The Democrat
McKinney Thursday, August 14, 1902 pg. 5 From Over the County Desert Desert, Aug. 8 – The angel of death has again been in our midst and taken from among us one of our brightest women, Mrs. Henry Moats. She was born June 9, 1873. Departed this life August 5, 1902, making her stay on this earth 29 years, 1 month, 26 days. All was done that loving hands and kind doctors could do to save her but to no avail. When Jesus called her, “Child come home,” she answered the summons and went to dwell with him on high, where joy and pleasure never die. She was a faithful wife and loving mother. She leaves a husband and aged father and two brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Eld. Messick preached her funeral. His text was the 27th verse of the 9th chapter of Hebrews. He extended condolence to the bereaved ones. She was laid to rest in the Cross Roads cemetery to await the resurrection morning, when Jesus will gather up his people and ascend with them to the skies. Wm. Henry Moats 1864 - 1942 Myrtle A. Moats 1880 - 1945 The Whitewright Sun
Thursday April 16, 1942 pg 5 Funeral serivces for William Henry Moats, 77, were held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Desert Presbyterian Church, nine miles south of Whitewright, conducted by Dr. J. F. Fender and Dr. B. Wrenn Webb of Whitewright. Burial was in Desert Cemetery under direction of Earnheart. Pallbearers were Charles Buchanan, C C. Buchanan, Homer Withro, Lloyd Withro, Roscoe Moats and Ira Moats. Mr. Moats died at 7 p.m. Tuesday at his home in the Desert community following an illness of several months duration. Born June 4, 1864, at Evansville, Indiana, Mr. Moats was the son of William and Martha Clark Moats. He came to Texas with his parents at the age of 12 years, and attended Savoy College at Savoy. He was married September 20, 1893, to Martha Walker, who died August 5, 1902. On July 23, 1905, he was married to Myrtle Caraway, and the same year he joined the Presbyterian Church. He had been a prominent farmer and land owner of the Desert community for many years. Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Benton Wallace of Van Alstyne, Mrs. Euell Garner of Leonard, and Mrs. Grady Young of Anna; three sons, Curtis Moats of Anna, Cletus Moats of Whitewright and Marvin Moats of Fort Crockett, Texas; one brother, C.L. Moats of Blue Ridge; two half-brothers, C.C. Withrow of Blue Ridge and R.B. Withrow of Terrell and seven grandchildren. ![]() Cross Roads Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |