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Chronological Record of Local Events in Denison for the Year 1888

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, January 6, 1889
pg. 2

Sept 1 - Herbert St. John, a switchman in the H. & T. C. Ry. yards, was run over by switch engine No. 17 and both legs were cut off.

Sept 3 - Marshall, the five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Kimpton, died of cholera infantum.

Sept 4 - The Denison and Sherman delegation went to the Congressional Convention at Gainesville on a special train from Denison to Gainesville.

Sept 5 - Mr. George Hall and Miss Gauhey were married.

Sept 6 - News was received of Judge Hare's re-nomination for Congress....The first bale of cotton of this season was received.

Sept 7 - The one-year-old boy of Mr. Johnson died.

Sept 10 - H. Land commences the duties of a local editor for the Gazetteer.

Sept 12 - Charles Bennett, the youn man who was killed in a wreck on the Missouri Pacific Railway was buried.

Sept 13 - A new lunch house was opened up for business at No. 414 Main street....Capt. Goode and J.F. Evans, of Sherman, took a trip over the proposed Denison-Sherman tramway.

Sept 17 - Mr. Fred Geisenhomer and Miss Lelia Daffin were married by Rev. T.H. Corkill....Mr. W.P. Poage, of Paris, Missouri and Miss Nina Farthing, of this city, were married in Denison.

Sept 23 - Denison is "Sweet Sixteen".

Sept 24 - R.L. Knox opened up a stock of groceries in the store formerly occupied by the Denison News....The Public Schools were opened.

Sept 25 - Mrs. John R. Carr received a check for $5000 from the Equitable Life Insurance Company, the first payment on the $16,000 life insurance which Mr. Carr carried....A.A. Coffin moved into his new residence on Gandy street known as the Driggs building.

Sept 26 - Mr. Morris Crooks and Miss Maggie Stroube were married by Rev. W.E. Tynes....A charity ball was given at the Garner & Haynes building, the proceeds to go to the yellow fever sufferers.

Sept. 28 - Mr. N.S. Ernst was elected treasurer of the Citizen's Building and Loan Association.

Sept 29 - Walter Brown died of typhoid fever.

Denison History

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