![]() James C. Marr 1854 - 1925 Maggie Marr 1867 - 1940 ![]() Van Alstyne Leader March 26, 1925 James C. Marr was born near McMinnville, Tennessee, in Bledsoe county, on September 29, 1854, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marr. He lived in Tennessee until he grew into early manhood, moving from that State into Texas in 1874, and settling near Van Alstyne. About 1913 moved to a farm in the Cannon community, where he made his home until his death on Sunday, March 22, 1925, after an illness of ten days. In 1889, Mr. Marr was married to Miss Margaret Walker, by whom he is survived, together with a brother, John Marr of Van Alstyne, two sisters, Mrs. Jack McKinney of Van Alstyne and Mrs. Amanda Riddle of Sherman together with a number of other relatives. News of his death came as a surprise to many of the friends of Mr. Marr, some of whom had no knowledge of his illness, and on every hand expressions of sorrow that he should have been taken from among the living were heard. With a wide acquaintance over this section and in other parts of Grayson county, he was held in high esteem and regard by all to whom he was known. In every relation of life, Mr. Marr held to the higher ideals, and impressed all who knew him as a man of sterling integrity. Funeral services were held at Cannon on Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Leo Johnstone, pastor of the First Christian church, and a large company of friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect and to bear witness at his grave to the sorrow which they felt at his passing. Interment was had at the Cannon cemetery. The Pallbearers were as follows: Henry Miliner, Forrest Doggett, Lon Gleaves, Tom Fair, T. H. Massie, Dr. S. H. Bryan. To Mrs. Marr and others of the family and to the relatives, the sympathy of the people at Cannon and in Van Alstyne, and at all other places in which Mr. Marr was known, is most sincerely given. Cannon Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any links inoperable, please send me a message. |