Also Called Lunacy Hearings.
hearings were held at the courthouse.
There are records filed along with the
Guardianships, births. deaths and
and other paperwork
that marks the events in our lives. It is
terrible that we need this type of record
but we do. In those days not too many
facilities could manage all that happens
to us. Knowledge was lacking.
Just remember the
term Insanity in those days covered a lot
of physical and mental conditions.
So anyone born with a
condition like Alzheimers or someone left
with stroke damage, lead poisoning,
retardation or
malformations in any form, were included
along with actual mental
Insanity hearings are still held but
usually they are called Guardianship or
other labels. For instance there have been
cases where the elderly or sometimes an
alcoholic can't handle their own business
and funds, so a guardian is appointed to
handle or help that person. The listings
here are from various newspapers and some
other sources.
Knowing about a hearing can
help you understand various genealogical
questions, such as "why is he buried far
from home, or she just disappears from the
family for a while and is suddenly back
and so on. Some of these same questions
pop up when you try to find answers and
military service, college or a job is why
they are gone and pop back up. Lots of
families have separations. Of course this
list will grow as more case articles are
May all of them have found
relief from this life and its burdens.