ca 1907

L-R: Abbie, Hallie, Mary Lee (seated), Georgia


Abbie N. Walker
1902 - 1923
Dora A. Walker
1875 - 1910


Esther F. Walker
Mary Lee Walker
1904 - 1980

W. C. Walker
1870 - 1941

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, January 30, 1941
pg. 5
Funeral services for William C. Walker will be held this Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the late residence, seven miles south of
Whitewright, conducted by Dr. B. Wrenn Webb, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, and Dr. J.F. Fender. Funeral arrangements
are in charge of Glen Earnheart.
Active pallbearers will be Billie D. Thompson, Guy and Lloyd Neathery,
Howard and Harold Wallace, Howard Yoder, Edgar Bow and William
Cowart. Burial will be at the Cross Roads Cemetery.
Mr. Walker was a native Texas. He was born in the Desert
community, eight miles south of Whitewright, June 29, 1870, and resided
in that community all of his life. His parents, the late Mr. and
Mrs. Asa Walker came to Texas from Arkansas in the early sixties.
Mr. Walker was an invalid for several years preceding his death.
He died Wednesday at 10 p.m. He was one of the best known
citizens of the Desert community and took an active part in church and
civic affairs until his health failed him. He had been a member
of the Presbyterian Church since young manhood, and for many years was
a member of the official board of the church. He was married on
November 29, 1896, to Miss Dora Cowart, member of a pioneer family.
Mr. Walker is survived by six children; Mrs. D.Thompson, Mrs. J.L.
Robinson, and Miss Mary Lee Walker of the Desert community; Mrs. W.W.
Coggins and Miss Esther Walker, Dallas; and Cecil Ray Walker, Tom Bean;
a brother and sister, Dr. R.N. Walker of Celina and Mrs. Sam Golden of
the Desert community; and two half-brothers, Denton and Jim Walker,
Desert; ten grandchildren also survive.

Cross Roads Cemetery
Susan Hawkins
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