whyman home.

The Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. Harleman last Thursday afternoon. There were six present and an interesting meeting was held.

People in this neighborhood are up in arms over the illegal Sunday hunting which has been going on the past few Sundays around here. We intend to keep posted as to the game laws and expect hunters to hold licenses according to law. A petition for a game warden for this part of Jackson county is being talked of.

There was a large crowd at choir practice last Sunday evening and an hour spent very pleasantly in singing gospel songs.

Palacios Beacon, November 22, 1912

Carancahua Clippings

Mrs. Simon Neff went to Edna last Friday morning to take the teachers examination. She returned Sunday with a high grade certificate with the privilege of teaching four years. The pupils and patrons were very much pleased, for Mrs. Neff has given the best satisfaction as teacher of our school.

Mr. Will Whyman came down from Ohio Saturday for a few weeks visit with the home folks here.

Mr. Hansen has been quite sick the past two weeks.

Rev. Meyers, of Palacios will preach for us at the church one week from Sunday night, Dec. 22.

Mr. Neff will take a load across the bay to the entertainment at the new school house Friday night. Everybody be at the dock ready to start at 5:30 o’clock.

Mr. John Whyman and family are enjoying a visit from his brother Sam and wife, of Ohio.

Messrs. Harleman and Hans Peterson were across the bay three days last week looking up some work horses or mules. Mr. Peterson purchased a horse.

Lest we forget, we will again make mention of the meeting to be held at the Schliesser school house next Tuesday night, Dec. 17, to consider the building of a cotton gin here in Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1912


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